Review author: “ZooVita” The fly, an insect familiar to every person, is part of the order Diptera. Among the flies
Livestock » Horses 0 2224 Article rating Kira Stoletova Horses are wonderful creatures, have long been
Among solitary wasps there are insects that look and behave unusually. This is a European German
Wild animals >> Insects The world of insects is huge with different species of animals. One of the most
Insects are a class of invertebrate arthropods that live almost anywhere on the globe.
The tender foliage of peppers is sometimes attacked by aphids, which are called the most dangerous pest of young seedlings. Phytophage
One of the most common pests of currants is glass beetle. This insect causes significant damage to the bush.
With the onset of warm weather, various insects begin to actively work. Among the uninvited guests at the dacha
A beehive is a separate, interesting world, with a special hierarchy. Here each bee occupies
Many of us in childhood believed that the velvety surface on the wings of butterflies is not something