Small stinking bugs appeared in the apartment. Length: 2-3mm. They look like ants in appearance. Black color.
The bark beetle, 4-8 mm in size, is one of the most dangerous forest pests in
Since ancient times, our ancestors used horses as a form of transport, as well as as draft power.
Of course, indoor plants are less vulnerable to diseases and pests than their garden counterparts, since
This beekeeping system is widely used in industrial apiaries around the world, as it takes
The volume level of a person's voice fluctuates around 60 dB. However, it is unlikely that the voice
The mole rat does not appear in the garden as often as a mole, for example, or a shrew, but
Sinanthropus hay beetles Ways of penetration into apartments How to detect hay beetles? Diet Harm of hay-eating beetles for
Weed control causes a lot of trouble for gardeners, especially when it comes to woodlice -
Even one annoying fly can throw anyone off balance. Imagine that they