Insidious potato nematode: signs of damage, methods of control and prevention

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Author of the article

Yakov Pavlovich

Professor, Head of the Department of Vegetable Growing

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One of the common causes of potato crop failure is the nematode, a microscopic parasite that belongs to the class of worms. Due to its small size, it is very difficult to notice and destroy in time, and it affects the entire crop very quickly. We will figure out how to deal with nematodes on potatoes in this article.

Description of the pest

The nematode belongs to the class of round worms of different sexes, reaching 1 mm in length. This parasite has many varieties and affects the root system of the plant - it is almost invisible on the tops and stems, it multiplies quickly, preventing the formation and development of tubers. Microorganisms disrupt the potato nutrition system, preventing nutrients from moving from the tops to the roots, which leads to the death of the latter.

Depending on climatic conditions, the nematode produces two new generations of parasites per year - humid weather with a lot of precipitation contributes to its rapid reproduction. Contamination of the ground occurs through contaminated soil or runoff water.

What to remember

  1. It is impossible to notice the nematode , and the first signs appear already at a severe stage of infection. That is why it is so important to take all measures to prevent the appearance of the pest.
  2. Carry out prevention . This will reduce the likelihood of nematodes appearing and help save the crop.
  3. Use special preparations to kill worms . The most effective of them are nematicides.
  4. In the fall, carefully prepare the site for the next season: dig up, remove plant debris.
  5. Properly care for plants . It is especially important to monitor watering, since moist soil and high temperatures are the best conditions for this pest.
  6. Choose resistant potato varieties . Red Scarlet, Victoria, Volare are suitable. Before planting, it is important to disinfect the soil and seed material.

Varieties of potato nematode

In nature, there are a large number of species of roundworms, but potatoes are affected by only 5 types of nematodes.


The female worm is golden in color. The worm parasitizes the root system, causing the lower leaves of the bush to turn yellow and the stems to become weak.


It affects the roots and stem with leaves. The potatoes begin to bush and become covered with small wavy leaves).


It infects potato leaves, which become thin, almost transparent. Over time, they turn brown, rot and dry out.


It parasitizes not only nightshade plants, but also pumpkin plants. The vegetable tubers become lumpy, and growths or galls up to 3 cm in diameter form on them.


The female worm is white and lives in the root system, almost without affecting the tops.

All types of microorganisms of this type are dangerous because they are subject to external and internal quarantine - all contaminated potatoes cannot be transported or sold outside the region.

How to get rid of it in the soil?

How to get rid of nematodes in the soil? Root worms, which cause yellowish or brown galls on plant rhizomes, can also be controlled with preventive methods. When planting plants (especially succulents and shade-loving plants), use only disinfected gardening tools .

Do not plant plants in random gatherings ; it is better to allocate a pot to each bush for a short quarantine.

Warm up or treat the soil with hot steam for at least 40 minutes.

Each plant should be checked for any diseases or abnormalities .

The rhizomes of a newly purchased flower must be washed and left for 15 minutes in a special solution .

You can use a 0.5% solution of fosdrin or a 0.5% solution of the insecticide parathion . At the end of the procedure, wash the roots again, let them dry and replant the plant in new soil.

The most common plants susceptible to attack by roundworms are aloe, cacti and greenhouse inhabitants . They are the ones who need careful care and regular preventive measures to protect against nematodes.

Signs of a parasite

Infection of vegetables is not accompanied by specific signs - this does not allow it to be detected in a timely manner. Symptoms are most often mistaken for a bacterial disease or nutritional deficiency.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

A gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert See also How to make a homemade potato hiller with your own hands

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Important! For the first few years, the pest is practically invisible and losses from it are insignificant. However, after 3-5 years, a farmer can lose up to 80% of the entire harvest!

The main signs of infection are:

  • plant growth retardation;
  • early yellowing leaves;
  • weakened stem, sometimes turning yellow early;
  • the lower leaves quickly fall off;
  • delayed flowering;
  • excessive bushiness of the vegetable;
  • branched root system.

Suppression of infected bushes begins immediately after the first shoots - there are few leaves, weak stems, and insignificant flowering. Affected individuals die off long before the harvest begins.

Symptoms of infection

Signs of infection are detected when the worms have already stuck to the roots or tubers of the plant. Usually this is the 40–50th day from the moment of planting.

The presence of golden nematode in the area is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • growth retardation of potato bushes;
  • rapid withering of the lower leaves;
  • premature yellowing of the tops;
  • curvature of stems;
  • leaf curling;
  • poor flowering (up to its complete absence);
  • general underdevelopment of bushes;
  • plant death;
  • small tuber sizes;
  • staining the roots brown;
  • their strong branching;
  • the appearance of yellowish or brownish balls on them.

The pale cyst nematode exhibits similar symptoms. Plants affected by worms are located on the site in a chaotic manner.

It is rarely possible to understand that a stem nematode has infested potato plantings during the growing season. In some cases, plants become excessively curly. Another symptom is thickening of their stems.

The most obvious signs of infection with a stem nematode on tubers are:

  • the appearance of white spots and a loose structure under the skin. This is what clusters of parasites look like;
  • rapid wrinkling and drying of the peel;
  • the presence of dark spots on the tubers that have a metallic sheen and gradually increase in size;
  • peeling and cracking of the peel;
  • transformation of the root pulp into a crumbling mass.

When infected with a nematode, potato yields steadily decrease. In advanced cases, summer residents lose up to 80% of the tubers. The soil in which parasitic worms live is unsuitable for growing nightshade crops. It will be possible to return them to their original place without the risk of infection only after 10 years. The pest is also dangerous because it weakens plants, and pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate through the damage it leaves on them. Rot and fungal diseases are faithful companions of parasites.

Nematode control measures

There are several types of combating this pest, starting with folk methods and ending with agricultural techniques. There are also chemical and biological medications that can be used to kill the parasite. Let's consider all effective methods in more detail.


To combat nematodes, agronomists use several proven methods:

  • crop rotation – regular change of crops on the site;
  • applying organic fertilizers for potatoes - this will strengthen the plant and make it resistant to pests;
  • weed control - the main crop will be healthier and more resilient.

If the vegetable is grown for seeds, then you can use the false sowing method - dig up the first shoots and burn them 15-20 days after germination. The larvae have already entered the root system, but have not yet begun to reproduce, and this will save up to 85% of the crop from infection.


Synthetic substances are actively used by farmers, but combating with chemicals is only possible if you have the appropriate equipment and follow safety precautions. Two types of poisons are used:

  1. Fumigators are poisonous gases that inhale microorganisms and die. Among them:
  • carbation;
  • chloropicrin;
  • nemagon;
  • Methyl bromide.
  1. Contact poisons - they are absorbed through the skin from the soil and kill pests. Most often used:
  • methyl mercaptophos;
  • karbofos;
  • phosphamide;
  • lindane

The chemical method of control is chosen by farmers and enterprises that grow vegetables for export, since the drugs help to establish a high level of control over the crop and reduce the chances of its damage.


Preparations that were created on the basis of natural substances are also used in the fight against potato pests. They are effective in small areas of infection and do not harm the plant itself, being considered environmentally friendly. There are three groups of such nematicide preparations, which are based on:

  1. Predatory fungi that eat larvae and cysts.
  2. Products of the vital activity of microorganisms.
  3. Plant extracts (based on garlic, marigolds)

Popular drugs for the fight are Nematophagin BT, Aversectin S, Metarizin, Pecilomycin, Narcissus, Basamil, Fitohit. They are environmentally friendly, but have a narrow range of activities, so you should first read the instructions.

See also: Fertilizing potatoes for a good harvest


Folk recipes are chosen by summer residents and gardeners who grow potatoes for themselves and strive to obtain the cleanest ecological product possible. Treatment of plants is carried out using improvised means. For this:

  1. Urea is added to the area and everything is well watered with an infusion of sprouts. The larvae hatch prematurely and die from cold and hunger.
  2. Fertilize the area generously with ash and rotted manure - the mixture kills all parasites.
  3. Water the soil immediately after planting potatoes with diluted chicken manure in water (ratio 1:20). For 1 sq. m requires 1-5 liters of solution.

But the best way to destroy the nematode is to plant marigolds, rye or corn on the plot after the potatoes. The root secretions of these crops clean contaminated soil and kill pathogenic organisms.

Preventive methods

To prevent the spread of the pest on the site, there is one main method - alternating crops. In addition, the following prevention methods are used:

  1. It is necessary to dig up the site in the fall.
  2. Use organic fertilizers.
  3. Periodically plant cabbage or flower crops on the site. Asters and marigolds secrete special juices that kill cysts and larvae.
  4. Buy only fresh and clean seeds from trusted suppliers.
  5. The affected crop should be burned or used as animal feed.
  6. Wash potato tubers before planting and disinfect equipment.

If you promptly take care of the cleanliness of the soil and check all the seeds that are planted, you can avoid contamination of the soil and plants with pathogenic microorganisms.

Nematode-resistant potato varieties

In 2022, the following nematode-resistant potato varieties are included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • 7 For 7
  • Aurora, Ivory Russet, Isle of Jura, Axenia, Aksona, Diamond, Almera, Alova, Alouette, Albatross, Alvara, Aramis, Argos, Arizona, Arctic, Arosa, Arrow, Arsenal, Artemis, Archidea, Aspia, Asterix, Atlas
  • Baltic Rose, Batya, Bafana, Bellaprima, Bellarosa, Belmonda, Bernina, Bettina, Bonnie, Bonus, Bravo, Brook, Burnovsky
  • Valise, Inspiration, Vega, Vektar Belorussky, Wendy, Verdi, Vershininsky, Vesnyanka, Vetraz, Victoria, Vilow, Vineta, Virage, Volare, Volat, BP 808, Vympel, Valor
  • Gala, Gloria, Dove, Granada, Grand, Gulliver, Hussar
  • Damaris, Danae, Debut, Daisy, Delicate, Dolphin, Dolphine, Right Hand, Jelly, Gioconda, Dido, Dina, Ditta, Donata, Dubrava
  • Eurasia, Eurostarch, Elena, Zhivitsa, Zhukovsky Early, Zhuravinka
  • Fun, Zekura, Zyryanets, Impala, Inara, Indigo, Irbitsky
  • Canberra, Capri, Caprice, Captiva, Karatop, Carlena, Carmen, Caruso, Kemerovo, Ketsky, Keya, Kibits, Colette, Colomba, Kolyma, Queen Anna, Corolle, Courtney, Beauty, Beauty, Strong, Krinitsa, Crisper, Crispsforol, Christel , Body, Kumach, Courage
  • Labadia, Labella, Lad, Ladoga, Lapis Lazuli, Laperla, Latona, Lady Anna, Lady Claire, Lady Rosetta, Lady Sarah, Leoni, League, Lilly, Lisana, Lukyanovsky, Lyudmila, Lux, Lucinda
  • Madeira, Madeline, Manitou, Manifesto, Margarita, Masai, Maestro, Lighthouse, Melody, Memphis, Merlot, Meteor, Mia, Miranda, Bear, Molly, Mondeo, Mont Blanc, Mozart, Music, Mustang, Madison
  • Navan, Nandina, Natasha, Naiad, Nida, Newton
  • Oceania, Oxania, Oleva, Omega, Onega, Opal, Orchestra, Charm
  • Padarunak, In Memory of Kulakov, Panther, Passwords, Picasso, Picolo
  • Star
  • Saw, Pyrol, Platinum, Blame, Prime, Pushkinets
  • Ragneda, Radonezhsky, Ramos, Ranomi, Real, Red Anna, Red Lady, Red Scarlett, Red Sonya, Red Fantasy, Riviera, Ricarda, Rikea, Rodrigue, Rozhdestvensky, Rosanna, Rosara, Roko, Romantse, Russian woman, Royal, Rumba, Brook , Rowanushka
  • Sagitta, Saxon, Salin, Sandrine, Sanibel, Santana, Sante, Sarovsky, Saturna, Safia, Sappho, Northern Lights, Northern, Silvana, Symphony, Sifra, Scarb, Slavyanka, Smolyanochka, Sprint, Stemluk, Madam
  • Tanay, Toucan, Turbo
  • Uladar
  • Fabula, Favorite, Pheasant, Felox, Fidelia, Fioretta, Folva, Fresco
  • Hostess, Huzar
  • Cerata Kvs
  • Sheri
  • Evolution, Excellence, El Mundo, Estrella
  • Hero of the day, Yuna
  • Yanka.
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