Keeping spiders at home: choosing a pet and arranging a terrarium

Spider jumper: description

Jumping spiders are arthropod arachnids that are part of the order Arachnid and the family Jumping spider. Similar arthropods are found in various parts of the world. Even on the top of Everest in 1975, one of the subspecies of this family was found, and this is an altitude of about 6 and a half thousand meters above sea level.

It is not possible to say exactly how long spiders have lived on our Planet, but presumably their history goes back several hundred million years. The thing is that there are practically no fossil remains of spiders, since their body quickly decomposes. Only a few remains of spiders were found that were preserved in amber, while individual parts of the body were also found in the frozen resin. These were small insects, the size of which did not exceed half a centimeter.

Ancient spiders did not have a body division into an abdomen and a cephalothorax, but they did have a tail part, with which they weaved webs. It should be noted that this was not the web we know about now. This web represented sticky threads with which spiders wrapped their cocoons, arranged their lairs, and also used them for other purposes. Ancient spiders did not yet have venom glands that secrete a poisonous secretion.

There is a version that the first spiders appeared on Gondwana, after which they spread throughout the entire earth, and quite quickly. The habitat of spiders decreased noticeably after the Ice Ages, and many of the species simply went extinct. Spiders have been changing, evolving, and also being divided into species over a long period of time.

Amazing Spiders (Jumping Spider)

Appearance and features

Jumping spiders have very sharp eyesight, which allows them to hunt successfully. He has eight eyes arranged in three lines. The four largest eyes are located on the first line.

Interesting to know! The spider's visual organs, located in the front part, rotate in all directions. With the help of these eyes, spiders can distinguish between different objects and also determine their color.

In the second row there are two eyes, which differ in average size, and in the third row, on both sides of the head, there are two, but larger eyes. With the help of their eyes, spiders can control their living space around them 360 degrees. This allows you to timely avoid encounters with your natural enemies, as well as hunt effectively. The visual system of spiders is built in such a way that spiders see with each eye separately, after which the pictures are combined into one complete format. The structure of the retina is no less unique, allowing the spider to accurately determine the distance to any object.

The respiratory system also has its own characteristics, since it has peculiar lungs, as well as a trachea. The size of a jumping spider does not exceed the size of a five-kopeck coin. Sexual dimorphism means that females are larger in size. The cephalothorax is separated from the abdomen by a thin groove. Depending on the variety, as well as living conditions, jumping spiders may differ in appearance. There are species that are similar to scorpions, various beetles or ants. The area of ​​the body where the spider's head is located is slightly elevated compared to the abdomen.

Where does the jumping spider live?

Jumping spiders live almost everywhere. For their life activities, they choose secluded places represented by various vegetation, various types of buildings, the surface of the earth, trees, shrubs, etc. The habitat depends on the species. Many widows live in tropical conditions, and some species thrive in deserts, semi-deserts, and also in mountainous areas. This type of spider prefers areas with a warm climate, where there is a lot of sunlight.

Jumping spiders are found in the following areas:

  • Within Queensland.
  • On the territory of New Guinea.
  • In the vastness of North America.
  • In New South Wales.
  • On the African continent.
  • On the Australian continent.

The behavior and lifestyle of jumping spiders are directly related to the habitat of a particular species. Some of the species spend all their time on their webs, other species make nests for themselves from webs, finding a secluded place, and some species simply live on the surface of the earth or on some vegetation. The most important thing is that these spiders are unpretentious to their living conditions, so they can be found without problems even high in the mountains.

What does a jumping spider eat?

Excellent vision helps jumping spiders hunt, providing themselves with food. Having discovered its potential victim at a certain distance, the spider immediately turns in its direction. Having accurately assessed the distance to it, the jumping spider makes an instant jump. The spider captures and holds its prey with the help of its two front limbs. With the help of chelicerae, the spider pierces the chitinous layer of its victim and injects a poisonous secretion. With the help of secretion, the food object is not only immobilized, but also partially digested, after which the food object turns into a liquid substance convenient for absorption by the spider. As a result of the absorption of an object of food, only a chitinous shell remains of the victim.

The following can serve as food items for jumping spiders:

  • Smaller arthropods.
  • Flies.
  • Bugs.
  • Mosquitoes.
  • Caterpillars.

Spiders also catch their potential prey using webs woven on various natural objects, represented by all kinds of vegetation. Spiders have a very unique limb structure, since spiders are able to move on any type of surface, including smooth glass.

Small and cute, but a very dangerous predator of his world - JOINT SPIDER IN ACTION!

Character and lifestyle

Jumping spiders prefer to hunt in the daytime, so they are exclusively diurnal arthropods, especially since they love sunlight and warmth. These spiders can be seen basking in the sun, sitting on some surface. They are not afraid of people, so they easily set up their homes near people. When a spider sees a person, it does not seek to hide, but can study the person for a long time. These spiders are called orderlies because they are the first to appear in previously uninhabited areas, ridding them of harmful insects.

This type of spider hunts not only due to its well-developed vision, but also due to a peculiar hydraulic system that allows the spider to change the level of fluid pressure in its limbs, making jumps that are several tens of times greater than the size of the spider’s body. Despite such possibilities, the spider insures its jumps using a strong web attached to the jump site.

After daylight ends, spiders look for secluded places and begin weaving webs. Spiders can stay in their shelters for a long period of time if the weather conditions in the open space are not comfortable for their life. If the day is sunny, then spiders leave their shelters in the morning, but first they prefer to bask in the sun.

Interesting moment! This type of spider cannot be called cowardly arthropods, since they prefer to hide only as a last resort. In case of real danger, spiders hide and take flight, and jumping spiders run quite quickly. These spiders wait out cold periods by staying in their shelters.

Reproduction and offspring

Females can be distinguished from males not only by their more massive physique, but also by the color of the front pair of limbs. Stripes can be seen on the front pair of limbs of males. The mating dance of males, regardless of species, is especially interesting. With the help of dance, the male tries to attract the attention of the female. The dance comes down to the fact that the male rises and raises his limbs, after which he beats them rhythmically on his chest. When several males compete for the attention of a female, the male with the longer limbs wins. Males have to wait until the female reaches sexual maturity.

Before fertilization of the female, the males weave a certain type of web to which they attach their seminal fluid. The male then dips his pedipalps into his seminal fluid and carries it into the female's body. Before laying eggs, the female looks for a suitable place for this, which she lines with a web. Having laid eggs, the female protects the clutch of eggs until the moment when small spiders are born.

After the birth of the offspring, the female leaves the small spiders, since the baby spiders can already hunt on their own. The offspring become sexually mature after several molts. Living in the wild, jumping spiders live on average about one year.

Natural enemies

Living in natural conditions, jumping spiders have a sufficient number of natural enemies, which prompts them to disguise themselves as various insects.

Some species of birds show a special interest in jumping spiders, as do some amphibians in the form of lizards and frogs. Larger species of insects can also snack on jumping spiders. In addition, if there is no suitable prey nearby, they can hunt their brothers or relatives. For example, a female can eat a male after mating if he is not agile enough to get away in a timely manner, and adult, sexually mature spiders can prey on young, inexperienced individuals.

Quite often, jumping spiders become victims of wasps. These wasps are characterized by the fact that they lay eggs either on or in the body of the jumping spider. After the birth of the ichneumon wasp larvae, they slowly eat the spider from the inside. As a rule, this leads to the death of the arthropod.


All species of tarantulas are grouped into 30 subfamilies . Each of them has about a dozen breeds.

Depending on the type of life and habitat, these insects are:

  • Ground . They live on the ground. They dig holes and reinforce them with cobwebs. Among them, the most impressive are the following species: Brachypelma, Grammostola, Lasiodora.
  • Woody . They live in trees. They look brighter and more beautiful than terrestrial species. Known subspecies: Avicularia, Poecilotheria, Tapinauchenius, Stromatopelma.

Popular breeds of tarantulas:

  • Goliath . These spiders weigh 170 grams. The length of adult individuals is 28 cm. They have a brown color with red or light shades. They are very calm in nature.
  • Mexican Redknee . Spiders grow up to 17 cm in size. The color can be from dark brown to black. There are red-orange or yellowish inserts. The hairs are light pink.
  • Aphonopelma seemanni . This species lives in burrows. It has a leg span of up to 15 cm. The breed is non-aggressive. It grows slowly. It is black and white or brown and beige in color. Such spiders behave non-aggressively.
  • Black and white Brazilian . Individuals grow up to 23 cm. They grow very quickly. The body and limbs are black and white. The character is complex. Spiders behave aggressively and unpredictably.
  • Metal . Adults are small in size - up to 21 cm. They have bright colors, a metallic sheen, and beautiful patterns.
  • Brachypelma boehmei . The size of such spiders reaches 18 cm. The color is bright orange-black. The character is calm. They are distinguished by their unpretentiousness to living conditions.
  • Chilean pink . Ideal as a pet. This is a small subspecies. Adults are about 15-16 cm in size. The body and paws are brown with pink splashes.

According to size, breeds are divided into:

  • Small ones.
  • Average.
  • Large ones.

You can buy a spider in the following places:

  1. Pet Shop.
  2. Private advertisements posted on the Internet or in newspapers.
  3. Specialized market.
  4. Online store.

Population and species status

This type of spider does not need protection, since jumping spiders live in large areas and in large numbers. They are not in danger of extinction any time soon. Jumping spiders bring great benefits to our Planet and to humans in particular, since they destroy various insects in huge quantities, including those that are very dangerous to humans. These spiders can settle next to a person, protecting him from harmful insects. In the habitats of jumping spiders, the yield of various crops is always higher, since the number of harmful insects is at the lowest level, thanks to the vital activity of these spiders.

Due to this fact, environmental organizations are not thinking through any programs aimed at preserving or increasing the number of these arthropods. The only work that is being done is to draw people’s attention to the fact that this type of spider does not pose any danger to humans, but on the contrary, being in the vicinity of it is beneficial for humans. The main thing is that people do not destroy jumping spiders.

What affects the cost

The cost of a tarantula spider varies widely. This is explained by the influence on the price level of the following factors:

  1. View.
  2. Age.
  3. Color.
  4. A rare insect.
  5. Adult size.
  6. Place of purchase.
  7. Gender of the insect.
  8. Flexibility of the seller's price policy.

Chilean rose tarantula


The sex of a tarantula spider is easy to determine if you follow the recommendations of experts. Young spiders begin to molt after about a month. After molting, the skin is taken and carefully examined. In the posterior region of females there is a depression, and in males there are something like two tubercles. If the individuals are adults, then the sex can be determined by appearance. Males have slightly slimmer legs and are taller, while the body is significantly smaller in size than the female.

After mating, the eggs develop inside the female for 2 months. During this period, she must form a special cocoon. At one time, she can lay up to 500 eggs, while about 50 spiders remain alive. In order for the juveniles to actively develop, the cocoon is moved to a separate terrarium, thereby creating certain temperature conditions.

For the first month, baby spiders do not eat anything, until the first molt. Until this moment, they can be together, after which they are separated one by one. A female tarantula spider molts up to 12 times during her entire life. Males stop moulting immediately after puberty.

Interesting to know ! The tarantula spider is constantly growing and maturing, which is why it needs to shed its “old clothes”. Before molting, individuals turn over on their backs, trying to remove their old skin. At the same time, he completely stops eating. After molting, the spider gets a new color, and the pile is completely renewed.

Tarantula spiders for beginners. WHICH SPIDER TO GET FIRST????


The horse is nicknamed this way because, after tracking it, it jumps out at its prey and then devours it. At first, with lateral and rear vision, he records even the most insignificant movement around him. And having identified the victim, it determines with unmistakable accuracy the length of the trajectory to it.

And then, having chosen the right moment, he throws a safety thread to the place of his intended landing, jumps with lightning speed, sometimes right in the air he grabs the prey with his front paws, digs in with the chelicerae and injects poison. The injected substance, due to its special properties, dissolves the object of attack, turning it into a liquid substance, which the spider drinks with pleasure.

They feed mainly on insects. And here they are not particularly picky, they eat everything they come across, unless of course the victim is too large. Beetles, other spiders, gaping mosquitoes and flies, as well as other small animals are quite suitable for them.

But there are certain species that are capable of choosing even lizards or frogs as victims. This is not because the representatives of these species are so large, it’s just that nature has awarded the babies with sufficient courage, dexterity, outstanding hunting instinct and super abilities.

Importance in the ecosystem

Most species of spiders are able to provide benefits by destroying insects that are plant parasites. Jumping spiders, also known as vampire spiders, were described by scientists back in 2003. This species lives in Uganda, Kenya and near Lake Victoria. Often found near human habitation, the species contributes to a significant reduction in the population of annoying mosquitoes.

Spiders of this species mainly use female mosquitoes that have drunk blood as food. Thanks to their acute sense of smell, jumping spiders easily determine the location of such an insect. The time a spider attacks a victim, as a rule, does not exceed a hundredth of a second. The main part of the vampire spider's diet consists of malaria-carrying mosquitoes, so their importance in nature is difficult to underestimate.


The jumping spider prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. He hunts only in the daytime, spending the night in a secluded shelter, which is most often a crack in a tree or a crevice in a rock. At night he weaves himself a cradle, in which he sleeps sweetly until the morning. In inclement weather, he can spend several days there, patiently waiting for more suitable conditions for hunting.

Having left the shelter early in the morning, the spider first basks in the sun and, only after being well warmed up, goes fishing. Horses are distinguished by their innate courage and run away only in exceptional cases, constantly turning their heads and looking back at the pursuer.

Well-developed limbs allow them not only to run fast, but also to tirelessly make jumps that are approximately 20 times their body size. Before each jump, the spider attaches a safety thread to the substrate to avoid an accidental fall.

Binocular vision allows him to very accurately determine the distance to the landing site, so unsuccessful jumps are extremely rare. In flight, the spider always extends its forelimbs forward, which in males are much better developed than in females.

The spider notices the slightest movement around itself thanks to three pairs of eyes located on the sides of the cephalothorax. Having noticed the victim with their help, he slowly turns his head towards her.

Two large front eyes accurately determine the distance. Next, the predator slowly creeps up on the prey from the side or behind. Having gotten close enough, he makes a lightning-fast jump with his legs widely spaced. The first pair of limbs tightly grabs the victim, and the chelicerae pierce the chitinous cover, injecting a dose of poison and digestive juices into its body.

The poison acts very quickly on insects, but is completely harmless to humans. Digestive juices soon turn the insides of the prey into a liquid pulp, which the spider drinks with appetite. The diet of jumping spiders includes flies, mosquitoes, bugs and ants. They spend the winter safely hidden in a secluded shelter.

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