How many years do pigs live at home and in the wild, average lifespan?

Livestock » Pigs



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Kira Stoletova

Household pigs are valued by farmers for their high productivity. One animal produces a large amount of meat and greasy layer. In addition, sows are characterized by increased fertility and milk production. Pigs that are not slaughtered can boast an average life expectancy among other farm animals. How long pigs live depends primarily on the conditions of their keeping and diet. However, sometimes longevity is a distinctive feature of the breed. For example, dwarf varieties live shorter than farm varieties due to the structure of the body.

How long do pigs live?

Average life expectancy of pigs

The lifespan of any fauna representative is determined by several factors. In the wild - by natural selection, in domestic pets - by conditions of detention, purpose and technological process.

On farms, large breed pigs with proper care have excellent health and delight the owner with their presence for more than 30 years. But such long-livers are rare, since animals are slaughtered much earlier than this period.

In wild nature

Under natural conditions, wild pigs live up to 20 years, which depends on the size of the animal. In nature, there are giant boars weighing more than 3 centners, and representatives of miniature breeds that live less than their large relatives.

Lifespan is determined by several other factors:

  • Availability of food. There are harsh winters or long springs when it is difficult for animals to find food for themselves.
  • Number of predators. At different times their number either decreases or increases. Naturally, if there are many predatory animals, they need more food.
  • Hunting. Legitimate shooters and poachers sometimes cause serious damage to wildlife.
  • Natural disasters. Floods and fires kill many forest inhabitants.

In unfavorable conditions, weakened or sick individuals die, only the strongest survive. A sow with offspring is more vulnerable than males. Choppers are hardy, physically developed, and they live much longer than their partners. Sometimes even predators cannot cope with an aggressive boar.

In zoo

Pigs can be seen not only in the wild and private farms, but also in zoological parks. Naturally, animals live there for a long time thanks to the favorable conditions created:

  • timely vaccination;
  • a balanced diet, close to what it was in the natural environment;
  • safe living;
  • existence close to nature.

Wild artiodactyls in zoo conditions live on average to 20–25 years.

Dependence of life span on breed

Domestic pigs live for different lengths of time depending on the breed and the purpose for keeping them.


The lifespan of landraces is 20 years. For domestic pigs to live this long, they need a balanced diet and good care. After all, animals are susceptible to colds and infectious diseases, which can become chronic or lead to death.


Representatives of the Duroc breed are not very common in the CIS and the Russian Federation, as they have many disadvantages. If they are not provided with a special high protein diet, they will not gain weight. The downside is the genetic predisposition of pigs to atrophic rhinitis. Durocs live more than 20 years.

Large white

Poor tolerance of low and high temperatures and a tendency to obesity with improperly organized nutrition reduce the lifespan of a large white pig. Under favorable circumstances, she lives to be 15 years old.


Individuals of the Mangalitsa pig breed are known for their long, thick hair. They live en masse only in Hungary, and are rarely bred in other countries. These unpretentious animals can live 25 years.

Vietnamese pot-bellied

Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs are considered to be the longest-lived pigs. Their life can last 30 years. After all, these artiodactyls have strong immunity and are not afraid of frost and high temperatures.

Mini pigs

People managed to breed not only heavyweight pigs, but also miniature breeds. Decorative mini-pigs appeared in the mid-twentieth century. The weight of adult individuals does not exceed 15 kg. Pets delight their owners with their presence only for 12–15 years.

Characteristics of a guinea pig: advantages and disadvantages

How long does a guinea pig live?On average from 5 to 8 years. There are long-livers who live up to 15 years. But this is very rare. Lifespan depends on housing conditions and nutrition.
Is it possible to teach a rodent different tricks?The ability to train is there, but it is difficult to teach. You can teach simple tricks: spin around your axis, stand on your hind legs to beg for food, etc.
What size should a guinea pig cage be?The animal needs a spacious cage or terrarium. The minimum cage floor size for keeping one individual is 30x60 cm. The larger the territory, the more comfortable the kevi live.
What does a guinea pig get sick with?The most common diseases:
  • colds,
  • digestive system disorders,
  • eye diseases,
  • parasites (lice, lice, subcutaneous mites).
What is the price of the animal?From 500 to 10 thousand rubles, depending on the breed. The most expensive are the hairless Guinea pigs - Skinny (from $80), Baldwin (from $120).
Does pig stink?With proper care, your pet will not smell.
What should you not feed this animal?
  • Plants whose harmlessness you doubt (oak, burdock, sorrel, spinach, dandelion flowers, hemlock, chestnut, and many others).
  • Sweet, salty, fatty, smoked and other foods from the human table.
  • Baked goods, fresh bread.
  • Some vegetables (radishes, potatoes, cauliflower, garlic, radish, horseradish).
  • Out-of-season vegetables and fruits may contain nitrates.
  • Animal proteins (eggs, butter, meat, fish, etc.).
  • Watermelons, plums.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Any flowers.
  • Seeds in the husk.
What is the best way to transport caves?A special plastic container, terrarium or regular carrier for cats or small breed dogs will do. In cold weather, it is necessary to insulate the carrier with a heating pad with warm but not hot water, a layer of hay or an old woolen item.
Which drinking bowl and feeder is better to buy?There should be two feeders - for green food and for dry food.
Choose stable bowls, preferably ceramic ones, so that the animal cannot turn them over. Vertical nipple drinkers are very convenient for small rodents. The volume of the drinking bowl is at least 250 ml per individual. It is better to use filtered or special bottled water. It must be changed daily, even if the pet does not have time to drink everything.
Which litter to choose for your pet?The best option is granulated or regular sawdust, poured onto the bottom of the cage in an even layer of 4–6 cm. The filler is replaced weekly. You can buy it at a pet store or make it yourself. Granular filler absorbs better than regular sawdust.
Does a rodent need vaccinations?No, pigs are not vaccinated. They are given prophylaxis against external and internal parasites.
How to choose the right guinea pig?It is necessary to choose a moderately well-fed individual with shiny fur and eyes, with a good appetite, at the age of 4 - 5 weeks. The rodent should not have bald spots, scabs or peeling skin, dirty or matted hair in the anal area, or discharge from the eyes or nose. When the pig is picked up, it should not struggle or squeal. It is better to purchase a pet from a breeder with a good reputation.

Pros of keeping caves:

  • Ideal pets for children, do not take up much space.
  • They quickly get used to a nickname or conventional call (whistle).
  • Non-aggressive (biting individuals are almost never found).
  • Indifferent towards other animals.
  • They are unpretentious in food, do not need walks and physical activity.
  • They are considered the most hypoallergenic pet.

Difficulties of maintenance and care:

  • They are difficult to train, but some tricks can be taught.
  • They can be intrusive - they beg for food and affection.
  • Noisy - they make many different sounds: whistling, squealing, squeaking, grumbling, grunting (each sound has its own meaning).
  • They are very active, so they scatter hay, droppings and sawdust around the cage.
  • They chew furniture, wires and other things.
  • While walking outside the cage, they may relieve themselves on the carpet or floor.
  • They mark their territory with urine and secretions from their glands.
  • They are afraid of cold and overheating and catch cold easily.
  • They do not tolerate loneliness well, so a companion is required.
  • They are shy, so they take a long time to get used to people.

Factors affecting lifespan

How long a domestic pig will live depends on the following factors:

  • Breed. Representatives of large varieties live longer than their smaller counterparts.
  • Predisposition to disease. There are breeds that are genetically endowed with strong immunity. Naturally, such animals will live longer than individuals that are susceptible to infections.
  • Conditions of detention. If the owner follows the recommendations of livestock specialists and provides the artiodactyl with a balanced diet, then the pigs on his farm will live longer.
  • Castration. Removal of reproductive organs increases the lifespan of males.


  1. The lifespan of an animal at home directly depends on the efforts made by its owner.
  2. The primary factor in the long-term existence of an animal is its breed. It is genetically endowed with the ability to live longer than other brothers.
  3. Health is one of the main factors of longevity. To maintain it, you should eat right, maintain good hygiene and get the necessary vaccinations.
  4. A pig can be not only a livestock for obtaining meat or lard, but also an unusual pet. Unlike conventional cats and dogs, pigs can live much longer.

Read about pig farming at home in this material.

How long do pigs live before slaughter?

The longest lifespan of a domestic pig was 35 years. However, only selected favorites live this long. Usually artiodactyls are not kept for more than 1.5–2 years. After all, they consume a huge amount of feed, long-term maintenance becomes financially unprofitable. Once the animal reaches the required weight, it is sent for slaughter.

If pigs are selected for breeding, then the period of their keeping is determined by their productive characteristics. Sows produce healthy and strong offspring for 4–5 years. After this, piglets are usually born sick and weakened. A boar retains reproductive capacity for 10 years.

The lifespan of a pig depends on many conditions. It is within the power of the owner to extend it to the maximum. But pig farmers have a different task - to fatten the animal and slaughter it in a timely manner. Fans of decorative mini-pigs should be careful about the diet and living conditions of their pets in order to prolong their life.

Increasingly, animal lovers are interested in how many years pigs live in the wild and in captivity. Pigs do not cause allergies, are smart, are well trained, and remember more commands than dogs, which is why city residents are increasingly keeping them as pets.

Conditions of detention

The lifespan of pigs also depends on the conditions of their keeping. To achieve the maximum lifespan of a pig, the following rules should be followed:

  1. The room where the pig lives must be sealed and warm.
  2. Pens are built based on the number of individuals: animals should not be kept in close quarters.
  3. There must be proper air circulation in the barn, so the ventilation system is installed at a height of 2 m from the floor.
  4. It is necessary to eliminate loud noises and strong odors in the room.
  5. It is important to monitor humidity and temperature: their level should be stable regardless of the time of year.
  6. The barn should be cleaned 3 times a week. Once a month the pens are whitewashed with lime.

Compliance with these rules will help extend the life of artiodactyls. If an animal lives in unsanitary conditions, this increases the risk of contracting infections.

Average life expectancy of a pig

Wild pigs live in natural conditions, decorative breeds live in houses and apartments. Animals raised for meat and lard are kept in pigsties. Living conditions are different, so the average life expectancy is different.

In wild nature

The life of wild boars in natural conditions is fraught with danger; it is threatened by predators and humans. Wild pigs survive to their maximum biological age only in captivity. In zoos, some animals are kept for up to 35 years. In nature, individuals that live for 20 years are rarely found.

Wild boars live shorter lives than wild boars. They often risk their lives to protect their offspring. The female body wears out faster. They bear and feed piglets and are constantly under stress. On average, wild pigs live about 10 years.

At home

In pigs raised for fattening, the lifespan directly depends on the precocity of the breed. The faster piglets gain weight, the shorter they live. It is easier to estimate the average life expectancy of domestic pigs based on purebred breeding animals and pet piglets.

Breeding boars in good conditions live up to 35 years. Purebred females are not kept for a long time; they are usually slaughtered after the 6th farrow. In rare cases, purebred sows are kept for 15 years. During this time they bring piglets 20 times.

Decorative pigs are raised in a house or apartment. These are dwarf breeds, there are about 30 of them, the common name of the variety is mini pigs. These pigs die naturally from old age and disease. Low-growing varieties live for about 8 years, some individuals die at the age of 10-15 years.

Artiodactyl diet as the basis for a long life

Pigs are valued among farmers for their unpretentiousness in choosing food. However, the diet of the artiodactyl must be balanced and complete. The absence of certain types of products can lead to disruption of the body's functioning, as a result of which the animal will live fewer years. The daily diet of an adult should contain:

  • fresh herbs or hay;
  • ground cereals;
  • carrots, beets and boiled potatoes;
  • fruits;
  • vitamin supplements.

Lactating sows should be given fermented milk products to replenish calcium in the body. Special attention should be paid to vitamins and minerals. Without the full range of nutrients, the artiodactyl may develop bone deformation and rickets. To avoid this, the animal should be given:

  • herbal, bone and meat meal;
  • fish fat;
  • cake

These components influence how many years the sow will remain highly productive at home

How long do domestic pigs live?

The vital resources of the body are determined by genetics. Therefore, first of all, the life expectancy of piglets depends on hereditary factors, and secondly, on the purpose of the breed.

According to statistics, varieties bred in Asian countries live longer than their relatives from Europe.

Landrace pigs

This is a bacon breed, bred in England. The dimensions of adult boars and sows are impressive, the body is proportional. Landrace pigs can live 15-20 years, even in adulthood they move actively, despite their decent weight. During industrial breeding, piglets gain a weight of 100 kg by 6 months and are slaughtered.


Pig farmers use this breed, descended from American and Canadian varieties, for breeding purposes. By crossing with pigs of other breeds, productive, early-ripening hybrids with high-quality meat are obtained. The biological life expectancy of Duroc breeding animals does not exceed 20 years.

White breed

These pigs do not live longer than 15 years. Animals are active and resistant to stress. The meat and lard of white pigs is of high quality, which is why the breed is popular among pig farmers in Russia and other countries. Purebred boars and sows are used in breeding. Using their genetic material, new productive breeds of pigs were developed (Kemerovo, Belorusskaya, Urzhumskaya).


Hardy animals obtained in Hungary by crossing wild boars and domestic pigs. They have a medium-sized body, covered with thick hair, strong limbs, a wide chest, and a straight back. Thick fur protects animals from hypothermia; Mangal pigs spend most of their lives on pasture and live up to 25 years.


This breed is popular among Americans as a decorative breed. In the USA, it is most often started by owners of country houses. Adults gain weight up to 45-100 kg, so problems arise when keeping a pot-bellied Vietnamese pig in a city apartment. Pets live up to 30 years.

Basic classifications

Over the years of active pig breeding, many breeds have been developed. Several classifications of pig breeds are considered depending on appearance, developmental characteristics and purpose.

According to early maturity

This parameter is especially important for industrial pig rearing. Based on the speed of maturation, the following types are distinguished:

  • Late ripening. They have a long head and a straight profile. The chest is flat and the back is narrow, the legs are quite long, and the skin is usually covered with rough stubble. Due to late puberty and a reduced rate of weight gain, the return on investment is poor;
  • Early ripening. They have medium body dimensions and a slight profile bend. The body is usually long and wide. The skin is thin and the bristles are soft. By 8 months, pigs of this species gain up to 100 kg of live weight. Sows are extremely fertile and milk producing;
  • Moderately early ripening. Usually these are local animals obtained by crossing late-maturing and early-maturing individuals. Used in areas with unstable climate. Have average productivity indicators;
  • Very early ripening. They have a small body, weak bones and poor health. Demanding about feeding and maintenance. They grow very quickly.

According to the constitution

Depending on the characteristics of the body, the following types of pig constitution are distinguished:

  • Rough dense. They have a strong build, coarse stubble, thick ears and angular body features. Usually these are late-ripening and unproductive, but hardy breeds;
  • Rough loose. They have thick but soft skin and often have folds on the legs and neck. The bones are weak, thick ears, rough head. Well-developed connective tissue, low resistance to most diseases;
  • Tender dense. They have thin but strong bones, the head is light and dry. The ears are usually thin and there are no folds on the body. This body type is often found in domestic breeding early maturing breeds.
  • Tender loose. They have thin and weak bones, which causes their back to sag and their legs to bend. The skin is very thin, there is practically no stubble. This type of constitution is typical for very early maturing breeds.

By productivity type

The productivity characteristics of pigs are determined by the constitution of the body, the characteristics of the exterior and development. Depending on these indicators, the following areas are considered:

  1. Meat. Most common. They have a stretched body, a lightweight front and moderately developed limbs. They are usually well-built animals with an even croup, back and loin. They have an intense metabolism, the slaughter yield is up to 70% of live body weight. Meat breeds include Duroc, meat breeds include Yorkshire, Karmal.
  2. Bacon. A type of meat pig. They practically do not differ in appearance, but have a greater length of the body in relation to the girth of the chest. As a rule, they have tender meat and a thin layer of subcutaneous fat.
  3. Greasy. They usually have short and thin legs, a massive and wide body with large developed limbs. They are distinguished by high early maturity and begin to accumulate a sebaceous layer early. They usually have a loose or delicate constitution. Metabolism is fast, fatty pigs are prone to obesity. The slaughter yield is up to 80% of live body weight. The greasy breeds include Landrace and Latvian White.
  4. Meat-greasy. This is a universal type of pig, they have a relatively long body with rounded and fleshy limbs. The skin is often evenly overgrown with dense bristles. The constitution depends on age, young individuals quickly gain muscle mass, and at older ages the fat content increases.

Factors influencing life expectancy

Pets do not have to look for food, water, shelter, or escape from predators. People create living conditions for them. The longevity of pigs depends on their quality.


The feeding regime and diet depend on the physiological state of the animal. For example, pregnant sows should not be overfed; they need a lot of fiber during gestation. But during the lactation period, food is needed twice as much, and to maintain vitality, supplements (vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, lysine, protein) are added to the diet of a lactating pig. Breeding boars have a special diet. It promotes the formation of high-quality sperm before mating and rapid recovery of strength after mating, important elements of food:

  • protein;
  • crude fiber;
  • methionine;
  • cystine

A boar consumes 3-4 kg of feed per day, containing pea and fish meal, skim milk (dry), hay in winter, fresh vegetables and herbs in summer. Decorative and productive pigs of any breed should not be given foods that cause digestive upset: sugar, salt, spices, smoked meats.

Care and maintenance

In the south, pigs live on pasture most of the year; in temperate climates, they are kept in pigsties. For most breeds, temperatures below 10 °C cause stress and weakened immunity, so the home is made warm. In cold winter conditions, pens with piglets are heated with infrared lamps. Weaned piglets will not survive if temperatures drop below 20°C. In addition to temperature, life expectancy is affected by:

  • air humidity;
  • area of ​​walking area, pigsty per 1 animal;
  • presence or absence of drafts;
  • lighting.

A sow with offspring requires an area of ​​at least 9 m²; an adult boar needs 6 m². When kept in crowded conditions, animals are more likely to get sick and die. Basic care for pigs comes down to providing feed, water, and maintaining cleanliness in the pigsty.

In zoo

Since pigs in the zoo are well cared for, they can live twice as long as an animal in the wild. The average lifespan of such animals will be 35-40 years.

The zoo follows the main thing that is important to increase their longevity: A varied and balanced diet filled with vitamins and minerals. Pigs are like little children who need to move actively, so for each individual to feel vigorous, a walking area of ​​at least 1 hectare is necessary.

The common belief that pigs are dirt lovers is wrong. In dry and clean conditions, pigs live longer, enjoying their excellent health.

In captivity, it is possible to carry out parasite prevention in order to protect animals from various infectious diseases. If there is no need to reproduce animals, experts recommend castration of animals. This factor will also increase their lifespan.

Having domesticated the pig many centuries ago, man, in the process of evolution, tried to improve the useful qualities of the animal, breeding various breeds with dominant traits. Today there are more than 100 breeds of pigs in the world.

Disease Prevention

Timely vaccination is the key to the longevity of any animal kept in captivity. Scheduled administration of vaccines builds the pig’s immunity and helps cope with parasites, viruses, and bacteria. From birth, pigs are vaccinated against worms and diseases that are registered in the region of residence. There are diseases that lead to premature death of pigs. Veterinarians call rickets dangerous. This disease affects the entire body of the piglet. The cardiovascular system and organs of the musculoskeletal system suffer.

Immunity decreases with anemia, a pathology of the circulatory system. Nervous disorders caused by Aueszky's disease lead to death.

To reduce the likelihood of diseases, animals are provided with optimal living conditions, checked for the presence of worms, dewormed in a timely manner, and treated for infectious and viral diseases.

The life of pigs is also extended in other ways. Boars are castrated, they live longer after castration. The number of pregnancies in sows is monitored. Bearing and feeding offspring exhausts the body. On a farm and a private farmstead, the life of meat piglets lasts 7-9 months; tallow piglets are sent for slaughter later, after 10 months. Breeding boars and sows are kept for 5-6 years. Under optimal conditions, pigs raised not for slaughter live for several decades.

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Every farmer who brings a pig to his farm must know not only what it eats, how to care for it, but also its life expectancy. The number of years a pig lives depends on their living conditions, as well as their breed. Let's consider how long such animals live, both in captivity and in freedom.

Disease prevention and castration

An individual that has suffered from a small number of diseases lives longer, so disease prevention is one of the main factors in the longevity of artiodactyls. Pigs should undergo mandatory vaccination, be checked for parasites, and have a full examination every six months with the involvement of a specialist. This will help avoid infections and epidemics, which not only shorten the life of animals, but can also result in death for the entire livestock on the farm.

Castration also increases the number of years lived by any animal.

The body does not waste energy on maintaining the reproductive system, and thanks to these resources it remains viable longer. However, piglets should be castrated at an early age; for an adult, this can become very stressful.

How long do domestic pigs live?

As a rule, domestic animals very rarely die of their own free will. For this reason, it is very difficult to understand how long they live. A domestic female can live 15-25 years. During this period, they bear offspring 20 times. Some species of males can live up to 35-45 years.

Landrace pigs

This breed of pigs is in great demand today. The reason for this popularity is the high fertility of the queens. At one time, sows give birth to 15-20 piglets. Their survival rate is also high. Typically, the loss will be only 10%.

In addition, Landross is very early ripening. For one-month-old piglets, the weight will be 8-10 kg. Gain up to 20 kg. This breed lives 20-15 years. It all depends on how the animals are cared for.

You can see what the Petren breed looks like in the video here.

The disadvantages of Landros include their whimsical care and if certain mistakes are made during feeding or care, the fertility of sows sharply decreases. When fertilization has taken place, there will be a small number of piglets in the litter.


This breed is considered rare in Russia. The reason is that they have a lot of disadvantages. It is very difficult to keep Durocs, because their diet must contain proteins. If this condition is not met, then you should not expect high results from such dilution. Duroc pigs live up to 20 years.

What a weight measurement table is is indicated in the description of the article.

The most important disadvantage is considered to be a hereditary predisposition to atrophic rhinitis. For this reason, pigs often suffer from runny noses.

White breed

This breed of pigs is characterized by rapid and good adaptation to climate and nutritional conditions. There are high criteria for precocity, fertility and a flexible genetic structure.

The disadvantages of the breed include an increased tendency to obesity. In addition, the appearance of such a pig is not particularly aesthetically pleasing. They tolerate frost and sun very poorly. As for their life expectancy, it all depends on the purpose for which they are fed. Since the white pig is bred for meat. Its average duration is 15 years.

You can find out how long a pregnant pig walks from this article.


This breed is characterized by the presence of thick hair. Thanks to this, animals are not afraid of severe frosts. Coat color can be black, red, white or mixed. The black type is very rare today, as it is on the verge of extinction.

Hungarian Mangalitsa does not require special care. She eats a variety of foods. These can be vegetables, fruits, herbs. They do not need to set up a warm room and receive vaccinations. They live 25 years.

You can find out what the price of the Vietnamese pot-bellied breed is here.


In the summer, during extreme heat, they will consume large amounts of water.
The Vietnamese breed is characterized by its cleanliness; when there is a paddock, the pigs will be able to go to the toilet exactly at the paddock area. If you drive them indoors in the evening, they will only go to the toilet in the morning and will endure it all the time. The pigsty must be clean and dry. Life expectancy is 20-30 years.

Factors influencing duration

The lifespan of each type of pig depends on how the owner takes care of it, what he gives it to eat, whether he monitors the health of the animal, and gives vaccinations. An auxiliary factor in longevity is this diet composition. A boar can be fed heavily, but only once. Moreover, he will not live more years.

What the Hungarian Mangalitsa breed is is indicated in this article.


For those who want domestic pigs to live as long as possible, it is necessary to provide them with steam food. For a breeding female, good nutrition will allow her to produce 20 piglets at a time. It is necessary to add high-quality nutritious foods, feed concentrates, vitamins and special mineral supplements to the diet.

You can read reviews about the Mongal breed at this link.

For pigs that are kept in a barn and graze only in the summer, you need to stock up on high-quality hay from your favorite plants. It is allowed to use alfalfa and nettle. It is also advisable to add calcium and protein to your diet. To protect against anemia, you need to buy magnesium and iron supplements. They are very beneficial for bones, heart and brain.

Breeding of the Vietnamese breed and other important data are indicated in the article.

Conditions of detention

But nutrition alone cannot ensure the long-term existence of pigs. In addition, any breed of animal loves warmth. To ensure this condition, it is necessary to install a stove or lamp. Clear the room of droppings in a timely manner. Change the bedding, heat the barn in winter. If all these conditions are met, your pets will be satisfied. You can see the photo and highlight for yourself the characteristics of the Duroc breed in this material.

It is very important to create the right conditions for their living. The room must be clean, dry, free from dampness and fungi.

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