Why do mosquitoes bite and why do their bites itch? Description, photo and video

The fact that blood-sucking little creatures approach people very selectively is an indisputable fact. To be convinced of this, it is enough to get out into nature with company in warm weather. Some mosquitoes will begin to attack in the very first minutes, while others will show enviable indifference, limiting themselves to a few bites. “You are probably more appetizing!” - the lucky “nibbled” ones tease. And many do not even suspect that there is a scientific basis for such selectivity of mosquitoes.

Photo pixabay.com

How do mosquitoes find their prey?

Mosquitoes find people by our movements, by the heat we emit and by our smell. When a mosquito flies past our ear, we hear a high-pitched ringing buzzing sound, the sound of the mosquito's tiny wings working.

Scientists believe that buzzing attracts members of the opposite sex, but it is especially tiring for us at night, when the heat makes it difficult to sleep. According to scientists, mosquitoes most often go out on their bloody hunt at night. With dawn, the warring parties can calm down and sleep, instead of exchanging deadly blows.

Why are not all people attacked?

You can observe a situation where, in the company of people, the bloodsuckers attack some, and some don’t even notice; this happens rarely, but it is quite possible.

This can happen for several reasons, here are a few of them:

  • Cloth. You should not think that mosquitoes see perfectly and distinguish colors that attract them or, on the contrary, repel them. Everything is much simpler, the fact is that they do not fly very high above the ground and dark colors serve as a guide for them and the so-called horizon. Therefore, when a person is dressed in dark colors, the individual will pay attention to him.
  • I and III blood groups. These groups contain more protein than the others and are preferred by bloodsuckers. The skin secretes a secretion that signals the group, and insects detect this through their sense of smell.
  • Breath. Namely, frequent breathing, which leads to the release of more carbon dioxide, which individuals can hear at a distance of 50 meters. It is for this reason that we often notice these buzzing individuals near the head, ears, mouth, nose, they simply get closer to the source.
  • Oily skin. It is not the skin type itself that attracts bloodsuckers, but the environment on the skin. The fact is that oily skin has a greater number of bacteria, which are an ideal environment for mosquitoes. If you have normal or dry skin, then take special care of your feet and ankles, because they receive the most dust, and therefore the most bacteria in these places.
  • Increased sweating. When sweat is released, lactic acid is released along with it, which is a real bait for bloodsuckers; they will not fly past it.
  • Pregnancy. The secret that pregnant women are very attracted to these individuals is very simple. The fact is that during pregnancy the composition of the blood changes, which is very attractive; in addition, during pregnancy, breathing becomes more frequent, and as is already known, a large amount of carbon dioxide also becomes an attraction.
  • Excess weight. Here everything is also simple, because of excess weight, breathing becomes more frequent, as well as increased sweating. In addition, people who are overweight often have skin problems due to poor nutrition.
  • The smell of beer. Bloodsuckers are attracted to the smell of ethanol, and when a person drinks beer, after a while ethanol is released through sweating.

Knowing the main reasons why people are attracted to bloodsuckers, you can make a list of basic measures that will help protect yourself from them, these include:

  • It is better to choose clothes in light colors.
  • Take showers as often as possible, especially in hot weather.
  • Pay attention to the skin, especially if you have an oily type.
  • If you drank beer the day before, it is better to avoid going outdoors.
  • Use special products that will provide protection.

Bite process

The process of biting
Having made a soft landing on the surface of human skin, the mosquito lightly taps it with its proboscis, as if knocking on a door. A mosquito's proboscis looks more like a snout. Then, raising its hairy lip, the mosquito carefully thrusts its stiletto, which is hollow inside, into the skin. With its surgical instrument, the mosquito probes small veins and capillaries in search of blood. The process of saturating a mosquito with blood lasts less than a minute.

Before it starts sucking blood through a straw, the mosquito injects a special substance into the blood that prevents it from clotting (so that the blood does not clot while the mosquito is sucking it). A mosquito can ingest four times its own weight in blood. At the end of the bloody mosquito dinner, his stomach is incredibly swollen. If you watch a female eating lunch on your hand, then by the end of lunch the blood will show through the wall of the mosquito’s stomach. According to one zoologist, a blood-sucking mosquito looks like a red ball on a Christmas tree.

Interesting: Which people are most attracted to mosquitoes? Reasons, photos and videos

Fun fact: Only female mosquitoes bite.

Taste and color

There are at least some serious studies confirming that mosquitoes (females, since they are the ones who bite) like blood type 0 (I) more than A (II), B (III) and AB (IV).
They fly by smell, since each blood type releases certain chemicals. The “first-graders” suffer first of all, but the rest also benefit, since they also have something attractive to “nosed gourmets.” What exactly? To begin with, we note that mosquitoes can drink the blood of almost all animals, however, they prefer ours. Firstly, humans have thinner skin. Secondly, there are quite a lot of people, which guarantees an uninterrupted source of food for blood-sucking insects. Thirdly, they are attracted by the smells of lactic acid, ammonia, acetone, some carboxylic acids and other substances, which are more abundant in the human smell than in animals. Such compounds are formed as a result of biochemical reactions, which occur especially intensively during physical activity. And if people don’t like the smell of other people’s sweat, mosquitoes simply adore it. This is for them as it is for us “shish kebab with cognac”. By the way, alcohol also counts - a drunk person runs the risk of being bitten more than a sober person.

And finally, there is one more component that attracts mosquitoes - substances secreted by skin microflora. Its bacterial composition is individual for each person, but mosquitoes like bacteria of the genera Bacillus, Brevibacterium, Corynebacteria and Staphylococcus. It is possible that someday it will be possible to find out which microorganisms, on the contrary, repel bloodsuckers, and repellents made from “natural raw materials” will appear in stores.

Why does a mosquito bite itch?

Having sucked blood, the female mosquito removes her tube from the puncture and flies away. If this was your first mosquito bite in your life, then you will not feel anything at all and will never know that they dined on your blood. But if this is not the first contact with a mosquito, then the body has already become sensitive to the proteins contained in mosquito saliva.

The bite site will swell and itch, which means an allergic reaction will develop. If bites are repeated very often, the body may become accustomed to mosquito proteins. For example, some researchers working with mosquitoes were bitten by mosquitoes so many times that they lost sensitivity to the proteins in their saliva and the bites stopped swelling and itching.

How can a person be infected?

These individuals cannot be called harmless, because they are carriers of serious diseases, which include:

  • Malaria.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Yellow fever.
  • Tularemia.
  • Dengue fever.
  • Lymphatic filariasis.

Previously, diseases were common only in Asia and Africa, but now this problem affects all countries. To eliminate this problem, a special program “World Mosquito Program” was created.

It is aimed at making these individuals absolutely harmless; for this they are infected with the Wolbachia bacterium, which destroys any infection and prevents it from developing.

Who do mosquitoes bite more often?

Although we don’t really like the idea of ​​being eaten alive on warm summer evenings, we must still say that humans are by no means the mosquito’s favorite meal. Human blood is low in the amino acid isoleucine, which is essential for egg formation. Therefore, buffalo or rat blood is preferable for mosquitoes. But humans have displaced animals from their usual habitats, so mosquitoes have to depend on us. We provide them with shelter (unnecessary bottles and cans, old clothes) and food (our own warm blood). We are not buffaloes, but the situation obliges us...

Why and who bites

Do females or males bite?

Mosquitoes are bisexual insects. The main role in reproductive activity is assigned to the female. The insect cycle is designed in such a way that without sufficient nutrients, the offspring are born weak and hardly viable. This is a feature of blood-sucking insects.

There is a huge amount of protein and other nutritional compounds in the blood. They are exactly what we need. They act as a kind of building material for eggs. Due to the nature of reproductive roles in insects, it is the female that bites. She consumes a huge amount of blood compared to her own weight: several times her body weight. Then all the substances go to the development of eggs.

If the situation develops favorably, the mosquito lays up to 150 eggs at a time. The offspring are born healthy and have every chance of surviving to the age of an adult insect.

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Interestingly, without blood, females can also continue the race. But the number of eggs will be several times less, from 10 to 50. Future mosquitoes take nutrients from the mother’s body, so the female dies very soon. With an average life expectancy of 30-150 days, such an individual will no longer be able to produce offspring.

Humans are not the only victim of blood-sucking insects. It turns out that he is just a substitute. The blood of cattle, rats, and mice is much preferable for mosquitoes. But in the absence of these animals in the area, in cities, mosquitoes attack people. It also goes to the birds.

Male insects lead a carefree life and do not depend on blood in any way. They don't bite. They feed only on nectar and plant foods and do not harm the population of cities or tourists who come to nature in any way.

Reason #6: Red or dark clothes

Entomologist Dr. Jonathan Day from the University of Florida explains: mosquitoes have problems moving in space even with a slight wind - they are simply blown away, so they prefer to move at low level flight closer to the ground, and they are accustomed to identifying victims by a silhouette that differs from the horizon. Dark and red silhouettes are much more attractive to mosquitoes, while light-colored silhouettes are not as clearly visible to mosquitoes.

Are emotions important?

Human emotions do not affect the behavior of blood-sucking insects. That's why mosquitoes attack us when we laugh or cry. The reason mosquitoes do not touch aggressive or agitated people is because they have a lower pain threshold. In other words, a person simply does not notice a violation of the integrity of the skin. To prevent attacks by blood-sucking insects, you must use protective equipment:

  • Aerosols and sprays. Repellents and extracts are used to prepare them. With their help, the likelihood of pest attack is reduced.
  • Creams and gels.
  • Plant extracts. Insects cannot tolerate the rich aromas of citrus fruits, geranium, and wormwood.

Dependence of the number of bites on blood composition

To stop blood-sucking insects from biting, people use a variety of folk remedies. And especially popular are herbs that are planted on the plot or window sills. These properties of spices can be used by eating them. After all, spices change the composition of sweat. Therefore, insects do not approach those who eat cumin, turmeric and basil. To achieve the required result, it is necessary to consume spices at certain intervals.

The situation is similar with people who suffer from cancer. Once doctors detect cancer cells, they begin chemotherapy. Medications affect the composition of sweat. Blood counts are also taken into account. Pests do not react to people who have medications in their bodies. If people with cancer say, squeaking mosquitoes don’t bite me, then they are not lying. After all, their bodies contain a variety of chemical components. The exception to the rule is people who have leukemia. Some mosquitoes choose only leukemia patients.

Insects attack people who have alcohol in their bodies. Some mosquitoes have adapted to ethyl alcohol.

Mosquito loves alcohol

Scientists set up an experiment: in Africa, some people consumed beer, others did not. Most of the mosquitoes attacked people who were drinking.

In Japan, they drank strong alcohol and monitored the reactions of insects. Mosquitoes preferred drunken people to sober ones.

Perhaps the behavior of the pests was affected by other facts that were not taken into account. Therefore, there is no evidence that mosquitoes prefer blood with alcohol.

Researchers suggest that mosquitoes attack people who have been drinking because alcohol raises body temperature, which is attractive to blood-sucking insects.

You sweat and have an elevated body temperature

Image: un‑perfekt / Pixabay
Strictly speaking, not only people who exercise a lot, but also anyone who sweats excessively are under the close attention of mosquitoes. Uric acid and ammonia present in sweat signal JI Raji. Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Detect Acidic Volatiles Found in Human Odor Using the IR8a Pathway / Current Biology I'm going to fly off to see what's delicious.

It may seem that it is enough to spray with deodorant or cologne to fight off the smell of sweat. But according to This Is Why Mosquitoes Target Some People Way More Than Others/Self by Dr. Gary Goldenberg, medical director of the department of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine, some perfumes, on the contrary, only attract bloodsuckers more strongly. Mosquitoes find sweet scents especially attractive.

Solution. To combat excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. In addition, you just need to wash yourself more often.

Blood myths and reality

Experts who are interested in why squeaking mosquitoes do not bite everyone note that attacks depend on blood type. But this theory is not confirmed by any serious facts. To make it easier to determine who blood-sucking mosquitoes like to bite, you need to consider some points:

  • What foods and substances were present in the diet.
  • Human body temperature.
  • Shade of clothing. Some scientists have put forward theories about what color mosquitoes don't like.
  • Number of people.
  • Temperature and humidity level. This is the main reason why experts track these indicators.
  • Body parameters. It happens that blood-sucking pests bite more often a person from the third than from the 1st and the other.
  • Presence of medications and chemicals in the body. It doesn't matter where they come from.
  • Powders and chemicals used for cleaning and washing clothes.
  • The presence of perfume or cologne.

If you study the data presented by doctors and researchers, it is easier to understand why mosquitoes do not bite certain people.

Microbiota of human skin

It consists mainly of non-pathogenic bacteria and fungi that live on our skin, pores and hair follicles. The combination of odors they emit in the form of volatile organic compounds is a crucial factor in “telling” mosquitoes how “tasty” you are to them. Then they will start biting you harder than others.

Skin microbiota is difficult to transmit from person to person. We have approximately 1 million bacteria per square centimeter of skin, often numbering hundreds of species. This means that mosquitoes that choose between different people do so based on the composition of microorganisms living on our skin.

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Given the diversity and abundance of bacteria in our skin microbiota, it is not surprising that the incredibly sensitive olfactory and gustatory apparatus of a female mosquito searching for food can detect these differences. Here you need to take into account only the behavior of females, because only they bite and only when they lay eggs.

You don't wash your feet

Image: Huỳnh Tấn Hậu / Unsplash.com
One experiment NO Verhulst. Composition of Human Skin Microbiota Affects Attractiveness to Malaria Mosquitoes / PLoS One 2011 showed a strong correlation between the number of bacteria living on the skin and mosquitoes' interest in that area. The largest colonies of microorganisms are located on people's ankles and feet, so bloodsuckers look at your bare legs with great interest.

Solution. Wash your feet. Do not stick them out from under the blanket.

Mosquito sense of smell

Blood-sucking insects use their olfactory organ to search for prey and track repellents. This property is used by manufacturing companies that develop and produce insecticidal preparations and repellents. Modern sprays and aerosols eliminate the smell of human sweat and help relieve swelling. Therefore, pests bite some people hard, but do not notice people standing nearby. Some people use their favorite scented sanitary product to repel mosquitoes. This is another reason why mosquitoes are most likely to attack people who don't shower regularly.

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