Fatal bird or symbol of happiness? Signs if a dove flew onto a balcony or into an apartment, other beliefs

Most of us know that birds in the house are not always a good sign. Ancestors even believed that some birds were harbingers of death and disease. This also applies to the dove: our ancestors considered it a messenger of the afterlife, so they always treated this bird with extreme caution. Is a pigeon flying into a window really that dangerous? Does the sign depend on how the bird entered the home? Is it true that a pigeon flying into an apartment is a sign that should be feared? Let's figure it out.

What does the bird symbolize?

The dove is a symbol of happiness, freedom, and the connection between earthly and heavenly life.
In the ancient world, this bird was considered the personification of female beauty, femininity, and motherhood. And the fidelity that is inherent in pigeons has become the reason for the symbolic meaning associated with devotion, fidelity and love to be assigned to this bird. The dove also acts as a symbol of the spirit of the deceased, purity, and a messenger of heaven .

Among the ancient Jews, the bird was considered a symbol of redemption, and a dove with an olive branch was considered the embodiment of peace and renewed life.

In the Old Testament, the image of a dove is associated with simplicity, innocence, kindness; it personifies the soul of a deceased person.

also symbolize the following:

  1. A dove with a palm branch means victory over death.
  2. White dove - cleansing of the soul.
  3. A pair of doves - love, fidelity, family happiness.


Attitudes towards pigeons were different at different times. During the period of terrible epidemics and wars, these birds were called “flying rats”, as they were carriers of diseases and sources of infection. Despite this, in many countries the dove is considered a symbol of goodness, peace, prosperity and love.

According to the Bible, the dove is a symbol of purity.

  1. But in Asia, pigeons are associated with carnal love, apparently, this is due to the hot blood of this people.
  2. In Ancient Greece and a number of other countries, pigeons were messengers of news.

There is a sign that pigeons maintain contact with the other world, so their unexpected appearance in the house can foreshadow the death of a loved one or, conversely, bring news from a deceased relative. Based only on historical facts, it is difficult to understand whether this is a good omen or a bad one. Let's turn to the popular beliefs that our ancestors used and together we will understand the meanings.

Popular interpretation depending on the place through which it flew

To the balcony

  • If a dove flew onto the balcony, then this can be interpreted as a good sign, which means that a pleasant event will happen in your life soon.
  • When a bird circles near the balcony but does not land on it, this is good news.
  • A couple arriving and starting to build a nest means that happiness will not leave your home. You will enjoy every day, as the days will always be bright and eventful.
  • But if they left their home and left their nest, then get ready for difficult life trials.

The video talks about the signs associated with the appearance of a dove on the balcony:

Out the window

Most people believe that if a dove flies into a window, it is a bad omen, as it can be a harbinger of serious health problems. Also, according to long-established superstitions, it is believed that a dove flying into a window:

  • warns about the imminent death of someone living in the apartment;
  • portends some troubles with property.

But not everyone considers a dove flying into a window to be bad news . The fact is that doves are considered birds of God and their appearance can be interpreted from the other side. These birds are sensitive and, as a rule, choose homes where peace and mutual understanding reign. Therefore, a positive interpretation of the sign is also likely: if a dove flies into the apartment, then good luck in business will soon await you.

For example, if a bird flew into an apartment and behaves calmly or left droppings, then an improvement in the financial situation lies ahead.

After a bird has flown into your home, do not panic. Believe that the dove arrived for good purposes and that success will soon await you.

Reference . If, nevertheless, after the appearance of the dove, a misfortune occurs, then the window is protection. The bird gives you a signal that you need to be careful and be more attentive to your health and the health of your loved ones.

To the kitchen

If a dove flies into the kitchen, then this is a sign of financial well-being . This means that in the near future you will find some additional way to earn money, you will receive a promotion, or you will make a long-awaited purchase, or do something that you have not dared to do for a long time. There is no need to drive away the bird, because it came in peace.

What color is the dove?

The plumage is dark or black - expect trouble. Death or serious illness, or other sad events are possible.

White bird - good news. At least nothing bad will happen in the near future.

In general, this sign is negative. With the exception of a few interpretations, it promises various troubles, even irreparable (death). Is it possible to prevent such consequences of a pigeon visiting human habitation? It turns out that it is possible.

How to avoid consequences?

First, about what not to do. In no case:

  1. Do not kill the bird and do not allow your pets to touch or kill the pigeon. These actions will only strengthen the negative consequences and bring them closer.
  2. Do not force the pigeon out. In this case, the consequences are also inevitable.

What should be done?

First, the house is freed from the presence of the dove. For this:

  • entice him with food, and he will most likely follow you;
  • If it doesn't work, carefully catch it and take it outside.

In the latter case, try not to hurt him. Otherwise, the effect of the sign will only intensify.


  1. After you get rid of the bird, thoroughly rinse all objects, windows, and things that the pigeon touched. This way you will weaken or negate the effect of the sign, and at the same time disinfect the house.
  2. Ventilate the house when the dove flies far away.
  3. Remember the dead. You can go to church and light a candle for the repose.

The simplest action. Feed the pigeon and release it into the wild. It is believed that then he will take the bad news with him.

What does it mean if you got into an apartment in different ways?

Through the window

If a pigeon entered an apartment through an open window, then this can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the condition of the bird:

  • A disheveled, restless dove is a bad sign, meaning that someone from your circle will become seriously ill or leave this world.
  • A bird hitting a glass or wall means unpleasant news about the death of a loved one.
  • A calm, friendly bird means good news that will be unexpected but pleasant.
  • A bird holding something in its beak is always a good sign.


If the bird entered the apartment through the window, then it is worth letting it out through another window. A flying white dove means the arrival of guests, meeting whom will be a joy.


The dove in the ventilation warns you to take a closer look at your surroundings. Among your acquaintances there may be ill-wishers who will rush to ruin your life.


A dove coming through the door to news of replenishment . You need to allow him to enter the house, satisfy his curiosity and calmly leave.

Pigeon in the house

There is a popular belief that if a dove has flown into the house, you should expect guests: distant relatives or old friends may unexpectedly appear. In general, if a dove flies into an apartment, this is a sign of an imminent and unexpected meeting. It does not always bring joy and satisfaction. To recognize what a bird is trying to tell us by its appearance, you need to look closely at it.

If the bird looks calm and friendly, then the upcoming meeting or event will be peaceful and successful. If the pigeon looks disheveled and frightened, then you need to prepare yourself for a cold attitude and the upcoming difficult conversation.

Actions when I was sitting in the apartment, trying to get through the glass, and shitting others

  • He sat down and sits . If a pigeon has flown in, landed on the sash or window sill and sits, then this can be regarded as a good sign. Don’t rush to drive the bird away; treat it with some treat.
  • Shit .
    When a flying pigeon shits on furniture or the floor and then flies out of an open window, it means money and good luck. You can probably expect advancement up the career ladder with an increase in salary, or an unexpected inheritance or winning the lottery. Reference . If such a situation occurs, then you can try your luck and buy a lottery ticket, perhaps fortune will be on your side.
  • He immediately flew away . If a bird flew in and immediately flew out, then difficulties in life await you, but they can be overcome, you will be able to cope with troubles.
  • Walking . If an unexpected guest walks along the window and looks in from time to time, then this is good news. It is worth remembering that pigeons are attracted to good people; they are unlikely to fly to bad people.
  • Screams . A bird has flown in and screams - unfortunately.
  • Starts to build a nest on the balcony . If a pigeon begins to build a nest on the balcony, then this is a sign of financial well-being and protection from various troubles.
  • Flew up and died . A pigeon flying into an apartment and immediately dying promises trouble. Perhaps your big work contracts will fall through, important deals will not take place, your trip to the sea will be cancelled, you will have to postpone the purchase of your dream, etc. A dead dove means that a difficult period awaits you and you need to gain strength to overcome it without serious losses.
  • Crashed . If a bird collides with a person, then you should be more careful. This is not a bad sign, you just need to be alert and not miss your chance if possible. As soon as you take advantage of the opportunity, success and good fortune will immediately await you.
  • Touched with his wing . When a dove touches a person with its wing, it promises changes in life in the very near future, long-awaited and pleasant ones at that. In addition, touching the wing leads to success in love affairs and in finance.
  • Coos . When a pair of doves arrives and starts cooing, it means that there will soon be a wedding in this house. If a married couple already lives in the apartment, then for them cooing doves are a symbol of peace, prosperity and prosperity. Also, cooing pigeons are considered a sign of protection from various troubles, poverty, the evil eye and other negative things.
  • It flew and hit the glass .
    If a dove hits the glass in the first half of the day, then this means good news and an imminent marriage. In the second half - to big troubles or the loss of a loved one. Reference . The pigeon's behavior matters. If he is calm, this is a good sign, but if he struggles vigorously after a blow, this is bad news.
  • Attacks . If a pigeon flew up and pecked you on the shoulder, then reconsider your attitude towards people. Maybe someone is saying nasty things about you, acting hypocritically, and you don’t notice it. If a pigeon almost knocked you down, then surprises await you soon, but what they will be can only be guessed.
  • If he's just trying to get pregnant . A dove that is just about to fly into an apartment is a harbinger of good news.

Other signs with pigeons

The discovery of a pigeon feather, a nest, or a pigeon egg are signs that we have not previously covered.

If you suddenly find a pigeon feather, this may be a sign of several news at once:

  • Fulfillment of a wish or reconciliation with a person close to you;
  • Receiving a bonus at work;
  • Resolving a controversial issue in your favor;

You should not destroy a pigeon’s nest if suddenly the pigeons decide to settle on your balcony, because a nest built in this place will bring comfort and happiness to your home. Better feed him and make him feel good about you.

If you see that a pigeon is hatching eggs on your balcony, you should not get too angry, because this is a sign that there is harmony in your life and there is nothing unnecessary that could cause discomfort.

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Interpretation by color: white, black, red

In addition to the characteristics of a pigeon’s visit, its plumage, or rather its color, is of great importance. Depending on the color of the feathers, the appearance of an unexpected guest can be interpreted in different ways:

  1. A black or dark gray dove is a bad sign . He foreshadows imminent death. You should treat this with understanding, exercise caution, and begin to pay more attention to yourself and your loved ones living in the apartment.
  2. Red or brown in color - nothing to worry about . Such a dove promises a quick meeting with old friends, good luck in financial matters, or a dream trip.
  3. A white dove is a good sign . If such a dove often circles above the house, then wedding troubles will soon begin. And if there are two white birds (a dove and a dove) on the windowsill, then you will soon meet your love.

If you hold something in your beak and want to stay inside

  • Sometimes a bird that has flown into a house may hold grass or a leaf in its beak - this is a good sign. This means that you will soon learn some good news.
  • And if a dove has grain or bread in its beak, then this means an improvement in its financial condition.
    If you want the omen to work as expected, then you need to sprinkle some seeds or bread crumbs on the pigeon, and it is also necessary that the pigeon flies out of the apartment without problems.

Negative superstitions

  • Black or gray coloring is a negative symbol and predicts inevitable death. You need to carefully monitor the health of yourself and your loved ones;
  • Hit the window and flew away - a bad sign if the bird is gray in color;
  • Persistently nailed to the window - to minor troubles;
  • A weakened bird is unpleasant news;
  • Dead - a series of unfortunate incidents;
  • Often hitting the glass - this will lead to serious losses. Traces of blood on the surface are a dangerous sign;
  • Sitting on the windowsill, watching carefully - a warning of trouble;
  • He quickly flew into the kitchen - a dead man would soon appear;
  • Constantly flies to the balcony, breaking into the room - a signal of death;
  • A bird accidentally hits the hood of a car - the owner is using dishonest means to achieve his goals;
  • Scares family or is afraid - poverty, financial difficulties;

  • Crashed into a car opening - an accident on the road is possible;
  • The bird hit the glass - tragic news;
  • Being knocked down or crushed by a car is a serious obstacle in business;
  • Alarmed people cooing on the balcony - to quarrels and insults;
  • Climbed into a room with a patient - a slow recovery and worsening condition are predicted;
  • To kill and eat meat - a person is doomed to endless troubles;
  • Pecked on the hand - conflict with colleagues or loved ones;
  • Blue-winged birds are fighting - a difficult showdown is expected;
  • The same one always flies in - the inhabitant of the apartment is lonely.

Depending on who saw it

  • If a dove flies to the window of an unmarried woman, then she will soon meet her lover and receive a marriage proposal. If a bird circles around the window, it means the young man misses it.
  • A dove that constantly flies to a married couple portends pregnancy.
  • For older people, the arrival of pigeons means a peaceful old age.
  • If a bird flies into the nursery window, then the children will be healthy and obedient.

Signs by the hour

  • 0–3. Difficulties at work are foreshadowed. The person will resist the ideas of management. It will take effort to convince the boss, but the result will please you;
  • 4–6. There will be disappointment in your comrades. There are no people who will help in a difficult situation. Trust in acquaintances will be exhausted;
  • 7–9. Long-term sympathy, but feelings will not develop into a serious relationship. Love will be unrequited and end in separation;
  • 10–12. The sign indicates a meeting with relatives. The person will participate energetically in discussions. Pleasant memories of the evening will remain for a long time;

  • 12–15. Small circumstances will improve life. The care and attention of those around you will become motivation to do what you love;
  • 16–21. A chance to meet an old acquaintance on the street. A short conversation will bring a positive attitude and charge you with emotions;
  • 22–0. A harbinger of friendship. Thanks to communication, your status in society will increase. Connections will provide the basis for career growth and professional success.

How to behave?

If a pigeon flies onto the balcony, do not worry and immediately drive the bird out. Take this as a sign, call your loved ones, friends, find out how they are doing, ask about their health.

If you do not want pigeons to live on your balcony, then you can use the following methods:

  1. Hang reflective objects (foil, discs, etc.).
  2. Pull the mesh.
  3. Pour sunflower oil on the windowsill.
  4. Sprinkle mustard, cloves and pepper on the balcony.

Pigeon on the loggia

If a pigeon suddenly flew onto a loggia or balcony, you should expect a new addition to the family. Perhaps you will soon become pregnant unplanned or a planned and long-awaited event will occur.

If a dove flies into the loggia of older people, then perhaps the bird wants to convey good news: they will soon have grandchildren.

Very often, birds choose houses where comfort and peace reign in order to spend the winter themselves and be closer to kind and sympathetic people. If the bird does not interfere, there is no need to drive it away. And if it causes some discomfort, it is enough to simply build a feeder so that your pets do not feel hungry in the winter. Such care for your feathered friends will bring happiness to your home.

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