Black and red rats: high damage from a small enemy

Decorative rodents have been living with humans for quite a long time.
Different breeds of rats, or rather their varieties, differ in head and body shape, coat structure and color. Exotic species require special care because they are more vulnerable. It is worth understanding what kinds of decorative rat breeds there are. Let's look at the breeds of rats with photographs and names, and make sure that the fixed mutations are very diverse, for every taste.

Appearance of a rodent


The fur color of the red rat ranges from gray with a brownish-red tint of varying degrees of intensity, to almost black (the color is affected by temperature, habitat, and nutrition).

The back is much darker in color than the belly. The body is compact, up to 25 cm long in some old individuals. The muzzle is short, blunt, wide, with a pair of black beady eyes.

The ears are pink, short, oval, covered with short-pile fur on the outside, but almost bare on the inside.

The length of the grayish-pink tail is significantly less than the length of the body (one of the main landmarks that allows one to distinguish a red rat or pasyuk from a black rat by eye).

The limbs are short with pink paws, the pads are small. All paws have separately located prehensile toes. The front legs are much shorter than the hind legs .

There are small membranes between the toes of the hind legs. All fingers have one sharp claw.

Black rat

The color of black rats does not always correspond to the name of the species. In addition to animals with rich graphite-gray , there are animals with red, light gray skin color.

The fur on the belly is much lighter than the color of the entire skin and has a yellowish tint.

The maximum size of an adult is 23 cm . The length of the tail exceeds - sometimes significantly - the length of the body .

The eyes are black, small and shiny.

The ears are thin, large, closer to a round shape, beige-pink and almost bare, with sparse short fur.

The limbs are short , the hind legs are longer than the front ones. The fingers are separately located, tenacious, with a sharp claw on each.

Other breeds

Through the process of crossing different species, many different breeds were developed. Some of them are not officially recognized because they are considered abnormal.

  1. Rex. The fur of this species of rat is curly and stiff. It seems to be sticking out in different directions. These animals have short, curling whiskers.

  2. Double rex. This variety has a striking distinctive feature, as it is susceptible to molting. Because of this, areas of curly hair alternate with bald spots. When hair grows on bald areas, it begins to fall out on those that had vegetation. These rats are not officially recognized.
  3. The breed of long-haired rats is otherwise called satin. Such animals do not differ in size from standard rats, but their fur is slightly elongated and very shiny.
  4. Husky. This species resembles a dog breed of the same name. On the animal’s muzzle there is a white mask of the same shape as that of dogs of this breed. They have the amazing feature of changing the color of their coat throughout their lives (colored wool is eventually replaced by white hairs).

    Husky breed

  5. Curly rats resemble lambs in appearance. They have a velvety, shiny and curly coat. On their bellies it can be either regular or curly.
  6. Wavy. These animals have thick, soft, fluffy and wavy fur.
  7. Odd-eyed. This is the most unusual type of rodent. The eyes of its representatives have different colors.

Rats are smart, beautiful, flexible and plastic animals. They are loved and bred by many. These rodents have helped humanity many times. For example, with their help, many drugs have been developed that save human lives. However, children and many adults love them simply for what they are, because they are quite cute and friendly. Now you have become acquainted with all types and breeds of decorative rats. It's time to go buy a pet!

Great article 23


Next, you can clearly see the red rat in the photo:

And, of course, photos of black rats:

Rat head

The head of a rodent has the following features:

  • quite large in size;
  • elongated shape;
  • pointed nose;
  • rounded miniature ears;
  • small eyes.

The rat's head has two parts - front and back. It is separated from the rat's body by the neck. The rodent's ears are shaped like a movable shell. The auditory canal runs through its base along the temporal bone.

Distribution and reproduction

The vitality and adaptability of red rats allowed them to settle in all corners of the planet , except for the arid desert and arctic regions.

They prefer to settle closer to human habitation, choosing places with a mandatory source of water .

The animals are extremely prolific . In a year, a female can give birth to three offspring with a litter of up to 20 viable young . Young individuals become capable of reproduction from the age of three months.

The black rat also has a wide habitat, but prefers places with a warm climate . It is found in all regions of the continents, except the Arctic and desert.

The black rat on the American continents gravitates towards port areas, as it loses in clashes to the red rat that lives on these continents.

Reproduction is less active than that of the Pasyuk due to the smaller number of cubs in litters - up to 6 pups . An adult female becomes pregnant 2–3 times per year.

Breeding of decorative rats

Most often, rats are bred for profit or for the purpose of selection, breeding or improvement of the breed. In any case, this activity requires special knowledge.

How to determine gender

There's a girl in front of us

Already at three weeks of age, little rat pups have clearly expressed sexual characteristics . Males have enlarged testicles (testicles). Females do not have them. But newborn rat pups also have distinctive features that can be used to determine the sex of the animal with a high degree of probability. In females, the rudiments of nipples are visible on the abdomen.


At the age of 5 weeks, decorative rats become sexually mature. But mating is permissible only after reaching 8–10 months of age. Earlier matings are possible for breeding males.

Required conditions for reproduction:

  • individuals must not have birth defects;
  • the male and herself must be healthy;
  • mating between close relatives is unacceptable.

In order for the female to become pregnant, she is left in a cage alone with the male for 2–3 days . It is important to make sure that the animals “like” each other. To do this, the owners take the rats in their hands and give them the opportunity to sniff each other. If there is no aggression, the rodents are released into the house and left alone.

Attention! Fertilization of a female is possible only during her estrus period, which lasts 12–20 hours and occurs every 4–7 days.


Pregnancy in rats proceeds at an accelerated rate

Pregnancy in decorative rats is fleeting and lasts only 21–23 days . If complications occur, premature birth is possible. If they occur on days 18–19 of pregnancy or later, the pups will be viable. If earlier, there is a high risk of death of the offspring.

First signs of pregnancy:

  • the female's body takes on a pear-shaped shape;
  • the stomach is rounded and increases in size;
  • nipples enlarge;
  • the female becomes less active and her appetite increases.

If there are few cubs, all these signs may become pronounced only in the last week of pregnancy. On average, a female bears up to 10 rat pups. In the second half of pregnancy, you can feel the movement of the offspring by placing your fingers on your pet's belly.

The first sign of approaching birth is the female’s desire to build a nest..

The birth process proceeds as follows:

  • bloody discharge from the vagina appears;
  • contractions begin, during which the animal lies on its side or back and begins to stretch out;
  • when the pups begin to emerge, the female assumes a sitting position;
  • She removes the birth membrane from each cub with her teeth and licks it.

On average, labor lasts 1–3 hours.

How to care for newborn rat pups

Rats are very caring mothers

Decorative rats are caring parents. In the first few days, the mother does not leave the offspring, and at this time it is not advisable to pick up and examine the rat pups . Having smelled a foreign odor, the female can eat them. A nursing mother must be provided with adequate nutrition.

By the end of the second week of life, the pups will begin to open their eyes. During this entire period of time, the temperature in the nest should be maintained at 38–39°C. By the third week of life, the animals begin to be active and interested in the world around them. The mother spends all her free time next to them. The cubs can be examined to determine the offspring only in the absence of the female. She can be distracted by food or simply removed from the cage.

On the 15th–16th day of life, little rat pups begin to actively explore and taste the surrounding objects. They happily eat food intended for adult rats. Therefore, its quantity needs to be increased. In order to avoid injury to animals, small and sharp objects are removed from the cage.


The redhead's most active activity begins at dusk and night . In situations of food shortage, rodents are active at any time of the day.

Red rat:

  • An extremely intelligent animal with intelligence (this allows it to live next to a person without much harm to health, even with active methods of fighting it).
  • Capable of cannibalism when there is a lack of food (this ability is used to obtain rat catchers from among his fellow tribesmen).
  • It has good jumping ability (jump height is up to 70 cm, length is up to one and a half meters).
  • Well tamed.
  • She is vindictive.

GOOD TO KNOW: A wounded or cornered rodent proceeds to attack, regardless of the size of the enemy.

The black rat is a crepuscular and nocturnal animal.

Resistant to toxic substances.

Unlike the Pasyuk, individuals of the black species are less intelligent and not so courageous. But they are much higher in intellectual development than other rodents.

Use as pets

Thanks to their natural intelligence, rats are easy to train. Most often, gray rodents become pets.

Caring for rats is not difficult. The animals are friendly and clean, but when feeding your pets you should follow moderation and listen to the advice of specialists and a veterinarian.

Important! Such rodents should not be kept alone. These animals are accustomed to living collectively; they feel good only in the company of their relatives.

Harm to human farmer

IMPORTANT! Any species of rodents can be carriers of dangerous infectious diseases (leptospirosis, plague, rabies).

Farmers' losses from rats have always been impressive:

  • Both types of rodents damage agricultural crops at any stage of plant development (especially in conditions of shortage of other food).
  • Feeding on tree bark threatens the viability of gardens.
  • Adults hunt young poultry and feast on eggs with pleasure.
  • They physically spoil the harvest of grains, vegetables, fruits, and contaminate stored food with excrement (they eat any type of food suitable for humans).
  • Gnawing through containers increases food losses during transportation and storage.

Statistics on the dangers of rats for the economies of countries:

  • India – 750 million rupees.
  • USA – 300 million annually.
  • Denmark - 10 million crowns.
  • Great Britain - 15 million f.s.

Features of caring for decorative rats

Rats do not require too much space; they only need a small cage with ladders of various shapes, a house, a hammock, a wheel, where they can run or play with any other accessories.

They are also particularly unpretentious in nutrition and are considered omnivores. However, as for the correct diet, it definitely must be present, since the rodent needs all the useful substances and microelements for good health and excellent mood. It is enough to feed rats twice a day, morning and evening. At night the portion should be larger.

This is due to the fact that these creatures are nocturnal inhabitants. The diet must contain grains, cereals, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Don't forget to regularly change the water in the drinking bowl so that your pet doesn't suffer from thirst.

The main disadvantage of these cute creatures is their short lifespan. In general, rats do not live longer than three years, and this applies to absolutely all breeds. Therefore, an important piece of advice when you buy a pet is to choose a rat that is no more than one and a half months old.

With proper care, any breed of domestic decorative rat you like will always delight you and your child with excellent health and good mood.

Value your health

A large rodent with a long tail emerging from the water warns of the onset of a viral disease. Vanga's dream book recommends paying attention to your daily routine. It’s even better if you can find a good tour and go on a long trip. Relaxing in the mountains and on famous beaches is an indispensable medicine for a tired body.

An annoying mammal in a dream speaks of having friends who flatter for their own gain. To kill or kill him in any way means to deal with secret enemies in reality. The main thing is not to rush into anxiety - any action of ill-wishers can always be prevented and turned to your benefit.


Division of colors

Color is the color or shade of the fur of a decorative rat. Currently, there is a fairly large number of shades, and they are all divided into uniform, ticked and combined, silver and marked:

  • Uniform colors are when all the hairs are the same color and tone. For example, black - the coat is black from root to tip. The undercoat is extremely dark. There may be other colors - blue, Russian blue, smoky blue.
  • Ticked colors. Ticking is uneven hair coloring. In other words, there are zones on the wool that are colored in different colors. Among these non-standardly colored hairs, guard hairs of the same tone are identically interspersed. Agouti-colored rats are ticked.
  • Silver color is absolutely any of the generally recognized colors. They can be uniform and ticked. Their main feature is the periodic repetition of silver and colored hairs in the same amount. All silver hair should be mostly white, although it is acceptable to have a colored tip. The skin of such an animal gives the impression of shine and sparkle. If few white hairs are observed, the color is not recognized as such. In order not to confuse the silver color with pearl, the silver color should be clearly expressed.
  • Combined colors are a combination of several colors. All shades can participate, with the exception of white. Multicolor extends to the entire body of the rodent in accordance with the standard. This includes Siamese colors - Siamese and Himalayan.
  • Marked - a combination of white and colored areas of the hair. And marking is a pattern that involves a certain combination of white and colored areas.

A direct relationship has been established between the color of the hair coat and the color of the eyes of the animal. The shade of the eyes directly depends on the color of the coat. Quite often, white rats have red or black eyes.

Explanations taken from Miller's dream book

Psychologists consider a red rat in a dream a sign warning of danger. If a woman dreams of a mammal, you should be concerned with issues of your own reputation. But a large tame individual with whom you managed to make friends means profit, expensive gifts and very successful purchases.

Miller’s dream book recommends considering why a red rat is dreamed of, remembering the smallest details of the dream:

  • homemade and completely tame - good news;
  • aggressive and hungry - to tireless enemies;
  • floating in water - to illness;
  • caught in a trap - to exposure;
  • dead - to losses.

Pest Control

The extermination of gray rats is carried out all over the world. Despite this, their numbers remain constant. Humanity is forced to fight rodents, inventing different designs, drugs, and means for this.

A poison of instant, long-lasting action is used against rodents. Traps, traps, adhesive substances, poisonous baits, folk remedies with a repellent odor. The newest invention of mankind is ultrasonic repellers and electric traps. The method is selected based on one’s own preferences and places of rodent infestation.

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