Demodicosis in humans - photos, types, signs, symptoms and treatment

100% of people over 18 years of age have demodex mites

Recently, a research article published in the Public Online Scientific Library PLOS ONE (USA) [2] confirmed: “100% of people over 18 years of age have demodex mites”!

In the past, the prevalence and diversity of Demodex mites were poorly understood because... The traditional sampling method was used: "microscopic analysis", in which only 12–25% of adults were found to have Demodex mites on their faces.

This study used a new molecular method to assess the prevalence of Demodex mites in humans by collecting DNA from people's faces. The results showed that the face of every adult in the experiment had Demodex mite DNA, indicating that Demodex mites are indeed present on the facial skin of every person.

Causes of acne mite activity

The mite under the skin begins to actively multiply as soon as the sebaceous ducts or hair follicles are filled with excess sebum. This happens due to increased work of the sebaceous glands, which is facilitated by:

  • poor nutrition;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • nervous disorders;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • climate change;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • daily application of oily cosmetics.

The first symptoms of reproduction of the subcutaneous demodex parasite in humans appear immediately when the immune system is weakened. This means that the causes of demodicosis can be any disease that has undermined the body’s immune forces. This could be a common cold or a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main manifestations of demodicosis in humans

– the skin becomes constantly oily, greasiness increases, – pores expand, – redness in the central part of the facial skin, – the general condition of the skin is unhealthy, the complexion is earthy-gray, – skin inflammations appear: acne, acne, pustules, papules, pustules, blackheads , acne, sores, – itching, – facial skin becomes flabby, lumpy – facial expressions become difficult, – puffiness of the face and nose occurs, – hair and eyelashes fall out (if the hair is damaged).

The rapid progression of demodicosis is dangerous due to the appearance of difficult-to-remove cosmetic defects: scars, potholes, scars.

Untreated demodicosis can lead to an enlarged nose (rhinophyma), inflamed eyes (blepharitis), eyelashes to fall out, and early baldness.

Who is at risk?

This disease develops regardless of a person’s age and gender. But there is a certain group of people who are more susceptible to Demodex infection.


This occurs against the background of decreased immunity caused by:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnancy;
  • transitional age;
  • menopause;
  • oncology;
  • skin diseases (seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, acne);
  • food intoxication.

People with sensitive thin and oily skin are also at risk.

Etiology and pathogenesis of demodicosis

Two species of Demodex mites that cause demodicosis were found in humans: Demodex folliculorum (Simon G., Germany 1842) and Demodex brevis (Akbulatova L.Kh., Russia, 1963).

Demodex folliculorum is a type of skin mite that lives in hair follicles. Demodex causes pimples, acne and the skin disease demodicosis . Parasitic mites that infect animals and humans.

The term Demodex was coined by Richard Owen in 1843 for this genus [3], borrowing from the Greek "demo" (fat) and "dex" (worm) to describe the shape and positioning preferences of this organism.

Demodex are eight-legged, spiny arachnid mites measuring 0.3-0.4 mm that live in the pores of the facial skin. They are especially fond of oily pores, most commonly found on the nose, forehead and cheeks, as well as the hair follicles of the eyebrows and eyelashes.

The body of the demodex mite is colorless, covered with bristles for attachment to hair follicles. They have pin-shaped mouthparts for eating skin cells and oils that accumulate in hair follicles.

Demodex mites live by feeding on the cells that form hair follicles, skin care products, and sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands. Subcutaneous demodex mites are accomplices of many pathogenic bacteria. Every evening, subcutaneous mites come out from the hair follicles to the surface of the skin, and, returning back to the hair follicles, they introduce a huge number of harmful pathogenic bacteria located on the surface of the skin.

In addition, by secreting a large number of secretions, subcutaneous demodex mites disrupt normal metabolism. The skin becomes inflamed, becomes lumpy, acquires a dirty gray tint, pimples, blackheads, ulcers, enlarged pores appear on it, the oiliness of the skin increases, roughening of the skin and other problems appear. The feeling of crawling and itching in the affected areas is disturbing.

The reproductive cycle of tick development occurs as follows: egg, larva, nymph 1 (protonymph), nymph 2 (deutonymph), adult (mature tick). The development cycle ranges from 15-25 days. The female lays eggs in the cavities of the hair follicles. After 60 hours, a larva emerges from them, motionless and feeding intensively. After 40 hours, the larva turns into nymph 1, and after 72 hours into nymph 2, mobile, moving along the skin. After 60 hours, the nymph turns into an adult, which, after laying eggs in the follicle, dies there. Intensive reproduction of demodex mites causes atrophy and dysfunction of the skin.

The characteristic location of mites is the so-called “Demodex triangle”: wings of the nose, nasolabial fold, chin. The mite also affects eyelashes, ears, scalp, and neck. And with a long course of the disease, Demodex mites are detected on the skin of the chest, very rarely in the back area (0.5-0.7% of observations).

Humans are susceptible to infection by two types of demodex mites: Demodex Folliculorum and Demodex Brevis. Of which Demodex Brevis is more dangerous, it is more difficult to treat.

Causes of demodex

As we have already noted, demodex lives on the skin of about 97% of the population; in many cases, patients are not even aware of its presence and the activity it produces. Such a hidden presence is due to the fact that if there are up to three individuals of this mite within the gland, it simply cannot lead to any pronounced skin changes. Meanwhile, an increase in this number causes the spread of the disease.

The action of demodex occurs according to a scenario in which the normal microflora inherent in the skin undergoes damage, leading to a characteristic failure, which becomes the “starting point” in the spread of demodicosis. In the standard mode of life of a tick, its location is concentrated within the radius of the main layer of the skin, which is why the body’s immune system does not react to it. Meanwhile, certain phenomena aimed at influencing within the specified layer and, accordingly, the mite’s habitat (for example, the use of corticosteroid ointments) lead to the fact that the demodex female begins to lay eggs deeper, that is, under the skin.

Following this, reactions to such an invasion are formed on the part of the body, which manifests itself in certain chemical disturbances affecting the sebum on the surface of the skin against the background of regular exposure from the results of the tick’s vital activity. This leads to a reaction of the immune system and to its increase, which leads to the irritation characteristic of demodicosis. The body’s reaction itself is normal, that is, this is exactly how the body should react to the influence of a foreign organism (Demodex in our case) in the area in which it is unacceptable. Ultimately, the demodex mite not only acts as a factor provoking the wrong type of pathological reaction from the body, but also leads to its subsequent development.

There are suggestions that the symptoms of chronic demodicosis develop due to decreased immunity, which determines the subsequent spread of the mite. In addition, the disease can be triggered by already noted disruptions in metabolic processes (in particular in lipid metabolism), gastrointestinal diseases, stress and prolonged nervous tension, mental and neuroendocrine diseases, as well as diseases directly related to the functions of the immune system. Pregnancy with accompanying changes at the hormonal level can also give impetus to the development of demodicosis.

What is noteworthy is that the use of cosmetics can also lead to infection with demodex, moreover, even cosmetics of elite and quite expensive brands. A condition for this, in particular, is the content of a certain type of bioadditives and hormones in such cosmetics. The same applies to solariums, self-tanning and frequent visits to baths, saunas, and swimming pools (due to exposure to chlorinated water).

The condition of the skin also worsens when washing or using scrubs (which only ensures the spread of the pathogen into new territories). Also, transmission of demodicosis quite often occurs from domestic parrots, through feather pillows, and in rural areas this is relevant in terms of transmission of ticks through straw and hay. Additionally, alcohol and smoking are traditionally included; oral contraceptives are often also cited as causes of demodicosis.

Women with thin and sensitive skin are most susceptible to the disease; moreover, the incidence in 90% of cases is observed in women.

Types of demodicosis in humans

There are many types of demodicosis depending on:

  • location (the disease can appear on any part of the body, but in most cases the face is affected);
  • form of rash (possible not only redness of the skin (erythema), but also pustules, acne, scars, hypertrophy of the skin).

The most common types of demodicosis with photos are presented below:

  • demodicosis on the face;
  • demodicosis of the eyelids;
  • demodicosis on the body;
  • demodicosis of the head.


The whole point of diagnostic measures is to study the effect of the tick on the body.
Diagnosis of a disease involves not only detecting infection, but also determining the number of microorganisms. In most cases, to confirm the diagnosis, a laboratory research method such as studying scrapings from damaged tissue is used. If more accurate data is needed, you will need to use a special extractor that can be used to extract the contents of the hair follicles. You can determine the presence of a tick in other ways. There is a special procedure to obtain accurate data. To do this, cyanoacrylate is applied to the patient's skin. After applying the glue, the treated area of ​​skin is covered with special glass. After the composition has dried, the glass is removed from the surface of the skin. As a result of this procedure, specialists obtain not only a sample of the stratum corneum, but also most of the contents of the follicle.

In microscopic examinations, the sample is examined within five minutes after it is removed. To determine the number of microorganisms, an area of ​​skin measuring one square centimeter is examined. The standard indicator for confirming the diagnosis is the presence of more than five ticks in the above area. If fewer microorganisms are detected, serious drug treatment will not be required.

Demodectic mange on the face

Externally, demodicosis looks like inflammation of the skin, accompanied by redness and pustules. Usually drying out pustules and pustules become covered with a purulent crust.


Signs of demodex mites vary from person to person. We present only the most common ones:

  • Pimples, acne, rashes, rosacea, pustules, sores, etc. on the face are most often a symptom of demodex. With a long process, acne occurs on the skin of the back, chest and even thighs.
  • Red spots on the face.
  • Increased oily skin, enlarged pores. The affected areas appear moist, greasy, and have a characteristic shine. Usually the skin on the nose and cheeks is affected.
  • Pale or sallow-gray complexion.
  • Lumpy facial skin. Rough “scar” tissue and many small hard lumps of calcium form in the thickness of the skin, which leads to an unhealthy complexion and lumpy skin.
  • Difficulty in facial movements.
  • Increasing the size of the nose. Sometimes very significant, then the nose begins to resemble a huge blue-red plum (the disease is called “rhinophyma”).
  • Itching, slight tickling, crawling sensation. Sometimes people don't notice the tickling and the scratching happens automatically. The itching intensifies in the evening and continues throughout the night. This time is the period of the most active life of ticks; usually then they mate.

Can it be cured?

In Russia, this dermatosis is classified as an incurable disease. The only drugs that can cure demodicosis once and for all are the modern complex “Demodex Complex”, which has no analogues. Only the use of these specialized natural remedies developed for the treatment of demodicosis in humans made it possible to avoid repeated exacerbations of the disease (relapses).

When using other products widely available on the market, the main task of dermatologists during treatment is:

  • eliminate unpleasant external manifestations;
  • transfer the disease into remission;
  • try to delay the inevitable relapse of the disease as much as possible.

Unfortunately, demodicosis often worsened for no apparent reason. It is impossible to say exactly over what period of time this will happen. People lived in constant tension. Regular outbreaks of the disease spoiled their plans, disrupted important planned meetings, and worsened relationships with people.

If you have been diagnosed with demodex, facial skin treatment requires a professional approach:

Treatment of demodex = destruction of subcutaneous demodex mites + control of sebum secretion + treatment of skin, acne

The developers have been specializing only in the skin form of the disease for more than 30 years - the treatment of demodicosis on the face, body, and scalp.

In areas of inflammation, Xinsheng cream (Demodex Complex series) causes an accelerated inflammatory reaction. The cream is like a catalyst for it. This initial process of treating demodicosis in humans will remind many of familiar methods of therapy, for example, benzyl benzoate. But unlike them, the products of the “Demodex Complex” series not only effectively kill the tick, but then with the “Kang” cream (the “Demodex Complex” series) restores the skin, changes the chemical composition of sebum, normalizes the functioning of pores, reduces the risk of re-infection, and also gives the skin a well-groomed appearance, comparable to the effect of visiting elite beauty salons.

And at the same time, most importantly, there is no harm to the body. These wonderful facial transformations restore people’s lost peace of mind, joy of life, self-confidence and qualitatively change the attitude of others. The “Demodex Complex” product series gives you healthy, beautiful skin! That's why the popularity of the Demodex Complex series is growing at such a rapid pace!

Signs of rapid reproduction

Knowing how to identify a subcutaneous tick in a person, you can begin effective treatment in a timely manner. Studies have shown that the first signs of infection appear on the second day after a healthy person comes into contact with a sick person. The penetration of insects under the human skin leads to a slight pinkness, but it is soon discovered that the face is red and itchy due to the fact that the iron ore mite on the face has begun to multiply rapidly.

Demodicosis is characterized by the presence of a prodromal period preceding the appearance of specific clinical signs. At this time, the patient may experience flushes of painful blush after alcohol, spicy or smoked food, or when excited. The red spots that appear on the skin at this time resemble rose petals or flames, which is why the disease is also called “rosacea.”

Signs of rosacea

The course of the disease has three distinct stages.

  • Erythematous. It is characterized by persistent redness of the skin that lasts for a long time. Skin color can vary from soft pink to bright red or bluish. At this stage, vascular bundles and asterisks often appear.
  • Papular-pustular. This steel is characterized by the formation of pustules and pimples. The skin in the affected area becomes thicker and pustules appear.
  • Hypertrophic. Characteristic of a complicated course or a case where treatment for subcutaneous mites in humans has not been started. The sebaceous glands become greatly enlarged, and peculiar bumps appear on the face and head, most often in the area of ​​the nose, mouth, chin, earlobes or on the eyelids.

Porous facial skin

If the patient's immune system is weakened, insects will spread rapidly. In this case, the skin becomes porous, and a characteristic “snow squeak” appears when palpated; however, the absence of acne can create a feeling of well-being even in young patients. Severe infestation leads to the appearance of mites in the internal organs of the patient, where they are located freely feeding on the entire surface of their body or acquiring the ability to breathe without oxygen (anaerobic).

The diagnosis is made taking into account external signs and laboratory tests.

Demodectic mange should be suspected if the following symptoms appear:

  • Characteristic redness of the skin that occurs for no apparent reason.
  • The appearance of rosacea on the skin of the face, located in irregularly shaped groups, reminiscent of dermotoxicosis or urticaria.
  • Severe itching, relieved by low temperatures and the use of antihistamines.
  • If treatment is not started, the patient notices that the skin on the face has become lumpy, and disruption of the integrity of the abscesses leads to further spread of the disease.
  • One of the symptoms may be a subcutaneous rash on the forehead.

Symptoms of subcutaneous mites in humans


Testing for subcutaneous mites is the key to making a correct diagnosis and effective treatment. Demodex infection can have a different course; asymptomatic carriage is often found, in which there are no external signs. Therefore, you need to know how to recognize a tick with high accuracy.

Testing for subcutaneous mites

By looking at a skin scraping under a microscope, you can find out what a mite looks like under human skin. In order for the analysis to give unambiguous results, you need to follow the following recommendations.

  • 2-3 days before the procedure, stop taking medications and using cosmetics.
  • You should not wash your face before scraping.

The scraping is applied to a glass slide and examined under a microscope. Ticks look like thin long bodies, and their larvae look like oblong dark grains. In the video you can see how this happens:

Self-analysis is carried out using adhesive tape, which is attached to the forehead at night, and examined under a microscope in the morning.

Demodectic mange on the human body

Often the disease affects the back, buttocks, and less often other parts of the body.

  • Itching of the ears.

Demodicosis is an unpleasant disease, but it can be completely cured. For decades, scientists have been trying to find a truly effective remedy that allows patients to completely cure demodicosis and not be afraid of repeated relapses. Today we can confidently say that these attempts were crowned with success. This result was achieved with the advent of the famous international brand Demodex Complex.

Demodicosis requires treatment; the disease does not go away on its own. The aggravating factor is the rapid progression of the disease: starting in a small area of ​​skin, after a few months the entire face can become inflamed.

Types of demodicosis in humansIs demodicosis contagious among people?Negative consequences for humans
Demodectic mange on the faceNo– The disease can become chronic – Attachment of a bacterial or fungal infection – Scarring of facial skin
Demodectic mange of the eyelidsNo– Deterioration of visual acuity – Loss of eyelashes
Demodectic mange on the bodyNoThe disease can spread to new areas
Demodicosis of the headNoPremature hair loss, baldness

The dermatologist decides how to treat demodicosis in humans, depending on the nature of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.

What does demodicosis look like in humans: photos, symptoms and signs

Signs of the disease depend on the individual characteristics of the human body’s reaction to the vital activity of the pathogen – the subcutaneous mite.

The demodex mite parasitizes 95% of the world's population. Most people do not even suspect that they are carriers, because demodex does not manifest itself in any way: the mite does not cause demodicosis or any external manifestations. The disease progresses in only 15%; patients suffer from itching in the area of ​​skin affected by Demodex and facial disfigurement. What demodicosis looks like in humans, see the photo below:

Demodicosis is a chronic skin disease in which phases of exacerbation and subsidence periodically alternate. There are several stages of demodicosis in an affected person.

The stages of the disease are the stages of disease development over time, starting with the mildest skin lesions and ending with the most severe.

There are four stages of pathology in total:

Stage 1. Erythematous. Stage 2. Papular-pustular. Stage 3. Hypertrophic Stage 4. Chronic

There are 4 manifestations (forms) in total. They characterize the severity of damage to the dermis, namely:

What is the danger of subcutaneous mite infection?

Infection with subcutaneous mites (red scabies or (by the name of the pathogen) demodicosis) threatens even those pets that never go outside.

The tick bite itself does not pose a danger to the pet, but it brings a lot of unpleasant sensations to it.

If treatment is not treated promptly, your pet may develop problems:

  • aesthetic: skin lesions;
  • loss of a significant part of the coat;
  • hormonal;
  • allergic.
  • The severity of the skin disease depends on the type of microorganism infecting the animal and the breed of cat (some have a higher risk of infection).

    Erythematous demodicosis

    Demodicosis on the face in women. Erythematous form.

    A disease caused by the demodex mite. It appears as inflamed skin with slight redness of the skin (erythema). The mildest form of the disease demodicosis: on the face of women and men, red spots are accompanied by mild itching and increased fat content.


    The disease develops gradually. At the first, mildest stage, the following symptoms appear:

    • A week or two before the onset of the disease, in most patients, red spots up to 1 cm in size periodically begin to appear on the skin, looking very much like a mosquito bite;
    • After 3-5 days, single pustules appear at the site of the spots;
    • Red spots grow over time;
    • At this mild stage, before the rash appears, patients often complain of itching in the area of ​​redness and significantly increased oiliness of the skin.


    It is a big mistake to assume at this stage that a mild form does not require treatment. According to scientific publications and dermatologists: “Demodicosis does not go away on its own; over time, the disease will only progress.”

    To relieve itching, doctors previously prescribed antihistamines (tablets): Suprastin, Tavegil. These medications do not treat demodicosis. Their task was only to relieve unpleasant symptoms, such as itching, in order to protect the patient from scratching the inflamed elements, which could lead to the spread of infection to healthy areas.

    Modern Demodex Complex preparations have made it possible to avoid taking pills during treatment: after applying the preparations, the itching stops within the first 2-3 minutes. A self-sufficient complex of 4 products: 2 creams (morning and evening), soap, tonic.

    Blood-sucking ticks

    Blood-sucking ticks are one of the most dangerous arachnid species. Their bite can be fatal, because these insects can be carriers of encephalitis, borreliosis and other infections.

    Blood-sucking ticks belong to different subgroups:

    1. Taiga tick. More common in Central Europe, Far East, Eurasia, but also found in other places.
    2. Dog tick. Lives in mixed forests. The dog tick differs from many of its counterparts in its long development - up to 7 years.
    3. Pasture mite. Habitats: meadows, pastures, open areas. Lives almost all over the planet. It varies in design with an enamel coating and a rounded end of the body.
    4. Hualomny mite. A more powerful (large) tick compared to the species presented above. Habitat and residence: Southern part of Europe.

    The fight against blood-sucking ticks is the main issue at epidemic-themed events. Classic destruction (poisoning), unfortunately, is impossible due to the harmful effects of chemicals on the natural environment and its inhabitants. Development is underway on a large-scale introduction of another animal that can suppress blood-sucking ticks without creating medical problems.

    Papular-pustular demodicosis

    Demodicosis on the face in women. Papular-pustular form.

    Pustular-papular demodicosis is a skin lesion in which pustules, acne, and a bumpy, painful rash appear against the background of erythema (see photo).


    The most distinctive symptom of pustular-papular demodicosis is pustules, which are located next to each other, clearly forming chains.

    Itching most often occurs in the evening, at night - this is the period of greatest activity of ticks, the time of their mating.

    How to treat?

    Treatment of this stage of the disease is carried out with 4 main drugs of the Demodex Complex series. Stages of treatment:

    Step. 1. Cleansing. Demodex Complex soap is used. Step 2. Toning. Tonic provides the best penetration ability for creams and ointments. Step 3. Applying cream. Affected areas of the skin (pustules, papules, pustules) are treated with Demodex Complex creams (morning and evening).

    Highly effective Demodex Complex products will quickly eliminate subcutaneous mites, relieve severe itching, and the skin will acquire a completely healthy appearance.

    Interesting facts: The main difference between modern drugs and outdated analogues - yam ointment, benzyl benzoate, sulfur ointment - treatment requires only 1 course, after which 99.999% of people will have the disease. Dermatologists recommend treating not only the affected areas of the skin (pustules), but the entire surface of the face with Demodex Complex. The demodex mite has 8 legs, with which it actively moves across the face at a speed of 8-10 mm/hour, easily infecting healthy areas of the skin.

    Drug treatment for subcutaneous mites

    As mentioned earlier, subcutaneous mites live in the upper layers of the integument, so classical antiparasitic agents remain ineffective in this case.

    In addition, Metronidazole, a favorite drug used by doctors, no longer shows adequate effectiveness. This makes its use relatively impractical. Although many doctors continue to actively use it.

    The best means to relieve the symptoms of demodicosis are local ointments and creams.

    The following medications remain the most effective:

    • Sulfuric ointment. It is sold in pharmacies. Excellent for getting rid of diseases on the face or other parts of the body. It is enough to apply it to problem areas several times a day and that’s it. In about a week, you can see a significant reduction in the severity of symptoms.
    • Permethrin and ichthyol ointments. They can be combined with each other or used separately. Both products cope well with demodicosis. A pronounced regression of symptoms on the face, back or other areas can be seen after 7 days. It is necessary to apply the product to problem areas 2-3 times a day.
    • Ointment based on tar. Another fairly effective treatment option. The principle of use is similar to the previous means. However, this drug has one very important (for many people) drawback - the smell. The strong specific aroma remains a serious obstacle to the regular use of tar on the face or body.

    In addition to external ointments and Metronidazole, physiotherapy demonstrates a good therapeutic effect. The most popular procedures remain those using low temperature, UV radiation and ozone. The selection of a specific treatment method is carried out by the doctor in order to maximize the positive result for the person.

    Hypertrophic demodicosis

    Photo: hypertrophic demodicosis (rhinophyma)

    Hypertrophic form - accompanied by hypertrophy of the skin, often by rhinophyma (changes in the nose, chin, disfiguring the face beyond recognition). It is advisable to treat facial demodicosis with cosmetics only at the very beginning, then only plastic surgery can help.

    Demodex Complex helps at three stages, while most other drugs are designed only for the initial stage, so relapses are inevitable when using them. When treating demodicosis with Demodex Complex, repeated manifestations are excluded.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The first signs of demodicosis begin to appear not during the period of mass reproduction of parasites, but when they die. This causes an allergic reaction of the body to decay products.

    Main symptoms of the disease:

    • annoying itching;
    • increased skin dryness;
    • tightened upper layer of the epidermis;
    • inflammation of the eyelids;
    • rash;
    • ulcerative ulcers;
    • greasy shine, even after washing;
    • swelling of the nose;
    • hair loss.
    • redness;
    • swelling;
    • enlarged pores;
    • pigmentation;
    • blepharitis;
    • feeling of sand in the eyes.

    It is impossible to establish a diagnosis purely by the presence of characteristic signs alone, since they are mainly inherent in other diseases. It is necessary to undergo examination by a dermatologist.

    Chronic demodicosis

    Photo: chronic demodicosis

    How to recognize?

    • The next rash regularly occurs after a remission of several months.
    • Moreover, the disease manifests itself with greater force, disfiguring new areas that were previously healthy.
    • formation of rashes in the form of pimples, blackheads
    • facial skin takes on a burgundy-bluish tint (photo on the right)
    • the structure of the skin becomes heterogeneous, often nodular formations of various diameters appear on it
    • itching
    • peeling
    • lesions grow rapidly
    • Staphylococcal infection is often associated, which worsens the condition of the face
    • If the outbreak of the disease has affected the scalp, then you can notice how the hair has become thinner, duller, and began to fall out more often

    We treat the disease

    Treatment with modern highly effective drugs Demodex Complex prevents the disease from progressing to the chronic stage

    Is it possible to get rid of demodicosis forever?

    The subcutaneous demodex mite is part of the healthy microflora of the human skin. Therefore, it will not be possible to get rid of it forever. But it is possible to make sure that the symptoms of the existence of a subcutaneous parasite never appear. To do this you need:

    • Refuse to use decorative cosmetics.
    • Stop frequenting baths, saunas, and solariums.
    • Constantly take care of strengthening your immune system.
    • Promptly treat diseases that disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
    • Watch your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Nervous disorders and frequent stress can also cause demodicosis. Therefore, you need to find suitable ways of relaxation - yoga, meditation, active recreation.

    How to treat a person

    In case of facial lesions in the recent past, a course of systemic therapy was indicated, which included:

    • taking tablets Metronidazole (Trichopol), Suprastin, Tavegil
    • At the same time, local therapy was carried out with ointments for demodicosis benzyl benzoate, yam ointment, sulfur ointment, aversectin ointment, permethrin ointment. Most of these drugs are veterinary; not a single ointment can cope with the disease on its own. The course of treatment consists of a combination of drugs. Due to similar semantics with other skin diseases, such as psoriasis, dermatitis, patients may be mistakenly prescribed medications containing hormones that are strictly prohibited for demodicosis. Be careful, if you are prescribed treatment with corticosteroid ointments, it must be discontinued.
    Damage caused by demodex mites.
    Destruction of hair follicles by subcutaneous demodex mites. A large number of subcutaneous mites parasitize the hair follicles, feed on the skin cells of the hair follicles and secrete toxins. Hair follicles are destroyed, pathogenic bacteria invade them, metabolism is disrupted, skin health problems arise, acne appears, enlarged pores appear, skin oiliness increases, roughness and other skin problems appear.
    Scheme of action of anti-demodex products of the Internet portal Demodex.Ru
    Destruction of hair follicles by subcutaneous demodex mites. A large number of subcutaneous mites parasitize the hair follicles, feed on the skin cells of the hair follicles and secrete toxins. Active herbal extracts return vitality to skin cells.After eliminating subcutaneous mites and healing, the skin returns to a healthy state.

    Demodex (demodecosis) is a disease common in all countries and at all times of the year.

    According to TsNIKVI: “Carriage of the Demodex parasite was found on the facial skin of 89% of people.” The average age of women suffering from the disease is 44.5±2, and men – 38.3±5.4 years. Among the patients, 90% are women.

    Demodex disease is caused by the subcutaneous Demodex mite (mite), which is found in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The Demodex mite prefers places with increased sebum production.

    “Long” demodex (Demodex folliculorum) and “short” Demodex (Demodex brevis)

    An important concept in the treatment of demodicosis is “long” demodex (demodex folliculorum) and “short” demodex (demodex brevis).

    “Long” demodex (demodex folliculorum longus) is a mite with a long, elongated worm-like body. The size varies from 0.272 to 0.480 mm. Lives inside hair follicles.

    “Short” demodex (demodex folliculorum brevis) is a mite with a body length of 0.128 to 0.144 mm in males, 0.160–0.176 mm in females. Lives in the sebaceous glands.

    Only a doctor can determine your type of demodex based on the results of a demodex test. When analyzing, be sure to ask your doctor what type of demodex was detected: “long” or “short”. This will determine the duration of your treatment:

    • for “long” demodex, treatment with Demodex Complex products is 90 days;
    • with “short” – up to 150 days.

    Antiparasitic treatment quickly relieves the feeling of itching, which once again confirms the leading role of the Demodex mite in this disease, and also refutes the opinion of some dermatologists who deny its influence on the pathological process. Many doctors consider the iron mite only as a supporting factor for rosacea. Chinese dermatologists adhere to a different point of view, as do a number of scientists in our country (S.T. Pavlov, O.K. Shaposhnikov, V.I. Samtsov, I.I. Ilyin), expressing the opinion that demodex is an independent disease.

    Infection occurs through direct contact. There are also known cases of infection in beauty salons during facial cleansing.

    You will find more detailed information about demodex in the Questions and Answers section.

    What are the most typical symptoms of demodicosis?

    Where do inflammations caused by demodex mites occur (localization)?

    The characteristic location of mites is the so-called “Demodex triangle”: wings of the nose, nasolabial fold, chin. The mite also affects eyelashes, ears, scalp, and neck. And with a long course of the disease, Demodex mites are detected on the skin of the chest, very rarely in the back area (0.5-0.7% of observations).

    Demodex lives in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles and feeds on their contents. Prefers places with increased sebum secretion.

    Treatment and prevention of subcutaneous mites

    In conclusion, here are a few recommendations that can protect you from ticks appearing on your face:

    1. First of all, take proper care of your skin;
    2. Any detected skin disease, especially on the face, must be treated as quickly as possible;
    3. Also, treatment of various inflammations should not be neglected;
    4. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, they should be eliminated in a timely manner;
    5. Proper nutrition is of great importance;
    6. Don't use other people's cosmetics.

    In order to prevent the development of demodicosis or at least reduce the likelihood of subcutaneous mites multiplying, it is necessary to think about preventive measures. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, you may not find out about this disease for the rest of your life. Prevention of demodicosis includes the following measures:

    • lead a healthy lifestyle;
    • Healthy food;
    • consume vitamins and minerals;
    • change bed linen regularly;
    • consult a dermatologist for any changes in the skin;
    • use only high-quality proven cosmetics;
    • observe the rules of personal hygiene.

    If possible, contact with people who carry the disease should be limited.

    Even the slightest deviation from these rules can provoke the development of demodicosis, so it is very important to strictly adhere to them. The essence of complex treatment is the use of several methods simultaneously

    Along with taking broad-spectrum antibiotics and antiparasitic agents for both internal and external use, proper nutrition and complete avoidance of decorative cosmetics are widely encouraged in treatment. In addition, if the skin is thinning, the dermatologist may prescribe vascular-strengthening drugs

    The essence of complex treatment is to use several methods simultaneously. Along with taking broad-spectrum antibiotics and antiparasitic agents for both internal and external use, proper nutrition and complete avoidance of decorative cosmetics are widely encouraged in treatment. In addition, if the skin is thinning, a dermatologist may prescribe vascular-strengthening drugs.

    Washing your face with tar soap can help in the fight against demodex.

    It wouldn’t hurt to find out how to treat demodicosis with folk remedies at home:

    • make 15-minute compresses from aloe juice mixed with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio;
    • wipe your face with a decoction of linden, oak, chamomile flowers (any plant that has bactericidal properties); proportions are taken “by eye” depending on the degree of damage to the face;
    • cabbage juice in the form of a lotion is also used in the treatment of facial mites;
    • wash with tar or laundry soap, make masks from medicinal clay;
    • take a decoction of rose hips with honey to strengthen the immune system.

    Wipe your face with a decoction of linden flowers

    To prevent the appearance of subcutaneous mites and not worry about how to treat this disease, you should follow simple rules of a healthy lifestyle:

    1. Do not overuse concealers and fatty creams.
    2. Observe basic rules of personal hygiene.
    3. Wash with cool water and wipe your face with a degreasing lotion.
    4. Introduce a balanced diet.
    5. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and visits to the solarium.
    6. Replace natural feather pillows with synthetic ones.
    7. Change bed and underwear regularly.
    8. Conduct an annual examination with a doctor to identify disruptions in the endocrine system and hormonal levels.

    Even after complete recovery from subcutaneous mites, scars remain on the face, so take the prevention of this disease seriously

    It is important to remember that timely treatment of subcutaneous mites prevents the formation of long-term scars and dimples, and a person with a clean face feels comfortable and confident in any situation. Be healthy!

    to “Demodicosis in humans - photos, types, signs, symptoms and treatment”

    1. Karina 10/27/2020 at 09:14

      Good morning! How can demodicosis of the eyelids be cured?


        Administrator 10.27.2020 at 10:47

        Good morning. To treat demodicosis of the eyes, the same products are used as for the face - Kang cream and Xinsheng cream. The only difference is that it is better to use soap to wash your face, and Demodex Complex washing gel to wash your eyes, since the skin is more delicate.


    2. Maria 10.25.2020 at 08:04

      Hello! where can I find certificates for Demodex Complex products?


        Administrator 10.25.2020 at 08:16

        Marie, you can view product certificates at the link -


    3. Irina 10/23/2020 at 08:07

      Hello, I recovered from the coronavirus, and two weeks after recovery, my cheeks, chest, shoulders and back were covered in dry, pimply pimples. My head began to itch and smell. I contacted the KVD. The analysis revealed demodicosis in all areas. For 10 days I have been taking Tiberal, Bakset, applying Azelik in the morning and Metrogyl in the evening. On the fourth day of taking the drugs, red blisters and a large spread of purulent pimples. Help.


        Administrator 10/25/2020 at 08:20

        Irina, we recommend switching to Demodex Complex drugs - this is the most effective method of combating demodeosis in the world today.

        The manufacturer recommends the following drugs for treatment: – Demodex Complex soap cleanser; – Demodex Complex tonic (improves the penetrating ability of creams); – evening cream Demodex Complex; – morning cream Demodex Complex.


    4. Administrator 10.25.2020 at 08:27

      This is not the first appeal about the onset of the disease after coronavirus. Reproduction of Demodex mites has been recorded in individuals with a weakened immune system, which once again proves the influence of immunity on the initiation and development of the disease.


    Circumstances that determine the effectiveness of treatment

    As mentioned earlier, getting rid of skin mites is not so easy, so the effectiveness of treatment depends on many factors, such as endurance, patience, following all the instructions of the attending physician, etc. In addition, you need to adhere to a number of rules, such as:

    1. A healthy diet without fatty, spicy, salty and fried foods, with limited carbohydrate intake. The diet should include fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits. You will have to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
    2. You will also have to refuse to visit the bathhouse, sauna and solarium.
    3. Personalize all accessories such as cosmetics, clothes and shoes.
    4. Avoid using down pillows and blankets, as ticks can easily live in them, and they can cause a relapse.
    5. Be sure to iron bedding after washing.
    6. You should not squeeze out pimples that appear as a result of mites on your own.
    7. You should only use cold water to wash your face.
    8. It is forbidden to self-medicate, as this disease can become chronic.

    Demodicosis is a very serious disease. The sooner you start treatment, the sooner you will be able to get rid of subcutaneous mites. When the disease is advanced, treatment can take six months, or even more.

    Therefore, it is better not to start treatment with “grandmother’s” remedies, which can relieve the feeling of discomfort, but they will not kill the ticks, and they will continue their vital functions, although not as actively.

    Only chemicals and proper treatment, with the correct alternation of different drugs, will help you get rid of ticks. In other words, at the first suspicion of a subcutaneous mite, it is better to immediately go to a dermatologist.

    Prognosis and complications

    Skin with demodicosis has a condition that contributes to the development of other dermatological diseases. In this case, the symptoms manifest themselves much more strongly. With demodicosis of eyelashes, the development of conjunctivitis and blepharitis is possible.

    Scratching and regular mechanical damage associated with the desire of patients to get rid of rashes can provoke a pustular infection that affects many parts of the body.

    Complications include nervousness and isolation. Acne that appears all over the body significantly spoils the appearance and many are unable to lead a normal life. In some cases, this leads to depression, nervous breakdowns and psychosis. People diagnosed with demodicosis often have endocrinological disorders, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, or foci of chronic infection.

    Preventive measures

    In order not to provoke the disease again after recovery, you must adhere to simple rules of hygiene and be careful about your diet:

  • Never use other people's cosmetics.
  • Do not use other people's towels.
  • Boost your immunity.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, do not abuse alcohol, and, if possible, avoid fried, spicy and fatty foods.
  • Wipe your face with lotions that contain alcohol several times a week.
  • By adhering to these simple rules, you can not be afraid of the resumption of active actions of subcutaneous mites.



    Preventative measures against infection of others include disinfection of the linen and clothing of a sick person, and his personal belongings. To perform hygiene procedures, the patient is recommended to use disposable napkins and other hygiene items. To prevent relapse, it is recommended:

    • strengthening the immune system by hardening;
    • healthy nutrition that maintains hormonal balance;
    • taking multivitamins;
    • maintaining body hygiene;
    • after completion of remission of the acute stage - prophylactic use of antiparasitic ointments (as prescribed by a doctor);
    • careful selection of cosmetic products.
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