Domestic rats are clean animals, but they are not immune from infection by ectoparasites. If
The body of relatively large parasitiform mites is weakly divided into a cephalothorax with a proboscis and
Many people think that ticks can only bite a person or a dog without posing a danger to them.
You can make forays into nature all your life, go hiking, relax in the summer with your grandmother
Breeding quails will provide your relatives with healthy eggs and dietary meat, and, if desired,
Good day! There are a huge number of ticks in the world and many people know about it.
People very often call us, clearly in order to fish out potential clients.
Doctors say that every fifth child with bronchial asthma suffers from an allergy to dust mites.
Mistakes in care, improper preparation of berry plants for winter, favorable climatic conditions contribute to the appearance of cobwebs
Pests on indoor plants are always a nuisance and additional trouble for the gardener. Spider mite