Slobbery pennies: symptoms of pest infestation and effective control methods

A foamy lump, shaped like spittle, can most likely be found on the plot, in the garden area or in the meadows. Oddly enough, this is a nest where the larvae of the slobbering pennix develop.

Such a cocoon has a structure due to which the insect is protected from threatening factors.

The survival rate is at such a high level that this species was able to seriously spread and take first place among other parasitic species in this indicator.

One of the main targets on the site is strawberries. If this parasite is found, it must be eliminated as quickly as possible, otherwise there will be a serious risk to the plants.

Description of the insect

The leafhopper is an insect from the order Homoptera, widespread in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa. Sometimes the pest is found in the harsh climate of the northern regions. The pennywort settles on wild and cultivated plants.

The insect is a jumping moth with triangular wings, similar in appearance to a moth butterfly. The body length of an adult is 5–8 mm. The color is gray, brown or olive. The wings, covered with fine fluff, are folded into a small house. The insect's head is large and equipped with a proboscis for feeding. The butterfly can fly and run. In case of danger, jumps to a height of up to 70 cm.

Once a year, each female lays up to 40 eggs, from which larvae 3–4 mm long hatch. This butterfly does not have a pupa development stage. Larval caterpillars begin to suck juices from plant stems immediately after emerging from the eggs. Their habitat is covered with thick white foam. This kind of cocoon serves as protection for young insects from the external environment, predators and poisons.

Each larva turns into a butterfly by autumn. Females lay eggs, which survive the winter in plant debris and hatch when the weather warms in April-May. The insect completes its development in 30–40 days.

White foam on strawberries: what is it?

Slobbering on strawberries indicates infestation by a species of cicada called the slobbering frog, or slobberweed. It is an omnivorous pest that is found on cultivated, ornamental and wild plants. The body of an adult representative of the species is stocky and flattened, the length does not exceed 6 mm. A characteristic feature of strawberry pennies is their variety of colors; more than 20 variants are known. The most common colors are brown, olive and yellowish. Green, red and brown individuals are also found; each has a bandage on its body. The pattern may consist of geometric shapes, stripes and spots.

The head is quite large in size relative to the body, the frontal plate is triangular in shape, and the crown is rounded. Consumes food through the proboscis. Mouthparts are sucking type. The pronotum is wide and long, towards the end it begins to diverge to the sides. The abdomen is completely closed thanks to leathery elytra that fold into the shape of a house. The wings and upper body are covered with sparse hair. The insect jumps well. Spines and bristles form on the limbs.

White foam on strawberries

The common pennitsa lives in most countries of Europe, Russia, Asia, Japan and North Africa. The species was brought to us from Canada and the USA.

Please note: the insect can run and fly, but when it feels threatened, it makes a powerful jump. Insects feed on plant juices; a special secretion is secreted from their abdomen, the composition of which is enriched with mucins

These are polysaccharides - the main components of salivary secretion. Thanks to it, the substance is viscous and elastic. There are also small spiracles on the abdomen, which at the right moment squeeze out air, forming a lump of numerous sticky bubbles; this is mucus in the form of foam on strawberries. As necessary, this foamy layer is replenished and performs several vital functions for the larvae:

Insects feed on plant juices; a special secretion is secreted from their abdomen, the composition of which is enriched with mucins. These are polysaccharides - the main components of salivary secretion. Thanks to it, the substance is viscous and elastic. There are also small spiracles on the abdomen, which at the right moment squeeze out air, forming a lump of numerous sticky bubbles; this is mucus in the form of foam on strawberries. As necessary, this foamy layer is replenished and performs several vital functions for the larvae:

  • The moist cover prevents the offspring from drying out on sunny days.
  • When processing strawberries and other berries, the effects of chemicals become more difficult.
  • Insects easily tolerate low and high temperatures.

Please note: the larva develops in 50 days, during which time it is constantly in the foam nest

What harm does

Adults and insect larvae feed on plant juices, mainly preferring young shoots and leaves. Parts of plants deprived of nutrients shrink and become covered with yellow spots. As a result, the plant slows down its development. The yield of crops infected with leafhoppers is reduced by 30-40%

Pennywort is a carrier of fungal and viral diseases. After infection, plants lose immunity and take a long time to recover.

Protecting strawberries from slugs

These mollusks are not averse to eating not only strawberries. They harm many vegetable and garden crops.

Slugs eat both strawberry leaves and fruits

In addition to eliminating excess moisture in the strawberry bed, you can contain the invasion of slugs with the help of sawdust. Just sprinkle them on the soil around your garden strawberry bushes.

Mustard infusion is also effective against these voracious pests. Dissolve 100 g of mustard powder in 10 liters of water and water the soil in the garden bed with the resulting solution.

And pests such as the strawberry transparent mite, the strawberry-raspberry weevil, the strawberry sawfly, the strawberry leaf beetle and the pennies can be effectively dealt with using hot water. In early spring and after harvest, simply water the strawberry bushes with water heated to 65°C.

As you can see, you can fight strawberry pests without chemicals. However, do not forget about preventive measures, otherwise a large number of insects inhabiting the strawberry bed will not be destroyed without “chemistry”.

Conditions for infection and reproduction

The slobbering leafhopper is an almost omnivorous insect. In total, there are 170 species of plants on which this pest lives. The only garden crop that pennitsa often bypasses is tomatoes.

Most often, insects can be seen on the following crops:

  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • tobacco;
  • grape;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • bells;
  • phlox;
  • raspberries;
  • strawberry;
  • roses;
  • currant.

Expert opinion

Mityuk Stefania Bogdanovna

The insect prefers to settle in shaded places with high humidity. In the wild, it lives in lowlands, along the banks of water bodies, and in dense thickets of grass. The pest's favorite breeding ground in garden plots is densely planted, unventilated greenhouses and greenhouses, overgrown strawberry rosettes.

How the pennitsa destroys the crop

The main source of nutrition for the leafhopper is the sap of young plants, but it is worth saying that this insect not only drinks it, but also injects poison into the shoots of seedlings. After which, garden crops at the first stage of infection simply stop growing and begin to wither, then die.

The leafhopper feeds on the juice of young plants until they have not yet reached the fruiting phase, that is, until the ovaries form on them. Separately, it is necessary to note the plants that most often can be the habitat of the penth leafhopper. The pest is found on:

  • potatoes;
  • sugar beets;
  • cabbage;
  • grapes;
  • strawberries;
  • raspberries;
  • currants;
  • fruit trees;
  • dahlias;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • roses

The slobbering leafhopper can also appear on other plants, although this happens quite rarely. But you should still inspect the seedlings on your personal plot from time to time in order to promptly identify this pest and protect the harvest.

Fact! The jump of the slobbering pennice can reach 70 cm in height.

Our slobbering leafhopper lives on parsley and strawberries

Pest control methods

It is quite difficult to rid plants of pennies, since the protective shell reliably protects the larvae from poisons. At the beginning of infection, mechanical methods are effective. The affected parts of the plants are cut out along with the larvae and eggs and burned. If the insect has multiplied on the site, they are treated with chemicals or folk remedies.


Ready-made insecticides help garden owners protect their crops from many pests. But not every drug can kill the froghopper.

Gardeners identify several drugs that are effective in combating this pest:


An effective enteric-contact insecticide with paralyzing action. In world practice, the drug is known under the name Malathion. Complete death of pests occurs 3 to 4 hours after the insecticide penetrates the digestive system of insects. To prepare the working fluid, 30 g of the drug is diluted in 3 liters of water. Spraying of plants is carried out no more than 2 times per season with an interval of 4 weeks. The first treatment is carried out before bud break, the second – during flowering.


Insecticide from the neonicotinoid group. The active substance is thiamethoxam, which is a paralytic poison. The drug penetrates plant tissue. The insect sucks out juice containing poison and dies within 2 to 12 hours. The drug is used for watering plants at the roots or spraying the above-ground parts. The period of protective action is 60 days for root treatment, 20 days for spraying. The solution is prepared from 1 ml per 3 - 5 liters of water.


The drug has contact-intestinal action. Effective against larvae and adults. The active ingredient is beta-cypermethrin. The insecticide penetrates the body of insects through the integument and digestive system, causing paralysis within 3 to 4 hours. The protective effect lasts for 15 – 20 days. The spray solution is prepared from 4 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water.


A potent drug from the group of neonicotinoids. Designed for spraying the above-ground parts of plants during the growing season. The working solution is prepared from 5 ml of insecticide per 5 liters of water.

Before treatment with chemicals, all parts of the plants affected by the pest are cut off. Spraying is carried out in the early morning, after the dew has disappeared, or in the evening, after sunset.

The listed poisons are extremely toxic to humans, warm-blooded animals and bees. They are processed in a protective suit, gloves and respiratory protection. Only plants infected with the pest are sprayed. Treatment is not carried out as a preventive measure.

Folk remedies

Chemicals help to completely rid plants of the pest, but they can only be used before fruit formation begins. Later processing is not permitted. The poison accumulates in the fruits and can cause poisoning.

At a later stage of plant development, you can continue the fight against slobbering pennies using folk remedies:

Infusions of tansy, wormwood. 500 g of crushed raw materials are poured into 10 liters of boiling water and left until completely cooled. The resulting infusion is sprayed onto the plants every 7 to 10 days.

Sprinkling foam lumps with wood ash or fluff lime is effective. These substances do not harm plants, but have a detrimental effect on the larvae.

Infusion of tobacco. 1 tbsp. l. crushed shag, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours. Then filter and spray the plants.

Laundry soap solution. 200 g of grated soap are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The plants are watered with the resulting liquid every 14 days.

Garlic tincture: 1 cup of garlic pulp is poured into a bucket of warm, but not hot, water and left for 2 hours.

Mustard solution. 50 g of dry powder are diluted in 5 liters of water, mixed thoroughly and watered the plants.

Expert opinion

Mityuk Stefania Bogdanovna

Planting strong-smelling flowers next to garden crops: marigolds, calendula, sage helps to scare off leafhopper butterflies. Among the strawberry bushes, which the pest loves, you can place garlic.

Prevention measures

To choose control methods, you need to understand why the pennies appear on the site. The main reason for the proliferation of the pest is increased humidity and lack of sunlight. Excessive watering in combination with thickets of weeds, as well as dense plantings, are the most favorable conditions for pennies.

Which method of dealing with the slobbering pennix would you choose?


To prevent the insect from settling in the garden, greenhouse or vegetable garden, it is important to follow the rules of plant care:

  • carry out weeding regularly;
  • observe watering norms, avoiding waterlogging of the soil and stagnation of moisture on the plants;
  • in autumn, carefully remove plant debris;
  • timely pruning of trees and shrubs;
  • ventilate greenhouses and maintain an optimal level of air humidity indoors;
  • dig up the trunk circles of shrubs and trees in the fall;
  • do not allow plantings of vegetable crops to become denser.

Cicada eggs are stored in cracks in tree bark during winter. Washing the lower part of the trunk with warm water using a stiff brush, followed by whitewashing with slaked lime helps reduce the number of insects.

Preventive actions

Weed control and timely removal

Strawberry mite on strawberries: how to fight

It is always easier to prevent the appearance of insects than to get rid of them. It is necessary to regularly inspect plants for the presence of insects. To prevent the formation of foam on strawberry leaves, it is necessary to follow not only all the rules for caring for strawberry and strawberry varieties, but also treat the crops with special preparations in a timely manner. Effective preventive manipulations for the appearance of pennies:

  • Treat the soil with steam, using semi-steam treatment effectively.
  • Weed control and timely removal.
  • To prevent foam from forming on strawberry bushes, when planting, you should maintain an interval between seedlings. Among dense plantings, the probability of damage increases significantly.
  • Damaged, dried parts of the plant should be regularly removed and destroyed.

Having figured out what kind of drool is on strawberries, you need to act immediately. The slobbering pennies are a fairly common type of insect, but if the agronomist diligently follows all the rules of agricultural technology, the pest will not appear in the summer cottage.

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Imago. A stocky planthopper of medium size, 5–6 mm long. The top is covered with sparse hair. The color is variable: from pale brown to black, sometimes gray, reddish or greenish. There may be light bands or longitudinal stripes on the body.

The vertex in the anterior part is obtusely rounded, at the apex there is a triangular-shaped frontal plate.

The pronotum is longer and wider than the head, the lateral margins slightly diverge to the sides.

The scutellum is small, shorter and narrower than the pronotum.

The elytra are dense, leathery, and completely cover the abdomen.

The tibiae are round in cross-section, with two teeth on the outer edge and a double rim of spines at the apex below.

Sexual dimorphism. Individuals of different sexes differ in the structure of their genitalia.

Secondary sexual characteristics:

Male. Anal tube with ventrolateral teeth. The pygophorus on the posterior lateral margin has no teeth.

Egg. Small. The eggs are arranged in groups of 30, covered with the female's secretions.

Plant prevention measures

To avoid the appearance of the pest on the site, it is necessary to carry out preventive work. To do this, it is recommended to do the following:

  • get rid of grown weeds in a timely manner;
  • plant plants at a distance to improve the passage of air flows between them;
  • Before planting plants, carry out semi-steam soil treatment.

We suggest you read How to get rid of grain moths?

By following the recommendations, you can avoid problems in pest control and maintain a healthy harvest.

Varieties of whitefly

The following types of whiteflies can “settle” on garden or vegetable crops:

  1. Tobacco. A yellowish stripe is clearly visible on the back; the wings are located along the back. For this pest to reproduce, the temperature must be above 30 degrees Celsius.
  2. Citrus. It can live in the southern regions of Russia, where in winter the temperature is sufficient for it to survive. In the Moscow region and regions with similar climatic conditions, the whitefly does not survive.
  3. Strawberry lives exclusively in beds with strawberries and garden strawberries, as it feeds only on their cell juice.
  4. Cabbage takes root in cabbage beds.
  5. The greenhouse (or greenhouse) settles in closed ground and feeds on the cell juice of tomatoes and cucumbers, and much less often on flower plants.

Useful tips

Useful tips

To protect pears or other plants from pests and diseases, many different drugs are offered. Moreover, many drugs used in the 20th century were so dangerous for nature, as well as people (for example, they exhibited mutagenic and carcinogenic properties) that their use was banned.

These include DDT, Nitrafen, DNOC. Chlorophos, Metaphos, Parisian greens, Kilzyar and some others. In recent years, in Russia, and possibly other republics of the former USSR, an official catalog of approved pesticides and agrochemicals has been issued.

Therefore, when reading articles on plant protection, especially from unknown authors, make sure that the proposed drugs are approved for use in your country. To do this, you need to either download the catalog yourself or consult the plant protection department of the local branch of the Rosselkhozcenter.

We hope that the number of pests in your garden will decrease significantly after you have learned how to fight and treat pears in the spring or other seasons.

Question answer

How can you tell if a leafhopper has appeared on your property?

The most important sign of the appearance of a leafhopper on a site is white foamy cocoons that resemble saliva. They can be located on trees, weeds and cultivated plants. Very often, the pennice chooses strawberries and wild strawberries as a food source.

Do the pennies have natural enemies?

The larvae, located in a foam cocoon, are reliably protected from prying eyes. They are not afraid of birds and other predators. However, the natural enemies of pennies are ladybugs, which can be bred in your own area.

What's inside the foam cocoon?

Inside the foam cocoon there is a cicada larva, which after some time turns into a pupa.

What does the pennice cocoon consist of?

The cocoon of the pennies looks like saliva. However, it has a completely different composition. It is based on mucin-like substances that are produced by the glands of the larva. This is a rather sticky and adhesive mass, which can cause irritation upon contact with the skin.

Where do pennies appear on the site?

The frond leafhopper prefers moist and shady places. If there is a pond or thickets of trees near your site, cicadas may fly from there.

The spines on the legs allowed the slobbering pennix to jump on the smooth leaves

Hagen Goetzke et al. / PNAS, 2019

Zoologists have studied the mechanism of interaction with smooth surfaces when jumping, which is used by cicadas of the species Slobbering pennice. It turned out that they pierce the substrate with sharp spines on their limbs - this helps them not slide off the surface in the absence of adhesive substances and soft pads on the tips of their feet, which, in turn, gives them a high initial flight speed, according to an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Animals use a variety of morphological adaptations to move along smooth and vertical surfaces. Thus, geckos have self-cleaning adhesive bristles on their feet, some spiders travel on the wind in hot air balloons, and insects secrete sticky substances or carry hooks or suction cups on their legs, but the mechanisms of many species have not yet been studied in detail. In a new paper, scientists at the University of Cambridge have discovered how jumping insects of the species Philaenus spumarius

, or Slobbery Penny.

The slobbering pennitsa is a polymorphic species of hemipteran insects from the pennitsa cicada family, widespread in Russia. Insects are agricultural pests. The authors of this work have already done a similar study for leafhoppers of the related species Aphrodes makarovi

- then they noticed soft pads at the ends of the animals’ legs, enhancing the insects’ adhesion to a smooth surface, but nothing of the kind was found in the pennies. At the same time, animals live on plants with smooth leaves and develop high acceleration when jumping. The results of the work can be used, for example, to develop robots, which in search and rescue operations often have to navigate in difficult conditions and on different types of surfaces.

The study authors collected 57 adult individuals of the species Philaenus spumarius,

whose limbs were studied using an optical and scanning electron microscope. On the back pair of legs of the animals, scientists discovered rows of cone-shaped spines that could prevent sliding, since in a sitting position the insect faces the surface of the leaf. The ends of the spines turned out to be darker colored than the surrounding light brown cuticle; analysis of their chemical composition showed a high zinc content.

Hagen Goetzke et al. / PNAS, 2019

In order to test whether the spines really help pennies when jumping, the researchers conducted the following experiment. The insects were placed on three horizontal surfaces that differed in hardness and hydrophobicity: glass, epoxy resin and ivy leaves. Using rapid photography, scientists recorded the movements of the animals, and also compared the speed at the beginning of the jump and the angle of takeoff from the surface. Filming the movements of insects on epoxy resin and leaves showed that at the very beginning, before jumping, the spines on the hind limbs pierced the surface and left indented marks. The take-off speed after the jump in both cases averaged 3.6–3.9 meters per second, and the take-off angle from the surface was about 53.2–53.6 degrees. On the glass, on the contrary, the animals began to slide, they were unable to grab hold, so they came off more slowly (at a speed of about 1.1 meters per second), the angle was steeper (on average 71.3 degrees), and the pennies themselves rotated in the air.

To confirm the role of spines in preparation for jumping in Philaenus spumarius

, scientists stained ivy leaves with methylene blue. This dye binds to the substances of the internal tissues of the leaf at the site of damage to the epithelium. To make the colored areas easier to see, white leaves containing almost no chlorophyll were taken for the experiment. The researchers recorded blue spots where the hind limbs of the insects were located before jumping. The marks in the leaves were located at the same distance as the spines on the leg segments - the distance between the spines on two legs was on average 51 micrometers and 38 micrometers, and on the leaves 57.2 micrometers and 39.3 micrometers, respectively. This confirmed the survey and microscopy data on how Pennica slobber manages to move on smooth surfaces.

Animals often have to adapt in order to survive in an imperfect world. In addition to problems with movement, they have to hide from predators or deal with temperature changes. By the way, about how to help animals in the city survive the winter, read our blog “How to save a tit.”

Folk methods of exterminating the leafhopper

If the population of pennies is small, you can cope with the problem using folk methods. The easiest option is to collect the larvae by hand. This must be done with rubber gloves, since the secretion that makes up the cocoons can cause allergies or irritation to the skin.

You can also use strong water pressure, which will wash away the foam cocoons. However, this method can be traumatic for crops. It can be used to treat trees, trunks and thick branches.

Garlic solution

The cicada does not tolerate strong odors. To scare away the pest from the area, it is recommended to treat the beds with garlic infusion from time to time. To do this, take a glass of fresh garlic cloves, crushed into a pulp, and pour a bucket of water. The finished mixture is left to infuse overnight. The next day, the infusion is filtered and used to spray the plantings.

Laundry soap solution

To prepare the solution you will need clean water and laundry soap. The amount of ingredients depends on the degree of contamination of the area. A bar of soap is placed in water and stirred until the liquid becomes cloudy. This solution is used to spray the beds and plants damaged by pennies. The treatment can be repeated several times per season.

Mustard solution

To prepare it, you need to mix 50 grams of dry mustard and 5 liters of water. The mixture must be shaken thoroughly and used to spray the bushes. Since the technique is safe, this method can be used several times a season.


Fluff or slaked lime is used in combination with industrial chemicals. It is sprinkled on areas of the plant damaged by the pest after the main treatment. This is a fairly cheap and economical product.

The cicada reproduces quite quickly. That is why, even if you carry out regular treatments, do not forget to inspect the garden from time to time for the presence of foam cocoons.

Functions of the pharynx

The functions of the human pharynx can be considered vital. So, this hollow muscular tube is involved in:

  • swallowing food processed in the oral cavity;
  • speech and voice formation;
  • breathing;
  • perception of taste.

One of the most important functions of the pharynx is to provide protection to the body from harmful substances and organisms. Thus, when the mucous membrane is irritated by a foreign body or compounds with an irritating effect, constriction of the muscles and narrowing of the lumen reflexively occurs, which is aimed at preventing deeper damage to the pharynx, trachea and esophagus.

In addition, the lymphatic ring located at the entrance to the respiratory and digestive systems plays a huge role in the body’s immune defense against foreign pathogens.

Pharynx and nasal cavity

The main function of the pharynx in the nasal part is to ensure patency of the airways, and therefore the muscles in this area are always tense and do not collapse. Also in the area of ​​the internal openings of the nasal cavity is the pharyngeal tonsil, which takes part in the functioning of the immune system.

However, even if nasal breathing is impaired (with obstruction of the lumen at the exit from the nasal cavity due to adenoid growths or severe swelling of the mucous membrane due to rhinitis), air enters the respiratory tract through the mouth. As a rule, breathing is preserved, but the air is less well heated and purified, which can provoke inflammatory diseases in the pharynx and trachea.

Pharynx and oral cavity

The most important functions of the pharynx are performed at the level of the mouth and are associated with such an important physiological act as swallowing. This is a complex process in which peristaltic contraction of the muscles of the pharynx occurs, ensuring the movement of the food bolus into the stomach.

There are three phases of the swallowing process:

  • the first (voluntary) - in which the lifting of the tongue ensures the advancement of the food bolus beyond the anterior arches;
  • the second (involuntary) - in which food moves into the esophagus due to the reflex activity of the muscles of the pharynx, which leads to its elevation and constriction;
  • the third - during which the esophagus opens and food moves forward due to peristaltic contractions. The pharynx also returns to its original state.

Pharynx and larynx

The pharynx and larynx are closely connected functionally, which is observed in the second phase of the act of swallowing, when the entrance to the respiratory tract is closed by the epiglottis, which prevents food from entering the trachea and bronchi.

Also in the area of ​​the laryngopharynx, resonance occurs of sounds arising in the larynx, which gives intensification and color to a person’s speech. The change in timbre is influenced by such characteristics as the volume and shape of the pharynx. In addition, the formation of sounds is influenced by the soft palate, closing the nasopharynx from the nasal cavity when pronouncing vowels and opening it when pronouncing consonants.

Are you eating enough healthy foods?

When we hear the word “cancer,” we imagine a very specific disease, but this concept includes more than 100 different cellular disorders. Cancer refers to uncontrolled cell division that leads to tumors or abnormal cell growth. In this case, the cells can invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body, including the blood and lymphatic system.

How to reduce inflammation and deal with free radical damage? The most important thing is to consume plenty of cancer-fighting foods that are rich in antioxidants and natural anti-inflammatory nutrients. This means avoiding packaged and processed foods and making sure your food is free of antibiotics, chemicals and toxins. Organic foods without preservatives will significantly reduce the impact of toxins on your body.

In 2010, the European Prospective Study of Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) found that dietary factors associated with an increased risk of cancer include dietary deficiencies in certain nutrients. A study published in the European Journal of Cancer suggests an inverse relationship between high intakes of vitamin C, carotenoids, retinol, α-tocopherol and fiber and cancer risk.

The results of a study of 519,978 volunteers of ten European nationalities showed that those who closely adhere to the principles of the Mediterranean diet have the lowest risk of cancer. Frequent consumption of cancer-fighting foods such as vegetables, fruits, fish, foods high in calcium and fiber reduces the risk of colorectal, lung and breast cancer. While red and processed meat, alcohol, unhealthy body mass index (BMI) and abdominal obesity increase it. Physical activity and adequate vitamin D also help reduce susceptibility to the disease.

And the keto diet, which avoids excess refined sugar and other processed carbohydrates, may be effective in fighting cancer. The list of allowed foods on the keto diet also includes anti-cancer foods, which is not a coincidence.

Foods and habits that increase your risk of cancer

Inflammation is often the cause of the occurrence and growth of cancerous tumors. Research suggests that 30-40% of all cancers can be avoided through a healthy lifestyle and nutrition! Another source says the figure could be much higher, around 75%.


How to root a rose: the most effective ways

The mole cricket is a small brown insect, its body length reaches 5 cm. It has shortened elytra and well-developed limbs.

Distributed in many CIS countries, but most of all in the central and southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, as well as in the damp and warm regions of Moldova and Belarus. If there are no abundantly manured areas, the mole cricket moves to greenhouses, closer to vegetable crops. She eats everything: cabbage, beets, carrots, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes and eggplants. Moving through the soil thanks to its powerful limbs, the mole cricket destroys the roots, stems, and seeds of plants, driving vegetable growers to despair. Adult females lay large, up to 2.5 mm, eggs in the soil at a depth of 10–15 cm. One nest contains up to 400–440 eggs, from which, after one or two decades, light-colored, voracious larvae emerge, posing a very great danger to the garden.

Control measures

You should not buy manure from random suppliers to fertilize your site. If mole crickets do appear, you must first try to destroy them without pesticides. There is a simple and environmentally friendly method: you need to make traps from half-rotted manure into which mole crickets willingly climb. There they are easy to collect and destroy. Chemical methods are based on laying out poisoned baits, which should only be purchased in specialized stores. Read the instructions carefully. When using new baits, do not forget to embed them in the soil so that the poisons do not come into view of children, birds and pets. You should not abuse toxic drugs such as zinc phosphide mixed with boiled corn or barley grains. Such poisons accumulate in the soil and then pass into the roots, tubers and other plant organs that we eat.

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