Destruction of bedbugs in Moscow and the Moscow region with a guarantee

Disinfection specialists at the disinfection center carry out treatments to destroy bedbugs in apartments, private houses, hostels, dormitories, hotels, cabins and other places where people live.

For our work, we use only proven drugs and professional equipment. We provide a guarantee of up to 3 years for all measures to remove dangerous insects. During the entire warranty period, you can contact us if you notice the presence of pests again. And we will carry out warranty sanitation at our own expense.

Effect and safety during processing

Total destruction of the bedbug colony

Insects will no longer come from neighbors

Contract and guarantee

We work around the clock

Safe and hypoallergenic. Harmless to humans and animals

The specialist arrives in casual clothes. The equipment is in the bag

Reasons for the appearance of bedbugs in an apartment

For this, it is enough for only one fertilized female to enter the house. She will lay five eggs a day for almost her entire life, and will soon give birth to an entire colony. These parasites, unlike cockroaches, don’t care whether your place is dirty or clean, damp or dry, warm or cold - the main thing is that there is a source of food, that is, a person or a pet. Bedbugs do not migrate from their neighbors as often as Prussians - they do not like to change their home. However, if neighbors begin to poison the population, the bedbugs will go in search of a new safe home. Therefore, it is so important to carry out the destruction of bedbugs through joint efforts.

They hide in secluded places, most often under the upholstery of upholstered furniture. They also like to make their nests in baseboards, under wallpaper, in old clothes, books and even household appliances. These insects are surprisingly tenacious and are capable of hibernating for long periods, going for months without food.

The risk of finding bedbugs in an apartment increases when purchasing an old secondary home and when renting an apartment. They also get into houses by accident, and dozens of situations can set a precedent for this. For example, with pieces of furniture, on the fur of pets after a walk, with packaging materials, with suitcases after a vacation - in a word, with any things that have been in someone else’s room or someone else’s car.

Thus, the appearance of these parasites in an apartment is not affected by its sanitary condition, the amount of trash and furniture, or the presence of a garbage chute in the house.

Cost of bedbug treatment

1 room apartment apartment2 room apartment3 room apartment4 room apartment
from 1200 RUR
1 room apartment apartment
from 1455 RUR
2 room apartment
from 1710 RUR
3 room apartment
from 2050 RUR
4 room apartment
Fill out a request for the service, we will contact you as soon as possible and answer all your questions. Order service

What is pest control?

Disinsection is a set of measures aimed at exterminating insects and mites that are carriers of infectious diseases that cause allergies and skin diseases that can cause material damage (for example, by destroying food supplies or causing damage to things). Activities include the use of mechanical methods, chemical and biological agents.

Disinfestation against bedbugs is somewhat different from procedures for exterminating other insects, such as cockroaches or house ants. This is due to the fact that bedbugs are blood-sucking parasites; in the case of them, it is impossible to use poisoned baits. In addition, the favorite habitats and lifestyles of different insects differ, which affects the method of their destruction.

Pest control

A procedure similar to disinsection is deratization. This is a set of measures to exterminate rodents.

Important information on disinfecting bedbugs

1. You can call a specialist from our company at any time, day or night.

2. Specialized services use their own transport, decorated with advertising of services.

3. We act confidentially: the technician will arrive in a regular car, wearing regular clothes.

None of the neighbors will guess that your house or apartment is being sanitized.

Destruction of bedbugs in hostels, dormitories and hotels

Destruction of bedbugs in cabins

We conclude an agreement with the client, which spells out the guarantees of our organization.

If during the warranty period you notice traces of insects, we will re-treat the premises free of charge.

But this will not be required, rest assured. With the Disinfection Center you can kill bedbugs once and for all.

By contacting us, you will receive detailed advice on the problem, the fight against dangerous insects, and recommendations on further actions.

We guarantee complete extermination of bedbugs; the removal specialist works precisely, targetedly and effectively. CALL 8-499-390-03-89 and our specialists will arrive strictly at the appointed time Order service

How to prepare an apartment for processing?

Professional treatment for bedbugs in an apartment requires careful preparation of the room. The effectiveness of the result directly depends on this. After all, if you leave all the furniture, clothes in the closet or paintings on the walls in place, access to the nests of parasites will remain blocked, and therefore, after a week, the insects will return to the house. So what needs to be done?

  1. Carry out wet cleaning - wash the floors and wipe off dust.
  2. Remove and wash curtains and drapes, because... they can also contain egg-laying pests.
  3. Wash bed linen at high temperature (60-90 degrees).
  4. Remove carpets, photographs, paintings, posters from the walls, but do not hide them - they will also be processed.
  5. Move all furniture away from the walls to provide exterminators with free access to the baseboards.
  6. Empty the closets of clothes - the closet shelves will also be processed. It is advisable to wash all clothes.
  7. Hide all dishes in plastic bags or wrap them in film. Place the dishes in a separate box.
  8. Place all food products in the refrigerator, including sugar, salt, pasta, and cereals.
  9. Cover the equipment with plastic wrap to prevent damage.
  10. Disconnect the wiring.
  11. Tear the baseboards from the walls and carefully peel off the loose pieces of wallpaper.
  12. Be sure to leave access to water supply! First, you will need water to prepare the solution. Secondly, if the poison suddenly gets on the skin or in the eyes, water will be needed to wash them out.
  13. Remove people and all pets from the premises, including an aquarium with fish.
  14. Close all windows and doors tightly.

After the bedbug treatment is completed, you must immediately begin to ventilate the room and leave the apartment for a day. The insecticide will remain in the air for some time. When you return home, wipe all surfaces that came into contact with the chemical with a baking soda solution. Postpone wet cleaning for 3 weeks so that all parasites are guaranteed to be destroyed.

Chemicals against cockroaches

Household pesticides against cockroaches and other domestic insects have become widespread. These are the well-known “Dichlorvos”, “Dohlox”, “Raptor”, “Kombat” and many others. Chemicals can be divided into several types according to the method of application:

  • Cockroach crayons. The main advantages are ease of use and relatively low danger to humans and domestic animals; the chalk allows you to apply poison precisely in places where insects accumulate; they are used to outline sources of possible access to water and food. However, there is also a minus: it is difficult to destroy the entire colony of pests, moreover, new generations quickly become resistant to the action of the toxic substance
  • Powders from “Clean House”, “Tornado” and other manufacturers. They are similarly left in places where cockroaches spread; they can be sprinkled behind the stove, radiators, in cabinets, under the kitchen sink, etc. The downside is that spilled powder can be dangerous for pets, as they can easily reach it. In addition, it is difficult to destroy a large colony with its help.
  • Sprays and aerosols. They are sprayed into infected areas and cause rapid death of insects. The treatment should only be carried out using protective equipment, and the room should then be thoroughly ventilated.
  • Gels for application to surfaces. They include toxic components, so it is necessary to empty the room of all inhabitants.

Any household poisons require extremely careful handling. Such products often have a strong, unpleasant odor, which can then remain in the room for more than one day. You should not risk your health and waste time on unsuccessful independent attempts - it is safer to immediately seek help from exterminators.

Specifics of the work of disinfestation services

To exterminate parasites at home, you can call both SES employees and representatives of a commercial organization. When calling specialists in disinsection, disinfection or deratization to your home, the customer sets out his problem and voices the desired result, then the time of the visit and the approximate cost of the procedure are agreed upon.

A representative of the company, arriving at the call:

  • inspects the premises;
  • assesses the degree of infestation;
  • identifies places of greatest accumulation of parasites and factors contributing to an increase in their numbers.

After this, the specialist announces the exact cost of the procedure, talks about the drugs and techniques that will be used, and the possible consequences of the treatment. If the parties reach an agreement, an agreement is signed.

Disinsection of an apartment from bedbugs by specialists is most often carried out in the absence of the owners. This is done in order to eliminate the harmful effects of the drugs used on them.

How do they appear in the house?

A few years ago, bedbugs almost disappeared. However, bloodsuckers have again begun to multiply in our latitudes. Previously, cases of pests were recorded once or twice a year; now requests for extermination are received at least three to four times a week, and not only from dirty hotels or houses. Lack of hygiene has nothing to do with the spread of bedbugs. Parasites can appear even in the cleanest apartment.

There are different ways for small bloodsuckers to appear in the house:

  • through utilities, through cracks, seams;
  • in old furniture bought at a flea market, thrift stores;
  • in the folds of used clothes, shoes;
  • in the housing of household appliances.

Another reason is the increase in international trade and tourism traffic. In hotel rooms, bed bugs change hosts and, crawling into a suitcase, can change continents in a few hours and quickly spread in a new home. One female is enough to populate the home space with a new generation of up to 300 individuals.

How to deal with bedbugs?

Most people who find bedbugs in their home are confused - how to get them out? If you do not start poisoning bedbugs in your apartment in time, they will actively multiply, being a source of not only discomfort after a bite, but also serious diseases. Of course, the easiest, and probably the best way is to call specialists who will come to your home and carry out all the work on poisoning bedbugs; our company can very quickly destroy bedbugs in St. Petersburg. But if for some reason this does not suit you, In this article we have collected tips from professionals on how to poison bedbugs.

Why is it dangerous to delay bed bug removal?

First of all, of course, bedbug bites are unpleasant, after which painful itching certainly begins, the skin becomes red and inflamed. An allergic reaction is possible - nausea or headache; after a bug bite, the temperature may even rise. Young children are especially susceptible to allergies and can aggravate the situation by scratching the resulting bites.

In addition, bedbugs are carriers of many dangerous diseases, such as:

  • hepatitis
  • typhus
  • tuberculosis

And of course, it is almost impossible to sleep peacefully at night, because the bites of these insects are very painful. And the very feeling that something is crawling on you is very unpleasant. Note that bedbugs can appear in the house completely unnoticed. They can enter the premises along with clothes or luggage, recently purchased furniture and other interior items. So the owners of even the cleanest houses are not insured against the invasion of these parasites.

And it doesn’t matter at all whether you live in such a large settlement as St. Petersburg or outside the city in Peterhof or Krasnoye Selo, according to the practice of our company, they order bedbug poisoning in almost all nearby settlements. Removing these insects when they first appear is simply necessary. You cannot constantly put off poisoning bedbugs in the hope that they will suddenly disappear on their own. A miracle will not happen on its own. So, here are some tips from our experts that will help you properly poison bedbugs at home.

Factors contributing to the appearance of cockroaches

These nasty insects need warmth, food and water. If they find suitable conditions for themselves, there is no doubt that the colony will soon grow rapidly. You should not ignore isolated enemy spies: very soon it will be difficult to fight the mustachioed aliens. Most often, insects choose the kitchens of hostels, communal apartments, and unkempt hotels; they are often found in low-level catering establishments. However, they can easily live in an ordinary apartment building. Panel walls with many slots and ventilation ducts create excellent conditions for migration and rapid settlement.

The chance of meeting uninvited guests increases if the following factors are present:

  • Free access to water for insects. Drinking is even more important to them than food, so they will look for a source of water. These are leaking pipes, faulty plumbing, constant puddles and drops of water near the kitchen sink.
  • Large amount of food. Those who like to eat in front of the computer and leave crumbs often encounter cockroaches; they are often found in dirty kitchens. Crumbs of sugar and bread, puddles of jam, leftover food on the stove, dirty dishes - all this is an ideal food base for insects.
  • A cluttered room with an abundance of nooks and crannies. Piles of junk accumulated over the years will become an ideal breeding ground for insects.
  • Irregular and poor quality cleaning. If there is always spilled cereal or flour in the cupboards, the surfaces are not cleaned thoroughly enough, and it will be difficult to get rid of insects.

Periodic wet cleaning is a good preventative measure, but it is not enough if insects have already appeared in the house. They are extremely undemanding to food, capable of chewing through even fabric and polyethylene, and penetrating closed packages. To completely solve the problem, you need to thoroughly clean the room and carry out a full pest control treatment.

The destruction of cockroaches will be effective if carried out immediately throughout the entire entrance. The owners must agree among themselves to process all apartments at once. This will avoid the migration and relocation of insects that can travel long distances. Problems arise if there are residents at the entrance who lead an antisocial lifestyle and refuse to allow exterminators to come in and clean up the mess. In this case, in ordinary apartments it is necessary to carry out the treatment more than once.

Dangerous bites

To feed on the host's blood, bedbugs bite and suck. At the site of the bite, as with fleas, several red dots remain, which cause severe itching. The rash usually appears within a few days, so it is not initially associated with bed bugs. Sometimes bite wounds can take several weeks to heal.

Each person has their own reaction to bedbug bites. Some people don't notice anything at all, others react extremely strongly, and others don't develop a reaction until they are regularly bitten by parasites. In some people, bites can cause severe swelling, ulcers, and even allergic reactions.

To combat itching, it is best to use an ointment containing cortisone or antihistamines. More severe reactions should be treated by a doctor. Unlike tick bites, bed bugs do not transmit infectious diseases. Despite this, blood-sucking insects cause a lot of trouble and pose a threat to comfort. Therefore, killing bedbugs is an important step to ensure a normal sanitary environment.

How dangerous are ants and what harm do they cause to humans?

An ignorant person may think that ants will not cause any particular harm to an apartment, a house, and especially to a person. Everyone, while relaxing in nature, one way or another encounters small insects and does not experience any special problems with them.

Often, residents of private houses do not take any measures to remove small insects from their basements, saying that they are “useful” for the home and referring to the creation of a certain “special ecosystem” that cannot be destroyed.

Such arguments are fundamentally incorrect. Ants, despite their size, cause very real and enormous harm. There are no insects that are “useful” for your home.

Dangerous consequences of proximity to ants:

  • Damage to home. Ants build nests in walls and ceilings, destroying the integrity of the structure;
  • Allergic reactions in household members. If you or your child suffer from allergies, then uninvited neighbors can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, because their waste products are very strong allergens;
  • Spread of pathogenic microbes. Pests prefer to settle in damp areas, such as toilets, baths or cellars, from there they scatter throughout the house, carrying many bacteria and microbes;
  • For residents of the private sector, ants are dangerous due to their symbiosis with aphids.

It’s easy to guess that there will be no benefit from such neighbors, but there will be harm. It is not for nothing that for more than 500 years humanity has been thoroughly fighting ants in their homes.

Is it possible to get rid of cockroaches forever?

Despite their significant vitality and rapid reproduction, cockroaches are guaranteed to be destroyed during professional treatments. To prevent their reappearance, it is enough to keep the room clean, regularly carry out wet cleaning and do not allow water and food to be left freely available. Our organization successfully fulfills orders in the capital. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of the chemicals and equipment used.

Calling specialists is an opportunity to get rid of unnecessary costs and are guaranteed to rid the house of unpleasant tenants. The extermination of cockroaches in Moscow is carried out using modern equipment: with its help, any task can be completed quickly. It only takes a few hours to stain large areas; we work both in apartments and country houses.

Timely destruction of parasites prevents possible harm to the health of residents and saves food from spoilage. It is important to seek help in time: the faster the treatment is carried out, the lower the chance of a cockroach colony growing. Conversely, neglected premises that have long been infested with pests have to be treated several times in apartments and houses.

Bed bug

The length of the flat current bed frame is from 3 to 8.4 mm. On average, there are fewer men than women. The tube enters the opening of the tissue and absorbs the blood, leaving the front edge of the head. The upper and lower jaws look like stitched bristles. Due to the geometry and flexibility of the body, hunger imbalances were alleviated before mechanical treatment. Insects in the food become less active, their bodies are better in shape and color than blood (the colors - from scarlet to black - are almost impossible to determine after a person has eaten for the last time). To destroy these types of insects, it is better to turn to specialists.

What does an exterminator actually guarantee and what does not guarantee when exterminating bedbugs?

A good, conscientious exterminator, upon accepting an order, assumes responsibility for the destruction of all bed bugs in the room, regardless of what stage of development they are at.

It is in these differences in the development of insects that an important feature of such disinfestation lies. And because of this little thing, conflicts sometimes arise.

In general, at any given moment in time, in particular before disinfestation, on the day of its implementation, there may be bedbugs in three stages of development in the room:

  1. Adults, or adults;
  2. Nymphs of different ages and sizes - from tiny ones, smaller than an ant, to those that are difficult to distinguish from adults;
  3. Eggs.

The whole difficulty in one-time removal of bedbugs lies precisely in the destruction of eggs. The fact is that insecticides have a very weak effect on them and it is extremely difficult to kill all the embryos in the eggs in the apartment. Theoretically, this can be done in ways that do not involve the use of insecticides.

So, for example, bedbug eggs can be destroyed with hot steam or boiling water, they can be burned, for example, with bleach with a terrible smell in the apartment after that, or they can simply be crushed. But all this is possible only in theory. In practice, this is almost never possible to do using these methods due to the fact that some of the eggs are in places inaccessible to the handler. For example, under the upholstery of a sofa, or under a wooden floor, or behind a wardrobe. And if the insecticide is drawn in with the air and kills adult bedbugs and nymphs, then it has almost no effect on the eggs, and it is impossible to get the same eggs in such places with boiling water or bleach.

Therefore, after processing, nymphs emerge from the surviving eggs. Most of them die running on the drug that has dried on surfaces. If there were few bedbugs and eggs before treatment, then, as a rule, all hatching nymphs die from such contact and people no longer encounter bedbugs. But sometimes some of these nymphs survive and begin to bite people again. And in order to destroy these nymphs, about 2 weeks after the first treatment, you need to poison the bugs again.

This is the norm, this is how it should be. Such re-treatment is required in approximately 12-13% of cases. That is, for a good service, for every eight treatments against bedbugs in which the insects were completely eliminated the first time, there is one disinfestation, which requires re-baiting.

Knowing this, exterminators often provide a guarantee that includes such re-treatment. That is, if some isolated nymphs appeared in your apartment after treatment, under warranty the exterminator will come and destroy them free of charge, because this destruction is included in the already paid service. With this second treatment, the specialist poisons the bedbugs that, due to technical limitations, could not be killed during the first treatment, because at that time these bedbugs were in the eggs in places inaccessible to the exterminator.

The problem with the interpretation of guarantees is that many people do not understand this principle of two-step pest control and baiting of larvae hatching from eggs. For them, the whole process looks like this:

  1. First, there are bedbugs in the apartment, the exterminator came and destroyed them for money;
  2. Then there are no bedbugs for two, three, five, ten days, and suddenly they appear again;
  3. The bedbugs appeared again, the exterminator came under warranty and poisoned them again.

And usually it seems to a person that, under the guarantee, the exterminator must come out for free and poison the bedbugs if they appear after his treatment as many times as desired for any period after the baiting.

In reality, under the guarantee, the exterminator is required to travel only to poison the larvae that hatch from the eggs laid before the first disinfestation.

On a note

In very rare cases, it happens that the bedbugs in the room are resistant to the agent that was used for the first baiting, and after treatment they do not die, or only a part of them die. In this case, the exterminator must, under warranty, carry out a second treatment, with a different drug to which bedbugs are sensitive, and destroy them. But in reality this happens very rarely.

At the same time, the exterminator is not obliged under the guarantee to poison bedbugs for free, which penetrate into the premises he has treated from neighbors or are somehow brought in again by people. The duties of an exterminator do not include protecting the premises from insects. It is the responsibility of the apartment owner to find all the ways bedbugs can get here and block all these ways .

Uneven fight

If red dots begin to appear on the body, small spots of blood on the bed linen, and black specks on the wallpaper and frame of the bed, then most likely there are bedbugs living in the house. After discovering their existence, you should contact bloodsucker extermination professionals as soon as possible. Fighting on your own will waste valuable time. Specialists have the latest tools and devices, and still even they sometimes need to repeat the treatment several times.

Professional pest control in Moscow begins with a full inspection of the premises. This is done in order not to use steam at random, so we approach each procedure for exterminating small bloodsuckers individually. Spraying of drugs is carried out using special generators.

If it is necessary to treat large areas, for example, a warehouse, hypermarket, hotel, then cold fog is used. With this method of destruction, insecticides are sprayed throughout the room in the form of water mist. Due to this, all surfaces are quickly processed, and the dust, slowly settling, quickly destroys insects.

In houses and apartments, the hot method is often used to kill bedbugs. As you know, bloodsuckers die at temperatures above 50 C, so treating an apartment with hot fog allows you to effectively and quickly get rid of them. There is no need to move furniture, roll up carpets, or remove household appliances.

Advantages and disadvantages of calling SES

Hiring specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station to treat an apartment or house against bedbugs has many advantages. The main ones:

  • efficiency and speed of processing, prolonged action;
  • use of modern powerful drugs and special equipment;
  • the ability to process a large area;
  • no need for owners to be present at home during the procedure;
  • guarantee of results.


Disadvantages of calling representatives of the SES or commercial organizations to get rid of bedbugs:

  • substantial financial costs;
  • high toxicity of some of the drugs used;
  • the risk of turning to scammers, losing money and not getting the promised result.

It is also necessary to take into account that even professional sanitation against bedbugs can misfire. In this case, some of the insects will either survive or go to neighbors, and eventually return. But this option is most often provided for in the contract. The company undertakes, in the absence of the promised result, to carry out re-processing either at a reduced price or free of charge.

What is the difference between professional pest control

Depending on the structure and functionality, there are two groups of substances used for control:

  • Second class insecticides. Direct-acting drugs that give effect at the time of treatment. They are presented in regular stores and are available to a wide range of customers. Stop action immediately after ventilating the room. First class drugs are characterized by low efficiency; they are unable to exterminate the population of adult individuals and their eggs.
  • Insecticides of the fourth class of prolonged action. Their goal is the large-scale extermination of the parasite population, including adults, nymphs and eggs. The drug retains its effect for a long time, as it settles on all surfaces and infects new pests. These are the tools our company uses.

What to do after

To increase the effectiveness of treatment and leave no chance for pests, follow the advice given by a specialist. After completion, you will receive detailed recommendations that include several simple steps:

  • Do not open windows and doors in the treated room for 2-3 hours. Avoid ventilation during this time so that the composition evenly penetrates into insect habitats.
  • After this period, provide a supply of fresh air. This will help get rid of the insecticide smell. Airing should last from half an hour to two hours.
  • Carry out wet cleaning within the specified period. It is permissible to use a soap solution.
  • Vacuum mattresses and upholstered furniture. If there are a large number of insects on them, replace them with new ones.

Preventive measures to combat cockroaches

After disinsection treatment, it is important to follow preventive measures to prevent the reappearance of uninvited guests. If you cannot reach an agreement with your neighbors, you need to take care of reliably protecting your apartment from insects. The most effective preventive measures:

  • Thorough regular cleaning of the kitchen and other premises. It is advisable to give up the habit of eating in front of the computer or in the bedroom so that crumbs do not remain in other rooms. In the kitchen you need to regularly clean all surfaces with special detergents.
  • Fixing plumbing problems. There should be no running pipes or dripping taps; the absence of puddles and drops of water significantly reduces the risk of cockroaches.
  • Controlling the spread of insects in an apartment building. It is necessary to carefully cover all the cracks with cement mortar, treat the ventilation ducts with chemicals, and ensure that the garbage chute is in good condition. It is enough to carry out the processing several times. To permanently discourage insects from having interest in your apartment.
  • Timely removal of garbage, cleaning the premises of unnecessary rubbish. At least once a year, do a general cleaning and get rid of unnecessary things. This will free up space for living and reduce the risk of insects.

If the problem occurs repeatedly over and over again, do not try to cope with it with home remedies. New generations of insects are amazingly resistant to common household chemicals; only special professional-grade preparations will help. Specialists from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station will completely destroy the colony and prevent the reappearance of parasites.

What means are used?

To kill bedbugs in an apartment, professionals most often use:

  • Averfos;
  • Xulat;
  • Tetrix;
  • Sinuzan;
  • Eslanadez.


These products destroy adult individuals, nymphs at all stages of development, and bedbug eggs. All of them contain toxic substances that allow you to quickly kill bedbugs.

But in fact, the difference between the drugs is not so important, especially since the compositions of many household and professional bedbug remedies are similar. The most important thing that ensures the effective destruction of parasites is the competent work of the exterminator and his experience.

What to do after disinfestation?

Many organizations specializing in bedbug removal offer to clean up the premises after treatment on their own. Naturally, this service is paid additionally. Many customers decide to take advantage of such an offer, reasoning that professionals know better not only how to properly treat the room, but also how to clean it after using insecticides.

If it was decided to act independently, then the pest control service employee will give recommendations that must be strictly followed. Basic actions:

  • ventilate the room properly;
  • wash dishes, door and window handles, household appliances, cabinet doors, headboards, window sills, in short, everything that household members may touch;
  • vacuum the floor, walls, furniture.

But washing the floors, wiping the back walls and frames of furniture in order to completely get rid of bed bugs should be postponed. The insecticide that settles on them will remain in effect for some time, destroying the surviving insects.

Will re-sanitization be required?

Most often, for professional baiting of insects, strong drugs are used that affect not only adults and larvae, but also eggs. If the treatment is carried out efficiently, and the owners follow all the recommendations of specialists after it, a second procedure is usually not necessary.

It happens that after treatment, bed bugs still appear, but most often this lasts no more than a few days, after which the insects disappear.

If the parasites continue to bother you, you need to contact the same organization. Usually, under the contract, specialists are required to carry out re-treatment to destroy bedbugs on preferential terms.

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