Let's learn how to make a human trap at home

I’m not entirely sure that human traps relate to the theme of survival, it’s more likely to be methods of waging guerrilla warfare, but, as they say, knowledge is power. There is an interesting museum of human traps in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), it is organized on the basis of the Cu Chi underground tunnels (Vietnamese Cu Chi) dating back to the Vietnam War. There is a lot of interesting stuff there, everything, as they say, is first-hand and time-tested.

It must be said that human traps are not particularly different from those described in the article Homemade Traps or Traps, except that one must take into account the fact that humans are smarter and more suspicious than animals, and their dimensions are not small.

Quite a few examples of various traps designed for people can be found in cinema.

The picture above shows the man trap that Rimbaud used in his cult film. You could see it in the first part - an elastic tree, pins sharpened with a Rimbaud knife and a stretched rope as a descent. We can say that this is a classic trap; it will act against both animals and humans.

Small pit traps are no less classic.

Sharply sharpened stakes pierce the leg, and the side ones do not allow the foot to be pulled out of the trap. It was traps like these that forced manufacturers of military shoes to make an insert in the sole; at first they put metal, but after anti-personnel mines appeared that reacted to metal in the sole, they began to insert hard plastic.

They often used simply pieces of boards with nails driven into them; such human traps were simply dug in slightly to hide them from view.

Trap pit - a large hole with steep slopes is dug, sharpened stakes are installed at the bottom, then the hole is camouflaged with an interweaving of branches on which fresh turf is laid.

This type of trap was also used for hunting large game.

And the next trap is designed exclusively for humans. This is a type of wood with nails.

As you can see, the configuration of the pit here is a little more complicated, but it is impossible to protect yourself from such a trap using standard uniform. As soon as the leg falls into the trap, under the weight of the body, the planks dig into the limb pressing on them.

There are more cruel types of human traps.

Two frames fixed in the middle, on one side of the frame there are spikes, on the other there is a canvas connecting the frames. Once you fall into such a trap and the pins will enter the body, the heavier the person caught in the trap, the more forcefully the pins will dig into the body.

This type can be called gravitational, because such traps work under the influence of gravity acting on the body caught in the trap.

And here a wooden shield is used along the diameter of the trap, the pins are hidden in the walls, a rope is attached to the back of the pins, the second edge of the rope is tied to the shield.

As soon as the shield goes down under the weight of the person caught in the trap, the ropes will begin to pull the pins out of the walls of the trap. Hmm, quite a nasty trap.

The next trap is even worse.

Once you get between the logs with pins, the victim will fall down under his own weight, spinning the logs along the way. The pins enter the body at one angle and exit at another, so such a human trap can be called a meat grinder.

To summarize - this is a terrible thing, human traps. I wouldn't want to walk in an area where something like this could happen.

School of survival

Tags: “weapons”, “traps”



and there are no traps for the Vardavar))))??




How to get rid of cockroaches: folk remedies

If cockroaches do settle in your home, you should under no circumstances let the situation take its course. These insects will quickly spread not only throughout the apartment, but throughout the entire house. Meanwhile, mold, pathogenic bacteria and viruses accumulate on their paws. They can cause allergies and lead to asthma. In addition, there are many cases where cockroaches got into the ears.

Photo: Pixabay

Since these insects quickly adapt to toxic substances, specialists are forced to constantly develop new ways to combat them. First, you should try folk remedies - they are more gentle compared to chemicals and can be used in apartments with pets. Many of them are no less effective than modern insecticides. The only downside is that you will have to wait longer for results.


If you don’t have the materials, catch the fly with your hands; the method is quite slow, but doable if you have the skill.

  1. Bend your fingers to form a kind of cup from your palm. Place the phalanges to the base of the palm quickly and smoothly, then unclench your hand.
  2. Make sure that there is space between the fingers and the middle part in which the fly will be located. A man's hand is ideal for these purposes.
  3. Wait for the fly to land on the surface, bring your non-dominant hand down, and place the “cup” up. Scare the fly so that it flies into your palm, squeeze your fingers.

It is not difficult to catch a fly in a room if you are resourceful, cunning and patient. Build a fly trap from a plastic bottle, glass jar or glass. Buy special Velcro from a hardware store or make it yourself. As a last resort, catch the fly with your bare hands, cupping your palm.

Trap five - useless hobbies

The further into the forest, the thicker the partisans. It would seem that what’s wrong with a hobby. But we are not talking about something positive, for example, about creative creativity, we are talking about completely useless things, like historical reconstructions. For those who don’t know: grown men and women dress up as some kind of knights and, like little children, shouting some kind of “yoke-go”, ride horses and wave swords. And this is not some kind of children’s war game, this is presented as almost a manifestation of passion for history and love for one’s homeland. However, this phenomenon has nothing to do with the study of history and patriotism. The only result of historical reconstruction is a lot of wasted money (do you think it’s cheap these days to be in the shoes of a soldier of the Preobrazhensky Regiment?) and wasted time.

Zippo lighters

Zippo lighter

The legendary Zippo lighter and the military’s love for it played into the hands of the Vietnamese partisans during the war with the United States and literally did not play into the hands of the American soldiers. The Viet Cong managed to build small explosives into lighters, and a soldier who wanted to light a cigarette would simply have his hand torn off. Must be great motivation to quit smoking in the jungle.

Like in the movies

There are traps that make it impossible to survive if you fall into them. Similar constructions were usually set up during hostilities by partisans in Vietnam. And the hunters of African tribes knew well how to make a trap for a person.

You should always be careful in the forest, as an ordinary anthill can turn into a trap. Moving logs, stones falling from nowhere and other “miracles of engineering” are very colorfully demonstrated in many films, and so clearly that even instructions on how to make a trap for a person are not needed.

However, let’s leave these methods for the movies, and in modern realities simple and safe methods are used. Although... Let us remember the well-known and beloved film “Home Alone”. Not all of the traps prepared by M. Kalkin’s hero can be called safe for health. And of course, they became an unpleasant surprise for the villains. However, we will talk about thieves, or rather about ways to “eliminate” them, a little later, but for now...

Bamboo traps

Bamboo traps

And again Vietnam, where local residents guerrillas against US soldiers showed unprecedented ingenuity, creating dozens of types of traps assembled literally from mud and sticks. Bamboo was especially revered. For example, a trap was made in the form of a bamboo stick with stakes attached to a wire mechanism. When a soldier touched the mechanism, stakes flew into his chest with great speed.

There is also a Vietnamese trap called “punji sticks”. These are also pointed bamboo stakes, only smaller in size. They were hidden in holes along the enemy's path, having previously been smeared with mud, urine and feces. By stepping on one, the enemy was almost guaranteed to become infected.

And one more, if not deadly, then certainly very painful weapon - a real bamboo grenade used by the Vietnamese. Once in the blast radius, a person was pierced by hundreds of splinters, which are not visible on x-rays, and in the humid climate of the jungle are guaranteed to cause the soldier to rot alive.

Watch the video of how the Vietnamese fought in the tunnels against American soldiers:

Gaming and fun net

Of course, traps are not only scary and dangerous, but also playful. How to make a human trap in the house? If you want to entertain the children and the space allows, you can arrange the game “Overcoming laser obstacles.” You need to do the following:

  • place several chairs around the room at different distances from each other;
  • take a ball of thick thread or a long rope;
  • tie one end of the thread to the leg of one of the chairs;
  • stretch a thread or rope from one piece of furniture to another, securing it at different heights in any order;
  • the second end of the rope must also be attached.

As a result of such manipulations, you should get a kind of “obstacle course”, reminiscent of a network of light rays.

Participants, being on one side of the room, must move to a free part of the room. Whoever gets out the fastest wins. Is it worth mentioning that you can’t touch the “laser beams”?

Advantages of homemade mousetraps

In order to combat pests, a large number of different methods are offered. These include special poisonous substances with an attractive odor, electric mouse traps, and ultrasonic repellers. The cost of these funds varies and can hit your pocket. A homemade mousetrap is free, but allows you to deal with pests no less effectively.

Note! It is possible to poison mice and rats with toxic substances, but when they eat the poison, the rodents hide in cracks and holes, dying there. After the death of the pest, its body begins to decompose, and a disgusting smell of rot appears, which is not easy to eliminate.

A homemade mousetrap is a humane way to get rid of pests in your home. The animal does not need to be killed. You can simply let him go or take him to a safe distance.

Trap per person

Trap per person

The trap you know from movies or cartoons was originally created to catch people. That's what it's called - mantrap. For the first time, such a trap was used not to catch animals, but to catch poachers.

The trap proved so dangerous that they were banned in most parts of Europe and the US from 1827 (except in private homes, where they could be left overnight as protection against burglars).

Special means, or How to make a trap for a person

To protect apartments, garages and summer cottages, manufacturers produce quite effective, but at the same time safe and inexpensive devices.

Devices for passive security can be camouflaged as small objects or simply hidden in a room. Chemical aerosol traps contain special indelible substances:

  • luminescent spots on the face or clothing of the robber are visible even in the dark;
  • coloring powders cannot be washed off for 5 days, which will allow you to quickly find the intruder (works great if the uninvited visitor is from a familiar environment);
  • A service dog can easily find a thief based on their scent marks.

A magnetic siren, triggered when the doors are opened, will scare away the uninvited “guest”. A tear gas tripwire installed on the front door will incapacitate an unlucky thief in a couple of seconds.

Some apartment owners, wanting to protect themselves from robbery, leave poisoned alcohol on the table, others set traps for people. Those who are especially “caring” can connect an electric current to the door handle or place boards with nails under the window sills.

Such barbaric defense measures could result in the attacker's death or serious injury. Effective, to be sure, but... It is important to remember that, in accordance with the law, such actions are considered intentional harm to health. Even if the owner of the house resorts to them for protection, he may face criminal penalties.

Fighting methods

They fight cockroaches with a variety of means, here are the main ones:

  • Chemical and folk remedies.
  • Freezing.
  • Electric repellers.
  • Traps.
  • Call the SES service.

An important condition is that the apartment is clean and there is no open food. It is its smell that mainly attracts these parasites. It is also recommended to carry out a thorough spring cleaning and empty the trash bin in a timely manner.

Important! In addition to dirt and the smell of food, cockroaches are attracted to moisture. Puddles left on the floor or table, a leaking faucet - parasites can come running to all this.

If any of this attracts pests, they will start looking for ways into the apartment. They can crawl through cracks in the floor, walls, ceiling and windows, then hide in secluded places: behind cabinets, upholstered furniture, under the sink, under peeling wallpaper. After cleaning the room and making the necessary preparations, you can begin processing.

Helmet bomb

German helmet from World War II

German soldiers during World War II took advantage of the enemy's desire to take a German helmet as a souvenir. A bomb was hidden under it, and the person who picked it up was blown up. However, similar traps were used by terrorists after World War II, when explosives were disguised as allegedly lost household appliances, toys, or even wallets.

Glass jar and coin trap

This homemade mousetrap from a jar is simple and can also be made from a saucepan, and if desired, the coin can be replaced with a large button or a metal washer. A coin (button, washer) serves as support for the raised edge of the jar. A strong thread with a hook at the end is glued or tied to the support. A rod is installed inside the container (you can use wire, a twig, etc.), through which the thread is thrown. The bait is put on the hook.

Attracted by the aroma, the mouse pulls the hook with the bait, after which the thread tightens and pulls the support out from under the can. For maximum effectiveness, the bait should be placed at a distance of 2-4 cm from the surface. The disadvantage of the trap is that it requires reloading. That is, having “covered” one mouse, the can ceases to be effective.

In a simpler version, the bait can be glued to the wall of the jar, then when you try to get to it, the mouse will shake the jar, which will lead to the support falling.

In order to remove a caught rodent, it is convenient to slip a sheet of cardboard under the triggered can.

Other ways to get rid of mice are described.

What to do if pests don't go away

A less popular method is repellers. Electric repellers are used mainly against mosquitoes, but they do not always work against cockroaches. Although a good, expensive device will almost certainly remove parasites if used correctly.

Another method is freezing. But it only works in winter. And then, only when it is possible to turn off the heating. Cockroaches flee or die from the cold. If it is cold enough, open all doors and windows and leave the apartment for at least half an hour. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times every 5 days.

Note! Another effective way, but also costly, is to call professionals from the sanitary and epidemiological station. They will certainly finally remove the annoying parasites if the previous methods did not work.

Traps made from scrap materials in the forest

This list began to take shape five years ago - in the fall of 1996, when SU.BOOKS once again raised the question of what good things could be given to children to read, and I began to write out in a separate file all the books that subscribers called Ekhi. The first more or less complete version of the list was published in early 1997, and it also included an indication of the genre of most books and approximate recommendations for the age at which they are best read. Vyacheslav Kopeykin (2:5025/2.80), Pavel Viaznikov (2:5020/185.9) and Boris Tolstikov (2:5070/42.4) helped me in compiling these comments. I would also like to immediately thank all the subscribers of ehi SU.BOOKS, who named their favorite children's books, which compiled the list. This version of the list has become widespread and can be easily found on the Internet. (I don’t know the exact URL, but Moshkov has it somewhere). Work on the list continued in 1998, after the creation of the SU.BOOKS.FOR.CHILDREN echo. Since then, the list has undergone significant changes. It was thoroughly supplemented and clarified, but at the same time lost comments indicating the genre and age recommendations. In general, I have to note that despite the increase in the volume of the list, its practical value has noticeably decreased. This is due to the principle of forming the list - I included absolutely all the books that were named to me, without discarding anything. In this regard, the list, which was originally conceived as a “Golden Fund”, i.e. the best children's books, now includes a large number of books of an average level, and even, perhaps, very mediocre ones. In addition, the list includes a number of completely non-children's books, in which there are children heroes (such as Golding's Lord of the Flies) and books for adults that children simply like. On the other hand, the list contains many truly excellent books, some of which were rarely published and are now undeservedly forgotten, and the list here fulfills its main function - it reminds us of these books. This begs the desire to somehow organize the list, return the genre indication and age recommendations, and introduce some kind of rating for evaluating books. I would also like to see more information about the authors - their biographies, bibliographies. However, this is a huge job, for which I do not have enough strength or time, and it is simply physically impossible for one person - for example, I myself have not read even a tenth of the books now on the list. Now, if we all get together... Or we can leave this list as it is, and at the same time start maintaining another one - really a “Golden Fund”, which includes only the best books, and so that not just titles are included there, but immediately with brief annotations, so that everyone can immediately find out what this book is about... In general, if anyone has any suggestions, additions and clarifications on the list, please speak out, preferably in the echo of SU.BOOKS.FOR.CHILDREN, that’s the place for it.

Venter, mousetraps, nets, pits

Traps are technical devices made of metal, ropes, branches, and the use of natural features of the terrain to capture a victim or take his life. The object can be either an animal or a person. And for the hunt to be successful, it is necessary to take into account not only the size, but also the habits, lifestyle and disposition of the intended victim. How to make a human trap? Here is a small list of devices that can help in this endeavor:

  • Snares, networks, tenets. Although they are usually used to capture hares and birds, these traps may well detain a potential victim, in our case, a member of the human race.
  • A bucket of water mounted above a slightly open door is one of the options for a homemade trap.
  • A banana peel thrown at the feet of an attacker will cause him to fall to the floor.

Pit with snakes

Pit with snakes

A real nightmare for herpetophobes. But even for those who do not seem to be afraid of snakes, it is an extremely unpleasant and often deadly trap, which, as you can understand, is a pit with snakes. These were used to catch the enemy, as well as for torture and sophisticated executions in medieval Europe and many Asian countries.

It is believed that it was in the pit with snakes that the Viking leader Ragnar Lothbrok was executed after his defeat in the battle with King Ella II of Northumbia, who was rightly known as a cruel and treacherous ruler.

How Auntie Scared Thieves

Of course, in peacetime, variations on the theme “How to make a trap for a person” are usually sought in order to protect one’s home from the invasion of uninvited guests. Our people are cunning, they invent such methods that you are simply amazed.

For example, one of the townspeople made a large rag doll, dressed it in her old robe, and put a wig on her head. Before leaving for the dacha, the woman hangs this mannequin in the corridor in front of the front door. Any thief, having climbed into a house and seen such a picture, will forget about the purpose of his “visit” and retreat. Well, okay! After all, the main thing is to protect your property, and not to catch the villain.

Some craftsmen connect one of the lamps with a timer, which turns the lamp on and off from time to time. This creates the impression that there are owners in the house.

Drone trap

You can also make your own drone trap. The device is made of wire. It consists of two sections, between which a barrier is mounted, which has 2 ends of a fine mesh. A dividing grid is installed in front. The drones will not be able to get through the bars and end up in the upper grid, unable to get out. It is a trap.

There they can accumulate up to one liter. Soon everyone dies and must be thrown away. If swarming continues, the catcher is reinstalled. If the queen is caught, you need to hang the structure and wait until the bees gather in a ball around her. Only then can you transfer them to the hive.

Capturing a bee colony is the most essential experience for a beekeeper. Honey insects living in the wild often die due to lack of suitable housing or lack of food. Therefore, bees need traps more than beekeepers themselves.

Bee nutrition Types of food

Internal structure of the trap

Cylindrical trap. The frames can be placed vertically, “on the butt”. The wax is attached to them as usual. You can also make a comb from gorge. Secure it at a distance of 5-10 centimeters from the bottom. It depends on the height of the entire trap, how much space is left for the sub-frame space. For a round trap, you need to tie it with waste material along the upper cut. Be it an old cotton scarf, gauze, in a word, anything that is no longer needed in the household is suitable. Otherwise, bees will find a hole in almost any ceiling. Either a gap forms in a fold of roofing material that does not fit tightly to the wall of the trap, or somewhere else. And rest assured, a lot of bees will climb into it, and those who get out know what they are doing - they sting. A tight band around the top of the trap will keep the bees out.

Quadrangular trap. The frames should be hung on hangers, like in a beehive. The trap for bees (swarms) uses standard Dadan frames. The number of frames in a trap for bees (swarms) is from 5 to 8.

You can also use store frames in a bee (swarm) trap. Even weak swarms build them up.

It is advisable to use frames with side bars that interlock to the full height. Then they don’t hang around in the trap, which is also important. That is, you need to stuff the “frame clip” tightly so that it does not “play” during transportation. Otherwise, rows and any parallelism will be violated. Some frame will move forward, the other will move backward. The dryness and wax may even become wrinkled. The bees will then glue it all together with propolis and wax, building up cells where they are needed and where they are not needed. In general, a lot of problems will arise when placing bees in a hive. After all, the longer the transplant takes, the more bees fall into the grass. Straightening the skewed structure of the frames, rub the brood. In this way, the uterus can also be damaged. Therefore, the frames in the trap must be secured securely, but not difficultly. Even if the trap falls from a tree, the structure of the frames should not be disrupted.

There are frameless methods for rigging traps, but they are not recommended due to obvious disadvantages. Now times have changed and foundation has become available. Therefore, frames should be filled with full sheets of foundation. The sooner the bees finish building the honeycombs within the framework, the faster they will switch to collecting nectar.

The wax should be sprinkled with medium concentration syrup - 150 grams of granulated sugar per 100 grams of water. With this solution from a spray can for spraying indoor and garden flowers with water, you need to spray the foundation on both sides. You need to sprinkle the wax with syrup or a diluted spoon of honey in a small amount of water, even regardless of whether there are many or few frames in the trap. Then the bees build honeycombs on the foundation almost twice as fast as usual.

Inside the trap for bees (swarms), it is advisable to place a frame with old honeycomb from the very edge (for the smell).

Sometimes the bees begin to chew on the inner walls of the bee trap (swarms). In this case, you can fill the walls of the trap for bees (swarms) with a thin layer of paraffin. It does not affect the choice of such housing by bees.

On top of the frames you need to put a canvas or a piece of old quilted jacket. This is done not only for insulation. Often bees do not want to rebuild the foundation, especially if during its production at the factory people were negligent and transferred the soap to the rollers. Then the bees even begin to pull their “tongues” from the roofing felt towards the frames. If you put a ceiling, then it should literally lie on the frames themselves.

So, the streets are laid on top with slats, then canvas, then (mandatory if the roof is plywood, which is sufficient) plastic film, then the roof.

The roof is tied to the body of the trap for bees (swarms) with a binding wire. This wire must be strong enough to attach a carabiner and rope to it and raise the bee (swarm) trap to a height.

Military methods: human traps in the Moscow region

In the Moscow region, they are looking for intruders who stretched steel wire between trees in the forest. Local residents discovered at least six of these deadly traps. One of them was hit by an ATV driver, and it almost ended in tragedy.

Lacerated wounds to the mouth, cheeks, five knocked out teeth, a broken jaw - this is how the family ATV ride ended for Alexey.

“The tripwire hit the lower part and it was cut. The fishing line passed directly at such an angle... it cut off the armrest, hit him in the arm and below in the chin, the helmet flew away, and the wire touched his face,” says the victim Andrei Ignatov.

The helmet saved his life. A thirteen-year-old niece was riding with Alexey - the cable almost hit her head with a ricochet. The girl suffered psychological trauma.

There is a beaver dam 3 kilometers from the house. Alexey wanted to show it to his niece. But on the way between the trees there was a metal wire stretched like a string. A little further along the forest path, Alexey counted five more tripwires - every 150 meters at neck level. The tension of the wire can be judged by the marks on the trees. Streamers were hung near bushes and where there was tall grass, so that it was impossible to notice the deadly traps.

Alexey collected coils of steel and took them to the local forestry department - it is the one responsible for the territory. But there was no one there. As local residents say, ATV riders ride in this forest all the time: 20 ATVs go out at a time. But they don’t even dare to guess who could take such a radical step.

“We have not had any conflict situations with residents... This is an attempt on a person’s life. We would like the culprits to be found,” says the victim’s wife, Tatyana Kizilova.

With the help of the same tripwires, Soviet soldiers destroyed fascist motorcyclists. Now the method of guerrilla warfare is used to fight against those who like to ride in the forest with the breeze. The motorcycle gets caught in a tripwire. It all started with the Valuevsky forest park. Dissatisfied with the constant roar of engines, people tried to rid the green zone of the dominance of four-wheeled vehicles. And a thin wire at good speed can blow your head off.

Village of Zhostovo, water protection zone of the Moscow Canal. Under the wild roar of engines, ATV riders tear off the fertile layer. To operate such equipment, you need a tractor driver's license. But the box office will quietly turn a blind eye to this. Pay and go wherever you want. Most are driving for the first time. Not a single SUV has a license plate, although it is required by law to have one. Drivers are often drunk.

The struggle of those who live near the forest and those who ride in the forest is only getting worse. ATVs have evolved from life-saving equipment into mass entertainment. In the Moscow region alone, ten thousand all-terrain vehicles are officially registered.

“The first thing they did was jump out at us with pitchforks, put up some kind of iron spikes for us to stop us from driving through there, and put up concrete blocks. The question immediately arises for them: why are you doing this, what will happen next?” – asks the head of the ATV club Andrei Merinov.

And if a compromise is not found, then this confrontation will certainly end in tragedy. The police are now looking for installers of banners in the Ramensky district.

“A local resident received a statement about bringing to justice the citizens who pulled metal cables in the forest near the village of Plaskinino. An investigation into this fact is being carried out,” said Andrey Pyshkin, an employee of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region.

While the forest guerrilla has not been found, residents have organized patrols; it is possible that not all trip wires have been found.

A trap on your home street, or About safety precautions and inattention

How to make a trap for a person on the street? It is not always necessary to deliberately dig holes, insert stakes or set snares. An open sewer manhole and an unfenced trench, a construction pit and a well with boiling water from a heating main can become a deadly trap on the streets of a modern city.

If there is construction going on near your home, you must supervise children and teenagers. After all, they are so interested in being in the “excavation” territory, and games in such a place often end in failure: spinal injuries, fractures and concussions.

To avoid falling into an open well, you need to carefully watch your step when moving on the sidewalks. Of course, builders and repairmen must install fences and warning signs when working on potentially hazardous sites. However, to maintain your own health, you need to take care of yourself.

Mace and Killer Log

Killer log

And finally, we came to the traps that you could see in the movie about Indiana Jones or in the same “Predator”. The simplest but effective weapon of retaliation was a log with stakes or reinforcement that flew at a person as soon as he hooked a simple trigger mechanism.

This also includes the hanging mace, which has been known about for many centuries. Smaller than a log, but no less crushing a stone with stakes, which demolished everything in its path, including an unwary warrior or a simple traveler.

Well, finally, it’s worth saying that if you prefer “Home Alone” rather than Indiana Jones, then you shouldn’t use such traps at home. And just in case, be careful with lighters.


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