How to get rid of nits on long hair quickly and safely?

The progress of modern society does not reduce the risk of contracting certain diseases. Among them is pediculosis. Just like several hundred years ago, lice continue to exist. It’s still just as easy to “pick up” them. And you have to try hard to get rid of it. Especially when it comes to nits. Nature took care of the kids: it provided them with a secluded “house” in which their safety and development are ensured. To get rid of parasites, it is not enough to kill adult individuals. It is necessary to exterminate all forms of insect life. Let's figure out how to get rid of nits in order to confidently fight back against lice.

Ways to combat nits

Since only a few are ready to part with their hair, other methods are needed to combat the proliferation of annoying parasites. Depending on the specific situation, one of the possible methods is selected: the use of industrial preparations (ointments, shampoos, sprays), folk remedies, mechanical processing. Preference can be influenced by:

  • price of the drug;
  • duration of the procedure;
  • presence of contraindications.

There is no generally accepted panacea. Everyone chooses the most suitable option for themselves, combines or sorts out many means before finding the ideal solution.

We recommend reading: safe remedies and methods for getting rid of lice for pregnant women.

Pharmacy products

Most pharmaceutical products are effective in combating adult insects, but are useless when the need arises to deal with nits. Many substances are not able to get inside the dense shell of the cocoon. Some components, even reaching the body of the developing larva, do not have the desired effect. Since many systems and organs of a young insect are not yet formed.

Preparations based exclusively on permethrin (Veda, Nittfor) are not used to combat parasite eggs. The active substance does not penetrate inside the cocoon and does not have the desired effect. Preparations based on natural components (essential, mineral oils) are ideal for allergy sufferers, but cope exclusively with adult representatives of parasites.

Note! The use of Paranit and LIceGuard will have to be supplemented with other methods of combating.

The ideal method for killing nits is the use of organophosphorus bases. These are powerful insecticides that act on a wide range of parasites. Dichlorvos is considered the most famous. It kills insects at any stage of development. The main disadvantage of the drug is its high toxicity. It affects not only parasites, but also the human body. Spraying on the skin is fraught with extensive irritation, allergies, and poisoning.

It makes sense to use dichlorvos only for treating premises and things. You can buy a 150–200 ml bottle for 60–160 rubles.

Another cheap and effective way is ointment. The mercury, sulfur, boron base is designed to corrode the chitinous shell of adult representatives, the protective shell of the egg. The method is characterized by high toxicity to the human body.

Treatment will take from 2–4 days to the same number of weeks. The death of adult insects occurs quickly; getting rid of nits is more difficult. The product is smeared over the hair after washing and drying, after 20–30 minutes the hair is thoroughly washed with shampoo.

Depending on the type of ointment, a prescription may be needed. You can buy a 10–20 g tube for 4–30 rubles. Depending on the volume of hair, a single procedure may require several pieces.

The most acceptable method of combating nits is the “Para Plus” spray. It contains several insecticides. These include permethrin, karbofos (malathion). The first one copes well with adult insects. The rest infect cocoons. Permethrin interferes with breathing and motor activity. Karbofos dissolves the internal organs of “babies”. The product is convenient to use: just spray the spray along the entire length of your hair, and after 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo. For a 116 g cylinder you will have to pay about 500 rubles.

is considered a good remedy for nits . The drug is based on karbofos. The substance copes well with the cocoon shell, affecting the undeveloped larva. The form of the product is convenient to use: just wash your hair as with your usual shampoo, leaving the foam on your head for a few minutes. You can often get rid of parasites in one go. In some cases, it is necessary to repeat the treatment after a week. For 100 ml of product they pay an average of 60–100 rubles.

Sometimes Hygia shampoo is used to get rid of parasite eggs. The basic active ingredient - permethrin - is supplemented with acetic acid. The component helps to dissolve the egg attachment. The cocoons become mobile, they are easier to remove, wash, and comb out. Shampoo is applied to the hair and the scalp is treated. After 20 minutes of exposure, the product is washed off. The drug is supplemented with a comb for mechanical processing, since without it the effectiveness against larvae in the development stage is weak. For 120 ml of shampoo they pay 250–350 rubles.

Folk remedies

Most non-special purpose products have a less noticeable therapeutic effect or increased danger when used. Various herbs have long been used to combat parasites.

Later, all kinds of chemicals were added as folk remedies. All preparations for home treatment are low cost.

The simplest, safest, but ineffective is cranberry juice. It does not affect the viability of lice at any stage of development. A useful property of the juice is that it weakens the cocoon shell. Natural acids corrode the egg’s attachment, making it more mobile and vulnerable.

Important point! To fully remove parasites, careful combing will be required after using cranberry juice.

Other preparations of natural origin act similarly to berry acids - mint with pomegranate juice, black cumin, geranium oil, burdock, onion. According to the folk recipe, the drug is prepared, rinsed, compressed or rubbed. After this, the insects are thoroughly combed out.

has a similar effect . It completely “removes” nits from hair. All that remains is to comb them out of your hair. Salt and alcohol are sometimes added to the aqueous solution. Such products help soften hair and refresh the scalp. The main thing is not to confuse vinegar with essence when preparing. The latter can cause significant burns to the skin and hair.

is often used to get rid of parasites . You can buy it at the pharmacy. The product is considered poisonous to nits, but safe for people (when used externally). The instructions must be strictly followed. Otherwise, the drug can lead to serious poisoning.

To combat parasites , dust and tar soap are effective. Tar is considered safe for health. Its use has a beneficial effect on skin inflamed from bites. Dust soap is highly effective, but it has been officially proven to be harmful to human health. To avoid any doubt, it is better not to use it.

deserves attention as a remedy for nits . It is effective and safe for health when used correctly. The toxic effect will spread not only to parasites if the exposure time on the hair is increased (more than 20–30 minutes). Kerosene is flammable and irritates the skin with prolonged exposure. The most acceptable option is to combine the substance with shampoo.

Thorough brushing

The mechanical method of processing is most effective in combating parasite eggs. This option is used to eliminate live and dead insects. It is not simple combing with a standard tool that will do, but the use of a special technique.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse hair and skin. It is recommended to use insecticidal shampoo or add a suitable folk remedy to your regular detergent.
  2. To better separate nits from the hair shafts, it is recommended to treat the hair with a vinegar solution (cranberry or pomegranate juice).
  3. Begin processing with thin strands - separate a strip of hair, comb it repeatedly with a fine comb from the very roots to the ends.
  4. Any eggs that have accumulated on the instrument are removed and the comb is rinsed. Upon completion of the procedure, the device must be thoroughly cleaned.

Attention! Treatment should be carried out daily at the beginning of treatment. If necessary, up to several times a day. As the insect population decreases, the frequency of treatment is reduced.

To comb out living and dead individuals, you can use a regular metal comb or choose a modern electronic analogue. The latter is more effective. In addition to the usual combing, killing of adults with weak electric current is achieved. Notches on the teeth of the product make it possible to better catch nits.


There are also many shampoos for head lice: Pedilin, Anti-bit, Reed, Paranix, Sifax, tar.

  1. It is better to study the most popular options in advance before going to the pharmacy in order to get rid of lice in one treatment.
  2. They are applied to damp hair and whipped into foam with massaging movements.
  3. According to the instructions, you need to wash it off after 10-15 minutes, but as practice has shown, it is better to leave it on for about 30-40 minutes.
  4. True, then the risk of allergic reactions will increase.
  5. Then you need (in some cases) to wash your hair with regular shampoo, and, most importantly, to comb out nits and dead lice with a special comb.

Choosing an effective remedy

The fight against nits is a specific process. Most drugs have little effectiveness against representatives of this stage of insect development. Choosing the most effective remedy is simple: you need to combine different types of control to destroy lice.

The mechanical method of removing eggs is always taken as a basis. Regular thorough treatment is the key to obtaining effective results. Additionally, drugs are used that reduce the stability of nit attachment. Without them, even the mechanical method will become ineffective. As the third component, 1 of the suitable insecticides is selected.


For example, benzyl benzoate emulsion is 20% for adults and 10% for children.

  1. Apply the emulsion to your hair.
  2. Lightly rub into the skin and curls.
  3. Tie the treated hair with a scarf and leave for half an hour.
  4. After the required time, rinse your hair under the tap.
  5. We rinse with 5% vinegar.
  6. Then wash your hair as usual using shampoo or soap.
  7. To remove remaining nits, you need to comb out with a fine comb.

How effective the procedure was was determined after a day.

Pros: low cost, good effect; disadvantages – unpleasant smell, there are contraindications. It is recommended that children under 5 years of age dilute the emulsion in a 1:1 ratio with boiled water.

The price for a 50 ml bottle is around $0.3.

Preventing re-infection

Any treatment against parasites must be carried out carefully. During the procedure, precautions are taken. It is important to protect others from infection. There is a high probability of recurrent pediculosis. Single nits left in the hair are capable of developing and continuing to reproduce.

Parasites run the risk of remaining on clothing, bedding, and furniture. To prevent re-infection, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the surrounding area. This applies to all household items.

To minimize the likelihood of a new infection outside the home you will need:

  • limit close contacts with strangers;
  • behave more carefully in public places;
  • refuse to use other people's things;
  • Carry out a thorough examination and preventive sanitation in cases of suspicion.

Any situation favorable to infection should raise red flags. Timely measures taken will help prevent the problem from arising or worsening. You can learn more about measures to prevent head lice on our website.

Dealing with lice is not that difficult. Removing nits is already a more difficult task. To achieve results, a competent, well-planned approach is required. First you need to know how to effectively fight parasites.

Learn more about head lice with the following articles:

  • signs and symptoms of lice, how to detect and recognize lice;
  • types of lice, from differences and similarities;
  • how lice reproduce, speed of development;
  • where do human lice come from;
  • can lice appear due to nervous conditions?
  • How dangerous are lice, what consequences can occur after lice.

What happens if you don't remove lice?

The main symptom, sign and unpleasant factor when infected with lice is severe itching. It is impossible to live in peace when your head is constantly itching. Therefore, they try to remove lice as quickly as possible. However, in some cases, people do not pay attention to the itching. This may be due to decreased sensitivity of the scalp or other reasons. Some may feel that their itchy scalp is due to an allergy to shampoo, water, or hats.

If itching does not interfere with your life, you should pay attention to other symptoms of lice infestation:

  • the appearance of insects - they can be seen with the naked eye, since the female’s body length reaches 0.4 mm, insects move along the hair, so with a certain amount of observation they can be noticed; if the hair is thick, you can comb it - when combing, you can find parasites;
  • the presence of nits - lice eggs: these are very small white balls at the roots of the hair, with a large accumulation they are visible;
  • bloody bite marks - when piercing the skin, the louse injects a substance into the skin that prevents the blood from clotting, so that a drop of blood flows out and remains on the surface;
  • tangled and glued hair that forms tangles: they stick together due to waste products of lice;
  • an unpleasant odor emanates from the hair .

If you do not remove lice, you can get the following complicated consequences of lice:

  • severe scratching at the site of bites;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infection of scratched wounds;
  • through wounds, the infection enters not only under the skin, but also into the blood, which is why it spreads throughout the body;
  • in advanced cases, this can lead to dangerous diseases and even blood poisoning.

It's sad, but some parents believe that head lice in a child does not require treatment or is not treated at all. For children's health, infestation with lice and nits is especially harmful, since the psyche also suffers: the child becomes restless and irritable from constant discomfort. It is necessary to remove lice from everyone - both children and adults.

When do eggs become larvae?

A nit is the first stage in the formation of a louse . The development period from egg to adult insect can be from two to four weeks. After 5-10 days, a larva emerges from the nit. The period of its ripening directly depends on favorable conditions. The most comfortable temperature for the development of larvae is 36.6. When the favorable environment changes, the life cycle of insects does not stop, but only slows down.

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

  • The composition includes only natural ingredients;
  • Does not cause side effects;
  • Absolutely safe;
  • Protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites;
  • Removes waste products of parasites from the body.
  • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

There is now a preferential program for free packaging. Read expert opinion.

Read further:

How to get rid of lice and nits with vinegar at home: treatment methods

Treatment of head lice and nits at home with folk remedies

How to get rid of roundworms at home using tablets and folk recipes

What lice and nits look like on human hair, in adults and children

How to get rid of pinworms at home for adults and children

How to get rid of pinworms at home in 1 day for children and adults

Prevention methods

The main method of prevention is to avoid close head-to-head contact. This is difficult to explain to a small child, but teenagers should understand, especially since the widespread spread of head lice has recently been associated with the habit of taking selfies, where heads are often brought close together.

You should also teach your child never to use someone else’s comb or wear someone else’s hat.

To some extent, essential oils can be considered a preventative measure, especially geranium oil, the smell of which lice cannot tolerate. Add a few drops of this essential oil to your regular shampoo, and girls with long hair can apply a couple of drops on their heads to create something like perfume.

And, of course, constant, at least weekly monitoring, especially if you notice that the child is scratching his head. Although curing a child today is not difficult, you should not take this problem lightly.

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