What are the types and how to treat external parasites in cats?

Cats, like all domestic animals, are susceptible to various diseases, which almost always affects their appearance - the coat loses its shine, the skin becomes dry and flabby. But such external signs can cause not only serious internal diseases of the animal. It is quite possible that parasites, classified by variety, have appeared on your pet’s skin. These include:

  • fleas;
  • coccidia;
  • lice;
  • ear mites;
  • ixodid ticks.

Despite the most careful care of your cat, the risk of infecting your pet with parasites still exists. Therefore, cat owners should know how microscopic insects spread, causing a lot of trouble, and how to deal with them.

What blood-sucking insects and parasites can live on a cat's body?

There are several blood-sucking insects:

  • Fleas. Small jumping insects that can spread without direct contact. This is possible thanks to the special structure of the legs, which allow you to jump quite far.
  • Lice. These are also parasites that feed on the blood of animals. They cannot jump long distances and lay eggs - nits. Transmitted through close contact between animals.
  • Ear mites. These are very small insects that live on or in the ears of an animal. They feed on blood.
  • Ixodid ticks. Unlike ear ones, they are characterized by their large size and cause a lot of inconvenience to the animal.

What blood-sucking insects and parasites can live on a cat's body?


Most often, animals suffer from ear mites. These skin parasites in cats take up residence in the ear canal, forming a reddish-brown substance that causes severe itching. Therefore, the animal constantly shakes its head and scratches its ears until they bleed. It is quite simple to make sure that the cause of this behavior is an ear mite. It is enough to wipe the inner surface of the ear with a cotton swab and carefully examine the removed plaque, in which white insects and their reddish secretions are clearly visible through a magnifying glass.

Ear mites cause complications. Their presence can lead to otitis media, deafness, and meningitis. Treatment is carried out in the form of treatment with special drugs. It is first necessary to thoroughly clean the ear from brown plaque.

Subcutaneous mites are less common. They live in the thickness of the animal’s skin, causing irritation and itching. As a result of scratching, crusts form and hair falls out in the affected areas. The disease can only be diagnosed in laboratory conditions by analyzing scrapings from the animal’s skin. Based on the research results, treatment is prescribed.

Can human lice live on cats?

No, this is impossible. Despite the external similarity, these are different lice. Parasites do not spread from humans to cats. And even if you specifically introduce lice from a person to a cat, they will not be able to live there.


  • Body temperature difference. The body temperature of cats and dogs is higher than that of humans. This environment is unfavorable for lice and they die.
  • In addition, the structure of the hair is different. Accordingly, the structure and structure of the legs of insects is different. Human lice simply cannot cling to cat hairs with their paws. And they need exclusively human blood.

Can human lice live on cats?

Can lice pass from a cat to a person?

No, insects from a cat's fur do not pass on to humans. This is due to the structural features of insects. A person's body temperature is lower, so even if several parasites are specially transferred, they will not be able to live on a person's head.

Can lice pass from a cat to a person?

A cat has white parasites on its fur: what are they?

These are lice eaters, they are not blood-sucking insects. They only parasitize the fur. They feed on hair and skin scales. Such parasites provoke dermatitis and a decrease in the amount of hair. They lay small eggs, which later develop into adults.

Signs of infection:

  • The pet becomes restless and constantly rubs against something
  • Scratching occurs, the skin peels, and tufts of fur fall out
  • If the problem is ignored for a long time, wounds and ulcers appear, through which bacterial infections can occur.

A cat has white parasites on its fur: what are they?

Symptoms of ectoparasites

The main sign of infection with ectoparasites is a skin reaction. It includes the following symptoms:

  • redness;
  • inflammation;
  • ulcerations;
  • suppuration;
  • local or total hair loss;
  • dandruff;
  • severe itching.

Due to constant scratching, the animal's body quickly becomes covered with bloody crusts. Bacteria and other pathogenic organisms easily penetrate into the lesions, complicating the course of the underlying disease.

What parasites and worms can you get from cats?

Cats are carriers of a huge number of parasites, including worms. Among them there are harmless and very dangerous ones that affect the liver.

Types of worms in cats:

  1. Roundworms . These parasites are transmitted from cats to people. They can grow up to several meters. Causes increased appetite and bloated stomach. Sometimes vomiting, weakness and diarrhea are possible.
  2. Tapeworm. A very dangerous parasite that can easily be contracted from a cat. It is a tapeworm, reaching a length of 3 m. Moreover, the worm has a suction cup with which it is attached to the intestines. The animal becomes very restless. There are white inclusions in the stool that resemble grain. These are scraps and worm larvae. It is a hermaphrodite, so upon reaching puberty it fertilizes itself.
  3. Roundworms. Thin worms that often affect kittens. They are transmitted to people and also live in the intestines. They cannot be noticed for a long period of time, since they are not often excreted along with feces. The animal wastes away, becomes thinner and even coughs.
  4. Nematodes. They can be very small in size, so there are no traces of worms in the feces. But the cat is losing weight, autumn is restless. Nematodes are transmitted to people, causing anemia and intestinal diseases.

All types of worms in cats should be treated. If you have small children in the house, give them and the animals anthelmintics. It is worth carrying out preventive treatment. It is held in autumn and spring.

What parasites and worms can you get from cats?


These blood-sucking brown insects live almost everywhere. They can even be found in carpets, rugs and upholstered furniture. They are distinguished by their ability to perform huge jumps relative to their size. The habitat for fleas is mainly animal fur.

These are the most common external parasites in cats. Treatment should not be delayed. Large numbers of fleas can cause severe disease. The bites of these insects lead to severe itching, which causes the cat to itch intensely and bite off fleas. It is from this symptom that one can suspect the presence of parasites in an animal. Scratching and inflammation appear at the site of the bite, and insect waste products can be found on the fur.

Fleas can carry helminths. Therefore, at the first signs of a flea infestation, it is necessary to take appropriate measures. It is necessary to treat not only the animal itself, but also the entire apartment. The cat must first be bathed. After this, treat the wool with an anti-flea agent, having first consulted with a veterinarian about which drug is best to use.

These pale gray blood-sucking insects also sometimes cause a lot of suffering to pets. These parasites in cats are identified by the restless behavior of the animals, the presence of scratching, and upon careful examination, both the eggs laid on the fur and the lice themselves can be seen with the naked eye. The treatment is practically no different from flea treatment.

How to protect yourself from getting infected by parasites and insects from cats?

It is worth noting that some parasites can exist on their own for a long period of time. In this case, many larvae end up in the soil, where they live for quite a long time. That is why it is worth washing your hands after contact with soil.

Preventive measures to combat parasites:

  • Wash your greens, vegetables and fruits. Since the soil may contain larvae and eggs of worms, everything that comes into contact with the soil should be washed well and doused with boiling water.
  • Do not swim in prohibited areas. In the summer, in order to freshen up, people ignore warning posters and swim in ponds. The water may contain worm eggs.
  • In summer, cover food with cloth or lids. Don't leave food directly on the table. Enough for a fly to sit on the product. This insect is a carrier of a huge number of ailments, including worms.
  • Take care of animals. If you have a pet, don't leave it unattended. Carefully examine the feces and condition of the animal. If there is any suspicion of worms, give the animal an anthelmintic.
  • Teach your child to wash their hands before and after eating. Children often dig in the sandbox, where infected cats can go to the toilet. It is enough for a child to lick his fingers for parasites to settle in the body.
  • Boil and fry the meat well. Cattle also carry a large number of parasites. With insufficient heat treatment, worm eggs enter the digestive tract along with food. Infection occurs.
  • Be sure to wash the trays where the animal goes to the toilet with bleach. There are also modern disinfectant liquids. With their participation, it will be possible to destroy worm eggs.
  • Do not purchase products secondhand. This is especially true for dairy products and meat. High probability of infection from fruits and vegetables. Do not allow children to eat unwashed berries and fruits. Do not drink unboiled milk.

How to protect yourself from getting infected by parasites and insects from cats?
As you can see, cats are carriers of a huge number of parasites. Not all of them are transmitted to people. But a large number of worms are still capable of living in the human body.


You can get rid of external parasites yourself. There are many good veterinary medications on the market for fleas, lice, and ticks for adult animals and kittens. They come with detailed instructions, so it is impossible to make a mistake with the dosage. Treating a cat against parasites is carried out simultaneously with disinfection of the pet’s apartment and bedding.

To get rid of ticks, fleas, and lice eaters, special alcohol and oil drops are used on the withers and collar, soaked in essential oils. Shampoos, ointments, and sprays containing chlorhexidine and benzoyl peroxide are used. Additionally (as prescribed by a veterinarian), immunostimulants are used. Secondary infection requires antibacterial therapy.

Treatment of helminthiasis is carried out with anthelmintic drugs. They are available in tablets and as a paste in special dispensing syringes. Cats are given the drug once in the morning feeding. Cucumber tapeworm is treated with the help of febantel and praziquantel and simultaneous treatment of the animal's fur for fleas.

Parasites of domestic cats are an integral part of their lives.
Even good daily care cannot save you from them. After all, parasite eggs are present everywhere, in the soil, raw food, and in the cracks of the floors. People can bring them on clothes and shoes from the street. The salvation is constant prevention and regular examination of your pet by a veterinarian. Share with friends:

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