A variety of insects often settle in the vicinity of humans, which sometimes cause inconvenience. Some of
Description of the diving beetle and its specifics The diving beetle spends the vast majority of its time in the aquatic environment.
What does a cricket look like? This insect of the family Gryllidae belongs to the grasshoppers. Has a cylindrical body, round
The flour beetle is a small heat-loving insect that is a malicious pest of flour, grain, nuts,
Brief description: Types of insects similar to mites. Why are some types of insects confused with dangerous ones?
In addition to the well-known spiders and cockroaches, very interesting insects can often settle inside houses and apartments.
The invasion of this pest can only be compared with an invasion of locusts. The mole cricket is an insect capable of
Insects appear in the bathroom because suitable conditions are formed there for them: Excessive humidity.
Waxworts belong to the lamellar family. Small beetles are distinguished by a large number of hairs on their body and
Wild animals >> Birds The gray partridge is a small wild bird, similar in size to