Plants with a pungent odor, essential oils, repellents - so what are mosquitoes more afraid of?

Mosquitoes are annoying pests that not only irritate you with their buzzing, but also with their painful, itchy bites. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely protect yourself from interaction with these insects. They are especially active in the autumn and summer, also in the spring - in the warm months, after the snow has melted and solar activity has increased. It’s difficult both in cities and outside of them.

Despite such an unpleasant neighborhood and a high probability of bites, it is still possible to reduce the risks.
For this, traditional methods are used. They are simple, cheap and do not pose any danger to humans. You can resort to the help of professional chemicals. They are effective and also safe for humans. Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?
Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?

Review of popular models, rating, operating principle. Is it worth taking?

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Next, we will look at what mosquitoes are afraid of and how to repel them.

Fumigants and repellents

Repellents and fumigants are chemical agents. Fumigants are divided into electrical and pyrotechnic.

Electric fumigators are devices that run on electricity. Repellent components are liquid or plates that, when heated, release chemicals that mosquitoes do not like. Manufacturers promise that after an hour there will not be a single insect left in the room with the fumigator turned on.

Advantages of the fumigator:

  • No contact with skin;
  • Ease of use;
  • Availability;
  • Low price;
  • There are no obvious negative effects on health.


  • Short service life;
  • Irritating strong odor;
  • Cannot be used in a home with children or pregnant women;
  • Headache and allergies may occur.

If mosquitoes are not afraid of the fumigator, you may have bought a fake or it is broken. In small doses, fumigants repel insects, but in large doses they kill.

Pyrotechnics are plates that need to be set on fire. Spirals are used in the yard, on the site, during recreation. If they are used in the home, they may cause headaches.

Most mosquito repellents contain diethyl phthalate, which is effective against insects but is toxic. When using them, you must follow the rules and safety measures.

  • The repellent must be applied according to the rules recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Lotions and creams are intended for application to the skin and last for an hour and a half.
  • A safe repellent is a pencil. Cases of an allergic reaction are rare, but the smell is unpleasant.
  • Bracelets soaked in natural oils are one of the safest ways to repel mosquitoes.
  • Scented candles will repel insects; mosquitoes do not like their smell; they can be used at home or outdoors.

What else attracts blood-sucking insects?

Without confirming the sympathy of female mosquitoes for a certain blood type, scientists note: there are other factors that are more likely to influence the “favor” of insects:

  • age of the person – young people are bitten more often than older people;
  • hemoglobin level – a person with anemia is less likely to be liked by a mosquito;
  • blood composition - mosquitoes are attracted to people who have a lot of B vitamins in their bodies.

Mosquitoes may be attracted to the dark colors of your clothes

Also, blood-sucking insects willingly flock to:

  1. The smell of sweat. The component that annoying mosquitoes like most about it is lactic acid, which is released by muscles when moving.
  2. Alcoholic amber.
  3. Hair balm scent.
  4. The smell of certain medications, such as heart medications.

There is a high chance of being bitten by a person with a high body temperature (from illness or intense movement), as well as by pregnant women. During pregnancy, women exhale more carbon dioxide, which attracts insects.

Advice. Remember that mosquitoes can see colors. Most willingly, they flock to a “victim” dressed in an outfit of red, black and dark blue tones. Their least favorite color is yellow.

Ultrasonic repellers

Ultrasound against mosquitoes has been used recently. The operating principle of the devices is based on ultrasonic waves. Are mosquitoes afraid of ultrasound? The opinions of scientists are divided; 100% effectiveness has not been proven. But, some models really work. Devices that are plugged into the network, battery-powered, and portable devices are sold.

When purchasing a device, keep in mind that ultrasound works at a distance of up to 5 meters if it is a stationary model and up to two meters for portable models.

Ultrasound is not dangerous for humans, since we cannot hear it. What frequency are mosquitoes afraid of? The creators say that bloodsuckers cannot withstand a frequency of 30 kHz. And the devices are produced with a floating frequency, from 4 to 40 kHz. It is believed that mosquitoes are afraid of the sound that imitates the flight of dragonflies, and this is 30 kHz.

Unlike citronella, lemon balm can survive the winter in open ground. We are used to brewing leaves as an additive to tea and do not know that they can be used to repel mosquitoes. Melissa grows quickly, spreads on its own, and requires no care. Seed the area and make sure that the grass does not take over the entire garden. It will also look great on the windowsill and fill the room with the smells of mint and lemon.

Other properties of lemon balm:

  • has a sedative and relaxing effect;
  • helps with digestive disorders;
  • relieves muscle spasms.


The principle of operation of traps is to attract insects and destroy them. The bait for attraction can be one or several in a complex. Gas, heat, and light act as baits. Mosquitoes are not afraid of light and fly towards the heat emitted by the lamp. In general, bloodsuckers do not care about light or darkness; they orient themselves using not only the organ of vision.

Gas traps imitate human breathing; insects sense gas at a distance of up to 50 meters and rush to the device.

Propane exterminators are used on site. H20 traps can be used indoors and outdoors. The disadvantage of gas devices is the regular purchase of gas cylinders.

Electric traps with a lamp can be used outdoors and indoors, but due to their high price they are not in high demand. Devices with a fan or models that emit carbon dioxide are effective.

Water traps are effective in the home and yard. They are equipped with a special container where dead insects are disposed of. Are mosquitoes afraid of water? No, they lay eggs in water. But adults drown in liquid. Periodically you need to add and change water.

Light traps are inexpensive, but are ineffective if it is an ultraviolet lamp. Mosquitoes fly towards heat, not light. It’s good if, along with light, the device produces heat.

How to get rid of mosquitoes yourself

In addition to apartments, mosquitoes choose private houses, local areas and basements as homes. Methods of control may vary slightly depending on the location of the insects.

In the basement

As already mentioned, mosquitoes can appear in apartments from basements, where there is an environment favorable for their life.

To get rid of insects in the basement, first eliminate the comfortable environment. There should be no leaks or stagnant water in the room. After removing them, dry them thoroughly and treat the basement.

Basement treatment can be carried out:

  • Insecticides are substances, upon contact with which paralysis occurs and the insect dies. When using such drugs, follow the prescribed precautions.
  • Repellents. The principle of operation of the substances is based on repelling insects. The main thing during processing is to maintain the required dosage of the drug, otherwise the body may be poisoned.

You can also use popular fumigators, repellers or folk remedies to exterminate insects.

If the situation is critical and you were unable to repel mosquitoes on your own, call a special pest control service.

In a private house

To exterminate mosquitoes in a private home, first of all, destroy all possible breeding sites and development of larvae.

For this:

  • Clean all yard buildings: barn, bathhouse, livestock pens.
  • Clean the roof and gutters of debris and standing water.
  • Remove leaves from the yard.
  • Destroy trash that can collect sediment: old barrels, containers, car tires.
  • Ventilate basements, utility rooms and living spaces regularly to avoid excess humidity.
  • Clean dishes and water bowls for livestock in a timely manner.

When the places where the larvae develop are destroyed, begin exterminating the adults. To do this, use repellents, insecticides or folk remedies.

After exterminating insects from your home and surrounding area, protect yourself from repeated invasion. Plant elderberry, lavender or mint in the yard, and install mosquito nets on windows and doors.

What are mosquitoes afraid of - folk remedies at home

What smell are mosquitoes afraid of?

Folk remedies are effective if you know what smells mosquitoes, flies, midges, ticks and other insects are afraid of. Many aromas are pleasant to humans, but unbearable to bloodsuckers.

In a house or apartment, mosquitoes are afraid of the smell of certain plants.

  • Elder. Finely chop the leaves and place them in containers throughout the apartment. When the leaves dry out, you need to replace them with fresh ones.
  • Bird cherry. Mosquitoes will be repelled by bouquets of fragrant branches arranged in vases.
  • Geranium. Well repels many types of insects.
  • Conifers. You can use cones and tree branches.
  • Fish fat. You can coat exposed skin with it; insects will not bite, since the smell is unpleasant to them.
  • Soy sauce. If you pour the sauce into a cup and place it near the bed, protection from bloodsuckers is provided.
  • Smoke. An easy way to repel insects at a picnic is to light a fire. Mosquitoes are afraid of smoke. Why? It's all about the strong, unpleasant smell for them. If you throw spruce branches into the fire, mosquitoes will be even more afraid of such smoke.

How to fight mosquitoes at home


Mosquitoes are afraid of the smell of vanillin because the aroma does not allow them to smell a person. You can use vanilla to make a mosquito repellent spray or cream. For one packet of vanillin, take a liter of water and mix the ingredients. Using a spray bottle, apply the product to skin and clothing.

Add vanillin powder to the baby cream, mix and apply to exposed skin. This method of protection is suitable for children.

What essential oils are mosquitoes afraid of?

Essential oil is a good way to protect yourself from pest bites. It can be used outdoors and at home. A few drops of oil should be applied to the points where the pulse beats.

Do not apply essential oil to clothing; it will leave greasy marks on the fabric.

What essential oils are mosquitoes afraid of? They don't like the smell:

  • Lavender;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • Geraniums;
  • Carnations;
  • Citronella;
  • Anise;
  • Camphor oil.

To protect against bites, add essential oil to the cream and lubricate the skin. In this case, the risk of allergies is minimal.

For people with sensitive skin, the method with essential oils is not recommended.

Mosquitoes are also afraid of the smell of “Star”. Before using the balm, do a skin sensitivity test.

An aroma lamp will save you from mosquito attacks at night if you add a few drops of essential oil.


Are mosquitoes afraid of alcohol? Yes, because it has a pungent odor, especially ammonia. Soak a cloth in alcohol and wipe the window sills, window frames, and doors. A person will stop smelling after a few minutes, but for insects this is a real obstacle.


Mosquitoes are afraid of the smell of garlic. You can prepare a spray or balm based on it. To prepare the spray, take a head of garlic, add a glass of water and cook for 5 minutes. Balm is crushed garlic and essential oil. It is important that the balm does not get on the mucous membranes or in the eyes.


The smell of vinegar repels bloodsuckers; they are afraid of it. Spray your home. Mix equal amounts of water and apple cider vinegar and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. To enhance the effect, add a drop of eucalyptus essential oil.

Lemon catnip
Lemon catnip, more often called catnip, looks similar to lemon balm. Cats really love this herb and react to its aroma with a loud purr. Mosquitoes have a different opinion about this plant.

Catnip repels mosquitoes better than DEET. At the same time, the grass, unlike repellents, does not cause any complaints from environmentalists.

Other properties:

  • has a calming effect on a person;
  • used in cat training;
  • improves digestion.

Methods for using rosemary are usually concentrated in cookbooks. But in a flowerbed, the plant behaves just as well as pennyroyal: it repels mosquitoes and attracts butterflies.

Other properties:

  • Rosemary oil is a good preservative;
  • decoctions and infusions improve the condition of oily skin;
  • helps improve memory.

Two in one! Seasoning and mosquito repellent. Basil has many varieties that differ in shape and color, so you can also decorate a window sill or garden bed with unusual combinations. The plant is an annual plant and is quite easy to grow.

Other properties:

  • excellent seasoning for many dishes;
  • during the flowering period, attracts pollinating insects to the garden;
  • used to treat ARVI.

Mosquitoes don’t care how much garlic you eat. Bad breath is not a problem for insects. But green shoots of garlic in a flower bed will repel mosquitoes away from the gazebo.

Additional properties:

  • has antibacterial properties;
  • garlic juice is a natural glue;
  • stimulates hair growth when rubbed into the scalp.
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