Midges - photo and description, types of midges, where they come from
materials » Microscopes » Articles about microscopes, microspecimens and studies of the microworld » Midge under
TOP of the best installations for killing mosquitoes on plots up to 50 acres
Review of the best mosquito traps: from electric to propane mosquito killers
Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying enemies of humanity. It is not surprising that in stores you can
7 best mosquito fumigators - rating for 2021
With the arrival of warmth, everything around blossoms, greenery blooms and at the same time small,
Onion fly
How to deal with onion fly in the garden and in the apartment
Experienced gardeners will agree: it is not possible to grow a rich harvest of onions every year. And with this
Swallowtail butterfly
Swallowtail butterfly: diversity of subspecies and life features of the swallowtail
Swallowtails or cavaliers are a family that unites the largest and most beautiful butterflies. Greatest diversity of species
How to fight aphids on cucumbers: effective methods and folk remedies, effective methods
You don’t need to know how to get rid of aphids on cucumbers and how to fight them.
What is the difference between a gadfly? What is the difference between a horsefly and a gadfly, or are they the same insect? Infections carried by horseflies
What danger do horseflies and gadflies pose a lot of inconvenience to both humans and animals. Define,
How to get rid of midges in an apartment: TOP-26 remedies
Midges - this name refers to hundreds of species of insects. Main features: they are small, their
Slugs on cabbage
How and how to treat cabbage against caterpillars - folk remedies and preparations
Getting rid of slugs on cabbage is easy. Look for recipes in the article. Growing vegetables, gardeners
What to do if there are flies in a private house
To prevent flies from ruining your summer: all the ways to combat insects
In order to get rid of flies seriously and for a long time it is necessary: ​​Reliably block access to insects
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