Anti-tick drops for cats - review of popular brands, their pros and cons

When choosing a product to protect a pet from ectoparasites, owners are advised to pay attention to special drops. This remedy is universal, protecting the animal from blood-sucking parasites for a long period. Apply drops to the withers area so that the animal cannot lick them off.

Due to their properties of penetrating into the fatty layer without entering the central bloodstream, anti-ectoparasite drugs in the form of drops create reliable protection for the animal’s body.

The effectiveness of drops depends on several criteria. First of all, these are substances that are included in the composition and cause irreparable harm to ectoparasites that feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals.

The frequency of washing the animal is of great importance in the duration of exposure. If the owner is obsessed with keeping the cat clean and washes it frequently, the effect will only last a couple of weeks. In case of infrequent washing, the pronounced effect of the treatment lasts for a couple of months.

The drug against parasites in the form of drops is selected individually, taking into account the age and weight of the animal. The difference between the products intended for young or adult cats is the concentration and type of toxic substance that has a detrimental effect on the nervous system of ticks.

Dangers of flea infestation

Fleas, like any other parasites, pose a great threat to your pet's health. They parasitize on a cat’s body with incredible speed: the female is capable of laying up to 8 eggs in one clutch, and during her life the number of larvae laid exceeds 2 thousand. One of the features of flea development is that it does not occur on the animal’s body, but on surrounding objects. The larvae grow where the eggs were originally laid.

The first days of the disease

It is almost impossible to determine the disease in the first days; even the most attentive owner may not notice slight deviations in the cat’s behavior that indicate some kind of problem. The habits of a furry pet practically do not change; you can suspect something is wrong only by more frequent scratching. Also, a good way to find fleas during this period is to check the cat's tummy. Existing black or dark red dots indicate that the pet’s blood has been digested and secreted by parasites.

Second stage of infection

After some time, the number of fleas reaches 200 individuals. The cat's behavior changes dramatically, she:

  • becomes restless;
  • constantly combs itself and bites itself in places where fleas accumulate;
  • refuses favorite food;
  • stops sleeping during the day;
  • asks the owner for help in his own way (rubs his legs, asks to be held, often lies down next to him, etc.).

During this stage, fleas are easy to spot with the naked eye. It is enough to examine the fur - parasites will be clearly visible on it. Small bleeding wounds are visible on the skin.

If your cat brushes himself frequently, you might want to consider whether he has fleas.

Advanced form of the disease

The condition of a furry friend can reach critical levels when the pet experiences severe pain. Due to the large number of fleas at this stage, the following problems and diseases develop:

  • allergic dermatitis;
  • anemia due to constant blood loss;
  • significant loss of body weight;
  • hair loss in patches with the formation of bald spots.

Cats at this stage are very exhausted and helpless, they lose all interest in entertainment. Diseases caused by parasites can threaten their lives.

Types of shampoos

Flea shampoo is an effective remedy for eliminating parasites. Domestic cats become carriers of fleas, which cause trouble not only for the animal, but also for humans.

Not only cats with thick, fluffy hair are susceptible to attack by parasites, but also breeds with no fur: Sphynxes, Peterbalds, elves.

In veterinary stores you can find a wide range of pet care products:

  • Regular or dry shampoo with a pronounced insecticidal effect. Enriched with natural or synthesized peritroid insecticides, surfactants, and detergent components.
  • Standard, washing shampoo, which is used for preventive purposes. Enriched with nutritional components, natural plant extracts, essential oils that repel insects.

Flea shampoo for cats helps eliminate parasites, which often carry worm eggs. This is a basic care product that has not only a therapeutic, but also a cosmetic effect.

Flea remedies: how to choose and use

Currently, there are:

  • shampoos,
  • powders,
  • drops,
  • collars,
  • sprays,
  • injections,
  • pills.


Most shampoos are based on chemicals: permethrin, deltamethrin, methionine and others. Various softening elements are used as additives to improve the condition of the coat and fight inflammation due to parasites. Eg:

  1. Extracts from medicinal herbs that help relieve inflammation and have a healing effect. They also eliminate itching and additionally repel fleas with their scent.
  2. Essential oils, which help the fur to recover, make it smooth and pliable to comb.
  3. Amino acids - added for rapid growth of new hair, as well as for recovery after treatment of dermatomycosis. These substances help restore the upper layer of the epidermis.

If fleas appear on a nursing cat, you should not bathe her with shampoo. In any case, its particles remain on the skin and fur. When feeding, they enter the body of newborn kittens and can cause significant harm to their fragile organs.

If a pregnant or lactating cat is infected with fleas, it is advisable to treat it with folk remedies.

Not everyone will like it, but it will help everyone: a bath with shampoo is one of the methods of treatment

Powders and powders

Powders and powders are an unfairly unpopular form of flea treatment for cats. If your cat is pregnant and has picked up parasites, one of the effective ways to remove them is to use these drugs.

Powders and various powders, after being applied to the cat’s skin, accumulate in the glands and epidermis. The accumulated substance from the bite enters the body of the parasite and causes disruption of the nervous system. The main active ingredient in the powders is karbofos or permethrin analogues. All powders have a fine-grained structure and are sprinkled onto the fur. After killing the fleas, you need to comb the cat with a special comb.

Sprinkling powders should be applied to clean and dry hair, otherwise the effect will not be achieved.

If necessary, some types of powders can be used to disinfect surfaces. To do this you need:

  • sprinkle the product onto surrounding objects in contact with the cat,
  • maintain the time specified in the instructions for the drug,
  • collect the powder and clean the coatings.

In this case, there is one drawback: if there is a person in the house who is susceptible to chemicals, then he needs to leave the room during the disinfestation.

Drops on the withers

Drops on the withers have a number of advantages. They:

  • easy to use,
  • no need to calculate their dosage and prepare complex mixtures,
  • provide maximum safety for the cat, as they are applied to places inaccessible to the cat (which means the risk of getting inside is minimized)

There are many products, but drops are the easiest to use

Flea drops contain insecticides that are characterized by rapid action and have relatively low toxicity. Some representatives of this type of preparation also combine an odor that is unpleasant for fleas, which, in turn, additionally protects cats from parasites. The following substances are most widely used in the composition:

  1. Invermectin is a drug based on the mechanism of disruption of the nervous system of parasites, leading to their paralysis. It has a strong toxic effect, so drugs containing this component must be taken strictly according to the instructions.
  2. Permethrin is an insecticidal agent that disrupts the polarization of the membrane of nerve cells. It does not harm the pet, even if it enters the gastrointestinal tract, as it has low toxicity and is easily excreted by the body.
  3. Fipronil is a modern broad-spectrum insecticide that affects the central nervous system of parasites. Does not have a pronounced toxic effect and is safe for pets.

Regardless of the composition of the drops and the indicated side effects, you need to monitor the cat’s condition after applying the product. Any changes should raise suspicion of an allergic reaction.

Basic principles of using drops:

  • You cannot bathe your cat two days before using the product and for two days after.
  • It is advisable to apply the drug in the evening, as it may lose effectiveness from sunlight.
  • The drug is dripped onto the withers (closer to the base of the skull) so that the pet cannot lick it off.
  • If the instructions say to apply the product along the spine, then you do not need to go below the middle of the body. This restriction is imposed for the same purpose - to protect the pet.


Flea sprays for cats should be as safe as possible (there is a possibility of the product being ingested through the respiratory tract) and effective. In order not to harm your pet, you need to spray the drug as carefully as possible, without getting it on the mucous membranes and muzzle in general. It is better to carry out processing in a ventilated area. Also, to ensure the safety of the cat, you need to take into account its age and condition of the skin, otherwise the drug may penetrate inside and cause poisoning.

The use of flea spray on kittens under 3 months of age is contraindicated.

After applying the spray to the fur, make sure that the cat does not lick itself for the time specified in the instructions for the product. To do this, you can put a special collar on his neck. After the specified period of pest-baiting, your furry friend needs to be washed.


A collar on a cat, as a rule, indicates belonging to the home and care from the owners. At the same time, the product is practical and convenient to use. The undoubted advantages of this flea protection product are its simplicity and reliability. The use of collars does not provide for additional methods of protection (use of sprays, shampoos).

There are several types of collars:

  1. Collars containing active chemicals.
  2. Ultrasonic collars designed to prevent the appearance of fleas (they operate on batteries and scare off potential “neighbors” with ultrasound).
  3. Biological collars consisting of herbs and essential oils. They act similarly to ultrasonic ones, but have an unpleasant odor that may not be to the cat’s taste.

After purchasing a collar, you need to monitor the condition of your pet’s skin in order to notice in time an allergic reaction to a chemical or herbal component.

An antiparasitic collar, like any other product, has its own expiration date. Repellent types are limited to two or three months, but insecticide-impregnated collars can last six months.


Flea injections are not prescribed or recommended for all sick cats. You should resort to this method if other drugs do not have a positive effect and the pet’s condition is close to critical. The procedure is also indicated in case of helminthic infestation due to flea infestation. Injections have a more pronounced effect compared to other means, so it is not advisable to use them for mild forms or for preventive purposes.

The advantages of injection therapy in the fight against fleas are as follows:

  1. Ease of use. The drug is injected at the veterinary clinic into the back of the shoulder. The cat does not feel pain at this moment.
  2. Reliability. The administered substance has a detrimental effect on all types of parasites.
  3. Quick effect. The injection begins to act immediately after administration, the drug spreads through the bloodstream and gets inside with each flea bite.
  4. The components of the drug have a destructive effect even on flea eggs.

Although a flea injection is painful, it is more likely to help your cat.

Injections are intended for adult cats; under no circumstances should injections be given to kittens, pregnant or lactating females.

Any injection contains one of three substances:

  • invermectin, which is an antiparasitic drug that affects the transmission of nerve impulses (thanks to it, paralysis occurs in the parasite);
  • eprimek (also causes paralysis and death of fleas);
  • lufenuron, which prevents the formation of chitin - the main element of the flea shell - due to which the larvae cannot develop. It has no effect on adults.


The advantages of tablets are:

  • painless compared to injections,
  • relatively low risk of adverse reactions,
  • no discomfort in the pet.

The tablet, once in the stomach, dissolves under the influence of juice, then is absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. Fleas feed on blood that is “poisoned” for them. The drug affects their nervous system, causing further paralysis.

For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to use shampoos and/or thorough combing with special combs.

Before purchasing tablets, you should read the instructions and consult with a specialist. After taking the medicine, you need to monitor your pet's condition. This form of the drug cannot cause poisoning, but allergic reactions to some components occur.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of flea control products

ShampoosClinical studies have proven that they are effective and safe, including for kittens. High-quality and natural shampoos do not irritate mucous membranes and skin. The line includes samples that help restore wool, as well as eliminate unpleasant odors. Not everyone can afford high-quality shampoos. Cheap samples do not always cope with the task and consist of 80% water and various thickeners.
PowdersThe powders have proven themselves to be the best; they effectively fight both adult individuals and their larvae. Some preparations are also intended for application to surfaces. Powders differ from other products in the difficulty of dilution. When using some products, it is necessary to resort to individual protective measures, and after treating the room, ventilate it.
Drops on the withersAn undoubted advantage is their ease of use. The drops have a toxic effect only on parasites and do not harm the pet. They are used for both medicinal and prophylactic purposes. When using drops on the withers, the result comes much faster. There are individual forms of intolerance to the drug. The drops require strict adherence to the instructions, taking into account all side effects.
SpraysSprays have a powerful insecticidal effect. One application in severe cases is sufficient. Strong toxic effect, it is necessary to take precautions and strictly follow the instructions.
CollarsCollars have a big advantage - the pet will not bring parasites from a walk. They help prevent fleas from appearing on the animal. The appearance of an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance to the drug contained in the collar. It does not destroy laid eggs or adults.
InjectionsThe injections are easy to use. The duration of action varies from 1 month to six months depending on the drug used. They affect all fleas, no matter whether it is a larva or an adult. Individual intolerance to the drug occurs, or side effects occur. Some injections should not be given to small kittens or pregnant cats.
PillsThe tablet form of the drug does not cause pain or discomfort. The drugs do not cause irritating reactions. They are an effective way to control fleas. Flea tablets are quite expensive and often need to be ordered directly from the manufacturer. Cheap analogues do not always cope with the task.

How dangerous is a blood-sucking tick bite for a cat?

Excidian mites (60 species) are distributed throughout Russia. Three genera are carriers of infectious diseases:

  • Ixodes (taiga tick, dog tick);
  • dermacentor (pasture mite);
  • hyalomma.

They live in grass and bushes at a height of 1 m from the ground. They are active from March to November, but are especially dangerous in spring and autumn, since during this period they are especially hungry and angry.

Most often, free-roaming cats become victims of tick attacks, but there is always a danger for apartment cats, since the owner can bring the parasite on his clothes.

The tick tick is a carrier of diseases dangerous to cats.

When a tick bites, it secretes saliva, which has an analgesic effect. It hardens over time, thanks to which the parasite is securely attached. After this, it begins to feed on the cat’s blood, which is why it increases in size. Having thoroughly eaten, the tick falls off (this can happen after 3-4 days or a month), but the female lays eggs and dies. But before that, they can infect the animal. Excidian ticks are carriers of many diseases:

  • hemobartonellosis - the disease is caused by microscopic parasites that penetrate red blood cells, which leads to depletion and gradual death of the latter (the disease can be suspected by the presence of fever, anemia, heart failure);
  • tularemia - pathogens attack the lymphoid tissues of the cat, as the disease progresses, it spreads throughout the body, which can result in intoxication, sepsis (if untreated, death cannot be avoided);
  • theileriosis - caused by single-celled parasites that penetrate all organs with the blood, the disease manifests itself with sudden weakness, loss of appetite in the animal, heavy breathing, the functioning of the heart and lungs is gradually disrupted, and fever appears;
  • feline encephalitis - there are two types of the disease (muscle pain accompanied by headache and a disease involving the nervous system);
  • Lyme disease - manifests itself as a rash and can cause problems with the joints, heart, and nervous system.

The tick, engorged with blood, increases in size

Effective folk remedies

Often, when faced with fleas on a cat, the first thing an owner decides to do is deal with this problem on their own. In this case, folk remedies come to his aid.

The most popular are baths with the addition of essential oils. They not only help get rid of fleas, but also restore the pet’s fur. For additional protection, you can treat pine sawdust used as bedding with essential oils or special extracts. This aroma not only calms your pet, but also repels parasites.

Video: treating kittens for fleas

Using tar soap helps get rid of fleas in 3-4 days, but not with advanced forms of the disease. The product also promotes wound healing. To treat a cat, you need to whip up the soap and apply it liberally to the fur. Then you need to wait 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water. After drying, you need to comb the cat.

What to use from three months of age

Most anti-flea medications can be used to treat fleas in kittens over 12 weeks of age. There are only weight restrictions - the body weight of the animal must be at least 1 kg.

Veterinarians advise starting anthelmintic therapy a few days after treating the wool with insecticides. Few people know that fleas are potential carriers of helminthiasis.

The range of products available on the veterinary market is varied, but in no case should you use drugs intended for the treatment of head lice and other parasitic infestations in humans.

Tips for choosing the right product

To choose the right drug, many factors must be taken into account. If the degree of the disease is low and the number of fleas is small, then you should not resort to injections and powerful tablets. It is enough to limit yourself to folk remedies and shampoos, and after baths you must definitely comb the cat.

If the disease develops or more gentle remedies do not help, you should first consult a specialist. The choice of drug depends on the cat’s condition: the more severe it is, the more aggressive the treatment is prescribed (high-quality drugs will be expensive). Malnourished animals are not given most injections and toxic substances, as are pregnant cats. If a kitten under 3 months of age is sick, you cannot treat it yourself. Most medications are contraindicated for him.


They should only be used imported (Foresto, Kiltix, Scalibor). They do not have strong odors, are used for a long time (from 3 months or more), you can swim with them and not worry about a decrease in efficiency. The total cost of such a collar may be somewhat shocking (generally, the price of collars is over 1,500 rubles), however, when recalculating the amount for a month of use, it comes out even cheaper than the monthly use of good sprays or pipettes.

The main advantage is that, having put on the collar once, you forget about external treatments for a long time (you only need to pull the collar to the sides once every 2-3 weeks in order for the active substance to be released). But there are also disadvantages - the product is not suitable for hairless animals, continuous wearing is required for the entire period of action, it begins to work effectively on the 5-7th day of use (i.e. for this period it is worth limiting the animal from walking or using additional means of protection).

How to prevent infection

Avoiding flea infestation is very easy. To do this, you need to periodically comb the cat and bathe it in the bath with special shampoos. If he does not tolerate water, then wearing a collar with special deterrents will be a reliable remedy.

Regular brushing of your cat helps prevent fleas

Keeping your home clean is also an integral part of preventing infestation. If a cat has once been exposed to fleas, then there is a possibility that their eggs will be found on the surfaces of the room. If you do not clean up with sufficient regularity, the developing larvae can again end up on the cat's fur, and the whole thing will happen again.

Contraindications and side effects

A clear contraindication to the use of pet flea shampoo would be individual intolerance to any components and the animal’s violent reluctance to undergo water procedures. A side effect may be intoxication caused by the detergent entering the digestive or respiratory tract, as well as the accumulation of toxic substances due to too frequent use.

If there are strong signs of poisoning (vomiting, weakness, drooling, etc.), you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Some cats are categorically against water procedures

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