Popular types of spiders living in the Krasnodar region

Spiders of the Krasnodar region feed on insects and live among vegetation. Representatives have poisonous glands. Not all insects are dangerous to humans. However, you should not contact representatives. Even a non-fatal bite can result in allergic reactions and severe skin irritation. Spiders pose the greatest danger to animals and children. People with weakened immune systems or pregnant women are also at risk.

In Krasnodar you can find many poisonous insects

Sea monsters

For those who are in a hurry to sunbathe by the sea waves in the Kuban resorts in the summer, it is useful to know about the dangers lurking in the coastal waters.
First of all, you should beware of the large cornet jellyfish. The identification mark is a purple spot with a flower-shaped pattern on the back. Its “stinging” cells cause severe burns. Cornermouths are found, as a rule, in the area from Port Caucasus to Anapa. A prick from the dorsal fin or gill covers of the scorpionfish is dangerous. This is a fish with bizarre skin growths on its head.

Near Anapa, in shallow water you can encounter a stingray. The impact of its spike can pierce clothing and even shoes. And an injection in the chest or stomach is fatal. No such cases have been recorded in Kuban recently. But just the other day, a stingray attacked a vacationer near Kherson. According to legend, according to Sophocles, Odysseus was deprived of his life by a spear with a tip made of a stingtail thorn.

Among amphibians, the gray Caucasian toad, which grows up to 20 centimeters, is considered poisonous. The milk-like toxin released from the skin can poison your dog.

“No cases of human death have been recorded, probably because no one licked the toad on purpose,” notes Chushkin. “Many people are afraid that petting this creature will give you warts.” In fact, the wart virus is found in the soil, and toad venom only softens the skin, making it easier for the infection to penetrate.

Red-bellied fire-bellied toads are also found in the region. In a limited space, they are capable of poisoning each other with their own poison, which is released in the form of white foam.

—Are there poisonous birds? — we ask Andrey Chushkin.

“Definitely not in Kuban,” he smiles. “I heard that there are some of these somewhere in the jungle, but their toxicity is probably secondary... In general, aggressively toxic birds are from the field of cryptozoology.”

Consequences of a bite

Karakurt, which has a very strong poison, unlike other spiders, is very aggressive and bites not only for the purpose of self-defense

He can attack purposefully, so you should not only tease him, but also approach him with great caution. The bite itself is very painful, and after 10-15 minutes the pain spreads throughout the person’s body and becomes almost unbearable

If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, which consists of administering a special serum, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, fever, headache and dizziness, tremor, profuse sweating, and a feeling of heaviness in the chest may develop.

Hammerhead shark

Photo: ErikvanB / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

This shark lives in the Mediterranean Sea, but there have been cases when some individuals appeared in the Black Sea waters. In particular, a hammerhead shark was seen off the coast of Romania, Turkey, and Bulgaria.

The length of this fish reaches 6 meters. Its distinctive feature is the shape of its head, which looks like the letter “T”. The hammerhead shark is aggressive and attacks people. Even fatal outcomes of such collisions have been reported. Fortunately, these sharks are found so rarely in the Black Sea that no cases of shark attacks on humans have been recorded here yet. But we must remember that all repeating events happen for the first time.

pain bug

During the year, three cases of bites from poisonous arthropods were recorded in the region - in Krasnodar, the villages of Fastovetskaya and Krasnooktyabrskaya, Tikhoretsky district.

Doctors found out that a yellow sak spider began to attack people. Previously, it was found mainly in Germany or Austria.

Now I’ve also fallen in love with Kuban.

According to Vladimir Gladun, a teacher at the Faculty of Biology at Kuban State University, the bites of this spider are necrotic: the venom affects tissues, not the nervous system.

Not everyone knows that a very small (up to five centimeters in length) reddish-brown scorpion lives near Sochi.

Its poison is not particularly dangerous (it’s the same as a wasp sting).

“But there is conflicting information about the fact that larger and more poisonous Caucasian scorpions wander into our region,” Chushkin added.

The fauna of the former USSR includes the most poisonous spiders - karakurt and tarantula.

They are not found in Kuban.

The largest (up to four centimeters) spider that runs along the coast is the steatoda (wolf spider), a distant relative of the karakurt. Its bite is non-lethal to humans, but very painful.

It is not entirely clear whether the South Russian tarantula, quite large, up to 3.5 centimeters, wanders into Kuban. Its poison causes pain that lasts for several days. The cross spider is also widespread in the region. There is a burning sensation at the site of the bite, sometimes a headache, and joints ache.

Of the centipedes, the most dangerous is the ringed 15-centimeter centipede. She crawls under almost every rock on the coast. The toxin resembles the venom of the steppe viper.

If you just touch a blister (an oblong black bug with a red speck), you have yourself to blame. Terrible blisters will appear on your body. In ancient times, kings were poisoned with this toxin (cantharidin), who died in terrible agony (the human insides were corroded, as if exposed to acid). In medicine, these beetles were used to make abscess plaster.

Spanish flies (bugs like blister beetles, but green in color) are similar in toxicity. Magicians and sorcerers prepared elixirs from them that aroused erotic desires.

White karakurt - Latrodectus pallidus

Image of a white karakurt
This is a white spider, with long legs and a round abdomen. The abdomen is white or milky in color, with 4 indentations. The legs and cephalothorax are yellow or light brown. The white spider has a body 10-20 mm long. Females are larger than males. White spiders weave a web in the shape of a cone, which is connected to a trapping net. They live in North Africa, the Middle East, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. The white karakurt spider is not aggressive, but its poison is toxic and can cause complications. Children and the elderly are most susceptible to the effects of the poison. Toxicological studies have shown that the poison of the white karakurt is similar to the poison of the karakurt (Latrodectus tredecimtugattus). If you are bitten by this spider, you should consult a doctor.

General signs

Mushroom places of the Krasnodar region and Adygea
As a rule, an ordinary spider has 6 pairs of limbs, but a person can notice only 4 pairs, since the organs of nutrition and touch are formed from the first 2 of them. The animal's body has 2 sections - the cephalothorax and abdomen, which are connected to each other by a thin bridge. If you carefully examine the spider, you will find that the cephalothorax also has a certain division into the chest and head parts using a thin groove. Limbs grow on the chest part, due to which the animal moves and weaves a web.

On the head of the spider there are:

  • Chelicerae formed by the first pair of limbs.
  • Pedipalps formed from the second pair of limbs. They serve for the spider both as an organ of touch and as a tool for catching and holding insects.
  • Eyes.
  • Oral apparatus.

The majority of species have 8 eyes, although the number of eyes depends on the habitat. So, spiders that live in caves where the sun's rays do not reach do not have eyes as such.

What poisonous spiders can you find?

There are many poisonous spiders living in the Krasnodar Territory. Some representatives with their bite can lead to instant death.

There are many types of poisonous spiders


Karakurt prefers arid areas. Lives in burrows underground. Does not behave aggressively towards people. In most cases, a karakurt attack occurs by accident when a person does not notice the insect in shoes or on things. In this case, the spider bites for protection.

After a bite, the skin swells. There is severe pain and redness. Within 10 minutes your overall health deteriorates. The following symptoms appear:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • painful sensation in the head and stomach;
  • muscle spasms;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • fainting state;
  • rapid pulse;
  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • rashes on the skin.

The female reaches 2 cm. Males are smaller. Young spiders are more active. Gradually the color becomes more uniform. Young insects have dark spots on their bodies.

Karakurt is very dangerous


South Russian tarantulas live on the territory of Krasnodar. Insects are also poisonous. They live in burrows underground. The depth of the passages for movement is 40 cm. The main entrance is protected by cobwebs.

The tarantula feeds on small insects and larvae. This spider is the largest among those that live in Krasnodar. The body is covered with dense vegetation. The legs are long and powerful.

Tarantulas are gray in color in most cases. The head is dark. This distinguishes the insect from other similar spiders. Body size including leg span is 30 cm.

People who are prone to an allergic reaction feel most unwell after a bite. Nausea, weakness, dizziness, headache and lightheadedness occur. Animals do not tolerate attacks well. High probability of death.

Here you can also find the South Russian tarantula

This spider prefers high air temperatures and low humidity. Lives in the soil. The insect hunts at night. The insect moves quickly. It can attack individuals several times larger than the size of the spider. Body red-yellow. Bright color indicates toxicity. In appearance it resembles a scorpion. The female grows up to 1 cm.

The bite provokes an allergic reaction. In people with reduced immunity, their health rapidly deteriorates.

Wolf spider

One of the largest spiders. After an insect bite, an allergic reaction occurs, as well as a slight deterioration in health. Females grow up to 4 cm.

Another poisonous spider is the Wolf Spider.

The insect is actively hunting. The spider eats other insects, larvae, and small animals. The body is ashy in color. Covered with dense vegetation. From time to time, the spider penetrates into a human home. Hides behind furniture.

False black widow

Outwardly it differs from its deadly relative in that it is lighter in color. The characteristic hourglass pattern is not red, but pink. Belongs to the karakurt family. The size of females, together with the leg span, reaches 4 cm, males are half that size. They are nocturnal and weave strong fishing nets.

The false black widow will not bite unless touched. It sits calmly in the center of the homespun cloth, waiting for the victim. However, he often travels around the area, choosing hot spots. While traveling, it can crawl into a tourist’s belongings, vacationers’ shoes, house, or apartment.

Black widows are often kept as pets. Their coal-black shiny color and smooth movements attract the eye and make them admire the exotic creature. In artificially created conditions, a widow lives for about 10 years, in a natural environment she barely lives to be a year old.

The bite of the false black widow is poisonous and painful, but not fatal. In young children and people prone to allergies, a deterioration in well-being may follow, including swelling of the larynx and difficulty breathing. In this case, medical attention is required.

Safe types

Safe species of spiders in Russia hunt insects, waiting for a long time for prey to fall into the net. Their bites are not dangerous for humans. These species live not only in nature; many live in courtyards and settle next to people in their homes.

Safe types of spiders in Russia include the following varieties:

  • brownies;
  • orb weavers;
  • argiope;
  • knitters.

House spiders

This species prefers outbuildings and human habitation for its habitat. Preys on moths, bedbugs, cockroaches and other small insects. In nature, dense grass or a crack in tree bark serves as housing. The variety spreads evenly throughout Russia.

External signs of a house spider:

  • the body is colored yellow with a brown tint; there is a brown pattern on the surface of the back;
  • spider size is from 0.7 to 1.2 cm, females are always larger;
  • The legs are colored darker than the body, their length is approximately 2 times the size of the body.

Orb weaver in nature

The species lives in tree crowns, nets are placed between the branches, and the leaves are used to make shelter

Wheel-shaped traps immediately attract attention in a forest or garden. Sometimes round nets are placed under the eaves, in the window frames of abandoned houses

The poison is toxic to invertebrates and small vertebrates; it affects rats, rabbits, mice, but horses, dogs, guinea pigs and sheep do not react to the bite. The locust's muscles lock up after 35 minutes, and the frog stops moving within 15 minutes. When bitten, a person experiences mild pain, but the volume of injected poison remains safe.

Orb weavers have an increased appetite and eat up to 8 insects at one time. If there is prey that is unacceptable to it in the trap, then the owner breaks off the web around it and the insect falls. It does network cleaning in the same way.

Argiope arthropods

Arachnids of this species are not dangerous to large mammals and humans. Males are modest in size and rarely exceed 0.5 cm, while females grow up to 2.5−3 cm. The color of the back resembles a wasp due to its bright black and yellow stripes. Short hair grows on the chest and partly on the head. The long legs consist of several jointed sections and are black with pale yellow spots.

Argiopes are spiders of central Russia, because they prefer areas with a temperate climate. They are also found in the southern part of the Stavropol Territory. The bite of an arthropod is compared to that of a bee; spiders do not attack first and do not show aggression. A slight pain is felt at the site of the lesion, swelling appears, but everything returns to normal after 2-3 days.

Trudoviks knitters

The species is distributed throughout the Russian territory and is found more often than in other countries. They almost always prefer nature and do not live in buildings. For hunting, round nets with large rectangular cells are made. The observer sees that such a product is not suitable for fishing due to the rare threads, but it’s all about the specific victim that must fall into the net. Knitters hunt for long-legged mosquitoes, which are a favorite delicacy.

Knitter Description:

  • the body has an oblong shape;
  • long legs consist of segmented segments;
  • many outgrowths are observed on the chelicerae;
  • females are large, reaching 3 cm, but males are inferior in height.

The long body saves the knitter in case of danger. At a moment of anxiety, he stretches his legs along his body and in this position resembles a dry twig. If it is disturbed in this state, the spider quickly falls and quickly runs away.


In a unique region of Russia, a part of the wild natural habitat of the Western Caucasus with a temperate continental climate has been preserved. The Krasnodar region is favorable for the life of many aquatic inhabitants, among which there are very rare and endangered species of fish.


The predatory fish has a rather large and elongated body with a dull brown color. Against the general background, there is a presence of greenery in the back and sides. The abdominal part of the fish has a grayish-yellow or whitish color. The catfish is distinguished by a huge head with a rather wide mouth, which is studded with numerous sharp teeth. In the area of ​​the upper jaw, the fish has a pair of long whiskers. There are four short whiskers on the lower jaw. The catfish is characterized by a very long ventral fin and small eyes.

Silver carp

A representative of schooling fish has a moderately tall body. The color of the silver carp in the back area is dark silver. There is a silver coloring in the belly area and on the sides. The head of the fish is well developed and quite wide. The species is characterized by rather small scales. There is a peculiar coating of yellowness on the ventral and anal fins. Top type mouth.

white cupid

A relatively large schooling fish from the carp family, it has an elongated body of greenish or yellowish-gray coloring in the back area. On the sides of grass carp there is a dark stripe with gilding. There is a golden-light color in the belly area. All scales, with the exception of the ventral ones, are characterized by the presence of a dark border. The frontal zone is wide. The ventral, anal and pectoral fins are light in color, while the upper and caudal fins of this fish are characterized by a dark color.


The schooling semi-anadromous fish is distinguished by an elongated and straight body, strongly compressed laterally, due to which the aquatic inhabitant received the popular name “saber fish”. The color of the back area is greenish-bluish tones. On the sides there is a silver color with a characteristic pink coating. The ventral, pectoral and anal fins are yellowish in color, while the remaining fins are gray in color. The mouth of the saberfish is of the upper type.


The asp is a representative of typical predatory fish, characterized by a rather slanted and slightly laterally compressed body. The color of the fish in the back area is dark green. A silver color is noted on the sides of the asp, and the abdominal part is represented by whitish tones. The ventral, pectoral and anal fins are red in color, while the rest are dark in color. The mouth of a predatory fish is oblique, large and toothless, with a tubercle on the upper jaw coinciding with a fossa in the lower jaw.


Belonging to the widespread carp family, the aquatic inhabitant belongs to the category of schooling fish. The dace has a slender, slender body. There is a greenish-olive coloration in the back area of ​​the fish. The sides have a silvery color with a noticeable bluish tint. The belly area is silvery-white, the upper and caudal fins are gray. The remaining fins are characterized by the presence of yellowness or redness. Semi-lower type mouth.


A representative of the carp family is a typical schooling fish. The chub is characterized by an elongated, almost round body with a dark green dorsal area, silvery sides, and a silvery-white ventral region. The edges of the scales have a very pronounced black border. The pectoral fins of the fish are orange, while the ventral and anal fins are bright red. The head is large, with a wide forehead and a large mouth.


A schooling fish with a moderately long, sometimes tall, brownish body. There is greenery on the back of the carp, and a golden-yellow color is noted on the sides and in the belly area. The upper fin is elongated, with a jagged ray. A similar ossified ray is present in the anal fin. The corners of the mouth are characterized by a pair of antennae.

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The most poisonous snake in Russia is the viper

In total, about 90 species of snakes live in Russia. There are about 16 species of them that are poisonous. The most dangerous and widespread poisonous snake in central Russia is, of course, the viper. It lives in both forests and steppes. The viper is not a very long snake (up to 75 cm in length). Its color varies from gray to red-brown. Vipers are characterized by a dark line along their spine, as well as an X-shaped pattern on their head. All vipers are already born poisonous.

When meeting a viper, you should not make sudden movements, so as not to provoke the snake to defend itself. It is worth noting that viper bites cause quite severe pain. Swelling appears at the site of the bite. The most dangerous bites are those on the face and neck.

Mushrooms of the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory

Summer truffle

A rare species with an underground fruiting body. Grows from 3 to 10 cm in diameter. Demanding about soil and environmental conditions. Has high commercial value.

Fly agaric ovoid

A large lamellar mushroom with a smooth, pale cap. Found in Northwestern and Western Transcaucasia. The population is small. The fly agaric needs special climatic conditions. It is also picky about the chemical composition of the soil.

Blue web spider

A lamellar mushroom with a large cap – from 5 to 12 cm. It is distinguished by its bluish-violet color and gray flesh. Found in the Western Caucasus. Reacts poorly to changes in climate, soil composition and usual growing conditions.

Gyropor chestnut

Fly agaric ovoid

Fragrant cobweb

Blue web spider

Summer truffle

Gyropor chestnut

Large tubular mushroom with a nut-colored cap. Grows in deciduous forests (June-September). In Kuban, gyroporus is rare, in small groups. Possibly prefers old-growth forests.

Fragrant cobweb

A large lamellar mushroom of a bright yellow-lemon hue. The cap grows from 3 to 11 cm. The flesh is also yellow and has a rich aroma. It is found in the Belo-Labinsky district of KK. Demanding on climate and soil composition.

Interesting fact : 6 species of spider webs are included in the Red Book of Kuban.

What insects are found in Kuban?

The question is not only for tourists who want to go on vacation safely without contracting any infection, and simply not suffer from mosquitoes. After all, there are many other, more dangerous insects. For example, malaria flies, which can become carriers of a dangerous disease, spiders - tarantulas, not counting wasps and bumblebees, beetles, whose bites can cause great trouble. So, what can you encounter in Kuban?

Beetle Beetle

Blister beetle - it got its name because of the result that occurs on the human body after an attack by a beetle. The bite site soon swells and an abscess or blister forms. The outside of the beetle is bright and quite large, so keep an eye on children so that they stay away and do not accidentally eat it, because the Blister is poisonous. It is its poison that causes such reactions on the skin, and if ingested, it can lead to death. Fortunately, it is easy to spot due to its unusual coloring.

Ringed scolopendra

The ringed scolopendra is a rather large creature for an insect; it arouses sympathy among few people. The centipede has poisonous jaws and loves dark and damp places under coastal stones. Its length is up to 15 cm. Its poison affects the composition of the blood, the lymph nodes swell and the pain lasts for several days

So be careful. Do not confuse the scolopendra with the flycatcher

She is smaller in size and has a different appearance. Such centipedes can be found in any home.

The wolf spider is considered the largest spider in the region. The paw span is 3-4 cm, a relative of the karakurt. Poisonous.

South Russian tarantula

The South Russian tarantula is not always found in the Kuban, but it can “wander in for a visit.” Large, 35mm, has thick wool. It is poisonous, the bites are painful and the pain lasts for several days.

Argiope spider

Argiope spider - naturalists value it more than others for its beautiful coloring. Silvery with white belly, notches with beautiful streaks. There are multi-colored stripes on the paws. Fortunately, this coloring makes it noticeable. Poisonous!

What poisonous spiders can you find?

There are many poisonous spiders living in the Krasnodar Territory. Some representatives with their bite can lead to instant death.

There are many types of poisonous spiders


Karakurt prefers arid areas. Lives in burrows underground. Does not behave aggressively towards people. In most cases, a karakurt attack occurs by accident when a person does not notice the insect in shoes or on things. In this case, the spider bites for protection.

After a bite, the skin swells. There is severe pain and redness. Within 10 minutes your overall health deteriorates. The following symptoms appear:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • painful sensation in the head and stomach;
  • muscle spasms;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • fainting state;
  • rapid pulse;
  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • rashes on the skin.

The female reaches 2 cm. Males are smaller. Young spiders are more active. Gradually the color becomes more uniform. Young insects have dark spots on their bodies.

Karakurt is very dangerous


South Russian tarantulas live on the territory of Krasnodar. Insects are also poisonous. They live in burrows underground. The depth of the passages for movement is 40 cm. The main entrance is protected by cobwebs.

The tarantula feeds on small insects and larvae. This spider is the largest among those that live in Krasnodar. The body is covered with dense vegetation. The legs are long and powerful.

Tarantulas are gray in color in most cases. The head is dark. This distinguishes the insect from other similar spiders. Body size including leg span is 30 cm.

People who are prone to an allergic reaction feel most unwell after a bite. Nausea, weakness, dizziness, headache and lightheadedness occur. Animals do not tolerate attacks well. High probability of death.

Here you can also find the South Russian tarantula


This spider prefers high air temperatures and low humidity. Lives in the soil. The insect hunts at night. The insect moves quickly. It can attack individuals several times larger than the size of the spider. Body red-yellow. Bright color indicates toxicity. In appearance it resembles a scorpion. The female grows up to 1 cm.

The bite provokes an allergic reaction. In people with reduced immunity, their health rapidly deteriorates.

Wolf spider

One of the largest spiders. After an insect bite, an allergic reaction occurs, as well as a slight deterioration in health. Females grow up to 4 cm.

Another poisonous spider is the Wolf Spider.

The insect is actively hunting. The spider eats other insects, larvae, and small animals. The body is ashy in color. Covered with dense vegetation. From time to time, the spider penetrates into a human home. Hides behind furniture.

Reptiles and amphibians

Reptiles are an essential and unique component of any natural biocenosis. In the fauna of the Krasnodar region, such representatives of the animal world play a very important role. Today it is reliably known that there are 24 species of different reptiles in this territory, which include a couple of species of turtles, ten species of lizards, and twelve species of snakes.

Swamp turtle

A medium-sized adult marsh turtle has a carapace length of 12-35 cm, with a weight of 1.5 kg. The shell of an adult individual in the upper part has a dark olive, brownish-brown or dark brown, almost black coloring with the presence of small yellow spots, dots or streaks. The head, neck, legs and tail areas are dark, with numerous yellow spots. It is found in lakes, swamps, ponds and river canals overgrown with aquatic vegetation.

Mediterranean turtle

An animal with a convex, smooth shell, slightly jagged along the rear edge. The head area is covered on top with rather large and symmetrical scutes. The color of the upper part is yellowish-brown. The Mediterranean tortoise prefers a forest lifestyle, but during the breeding season it moves to clearings, forest edges and woodlands.

Fast lizard

The average length of an adult reaches a quarter of a meter or a little more. The sand lizard is distinguished by a light-colored underbelly and stripes on the back. Males, as a rule, have darker and brighter colors. During the mating period, the lizard acquires a very characteristic green color for the species.

meadow lizard

The small lizard has a light brown, brownish-gray, brown or beige body color with small black spots and dots. Along the ridge and on the sides there are dark stripes that extend to the tail. There are also single-color or completely black specimens. On the underside of the body of males there is a yellow-green and light yellow color. Females are characterized by a whitish coloration of the belly.

Rock lizard

The animal is distinguished by a flattened head, a long tail and legs with toes that have sharp and curved claws. The average length of an adult does not exceed 88 mm + 156 mm (tail). The color and pattern are variable. On the upper side of the body there are green and brown tones, sometimes olive-gray, dark sand or ash-gray coloring is noted. In the middle of the back there is a stripe in the form of a series of spots and specks of a dark color. The belly area of ​​males is dark orange, egg yellow or pale crimson. Females have a lighter belly.

Caucasian lizard

The average body length reaches 6.4 cm, with a tail length of 12.2 cm. The rock lizard has a slightly flattened head. The upper side of the body is characterized by a green, brownish or gray-ash color. Along the ridge zone there is a dark and wide stripe, consisting of dark small spots that stand out sharply against a lighter general background. The belly and throat area are yellow, yellowish-green or whitish in color.

Foot-and-mouth disease multi-colored

The appearance of the lizard is characterized by massiveness or a more slender appearance. The average body length reaches 97 mm, with a tail length of 122 mm. The tail part is wide at the base, sharply thinning towards the end. The upper part of the foot and mouth disease is gray, brownish, brownish or light yellow. The lower part of the body has a white, bluish-ash or faint bluish color. The tail part is dark gray on top, and the inside is yellow.

Spindle is brittle

The youngest individuals in the upper part are silvery-white or light cream in color with a pair of thin dark lines running along the ridge. The sides and belly of the spindle are black-brown in color. The body of maturing specimens gradually darkens, therefore acquiring a brown, brownish and bronze color. The average length of the lizard reaches 55-60 cm, of which more than half is the slightly pointed and very brittle tail.

Already aquatic

A reptile with an olive, olive-gray, olive-greenish or brownish back color. Dark spots or narrow dark transverse stripes stand out against the general background. There is often a dark V-shaped spot at the back of the head. The belly is yellowish or reddish in color, with more or less rectangular black spots. There are completely black specimens or individuals devoid of a dark pattern.

Caucasian viper

A species characterized by a very wide head with strongly protruding temporal swellings and a slightly raised tip of the muzzle. The viper has a sharp neck interception that separates the thick body from the head. The body is yellowish-orange or brick-red, and in the ridge area there is a wide zigzag stripe of dark brown or black color. The upper part of the head is black, with individual light spots.

Common copperhead

The average body length of the snake reaches 65-70 cm. The back has a gray, yellow-brown and brown-copper-red color. On the upper part of the body there are 2-4 rows of transverse and elongated spots, which can merge into stripes. There are a couple of brown stripes or spots in the back of the head. The belly is grayish, steel-blue or brownish-red in color, with blurred dark spots or specks. A dark stripe stretches from the nostrils through the eyes and the corner of the mouth to the neck area.

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Millipedes mate in the second year of life. During copulation, the male forms a cocoon with his hind pair of legs on his last segment, in which seminal fluid is collected. The approaching female partner retracts this spermatophore with her genital opening. After which, after several months, the female lays eggs. One clutch can contain up to 120 eggs. Throughout their maturation, the female remains nearby, placing the future offspring between her many legs.

The lifespan of centipedes in nature has not been precisely established. The age of insects living in captivity is about 7 years.

The third case of poisonous spider bites has been recorded in the Krasnodar region. It has been noticed that recently more and more of these arthropods prefer to move to the fertile Kuban land. And if previously such “foreign” spiders were encountered here occasionally, now Kuban residents increasingly come to doctors with bites from these animals.

For example, yesterday a spider bit a woman who lives in the village of Krasnooktyabrskaya, Tikhoretsk district. According to her, this is the first time she has seen such a spider. The woman says that after this animal bit her, she immediately felt dizzy, and the bite site began to swell greatly. She was very scared, so she urgently called an ambulance.

She managed to catch her offender and put him in a jar, which she took to the hospital. However, the doctor who admitted the victim was not at all surprised, since exactly the same poisonous spider had bitten a woman from the village of Fastovetskaya a couple of weeks ago (also, by the way, in the Tikhoretsky district). A year earlier, a man living in Krasnodar became the victim of such a spider.

Later we found out that people are attacked by a spider of the “yellow sak” species. Such poisonous spiders used to be found mainly in Germany or Austria. Now this arachnid animal has chosen Kuban. This spider is small, about two centimeters, but, as everyone who has been bitten by it says, they immediately begin to feel dizzy, and a sharp, piercing pain is felt at the site of the bite.

But arachnologists, that is, specialists in spiders, are quick to reassure that the venom of this type of spider is not fatal. Indeed, the bite site of this animal in most cases swells and becomes stained. But the yellow sak is not as dangerous as, for example, its relative karakurt (black with bright red dots), whose poison very strongly affects the entire body.

By the way, experts say that, as a rule, a spider will never attack a person first. Spider bites are a response to being disturbed or touched. And the spider stings - out of revenge.

What is the situation with spiders in Krasnodar

Environmentalists note that the climate is gradually changing. Spiders that previously lived in Crimea began to appear in the Krasnodar Territory. Thus, in the summer of 2015 alone, 3 bites of poisonous insects were registered that had not previously settled in the surrounding areas.

Patients noted that they were bitten by a spider that they had not seen before. Immediately after the attack, the victims developed symptoms of allergies and body intoxication. This forced people to immediately seek help from doctors.

Every year the number of “foreign” insects is rapidly increasing. Doctors say spiders are often not the first to attack

This is why it is important to be careful and inspect shoes and clothing before putting them on.

Recently, sak has appeared in the Krasnodar region. Previously, this spider lived only in Germany and Australia. Poisonous, but not lethal.

If you want to know more about poisonous spiders in Russia, then watch this video:

Spiders of the Krasnodar region feed on insects, live among vegetation, and have poisonous glands. The toxic substance of some of them can lead to the death of a person if timely medical care is not provided. Photos and descriptions of the most prominent representatives are presented below.

Hunting methods

Depending on their habitat and the individual structure, representatives of arachnids hunt in completely different ways. If arthropods are classified according to their hunting method, they can be divided into several species.

  • Scammers who weave nets and wait for the prey to fall into them, or those who construct a lasso from a web and throw it over the victim.
  • Wolf spiders, which are characterized by chasing "lunch". Their feet literally feed them.
  • Those who prefer to sit in ambush and overtake unsuspecting prey from cover. They often use mimicry or decoys.
  • Those spiders that hide in burrows and wait for prey to come within reach.

Among the predatory arachnids, there is a species of vegetarians that were able to survive and adapt to the harsh conditions among carnivores. For example, Bagheera Kipling's spider has adapted to live on acacia trees, which are loved and protected by ants. This tree produces nectar, and the shoots of its leaves are rich in proteins and nutrients that feed the jumping spider, as it is popularly called. He is very agile, jumps well and can coexist next to his enemies (ants) without being seen by them.

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