The most dangerous insects in Russia - list, names, descriptions, photos and videos

Modern flora and fauna are very rich in different living creatures. In the process of evolution, all living creatures on earth adapted to the influence of external factors. New types of attack and defense appeared. The technique of using poison in certain cases also developed. One of the brightest representatives of the skillful use of “poison” and toxins are poisonous insects.

There are many poisonous insects in the world. Although the habitats were limited to isolated areas of land (islands) and partial settlement of continents. As maritime and land trade developed, these insects were transported to new areas and habitats. Where they reproduced well and increased their numbers.

A great contribution to the settlement and spread of insect species was made by sailors who traveled and explored new lands. From their travels they brought not only new goods, but also new and rare diseases and a variety of living creatures, including insects.

Russia is no exception. Its vast territories are located in different geographical latitudes. They abound in a variety of species, which contain the most dangerous and poisonous insects. Of all the representatives of this “formidable” army of insects, 5 of the most dangerous species can be distinguished:

  • wasp;
  • Asian hornet;
  • gadfly;
  • blister beetle;
  • red forest ant.


Most people consider ants to be fairly harmless creatures: “They live in an anthill, work, mind their own business, and don’t really bother anyone.” They have a good reputation. But, in fact, ants are pests, they can carry various diseases and in some cases pose a danger to the human body.

Ants carry bacteria that can cause dysentery, cholera and salmonellosis. Ant eggs can be carriers of helminths, which is also dangerous for humans, especially for small children, who may unknowingly or accidentally eat them.

The bite of large ants can cause severe pain at the site of the bite, as well as itching, swelling and inflammation. And if you have allergies, then 3-4 ant bites can cause anaphylactic shock.

If you are bitten by an ant, it is recommended to lubricate the bite site with alcohol and also take an antihistamine.


Botflies are insects that many people are familiar with. In general, there are more than a dozen gadflies found in nature, which are dangerous to humanity in different ways. All types of gadflies are dangerous for living beings and have certain criteria for attachment to different people. Insects are generally named after animals, for example horse gadflies, sheep gadflies, etc.

There is a type of gadfly - subcutaneous, they are also dangerous for humans. The most dangerous thing is when a gadfly settles in a person’s eye. It's not that it's not pleasant, it's painful in the first place. If you do not pay attention to this problem in time, you can go blind.


It is no secret that this problem is very acute in Russia. Every year in May-June, and in recent years even earlier, the season of ticks begins, which attack both animals and people. A tick bite can be very dangerous, as these arthropods are carriers of Lyme disease (borreliosis) and encephalitis. These diseases affect the nervous system and in some cases cause disability or even death.

A tick bite is almost painless and difficult to notice right away. Typically, a tick is discovered either during a detailed examination after a walk in nature, or when a well-attached tick begins to interfere, and the bite area becomes inflamed and begins to hurt and itch.

It is very important to remove the tick correctly. You cannot tear off the tick body with your hands, because it is necessary to completely get rid of the insect. The bite site should then be smeared with iodine, and the tick should be taken to the nearest laboratory to make sure that it was not a carrier of a particular disease. During the quarantine period this is problematic, but necessary.

If there are a lot of ticks in your area, it is recommended to get vaccinated regularly. You can always find out more about them from your family doctor. This also applies to pets, for whom tick bites can be fatal.


In ordinary city or country life, you are unlikely to encounter horseflies. However, if you keep cattle or your property is near pasture, your risk of being bitten by a horsefly increases.

Horseflies bite very painfully, and the bite site almost immediately swells, becomes tight and hot. If you have an allergy, a horsefly bite can cause anaphylactic shock. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor and take an antiallergic drug. In addition, horseflies are carriers of such dangerous diseases as filariasis, tularimia and even anthrax.

Blueberry oreas

The amazingly beautiful oreas butterfly is endemic to the Far East. It is found only in this region, in the south of Primorye. They live near river banks, in mixed forests and bushes. The insect is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.

They are colored violet-bluish, and the upper edges of the wings are outlined with a black outline. On the underside the color is much lighter, in gray shades with a bluish tint closer to the body. There are also black spots on the wings. In flight, their span reaches 30 centimeters. Oreas butterflies are very dependent on the plant Prinsepia sinensis, as their caterpillars feed only on it. Deforestation and livestock grazing reduce its number, which is why the number of insects also decreases.


Bees can be very dangerous to people, as their venom is a strong allergen. Even if you are not allergic, a bee sting will cause pain and blister formation. In the case of a severe allergic reaction, the temperature may rise, convulsions, vomiting and other symptoms of severe intoxication are possible. You should be wary of a bee sting on the neck, as this can cause suffocation.

In case of a bee sting, it is necessary to remove the sting (if it remains in the body) and treat the bite with a sugar solution, honey or fruit juice. If the bite is on the neck or head, you need to take an antihistamine and seek help from a doctor.

It is worth noting that wild bees and ground wasps, which often hide in the grass, are no less dangerous. They are easy to step on with bare feet. You can also disturb the earthen hive and cause a massive attack.

Lonomy. Caterpillar of the genus Lonomia or “lazy clown” caterpillar (lat. Lonomia Obliqua)

Nature has endowed each animal with its own methods of protection. For some it is excellent camouflage, for others it is sharp teeth and claws, for others it is poison. All the methods of scaring and protection are countless. But it seems that the Lonomia caterpillar is Mother Nature's favorite. How else to explain the fact that its poison has the most powerful known natural toxin. After contact with this caterpillar, a lot of internal bleeding occurs, and bleeding in the brain is also possible. And everyone knows how it ends.

Caterpillar Lonomia Obliqua Caterpillar Lonomia Obliqua

Therefore, when traveling to Southern Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina, be very careful. In the tropical forests of these countries you can meet the dangerous caterpillar Lonomia Obliqua. And it would be okay if only in the forests, but sometimes it can be found in orchards and residential areas.

People would be happy to avoid meeting her, but how can they do this if she is perfectly camouflaged under tree bark or tree moss, and it is very difficult to notice her. The length of the caterpillar reaches 4.5-7 centimeters. Her entire body is covered with branched thorns, reminiscent of Christmas tree branches. Nature has also endowed the lonomia caterpillar with a green-brown color that is ideal for camouflage. There is a white spot on the back that is shaped like the letter “U”.

Each of its thorns can easily pierce human skin. They contain ducts of special glands that secrete poison from the class of anticoagulants (substances that help reduce blood clotting activity and prevent the formation of blood clots). As a result of accidentally touching the caterpillar, these spines instantly pierce the skin and the poison enters the blood. It quickly spreads throughout the body. Therefore, internal bleeding can occur not only in the area of ​​the injection, but also in any other place. The most dangerous thing is that hemorrhages can occur in the brain, as well as in the gastrointestinal tract or in the glomeruli of the kidneys, which leads to the development of acute renal failure. As a result, there is a high probability of death.

Extensive hemorrhages throughout the body

It is surprising that the venom of this caterpillar is the lowest dose of toxicity in the world. It is only 1/1000th of a snake bite. And you can see for yourself what the result is.

The consolation is that such a threat should only be feared for a couple of months a year, until the caterpillar turns into a cute and harmless butterfly from the Saturnia family.

Butterfly of the genus Lonomia

The first widespread case of this hemorrhage syndrome was observed in the state of Rio Grande do Sol, Brazil, among local farmers. Doctors were perplexed as to what caused similar signs of extensive hemorrhages throughout the body in these people. Some of them suffered brain hemorrhage, which led to death.

There are several more sad cases after an unplanned encounter with this caterpillar. Here's one of them. After returning from a vacation in Peru, a young 22-year-old Canadian girl noticed many bruises on her body. She immediately went to the hospital. At first, doctors could not understand what caused so many hemorrhages. But after the patient told them that she had accidentally stepped on 5 small caterpillars with her bare foot, doctors immediately contacted their Brazilian colleagues and an antidote was immediately sent to Canada. But it was already too late. The girl suffered acute renal failure. Death occurred on the 10th day after poisoning.

Disguises as tree moss

In total, over a 5-year period, about 700 cases of poisoning by this caterpillar were recorded in the above state. Every year the number of victims grew. Therefore, scientists from the Butantan Institute in Sao Paulo created an antidote. It turned out to be very effective, the main thing is to introduce it no later than 12-24 hours after contact with the caterpillar.


So, when going to travel to tropical countries, be very careful and careful. Sometimes ordinary curiosity can play a cruel joke on a person.


Bumblebees belong to the same family as bees. However, they are less aggressive and do not react to the presence of a person near their home. Insects fly low enough that you may not notice them in tall grass. However, it is worth considering that bumblebee venom is no less dangerous than bee venom. So, if you are bitten by a bumblebee, you should behave in the same way as if you were stung by a bee.

Red Book representatives of the order of dragonflies

Among flying insects, dragonflies are the fastest. One hundred kilometers per hour is the speed over short distances. During a long flight, dragonflies cover 50-70 kilometers in an hour.

There are 5 thousand species of dragonflies in the world. There are 170 species found in Russia. This is due to the harsh climate of the country. Dragonflies love tropical latitudes. There is only one species under threat of extinction in Russia.

Watcher Emperor

It is one of the largest dragonflies in Russia. The length of each insect wing is 5 centimeters. The body is elongated by 10-12 centimeters. Females differ from males in the color of their abdomen. In males it is blue, and in females it is green.

The long legs of the patrolman are covered with spikes. With their help, the predator insect catches prey, for example, midges. In Russia, the patrolman is found in the west, without flying north of Moscow. The main population is noted on the Black Sea coast.


An ordinary summer resident may encounter the common European hornet. This is one of the most poisonous insects found in our latitudes. This kind of acquaintance is unpleasant. Hornets are quite aggressive, have a large body and powerful mandibles (jaws) with which they can bite.

If you are bitten by a hornet, use the tips in the section about bees and be sure to consult a doctor.

Gebler's ground beetle

Gebler's ground beetle is an extremely rare insect. In Russia, there has been no reliable evidence of its discovery for half a century. The last time the animal was found was near Zmeinogorsk. It settles in the bushes of valleys and foothills, in mixed and small-leaved forests. It is also found in the eastern part of Kazakhstan.

The ground beetle reaches only 3-4 centimeters. It has a black head, but the rest of the body segments can be of different colors: from bronze to blue-black or green-black. A light line borders the edges. This is a predator whose “menu” is very diverse and is represented by small insects.

Blister beetle

One of the most dangerous insects found in the middle zone is the blister beetle. Most often, blister beetles are found in open areas and are attractive with their unusual metallic color (Spanish flies). On its elongated body there is a toxic substance - cantharidin, which can cause blisters and abscesses when it comes into contact with the skin (hence the name). If this poison enters the bloodstream, it can be fatal. In total, there are more than 70 species of blister beetles.

If you touch one of them, use adsorbents and take an antihistamine. Wounds caused by interaction with poison are difficult to heal.

Ordinary T-shirt

The common beetle also belongs to the family of blister beetles. 30 mg of the venom of such an insect can kill a large person. And the contact of poison on the skin, as in the case of Spanish flies, causes burns and abscesses, which are then difficult to heal. Most often, the ordinary T-shirt can be found in the southern regions and the Caucasus.

If you come into contact with beetles, it is recommended to wash the area where the poison got in with soap and water, drink an anti-allergenic drink and carefully monitor your condition. If weakness, dizziness or nausea occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Karakurt is an insect that looks very cute, but that’s not the case. The insect is similar to a ladybug, only larger. But only the bites of females are fatal, both for humans and animals. But not every animal can kill this insect.

This spider lives in the steppes and near water, so when going to the seas and the Arkhangelsk region you need to be careful. The insect's venom is second only to that of the black widow.

Mosquitoes and mosquitoes

Few people do not know how annoying a mosquito can be in a room at night, and few people like hordes of them on the street in the evening. Mosquitoes are not the most dangerous insects that await summer residents in the garden or on the plot. But do not forget that a mosquito can be a carrier of malaria, tularemia and other serious diseases. Also, the enzyme released by a mosquito when it bites a victim can cause allergic reactions.

Mosquitoes are found in Russia, Sochi, Abkhazia, and they have no fundamental differences with mosquitoes.

Experts recommend not scratching the bite, but rather disinfecting the area with a vinegar solution. Our forum members offer folk remedies:


I found it in the people's councils, maybe it will help?!


• Plant lavender, geranium, and thyme near the porch and under the windows - there will be fewer mosquitoes in the house. Melissa will help calm bees and protect people from being stung. If a bee does bite, first remove the sting and apply a potato or onion cut in half to the site of the bite.

• Apply fresh parsley juice to the bite site or soak a cotton swab in it and apply it to the wound.

• Juice from dandelion roots is applied to the bite areas. Apply plantain leaves to the wounds for 30 minutes. A tincture of calendula flowers with vodka (1:10) is applied to the bite area several times or a swab moistened with the tincture is applied for 10-15 minutes.

Red Book representatives of the order Orthoptera

In all Orthopterans, nymphal larvae, that is, similar to adults, have compound eyes. The structure of the oral apparatus of Orthoptera larvae is also perfect. Accordingly, insects of the order do not go through the cycle of complete transformation. All Orthoptera jump. In other words, we are talking about grasshoppers, crickets, and fillies. The number of some of them is critical. In Russia, endangered:

Steppe fat man

It is compact, full-bodied, devoid of wings. The color of the steppe fatty is black and brown. The body length of the insect reaches 8 centimeters. This is typical for males. Females rarely grow more than 6 centimeters.

Fat birds deprived of wings are vulnerable when plowing land, grazing livestock, haymaking, and using insecticides on fields. At the same time, grasshoppers of this species live only in the warm regions of western Russia. In each of them, fat people are considered an endangered species.

Steppe rack

It reaches 8 centimeters in length. There are no males. The insect reproduces parthenogenetically. A new individual develops from the mother cell without fertilization. The steppe rack has an elongated body, a sharply sloping forehead, and the hips are spiny and thick on the hind legs. The color of the insect is green-yellow.

You can meet the dybka in the unplowed steppes of the Voronezh, Samara, Kursk and Lipetsk regions. The insect is also found in Rostov and Astrakhan, choosing mixed grass areas. They should be dominated by cereals.

It is expected that new names of insects from the Red Book of Russia . Approximately 500 thousand individuals are concentrated on one square meter of soil. At the same time, the average person’s eye catches only a couple of dozen, or even less. The point is the microscopic size of many insects, their secretive lifestyle, for example, at depth, in the mountains.

It’s not for nothing that scientists disagree on exactly how many species of insects there are on the planet in Russia. The rarer the species, the more difficult it is to discover. For now, one thing is clear - insects are the most numerous class of living creatures on Earth.

Midges (blood-sucking midges)

These insects are most often found in the taiga zone, but some subspecies could also appear in the latitudes familiar to our summer residents. Midge bites are painful because a toxic substance is injected into the wound during the bite, which prevents blood clotting. There is a burning and itching sensation around the bite. In general, the insect is not dangerous, but with multiple bites it can cause anaphylactic shock.

Common cross

The common cross spider is the most common species of poisonous spider in Russia. Its body is quite large - up to 2.5 cm, the upper part of the abdomen is black-brown or with a red tint, as well as white spots in the shape of a cross. The cross breed lives in forests, on bushes, as well as in sheds, window openings and under canopies. The spider itself is not aggressive, but if disturbed, it can attack. The bite of the cross is painful and causes hemorrhage under the skin. The reaction to poison can vary from weakness to colic and headache. Tissue necrosis may develop at the site of the bite.

To avoid consequences, you must immediately wash the bite site with warm water and then apply a cold compress. If you have a headache, you should take a painkiller.

Red Book representatives of the order Hymenoptera

There are more than 300 thousand species of insects in the order Hymenoptera. In evolutionary terms, they are superior to representatives of other orders. In particular, all social insects, for example, bees and ants, belong to the Hymenoptera.

They, like other Hymenoptera, have 2 pairs of transparent wings. The first one is larger and longer. The wings have large, pronounced cells. Between them there is a semblance of thin membranes. Hence the name of the squad. Its Red Book representatives in Russia are:

Acantholida yellowhead

The name of the species is due to the color of the facial part of males and the edging of the eyes of females. The head behind the eyes is widened instead of the typical narrowing. The body of the insect is blue-black, flat and wide, about a centimeter long. The tibiae of the front legs of the yellow-headed aacantholid are brown, and the abdomen is blue.

The yellow-headed acantholid is found in mountain pine forests, choosing mature forests. They may also contain deciduous species, but in the minority. Insects are distributed in scattered groups. Their numbers are steadily declining. So far, scientists have not figured out the reason for the extinction of the species.

Abia Pribaikalskaya

It is endemic to the Baikal region and is not found outside the region. The insect is also rare within its borders; it was found only near the village of Kultuk. A single find was also recorded in the Daursky Nature Reserve. It is located in the southeast of Transbaikalia.

Abia Pribaikalskaya is a thick-bellied insect. Its body is blue-green and its wings are yellowish. The abiya's head also glows golden. Her jaws and upper lip are orange.

The Baikal Abiya lives in the foothills, at an altitude of about 600 meters above sea level. Scientists have not encountered males of the species, nor have they encountered Abia larvae. The factors influencing the steady decline in insect numbers are also unknown.

Apterogyna Volga

The front of the body, including the first abdominal segment, is brownish-red. The back of the insect's body is black. The tarsi of the Volga apterogyne are brown. The tip of the abdomen is covered with silvery-yellow hairs. The Volga apterogyne differs from most hymenopterans in the absence of those same wings. But the insect has a sting.

You can meet apterogyne in the dry steppes around Volgograd. However, so far, only one female has been discovered. Scientists believe that the species is on the verge of extinction due to land plowing. Apterogyne lives in the soil. There, insects are harmed by agricultural pesticides.

Liometopum orientalis

Similar to a small-headed ant. As a single species with it, it is described in the Red Book of the USSR. Later, Liometopum was placed in a separate category. Its representatives are found only in the Russian Far East. There, ants of the species occupy the southern territories.

Like other ants, Liometopums come in males, females and workers. The length of the latter does not exceed 0.6 centimeters. Males are 4 millimeters larger. Females reach a length of 1.2 centimeters.

Oriental Liometopums are insects from the Red Book of Russia that make nests in hollows. Accordingly, ants are found in forests with an abundance of old trees and fallen trunks.

Zareya Gussakovsky

It is endemic to the Krasnodar region, found only in the vicinity of Armavir. Entomologists studying insects did not find females of the species, nor did they find any larvae. The length of Gussakovsky's zarya is slightly less than a centimeter. The body is black, with a bronze tint.

The dawn is also distinguished by the orbits of the eyes almost converging at the crown. The insect also has club-shaped antennae. Each consists of 6 segments. The wings of Gussakovsky's dawn are reddish. The color is more intense at the base. The factors that cause the species to become extinct have not been studied by entomologists. Protected zones in the habitats of the dawn have not yet been created.

Magaxiella gigantea

This is a relic of the Neogene period. He was the second in the Cenozoic era, replaced the Paleogene and gave way to the Quaternary period. Accordingly, the Neogene ended 2.6 million years ago. Even then there was magaxiella. By Neogene standards the insect is miniature, but by modern standards it is gigantic. Together with the ovipositor, Magaxiella is almost 1.5 centimeters.

The body of Magaxiella is reddish below and black above. The mustache is also dark. They are long, consist of 11 segments, the last and 4th of which are narrowed. The insect's head is narrowed behind the eyes, and there is a rectangular spot in front of them. It is yellowish, like the wings, whose veins are red.

Giant Magaxiella is found only in the Ussuri region, that is, in the south of Primorye. The finds are rare, since broad-leaved forests are being cut down. This is where Magaxiella lives.

Dahl's pleroneur

Another relic of the Neogene fauna. The length of the insect does not exceed 0.8 centimeters. The body is painted chestnut. The abdomen of females is often red. Matching it are antennae of 12 segments each. There are spurs on the tibiae of the pleroneur. They are located on the middle and hind legs. The legs themselves are red.

The wings of the pleroneur are brownish. Insects wave them in the Caucasian and Selemdzhinsky nature reserves. The latter is located in the Amur region, and the first is in the Krasnodar region. The insect is not found outside their boundaries. The relic lives in mountain fir thickets. Their cutting down is the main factor in the reduction in the number of Dahl's pleroneur.

Orussus parasitic

This is a one and a half centimeter insect. Its larvae develop in wood, inside the larvae of other insects - longhorned beetles, golden beetles. That's why Orussus is called parasitic.

The front half of the Orussus's body is black, and the back half is red. The insect's wings are narrow and elongated, like those of a dragonfly. The veins are brownish. The insect is also distinguished by a white mark above its eyes.

In Russia, the parasitic orussus lives in scattered groups in sparse deciduous forests of the Ciscaucasia, Siberia, and the Far East. The number of the species is declining due to sanitary logging. Orussus lays its larvae in fallen, dry trunks.

Orientabia ussuriensis

It is endemic to the south of Primorye. Only males are known. They have a black body about 13 millimeters long. The top of the chest and the base of the abdomen of Orientabia are blue. The reflection is metallic.

The insect is covered with villi from the head to the middle of the body. On the abdomen they fold into a rectangular mark. Here the hairs are planted especially densely. The fibers are black, as if tousled. The wings of Orientabia are brownish. You can see the insect with your own eyes only in Vladivostok and its environs. Orientabia is not found in the rest of Russia.

Parnopes large

It has an elongated body with a reddish belly and a green-blue head and chest. They are cast in metal. The insect's abdomen lacks shine. The cellularity of the wings of the large parnopes is expressed on the front pair. The hind wings have no obvious veins.

Parnopes larvae parasitize wasps of the genus Bembex. Their numbers are declining. That's why Parnopes is rare. In recent decades, entomologists have not found more than one individual. Meanwhile, in Soviet times the species was widespread and common. The number of parnopes is also affected by the use of pesticides in agriculture and the overgrowing of sandy areas favored by representatives of the species.

Wax bee

Looks like honey. Wax specimens are distinguished by their miniature size. Males do not exceed 1.2 centimeters in length. Insects from the Red Data Book of Russia live in scattered groups in the Far Eastern region. There are seven populations in the Primorsky Territory. Another 2 groups of bees live in Khabarovsk.

Wax bees are dying out due to poaching. By extracting wild honey, people destroy insect families. According to rough estimates, there are no more than 60 such families left in Russia.

Carpenter Bee

Unlike the wax one, it leads a solitary lifestyle. The Red Book insect is easy to spot - the length of the animal often exceeds 3 centimeters. The carpenter also differs in color. The bee's body is black, and its wings are blue and cast with metal. Due to this, the carpenter resembles a large fly.

Scientists divide carpenter bees into 500 species. Common in Russia. Its representatives nest in dry trees. Therefore, sanitary deforestation and fires contribute to the reduction in the number of the species. So far, the largest population of carpenters lives in Crimea.

Caenolida reticularis

A one and a half centimeter insect with a flat and wide body. The head and breast of caenolids are black, and the abdomen is red, but with a charcoal pattern. On the head, on the contrary, there are scarlet markings. The veins on the insect's wings are also red. Between the veins there are black patterns.

In Russia, caenolida reticularis is found only near the northern capital and Moscow. There the insect chooses pine forests. They must be mature. But even in these cases, coenolides are found only rarely.

Extraordinary bumblebee

It is unusual due to its non-standard coloring for bumblebees. Only the breast and a narrow stripe between the head and body are yellow. The rest of the bumblebee is black and white. The latter color is typical of the back of the insect's abdomen.

The hairs of representatives of the species are also unusual. The cannons covering the body are shorter than those of other bumblebees.

You can meet the extraordinary bumblebee in the steppes of southwestern Siberia, central Russia and Altai. The territories must be untouched. Plowing of the steppes is one of the limiting factors, that is, unfavorable for unusual bumblebees.

The rarest bumblebee

Completely grey. A black band runs between the wings and the head. On the back and abdomen the hairs are golden. The rarest bumblebee, as it is found only in the south of Primorye. There the insect chooses clearings in forests and meadows. The species' numbers are declining due to land plowing, livestock grazing and the use of pesticides.

sheepskin bumblebee

Characterized by a shortened cheek area. The mandibles, that is, the paired jaws on top of the mouth, are serrated in the insect. The color of the sheepskin bumblebee is black, brown and yellow. The golden color is visible on the front of the back. Black band between head and belly. The head itself is also dark. The rest of the bumblebee's body is brown-orange.

The insect is listed in the Red Book of Russia due to grazing and haymaking. They are limiting factors for the development of sheep-faced bumblebees. They choose mountainous areas. In Russia, insects of the species are found in the Urals.


Argiope has a body of 1.2-1.5 cm, and a silvery abdomen with longitudinal lobes or transverse stripes of dark yellow or orange. This spider is distributed mainly in the central part of Europe. It feeds on grasshoppers and other insects, weaves beautiful webs in the grass, and usually lives in small colonies of up to 20 individuals.

Not aggressive, but if you pick up a female, she can bite. The bites are painful, and after a sharp pain the bite site goes numb. Numbness and pain in the bite area disappear within 2-6 days. They do not pose any particular danger.


An insect similar to a hummingbird is capable of flying over long distances. Over the course of one year, up to two generations of hawk moths manage to develop. The first flies from the first days of May to mid-July. For the most part it consists of individuals arriving from the south. The second generation flies from August to October. At the same time, some butterflies migrate to warm regions in the fall.

An insect similar to a hummingbird can be found in almost any country with a warm and temperate climate. For example, in Crimea, hawk moths are found everywhere and produce at least three generations during the year. Both the butterfly and the pupa overwinter. Moreover, if there is a prolonged thaw in winter, they can make an unscheduled flight, therefore, they can be seen in any winter month.

They prefer open, well-warmed areas as permanent habitats. In cities, it can be seen in flower beds, hovering over flowering plants. In wild conditions, the hawk moth prefers to feed on the nectar of cornflowers and blueberries, and in cultivated landscapes - geraniums and petunias.

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