Horsefly bite: dangers, first aid, treatment methods

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The horsefly is an extremely annoying insect. It is most active in the hot daytime . Therefore, with the onset of summer heat, this topic becomes especially relevant. However, bloodsuckers also attack in other weather conditions . And in the morning, and in the afternoon, and in the evening. Horsefly bites and encounters with them are unpleasant. But before we consider how dangerous the attack of these aggressors is, let’s figure out how horseflies differ from gadflies . They are often confused. However, these are completely different insects. And they even harm in different ways.

A bit of Wikipedia

Photo of a female horsefly

The horsefly is a large blood-sucking insect belonging to the order Diptera. Of the 1,600 known species, about 200 varieties are found in the CIS. If for males the food is plant nectar, then for females it is the blood of humans and animals.

Females have a proboscis with a cutting apparatus. When an insect bites through the skin, a person experiences sharp pain. During a bite, the female injects a substance that prevents blood clotting , so blood flows from the wound for a long time.

Difference between horsefly and gadfly

Externally, the insect looks like a large gray fly, but with large eyes. The size of the body varies from 6 cm to 30 cm. The wings are decorated with a marble-colored mesh pattern. They prefer to fry and do not fly in the cold. Particular activity is observed before rain, but if there is wind, you will not see insects .

Sometimes you can hear that a gadfly has bitten, but this is a mistake, since the horsefly and the gadfly are completely different insects. They even differ in appearance, but the consequences of their bites are approximately the same.

Appearance Features

There are about 1,600 species of horseflies in nature. All of them are large in size - about 2 cm. The female is easy to distinguish by her large build, large iridescent eyes and the bridge between them.

The insect has an extremely complex oral apparatus. Powerful jaws, piercing, cutting, sucking components. Pierces the skin thanks to its fleshy, long proboscis.

The male's abdomen is pointed, the female's is rounded. Coloring in gray, brown dull tones. Large eyes are clearly visible, shimmering in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow.


Why is a horsefly bite dangerous?

The human body’s reaction to a horsefly bite can be different, it all depends on individual characteristics. What does a horsefly bite look like? For some, the bite passes with average sensitivity, for others allergic reactions appear, the bite site swells, lumps and boils form, and sometimes breathing problems occur.

Swelling after a horsefly bite

If no reaction follows after a horsefly bite, a papule will form at the site of the wound, which will go away within two days. But if the matter is not limited to slight redness, then the swelling can completely cover the limb. In this case, there is a pronounced allergic reaction on the face.

Important! If after an insect bite only a small papule appears with slight redness, and the only symptoms are annoying itching, then such a reaction is considered normal. If the swelling has spread throughout the entire limb or any additional sensations arise, you should seek medical help.

Did you know that...

Horseflies are one of the fastest flying insects. They reach speeds of up to forty kilometers per hour ! In this case, the insect makes approximately 125 wing beats per second ! Therefore, it is not so easy to escape from them. Yes and there is no point. It is necessary to take other methods of defense that will scare off these aggressors in advance.

By the way, we included these insects in our TOP 10 most dangerous bites . You can view the full list here: The most dangerous insect bites - TOP 10 in Russia


The first symptoms after a horsefly bite

What symptoms may appear after a horsefly bite:

  • severe pain and burning in the affected area;
  • swelling at the site of the bite;
  • Strong headache;
  • swelling, including of the entire limb;
  • difficult to stop bleeding;
  • unbearable itching;

Sometimes dirt or pathogenic bacteria get into the wound , which causes infection and suppuration. To prevent unwanted consequences, it is recommended to use various sprays to protect against midges. With proper treatment of the bite, the swelling disappears in a couple of days.

How a horsefly bites (photo of the mouthparts)

Life cycle and reproduction

The life cycle of a horsefly includes four main stages:

  • egg (the female lays from 400 to 1,000 pieces);
  • larva;
  • chrysalis;
  • imago (adult).

The total duration of complete transformation is 4 years.

The method of reproduction of horse flies is similar to that of other dipterans. After mating, the female lays eggs on leaves and stems of plants, in water and moist soil.

The horsefly larva hatches in 3-8 days. This stage lasts about a year. In the spring, the larvae begin to pupate, having first moved to a drier place. This process may take several weeks. As a result, an adult horsefly is born.

Possible complications after a horsefly bite

Sharp, unbearable pain is the least that a horsefly can leave its victim. Sometimes an insect bite leads to much more unpleasant consequences and complications. For example:

  1. Severe allergic reaction. The person’s condition noticeably worsens, there is severe swelling at the site of the bite, characteristic allergic symptoms appear (shortness of breath, swelling of soft tissues, nausea, vomiting, weakness in the body, etc.) Sometimes symptoms may appear only the next morning. Without proper treatment, the patient's condition will worsen.
  2. Non-healing wounds, suppuration, and boils form at the bite sites . Secondary infection occurs. To relieve itching, it is necessary to use an antiseptic, healing creams, and cold compresses.
  3. If the lymph nodes are enlarged , consult a doctor immediately, as in rare cases horsefly can cause the development of dangerous infections.

A strong reaction to a horsefly bite can occur in completely healthy people, but children are most susceptible to an allergic reaction. Hence the risk factors:

  • young age (still immature immunity);
  • weakened immunity (due to illness, age or after surgery, for example);
  • allergies can also develop due to some medications that you have taken before;
  • Chronic illnesses also increase your chances of getting a severe allergic reaction;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication.

According to statistics, only 0.3% of people who are bitten develop a severe allergic reaction to a horsefly bite - how to relieve swelling in such a situation? To begin with, apply a cold compress, and then proceed based on the state of the body.

What to do if a horsefly bites a child? Children's immune system is still too weak and is not familiar with natural poisons and toxins. Therefore, the reaction of a child’s body to a horsefly bite can be much brighter than that of an adult.

In rare cases, the following symptoms are observed:

  • shortness of breath develops;
  • heart rhythm is lost;
  • blood pressure may decrease;
  • Nausea, dizziness and vomiting begin.

Signs of infestation with gadfly larva

When the parasite gets into the eye, there is a strong burning sensation, lacrimation, and conjunctivitis quickly develops. If you do not see a doctor, you may lose your vision.

The larvae of the esophagus and subcutaneous gadfly reveal their presence with typical symptoms:

  • the place where the larvae penetrate the skin turns red, swells, and in people prone to allergies itches unbearably;
  • after 7-14 days, a bluish swelling remains with a focus of suppuration and a small rod in the center;
  • general health worsens: temperature rises, weakness, nausea are noted - classic signs of intoxication of the body;
  • When the larva gets into the nasal sinuses, pain and swelling appear.

The consequences of parasitism can be dire. The migration routes of the larvae are not fully understood, and once they enter the brain or heart, tissue degradation becomes irreversible.

As a result of the vital activity of subcutaneous, gastric and cavity larvae, parasitic diseases develop - skin, intestinal, and genitourinary myiases. The so-called “wandering larva syndrome” causes hypodermatosis - periodically appearing and disappearing skin seals. And this is not a complete list of health problems that may arise after meeting a gadfly, so medical assistance is necessary in any case.

Bodfly bite. Consequences of a gadfly bite.

First aid when bitten by a horsefly

In the summer, especially near rivers, annoying insects often attack. What can be done at home, and how to provide first aid if a horsefly does bite?

Emergency help:

  1. First of all, do not touch or scratch the wound . Try to keep the bite area clean.
  2. To reduce burning and pain, it is recommended to apply some cold object or ice .
  3. To prevent re-infection, wash the wound with clean water and soap .
  4. If you are not allergic, you need to treat the affected area green or iodine .
  5. It would be a good idea to use a bactericidal patch .

It is important to know! When planning to relax in the lap of nature, it is worth taking with you a first aid kit, which will include first aid medications. This is cotton wool, a bandage, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, a bactericidal patch, an antihistamine if you are prone to allergic reactions.


Currently, over 4 thousand species of horseflies are known. Often the characteristic features and lifestyle of an insect are indicated by its name:

  • bullfly (one of the largest dipterous insects),
  • deer horsefly,
  • gray horsefly,
  • ordinary raincoat,
  • lacewing,
  • forest lacewing, etc.

Gray horsefly

Folk remedies for treating horsefly bites

If you are bitten by a horsefly and your leg swells, what should you do in such a situation, and how to relieve the swelling? To stop the bleeding and reduce the inflammatory process: swelling or hyperemia, it is necessary to use the juice of medicinal plants, which has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. Such plants include:

  • dandelion;
  • peppermint;
  • plantain;
  • aloe juice;
  • parsley;
  • yarrow.

At home, you can wipe the affected area with lemon juice, garlic or onion.

Briefly about the insect

Before considering the answer to the question of what to do if you are bitten by a horsefly, you need to say a few words about this annoying invertebrate. The parasite belongs to the Diptera family, i.e., simply put, it is a fly.

Individuals can be small (some species), but usually they are large insects from one to three centimeters. A characteristic feature is the presence on the head of large eyes (often with a multi-colored iridescence), two wide wings (cloudy or transparent with a clear network of veins), a piercing-cutting-licking mouthparts and, as a rule, a wide abdomen.

Flies are not brightly colored, most often gray to brown. Examples of the most common types are shown in several photos in this article. This color helps them hide in the grass, where they spend most of the time searching for prey.

In the photo there is a bullfly (female)

Habitats: meadows, green fields, forests and any open areas with grass. Preference is given to wet ecotopes, such as banks or marshy meadows.

These are the most suitable conditions for laying and living of larvae. In the city they can be found sporadically, usually in park areas. At the moment, entomologists have identified more than 400 species of horseflies, 200 of which live in the CIS countries.

Note. Only females bite from warm-blooded animals, because they need blood for the formation and maturation of eggs. Males are harmless and are needed only for fertilization. Their diet consists of plant juices.

When a potential victim is discovered, female insects show persistence, so simply driving them away will not work. They will continue to try to bite until they get their fill of blood or are killed.

Even if they are damaged, for example, by an unsuccessful palm strike, they will still continue to attack. Quite often they attack in the head when a person is in the water.

The bite is always painful because their mandibles penetrate deeply into the skin, but it is not always possible to notice when an insect lands on the skin or hair, because they fly quietly and carefully land on the body. When the parasite pierces the epidermis, it injects saliva containing proteins, anticoagulants and other substances toxic to the human immune system.

This causes a local allergic reaction, which in some people can be quite severe, and in a very small number it can cause a state of shock requiring immediate medical attention.

Important. Horseflies are carriers of plague, anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, polio and other dangerous diseases.

Traditional Treatments

To relieve an allergic reaction, antihistamines are used:

  • "Claritin";
  • "Diazolin";
  • "Allergozan";
  • "Suprastin";
  • for children - “Cytirizine”.

To eliminate itching, a solution of baking soda, mint-flavored toothpaste, and ammonia will help. Also, the affected area can be lubricated with “Hydrocortisone ointment”, “Advantan” . The Golden Star balm helps a lot, although it gives some people headaches.


Horse flies and horseflies live in forests. Habitats range from deserts to alpine meadows. Found at an altitude of 3300 m from sea level. Usually found near cattle, stables, ponds, swimming pools, and forests. lawns. They feed during the day and are most noticeable on windless, hot, sunny days. The larvae develop in moist soil near water bodies.

They are found throughout the world, except in the polar regions. Absent on some islands such as Greenland, Iceland, Hawaii.

All genera Tabanus, Chrysops, Haematopota are found in temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions. Haematopota is absent from Australia and South America.

How to protect yourself from horsefly bites

To protect yourself from horsefly bites, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment and know the habits of this insect.

  1. Horseflies prefer to attack during the day in good weather.
  2. When planning an outdoor recreation, clothes should be with long sleeves , shorts should be excluded, only jeans or sweatpants.
  3. To protect the stroller, you can use a special insect net.
  4. If you grind mint, wormwood or lemon balm and apply the juice to the skin, this will help drive away not only horseflies, but also bees, wasps and bumblebees.

In the end, let’s repeat the common truth: no bite, no problem ! Therefore, it is better to take measures to prevent the insect from biting you. If for some reason the horsefly still bites, do not panic. The bite site should be washed with clean water and treated with an antiseptic. To relieve swelling, use special ointments. If an allergic reaction develops, feel free to call an ambulance.

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In nature, you need to carefully monitor children, because they are often attacked by insects

You can protect yourself from annoying insects using repellents applied to the skin. When outdoors, it is recommended to cover exposed areas of the body with clothing. You should not sleep on the grass or in the forest; mosquito nets should be installed on windows and doors.

It is important to remember that it is quite difficult to avoid horsefly bites, but if you are careful, you can prevent this. The surest way to attack an insect is to try to kill it.

Emergency therapy

Emergency care for a bite An infection gets into the open wound, which complicates the situation even more. Constant scratching is dangerous due to the addition of a secondary infection. In serious situations, local antibiotics must be used. But if everything is done correctly, you can avoid terrible complications.

  • If you are bitten by a horsefly, you need to disinfect the wound as quickly as possible and stop the bleeding.
  • In the field, the affected area is lubricated with saliva. But it is better to wipe the bite with any product containing alcohol.
  • Another way to treat horsefly bites is to rinse the wound with clean running water. And even better with the addition of laundry soap. It is recommended to lather the sore area, leave for a few minutes, and rinse.
  • How to treat swelling - apply a cold object to the affected area. At home, you can use ice and frozen meat. In the field - a bottle of drink, ice cream, cold water.
  • If your hand is swollen or your temperature rises, this indicates an allergic reaction. In this case, a product containing antihistamine components is recommended. Fenistil gel, which can be found at any pharmacy on the way home, will help relieve swelling from a bite. If your leg is swollen, Zvezdochka balm, which contains more than 20 medicinal components, also helps.
  • To prevent the bite from itching, the wound must be disinfected or a soda paste applied. Dilute baking soda with a small amount of water and apply it to the affected area for a few minutes. You can also anoint the horsefly bite with toothpaste containing mint ingredients.
  • In the field, they will help cope with unpleasant symptoms and plant tumors. If a horsefly bite itches, you should smear the skin with the juice of dandelion, celandine, and plantain. The last component can be applied to the wound for a while.
  • Lemon juice or a slice of citrus fruit will help disinfect the wound, prevent swelling, and stop itching.
  • A solution of hydrogen peroxide or a concentrated preparation helps well.

How to treat a horsefly bite depends on the complexity of the situation. A terrible allergic reaction can be stopped by antihistamines that are taken orally and lubricate the skin.

For immediate relief of unpleasant symptoms, hormonal drugs are prescribed. Among them is Advantan, which can be used in children after 6 months. Not only the affected area can swell, but also the larynx with severe allergies. Then emergency medical assistance is required.

Remedies for horsefly bites:

  • tincture of calendula, valerian, motherwort;
  • potato gruel or juice;
  • onion juice;
  • garlic decoction;
  • Valocordin;
  • Corvalol;
  • tea tree oil;
  • aloe juice;
  • propolis tincture.

If you treat the wound correctly and prevent infection, the consequences will go away as quickly as possible without complications.

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