Mosquito bite: danger to humans, symptoms, first aid

With the onset of warm days, a lot of insects appear, eager to drink someone's blood. But if midges and horseflies are usually found far from cities, then it is impossible to avoid mosquito bites. To reproduce, all they need is a rusty tin can filled with rainwater thrown into the bushes. Mosquitoes cannot be found only on the top floors of skyscrapers; they cannot fly there. But the inability to rise to such a height on their own will not prevent them from arriving by elevator or human clothing.

A bit of Wikipedia

According to Wikipedia, blood-sucking mosquitoes (lat. Culicidae) are a family of dipterous insects belonging to the long-whiskered group. In the modern world, the number of mosquito species totals more than 3.5 thousand . These insects are found on every continent (and in every country) except Antarctica, which makes sense given local temperature conditions.

Interesting fact! Humans and animals in particular are bitten exclusively by females. Males do not have developed jaws and do not have specific organs to bite a person. Human blood, rich in protein and glucose, is needed by female mosquitoes to bear offspring .

Russia and surrounding countries are home to more than 100 species of blood-sucking mosquitoes, including several malaria species (Orthopodomyia, Uranotaenia, Coquillettidia and Anopheles).

Malaria mosquito (Anopheles)

Humans are primarily responsible for the spread of various types of mosquitoes around the globe. The eggs and larvae of future adults (adult insects) survive travel in cars, trucks, trains, ships and even airplanes.

One can only guess how many larvae of malaria mosquitoes were brought by tourists from southern countries during one tourist season.


Mosquitoes are the most harmless of those that can bite at home. They can be tolerated, and they usually disappear during the cold season. It's another matter if you are attacked by bedbugs.

Bed bugs reproduce very quickly and can withstand temperatures from 4 to 40 degrees. They not only live in the bed, but also stay in carpets, sofas, lamps or picture frames. They hide during the day and at night they look for their owners to take blood. Bed bugs are not picky about their diet. These parasites usually feed on human blood, but in an emergency they can transfer to animals.

What does a bug look like?

While the bug is small it is difficult to see. When its size reaches 6 millimeters, it is already visible to the naked eye. After a bloody feast, they become more plump, even a little longer. This is what a bed bug looks like:

  • body length from 4 to 6 millimeters;
  • reddish-brown color;
  • six hairy legs;
  • flat body shape.

Bedbug eggs are cream-white in color and only a millimeter in size, making them difficult to recognize. Bedbugs can live without food for up to 6 months.

Bedbug bites

If you wake up in the morning with noticeable bites, you may have been bitten by bed bugs. You can determine that they are the ones by looking closely at the location of the spots.

A bug rarely gets into a blood vessel the first time. These little bloodsuckers avoid long walks on the body; their bites always have a row design (street of bedbugs). During an attack, exposed areas of the body are especially affected: legs, arms, neck and face.

The effect of the bite depends on the sensitivity of the person. For some it causes severe swelling, for others it causes swelling and itching, and in 20% of people there is no reaction at all. A bedbug bite is usually painless. However, if you experience pain, consult a doctor as soon as possible and get treated for bedbugs.

How to find them

During the day, bedbugs hide, but if you carefully examine the bed, you can find their traces.

  1. It bites a person into a blood vessel, causing blood to leak. Therefore, small blood stains appear on the sheets, bedspreads and nightwear.
  2. Another sign of infestation is small black excrement that remains on the skin and footpaths. Fecal particles are approximately 0.5-1.0 mm in size. There are especially many of them near the parasite’s daytime hiding place.
  3. In their development, they go through five larval stages, with each phase beginning with a moult. The remains of the molt remain near the nests.
  4. One of the typical signs of infection is a repulsive sweet smell. It is especially felt during severe infection.

Bedbugs prefer to live in residential, closed rooms near places for sleeping and resting. Traces of their existence can be found on mattresses, bed frames or behind wallpaper. Bedbugs love warmth and darkness. They hide in crevices, crevices, and joints of furniture, preferring materials such as wood, paper and textiles.

Note from a GorSES expert: Of course, you can fight bed bugs on your own, but most likely you will lose valuable time and lose the battle. Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals. They know where the little invaders might be hiding and have effective, safe disinfectants.

What mosquitoes live in Russia and the former CIS countries

There are three most common types of mosquitoes in our area:

  1. Common mosquito (also known as Culex Piplens). They are the constant companions of fishermen, hunters and simply travelers who decide to relax in nature away from the bustle of the city.
  2. Mosquitoes "Bites" (aka Aedes) - the bite of a mosquito of this species causes severe swelling and characteristic itching .
  3. And malaria mosquitoes of the Anopheles species, which are much more difficult to meet than ordinary or “Bite” mosquitoes.

Common mosquito (Culex Piplens)

The most common type of blood-sucking mosquitoes is the “Kukleks”, that is, the ordinary species. Moreover, this species is considered the most common not only in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other nearby countries, but also throughout the world.

They bite quickly, painlessly, without any dangerous symptomatic consequences. Itching at the site of a mosquito bite lasts from several minutes to an hour.

Mosquito "Biter" (Aedes)

“Bites” mosquitoes are distinguished by their characteristic coloring in the form of white stripes on the abdomen and legs. It is not uncommon to experience slight swelling after a bite from the Biting mosquito, accompanied by itching for several hours.

As for malaria mosquitoes, in our latitudes, mainly one species is found (Anopheles). The remaining species are extremely rare guests.

Anopheles is the most common type of malaria mosquito not only in Russia, but also in the world as a whole.

In appearance, a malaria mosquito is difficult to distinguish from a regular one, which further aggravates the situation. This species carries malarial plasmodia , which provoke the development of a dangerous disease called malaria.

Experts' opinion

Based on the results of clinical studies, La-Cri products, including cream for sensitive skin, are recommended by the St. Petersburg branch of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

The effectiveness, safety and tolerability of the products have been proven by a clinical study. The cream is also suitable for daily skin care of children with mild to moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients. As a result of therapy, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process, a decrease in dryness, itching and flaking was noted.

It has been clinically proven that La-Cri cream for sensitive skin:

  • reduces itching and irritation;
  • relieves skin redness;
  • moisturizes and gently cares for the skin.


  1. Kamasheva G.R., Khakimova R.F. Valiullina S.A., Methods for assessing the severity of atopic dermatitis in young children, Dermatology journal, 2010
  2. Kovyazina N.A., Fedosimova N.A., Illek Ya. Yu. Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in young children, Vyatka Medical Bulletin, 2007
  3. Smirnova G.I. Managing the course of the disease: atopic dermatitis in children, Russian pediatric journal, 2014

Why do mosquitoes bite people?

The question is simple, but at the same time, complex. This may come as a revelation to some, but human blood is not the main food item in the mosquito diet. This type of insect mainly feeds on pollen and nectar of plants, and blood is needed exclusively by females to bear new offspring.

Reproduction and birth of mosquitoes

Having received a portion of human blood, rich in proteins, the female mosquito looks for water to lay eggs, which in a short time will turn into pupae, and new mosquitoes will emerge from them. The process of “birth” of new individuals occurs directly in the water. Now do you understand why in summer there are many more mosquitoes near reservoirs than in fields, for example?

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes

Mosquitoes interfere with a relaxing holiday not only in nature, but also at home. They enter apartments through open windows, as well as from the basement through the interior of the house - through ventilation openings and staircases. On a warm summer evening it is impossible to hide from them in the park or garden.

How can you protect yourself from mosquitoes and reduce the likelihood of being bitten?

  • Avoid sweet perfumes that attract blood-sucking parasites. It is better to give preference to a fresh or sharp aroma that repels insects.
  • Install mosquito nets on windows and vents.
  • Apply a mixture of olive oil, clove essential oil and tea tree to your body before walking.
  • Buy effective mosquito repellents and use them according to the manufacturer's instructions on clothing.

The greatest concentration of mosquitoes is observed in the evening near water bodies. If you are camping on the shore of a lake with a tent, a fire will help you escape from annoying parasites.

Why do mosquitoes bite some people more and leave others alone?

According to scientists' research, mosquitoes choose a victim based on information collected by numerous receptors located on the proboscis. In short, female mosquitoes “smell” a person: his smell, sense his blood type and even the acids, vitamins and other substances that make up it.

According to scientists, mosquitoes are able to smell chemicals such as:

  • uric acid and its excess in the body;
  • some types of hormones;
  • cholesterol;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • hormones released with human sweat;
  • steroids.

Mosquitoes are also able to distinguish blood type and respond to movement or body temperature.

Many have encountered a situation where, in a large company, mosquitoes bite more of some people, and practically do not touch individuals. And jokes like: “He/she is more delicious” have a certain meaning. The fact is that, given an equal choice at first glance, a female mosquito is more likely to bite a person who has the substances listed in the list above in their blood or on the surface of their skin.

Interesting! The joke that someone is really “tastier” to mosquitoes is not without meaning . But if a person is alone and does not smell of pheromones, the female mosquito will bite him without a twinge of conscience, with all that it entails.

“I was bitten by a snake”: two dots around swollen skin

It was with these words that our friend Peter jumped up in the middle of the night. The whole family was alarmed. Mom began to examine the wound. The problem was also created by the fact that the people were in the village, 35 km from the nearest hospital. Then the question arose whether to go to the doctors at 3 am and whether our hero would die before the morning. You will say: “Of course, go, this is a man!”, but 15 years ago more severe morals reigned in the villages. Fortunately, the presence of a snake was quickly ruled out, because another creature was found in the room.

Two-tailed attack: 2 centimeters in length, huge whiskers and spread paws, and in the back there are pincers. This is exactly what the cute creature, also called an earwig, looks like.

  • Threat No. 1 - our new “friend” does not have a stinger, and the scary-looking device is the cerci, the forceps with which it holds prey. You might get bitten by them too. Red dots on the body will look like bites from a cold-blooded animal, but will not cause harm;
  • Threat No. 2 - in rare cases, a double-tailed fish gets into a person’s ear and swarms around in it. She won't eat your brain, but she's pretty scary. And don’t forget about ticks. If the population of a species in a house grows, then the likelihood of such an incident also increases.

The earwig looks scary, but does not pose an impressive threat, but by carrying out a comprehensive treatment of the more dangerous inhabitants of apartments, houses and offices, you will get rid of it too. Still, do not forget to inspect the premises for snakes. They usually don't crawl far.

Symptoms of a mosquito bite

What mosquito bites look like (photo)

Many people, especially seasoned travelers, hardly notice mosquito bites. Also, bites are hardly noticeable in the middle and end of the summer season. The reason is that the body adapts to the bites and intentionally minimizes symptoms.

Typically, after a bite, there is a slight swelling on the skin that itches for several hours, sometimes days. But there are people who, due to the body’s increased sensitivity to enzymes injected during a mosquito bite, are more susceptible to these chemicals, resulting in an allergic reaction.

Common symptoms found in most people:

  • a mild rash may appear, which will disappear on its own after a few days;
  • the bite site is itchy and itchy;
  • the size of the swelling can vary from 3 mm to 1 cm, depending on the reaction of the human body to the mosquito enzymes;
  • in rare cases, a slight increase in temperature may be observed, but not higher than 37 degrees.

As for people whose bodies react strongly to mosquito bites, they may experience an allergic reaction with the following symptoms:

  1. A sharp increase in body temperature above 38 degrees.
  2. Sudden headache.
  3. Possible dizziness.
  4. In rare cases, fainting may occur.
  5. Symptoms of suffocation, nausea and even vomiting are also common.

If you experience at least one of the described symptoms after a mosquito bite, you should immediately contact the nearest medical center.

What do insect bites look like?

is quite easy to recognize an insect bite . Typically, redness appears in the affected area, sometimes a papule, in the center of which there is a wound (puncture). The bite site is very itchy or even painful, and a burning sensation is not uncommon. Unpleasant sensations do not leave the victim even for a minute, forcing him to scratch the wound, which should not be done, as you can cause an infection. It is better to quickly provide first aid and treat the bite, relieve irritation using folk remedies or medications.

Why is a mosquito bite dangerous?

Regular mosquitoes pose no danger to humans unless you are allergic to the enzymes mosquitoes leave behind in your skin. But this is rare, and very rare. For 99.9% of people, Culex Piplens mosquitoes are harmless , literally at all.

But in the rest of the world - Africa, Asia, South America - mosquitoes pose a great danger, sometimes fatal. Let's look at the five types of most common viruses that mosquitoes carry.

Zika virus

The first people to become ill with the Zika virus were residents of Uganda (Africa). In 1947, the virus was first identified and a year later isolated from mosquitoes of the Aedes Africanus species - also known as the African "Biter". Later, the virus was identified in other subspecies of Aedes mosquitoes, but they all live in Africa (Nigeria, Uganda, Gabon, Sierra Leone, Egypt and CAP), as well as in the countries of Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia ), including India.

Important! If you are going on vacation to one of the popular Asian countries (Thailand, Vietnam and others), you should be prepared to encounter the Zika virus . By the way, there is no effective vaccine or cure for this type of virus yet.

In 2015, the virus was already discovered in South America, French Polynesia, Central America and the West Indies. In 2016, an epidemic of the Zika virus was recorded in South and Central America. This suggests that it only took the virus 60 years to cross the Pacific Ocean. By the standards of human life, this is a long time, but for a population of viruses, 60 years is a very short period.

The main symptoms of the disease are similar to those of dengue fever:

  • joint pain;
  • high temperature - fever;
  • headache;
  • fatigue;
  • swelling of the joints;
  • rash.

The Zika virus is not fatal . To treat symptoms, drug therapy is used, including painkillers, antipyretics and antibiotics. As a rule, after a week, patients recover, simultaneously acquiring short-term immunity to the virus for 6-8 months.

Zika virus

However, if a mosquito with the Zika virus bites a pregnant woman, the consequences will be catastrophic. The virus has an extremely negative effect on the development of the fetus , which leads to developmental abnormalities. The born child will most likely have disabilities.

Important! If a woman is pregnant, you should not go on vacation, especially to Asian, South American and African countries. The Zika virus may not be a big problem for humans, but the health of a child is at risk.

Chikungunya virus

Chikungunya is a young and not yet very widespread virus. The virus is transmitted through the same mosquitoes of the Aedes species, but other subspecies - Aegypti and Albopictus. By the way, mosquitoes of these species also carry other diseases.

The habitat of mosquitoes with the Chikungunya virus is concentrated in countries located in the Indian subequatorial zone, Asian countries and Africa (closer to the equator). It is noteworthy that in recent years, outbreaks of the Chikungunya virus disease have been recorded in European countries and North America (USA).

Chikungunya virus distribution map

Interesting! The larvae of potentially dangerous mosquitoes are gradually spreading around the world due to globalization and the active development of passenger and cargo transportation.

The incubation period of the virus usually lasts 2-3 days, and after that the temperature rises sharply, up to 40 degrees. Other symptoms:

  • muscle and headache;
  • rash;
  • malaise;
  • fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • severe joint pain.

As a rule, after 5-10 days the body defeats the virus, but pain in the joints and muscles can last for another month. Cases have been recorded where pain lasted for more than a year.

Dengue fever

Those who like to relax in India, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia or Malaysia are probably familiar with Dengue fever, which a person becomes infected with through mosquitoes of the Aedes Aegypti species. Bats or monkeys can also become sources of the disease, but rarely. The main carrier of the Dengue virus is the mosquito.

Pathogenesis of Dengue fever

Dengue fever can be contracted in 110 countries. These are mainly Asian countries (southeast), India and the equatorial region of Africa. The virus is also found in South America. Every year, about 20 thousand people die from dengue fever . The number of infected people per year is from 50 to 500 million.

Typical symptoms of Dengue fever:

  • increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • redness of the eyeballs;
  • lack of appetite, which can lead to anorexia;
  • severe pain in bones, muscles and joints;
  • increased heart rate at first and slower after 3-4 days of illness;
  • sudden loss of strength;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • swelling of the face;
  • an itchy rash that may cover most of the body;
  • confusion.

The Dengue virus also has a more complex form - Dengue hemorrhagic fever , which is found in Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines. The symptoms are the same, but they are much more pronounced. And all this thanks to mosquitoes of the Aedes species (Bites).

Important! There is no vaccine for dengue fever. Treatment usually uses painkillers, antigestamines and vitamins.

West Nile fever

The relatively young West Nile virus is considered one of the most dangerous diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. According to statistics, its mortality rate is about 5% . That is, every 20th infected person dies.

West Nile fever is an acute viral disease that is usually transmitted by mosquitoes, but can also be spread by ticks: agrass and ixodid ticks. The virus causes inflammation of the meninges, and sometimes meningoencephalitis can develop (inflammation of the brain and bone marrow, which can cause paralysis).

The virus is often found in North America (USA). There have been cases of a virus outbreak in Serbia. As for Russia, outbreaks of West Nile virus were observed from 1999 to 2013. True, the epidemic was rather local and insignificant (only about 2-3 thousand sick). The regions where the disease spreads are Volgograd, Rostov, Voronezh, Astrakhan regions and Krasnodar Territory.

There is no vaccine for West Nile virus . Treatment usually takes place in a hospital with the use of antipyretic and painkillers. Patients are also prescribed courses of vitamins to support the immune system.


Malaria is a vector-borne infectious disease caused by the bite of an anopheles mosquito. The causative agents of the disease are parasitic protists, most often Plasmodium falciparum.

From 150 to 500 million cases of infection are registered annually. In approximately 800 thousand cases, malaria is fatal .

Important! Over the past 20 years, the number of cases and deaths from malaria has been gradually decreasing. Mainly due to the distribution of the malaria vaccine.

Malaria mosquitoes of the Anopheles family live in almost all climatic zones, except for the far North and Antarctica. However, potentially dangerous regions - countries located in the subequatorial and equatorial zones - are smaller in the humid subtropics. There, the malaria mosquito is commonplace.

Pathogenesis of Malaria

In Russia, a difficult epidemiological situation with malaria was observed from the beginning of the 20th century until the 50s, when the number of cases approached 9 million people. However, the drainage of swamps and swampy areas, coupled with the distribution of malaria vaccines, has reduced the number of patients sharply. At the moment, isolated cases of infection are recorded annually in Russia.

Symptoms of malaria are similar to other fevers caused by mosquitoes:

  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • fever (high temperature - 40 degrees);
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • wet cough;
  • convulsions;
  • Strong headache;
  • chills;
  • vomit;
  • increased hemoglobin levels in urine;
  • increase in the size of the spleen and liver.

There are three types of malaria:

  1. Three-day is the rarest type of disease. It goes away within three days without any severe symptoms.
  2. Quadrilateral malaria usually resolves after 3-4 days without serious symptoms or complications.
  3. Tropical malaria is the most dangerous and common type. I detect tropical malaria in 90% of cases.

The immune response against malaria takes a very long time to develop and is ineffective. Therefore, even after complete recovery, re-infection is possible.

As of 2022, a malaria vaccine exists and is widely used. However, its effectiveness fluctuates around 55% . A better vaccine is already being tested, the effectiveness of which, according to doctors, will be at least 92%.

Important! If you are going to visit one of the countries located near the equator (India, equatorial countries of Africa, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia and others), get vaccinated against malaria. Vaccination will not only help you avoid ruining your vacation, but it may also save your life.

Briefly about disinfestation

Many people are afraid to call the SES. They think it's difficult. In fact, the processing procedure takes less than an hour. Surfaces can be washed, and the active ingredients remain odorless and health threatening for up to 2 months. Even after their action ends, insects prefer not to approach the potentially dangerous zone - this is an instinct. For some reason, many people waste time going to the store, buying non-working products (have you heard anywhere other than advertising that a spray will make all mosquitoes or cockroaches disappear?). Then it takes hours to spray them. Later, the lack of results is monitored, new expenses are incurred, etc. But you just need to order a professional pest control. One call → 50 minutes → clean house.

Treatment methods for mosquito bites

A mosquito bite causes the familiar characteristic swelling with redness, which itch incredibly hard and for a long time. To get rid of these symptoms, you can use a special ointment or gel that is sold at the pharmacy.

But most often, with ordinary mosquito bites, the “victims” use folk, proven remedies. So, what can you do to make itching, redness and swelling go away faster:

  • first of all, smear the bite area with your own saliva, this will calm the itching a little;
  • you can also use a vinegar solution;
  • Citric acid helps a lot;
  • use any alcohol-containing liquids (vodka, perfume or, in fact, medical alcohol);
  • a solution of soda also helps well (1 teaspoon in half a glass of warm water);
  • There is an opinion that toothpaste also helps;
  • aloe, mint leaf or crushed plantain.

If more alarming symptoms appear, such as dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing, etc., consult a doctor immediately.

Important! Under no circumstances should repellents or insecticides be used as a remedy for mosquito bites. This will cause further skin irritation and possibly swelling.

Professional mosquito treatment

If you want to get rid of blood-sucking parasites in your summer cottage, contact the Dez Group SES for help. Only professional mosquito repellent treatment will allow you to forget about discomfort and give you a relaxing holiday in nature. The company’s specialists use certified and proven drugs with a prolonged action to combat blood-sucking individuals. The effect of the insecticide is enhanced by the method of applying it using a fog generator.

If you want to clarify the cost of treating an object against mosquitoes, ask questions and find out other details of the procedure, leave a request on the company’s website. A Dez Group representative will contact you in a few minutes.

Preventive methods of protection

Preventive methods of protection against mosquito bites are any means that will help limit human contact with insects. This includes various repellents and insecticides that repel mosquitoes from humans, all kinds of smoldering sticks and circles. These products are sold in many stores, including supermarkets.

As for the home, it is better to have mosquito nets on the windows. If the windows are old, you can do it yourself. The main thing is to make sure that the mosquito cannot bite, since one of them may well turn out to be malarial. No bite - no problem .

And finally, advice for those who are going to hot southern countries: before the trip you should think about getting vaccinated against malaria. It is also important to take out insurance that includes a possible hospital stay in a local hospital in case of infection with one of the viruses described above.

Post Views: 645

They hurt

Red blisters on the body itch.
Unpleasant sensations are caused by the attack of wasps and bees, which you most likely will not lose sight of. Spiders in the Russian Federation can bite, leaving a couple of marks, but you should not be afraid of them. Moreover, their presence becomes a good prevention of insect extermination. Arthropods do not tolerate diseases, unlike mosquitoes and flies. Another thing is that they compete with the brave pest control workers who take care of you. However, it is not that noticeable. You can't cover the whole house with cobwebs. But with fog, consisting of destructive and repellent agents, it’s very easy. In addition, this will give a 100% result in getting rid of uninvited “guests”.

There are also ticks that often remain hanging on the neck, but in some cases they go away. The danger here lies in the large number of disease-carrying individuals. To protect against them, it is necessary to cover the trees and bushes near the house with a solution, but that’s another story.

Interesting: most of the blood-sucking inhabitants of the planet inject a kind of anesthesia into the victim’s body so that it does not notice the predator. This is what causes itching. Bees and similar organisms do not feed on humans and therefore do not require such tools.

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