Instructions for use of gel Absolute against cockroaches

Absolute gel is an inexpensive anti-cockroach drug that can be purchased at a low price. However, despite this, it is characterized by good performance - it destroys insects after the first treatment . The gel will not work on eggs. However, most modern drugs kill only adults and larvae. This means that this cannot be considered a disadvantage. The problem of pest control in the conditions of the rapid emergence of larvae from eggs can be solved by re-treating the premises.

Composition and properties, release form

Absolute cockroach repellent is offered in the form of a cartridge, tube or syringe. The volume varies: from 10 to 125 ml. The drug is produced in Russia. The gel is characterized by a jelly-like structure, most often it is transparent. A slight color change is allowed - up to light brown. The product does not have a persistent unpleasant odor.

The composition includes one active ingredient - chlorpyrifos, an insecticide from the group of organophosphorus compounds. With its help you can destroy insects of different types. However, it is not recommended to regularly use the same product from the group of organophosphorus compounds, since pests gradually develop resistance to toxic substances of this type.

The concentration of chlorpyrifos is 0.5%. In addition to the insecticide, the drug also contains other components: fat-based filler, attractants.

A person does not smell when treating a room with gel, but the product contains components that attract insects. These are attractants, thanks to which cockroaches react to poison, even if it is applied in places where pests appear infrequently.

This feature allows you to spend less money. As for the fat base, thanks to this structure the gel retains its properties for a long time and does not dry out.

Popular means

To choose the best cockroach gel, it is not enough to study the manufacturer’s promises on the packaging. Sometimes you need to become a little chemist to figure out which drug will be most effective. The effectiveness of cockroach repellents is determined by the insecticide included in its composition.

With fipronil

Fipronil is an intestinal and contact insecticide that is characterized by relatively high effectiveness in the fight against cockroaches. The substance destroys the cells of the central nervous system of insects. Moreover, it acts slowly (within eight hours), which gives the cockroach the opportunity to return to the colony. What follows is a cascading effect. A fairly high concentration of insecticide remains in the feces and corpse of a poisoned insect, which is lethal to “healthy” insects. Within three days, up to 95% of cockroaches (as well as ants) in the room die. The table contains popular fipronil-based gels.

Table - Fipronil-based gels

NamePeculiaritiesInsecticide concentration, %Price, rubles
"Dohloks" (Oboronkhim)— Yellow-white creamy mass; - without smell; - packaging in the form of a syringe; — death of cockroaches on day 2; - activity for 2 months 0,0550
"Brownie"— Gel-like mass of yellow color; - packaging in the form of a syringe; - the smell of cat food; - death of cockroaches after 2-3 hours 0,05100
"Tarakanoff"— Translucent gel-like mass of yellow color; — packaging in the form of a syringe or tube; - without smell; - activity for 2 months 0,0590
"Attack"— Transparent gel-like mass; — packaging in the form of a tube or syringe; - the smell of vanilla; — activity for 2 months; — chain death of pests over 6 months 0,0555
"Bullitt"— White gel-like mass; - packaging in the form of a syringe; - without smell 0,05350
"Goliath"— Light brown gel-like mass; — packaging in the form of a cartridge for a syringe; — attracts pests from a distance of 1-2 m; — resistant to light and temperature fluctuations; — death of cockroaches after 8 hours; - activity for 3 months 0,054500 (for 4 cartridges)
"Trap"— Translucent gel with a yellowish tint; - packaging in the form of a syringe; - death of cockroaches after 5 days 0,0540
"Combat"— Packaging in the form of a syringe or tube; - without smell; — preventive effect for 9 months 0,01200

Fipronil is harmful to birds if ingested. If parrots live at home, you should stop using gels based on this insecticide or limit the pet’s free movement around the house for at least a month from the date of treatment.

With chlorpyrifos

Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate insecticide that is considered one of the most effective today. If it gets on the shell or in the digestive tract of an insect, the substance blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, which provokes paralysis. The insecticide is resistant to both light and temperature changes. With frequent use, cockroaches may develop resistance to the poison. The table contains popular products based on chlorpyrifos.

Table - Gels based on chlorpyrifos

NamePeculiaritiesInsecticide concentration, %Price, rubles
"Global" (Exil)— Thick gel paste; — packaging in the form of a tube; — before use, the tube must be kneaded in your hands; — the original German product is protected by a hologram; - the smell of cocoa; — death of cockroaches after 1-2 weeks; — activity for 4 months 0,5450
"Taiga"— Packaging in the form of a syringe; — death of cockroaches on day 2; - activity for 3 months 190
"Clean house"— Transparent or cloudy gel; — packaging in the form of a tube or syringe; - without smell; — death of cockroaches after 3-5 days; - activity throughout the month 0,0550
"Absolute"— Gel-like mass of light beige color; — packaging in the form of a tube or syringe; - without smell; — activity throughout the month; — preventive action for 4 months 0,5200
"A great warrior"— A mass resembling honey in color and consistency; — the composition is supplemented with the intestinal insecticide diazinon (0.2%); — packaging in the form of a tube or syringe; — activity for 2 months; — death of cockroaches on the 4th day; — insects completely disappear after 2 weeks; - when processed more than 2 times it is ineffective 0,350
"Crossbow"— Gel-like mass of dark yellow or dark gray color; — packaging in the form of a tube; - without smell; - activity throughout the month 0,570

With diazinon

Diazinon is an enteric insecticide that has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects and some warm-blooded animals. This is due to blocking the production of enzymes responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. The product is toxic to humans, so it can only be used as a last resort when other insecticides are powerless. The table contains popular diazinon-based products.

Table - Diazinon-based gels

NamePeculiaritiesInsecticide concentration, %Price, rubles
"Face"— Packaging in the form of a tube; — death of cockroaches on the second day; — the composition is supplemented with the pyrethroid cypermethrin (0.03%); - activity for 4 weeks 0,6100
"Triple Strike"— Packaging in the form of a syringe; — the composition is supplemented with the pyrethroid cypermethrin (0.1%) and imidacloprid (0.1%); — death of cockroaches after 4 days; - resistance factor excluded 0,350
"Storm"- White gel-like substance; - packaging in the form of a syringe; — the composition is supplemented with alphacypermethrin (0.05%); — death of cockroaches on day 2; - activity for 2 months 0,340

With pyrethroids

Pyrethroids are synthetic insecticides that are analogues of pyrethrins, which are found in the flowers of some plants. This is a contact poison that, penetrating through the insect’s shell, paralyzes its nervous system. Over time, pests develop group resistance. It is important that pyrethroids are less toxic for warm-blooded animals and humans than other types of insecticides. The table contains popular pyrethroid-based products.

Table - Gels based on pyrethroids

NamePeculiaritiesPrice, rublesActive substances
"Legion"- Yellow gel-like substance; - packaging in the form of a syringe; — death of insects after 2 days; — blocking the ability to reproduce in infected individuals; - activity for 3 months — Deltamethrin (0.05%); — diflubenzuron (0.1%) 80
"Raptor"— Transparent gel — packaging in the form of a tube; - the smell of apricot and vanilla; - activity for 6 months Lambda-cyhalothrin (0.1%)250

During the time of Alexander the Great, dried chamomile flowers were used as a pyrethroid insecticide. But substantive studies of this group of substances began only in 1964.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug Absolut stands out from a number of analogues due to a combination of positive qualities:

  1. Low level of toxicity (IV class). The gel does not pose a danger to humans and animals, which is due to the low concentration of the insecticide.
  2. No noticeable odor.
  3. High efficiency.
  4. Low consumption: 1 tube/syringe is enough to treat a room of 30 square meters. m; gel in an amount of 0.05 g destroys many insects (up to 500 individuals).
  5. There is no need to treat the entire room, since the drug contains attractants that attract cockroaches.
  6. Affordable price (60-280 rubles depending on volume).

Disadvantages include the low rate of insect destruction. So, the first individuals will begin to die the next day after treatment. Peak effectiveness occurs after 2-3 weeks, and the entire pest population can be destroyed in about 1 month. In addition, the gel contains fatty components, so it leaves stains on surfaces. To avoid such troubles, it is better to apply the gel on a cardboard or plastic backing. Then the cleaning will go quickly.

Operating principle, scope

After application, the gel begins to poison pests. This occurs when the poison gets into their chitinous coverings or into the digestive system. Thanks to attractants, the cockroach mistakes the gel for an attractive food and comes out of hiding. When eating, particles of poison fall on the legs and chitinous coverings of the insect. Accordingly, the insecticide begins to act from the inside and outside.

When a cockroach dies, its remains are eaten by its fellows. At the same time, they receive a portion of poison. Thanks to this feature, a large colony is destroyed. In addition, during physical contact, insects also transfer particles of poison to each other, for example, while in a nest. The insecticide included in the composition negatively affects the nervous system of pests. When it enters the body, the poison blocks nerve impulses. As a result, the internal organs cease to function and the insect dies.

Absolute gel is used to kill different types of cockroaches: red, black, American. In addition, using this product you can remove black garden and red house ants. The gel is used in pest control at facilities for various purposes: residential buildings, sanatoriums, industrial and retail premises, utilities, warehouses, medical institutions.

Rules of application

The drug is applied with dotted lines. The gap between the strips is 2-4 cm, this is influenced by the degree of infection of the object. For example, if there are a lot of cockroaches, the product is applied in strips 2 cm long with the same intervals. If there are few insects, the gap between the stripes should be 4 cm. The gel should be applied in habitats familiar to cockroaches, these are:

  • baseboards;
  • back surfaces of furniture, household appliances;
  • interior space of cabinets;
  • hanging shelves;
  • area under the sink, near the trash can;
  • entry points for pipelines and sewer lines.

To avoid the appearance of greasy stains, the gel is applied to a cardboard or plastic substrate. It is necessary to cut small strips. First, they are coated with gel, then the finished traps are laid out in different areas of the room. It's okay if some places haven't been treated. Thanks to the attractant included in the gel, the insects themselves tend to the poison.

The insecticide retains its properties for 30 days.

The gel will not work for a long time, as it dries out after a month. In this state it will not attract insects. For this reason, the drug is reapplied if necessary. Thanks to its prolonged action, the product will kill not only adults, but also larvae that hatch from eggs after 2 weeks. Accordingly, by the time the substance begins to dry out, the pest population will be destroyed.

Absolut gel Super against cockroaches 20ml

The insecticide Absolute gel super is a food bait in the form of a white to beige gel for the destruction of cockroaches, wasps, flies, ants (red brownies and various types of garden ants) on objects of various categories.


Its active ingredient is clothianidin (0.1%) - a highly active compound from the group of neonicotinoids, which has intestinal, contact and systemic activity. The gel also contains a stabilizer, preservative, binding agents and food attractants.


The product has insecticidal activity for cockroaches, wasps, flies and ants (red house and various garden species): complete death of cockroaches occurs after 2-3 days, flies and ants - within 1 day. The residual effect lasts 1.5-2 months.

In terms of acute toxicity parameters when administered into the stomach and applied to the skin, the product belongs to class 4 low-hazard according to GOST 12.1.007-76. According to the degree of volatility, the product belongs to hazard class 4 according to the Classification of Chemical Substances by degree of volatility. Does not irritate the skin, causes a slight irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes. No sensitizing effect was detected. When exposed to inhalation vapors in the zone of acute biocidal effect, the product belongs to class 4 of low-hazard substances according to the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation agents.

The level of concentration in the air of the working area of ​​clothianidin is 0.4 mg/m3 (vapor + aerosol).


The product is intended for the destruction of cockroaches, wasps, flies, ants (red house ants and various types of garden ants) in objects of various categories: in industrial and residential premises, in educational, administrative, medical organizations, social security, public utility purposes (hotels, hostels , sports complexes), at catering establishments, by specialists from organizations involved in disinfection activities, as well as by the population at home.


Destruction of cockroaches. A thin layer of gel is injected from a syringe or tube into cracks in baseboards, crevices and other difficult-to-treat areas that can serve as a hiding place for cockroaches. Other places where cockroaches are found, where they may live or move are also subject to treatment: under sinks, behind refrigerators, near buckets or containers for collecting garbage and food waste, the bottom shelves of tables, as well as risers and hot water pipes. The gel is also applied to substrates and placed in areas where cockroaches live, gather or move. The consumption rate is 3-4 substrates per room of 10 m2. One package of 20 ml is sufficient for selective treatment of a 30 m2 room. You can also apply the gel in a dotted line along the places where cockroaches move: 2 cm of gel - 2 cm of untreated surface. For small and medium numbers of cockroaches, the intervals between strips of gel can be increased to 4 cm: 2 cm of gel - 4 cm of untreated surface. Repeated treatments should be carried out when cockroaches appear

Destruction of wasps. The bait is laid out on non-food substrates (lid, saucer) and placed in places where clusters of wasps are found or places where they visit are established. When you find any products on the terrace, veranda or in the open air - when preparing purees, compotes, peeling fruits, the gel can be applied directly to their waste (apple peels, meat trimmings, vegetable remains). The gel is applied to fruit peelings, fermentation products and other food waste. Nests are treated after sunset, at dusk or early in the morning, when working individuals are in the nest. You should use individual protective clothing that covers your head, neck, and hands well (a raincoat or jacket made of water-repellent fabric with a hood). Clothing should not be brightly colored, and perfume should not be worn. Nests located openly in accessible places (on terraces and balconies, in gazebos, under roof joints, eaves, platbands, under roof coverings made of slate, tiles, roofing felt, wood), as well as inside outbuildings (sheds, garages, attics, outdoor toilets, etc.) are treated by applying gel to the surface of the nest. Upon contact with the gel, the wasps die. Consumption depends on the size of the nest, but not less than 20 ml per nest. When applying the gel to substrates (50-100 ml), you can use not only cardboard or thick paper, but also melon or watermelon peels as additional attractants, placing them in places where wasps accumulate. The product contains natural sweet ingredients, molasses, condensed milk, which wasps actively eat and die.

Destruction of ants. To destroy red house ants indoors, including in bathrooms, showers, toilets, the gel is applied to substrates (3-4 substrates per room of 10 m2) and placed in places where insects are found. Paths of movement (tracks) are treated by applying the gel in a dotted line with an interval of 2 cm between the gel strips. If the ant population is high, the interval between stripes can be halved, or the gel can be applied in one continuous strip. One package of 20 ml is sufficient for selective treatment of a room of 50 m2. To destroy garden ants that crawl onto the lower floors of houses and cottages, the gel is applied to the blind area of ​​the house, as well as to open verandas, terraces, porches along the threshold and along the perimeter, i.e. on the paths of ants' penetration into premises. Repeat treatments after ants appear in the room.

Destruction of flies. To kill flies, the substrates are placed in places where insects are most concentrated: on window sills, on terraces, placing them so that they do not fall into the field of view of children. During the period of its action, the bait can be rearranged to other places, placing it where the largest number of flies is observed. The gel can be applied in strips to places where flies may land: joints of frames, doors, partitions, window glass, lampshades. Care should be taken in food preparation areas to ensure that dead flies do not end up on dining tables or on food that is currently open.


The product should be stored in a dry, covered, ventilated warehouse in a closed package at a temperature not lower than zero and not higher than plus 40°C at a distance of at least 1 m from heating devices, separately from food products and medicines. In everyday conditions - in places inaccessible to children and pets, separately from food products and medicines. Shelf life: 3 years in unopened manufacturer's packaging.


Packaging of 20 ml in plastic syringes (cartridges).

Comparison of the gel with analogues

Today, aerosols, powders, concentrates, and crayons are used in the fight against cockroaches. If you compare the properties of drugs in different release forms, you can choose the appropriate option for certain conditions.

For example, Absolute gel is better than aerosol and concentrate because it does not have an unpleasant odor. This means that the treatment procedure can be performed without protective equipment (respirator, special glasses, closed clothing), only rubber gloves are worn. In addition, after applying the drug, you do not have to leave the room, nor do you need to ventilate it.

However, the gel is inferior to the aerosol and concentrate in terms of speed of action. Thus, a jelly-like preparation will give results a few weeks after application, and when sprayed, insects die almost immediately.

But powders are inferior to gel, since they cannot be used to treat vertical surfaces. The jelly-like substance is applied to any objects, regardless of their position. Powders and gels are similar in speed of action. However, dusts are less effective than jelly-like products, since they do not attract insects. For this reason, all surfaces must be treated with them.

If you compare the gel with insecticidal chalk, they note about the same level of effectiveness, but the substance in solid form does not attract insects, so the stripes must be applied everywhere. In addition, the insecticide included in the pencil quickly loses its properties under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Description of the drug, types and principle of its action

The insecticide is designed to kill all types of insects that may settle in the house. It is also widely used by gardeners to get rid of all types of ants that may appear in the garden house.

The drug is absolutely harmless and is often used in children's institutions and catering outlets. It has an immediate effect and a prolonged effect that lasts up to 2 months.

Clothianidin 0.1%Low hazardous substanceActs as a poison for insects
Organophosphorus compoundLow hazardous substanceProduct with enteric contact activity for insects
Food attractantsSafelyAttracts insects with taste and smell, which makes them eat the bait
StabilizersSafelyGive the drug the desired consistency

Precautionary measures

Gel is one of the least dangerous products. When applied into the air, no poison particles are released, which means there is no need to use personal protective equipment. You just need to cover the skin of your hands by wearing rubber gloves. If there is an aquarium in the room, you do not have to take it out. There is no need to cover it or turn off the compressor.

The gel-like substance is relatively safe for animals and children. The drug tastes bitter. Having tried it once, you will no longer have the desire to go near the gel strips. A small portion of the insecticide will not cause harm, since chlorpyrifos represents class IV hazard. However, of course, it is better to apply it in places inaccessible to children and animals.

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