Insect and rodent repellents BROS, instructions for use

Bros ant powder is rightfully one of the popular means in the fight against these small insects. It includes:

  • active substance chlorpyrifos 2% (2 grams per 100 grams of powder);
  • food additives that serve as bait for insects;
  • denatonium benzoate;
  • other components.

The powder or dust is used dry or dissolved in water. Manufacturer: Bros Poland. The powder is available in plastic jars of 100 and 250 grams. The average price for 100 g is 200 rubles, for 250 g - 400 rubles.

Description and features of the drug

The drug Bros is a granular powder, the color of which can vary from pure white to gray. There is a characteristic smell. The active substance of the drug is the organic component chlorpyrifos. Its concentration is 1 g per 50 g of product.

In addition, the composition includes:

  • food additives that attract pests;
  • denatonium benzoate and other additional ingredients.

Penetrating into the body through the respiratory system, chlorpyrifos paralyzes the nervous system of ants, which leads to their death. This substance is a contact insecticide; for greater efficiency, it “works” in several directions:

  1. The ants taste the powder and die.
  2. Particles of the substance stick to the chitin layer and the limbs of insects. The poison enters the ant colony, where it spreads among other individuals. Not only ordinary ants die, but also the “queen queen”, who produces up to 40,000 eggs per day.

When used correctly, ant repellent powder leads to the extinction of the entire insect population. Usually pests completely disappear 1-2 days after disinfestation.

How to use

Like any toxic substance, poison for ants in an apartment requires special handling and caution.
Regardless of the form in which this product was purchased, it is strictly not recommended to touch Rubit with bare hands. Before processing the room, a person must wear special thick rubber gloves. In the case of powder, you will also need a respirator.

Rubit Zindan

Each release form has its own method of application. If the choice is Rubita Zindan:

  1. Carry out a complete cleaning of the house, wash all surfaces, remove everything unnecessary.
  2. Place the poison on substrates in the following places: next to water, near the trash can, baseboards, in drawers, on shelves, on tables, window sills, the backs of furniture, equipment.
  3. After use, discard the substrates and wash surfaces with soap and water.

Rubit Profi Spider in granules

Rubit granules are an effective remedy for house ants. When using, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Clean the area in advance to remove any form of contamination.
  2. Clear the places where ants appear.
  3. Wear gloves to prevent the product from accidentally coming into contact with your skin.
  4. Sprinkle a small amount of granules onto the substrates and place these traps in all possible places.


Before using powder to poison insects, you should wear a respirator and rubber gloves. Next you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Clear access to places where ants are found.
  2. Remove all products.
  3. Wash the entire room thoroughly, removing old food, ant excrement, etc.
  4. Repair plumbing, pipelines and other equipment where ants may be located.
  5. Remove animals from the premises or hide them so that they do not accidentally inhale the powder.
  6. Scatter the powder in the places most visited by ants, placing sweet baits (honey or chocolate) there.
  7. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to dilute it in water and additionally wash the walls and floor.

Release form and storage conditions

The Polish company BROS produces the drug against Bros ants. There are two packaging options - 100 and 250 g each. The manufacturer claims that one 100 g jar is enough to destroy 25 ant nests.

The product is packaged in a plastic container with holes in the lid, which makes it easier to use.

To store the powder product, you need a dark, dry place that is inaccessible to animals and children.

When purchasing an insecticide, it is important to pay attention to the indicated expiration date. After its expiration, it is prohibited to use the drug!

The most famous analogue of Bros powder is the German product Expel.

Bros Ant Powder 250g

Ants are considered insects that do not cause much harm. But when they settle in an apartment, house/cottage, on a personal plot, in a greenhouse/greenhouse, this turns into a real problem.

In addition to damaging food supplies, wood and wooden parts, ants destroy some flower and vegetable crops: they eat ovaries and flowers, and attack trees/shrubs.

Therefore, we simply have to take measures to effectively eliminate them forever.

Brose can destroy the ant population both in buildings and around them. This refers to terraces, gazebos, greenhouses. Either a solution is prepared in water, or the powder itself is scattered directly.

Its uniqueness lies in the synthesis of food and poisons, which work as a whole as bait. Because of this, it is possible to successfully remove ants from a fairly large area.

Insects die completely after applying Broz for 24 hours.

Broz is extremely popular among gardeners because it is accessible, easy to use, affordable and extremely effective. Broz is produced by a popular Polish company.

Powder composition

Bros Ant Powder consists of:

  • Chlorpyrifos twenty-five percent (two grams per hundred grams).
  • Denatonium benzoate (Bitrex).
  • Food filling components.
  • Technological related components.

How and when to use

When a nest is discovered, you need to pour no more than ten grams of the active substance Bros. into it. It will take exactly one day for the annoying guests to completely disappear.

This method is extremely effective when ants are removed by treating indoors and the surrounding area.

If the nest(s) are inaccessible or not found, you should pour one hundred grams of the substance into water (two and a half liters), wait for it to dissolve, and spray the ant paths and suspected locations with the composition.

Broz can be used:

  • in the form of a powder mixture
  • in the form of an aqueous mixture

After treating the room with the composition, in order to prevent new penetrations (from neighboring untreated areas), you can seal the cracks in the windows and doors with sealant. The shelf life of the powder is four years.

Since Broz powders against ants are a pesticide, when using it (spraying/scattering) you do not need to smoke or eat in its immediate vicinity. When the distribution of the drug is completed, you should thoroughly wash your hands and face with warm water, and be sure to use soap.

It is necessary to use the powder only for its intended purpose; Broz is stored in a dark place where there is no moisture. It should be inaccessible to children and animals. It is better to completely remove children, livestock, animals, and birds from the area while using Broz.

You can buy Bros ant powder with delivery using your shopping cart or by calling our toll-free number.

Indications for use

It is recommended to use the Polish insecticide Bros against ants when pests are found in your home, garden or garden plot. It is worth noting that ants can appear both in a city apartment and in a country or village house. Neither the garden nor the dacha are immune from this disaster.

Throw helps get rid of insects of any kind:

  • black garden ants (carpenter ants);
  • red forest ants;
  • yellow - other names for the insect house ant, ship ant or pharaoh ant;
  • meadow ants.

These insects are quite dangerous as they carry germs. Due to the free movement of “guests,” pathogenic microorganisms can enter the house from nearby garbage cans and landfills where waste rots. Therefore, having discovered two or three individuals, you already need to sound the alarm.

For your information! Pharaoh ants reproduce faster than others. Yellow insects can completely colonize a multi-entrance 9-story building in 12-24 months.

Fighting ants in the garden

Ants are familiar to us from children's cartoons, where they are depicted as hardworking workers, and they also help people fight various pests. But when we, as adults, come across these insects in our garden plots, we understand that everything is not so rosy, and fighting ants becomes an important task for any housewife.

Why do you need to fight ants?

The damage they can cause to cultivated plants is considerable. Eg:

  • insects can destroy seeds and young seedlings;
  • capable of eating flower buds;
  • they also like berries, some root vegetables;
  • They also infect shrubs, trees, and vegetable crops, spreading aphids.

Ants are also undesirable in the home, so check out the methods for removing them from living spaces. Information here: By the way, many consider Raptor to be the most effective remedy against ants.

How to get rid of ants in the garden

Fighting ants in your garden is not an easy problem. The number of inhabitants of the anthill is in the millions, and their underground passages reach several kilometers.

It will take no more than one day to build another house.

In addition, insects often hide in places where it is very difficult to reach for specific manipulations aimed at controlling and destroying pests.

Remedies and powder for garden ants

To get rid of uninvited guests on the site, you can use various methods and means.

Insecticides are poisons; they are used in cases of emergency, when only they can solve the problem. This applies, for example, to the disinfection of greenhouses with seedlings, when it is very important not to waste time.

The use of insecticidal agents in open gazebos and recreation pavilions is also considered justified.

Today, the most effective chemicals for controlling garden ants are diazinon-based products; they can destroy entire colonies with nests. These can be gels, powders or solutions. These include:

  • Muratsid;
  • Ant-eater;
  • Ant;
  • Grom-2;
  • A great warrior.

Special powders will also help you get rid of pests quickly and effectively. According to the instructions, they can be used in two ways: in powder form or dissolved in water. They are produced in the following names:

  • Delicia ant control agent;
  • Bros powder for garden and house ants;
  • Expel powder against garden and house ants.

Methods to get rid of black garden ants

The black garden species is the most common parasite throughout Russia. Expulsion of these individuals from the site and destruction causes some difficulties, this is due to the huge numbers and ability to reproduce quickly.

If you want to get rid of pests using traditional methods, you can try the following:

  • A decoction of tomato tops or garlic. Insects do not like strong odors, so they will avoid areas treated with these products.
  • Ground cinnamon. You can sprinkle it on the main routes of movement.
  • Poisonous baits. The murashi eat some of the food on the spot, and take the rest into the house to feed their queen. Thanks to this method, the entire ant family dies.

Recipes for poisonous baits for the destruction of not only individual ants, but also the extermination of the ant queen:

  • 0.5 teaspoon of ground borax plus 2 tablespoons of minced meat, make meatballs and place in crowded areas;
  • a third of a teaspoon of borax plus 1 tablespoon of sugar plus 2 tablespoons of hot water plus 1 teaspoon of honey, stir and spread daily;
  • 1 teaspoon of jam plus 1 tablespoon of yeast is diluted with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream, the mixture is applied to a thin surface, such as plywood or cardboard, and installed in areas of accumulation.

What plants do garden ants not like?

Also, grasses planted in the area of ​​your dacha will help get rid of ants, the smell of which is very pungent and extremely unpleasant to insects:

  • field mint;
  • tansy;
  • wormwood;
  • lavender;
  • marigold;
  • mustard;
  • parsley;
  • garlic.

How do garden ants winter?

Garden ants on the site are very carefully preparing for the coming cold weather, that is, for the upcoming winter. They insulate the house by filling excess windows with pieces of clay, dry earth or plants.

If necessary, new cameras are prepared. The main part of the work is aimed at stocking up on the required amount of feed. It consists of caterpillars, various small seeds, and dry plants.

The existing larvae are also intensively fed so that they overwinter well.

Insects wait out the frosts inside the anthill, moving to deeper chambers. There they do not sleep, but their vital activity is reduced to a minimum.

Preparatory procedures

Using bros ant repellent is quite simple, following the instructions. Before the event, it is recommended to pay attention to the preparatory work:

  • All pets and birds should be removed from the premises and children should be taken away;
  • No food or utensils should be left here. It is advisable to take them out of the room or pack them and place them on the shelf of a lockable cabinet;
  • it is necessary to provide access to places where insects are located. It is better to first find out where the ants' nests are located.

It is imperative to take care of personal protective equipment - gloves, a mask or a respirator.

Bros for ants, powder, 250 g

Courier delivery possible:

in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk

Anti-ant powder BROS 250g

Ants are beneficial insects, but not when they come into human homes. BROS powder against ants will help destroy uninvited guests.

Description of Bros powder 250 g

BROS is a white granular powder. Intended for getting rid of ants in residential premises, in gazebos, on terraces, as well as near people’s habitats.

Packed in a cardboard box with a dispenser, packaging capacity - 250 g. Product shelf life - 4 years.

Benefits of Using Bros Ant Repellent

BROS is highly effective. The death of ants at the site of contact with the drug occurs instantly. The rest die within 24 hours after treatment. Ants do not return to the places where this remedy was used against them.


To combat ants, follow these steps:

find a nest of ants, notice the paths of the most dense movement of insects, pour BROS powder in a thin layer into the nest, preferably in the morning or evening, when all the insects are in place, pour the powder along the path of the ants, paying special attention to cracks and crevices

BROS powder can also be used as a solution. To do this, it is diluted in water (100 g of powder per 2.5 liters of water). The solution should be used immediately after preparation. Treat the same areas as when using dry powder.

Bros Precautions

BROS powder 250g is poisonous, so when working with it you should follow safety rules. Prepare the solution and sprinkle the powder while wearing protective gloves. Use a mask to protect your respiratory system.

In open areas, treatment should be carried out in dry, windless weather. In enclosed spaces, windows must be opened during processing.

Place food and drink in cupboards. During treatment, do not eat, smoke or drink. If the product gets on exposed skin, rinse with plenty of water. After finishing work, wash your hands with soap.

You should not scatter the powder and use the solution in places where people are constantly present or pass by: on stairs, in corridors, in rest areas. When processing, people and animals must move away from areas exposed to BROS powder.

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Methods of using the product

Bros is essentially an insect bait. After applying the composition, they will rush to the treated areas. You can use it in several ways:

  1. The powder in its pure form is scattered in a thin layer near the areas favored by ants. They prefer to settle behind pieces of furniture, refrigerators, and under baseboards.
  2. Cracks, seams, baseboards and other places where there are insects are treated with a solution of the drug. It is not difficult to prepare; just dissolve the powder in water at the rate of 100 g per 2 liters. One liter is enough to treat 1 square. m area.
  3. To save bushes, trees and other vegetation, it is also necessary to prepare a liquid composition by dissolving 100 g of the product in 2.5 liters of water. Before applying to the plant, the mixture should be mixed thoroughly. Then the preparation is watered or sprayed from a spray bottle on the specimens affected by ants.

It is not recommended to exceed the recommended dosage. Since the ants will die too quickly, not having time to deliver the poison to the nest and infect other individuals. In addition, the toxicity of the product should be taken into account; with increased concentrations, burns may occur on plants.

Then comes the final stage:

  • After using the Bros powder, the packaging is disposed of. It is best to burn the container, as it may contain particles of poison;
  • hands and face should be washed thoroughly with soap;
  • for 2 days, access to the treated areas for children and domestic animals is limited;
  • after 2 days, the dead ants can be removed along with the remains of the drug and the surfaces can be washed with a damp cloth;
  • the room is ventilated.

The effect of the product lasts for 6-8 weeks, so it has a long-term preventive effect.

Bros for ants, powder, 100 g, price 595 rub., buy in Moscow - (ID#207406431)

Ants are fairly harmless and beneficial insects, but when they choose your home or the area around it as their habitat, you should quickly take measures to eliminate them.
The most effective remedy for this is BROS powder. A 100 gram package is enough to neutralize 25 ant nests. Description of Bros powder 100g

The powder is a unique combination of bait and poisons. This ensures complete destruction of ants over a large area. The ants die within 24 hours. The product can be used both indoors and outdoors. Used in powder form or as a spray solution.


The powder contains 2% chlorpyrophos, thanks to which the ants die within 24 hours. To prevent ants from bothering you again in the future, it is recommended to treat window and door cracks with sealant. In addition to the fact that this will create an insurmountable obstacle for ants, heat will be better retained inside the room.

Using Bros Ant Powder

If there is no access to the ants’ nesting area, you can dissolve about 100 grams of the drug in 2.5 liters of water and spray the resulting mixture on the places where the ants were found. This method is also used to treat trees that have been attacked by ants.

It is better to use the powder or its solution in the morning or evening. During treatment, you should avoid smoking and eating. After the work is completed, you should thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap and water. The powder product should be stored in a dark, dry place out of reach of children and pets.


The country producing the powder is a well-known company from Poland. The shelf life of the drug is 4 years. The ant powder contains 2% chlorpyrophos, which belongs to the group of organic thiophosphates. An active pesticide helps get rid of ants for a long period.

Benefits of Bros 100g

Precautions for use

Organophosphorus preparations, including the ant repellent Bros, do not remain active for long. The active substances do not penetrate the root system of plants, and therefore into the fruits.

But if the insecticide is safe for representatives of the flora, then it can cause some harm to humans. You can avoid this by adhering to the following recommendations:

  • It is better to treat street plantings with the drug when the weather is dry and windless;
  • Before the event, it is advisable to wear a hat and tidy up your hair;
  • If Bros powder is used indoors, it should not be applied near sleeping areas, play areas, dining rooms, or doorways.

Preparations containing chlorpyrifos belong to the second and third levels of danger:

  1. If they enter the human body, they can cause severe intoxication. The person may require medical attention. The antidote for chlorpyrifos is atropine sulfate.
  2. If Bros gets on the skin, carefully remove it with a cotton swab soaked in an alcohol solution.
  3. If your eyes are damaged, they should be immediately rinsed with plenty of warm, running water.

If the mucous membranes are irritated or intoxicated by chemical vapors, doctors advise going out into the fresh air for a couple of hours. First you need to take off the clothes you were wearing.

Security measures

The drug is quite toxic. It belongs to the second class of substances hazardous to humans. When treating rooms, you need to open the windows. Use personal protective equipment: respirator, rubber gloves, gown. You can wear pants and a long sleeve shirt.

Chlorpyrifos poisoning is indicated by abdominal pain and blurred vision. The drug can also affect the nervous system and muscles. First aid includes taking a 2% solution of soda, activated or white carbon. To clear the intestines, induce vomiting. If the product gets on your eyes, rinse them with plenty of warm water. Then instill them with Atropine or its equivalent. Be sure to consult a doctor.

1–2 weeks after disinfection, a thorough cleaning should be carried out. Wash all surfaces with soap and soda solution.

Chlorpyrifos is a universal insect repellent. Its correct use will help to quickly and permanently rid your home or summer cottage of pests. Follow the instructions and observe safety precautions.

Tips and tricks

The best time to control insect pests is early morning or late evening. During this period they are in the anthill or next to it.

On a note! Frequent use of products containing chlorpyrifos can lead to arthropods developing resistance to it.

You will have to stop smoking and eating food in the treated area, because we are talking about a toxic product.

Vinegar solution for treating the garden

You can cope with an ant invasion on a plot of land using several types of vinegar:

  1. Apple. You should choose a liquid with an acid content of 6%. It can be used undiluted.
  2. Dining room. Vinegar 9% must be mixed with water in a 2:1 ratio.
  3. Table with added oil. For one liter of acid you need to add several liters of sunflower oil. Then add a little water to the product. Instead of sunflower oil, you can use flax seed oil.
  4. Apple low percentage. The acid must be mixed with water in equal proportions. This solution is suitable for spraying tree leaves.
  5. Table with the addition of soda. This is a strong mixture that can quickly kill insects. Soda is poured into the anthill, and then table vinegar is poured.

More concentrated solutions are suitable for treating the anthill and the area around it. Weak mixtures are necessary for disinsection of trunks, leaves of trees and shrubs. It is not difficult to destroy ants in the garden using folk remedies with the addition of vinegar.

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