Composition and instructions for use of deltamethrin, mechanism of action

The active substance (AI) of a number of insecticides, deltamethrin, belongs to the chemical class of pyrethroids, and within this class to type II (cyanopyrethroids). Deltamethrin preparations are mostly used for sanitary and household disinfestation and in medicine as a remedy for pubic and head lice. The first generation of well-known crayons and pencils against cockroaches and bedbugs contained exactly this DV. Currently, in the USA and EU, deltamethrin as an insecticide is considered obsolete due to the massive formation of communities of harmful insects resistant to it (in the USA, up to 90% of the recorded bed bug populations are genetically resistant to it) and its high danger to people. In the exemplary prosperous West, lice is perhaps the most common childhood disease; in a quite decent hotel, for an additional fee, they can offer you a “No bags” room (without bedbugs), and among the inhabitants of respectable penthouses, it is somehow not even customary to pay attention to cockroaches. Moreover, the “greens” can sue the crushed, but are no less ubiquitous. But in countries and regions that are not mindlessly addicted to pesticides, deltamethrin is still used quite widely.

Composition and manufacturing features of the substance

Deltamethrin belongs to the class of pyrethroids; it is an active substance and a drug that is produced in the form of a 2.5% emulsion concentrate. It has a contact and intestinal effect and is used for spraying crops and wet disinfection of buildings.

Manufacturers produce only one isomer of the substance, but it is quite effective, and drugs based on it are inexpensive. Compared to other substances of the class, which also contain chrysanthemum acid, the radicals in the deltamethrin molecule are represented by bromine atoms. Deltamethrin is produced in production by reacting esters of permethric acid and a complex of aluminum bromide with 1, 2-dibromoethane.

Other FAS

Deltamethrin appears to be preparing to share the fate of dichlorvos. Its name, as you know, has become a household name, and modern dichlorvos contains no organophosphorus compounds (OPS) at all.

Current dichlorvos are produced on the basis of 2 or more pyrethroids. The same applies to no less popular sanitary and household insecticides FAS (see figure): gels, powders, modified tablets, crayons and pencils for cockroaches.

Modifications of sanitary and household insecticides FAS

In their composition, deltamethrin is present either as an auxiliary active ingredient, or it is not present at all. But the “new FAS” work well, see the last video:

Terms of use

Products based on deltamethrin can be used on agricultural land and personal plots against various crop pests. It is also used for disinfecting premises.

In agriculture

Preparations containing deltamethrin are not washed off by rain. In agriculture, it is effective in controlling pests of wheat, corn, barley, potatoes, sugar beets, rapeseed and other crops.

On a personal plot

In private household plots it is used to destroy pests that settle on vegetable and fruit crops.

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Cabbage, tomatoes growing in open ground, apple trees and potatoes are treated with deltamethrin preparations.

Pest control

Residential and commercial premises, transport and public catering facilities are treated with products containing this substance. Used against cockroaches, mosquitoes and flies, against bedbugs.

See also

Instructions for using birch tar in the garden against pests



May have some toxic effects on plants. A 0.01% concentrated solution may cause burns on young leaves of Brussels sprouts.

Deltamethrin reduces the accumulation of nitrogen in bean leaves for 50 days after spraying and affects the production of vitamin C by the plant.


As of 2022, the following are registered in the Russian Federation. insecticides containing deltamethrin: Atom, Decis Expert, K-Obiol, Proteus (all for agricultural farms), FAS for private household plots, Biorin, Bifethrin, K-Otrin VG-250, K-Otrin SK-50, Legion gel, Mittox-antimol, FAS for disinfection services in tablets (all for professional pest control).

FAS insecticides for personal plots and professional disinfestation

Three of them are widely available for sale:

  • Atom CE 2.5% DV (25 g/l). Manufacturer Listerra (Panama). It is actively promoted in the agrochemical market as a remedy against harmful pests of grain, fruits and vegetables, oilseeds and industrial crops. The price is low, ok. 1500 rub./l for the same time. The Russian distributor recently rebranded, i.e. “from under” another leading Listerra.
  • FAS for private household plots. Russian product (“Garden Pharmacy”). Water-soluble tablets against the Colorado potato beetle and caterpillars (item A in the figure). The DV content is the same (1% or 10 g/kg). The only difference is in the packaging and dosage, see below.
  • FAS professional sanitary and household. Also Russian (“World of Cleanliness”). Also water-soluble tablets, 60 pieces in a bottle, pos. B. The content of DV is the same, but is not interchangeable with FAS for private household plots, because the weight of one tablet and the composition of ballast substances are different.

Note : FAS tablets against cockroaches are still effective in most regions of the Russian Federation, see video:

Video: FAS tablets with deltamethrin against red cockroaches

Toxicological features

The pyrethroid deltamethrin is very dangerous for bees, other insects, domestic and wild animals, humans, and fish. It has weak allergenic properties and is toxic to embryos.

Deltamethrin is unstable in the environment. If preparations containing deltamethrin are used correctly, it does not accumulate in plants and soil. But in soils with a high organic content it is more stable than in others and takes longer to decompose. Deltamethrin half-disintegrates in soil in 12-50 days. The decay time depends on the type of soil and its temperature.

Toxic effect

Products containing deltamethrin are generally moderately toxic according to the toxicity class; if used in doses recommended by the manufacturer, the substance will not have a harmful effect on the body, accumulate in tissues, or be excreted in milk. There is evidence that the substance deltamethrin can be deposited in adipose tissue and remain there for 2 weeks or more.

Signs of poisoning

The substance deltamethrin is irritating to the skin and mucous membranes; if you apply it the next time, non-healing wounds may form. Characteristic signs of pyrethroid poisoning are salivation and convulsions. In animals, signs of toxic damage are a depressed state, refusal to eat, a rise in temperature, yellow mucous membranes, a change in the color of urine, which becomes brown, and difficulty urinating. The amount of milk in cattle decreases and it turns yellow.

See also

Instructions for use and composition of Cypermethrin, how to dilute and analogues


The first signs of poisoning are excitement, followed by depression, trembling, decreased skin and nervous excitability, and then paralysis. Symptoms disappear within 1-2 weeks. Deltamethrin does not have a mutagenic effect.

How to recognize acute intoxication

The acute phase of poisoning in humans can be recognized by ataxia, severe salivation, decreased activity, and convulsions. If such symptoms appear, you need to immediately stop working, leave the area being treated or move away from the area. If your condition worsens, seek medical help.

If you inhale drugs containing pyrethroids, you should immediately go outside into fresh air. If the solution gets into your eyes, rinse them under running water. If deltamethrin gets on the skin, remove it with cotton wool without rubbing it on the skin, then wash it with soap and then with clean water.

If you accidentally get the solution inside, you should rinse your mouth and be sure to drink the drug with activated carbon (take 1 g of carbon per 10 kg of body). Vomiting cannot be induced. For neuralgic symptoms, take 10-20 mg of Diazepam. Treatment of deltamethrin poisoning is symptomatic.

deltamethrin: behavior in the environment

IndexMeaningSource / Qualitative indicators / Other informationExplanation
Solubility in water at 20oC (mg/l)0.0002A5Short
Solubility in organic solvents at 20oC (mg/l)450000A5 - Acetone
175000A5 - Xylene
8150A5 - Acetone
2470A5 - n-heptane
Melting point (oC)101A5
Boiling point (oC)Decomposes to a boilA5
Decomposition temperature (oC)
Flash point (oC)Fire hazard is not highA5
Partition coefficient in the octanol/water system at pH 7, 20oCP:3.98 X 1004Calculated
Log P:4.6A5High
Specific Gravity (g/ml) / Specific Gravity0.55L3
Dissociation constant (pKa) at 25oCNot determinedA5
Note: does not dissociate
Vapor pressure at 25oC (MPa)0.0000124A5Intermediate state
Henry's law constant at 25oC (Pa*m3/mol)3.10 X 10-02A5Not volatile
Henry's law constant at 20oC (dimensionless)4.20 X 10-06K3Moderately volatile
Decay period in soil (days)DT50 (typical)13A5Unstable
DT50 (laboratory at 20oC):26A5Unstable
DT50 (field):21A5Unstable
DT90 (laboratory at 20oC):87A5
DT90 (field):60A3
Note:According to laboratory studies of the European Union, DT50 is 18-35 days, DT90 range 58-117 days, in field conditions DT50 1-4 wks with realistic estimate of 3 wks (German), DT90 estimates range 1 month to 1 year; Other sources: 104 days (DW4)
Aqueous photolysis DT50 (days) at pH 7Meaning:48A5Stable
Aqueous hydrolysis DT50 (days) at 20oC and pH 7Meaning:StableA5Very resistant
Note:pH sensitive: Stable at pH 5 to 7, DT50 31 days at pH 8, 2.5 days at pH 9, 25 degC
Water deposition DT50 (days)65A5Medium fast
Only aqueous phase DT50 (days)17A5Slowly
Potential leaching index GUS-3.35CalculatedLow leachability
Index of increase in concentration in groundwater SCI (µg/l) at an application dose of 1 kg/ha (l/ha)Meaning:5.35 X 10-03Calculated
Note:Estimated concentrations of chemicals with Koc Values ​​greater than 9995 ml g-1 are beyond the scope of the regression data used in SCI-GROW development. If there are concerns for such chemicals, a higher tier groundWater exposure assessment should be considered, regardless of the concentration returned by SCI-GROW
Potential for particle bound transport indexCalculatedAverage
Koc - organic carbon partition coefficient (ml/g)10240000A5Doesn't move
pH stability: No
Note: EU dossier Koc range 460000-16300000 mL/g
Freundlich adsorption isothermKf:2.44R4
Notesoil with 68% loam, 24% silt, 8% clay, pH 6.5, OC=2.1%
Maximum UV absorption (l/(mol*cm))[267, 271 and 8nm, Low to very low absorption at 290-0nm]A5

The main products of pesticide decomposition:

MetaboliteEducation environmentEstimated maximum fraction distributionCompliance with Directive 91/414
decamethrinic acidthe soil0.230main decomposition product, corresponds to
3-phenoxybenzoic acidthe soil

Other known pesticide degradation products:

Decomposition product name and linkOther namesEducational environment/levelEstimated maximum fraction distribution
3-(4-hydroxyphenoxy)benzoic acid4'HO3PBAa=soil; b=Plant; c=Animal b=0.001
3-phenoxybenzoic acidAnimal0.03

Additional recommendations

When using the antiparasitic drug “Deltsid”, it is important to follow these rules:

  • Wear rubberized gloves and a protective mask.
  • Treat your four-legged pet outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  • Do not pick up or pet the treated purr for 48 hours, and do not allow small children near the animal.
  • After manipulation, wash your hands thoroughly with soapy water and rinse your mouth.
  • During the treatment, it is prohibited to eat, smoke and drink.
  • The container after “Deltsid” should be filled with a 3-5% soda ash solution for 6 hours, and then rinsed with running water. In the future, this container should not be used in everyday life.
  • The drug should be stored as far as possible from children and animals.

Doctors insist that you cannot use a solution that has expired.

deltamethrin: ecotoxicity

IndexMeaningSource / Qualitative indicators / Other informationExplanation
Bioconcentration factorBCF:1400A5 High risk, potential to bioaccumulateThreshold for concern
CT50 (days):Not available
Bioaccumulation potentialCalculatedHigh
Mammals - Acute oral LD50 (mg/kg)87A5 RatHigh
Mammals - Short-term food NOEL(mg/kg):2.5A5 RatHigh
(ppm food):
Birds - Acute LD50 (mg/kg)> 2250A5 Virginia quailShort
Birds - Acute toxicity (CK50 / LD50)> 5620 ppmA5 Virginia quail
Fish – Acute 96 hour CK50 (mg/l)0.00026A5 Rainbow troutHigh
Fish - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg/l)A5 Rainbow trout
Aquatic invertebrates - Acute 48 hour EC50 (mg/l)0.00056A5 Daphnia magna (Daphnia major, Large water flea)High
Aquatic Invertebrates - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg/L)0.0041A5 Daphnia magna (Daphnia major, Large water flea)
Aquatic crustaceans - Acute 96 hour CK50 (mg/l)0.0000017F3 Mysis shrimpHigh
Bottom microorganisms - Acute 96 hour CK50 (mg/l)
Bottom microorganisms - Chronic 28 day NOEC, static, Water (mg/l)0.01A5 Chironomus mosquitoModerately
Benthic microorganisms - Chronic 28 day NOEC, Sediment (mg/kg)
Aquatic plants - Acute 7 day EC50, biomass (mg/l)
Algae - Acute 72 hour EC50, growth (mg/l)9.1L2 Unknown speciesModerately
Algae - Chronic 96 hour NOEC, growth (mg/l)
Bees - Acute 48 hour LD50 (µg/individual)0.0015A5 ContactHigh
Soil worms - Acute 14-day CK50 (mg/kg)> 1290A5Short
Soil Worms - Chronic 14-Day Maximum Non-Effective Concentration, Reproduction (mg/kg)
Other soil macroorganisms, such as springtailsLR50 / EC50 / NOEC / Action (%)
Other Arthropods (1)LR50 (g/ha):
Action (%):100Lethal dose: 13.5 g/ha A3 Coccinella septempunctata, larvaeHarmfulness
Other Arthropods (2)LR50 (g/ha):
Action (%):100Parasitism Dose: 13.5 g/ha, day 7 A4 Trichogramma cacoeciae (adult)Harmfulness
Soil microorganismsNitrogen mineralization: no significant effect Carbon mineralization: no significant effectA5 [Dose: 0.375 kg/ha]
Available data on the mesoworld (mesocosm)NOEAEC mg/l:0.0032A5 Water community
NOEAEC mg/l:

deltamethrin: translations from other languages


Site last updated: Friday 18 February 2011

Negative effects

Frequent vomiting is possible.
Deltsid is usually well tolerated and does not cause any side symptoms. However, when treating a cat with hypersensitivity to the components of the solution, the following allergic reactions may occur:

  • nausea;
  • urge to vomit;
  • muscle tremors;
  • apathy;
  • excessive secretion of saliva.

A cat may experience similar symptoms if it overdoses on Deltsid. In this case, you will need to give your pet an anti-allergenic medication and take measures aimed at removing the medication from the body. Enterosorbents that reduce the toxic effects of the pyrethroid deltamethrin will cope well with this. Additionally, the remaining solution should be thoroughly rinsed with water and the cat should be bathed with animal shampoo.

Instructions for use

It is important to correctly use the highly effective drug against parasites “Deltsid”, otherwise the required results may not be expected from it, and there is also a risk of poisoning the pet, after which it may even die. Therefore, to prevent the cat from being poisoned, you must first dilute the concentrated solution with water. So, if the owners decided to bathe their pet to get rid of parasites, then 1 amp. "Deltsida" is diluted in 6 liters of water.

Delcid in ampoules for treating cats by spraying should be diluted in 1.6 liters of liquid. They begin to treat the pet from the head, then moving throughout the body, paying special attention to the places where external “freeloaders” most often hide. During the procedure, in order to prevent poisoning of the pet, it is important to avoid getting the solution on the mucous membranes, so the nose, visual organ and oral cavity of the purr must be protected. The dosage of the emulsion is calculated based on the weight of the cat; for each kg there is 5-10 ml of a diluted solution.

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