Dichlorvos Neo odorless: instructions for use, effectiveness, customer reviews

In order to find out the instructions for use for dichlorvos, you do not need to spend a lot of time - this product has been familiar to people since the times of the Soviet Union. However, you need to understand that the product has undergone significant changes - now we have Dichlorvos Neo odorless, which has many advantages. The new Dichlorvos for bedbugs, the reviews of which are only positive, has changed its structure and composition. The Neo prefix is ​​an indicator of a modern product: odorless Dichlorvos, which has good reviews.

Description of the drug

The earlier version of Dichlorvos was more toxic. The composition included a substance from a group of organophosphorus compounds called dimethyl-dichlorovinylphosphate. It is distinguished by its aggressive effect on the human body. For this reason, Dichlorvos was no longer used. For marketing purposes, the name of the product has not been changed. The modern version of the drug contains various pyrethroids. This is a multi-component product, due to which it has an effect on different insects. There is no risk of harm to humans (provided the instructions for use are followed).

Chemical composition

Dichlorvos Neo, Varan and other varieties differ in composition. At the same time, the minor components differ, in most cases the active substances are the same:

  • Cypermethrin is a second generation pyrethroid, the substance has a mild odor, is poorly soluble in water, which should be taken into account when using Dichlorvos against cockroaches and other insects, there are different types of this substance, they differ in isomeric composition (alpha-cypermethrin, beta-cypermethrin, etc.). d.);
  • tetramethrin is another insecticide of the pyrethroid class; when treating a room, the destruction of insects occurs under the condition of direct contact, this substance does not withstand the influence of solar radiation and begins to deteriorate;
  • permethrin is a type of pyrethroid, it is a direct analogue of the natural insecticide pyrethrum, this substance can be used to treat ectoparasites;
  • piperonyl butoxide is an auxiliary component of insecticide-based preparations; the substance enhances the effect of the toxic components listed above; its function is to inhibit the mechanisms in the body of insects that are aimed at destroying pyrethroids.

Additionally, the drug contains components that do not exhibit insecticidal activity: ethyl alcohol, fragrances, preservatives, stabilizers.

How does Dichlorvos work?

The principle of operation of the drug is based on the properties of various insecticides. For this reason, the level of effectiveness and mechanism of action of different types of products differs. Cypermethrin is a contact substance. This means that this compound provokes the rapid death of pests, but provided that this component gets on the chitinous covers of insects. This disrupts the functioning of the nervous system. Pests gradually lose their motor activity, resulting in paralysis and death soon after.

Cypermethrin is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. In comparison, tetramethrin breaks down in the sun. However, this substance retains its properties when heated. Tetramethrin enters the pest's body through inhalation, along with food. The mechanism of action is similar to how cypermethrin works. This similarity is due to the fact that these substances belong to the same group of insecticides.

Permethrin destroys the nervous system of parasites. This substance most effectively eliminates ectoparasites (insects that live on the human body), however, as part of Dichlorvos, it is used less frequently for treatment against lice and ticks. Piperonyl butoxide enhances the effect of insecticides.

Pros and cons of the product

Positive traits:

  • speed of action, which is due to the release form (produced in the form of an aerosol);
  • complex effect on pests: insecticides can enter the body of insects through inhalation, along with food and through direct contact - through chitinous covers;
  • moderately aggressive effect on humans; in comparison, dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate is more toxic and may pose a health hazard;
  • the components in the product decompose at the end of their service life, without generating toxic waste, which makes the product safer for the environment;
  • it is permissible to use the product near plants without harm to them;
  • Dichlorvos is an innovative, universal drug that helps destroy various pests;
  • long period of action of active components: insecticides remain on surfaces after treatment of the room for 1 month.


  • the product takes a long time to erode;
  • treatment must be carried out several times to get rid of insects.

Actions in case of poisoning

Dichlorvos and its analogues should be used with extreme caution. But even protective clothing and a respirator do not provide a 100% guarantee. Residual vapors of the insecticide may be inhaled by household members.

Stages and symptoms

Depending on the severity, there are three stages of Dichlorvos poisoning. Their characteristics are given in the table.

Table - Stages of Dichlorvos poisoning

Stage of poisoningDevelopment timeSymptoms
First (excitement)In 20 minutes- Dizziness; - emotional arousal; - migraine; - nausea; - lack of coordination; - bronchial cough; - constriction of the pupils; - tachycardia; - high blood pressure
Second (convulsive)In a few hours— Physical weakness; - labored breathing; - frequent urge to urinate; - muscle spasms; - state of stupor; - fainting; - increased salivation; - lack of pupillary reaction to light
Third (paralytic)In a few hours- Loss of consciousness; - complete immobility; - lack of response to external stimuli; - rapid breathing

Having noticed signs of the initial stage of Dichlorvos poisoning, you must immediately provide first aid to the person. The second and third stages require hospitalization and drug treatment. You need to react quickly, because the consequences of poisoning can be very serious.

First aid

Symptoms of mild poisoning (first stage) disappear after three hours with timely provision of first aid. It implies four points.

  1. Access to fresh air. It is best to take the victim outside. If this is not possible, the person should be moved to a room that has not been treated and the windows should be opened.
  2. Correct position. The victim should relax, so it is better for him to lie down.
  3. Removing obstructions to breathing. You need to unfasten the collar and belt on your trousers. It is better to take off tight clothes.
  4. Cleaning the upper respiratory tract. If the victim is conscious, you need to prepare a weak soda solution to rinse your mouth and throat.

If the victim has lost consciousness, under no circumstances let him sniff ammonia. It is strictly forbidden to give soda and laxatives to drink.

The insecticide has high preventive activity. If you know that your neighbors have cockroaches or insects appear in the entrance, immediately spray the area of ​​the front door and ventilation holes with an aerosol. After this, the pests will definitely not come around.

The most popular types of Dichlorvos

As this product spread, different types began to appear. They may differ significantly in composition, but there are also drugs with similar types of active ingredients produced under this brand. This means that in order to ensure the required effect, it is necessary to select a product taking into account the type of pest that is planned to be destroyed.

Dichlorvos Neo odorless

This product has an advantage over analogues - no odor appears when sprayed, which allows the room to be used soon after treatment. The drug helps get rid of midges, flies, moths and various crawling pests. Permethrin and cypermethrin are used as active ingredients. Piperonyl butoxide enhances their effect. The duration of action of toxic substances is 2 weeks. During this period, the product retains its properties, which means it continues to destroy pests.

Dichlorvos Varan

The composition includes tetramethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide. Flea monitor is not used. The manufacturer recommends using it in the fight against cockroaches, flies, bedbugs, and ants. The product is available in aerosol form. Duration of action – 3 weeks. It is important to consider that the drug does not affect insect eggs. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out the treatment again after a few days/week, when the larvae emerge from the shells.

Dichlorvos Eco

The advantage of this product is its relatively pleasant smell (after spraying, the aroma of lavender remains). However, despite this, treatment with Dichlorvos of this type is still carried out using protective equipment. The drug is recommended for the destruction of any insects. You can purchase it in aerosol form. The volume of the bottle is small, so to treat large areas it is recommended to immediately buy more product.

Dichlorphone Universal

This product is used to kill flies, cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, moths and other pests. The composition includes more active ingredients: cypermethrin, permethrin, tetramethrin, piperonyl butoxide. Due to this, it has a universal effect. After spraying Dichlorvos Terminator Universal, it is necessary to ventilate the room longer than in the case of odorless analogues. At the same time, there is a risk that the specific smell will remain in the room and will disappear gradually.

Advantages and disadvantages

"Dichlorvos Neo" is universal, suitable for combating even hidden pests and their nests located in hard-to-reach places. The product is inexpensive and can be found in any hardware store or hypermarket. The consumption of dichlorvos is less than that of analogues, so it is ideal for treating small residential premises (apartments, private houses).

The effectiveness of disinfestation carried out using the product reaches 98%. The combination of several active components acts even on insects that have become accustomed to less aggressive agents. The insecticidal effect lasts for at least 2 weeks after treatment (for Dichlorvos Varan - up to 3 weeks). To destroy egg clutches and nests, additional treatment is required after 10-14 days.

Some types of cockroaches and bedbugs have nevertheless developed tolerance to modern dichlorvos. You can destroy such bedbugs using crystalline agents (Chlorophos). If they don’t help, then you can’t do without turning to professional exterminators.

The product is extremely toxic, so it is not recommended to use it for household needs. Pyrethroids quickly affect the body of humans and domestic animals, symptoms of poisoning persist for several days, so the use of dichlorvos is justified only when pests are actively breeding.

How to use Dichlorvos?

To get the desired effect, it is important to properly treat the room. This is done taking into account the type of pest. Even if a universal variety is used, the mechanism of action on different pests is different. For the destruction of ectoparasites, flying and crawling pests, the recommendations differ.

Instructions for use for getting rid of lice and nits

Permethrin-based products are used. In this case, Varan and odorless Dichlorvos Neo are more effective, instructions for use:

  1. The chemicals that are part of the listed products do not affect nits. The offspring of parasites are protected by an impenetrable shell, so treatment is carried out twice. It is acceptable to spray the product when infested with body lice.
  2. Clothes must be placed in plastic bags
  3. Infected items are processed in batches.
  4. The woven material must be exposed to toxic substances for some time.
  5. Clothes are removed from the bags and washed at high temperature.

Dichlorvos of any type is not used to treat the head.

How to use to fight fleas?

It is recommended to spray the product in areas where insects are most likely to live. For example, fleas live in pet bedding, behind baseboards, and on carpets. In addition, the product is sprayed on the walls to a height of up to 1 m. This is due to the ability of fleas to jump high. If some areas are missed, the parasites will soon become active again.

How to use against bedbugs?

These are blood-sucking insects, which means, as with lice and fleas, you should not count on the poison being eaten by the pests. They consume only human or animal blood. For this reason, the best treatment effect is ensured if all parasite nests have been detected. If you plan to use Dichlorvos against bedbugs, study the instructions for use before processing:

  1. The room is cleared of furniture: it is moved away from the walls and decorative elements are removed.
  2. They dismantle the sleeping area, because pests prefer to settle here.
  3. When the nests are discovered, they are treated with an aerosol at a distance of 20-30 cm.
  4. After 1-2 weeks, insecticides are sprayed again. This will destroy the parasites that have just emerged from the eggs.

From cockroaches

Treatment with aerosol against cockroaches is considered the least effective method. This is due to the fact that such pests absorb poisoned bait. An aerosol will not effectively process the product. For this reason, special attention is paid to various surfaces. Insects will die if they come into direct contact with the poison. Dichlorvos is sprayed into the air, treating surfaces where cockroaches most often appear: baseboards, floors along walls, interior walls of cabinets, but on the condition that no food is stored in the furniture being treated.

From ants

A good result when spraying an aerosol is ensured when an insect nest where the queen lives is discovered. Such pests die faster when using bait, and using an aerosol to make a trap for them will not work. You can destroy ants in parts, treating individual individuals or entire columns. For this reason, Dichlorvos against ants is rarely used in an apartment.

From flying pests

To get rid of such insects (moths, flies), treat the surfaces on which they often land. When fighting moths, the product is sprayed in cabinets that must first be emptied. To reduce the number of flies, all surfaces are treated: furniture, walls, floors, etc. The bait has no effect in this case. In addition, doing it with an aerosol is problematic.


Instructions for using Dichlorvos to kill bedbugs have their own characteristics. The aerosol must be used to treat those places with which they come into contact, and these are upholstered furniture, bedding, beds, books, peeling wallpaper, electrical sockets and switches.

To find bedbug nests, you need to move cabinets, dismantle beds, and take out books. Having discovered a nest, it should also be treated with an aerosol, spraying Dichlorvos and around it at a distance of about 25 cm. Repeated treatment is carried out after a week.

Precautions when using Dichlorvos

Work is carried out in protective equipment: respirator, glasses, gloves, headscarf, long sleeves. It is important to carry out processing indoors. If there is a draft, the concentration of active components will decrease, and at the same time the unpleasant odor will spread throughout the entire facility. Insecticides should not come into contact with food, personal items and hygiene items. Animals are taken out of the room. If you have an aquarium, you need to take it out or cover it with glass, after turning off the oxygen supply system.

Prevention of spider mites on indoor plants

If there are spider mites on indoor plants, how to fight the microscopic infection so that it no longer appears on ornamental plantings? It is easier to eliminate dangerous arthropod enemies from cultivated plantings by creating an environment in the house that is uncomfortable for pests. When taking preventive measures on time, be careful. For example, when spraying thoroughly, we do not allow moisture to stagnate in the grooves of the leaves, otherwise it is easy to provoke the development of infection.

Prevention of spider mites on indoor flowers:

  1. We reduce air dryness artificially by periodically spraying the foliage.
  2. Periodically wash the green parts of the decorative crop with soap and water.
  3. When planning a transplant, we roast the soil in ovens or spray the substrate with appropriate pesticides.
  4. We disinfect pots, moss, and pebbles with sand.
  5. When purchasing new flowerpots, it is better to first send them to quarantine in a separate room and treat them with acaricides.
  6. Periodic inspection of flowers helps to find mites at an early stage, which allows you to fight them in more gentle ways.

Reviews about the use of Dichlorvos

Evgenia, 34 years old, Bryansk

I use monitor lizard against cockroaches as soon as I see the first pest. I begin treating the surfaces where it was found. After these manipulations I no longer see cockroaches in the apartment

Anna, 38 years old, Ufa

I often use a universal remedy for cockroaches and ants - there are a lot of living creatures in a private house. The drug of this brand helps little against these insects, because it is important to first find the nest. But Dichlorvos greatly reduces the pest population. For this reason, I use it at the same time as others.

Folk remedies for spider mites

When starting to study recipes on how to fight against spider mites on indoor plants, it is better not to use dubious and toxic products. To begin with, you can carry out a simple washing of the foliage and surrounding area with soap solutions. Be sure to treat the stands, window sill, ceramic saucers, and pot. A strong solution with laundry soap or dishwashing liquid will completely destroy the arthropod enemy on the washed surface.

Spider mites on indoor plants - ammonia

Medical 10% ammonia is a common remedy for various garden evil spirits. The popular ammonia helps against spider mites if you prepare it in the correct dosage, protecting the body with a simple cotton-gauze bandage for safety. Effective concentration – 1 tbsp. spoon/bucket of water. It is necessary to go through all the leaves when spraying with ammonia on both sides of the plates. With this mite treatment, we feed the crops with nitrogen, combining the destruction of parasites with useful fertilizing.

Garlic for spider mites - indoor plants

For a long time, gardeners have tried to fight annoying insects with garlic preparations, because this plant is always at hand and treatment is cheaper for the owner than buying an expensive, but not always effective acaricide. Even a schoolchild can prepare such a drug, because it is not toxic, and the process of mixing homemade ingredients is extremely simple.

We use garlic against spider mites:

  1. You will need up to 170 g of cloves.
  2. Use a garlic press or rolling pin to chop the purified material.
  3. Pour the pulp with a liter of boiling water.
  4. Infusion time under the lid is 5 days.
  5. The saturated solution takes on a dark color.
  6. Pour the infused product into a spray bottle, diluting the liquid 1:1.

Onions for spider mites on indoor plants

Almost the cheapest recipe that helps fight the microscopic parasite is generally made from waste. Onion infusion against spider mites can be infused on dry peels prepared in advance, storing the required amount in the attic or pantry. We prepare the product, following strictly the points of the old instructions:

  • you need up to 100 g of husk;
  • To fill this ingredient, 5 liters of water are required;
  • infusion time – 5 days;
  • strain;
  • We fight spider mites.

Chemical basis

Successors of the “real” DDVF for household use are created on the basis of pyrethroids - insecticidal agents first isolated from the plant Tanacetum (Pyrethrum) parthenium (tansy (pyrethrum maiden) or Dalmatian chamomile), see Fig. on right. Its insecticidal properties have been known since ancient times; In addition, pyrethrum is the ancestor of many varieties of garden “Persian” daisies.

Note: why - girlish? In ancient times, an aqueous extract of pyrethrum was used to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. But don’t skimp on abortions in this way if you really can’t give birth. Ingestion of pyrethrum infusion causes severe poisoning, after which incurable disorders of women's and general health are very likely. The “knocked-out” girls of antiquity had nowhere to go - in those days, in many countries, a girl of marriageable age who did not preserve her virginity before marriage faced a slow, painful death penalty. But a husband can forgive or reconcile if he is not the reason for it; Pyrethrum was introduced into use by nuns - a nun who gave birth was supposed to be walled up in the wall of the monastery alive along with the baby.

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