Pyrethrum powder for pests: instructions for use, composition, effectiveness and reviews

Pyrethrum Persian antiparasitic powder - to combat insects without chemicals

used to get rid of fleas and ticks on dogs and cats (safe for pregnant animals and puppies) and other animals and birds.

In addition, it is effective against domestic parasites: bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes

is a unique veterinary 100% natural product.

The guaranteed shelf life of pyrethrum powder is one year from the date of manufacture.

Natural insect repellent powder Pyrethrum is considered one of the most effective insecticides in commercial and non-commercial applications. This product is widely used to kill ticks, fleas and feather eaters on pets and birds. In addition, it is actively used against bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes and other representatives of the insect world that cause us a lot of trouble.

Our company offers to buy Pyrethrum powder 300 grams from Russia at a profitable price. We are its official dealer in Moscow and the Moscow region. This company has been procuring and processing medicinal raw materials in the North Caucasus and Krasnodar Territory for about a quarter of a century. Her experience, along with our favorable sales conditions, allows us to best meet the needs of our customers.

Here you will find a detailed description of the product presented on this page of our catalog and learn about the main advantages of using Pyrethrum antiparasitic powder. In addition, this review indicates the key competitive advantages of our company over other offers on the insecticide market of the Russian Federation.

Pyrethrum insecticidal powder: properties and application

The insecticidal preparation Pyrethrum presented on this page is the only completely natural product of its kind that allows you to fight almost all types of insect pests. This product has been actively used in agriculture, veterinary medicine and in private households since approximately the beginning of the 20th century. Pyrethrum powder was recommended for use in all former republics of the USSR, and today the drug continues to be in high demand due to its unique properties.

Pyrethrum, also called "Persian powder", is the dried and crushed flowers of the Dalmatian chamomile. They contain natural insecticides pyrethrins, which have a paralytic effect on insects. The effect occurs upon direct contact. At the same time, a relatively small dosage allows you to clear quite large areas of pests and parasites.

The key feature of the drug is the fact that while it has a detrimental effect on bedbugs, ticks, ants and other insects, it is completely harmless to humans and pets. Thus, to use the powder there is no need to isolate the area or carry out disinfection after work. Therefore, the scope of use of Pyrethrum is practically unlimited.

The next feature of the drug offered on this page of our catalog is its various forms of use. Pyrethrum insect repellent powder, which our company offers to buy, can be effectively used in the following forms:

  • Dry spraying, for which rubber bulbs or other sprayers are used. This method of application is suitable for veterinary purposes or the destruction of parasites indoors.
  • An aqueous suspension that is highly effective when sprayed onto the leaves and stems of plants. This form is equally suitable for indoor, greenhouse and gardening.
  • An infusion that is also used for spraying plants. Unlike a suspension, an infusion requires more time to prepare, but the effectiveness of this form of using Pyrethrum is much higher.

Methods for preparing suspension and infusion:

Aqueous suspension - 300 g of Pyrethrum powder per bucket of water. First mix the powder in 1 liter of water, then add this mixture to the remaining water in the bucket. Use as intended when treating surfaces by spraying, for example, with a pear.

Infusion - 300 g added to a bucket of water, infused for 12 hours. Pour the infusion into a separate container, add water again and leave for another 12 hours. Both infusions are combined and used for their intended purpose, having first filtered well so that the sprayer does not become clogged.

ATTENTION! For greater effectiveness, add liquid soap to the suspension and infusion (acts as an adhesive and wetting agent).

Popular types of powders

Karbofos - powder against bedbugs and cockroaches in packages of 30-60 mg. The active ingredient is Melatoin, which causes paralysis and rapid death in bedbugs. The disadvantage of this product is that insects become accustomed to its action; therefore, the drug must be combined with other insecticides. When using, use personal protective equipment (PPE). Price for different regions – from 60 rubles.

Super Fas - powder in bags of 10 g. Active ingredients - thiamethoxam, pyrethroid zetacypermethrin. Effective against ants, cockroaches and other insects. Ineffective against bedbug eggs. After disinfestation, it is necessary to treat surfaces with a weak soda solution. The use of PPE is mandatory. Price for different regions - from 23 to 63 rubles.

Fas Double is a powder in bags of 50 and 125 g. For pest control services there are large volumes - 10 kg. The active ingredient of the drug, cypermethrin, inhibits the nervous system of the parasite, causing paralysis and subsequently death. Effective in the fight against other pests - fleas, flies, cockroaches, aphids, whiteflies. Economical to use - consumption is 2 g per 1 sq. m. The use of PPE is mandatory. Price for different regions - 50 rubles.

Pyrethrum is a powder in 300 g bottles. The active ingredients are pyrethrins, which cause paralysis of muscles and nerves in insects. Made from inflorescences of different types of chamomile, an environmentally friendly product. No adaptation of insects to pyrethrins was observed. Disadvantage: rapid decay. Price for different regions – from 550 rubles.

Clean Home - powder in 10 g bags. In terms of action, it is comparable to Karbofos. Active ingredients: cypermethrin, tetramethrin, synergist. Effective against bedbug larvae. Active for several weeks. The use of PPE is required. Price for different regions – from 30 rubles.

Tornado is a powder in a 150 g bag. The effect of the drug is universal, the active ingredient is cypermethrin. Consumption – 1 package per room 10-12 sq. m. Price for different regions – from 300 rubles.

Neopin is an odorless white powder against bedbugs. Packaging – 25-50-100 g. The active substance is pyrethrum, which has a nerve-paralytic effect on bedbugs upon contact. It also affects emerging bedbug larvae and remains toxic to bedbugs for a long time. Price for different regions – 50-60 rubles.

Riapan is another odorless anti-bedbug powder. Packaging – 125 grams. The active substance is parmethrin. Can be used dry or applied to surfaces to be treated as a solution.

Phenaxin - 125 g sachets. Active ingredients - boric acid and pyrethroid fenvalerate - have an intestinal effect on bedbugs. Active against flies and fleas. Price for different regions - 100 rubles.

What is pyrethrum for bedbugs?

Pyrethrum powder for bedbugs (Persian powder) is a remedy made from flower heads and inflorescences of the plant of the same name. It belongs to the Asteraceae family and in appearance resembles a pharmaceutical chamomile. Man first began to use it many centuries ago, but subsequently it was forgotten for a long time.

The reason for this was the invention of a chemical analogue that fights domestic parasites much more effectively. But it had a very serious drawback - it caused serious harm to human health . Therefore, some time ago, people remembered this chamomile bedbug powder.

Not everyone knows that this plant is used not only as a raw material for preparing insect repellents and parasites. It is also used to make medicinal herbal preparations that help in the treatment of migraines and arthrosis. Its anti-inflammatory properties are also well known. Thus, this plant has a fairly wide range of applications, and is also completely safe for humans.

Sphere of influence of the powder

This substance can affect any uninvited guests in the apartment - bedbugs, ticks and fleas . But regardless of this, it is prepared according to the same recipe. If you are bothered by ants, the powder is scattered on their paths. First of all, they treat the areas at the entrance to the house; it would be a good idea to sprinkle it on the anthill. For years people have been trying to get rid of cockroaches, but this is not always successful. Persian pyrethrum powder can also help in the fight against these tenacious insects:

  • It should be poured near cracks and cracks, as well as near places with high humidity.
  • It is also useful to treat kitchen furniture, which is one of the favorite hiding places of these insects.
  • Pyrethrum insecticide works similarly against other household insects, including flies, ticks, fleas and mosquitoes.
  • Pyrethrum will also help protect indoor plants from pests that destroy roots and leaves. Sprinkle a small amount of powder into the hole before planting, and regularly add powder around the stem as it grows. It will not harm the plants.
  • Pyrethrum will also help you drive flies away from humus and manure pits. Just sprinkle a small layer of them on top.

How to use pyrethrum

When treating surfaces, the powder must be spread evenly in a thin layer . For convenience, it is recommended to use a rubber bulb - with its help you can easily spray the mixture.

If fleas have been bothering you for a long time, sprinkle the powder under the carpets. Don't know how to get rid of flies and moths? Just pour the powder in places where they accumulate:

  • Flies tend to like places located near household waste.
  • As for moths, they can most often be found in closets and chests of drawers.

Sprinkle some powder behind nightstands and on bookshelves. Don't forget to treat hard-to-reach places , which are an excellent refuge for these insects. After treatment, wait three days and then carry out wet cleaning.

The most popular brands of dusts

Manufacturers offer a variety of brands of powdered products; here are descriptions of the most popular dusts.


Popular type of dust. Ideal for disinfecting upholstered furniture as it does not leave marks on the upholstery. The drug remains active for a long time; it is recommended to leave it for three weeks. Such a long period of activity makes it possible to destroy the entire population of parasites in one treatment.


A drug created for the needs of the army. Klopoveron is a powerful synthetic insecticide that instantly destroys parasites. Its disadvantage is the high price.


Bifenthrin is a powder against bedbugs from the group of pyrethroids and is an insecticide with enteric contact action.

Can be used against:

  • bedbugs;
  • fleas;
  • cockroaches

Bifenthrin affects the insect's nervous system, causing agitation, paralysis and death. The product has low toxicity for warm-blooded creatures.



A popular drug is bedbug powder Phenaxin. Dust is approved for use in apartments, hotels, kindergartens, sanatoriums, canteens and other public places. The product contains fenvalerate and boric acid. It is recommended to use dust to combat flightless synanthropic insects. This bedbug powder is odorless, so its use does not cause discomfort to residents.



One of the most famous means for combating bedbugs is Karbofos. This is an effective insecticide that is not addictive to insects. Destroys larvae and adults, does not damage egg laying. Therefore, several treatments are required.

The product is sold in the form of:

  • ready solution;
  • powder, which is diluted with water before application.

The last option is good because the dry preparation has a longer shelf life than the ready-made solution.

It should be noted that Karbofos bedbug powder has mixed reviews; consumers note that the drug effectively destroys insects, but has an extremely unpleasant, persistent odor and does not dissipate for several days after treatment.


Pyrethrum is a powder against bed bugs of plant origin. The raw materials for it are the inflorescences of Dalmatian chamomile. This product is absolutely safe for warm-blooded organisms, including humans. Therefore, you can even sprinkle the powder on bed linen.

The disadvantage of the product is its instability. The active substances that cause the death of insects last only a few hours. Therefore, treatment must be carried out every 1-2 days.

The drug is recommended to be used in combination with other insecticides, using Pyrethrum to treat sleeping furniture, clothing, or for preventive treatment.


Typhoon is an anti-bedbug powder based on imidacloprid. This is a pesticide with enteric contact action, used to combat synanthropic insects.

The dust remains active for 5 days after application, then the treatment will need to be repeated.


This is an odorless bedbug powder recommended for preventive use. The product is not very effective, since it retains its toxic properties for only a few hours.

Clean house

Under the “Clean House” brand, a whole line of products for the destruction of parasitic insects is produced.

One of the options is Clean House - powder for bedbugs, reviews of this drug are mostly good. Consumers note its effectiveness and the absence of a pungent odor.

Description of the drug

A long time ago, housewives prepared a chamomile-based product on their own by drying the flowers of a perennial plant.
It was called Persian powder and was also used in the fight against bedbugs. Chamomile destroyed ticks and fought against helminths. The modern drug Pyrethrum also contains pyrethrins, but it is not easy to find it on sale. Along with the powdery substance, Pyrethrum appeared in the form of an aerosol to kill bedbugs. Regular medicinal chamomile in the form of dried flowers or filter bags with powder will replace store-bought powder. It can be bought at every pharmacy. True, you should immediately be prepared for the fact that such a replacement does not promise to be effective.

The powdered drug can be ordered abroad. But in order to understand how advisable it is to wait for products from afar, you should familiarize yourself with all the advantages and take into account the disadvantages of Pyrethrum.

  • Low toxicity, naturalness and environmental friendliness make the drug indispensable for use in homes where there are children.
  • The active substances in its composition quickly disintegrate in the light and no longer pose any danger after 1.5 days. You don’t have to worry that surfaces that are not completely cleaned can cause damage.
  • Bed bugs successfully mutate and become accustomed to various types of chemicals. In this sense, pyrethrins benefit from virtually no addictive effects on parasites.

How to choose furniture for the kitchen: photos, nuances, recommendations

But to the extent that Pyrethrum does not have a long enough effect, its effectiveness is in doubt. After all, the larvae will remain safe and sound, and after a while the bedbugs will appear again.

Is chamomile flower powder an effective remedy?

The properties of chamomile (pyrethrum) to repel household pests have been known for a long time. People collected flowers of certain varieties of chamomile, dried them and sprinkled them on surfaces in the house. Result: the number of bloodsuckers and other insects decreased sharply.

This effect was achieved thanks to the pyrethrins present in the plant. It is this substance that can quickly penetrate the pest’s body, disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses and cause inevitable death.

The so-called Persian or Dalmatian powder perfectly destroyed both bloodsuckers and dealt with helminths and ticks. An infusion of water and chamomile inflorescences was also popular.

Pyrethrum powder - what are its advantages?

Any insecticides are potentially dangerous to people and animals. Toxic, cause allergic reactions, you can be poisoned by vapors.

Plant substances, such as pyrethrum powder against bedbugs, have clear advantages over synthetic analogues:

Low toxicity, with pronounced effectiveness. Chamomile is not dangerous for people and warm-blooded animals, even if inhaled, no dangerous irreversible processes occur in the body. But the bugs that come into contact with it are guaranteed to die.

Completely natural composition and environmental friendliness of the powder, which disintegrates in light within 36 hours after treatment. It is these characteristics that allow the powder to be used in homes where there are children and pets.

Even if powder residues are removed at the wrong time, they cannot cause harm.

Natural pyrethrins are not addictive to bloodsuckers, which is especially important when fighting bedbugs. They are the ones who very quickly adapt to various poisons.


Chamomile powder will help cope not only with bedbugs; it is effective against: cockroaches, mosquitoes, fleas, and agricultural pests.

There is no need to ventilate the room.

But there are also disadvantages to the plant insecticide:

  • Pyrethrins disintegrate very quickly when exposed to sunlight; the powder does not have a long-term effect on bedbugs.
  • Not suitable for destroying insect egg laying and its larvae.

Finding and buying this natural composition is very problematic. The fact is that its production is very expensive, so today more effective substitutes for plant poisons are produced.

Where can I buy the product and how much does it cost?

If you decide to use pyrethrum powder, buying it at the pharmacy will be problematic. It is possible to find an antiparasitic drug in veterinary clinics and pharmacies. But more often it can be found in specialized stores. The cost of the product will depend on:

  • Manufacturer;
  • Release forms;
  • Packaging and volume of the substance in the container.

You can buy pyrethrum in Moscow for a price starting from 535 rubles. Catalogs usually present antiparasitic drugs in the form of powder, aerosol, active mixtures, and shampoos. Each type of product is convenient for use in various areas of human activity - everyday life, agriculture, animal husbandry. Each form of antiparasitic substance contains active cynerin and pyrethrin, which can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of dried chamomile flowers. You can prepare the drug from the raw materials at home, but this requires special equipment for grinding and grinding the inflorescences of Caucasian, Persian or Dalmatian chamomile. Therefore, many contemporaries prefer to buy pyrethrum for bedbugs and insects in a ready-to-use form.

How to make this powder at home

In Russia, Dalmatian chamomile and its relative Caucasian chamomile are quite popular garden plants. They are actively used in landscape design due to their unpretentiousness to weather conditions and pleasant appearance. If you look at your or your neighbors’ dacha, you will probably find these flowers decorating the flower beds.

Insecticidal substances called cinerins and pyrethrins, which affect bedbugs, are found in all parts of the plant, but most of them are found in the inflorescences. They are removed during the period of active flowering.

It is better to dry in the attic, that is, not in the open sun. Dried inflorescences should be stored in a dark, dry place. You can grind them into powder as needed using a regular coffee grinder or blender.

If, nevertheless, it is not possible to grind the flowers into powder, then an aqueous infusion can be prepared from the crushed raw materials. To do this, the inflorescences are poured into a container (for example, a bucket) up to half the volume and filled with water. After a day, the strained infusion can be used to treat surfaces affected by pests. Immediately before processing, it is recommended to add a little soap or washing liquid to the infusion.

Despite the fact that pyrethrum is a completely natural remedy, pyrethrins themselves can be quite powerful allergens and can cause contact dermatitis, watery eyes and even an attack of bronchial asthma. However, such consequences can occur after using almost any medicinal plant. The risk of allergic reactions to pyrethrum is increased in those who are already allergic to plant pollen, such as ragweed. For this reason, very young children should not be allowed to come into direct contact with this powder.


When choosing an insecticide, a person first of all focuses on its safety for family members and pets. The range of such products is wide, but each of them has one or another drawback: too strong a chemical odor, instability or the presence of a carcinogenic effect. Pyrethrum powder against cockroaches and bed bugs is free from these disadvantages, since no highly toxic compounds were used in its manufacturing process.


A plant insecticide helps gardeners and gardeners fight pests of fruit, vegetable and berry crops. Before planting plants in beds or flower beds, you should pour a pinch of powder into each hole.

The insecticide got its name from the plant that is its main component. Manufacturers obtain the grey-green powder by grinding dried Persian or Caucasian chamomile flowers. People have long noticed that these fragrant plants can repel harmful insects. Dry herbs tied into bundles were laid out in closets with clothes and on kitchen shelves. The room was quickly filled with a smell pleasant to people, but completely intolerable to cockroaches and fleas.

For several decades, the natural insecticide was undeservedly forgotten due to the synthesis of more effective analogues based on pyrethrum. But during use, it turned out that they can provoke severe allergic reactions and cause breathing problems. Chamomile extract has regained its former popularity. When studying its pharmacological action, doctors discovered that the healing plant can relieve a person from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, treat migraines and headaches.

Operating principle

Pyrethrin penetrates the body of insects upon contact. A large dose of the drug leads to the death of domestic cockroaches, a small dose acts as a repellent. Natural insecticidal substance has its advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered.


  • Safety. The powder is not dangerous for pets or humans. The smell of chamomile has a calming effect, normalizes sleep, eliminates headaches and nervousness. The product is only dangerous for insects.
  • Easy to use. The powder is scattered in the form of a path in places where cockroaches are most concentrated.


  • Low efficiency. Pyrethrum retains its toxic properties for only 1.5 days. Pyrethrins degrade quickly when exposed to sunlight. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to sprinkle the powder in the evening, when the activity of cockroaches increases. Leave it overnight.
  • Lack of prolonged effect. Pyrethrum is recommended to be used as a prophylactic, but for a very short time.
  • Inconvenient to use. Due to the rapid decomposition of the active substance, frequent renewal of the protective layer is required. The procedure is repeated every day, which is not suitable for everyone.
  • Visibility. The powder is noticeable where it is applied and creates additional debris in the apartment.
  • Only works on contact. Cockroaches that are found in deep crevices remain unharmed and continue active life. The larvae develop safely in the ooteca.

Not everyone likes the specific smell of chamomile.

Description, composition and release form

Pyrethrum is one of the few natural insecticides. It is produced on the basis of natural components, and not synthetic substances (like 90% of insecticides on the market). This has its pros and cons.

The advantage is that the product is safe for people and pets, as well as the absence of an unpleasant odor (many insecticides have an “amber”). The downside is that it is somewhat less effective at killing cockroaches than most synthetic insecticides.

The active ingredient of Pyrethrum is the natural component pyrethrin. It is made from dried Caucasian chamomile (pyrethrum). The component is odorless, non-toxic and non-carcinogenic to humans. Pyrethrum is available in the form of powders and aerosols.

The product is ideal for treating cabinets, kitchen shelves, and apartments in general. It can be used in the kitchen without even removing food or dishes from it. You don’t even need to ventilate the room when using the product.

Pyrethrum is made from natural ingredients and is highly safe to use.

How does Pyrethrum work on cockroaches? (+video)

Pyrethrum can be used to eliminate cockroaches in apartments, country houses, gardens, and medical institutions. The main active component of Pyrethrum is a contact insecticide, so insects become infected when their bodies or paws come into contact with the drug.

The product easily penetrates the chitinous shell and reaches the insect’s nervous system, after which it causes paralysis and failure of internal organs. But this does not happen immediately, but after 5-10 hours from the moment the insect comes into contact with the drug.

Already infected, but not yet having symptoms, the insect runs around the colony and infects other cockroaches that come into contact with it. In turn, new infected people continue to spread the toxin throughout the colony, and eventually, after 3-10 days, the entire colony dies.

Insects die not from paralysis at all, but from its consequence - the inability to obtain food and, as a result, die of hunger. Some individuals are resistant to Pyrethrum and do not experience paralysis, but this is not a problem - they still remain unable to reproduce.

The effect of the product does not end there; it also has a passive effect. After the death of the colony, the bodies of dead cockroaches still remain a source of infection. New colonies of cockroaches (from neighbors, from the basement, attic) when trying to enter the apartment will also be infected and destroyed.

Benefits of Pyrethrum:

  1. The product is safe for people and pets, which means it can be used in any room.
  2. There is no need to ventilate or prepare the room when treating with Pyrethrum.
  3. Insects do not develop immunity to the product even after frequent contact with it.
  4. Infected insects die within 24 hours.

Is the product dangerous for humans?

The main advantage of Pyrethrum is its complete safety for people and animals, so the product does not pose any danger. Intoxication is only possible if the drug is swallowed, which is rare.

If this does happen, it is usually a problem with pets (especially dogs, who love to taste everything). Therefore, while the product is indoors, do not allow animals or small children to get into it.

Pyrethrum reviews

There are different reviews about this drug. There is nothing surprising. There are no remedies that are 100% effective. What customers write about it and what their opinion is about this drug, read on.


“The product is natural, but the effectiveness is low. I bought it on the Internet. I couldn’t find it in stores or pharmacies. It would be better to prepare it yourself from pharmaceutical pyrethrum - much cheaper. The old bugs died. New insects appeared again. I got tired of fighting them and treated them with pesticides. Much more efficient and faster! Chalk Mashenka for bedbugs is a similar remedy, but costs less"


“The product is good for a small number of bedbugs. It does not affect larvae. The expense is high. You need to add water every two days. Properties from light are lost quite quickly. It was a good remedy in the old days. New, more effective ones have replaced them! for example, forsyth is a good remedy for bedbugs"


“Pyrethrum helped me a lot. I filled all the cracks, openings, corners, under the sofa and carpets with it. The bugs are gone. I was not afraid for my health and the health of my family. Real dignity. And the cat runs around unharmed. The product is good, you need to use it correctly and sound the alarm in time!”


“I bought pyrethrum aerosol. I couldn't find the powder anywhere. The product exceeded all expectations. The bugs are dead. I treated the room all week every two days. The smell is pleasant. I ventilated the apartment after treatment. It is very convenient to use it in winter. Effective, no unpleasant odor and non-toxic!”


“Pyrethrum is confused with medicinal chamomile. These are two different plants. I ordered the drug on the Internet. It was not available in other places. The powder is much more effective than an aerosol and does not leave stains. I tried both. The room was cleaned every day. Within a week I removed all parasites from my home. A good remedy. It’s difficult to get – a significant disadvantage!”


“I read about the drug on the Internet. I couldn't find him anywhere. I went a different way. I went to the pharmacy, bought two packs of pyrethrum plants and scattered the contents throughout the apartment. I paid special attention to the bedroom. A week later I repeated it again. The bedbugs have disappeared. The powder is even more effective than the plant itself!”


“I ordered feverfew via the Internet. I wanted to buy Tetrix first, but I couldn’t find it. There were bedbugs in the children's room. We decided that the child has allergies. They stuffed me with all sorts of medications and put me on a strict diet. Over time, the situation only worsened. The doctor himself said - look for bedbugs! I discovered them in the following way. I got up at three in the morning, turned on the light and took the blanket off the child. They are right there. There was no talk about chemicals. I began to fight parasites with pyrethrum. Every day I crushed the powder in the children's room. The child was sleeping in the next room. The procedure took two weeks. The drug defeated them!”


“I removed bedbugs using traditional methods. The problem didn't seem serious. They did not take the methods from the people. I bought pyrethrum. There was no result. My bedbugs turned out to be tenacious. Only chemistry saved me! Been poisoning for a week! A natural remedy helps - I won’t argue, but not in my case!”


“I had heard a lot about the effectiveness of this product, but I couldn’t buy it anywhere. I decided to take up this matter and prepare the powder myself. I grow flowers, collect inflorescences, dry them and cook them. I saved the whole house from bedbugs and am in the process of selling it. The product goes off with a bang! Thanks to the Internet for the information!”

Where to buy powder

If you go to your local pharmacy expecting to purchase flea and tick powder, you will be disappointed. You will not be able to find it in its pure form. Most likely, you will be offered it as part of an herbal mixture or tablets and capsules. Therefore, it is best to look for it in agricultural stores, pavilions with goods for floriculture and livestock. You can also contact farmers who grow this flower themselves.

Pyrethrum insecticide is a fairly affordable insect repellent. The price of the drug may vary depending on where it is purchased. On average, the powder costs about 450 rubles. per pack weighing 300 g. In pharmacies, as a rule, pyrethrum powder is cheaper.

Despite all the laudatory reviews about the powder, it does its job poorly. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find it in pharmacies in my city, so I had to order it online. I was very sorry for the money spent, I could have prepared the product myself no worse than the store bought one. He dealt with old bedbugs.

You can only use pyrethrum powder if you have few bedbugs. But he is powerless against larvae. Its main drawback is its high consumption. You have to sprinkle a new portion of the product every two days. In the light, the powder quickly loses its properties. Once upon a time it was a fairly effective insect repellent. But today, when more effective drugs can be found in stores, pyrethrum powder does not live up to expectations.

At first I didn’t have much faith in this remedy, but it did not disappoint. I used it to treat all the places where bedbugs could hide - under sofas and carpets, corners and openings. After this there were no more bedbugs. And I was not at all afraid that the powder could harm my health or the health of my family. This is its main advantage. The drug actually works, but for this it needs to be used correctly and, most importantly, on time.

Why are Dalmatian chamomile inflorescences effective against parasites?

As mentioned above, they contain natural pyrethrins, the price of which is much lower than synthetic poisons - antiseptics. These substances are very toxic to insects of the classes listed above. They have a strong neuroparalytic effect on parasites. There is no doubt that the insect repellent pyrethrum, which you can buy in our store, is effective. The active substance penetrates the parasite's body, destroying the chitinous cover. Once inside, the poison blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. This leads to paralysis of the systems and organs of insects, which leads to rapid death.

During the Soviet era, pyrethrum against bedbugs and other insects was considered the standard for antiparasitic treatment of premises, animals and plants. The product was considered universal and unique, and most importantly, the safest antiseptic for humans, small children and pets. This is what modern scientists believe about pyrethrum against fleas.

Preparation for processing

Before you invite an exterminator to your apartment, or start disinfestation yourself, you need to take care of your own lodging for the night - you cannot appear in your home during the day, since the disinfestation agents used are toxic, including to humans. The
same rule applies to pets - it is recommended insulation. Particular attention should be paid to old furniture - get rid of it, if possible. Dishes and bathroom accessories must be isolated from the external environment - you can use bags for this. It is also recommended to cover the surface of the stove and household appliances with something. The furniture in the room needs to be moved to the center of the room - this will give the master access to the walls, which means more efficient processing. It is not recommended to take your own bedding, toys and other household items with you to a place of temporary stay - these are the things that can become a source of infection with bedbugs

Before leaving, it is recommended to carry out a general cleaning of the apartment.

General rules for caring for pets

To safely keep pets, you need to know about the rules for caring for animals indoors.

  • Complete and varied nutrition.

Before purchasing or adopting an animal, you need to study what and in what quantities it eats. Food should be as natural as possible, with a balanced composition. It must contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. If the owner prefers dry food, additional vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet. You can prepare food yourself from ordinary products.

  • Keeping pets in a clean room.

Pyrethrum (insect powder)
It doesn’t matter who it is - aquarium fish, cats and dogs or parrots. Their place should always be clean. If, for example, the litter is dirty, various insects can settle on it, which can cause discomfort and pain not only to the pet, but also to household members. If their bowls are not washed promptly, disease-causing/pathogenic microorganisms may accumulate there and lead to the development of diseases.

  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the health of your pet.

It is necessary to visit a veterinarian regularly and receive all necessary vaccinations on time. During the first vaccination, the animal must be issued a passport, where in the future all examinations and vaccinations given will be recorded. If any symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the doctor, because animals get sick just like people.

Safety for people

You can buy tick and flea powder at any pharmacy. It is a medicinal product, so it is not capable of causing side effects when used to control domestic insects. Although some people may experience allergic reactions, this is very rare. Usually, when treating surfaces, such a small amount of pyrethrum enters the respiratory tract that it cannot cause side effects.

The powder against ticks and fleas is not dangerous for pets. You can even use it as a means to combat parasites found in cats, dogs, and parrots:

  • To disinfect, rub the insecticide into the fur or feathers or bathe the animal in a decoction of pyrethrum.
  • To make the powder work faster, it is advisable to carry out the procedure every two to three days until the insects are completely destroyed.

Scope of application

The effect of the powder is short-lived and lasts about 2-3 days. After this, wet cleaning is recommended, and the use of special detergents is not required. If necessary, you can repeat the processing.

It must be remembered that “Pyrethrum” acts only on adults, having a paralytic effect. It does not have the desired effect on the larvae, so offspring may soon appear. Therefore, for complete destruction of insects, at least five treatments are recommended.

The drug is active against bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas and lice. Insects often enter apartments located on the first floors from the basements. Therefore, it is recommended to pour the powder under the mat located at the front door. Of course, it is necessary to change it after 2-3 days.

It is allowed to use the product to control fleas on pets. To do this, the powder is spread on their fur. It tastes bitter, so your pet will not lick it off.

To get rid of lice, you can also use Pyrethrum powder. In the pharmacy, this product is sold in the form of a dry powder or solution, which must be rubbed into the scalp. After 30 minutes, the hair is washed with warm water. The treatment is repeated 3-4 times. The main problem is that the product is rarely commercially available.

How to use Pyrethrum against pests

Instructions for use are included in each package. It provides recommendations for use and recommended doses. The amount of powder used depends on the type of insect being destroyed and the scale of the disaster.

Therefore, before starting the actual processing, you should determine the approximate number of insects. Their possible “paths” are also determined.

Pests often hide under baseboards and other hard-to-reach places. To treat them, you can use a spray bottle, which is sold at the pharmacy. If there is none, then a regular syringe will cope with the problem. In this case, a water-based solution is prepared from the powder.

Recommended treatment locations:

  • baseboards;
  • joints between tiles;
  • carpet covering;
  • cushioned furniture;
  • kitchen furniture.

To kill cockroaches, bedbugs and fleas, you can purchase Pyrethrum powder. The instructions that come with the product will help you find the best way to use it. So, if you need to treat hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to prepare a solution.

Requires 5-6 tablespoons of powder and one liter of water. The resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle or syringe and the favorite places of pests are treated.

How to use?

Before purchasing Pyrethrum, roughly estimate the size of the cockroach colony in your apartment. If you rarely see insects, most likely the colony is small and only powder will be enough. If the scale of infection is larger, then use both powder and aerosol.

Processing is simple:

  • treat the area near furniture and household appliances, near the trash can, toilet, bathtub with the product;
  • be sure to sprinkle the powder (in small quantities) along baseboards, sewer or water pipes, behind ventilation grilles;
  • to treat hard-to-reach places, make a solution: place 7 tablespoons of powdered Pyrethrum in a liter of warm water, then treat the desired surfaces with a spray bottle or pharmaceutical syringe;
  • to enhance the effect when creating a solution, use boric acid instead of water (but it produces toxic fumes, so this treatment will have to be done in a ventilated area, wearing safety glasses and a respirator).

Precautionary measures

Despite the lack of toxicity, precautions must be taken when working with insecticide powder or solution. Pyrethrins, which are part of the product , can provoke allergic reactions in people with individual sensitivity to them. When purchasing the drug, you need to be firmly convinced that none of the family members have an allergic predisposition to plants of the Asteraceae family.

When processing an office, apartment or house, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment:

  • respirator or tight bandage;
  • special glasses that fit tightly to the face;
  • gloves.

After the procedure, you should wash your hands and face with soap, and it is best to take a warm shower.

Pyrethrum is an effective remedy that helps quickly get rid of insects. The drug has no analogues, which also combine insecticidal action and safety for people and animals. But do not neglect the instructions - only complete adherence to them will allow you to forget about harmful insects forever.

Chemicals to control bedbugs

There are many chemicals available to combat bedbugs at home. (Read the article - Bedbug Repellent)

- "Chlorophos" - this remedy is one of the strong poisons. It is best to use this product in areas where people do not live.

This product is prepared very quickly; dilute the drug with water to 10% of the composition.

It is best to start diluting the drug on the street, or if this is not possible, then open the windows as much as possible. Before the beginning


Use to protect your hands and respiratory system as much as possible; it is best to wear a respirator, gloves and completely closed clothing.

After the treatment has been completed, you must immediately throw away the container in which the composition was diluted, as well as the gloves.

Repeat the procedure twice a month. In some cases, the product is added to the glue when they begin to glue the wallpaper; this will help to pre-protect the room from various parasites and insects.

- “Mikrofos” - this product removes bedbugs very well and retains its properties for a long time.

This chemical is slightly toxic.

In order to start using it, make approximately 0.25% of the preparation, diluted with water, mix the resulting composition several times, the Microfos consumption is approximately 50 grams per square meter.

The drug is applied only to those places where the greatest concentration of bedbugs occurs. Repeat this type of treatment after a month.

- “Karbofos” - this product has a very unpleasant odor. This preparation can be weathered very quickly after all treatment. To start using the product, dilute it to 2%. During the entire treatment he is wearing a respirator. Spraying is applied to all surfaces where bedbugs accumulate most.

— “Executioner” - this drug is much more effective than the previous ones, and takes almost a leading place in the fight against bedbugs. The main component of this product is cypermethrin.

Cypermethrin has a nerve agent

Pyrethrum for bedbugs

influence on the general condition of the harmful insect.

When using this product, a positive result is noticed immediately, the only thing is that the Executioner is not a barrier agent.

This product is poisonous not only for the bug insect, but also for eggs and adults.

— “Pyrethrum” — this remedy is based on the natural components of chamomile flowers.

The product is in the form of a powder, which can be used to treat all surfaces in the rooms.

This drug does not have a negative effect on humans or animals.

If exterminating bedbugs on your own does not give the desired result, then resort to the help of a specialized service (Pest control as a remedy for bedbugs).


Advantages and disadvantages

Bedbugs are the hardiest known domestic insects.
Owners use a wide variety of means against bedbugs, but not all of them are effective. Usually, after treating an apartment with well-known chemicals, like Dichlorvos, people realize their helplessness and simply call the sanitation team. However, there is a remedy that few people know about. This is pyrethrum powder. Unlike most chemicals, which not only work poorly, but also cause serious harm to health, this product is completely safe , so it can be used to treat a room without any time limits. It is made from natural raw materials, so it does not harm the health of either humans or animals. But it, like all other drugs against domestic parasites, has its drawbacks. Only fresh pyrethrum powder is effective against bedbugs. A significant disadvantage is that in the light it loses its strength. However, all this becomes not so significant when you consider the results that can be achieved using this natural remedy.

Using pyrethrum in the garden

It would seem that there are more powerful and effective insecticides that also have a long period of protection. Why then use a product that is not the most durable? In fact, pyrethrum has a number of advantages that give it advantages over chemical remedies. You can even leave out its naturalness, which attracts those gardeners who want to grow environmentally friendly products without a hint of “chemistry”.

Spraying plants with insecticide

Among the advantages:

  • Lack of resistance in pests. The drug is effective even after repeated use and does not form a persistent immune response in the insect population.
  • Very fast action. Pests die immediately after treatment.
  • A small amount of product used per unit area, individual tree or bush.
  • Possibility of harvesting and eating within a few hours after application.
  • Wide range of affected pests.

Bio-insecticide on a natural basis “Pyrethrum Bona Forte”
Cost-effectiveness coupled with efficiency are the undoubted advantages of pyrethrum. So, one liter canister of con is enough to treat 20 acres of vegetable garden or 20-30 trees in the garden. At the same time, you can destroy pests, even if you want to pick berries, fruits or vegetables the next day. The active substance will disintegrate in two to three hours to safe compounds. It is better to carry out the treatment in the evening, when the sun has already set and the air temperature has dropped significantly. As a contact insecticide, pyrethrum should reach all areas of the plants, and for this it is better to use good sprayers and atomizers.


Pyrethrum is available for sale in aerosol form. Used to kill parasitic insects on the body of animals, mosquitoes. For cockroaches, it is used to treat furniture, walls, and pipes. Direct analogues are drugs made on the basis of synthetic pyrethroids. Available in the form of water-soluble powder, dust, gel bait, and aerosol. Toxic properties last from 2 to 4 weeks. Effective analogues are Fas-double, Super Fas, Tiuram, Phenaxin. Price on average 50 rubles. per package.

Natural pyrethrum is positioned as a safe, effective remedy against crawling and flying insects. In practice, it shows poor results against cockroaches, as evidenced by numerous reviews.


Absent. Completely safe for people and animals.

Advantages of pyrethrum:

  • cheapness;
  • ease of use;
  • no toxicity;
  • the product is not addictive to parasites;
  • no need for extensive preparations for using the product;
  • the substance is environmentally safe.

An additional advantage of this drug is the ability to prepare it yourself by collecting, drying and grinding Persian chamomile in a blender to a powdery state.


Pyrethrum powder is a natural remedy that fights crawling and flying insects as effectively as its chemical counterparts. But at the same time, it is safe to use in a home inhabited by children, elderly people and animals. This is confirmed by user reviews.

The product has no analogues among drugs that combine the effectiveness of an insecticide and the safety of the plant. However, as users note, you should not randomly sprinkle powder in the hope of getting rid of insects and neglect the instructions. Only complete adherence to the rules of use will help eliminate unpleasant “tenants” and guarantee safety for people.

The only problem noted in the reviews is that the powder has become difficult to obtain. It is very rarely sold in pharmacies. There are special websites where Pyrethrum is sold both in the form of a regular powder and in the form of a product based on it. These can be sprays or liquids. They differ in scope. To treat premises, one drug is required, for animals - another, and for plants - a third.

Properties of a natural product

The main advantage of the drug, which housewives note, is its complete environmental safety. As a plant component, it has the property of breaking down into natural components under direct sunlight in literally two days. But this property also determines the disadvantage of Pyrethrum. The duration of action of the powder is quite short. But here you have to choose between the complete safety of the product used, which is Pyrethrum powder, and the speed of destruction of harmful insects.

The main advantages of the drug:

  • high effectiveness against bedbugs and cockroaches, when comparing Pyrethrum with other herbal products;
  • safe use indoors where there are small children and pets;
  • there is no need for special means to remove the used drug;
  • there is no need to leave the living space during processing;
  • when using highly toxic drugs, be sure to ventilate the room; Pyrethrum eliminates this need;
  • insects do not get used to using Pyrethrum, so repeated treatments do not require increasing the dose;
  • makes it possible to quickly and effectively get rid of fleas;
  • does not affect indoor plants;
  • “Pyrethrum” (powder for bedbugs and fleas) does not contain additional chemical compounds that would have a negative impact on human health.
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