12 TOP smoke bombs for cockroaches: rating of the best options in 2022 + price and reviews

To combat cockroaches, you can use various products containing insecticides - aerosol cans, food and electric traps, gels, crayons, boric acid. But there is another effective remedy against insects - smoke bombs. It so happens that for some reason few people know about them, mainly those who use them to fight mosquitoes. For example, fishermen and hunters use smoke bombs to protect themselves from mosquitoes that annoy them while practicing their favorite hobby. Let's fill this gap in information and tell you:

  • what are they - smoke bombs;
  • how they work and how effective they are;
  • how they should be used to achieve maximum effect;
  • on safety requirements when working with them in enclosed spaces;
  • where and at what price can you buy them.

Practice shows that smoke bombs are very effective against insects that live with a person and cause him a lot of trouble. With their help, you can fight not only cockroaches, but also other parasitic and non-parasitic arthropods - ants, bedbugs, etc. If used correctly, then one checker can destroy all insects in an apartment with a total area of ​​250-300 m². And it will do it very quickly, within one day.

What explains such high efficiency?

First of all, the large amount of insecticidal smoke that one bomb generates. The volume of the toxic environment in the form of smoke when it burns is several times greater than the total cloud of insecticide produced by a can of Raptor or dichlorvos.

The smoke particle sizes are only a few tens of microns. Due to their microscopic size, they can penetrate into the thinnest cracks and recesses - under baseboards, into sockets, furniture and kitchen equipment. Smoke penetrates even frames covered with upholstery. And this is the favorite hiding place of all parasitic insects.

The finely dispersed composition of the smoke allows it to spread evenly throughout all the nooks and crannies of the apartment, so there is no need to look for the localization of cockroaches. The poison penetrates into the most hidden places, due to which all insects find themselves in the affected area.


The results of treating an apartment with smoke bombs are close to those achieved by using equipment that produces hot and cold fog. In both cases, the sizes of aerosol (smoke) particles are so small that, thanks to Brownian motion, they remain in the air for a long time and manage to penetrate into all the secluded places where insects hide. With the same result, using smoke bombs yourself is much simpler and cheaper (about 10 times) than inviting professional exterminators with expensive equipment.

Alexander, Moscow

Cockroaches are a real disaster for residents of apartment buildings. Once they get established, they are incredibly difficult to get rid of completely. No matter how we tried to kill and poison them, we never succeeded in completely destroying the harmful insects. They made our lives miserable for years. But one day my patience ran out, and I decided to use a mosquito smoke bomb, which I sometimes use when going fishing. They lit it and went to the neighbors. I had to sit with them around noon.

When we returned, we looked around - like a battlefield. There are dead cockroaches lying around everywhere, you can even pick them up with a shovel. We didn’t even think that it would be so effective. Two months have passed since the saber was used, and the cockroaches still have not appeared.

The principle of operation of house bombs is the nerve-paralytic effect that the insecticidal substance contained in the smoke has on cockroaches. It penetrates the respiratory system of insects, and from it into the hemolymph, from which it reaches the nerve cells (ganglia). As a result, the insect becomes paralyzed.


Ease of use, because any bedbug fighter can independently distribute checkers indoors. This method does not imply that he will walk around the apartment and spray a spray or aerosol into every possible place for bedbugs to settle (for example, a crack in the wall) - the smoke penetrates even into places where a person simply would not think of reaching or crawling. In order to understand how quickly it fills all possible bedbug colonies, remember how quickly and everywhere cigarette smoke spreads.

In the same way, smoke from a bomb will penetrate into baseboards, cracks in walls and ceilings, and even parquet, into sockets, into furniture (even into its soft interior upholstery. A smoke bomb can even penetrate into fabric. Consequently, the insecticide in a smoke bomb will reach almost everywhere , where bedbugs can hide under and inside the sofa.The speed of smoke spread can be increased by removing the mattresses from the beds.

If you still decide to buy a smoke bomb, then you should also think about the quality of the purchased goods. After all, not all of them can be as effective against bedbugs as they really should be. Surf the Internet, read reviews, and double-check 100% of all information about the manufacturer before making a purchase. It is also worth considering the composition of the checkers itself. You need to buy exactly the one that will really help in the fight against bedbugs.

Go to the bedbug smoke bomb store>>.

Benefits of smoke bombs against insects

Quick extermination of insects throughout the entire apartment. It takes weeks to wait for the effect of glue and electric traps, food baits and gels. And here is the minimum expectation. He lit the saber, left it in the apartment and left for several hours. Smoke will overtake its victim wherever it hides.

Complexity of action. In addition to the fact that the insecticide penetrates the respiratory tract of cockroaches, it also has a contact effect, settling on the chitinous cover of the insect and penetrating its body. In addition to this, the poison also has an intestinal effect. Particles of insecticide deposited on indoor surfaces transfer to the legs and antennae of insects. And when a cockroach cleans them with its jaws, they end up in its intestines.

The contact method of action, by the way, provides another advantage of smoke bombs - a prolonged effect. Those insects that did not immediately die from the smoke die after some time from the settled particles. For permethrin bombs, for example, the duration of the insecticidal effect is about a month.

Or should I turn to professionals in Moscow?

If there are a lot of cockroaches in the apartment and you can’t fight them on your own, you need to take serious measures. In this case, you should contact the city SES “GigienaDez” service. The staff uses effective insecticides that are safe for humans and pets. Another advantage of this type of service is that a specialist will do almost everything for you, you have nothing to worry about, you just need to contact such a service and there are no problems. Despite the high cost, this type of treatment gets rid of cockroaches for a long time.

Which checkers are the most effective?

Checkers containing pyrethroids are considered more effective and best suited for use in residential apartments due to their proximity to natural insecticides, in particular:

  • "Tsifum";
  • "City";
  • "Quiet evening".

All of them are made on the basis of permethrin.


Initially, the “Quiet Evening” product was intended to repel mosquitoes when relaxing outdoors. The checker has a pronounced repellent effect, forcing blood-sucking insects to leave the smoke-filled area. Those who do not manage to do this quickly die.

Designed to repel mosquitoes, but also works against cockroaches.

You need to know that checkers not only destroy insects, but also force them to leave the treated premises and take refuge in neighboring apartments. To block their “escape routes,” you need to cover the ventilation ducts with adhesive tape or masking tape for the duration of treatment. This measure, by the way, is also useful in that it does not allow the concentration of the insecticide to decrease due to the escape of part of the smoke through the ventilation.

What explains the obscurity of smoke bombs?

If smoke bombs are so effective, why are they less popular than aerosols and other insecticidal products? There are several explanations for this.

Fire hazard from smoke bombs. Like all smoke-producing products, bombs are a fire hazard to a certain extent. Below we will look at this point in more detail.

Cheap smoke bombs. Yes, as strange as it may sound, it is precisely because the checkers are cheap that professional exterminators prefer to use impressive-looking, expensive equipment instead. It is inconvenient to charge the same high price for simply lighting a checker as for using a complex device that generates cold or hot fog. In addition, using a simple and cheap product in front of the user means setting a “bad” example for him. He quickly realizes that he can buy a saber for 500 rubles. and set it on fire yourself, without inviting a specialist for 5,000 rubles.

Lack of advertising. Insecticidal agents in the form of fumigators, aerosols, traps and baits are “promoted” enough to be known to almost any user. The companies that produce them are large organizations that have the opportunity to invest significant funds in marketing. Smoke bombs are usually produced by small companies that do not have enough finances for an effective advertising campaign. The result is that insect smoke bombs remain largely a mystery to the average user.

Disadvantages of smoke bombs

For the sake of objectivity, we must admit that smoke bombs have two really serious drawbacks.

Firstly, they do not allow you to treat individual areas that require increased attention. And in some cases (when exterminating bed bugs, for example) this is really very important. Without purposefully treating some local areas, it is difficult to count on one hundred percent destruction of insects.

The disadvantages of checkers include a specific smell in the room, which persists for a relatively long time after their use. Furniture upholstery, clothing, and carpets can absorb and retain it for more than a week. This must be taken into account before deciding to use this product.

Quiet evening smoke bomb

Sold in containers of 120 g. Has a wick for ignition.

It has a unique smoke composition:

  • with the presence of wax;
  • without carcinogenic dioxins and benzopyrenes;
  • without toxic substances.

Externally, the product is a cardboard cylinder with a hole on top. The smoke bomb is intended for use in everyday life or agriculture.

The main ingredient of the drug is permethrin. It is not located in a place where the composition itself burns, and does not disintegrate under the influence of high temperature. As a result, the effect is maximum. Indoor exposure to a smoke bomb lasts 3 weeks.

Before using a smoke bomb you need to:

  • put all things in boxes;
  • hide all food and toys;
  • cover the furniture.

This is necessary to ensure that things and clothes do not acquire an unpleasant odor after treatment.

It is very important to take care of the tightness of all ventilation openings - otherwise smoke may enter other apartments through the duct. Also, you need to leave all interior doors open and vacate the room.

2 hours after treatment, the apartment or house should be well ventilated. After this, you can open the ventilation ducts.

Two weeks after using a smoke bomb, you need to thoroughly wash all surfaces - floors, windows, window sills. This is necessary because small smoke particles settle on them. They may cause allergic reactions.

The principle of checker operation is based on heating. The active ingredient – ​​permethrin – very quickly fills the room, getting into all hard-to-reach places.

An important advantage of a smoke bomb is the fact that it is fireproof. It is easy to use, and there are no analogues to it on the domestic market.

Rules to follow when using smoke bombs

Using checkers requires much less effort compared to traditional means of getting rid of cockroaches. Basically, this involves preparing the apartment for treatment and cleaning up dead cockroaches.

It must be borne in mind that some instructions supplied with smoke bombs exclude or, in any case, do not imply their use in residential premises. But practice has shown that checkers are a very effective means for exterminating indoor insects, and when used correctly, they do not cause harm to the health of people and domestic animals.

The use of checkers requires compliance with the following rules:

  • People and animals should not be in the apartment during smoking.
  • Clothing, linen, dishes, toys, food and other things that should not come into contact with the insecticide should be packed in plastic bags. This will eliminate the need to take them out of the apartment. Packaging is needed not so much so that they can deteriorate upon contact with smoke, but to avoid the absorption of a specific odor.
  • Cabinets, bedside tables, sideboards need to be opened, all furniture and equipment moved away from the walls.
  • It is necessary to turn off fire detectors that react to smoke, if there are any in the room. Or - an alternative option - seal them tightly with tape.
  • All ventilation ducts also need to be closed or covered.
  • Windows and doors in all rooms must be tightly closed.
  • A metal vessel (bucket or basin) is placed on the floor in the middle of the room, a checker is placed in it and set on fire. The “City”, “Tsifum” and “Quiet Evening” checkers do not produce a flame, but when smoldering they warm up noticeably.
  • When smoking begins, you should immediately leave the room, closing the door well behind you. Many people are tempted to watch the smoke occur, but it is better not to do this without respiratory protection. Although permethrin is relatively harmless to warm-blooded animals, breathing insecticidal smoke unless absolutely necessary is still not worth it.
  • The smoking time of the checker is about 5 minutes. You need to keep the room or apartment closed for about 2 hours. This is enough for the smoke to be evenly distributed throughout the room and settle on all surfaces and insects.
  • After a couple of hours, the apartment opens, all doors and windows swing open, the protective film is removed from the ventilation ducts, and the apartment is left in this position for 1 hour for intensive ventilation. Then wet cleaning is done, and the apartment is ready for normal use.

All that's left to do is remove it.

To process 1 room of 250-300 m², one block is required. But taking into account the fact that after 2 weeks it is advisable to re-treat (to fully guarantee getting rid of cockroaches), you need to buy two checkers.


Of all animals, felines are especially sensitive to permethrin. Therefore, you need to make sure that they are not in the room during smoking. It is even advisable to return them to the apartment no earlier than a day after treatment, when the room is thoroughly ventilated, dead cockroaches are removed, and there is no insecticide left on the surfaces. Cats should not be allowed to eat dead or dying insects. By the way, one of the signs of animal poisoning with permethrin is excessive drooling.

Repeated treatment after one to two weeks guarantees complete destruction of insects. It is especially necessary in case of severe infestation and the presence of cockroaches in neighbors. This does not mean that smoke bombs are ineffective. Control treatment is considered the norm for any professional disinfection. It is carried out using exactly the same technology as the first one.

Immediately after the operation is completed, it is necessary to take measures to prevent neighboring cockroaches from entering the apartment. Barrier protection is done using adhesive and food baits, insecticidal crayons and other anti-cockroach agents. It is installed at the exit from ventilation ducts, near baseboards and other places where insects can enter from neighboring apartments.


Once my dad went to Japan for a course and brought back several smoke bombs against cockroaches. For some time they lay idle. But recently we got cockroaches (they snuck in from our neighbors), and we decided to try them out. And you know, the checker worked great, killing every last cockroach. Even in the toilet tank, several pieces were found floating. The smell, however, lingered for a long time; they ventilated it all night. But it turned out to be a killer thing for insects.

Oksana, Vladivostok

Smoke bombs to combat bedbugs

Smoke bombs to combat bedbugs

Manufacturers of various insecticides and forms of distribution of these substances go to such lengths. Human innovation is truly limitless and the topic of our today’s article is an additional proof of this. Few of our readers have heard of such a form of combating bed bugs as a smoke bomb.

What is a smoke bomb as an insecticide?

This unusual form of insect control came to us from Japan. This country is known for its unique inventions and obtaining various benefits from smoke - an option from this number, we have all seen and know Japanese incense, as well as ritual events taken in the land of the rising sun. Such capabilities are due to the ability of smoke to transport light molecules of solid particles in its mass, as well as its very light molecular weight.

As a result, smoke particles with fractions of other substances attached to them are able to reach the most remote areas, which, as a rule, are not accessible to standard processing methods. This physical property is called fumigation, and the substances carried with smoke particles are called fumigants.

Particles of water vapor have a similar effect, and this method is more environmentally friendly and can be used in residential areas. As for smoke bombs, the actual combustion process takes place here, which in itself is dangerous, both from the point of view of fire safety and toxicity to living organisms, including humans, pets, birds, aquarium fish, and so on.

Smoke bomb for bedbugs: advantages and disadvantages

Sulfur bomb against bedbugs and other types of insects can be quite an effective remedy because it has the following characteristics.

Smoke particles, combined with molecules of an insecticidal substance, are able to penetrate into the most difficult and remote surfaces and cavities that can only be found in floors, walls, cracks in furniture and other places where bedbugs hide. As you know, these insects are predominantly nocturnal and prefer such hidden places. Therefore, it is quite difficult to achieve a high level of contact of insecticides directly with their bodies.

Microparticles of insecticides that spread at the time of fumigation are able to cover the surface with a dense, uniform layer, which significantly increases the likelihood of contact with insects for a long time.

To carry out the work, no special preparation is required, either on the part of the processing operator or in relation to the living space.

A huge number of goods of this kind are counterfeited and produced by Chinese manufacturers as consumer goods. Therefore, in this case there is no need to talk about quality, much less safety.

Before purchasing a product, you should make sure to at least indicate the composition on the label of the product and the manufacturer, since the cheapest and counterfeit products of this kind do not have such records.

Checkers use a physical combustion process, this makes the product even more unsafe and requires attention when using it. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that during the treatment it is necessary to leave the room being treated, that is, leave the burning object in the room unattended.

There are no smoke bombs specifically for bedbugs. As a rule, such means are used to combat flying insects, such as flies or mosquitoes.

The product only partially helps get rid of bed bugs, since there are few insecticide particles in the smoke and its concentration is not able to cover all possible habitats of bed bugs. Among other things, neither smoke nor the insecticides in its composition are able to penetrate the dense shell of bedbug eggs. As a result, young insects hatch from them after 2-3 weeks, which forces you to use the product again.

Smoke has poor penetration ability through fabric, which means that bedbugs that have formed their colony in the depths of mattresses, bed and sofa upholstery, and so on, will not be destroyed.

Smoke is not the best means for working in the residential premises of an apartment building. There are people around who can misinterpret such chemical treatments or even get poisoned. Although there are no official bans on the use of such things, you should refrain from using them in apartment buildings.

Even though a certain insecticidal composition is indicated on the checker label, the real state of affairs may not correspond to these labels; this is another fact that is often mentioned in reviews of those who have used this type of treatment.

Basic rules for working with a checker

The Japanese bedbug checker can be activated in different ways; this should be indicated in the instructions for use. Some may require ignition, others begin to emit smoke as a result of a violent chemical reaction when interacting with water, which must be added accordingly. By the way, the second version of the product is usually safer in terms of accidental fire and toxicity.

What you need to know before using a smoke bomb:

  • As already noted, smoke can penetrate into all, even the most insignificant cracks and spaces, so at the time of treatment no one should be in the entire apartment except the operator. However, it should not be in the room where the fumigant is installed.
  • Leaving a checker unattended is strictly prohibited.
  • Also, there should be no pets, aquarium fish, birds or other living creatures in the living space.

Any checker requires the following basic preparation techniques:

  • Windows and entrance doors to living spaces must be tightly closed. This will ensure the best treatment effect, since any drafts will help disperse the smoke.
  • It is not recommended to leave clothes, bedding and other things that have direct contact with human skin in the room where the checker is installed.
  • Before starting work, it is advisable to carry out wet cleaning and arrange objects in the room so that every surface has access to smoke - move the bed away from the wall, remove rugs from the floor, carpets from the walls. The same goes for wall clocks, electronics, and so on.

The operating time of the checker is usually indicated on the label, but it does not exceed 6-8 hours.
After their expiration, you need to dispose of the checker and leave the apartment for a day. Upon return, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning with a soap-soda solution of those surfaces with which a person comes into contact - cabinet handles, window sills, and so on. Repeated treatment is recommended 2 weeks after the first using a similar algorithm.

Smoke bombs for bedbugs are a rather unconventional approach to combating this type of insect, but many reviews indicate a successful resolution of the problem.

Safety rules when working with smoke bombs

Modern insecticides for insects do not pose a great danger to warm-blooded animals. But this does not mean that you should not be careful when using them. In addition to the general effect of insecticides on the human or animal body, there is also individual intolerance and increased sensitization of the body to certain substances. In this case, an allergy may occur when inhaling smoke in the smallest concentration.

Here are some safety rules to follow when using checkers.

  • It is necessary to provide such conditions for the smoldering of the checker so that the floor and furniture do not suffer from its heating. It is best to use a large metal pan placed on a brick or other heat-resistant material. The height of the dishes should prevent the checker from falling out.
  • It is necessary to leave the apartment being treated immediately after smoke begins to appear.
  • Upon entering the room after treatment, you need to hold your breath, open the windows and quickly leave it.
  • Processing, ventilation and cleaning of premises must be carried out in clothing that completely covers the body. After cleaning you need to take a bath.

This video demonstrates how to properly use a checker against bedbugs.


I have been familiar with sulfur bombs, which are used to treat mold in cellars for a long time. But they are not very effective against cockroaches, I know this from my experience. They stink horribly after use, some cockroaches die, but many remain alive. Apparently, some other poison other than sulfur is needed.

Veniamin, St. Petersburg

Samuro insecticidal smoke bomb for bedbugs, mosquitoes, flies, fleas, wasps. 50gr.

The Samuro insecticidal smoke bomb destroys flying and crawling insects in rooms with a volume of up to 500 m³. Effective against mosquitoes, fleas, flies, wasps, bedbugs and other arthropods. Recommended for disinfestation of cellars, sheds, basements, attics, as well as greenhouses and various barns.

Cost for destruction:

The contents of the 50g package are designed to destroy:

  • flies - indoors no more than 400 m3,
  • mosquitoes – 500 m3, wasps – 50-60 m3,
  • fleas, bedbugs, feather eaters – 90 m3.

For smaller rooms by volume, the contents of the package are divided at the rate of 10 g of product:

  • for the destruction of mosquitoes in a room with a volume of 100 m3,
  • flies - 80 m3,
  • OS - 12 mZ,
  • for the destruction of bedbugs, fleas, etc. – 18 m3.

In this case, pour the amount of product calculated for the volume of the room onto a metal stand or onto a non-flammable surface.

Ingredients: permethrin 5%, oxidizing agent, flame retardant, filler.

Shelf life: 5 years

Instructions for use:

Open the package and set the contents on fire. Place the jar with the contents in the center of the room; if using several packages, distribute them evenly throughout the room. Start ignition from the end of the room far from the door, gradually moving towards the exit. The ignition must be completed as quickly as possible before the smoke spreads throughout the room. The smoldering of the product is accompanied by a significant amount of smoke. The death of insects indoors begins after 2 minutes and reaches up to 100% after 15-20 minutes. After treatment, ventilate the room for at least one hour with a through air flow, and then wet clean the surfaces with a soap-soda solution.

Precautionary measures:

After disinfestation, it is necessary to wet clean the room using a soap and soda solution. Use indoors in the absence of people, pets, birds, fish, remove food and utensils. When processing, it is necessary to use respirators (“Astra-2”, “F-62Sh”) or cotton-gauze bandages and rubber gloves. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them with water or a 2% solution of baking soda. If swallowed, drink 1-2 glasses of water with 10-15 tablets of activated carbon.

Storage and transportation conditions:

Store the product in covered, ventilated areas, away from sources of open fire, at a distance of at least 1 m. from heating devices, protecting from direct sunlight and moisture, away from food products, medicines, in places inaccessible to children and pets. The product can be transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the current rules for the transportation of goods.

Choosing smoke bombs for insects

Of all the types of smoke bombs used in all areas of the national economy, only permethrin bombs are suitable for combating cockroaches living in residential premises. Other insecticides are either not as effective or too toxic and unsuitable for areas where people and animals constantly live. Checker G-17 with hexachlorocyclohexane as an active substance is too toxic. Preparations similar to G-17 are prohibited for use in developed countries, even as a pesticide, not to mention residential premises.

Sulfur-based checkers (“Climate”, “Fas”, “Vulcan”) are not effective enough. Suitable only for combating mold in basements.

Imported checkers (Chinese and Japanese, mainly) are not always found even in Moscow. In addition, they often lack information about what insecticide they contain and what precautions need to be taken when using them.

The “City” and “Quiet Evening” trademarks are considered the optimal means for exterminating cockroaches in residential enclosed spaces. The latter are more affordable and can be bought in stores for gardeners, fishermen and hunters.


We ordered a Chinese-made insect repellent on eBay. We were seduced by free delivery. We received something similar to a Christmas tree toy, colorful, with hieroglyphs. There are no instructions, all the inscriptions are in Chinese. The stench of the burning was disgusting, so it is not surprising that almost all the cockroaches died. Rare specimens survived that could have been finished off with a second saber. But, to be honest, I don’t want to carry out “detarcanization” again - because of the stench that has lasted for more than a week.

Alevtina, Ekaterinburg

The rather popular Raptor aquafumigator, which can be used in residential premises, performs well. But this is not a saber, but an insecticidal fog generator. Although the principle of its operation is similar to a smoke bomb, the size of the smoke particles is larger than those formed when the bomb burns. This means that they settle faster and penetrate into secret places less easily. As a result, the Raptor's effectiveness is inferior to that of smoke bombs.

Smoke bombs for cockroaches and reviews of their use: which one is better to buy?

Nowadays, smoke bombs are becoming increasingly popular. Let's take a closer look at them. So what is a smoke bomb? These insecticides are an effective and good means of combating cockroaches, which, when ignited, emit a special smoke that contains substances that can destroy cockroaches. Let's talk about situations in which smoke bombs can effectively fight cockroaches:

  • There are too many cockroaches in the apartment. In fact, if there are too many insects, it is difficult to fight them locally, so it is necessary to use weapons of mass destruction, which have a wide range of effects on the parasites.
  • Cockroaches live in hard-to-reach places. If cockroaches not only inhabit your apartment, but also live in hard-to-reach places, such as cracks, holes in the walls, then you need to use smoke bombs to effectively disperse smoke from everywhere. The principle of operation of smoke bombs against cockroaches New modern methods of combating parasites have not yet been fully studied, so it is necessary to understand the role of smoke bombs against cockroaches. Their role is as follows:
  • The powerful insecticides in smoke bombs have a strong effect on the respiratory system of cockroaches, so the effect is very good.
  • The contact agent will have a great effect, so the insecticide has time to fully react, causing great damage to the insect's body.

Where are checkers sold and at what price?

These products are sold along with goods for gardeners and fishermen; you can also buy them in online stores. However, you don’t need to pay attention to the fact that they are presented as mosquito repellents. They also work against cockroaches, proven by experience.

Checkers cost several hundred rubles. The price sometimes depends on the quantity purchased. So the permethrin brand “Quiet Evening” will cost 400...500 rubles. a piece. This is inexpensive, if you take into account that professional treatment of a one-room apartment using “cold fog” costs 2000...4000 rubles.

When purchasing a smoke bomb on an online resource, it is advisable to leave your feedback on the results of its use. Information from a direct user of any product is always useful; it helps other buyers make their choice and save money.


Other chemicals against self-killing cockroaches

Chemical reagents are definitely better than traditional ones because they contain carefully selected ingredients and active components. Such drugs can kill cockroaches immediately without causing any harm to people or pets, which is certainly a big advantage. You can find such products in the form of gels, aerosols, powders, beads, traps, and even electronic devices on store shelves. It is worth noting that they are all convenient and easy to use - you just need to follow the instructions.

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