Rating TOP 7 best cockroach repellers 2022! Which is better, reviews, prices

10/15/2018 Category: Cockroaches Author: Valery Viktorov

Of all the currently existing methods of combating household pests such as cockroaches, the most effective is considered to be disinfestation of the contaminated area with pesticides. However, it is not possible to use poison always and not everywhere, and here special devices - repellers - can come to the rescue.

  • 2 Ultrasonic devices
    2.1 Do cockroaches experience a sense of fear when using ultrasound?
  • 2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic devices
  • 2.3 Rules for operating the cockroach repeller
  • 3 Popular ultrasonic models
      3.1 Typhoon LS-500

      3.1.1 Video: review of the repeller

  • 3.1.2 Reviews of Typhoon LS-500
  • 3.2 Weitech WK-0600
      3.2.1 User reviews
  • 3.3 Zenet XJ-90
      3.3.1 Reviews of Zenet XJ-90
  • 3.4 EcoSniper LS-927
      3.4.1 Customer reviews
  • 3.5 Tornado OT-01
      3.5.1 Reviews of Tornado OT-01
  • 3.6 EMR-25
      3.6.1 User reviews
  • 3.7 Table: characteristics of ultrasonic repellers
  • 4 Tips for choosing the right model
  • 5 How to make an ultrasonic repeller with your own hands
  • 6 Electromagnetic devices
  • 6.2 Riddex Pest Repeller 1468
      6.2.1 User reviews
  • 6.3 EMR-21
      6.3.1 Reviews of EMR-21
  • 6.4 Table: characteristics of electromagnetic devices
  • 7 Video: Do ​​electronic repellers really work?
  • 8 Fumigators - cockroach repellers
  • 9 Natural repellents
  • Kinds

    Devices that repel cockroaches are distinguished by their versatility, parameters, properties, operating principle and range.


    The device does not kill, but repels cockroaches using ultrasound. The waves travel quite far. Only when the frequency is high do cockroaches leave their habitat. Such devices do not have a negative effect on the human body or pets.

    Magnetic resonance

    The devices emit low-frequency electromagnetic waves. This forces insects to change their place of residence. The safety of a repeller directly depends on its power. Devices emitting low frequencies are unproductive: the devices only repel pests without killing them, but do not harm people and animals. Industrial magnetic resonance repellers are considered more effective, but they have a bad effect on the human body.

    Electrofumigators and aquafumigators

    Electrofumigators against cockroaches look the same as their anti-mosquito counterparts. To operate the device, special tablets are used, which emit a specific odor when heated. The aroma spreads throughout the room and repels pests.

    Aquafumigators are considered a fairly strong and universal remedy. The device is connected to an outlet and a substance is released along with the water that repels and poisons cockroaches. Compared to other devices, the devices are low cost, easy to use, and quite effective. Cons: the substance may have an unpleasant odor and be harmful to health.

    Fumigators - cockroach repellers

    The operating principle of electrofumigators is based on heating special chemicals and their subsequent evaporation into the air. Evaporation negatively affects the sense of smell of insects. There are a lot of options for carriers of irritating chemicals, since the operation of the devices is based on a single principle.

    Inside the device there is a ceramic element with a spiral. During operation, the latter is heated to a temperature sufficient to slowly evaporate the contents of the carrier.

    Fumigators that work well against mosquitoes work poorly against cockroaches

    Manufacturers of such devices claim that their devices are safe for humans, but the odors emitted when the poisonous plate is heated or the liquid evaporates are quite pungent. Vapors can cause people to feel worse, so being in the same room with a working electric fumigator is extremely undesirable. After turning off the device and ventilating the room, the effect on pests stops.

    Despite all the disadvantages, electrofumigators are not without steady demand in the market. This is due to their relative effectiveness and reasonable price.

    By the way, much more effective aquafumigators for the most part are not repellents, but work to exterminate pests.

    Tips for choosing the right model

    The market is full of different types of repellers. Practice shows that not all proposed models cope with their task. Highly effective repellers are more expensive and get rid of pests. And dubious, low-cost ones cannot even repel mosquitoes, let alone cockroaches. In this regard, it is worth following certain tips when choosing the right model:

    1. If the residents of a house or apartment purchase an expensive and undoubtedly powerful device, then it is unsafe to stay at home during its operation (about 4 weeks). The best solution would be to move out of the living area.
    2. There are devices whose action extends to no more than a square meter. Such devices are best used in rooms where people do not live, or on the street. It is allowed to place several repellers in one room, which operate at a distance of up to fifty square meters.
    3. It is necessary to carefully select the type of food. If you go on a trip or are outdoors, then it is better to use a battery-powered repeller. At home, it is recommended to use the mains power method.
    4. To avoid accidentally stumbling upon a fake, it is best to buy the device in specialized and trusted stores.
    5. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the range of the repeller. The device is not able to influence parasites through obstacles (furniture, walls, carpets).

    How to choose

    To avoid making mistakes when purchasing a repeller, you should consider:

    • Radius. The area of ​​propagation of ultrasonic and electric waves depends on the size of your apartment or other type of housing. Coverage on average from 60 to 500 sq.m.
    • Functions. If you need a repeller solely for prevention, then it simply doesn’t make sense to take frost-resistant devices with a high frequency.
    • Consumption. Devices of this type consume little, but pay attention to the number of watts consumed, otherwise a considerable amount can accumulate in a month.
    • Price. The price tag of the repeller depends on the rooms in which it is intended to be located and with what frequency it works. But the fewer square meters are covered, the correspondingly lower the cost of the device should be. Please note in advance to avoid overpaying in the future.

    How to properly install and use electronic repellers

    The effectiveness of a repeller directly depends on the ability to place and use it correctly. To do this, there are some rules that must be followed:

    1. It is advisable to use several repellers at the same time. This will certainly help get rid of a large number of parasites. One device is allowed in each room.
    2. In order for the device to cover a larger area, it should be placed at a height of 1 m and only in a vertical position.
    3. Due to obstacles in the room, the effectiveness of the ultrasonic repeller is reduced. The solution to this problem is to place multiple devices in the room.
    4. After installing the device, be sure to monitor the condition of people nearby. If the action of the device negatively affects them, then it is better to refrain from using it and choose another method of combating parasites.
    5. If the equipment has any damage or does not work correctly, it should be sent for repair. It is not permitted to use a damaged device.
    6. Along with the repeller, it is also possible to use other methods to get rid of cockroaches.
    7. Experts believe that ultrasound does not give instant results. Ideally, the repeller should work for about a month.
    8. The device must not be disconnected from the network even for a short time, otherwise the cockroaches will return.
    9. After installing the device, you need to monitor its temperature. Avoid overheating or excessive cooling.

    Why does ultrasound not work against cockroaches?

    The concept of repelling insects using ultrasound originally came about when scientists noticed that mosquitoes use it to communicate.

    Certain frequencies had a deterrent effect on flying bloodsuckers because they signaled the approach of predators. Manufacturers quickly began assembling such ultrasonic devices and they flooded the market.

    But what is true for mosquitoes does not work against cockroaches and bedbugs.

    Indoor insects do not use ultrasound to communicate and warn of danger. The squeak has no effect on them. The effectiveness of high-power industrial devices is explained by the high intensity of the sound produced. It is so powerful that it irritates everyone, including humans.

    Thus, we can conclude that the effectiveness of ultrasonic and electromagnetic devices is greatly overestimated. They can only affect cockroaches with high power.

    However, powerful devices also affect humans and are poorly applicable in residential areas. It is not safe for a person to be near them for a long time. Therefore, powerful ultrasonic units are used mainly in production and warehouses.

    Source: dezecoclean.ru/informaciya/tarakany/otpugivateli/

    How effective are repellers?

    There is still no consensus on what the results of using cockroach repellents are. Some people think that the product does not cope well with its intended purpose and negatively affects the health of its owners, while others admire its work and believe that it really helps.

    The fight against parasites has been ongoing for a long time. Chemicals and toxic substances are used, but this is an extremely unsafe method. An electric repeller is easy to use, hassle-free and less dangerous. The devices produce sound at a high frequency from 18 kHz. Animals and people are not able to perceive such a frequency, but harmful insects are susceptible to its influence. Fumigators drive away cockroaches best if sound waves of different frequencies are used.

    Typhoon LS 500-700

    A domestic product that can repel insects, even mice. The impact radius varies from 80 to 200 m, depending on the purchased model. This device shows the best results compared to all other repellers on the sales market. The power of the Typhoon repeller is 4 W.

    The cost of the repeller varies depending on the region, the price varies from 920 rubles to 1500 rubles.

    Reasons for the ineffectiveness of the device against cockroaches

    Scientists conducted various experiments and found out how insects communicate - through ultrasonic signals. Most often, mosquitoes communicate in this way. Cockroaches are less sensitive to this type of repeller. The study showed that adult individuals do indeed leave their habitat when exposed to ultrasound, but this does not frighten juveniles so much. However, it cannot be said that the repeller is completely ineffective. The unproductivity of the device may be due to several reasons:

    1. The equipment is incorrectly selected. Before purchasing, carefully study the area of ​​the apartment or house. Based on this information, a repeller suitable for the living space is selected.
    2. The device is not installed correctly. Ultrasound does not pass through walls and other obstacles. Also, sound frequencies are reflected from a hard surface and absorbed by soft objects.
    3. We saved on quality and purchased a cheap repeller from an unknown brand that does not inspire any trust.
    4. Inattention. If the battery is low, the device stops sending ultrasound and becomes completely useless.

    The cockroach repeller gives good results if you follow the manufacturer's instructions and advice. A high-quality repeller can be purchased from 900 to 7,000 rubles. Talk to specialists if you have any difficulties making your choice.


    A very compact magnetic resonance device developed in Hong Kong. The wave propagation area is up to 200 m. The manufacturer convinces that the low frequencies of the repeller have a detrimental effect on the nervous system of insects, which forces them to leave the room without hesitation. But reviews show that the product is not effective enough. You can purchase Ecosniper in an online store at an affordable price, around 1000 rubles.

    Advantages and disadvantages of electronic repellers

    Positive sides:

    • most often works quietly;
    • safe for animals and people;
    • a large assortment;
    • the device operates at a distance;
    • used several times.

    Negative sides:

    • May be harmful to rodents and small animals;
    • high price;
    • unpleasant smell.

    Tornado OTAR-2

    The manufacturer of the Tornado brand produces many drugs against cockroaches, but the Tornado OTAR-2 model turned out to be more effective.


    • Russian manufacturer.
    • Double impact. In addition to sound waves, the device also emits light waves.
    • The best place to place the Tornado repeller is to hang the product in the kitchen under the wall cabinets.
    • For convenient placement there is a swivel mount.
    • Price - 1000-1500 rubles.

    Tornado brand repellers have both positive and negative reviews. Many people say that the number of cockroaches has decreased significantly, but over time they come back again.

    Universal rodent and insect repellers

    Repellers of this kind will help get rid of different types of pests. They are used both in production and at home.

    Russian repeller "GRAD A-1000 PRO"

    A universal device that has 4 operating modes (against cockroaches, mosquitoes, low power and high). The range is up to 1000 square meters. The repeller can be used in different rooms (both residential and industrial). The desired result appears within 2 weeks. The device does not overheat.

    Belgian ultrasonic repeller "Weitech WK600"

    A powerful professional remedy against rodents and insects. Weitech WK-0600 is recommended for use in enterprises, warehouses, shops, etc. It can also be used for residential areas, but in the absence of animals and people. The power of the device was confirmed by laboratory tests. The model can operate in several modes. It is possible to adjust the range and signal level. When someone is present in the room, the device can be switched to “quiet mode”.

    How to make an ultrasonic repeller with your own hands

    You can assemble an ultrasonic repeller with your own hands if you have at least basic knowledge of radio electronics. The schematic diagram of such a device is shown below.

    The specified parts can be replaced with any domestic or imported analogues

    As you can see, the device includes thirteen elements, namely:

    • fixed resistors R1, R2, R3, R4, R5;
    • trimming resistor R6;
    • piezoceramic sound emitter BQ1;
    • transistors VT1, VT2;
    • non-polar capacitors C1, C2;
    • diode VD1;
    • switch S1.

    Parts can be purchased at a radio store or, if possible, obtained from an old radio or TV. You will also need foil PCB for the printed circuit board. The latter is made by chemical etching.

    You can do without making a printed circuit board by mounting it using the hinged method.

    The key elements of the device are transistors VT1, VT2, which generate an electrical signal of the required frequency and power, and a piezoceramic speaker BQ1, which directly emits ultrasound. Trimmer resistor R6 adjusts the frequency of the ultrasonic signal. Toggle switch S1 turns the device on and off. The power source is a battery (battery) or power supply. The circuit operates stably at a voltage of 4.5–12 V.

    According to reviews from users who assembled this homemade ultrasonic repeller, the desired effect was observed against both insects and rodents. That is, the device is universal. In this case, it is important to select the required ultrasound frequency as accurately as possible by connecting an oscilloscope to the output of the device.

    The finished board can be mounted in any suitable case

    Popular brands of repellers and their technical characteristics

    Ultrasonic cockroach repeller "Typhoon LS 500"

    The Russian brand is developing Typhoon devices. The covered area of ​​the repeller is 80 square meters. meters. The long cable is considered an advantage. Copes well with voltage surges and is stable to mechanical loads. In appearance it is no different from other electric repellers. Power 4 W. Mains power type.

    Cockroach repeller "Tornado"

    "Tornado" is one of the famous brands in Russia. The Tornado cockroach repeller has been tested and does its job. There are no special features in appearance. It works stably, efficiently and changes frequency 20 kHz every 1-5 minutes. Weight no more than 120 g. Power consumption 10 W. Coverage 50 sq. m.

    Cockroach repeller "EcoSniper AR 120"

    Emits ultrasonic and electromagnetic waves. The product allows you to get rid of many types of insects (ants, fleas, midges, mosquitoes, glues, etc.). The device operates at a frequency of 23 to 28 kHz. The only negative is that the device is noisy. Impact area up to 80 sq. m. Energy consumption 6 W.

    Pest Reject cockroach repeller

    The device does not pose a danger to people. Operates directly from a 220 Volt network. Weight 95 g. Coverage 200 square meters. The body is made of plastic and has a backlight. The device does not kill cockroaches, but repels them. Propagates both electromagnetic and ultrasonic waves. Judging by the reviews, the device is ineffective.

    Repeller "Banzai LS 927"

    The device is powerful enough to repel cockroaches and has received a lot of good reviews. Connects directly to the network. Coverage area up to 200 sq.m. Emits frequencies of 18–70 kHz. It is noisy. The result appears after 3 or 4 weeks. It is not safe to be near such a device. Weight 170 g.

    Ixus KY 6182

    The device emits ultrasound; the area covered is 80 square meters. Connects to an outlet. The technical characteristics are practically no different from previous models. It has low cost and light weight. The device can be installed both in residential premises and in production. Power 90 dB. It is considered not very effective.

    Zenet XJ 90

    The device appeared recently, fights parasites without having a negative impact on the health of home owners and pets. It operates silently and consumes no more than one watt. The device has a built-in lamp that can be used as a backlight at night. Weight 120 g. Experts say that the device rarely breaks down. Power type: mains. Coverage area up to 80 sq. m.

    Air Comfort XJ 90

    The device is proven and works well at repelling insects. The released substances, which spread up to 40 square meters, are absolutely safe. The device consumes no more than one watt. The device also emits light and can be used as a night light. Power type: mains. Weight 225 g.

    Weitech BK 240

    The device will clear the area of ​​cockroaches within 10 days of continuous operation. For good performance, place it at a height. Spreads effect over 60 square meters. Power type: 4 “C” batteries. Works without interruption for 90 days. Frequency up to 45 kHz. Weight 162 g.

    Electromagnetic devices

    Electromagnetic repellers use a different principle of influencing pests. The operation of this class of gadgets is based on the generation of low frequency electromagnetic waves. The radiation spreads along the electrical network wiring, thus covering all rooms in the house where electricity is installed.

    Just like ultrasonic devices, electromagnetic repellers only affect cockroaches while they are turned on.

    Household appliances that emit low-frequency electromagnetic waves are often not powerful enough to seriously harm insects. In particular, this is due to the strict safety requirements. An increase in output power has a positive effect on the effectiveness of repellers, but at the same time the danger of exposure to radiation increases.

    Powerful electromagnetic repellers can be used indoors only in the absence of people, so their use has become more widespread in industrial enterprises, warehouses and bases. However, even quite expensive professional devices do not provide a 100% guarantee of complete elimination of pests.

    Inexpensive and ineffective household repellers can be used as part of comprehensive control and prevention of cockroaches together with insecticides.

    EcoSniper AR-120

    The AR-120 model is a device using the magnetic resonance radiation principle. The device operates stationary.

    According to the manufacturer, studies have shown that EcoSniper AR-120 does not have a harmful effect on humans and domestic animals, while being a powerful irritant of the nervous system against pests such as:

    • ants,
    • cockroaches,
    • fleas,
    • spiders.

    The EcoSniper AR-120 device may be useful where it is not possible to get rid of cockroaches using traditional methods.
    The device does not emit any harmful chemicals. Can be used simultaneously with insecticides. Other features include:

    • no influence on the operation of electrical wiring and other devices,
    • the device does not generate radio interference,
    • There are built-in indicators to monitor the operation of the gadget.

    EcoSniper AR-120 can be used at such facilities as:

    • Living spaces,
    • public catering places (including catering units),
    • kitchens,
    • clinics,
    • warehouses and bases,
    • farms and livestock farms.

    Reviews about EcoSniper AR-120

    I liked the fact that the repeller acts not only with ultrasound, but also propagates waves along electrical wires, that is, exactly where these parasites crawl. What must I say, in the first 2 weeks the result was very doubtful, of course we were warned that we needed to wait 2-4 weeks for the effect, but like a real Russian person, I want everything at once! In general, after 2 weeks of waiting, we began to get the first results, the cockroaches became fewer and fewer, and after a month they completely disappeared. So far we have been living without problems for 2 months, we do not remove the repeller from the socket, it does not interfere, let it be for prevention.



    We moved to a new rented apartment, it seems to be in good repair, entrance. But the neighbor let us down, he got a drunkard who didn’t have any living creatures in his apartment. People came to him to poison his insects, and they rushed to us! My wife and I grabbed our heads, we were already getting ready to move out - who would like such a neighborhood? We decided to try the cockroach repeller, of course we expected the effect from the first day (you need to read the instructions properly), we were even upset that nothing happened in the first 3 days. But on the fourth day there were fewer of these bastards! And after 2 weeks they disappeared completely!



    Riddex Pest Repeller 1468

    This is perhaps the most advertised device for repelling insects and rodents that uses electromagnetic radiation. The manufacturer promises stunning results in just two weeks, however, according to user reviews, the device actually does not function very effectively.

    The electromagnetic device Riddex Pest Repeller 1468 repels pests without killing them

    Riddex Pest Repeller can be used:

    • in any residential premises,
    • at public catering points,
    • in any non-residential premises.

    The device can be used against:

    • rats and mice,
    • cockroaches, bed bugs, fleas and spiders.

    The device remains operational at temperatures from -30 to +40°C.

    User reviews

    We bought this repeller for cockroaches, but it turned out to be a repeller, there were even more cockroaches, and they gathered in crowds on this repeller. Don't trust advertisements and salespeople.



    Riddex was recommended to us by friends whom we visited and noticed this device. They said the cockroaches had completely disappeared. We ordered from the online store and waited. I dreamed that as soon as I plugged it into the socket, I would see cockroaches dying in convulsions and their complete destruction. But it wasn't like that. They connected it, it worked for 2 months. It was promised that in 2 months the cockroaches should disappear, but they kept running and running. I turned it off and put it in a drawer. They started poisoning in other ways, with dichlorvos, poison from the Colorado potato beetle, they already planned to call the sanitary and epidemiological station, so another 3 months passed. And then I remembered about Riddex, I remembered that when it was connected, there were still fewer cockroaches. We plugged it back in, and then I noticed that it was still working, I constantly found dead cockroaches on the floor, they began to crawl less than before. But they are not completely destroyed, during the day they are not visible at all, and at night there are a couple of them running around in the kitchen, which I kill whenever possible.

    [email protected]@@



    The electromagnetic repeller EMR-21 is a universal device and will help you cope with such annoying neighbors as rodents and harmful insects.

    According to the manufacturer, EMR-21 is characterized by maximum efficiency and safety

    Two LEDs of different colors serve as indicators of the repeller's operation. Green lights up when the device is turned on, red signals the beginning and end of the working cycle. The instructions for use for the device emphasize that it is not advisable to use the gadget in a room where there are decorative rodents. No negative effects on humans during operation of the device have been identified.

    Reviews of EMR-21

    It helped me, all the cockroaches went to the neighbors. I also offered them, but they don’t have the money yet. We live in a hostel.

    Aliev A.A.


    We live in a private house in a village, where there are of course a lot of insects and whatever you want, these are ants, flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and various bugs. With the birth of the baby, we immediately bought an ultrasonic repeller, we have been using it for more than a year, it works effectively and we forgot what insects are in the house, the baby and we sleep peacefully at night, forgetting that a mosquito or fly might fly in, nothing interferes with our sleep. It is also very convenient, the repeller glows like a flashlight at night, everything is visible, the baby has already grown up and we don’t have to turn on the light at night.



    Table: characteristics of electromagnetic devices

    ModelNutritionImpact areaPrice
    EcoSniper AR-120220 Vup to 80 sq. m. 1900 rub.
    Riddex Pest Repeller 1468220 Vup to 200 sq. m. 700 rub.
    EMR 21220 Vup to 230 sq. m. 1200 rub.

    Using a device to prevent cockroaches

    The repeller is recommended to be used as a preventive measure, especially if there were already cockroaches in the house before. It is enough to use the device once every six months or a year. There is an ideal opportunity to turn on the device if residents leave for at least 10 days. It is advisable to use it in conjunction with other means. For example, cleaning regularly and keeping the house clean.

    Modern efficient equipment, unlike chemicals, does not pose a danger to humans. It is necessary to take into account the parameters, properties and characteristics of the devices in order to know for sure which one is best and most suitable for your home.

    Measures to prevent the appearance of cockroaches

    It is not enough to install cockroach repellers; you need to create the most uncomfortable conditions for the subsequent appearance and reproduction of pests. As soon as domestic cockroaches appear, you should get rid of the uninvited guests. Prevention is as follows:

    • Conduct a general cleaning of the premises (if possible). Remove food from public access, shake all bags of cereals and pasta. The easiest way is to place supplies in airtight glass or plastic containers. Pay special attention to bread, pastry and sugar - these are the favorite delicacies of pests.
    • Check the pipeline for leaks. The main areas where insects are located are damp and dark places. Cockroaches need a source of water for rapid growth and raising offspring.
    • Do not leave dirty dishes with food out overnight, put food away, clean out cabinets, and keep the kitchen, bathroom, and powder room clean.
    • Crumbs on the floor will quickly attract hordes of pests, but getting rid of them will be more difficult.
    • In damp rooms, ensure good ventilation. Condensation on the walls, remnants in the soap dish, rot in the area of ​​pipe joints, mold - all this is the favorite food of insects.

    If a garbage or ventilation shaft in a multi-story building is clogged and has not been cleaned for a long time, it is a breeding ground for insects. A cockroach repellent device will help here for a short time.

    To clean the channels, be sure to call a technician from the management company. In order for the cleaning to be done quickly, you need to write an application addressed to the director of the management company - according to the law, the director is obliged to respond to the signal and put the common property in order as quickly as possible.

    It is interesting that in private houses made of wood, cockroaches practically do not appear. But here you can find various woodlice, spiders and other equally unpleasant guests in abundance.

    The electronic repeller also works against these “neighbors”, and at the same time will prevent the appearance of “red mustaches”.

    Effect on the body of insects

    Electronic cockroach repellers An electronic cockroach repeller produces ultrasound of a certain frequency.
    The human ear cannot detect it. According to manufacturers, the work of the exterminator does not affect the well-being or health of a person, therefore the products are classified as safe. Ultrasound prevents insects from finding food, a pair for mating, and does not allow them to orient themselves in space. Ultrasound can repel some insects, but not cockroaches. The mechanism of action on Prussians is somewhat different.


    There is also an ultrasonic trap that does not repel insects, but attracts them to itself. The pests approach the sound source; there is a grid on it with an electric current supplied. The insect receives a shock and dies instantly. In this way it is capable of destroying all flying insects. An example of such devices is the Terminator lamp range.

    What attracts cockroaches to the house

    Cockroaches require comfortable conditions and food. Unfortunately, you, without knowing it, can give them everything they need for nutrition and reproduction. If you left food on the kitchen table overnight, didn’t take it out on time, or didn’t wash out the trash can - hello, mustachioed brethren. Fortunately, cockroaches settle in the same places where they feed. This means that you can remove the entire colony easily and quickly.

    The appearance of cockroaches in the house indicates that you are not careful enough about cleanliness.

    The choice of weapons in the fight against cockroaches is extremely large - traps, glue, paste, gel, crayons, pencils. Recently, ultrasonic repellers have become more and more famous. How do they work and is it really a miracle against the cockroach army?

    Operating principle of the device

    Many owners hope that after installing an insect repeller, the “longhorned beetles” will disappear forever. In some cases this happens, but more often the insect population decreases slightly. Ultrasound does not destroy pests; sound waves only repel cockroaches.

    In the instructions, manufacturers indicate the following principle of operation of the device:

    • when plugged into the network or installed lithium ion batteries, the device emits high-frequency waves;
    • insects feel a negative influence, panic, transmit danger signals to their relatives;
    • with prolonged exposure to ultrasound and electromagnetic pulses, cockroaches move randomly, lose interest in mating relationships, and do not always find food;
    • pests gradually leave the home with unfavorable conditions.

    Important! To achieve a positive result, you need a sufficiently powerful device so that the impact on the processes of nervous regulation is maximum. When using a low-power device, cockroaches are unlikely to leave the room.


    Insect repellers are a fashionable device. Thousands of owners rushed to purchase a miracle device that expels cockroaches from their apartments. After a month of work, the first assessments appeared, not always positive: old cockroaches often left the unfavorable zone, young cockroaches did not respond to ultrasound.

    Most owners are confident that they need to fight barbels not with the help of repellers, but with the use of chemicals against cockroaches, toxic gels, crayons, and aerosols. The drugs are much more effective, destroying pests rather than forcing insects to move around the apartment.

    There are also positive reviews about the operation of the ultrasonic device. The fewer cockroaches in your home, the easier it is to get rid of unwanted “neighbors.” To actively reflect ultrasound, there must be many hard surfaces in the room from which the waves can be reflected well. If there is a lot of textile decor in a large kitchen, and a soft corner is installed, then the surfaces will absorb ultrasound and the effectiveness will decrease.

    When a population of cockroaches appears in an apartment, many owners think of a modern device - an insect repeller. The device emitting ultrasonic waves has positive and negative consumer ratings. The efficiency of the device depends not only on the brand and model, but also on the conditions in which the repeller is used. To destroy barbels, it is advisable to purchase insecticides in the form of an aerosol, gel, or toxic chalk. The repeller only complements the effects of chemicals, but does not replace them.

    The following video contains useful tips from Elena Malysheva on the use of ultrasound against cockroaches:

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