Veterinary drug against parasites Entomozan-S: instructions, features of use

Composition and action

Entomozan S is a complex drug whose active ingredient is permethrin. This is a pyrethroid - a synthetic insecto-acaricidal substance that has a powerful knockdown effect. Auxiliary components only prolong the effect of the medicine and increase its effectiveness. The action of permethrin is aimed at blocking the nerve impulses of lice and fleas, which causes paralysis and subsequent death of ectoparasites.

The drug is of low toxicity, but still belongs to the category of moderately dangerous. Entomozan C does not irritate the cat's skin, but when it gets on the mucous membranes, it causes a burn. If a cat licks the drug, poisoning is possible, so the drug should be used while observing safety precautions.

The drug Entomozan C for cats helps get rid of fleas, lice, ixodid and scabies mites. The wool is treated by spraying or bathing the animal. To kill ear mites, the medicine is instilled into the ears.

Analogues of the drug

There is a drug “Entomozan-S Super” on sale, the instructions for use of which indicate that it is an analogue of the drug “Entomozan-S”. "Entomozan Super" is a new medicine that was made on the basis of a previously released drug. Its main purpose is also to combat various types of insects that have adapted to conventional veterinary drugs. The medicine contains a pyrethroid element, which increases the effectiveness of treatment and prolongs the duration of action. The main properties remained unchanged: the color of the drug is light yellow with a barely perceptible, slight odor.

The treatment solution must be prepared immediately before use. It is necessary to approximately determine how much solution may be needed and dilute the required amount of the drug in water.

Entomozan is low-toxic, but during use it is important to follow the instructions and rules of use to prevent skin irritation and the occurrence of side effects. Often, when inhaling drug vapors, the functioning of the stomach and intestines is disrupted, mental disorders occur, and coordination is impaired.

If you exceed the prescribed dosage for animals, you may encounter the following side effects:

  • active secretion of saliva;
  • symptoms of conjunctivitis;
  • general malaise;
  • apathetic state;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • tremor of the limbs and tremors in the body;
  • redness on the skin, rash, soreness and itching in the areas where treatment was carried out.

Strictly adhere to the dosage of the drug “Entomozan”, otherwise your pet may suffer

Symptoms of side effects often occur if there is individual intolerance to individual components that make up the drug. If mild symptoms occur after using Entomozan, treatment is not carried out. Clinical manifestations disappear on their own within three days from the moment the last treatment was carried out.

Clinical manifestations of moderate severity - convulsions, severe allergic reaction to the skin, vomiting or increased weakness - are a reason to consult a specialist or take measures yourself

It is important to remove any remaining product from the skin and give the animal medications that can eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

When processing a large number of animals, it is necessary to make a test on 6-11 animals of different ages and fatness

These precautions will help prevent serious problems.

If clinical manifestations of allergies or vomiting do not appear 4-5 days after treatment, disinfestation can begin. Cypermethrin has contact and systemic effects. When it comes into contact with the skin, a certain amount of the component can enter the systemic bloodstream and spread throughout the body.

Entomozan blocks impulses from nerve fibers, which disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system. The effect of the drug begins within a few minutes, so the product is considered effective and efficient.


Entomozan S is prescribed after examination by a veterinarian in the following cases:

  • when parasites are detected on the skin of a cat - fleas, lice, lice, itching, scabies, ixodids, demodectic (ear) mites;
  • when establishing diagnoses: otodecosis, entomosis, demodicosis, notozdroz, other skin diseases transmitted by blood-sucking parasites;
  • as a means of prevention.


When prescribing medication, you must be careful in dosage and administration, and strictly follow all the veterinarian’s instructions.

Entomozan S - how to breed for chickens?

Entomozan C is considered on the market to be one of the best drugs for combating parasites that infect the body of domestic chickens.

The product has minimal toxicity to poultry, therefore it is widely used by veterinarians. Entomozan C is considered on the market to be one of the best drugs for combating parasites that infect the body of domestic chickens.

The product has minimal toxicity to poultry and is therefore widely used by veterinarians.

The advantage of Entomozan is that after treatment it remains on the treated surfaces for a long time, preventing the appearance of parasites.

  • 1 What is Entomozan S?
  • 2 How to dilute and use?

What is Entomozan S?

With the help of Entomozan, any farmer can independently remove mites, lice, fleas, bedbugs and other insects from poultry. Parasites can cause serious inconvenience to chickens. In addition, they are carriers of many diseases, sometimes resulting in the death of the bird, so it is necessary to get rid of parasites as soon as possible.

The advantages of Estomozan S include:

  • cleaning the poultry house from parasites;
  • treatment of chickens from all insects that can parasitize birds;
  • prevention of infection with diseases transmitted through parasites.

The popularity of Estomozan is due not only to its effectiveness, but also to its low cost. The drug can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or hardware store. The drug is used for:

  • treatment of poultry with arachnoenthomosis;
  • preventing the appearance of all types of ticks and feather eaters;
  • preventing attacks by cockroaches, flies, midges;
  • for disinfestation of poultry houses.

To use Estomozan C, it is important to dilute it with water in the correct dosage in order to achieve the desired effect and not harm the chicken

How to dilute and use?

The main active ingredient of the product is cypermethrin. The total proportion of cypermethrin in the preparation is 10%. The composition also contains auxiliary components that prolong the duration of action and increase efficiency. Entomozan C successfully copes even with those parasites that have developed an addiction to other insecticidal preparations.

Entomozan in undiluted form is a yellowish liquid with a weak specific odor. When combined with water, the liquid changes color to white, the smell intensifies, becoming pungent.

There are several packaging options for the drug on the market:

  • glass ampoules – volume 2 ml;
  • plastic bottles – volume 50 ml;
  • plastic bottles – volume 500 ml.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the expiration date of Entomosan C, since an expired product is not effective. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years, the purchased drug is stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees

Before using the drug, you should remember that it cannot be used if the poultry population contains individuals suffering from infectious diseases. Within ten days after treatment, chickens cannot be slaughtered for meat. The prepared solution is stored for no more than 48 hours, after which it loses effectiveness.

If the dosage is not observed during breeding, Entomozan C can cause side effects in birds:

  • lethargy;
  • refusal of food;
  • lacrimation;
  • convulsions.

The bird is not treated directly with Entomosan C, but only in the room where it is kept. To prepare the solution, the product is initially diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 and mixed thoroughly for 10-15 minutes. Then pour into a suitable container and dilute to the desired consistency. To treat the chicken coop, the ratio of the drug to water should be 1:200.

It is most convenient to carry out treatment with a container with a spray bottle. For one sq. m of poultry house you need 25-50 ml of the drug, depending on the degree of infection. Not only the walls and ceiling are thoroughly sprayed, but also support pillars and hard-to-reach places under cell batteries. If there are eggs in the chicken coop, they must be removed before processing.

Treatment with Entomosan should be carried out twice. If the temperature in the chicken coop does not exceed 20 degrees, then re-treatment is carried out after 10-20 days.

Only after this can chickens be allowed into the house.

If it is not possible to remove the bird from the premises during treatment, then treatment with Entomosan C can be carried out in the presence of the bird.

In this case, the chickens themselves are not treated, and the concentration of the solution should be two times lower. During this treatment, it is necessary to open windows and doors, and if possible, turn on ventilation.



Entomosan S in its pure form is not used to treat cats. It is necessary to prepare a 0.01% aqueous emulsion of the drug. To do this, add 1 ml of Entomosan C to 1 liter of warm water, the resulting solution is thoroughly mixed, and the aqueous emulsion is ready for use.

The solution is applied to the cat’s skin in two ways:

  • using a sponge, cotton swab or brush;
  • by spraying with a spray bottle.

The dosage of the solution is 5-10 ml of 0.01% emulsion per 1 kg of cat’s weight. The swab is moistened with the emulsion and distributed evenly over the coat, against hair growth with an interval of 2 cm.

The procedure for applying the working solution to the cat’s skin:

  • direction from head to tail;
  • on the sides and stomach;
  • tail;
  • neck;
  • head.

It is necessary that the emulsion penetrates the cat's skin, completely saturating the fur. Ticks, lice and fleas die within an hour.


You need to be extremely careful: the medicine should not get on the mucous membranes of the cat’s eyes and mouth. To prevent the animal from licking the emulsion, the cat is given a special collar. After treatment, it is better to place the pet in a warm place until it dries completely.

The protective effect of Entomosan C lasts for 15-20 days. If a cat has a large number of parasites in its fur, then repeated treatment is allowed every other day.

Use of Entomozan S for the treatment of otodectosis (acariasis):

  • prepare a 0.05% aqueous emulsion solution;
  • thoroughly clean the cat’s ears from crusts and scabs;
  • apply the emulsion to the swab and moisten the ear with it;
  • drop 1 ml into each ear and massage its inner surface, folding the ear in half.

A week later the procedure is repeated. In case of complications, complex treatment is carried out with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

For prevention and when there is a small number of insects, Entomozan C can be used to wash the cat. In this case, the finished insecticide emulsion is added to cat shampoo. The dosage in this case is as follows - 1 ml of emulsion per 1 kg of animal weight. If the cat is long-haired, then the dose is doubled.

After treating your cat, be sure to treat its bedding with a 0.01% solution of aqueous emulsion. Consumption – 10 ml per 1 square meter. The cat should not be allowed on the bed for three days, after which the bedding should be washed with powder. This treatment will protect your pet from re-infection with skin parasites. The remaining emulsion cannot be stored; it must be disposed of.

Advice from experienced poultry farmers

In case of parasitic infections, you need to act quickly and effectively, otherwise there is a risk of losses, especially among young animals. Experienced poultry farmers are uncompromising in the fight against parasites, and this is what they advise.

  • Before breeding entomozan for chickens, you need to conduct a visual inspection of the bird. If there are signs of infectious diseases other than parasites, you need to show sick animals to a veterinarian. During illness, treatment is strictly prohibited!
  • To avoid frequent attacks by parasites, it is recommended to use slaked lime and peat as the basis for bedding.
  • After processing, you cannot slaughter immediately. Chicken meat will contain substances toxic to humans for another 10-11 days.
  • After treatment, you need to thoroughly wash the drinkers and feeders, because the remaining poisons can cause severe poisoning in the bird.
  • In order for the poultry farmer to avoid poisoning, it is recommended to take enterosorbents in a higher dosage before processing.
  • It is easier to prevent infestation by parasites if you install sand and ash baths in the barn and in the walking yard.
  • It is advisable not to keep animals of different species in the same room.
  • It is recommended to keep chicks separately from adults for at least 1-1.5 months. Parasites that do not cause harm to mature livestock can provoke outbreaks of fatal diseases in young animals.

Preparations for preventive treatment should not be used too often. They will be replaced by effective prevention and maintenance of proper sanitary and hygienic conditions in the poultry house. If you follow all the rules for using drugs, the risks are minimal!

Ectoparasites disturb animals, which affects their health and productivity. It is necessary to use a drug that reliably exterminates annoying insects, but has low toxicity for warm-blooded creatures. There is a demand for a product that kills ticks, lice, and fleas not only on animals, but indoors, in pastures, and in walking areas. Such a drug is Entomozan S.

Limitations and side effects

Entomozan S cannot be used in the following cases:

  • for infectious pathology;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

If the recommended dosages and concentrations of the drug were followed, no side effects were noticed by specialists. In case of overdose, complications are possible:

  • increased salivation;
  • vomit;
  • lacrimation;
  • weakness;
  • apathy;
  • refusal to eat;
  • convulsions, tremors;
  • itching, rash, redness of the skin.

Safety precautions

Processing operators adhere to the following rules:

  • Work is carried out in special clothing. Use personal protective equipment - a cap, rubber gloves and boots, a respirator, and protective glasses.
  • Before starting work, it is recommended to take activated carbon - 15–20 tablets.
  • Drinking, eating and smoking during processing is prohibited.
  • Entomozan that gets on the skin is washed off with running water.
  • You should not start work without first aid kits.
  • If symptoms of poisoning or an allergic reaction occur, stop working and consult a doctor.
  • The working day is limited to 6 hours.
  • At the end of work, wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth.
  • The container and the remnants of the working emulsion are inactivated with 5% caustic alkali according to the instructions of SanPiN.

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Entomozan C can be purchased without a prescription in specialized stores and veterinary pharmacies, and can also be ordered from an online pharmacy. The cost of packaging depends on its volume, and in Russia the average is:

  • ampoule 2 ml – 30÷40 rub.,
  • bottle 50 ml – 110÷140 rub.,
  • bottle 500 ml – 600÷650 rub.

The drug is stored in a dry place at room temperature, shelf life is 36 months.

You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here from Yandex Market with fast delivery:

Methods of using an aqueous solution

Entomazan emulsion is used to treat domestic animals:

  • cattle;
  • rabbits;
  • sheep;
  • goats;
  • cats;
  • horses;
  • dogs;
  • pigs;
  • birds;
  • fur animals.

The method of processing and dosage depend on the type of animal. An aqueous solution of Entomazan is used for wetting the skin, fur of an animal, bathing, and spraying. Treatment is carried out in fresh air, at temperatures above 17 degrees Celsius. When bathing, special baths are used in which animals are immersed for 60 seconds. Lubrication with an aqueous solution of Entomazan is carried out in strips with intervals of 1 cm between them. For spraying you will need a spray bottle or a spray bottle. The choice of method depends on the size of the animal and the personal preferences of the owner. This factor does not affect the effectiveness of animal treatment.

In what cases is it used

The drug is used when ticks, lice, fleas, lice and feather eaters appear on chickens. It also prevents the proliferation of flies, bedbugs, cockroaches, midges and other insects that can harm chickens in the chicken coop.

It is important to deal with parasites immediately after they appear:

  • Parasites cause serious inconvenience to birds.
  • When they appear in birds, irritation appears on the skin. They constantly scratch themselves and clean their feathers.
  • With a large number of parasites, birds become nervous and gain weight poorly.
  • These insects are carriers of dangerous diseases that can kill chickens.

Useful information about entomosan and other drugs used to treat and prevent animal diseases is described in the directory of veterinary drugs.

There are many reviews on the Internet from poultry farmers who used entomozan to kill parasites. Most farmers agree that the drug is very effective. It quickly destroys the most persistent insects.

  • Entomozan helped some people cope with fleas and ticks that had infected chickens.
  • The latter got rid of feather-eaters, because of which the chickens practically stopped laying eggs.
  • For others, he helped clear not only the chicken coop, but also the living quarters of bedbugs and cockroaches.

However, in order for the drug to be effective and not harm poultry and people, it is necessary to carry out the treatment strictly according to the instructions.

Makarov Ivan Vasilievich

Hereditary poultry farmer, owner of a poultry farm, graduated from St. Petersburg State Agrarian University with honors, author of articles in specialized publications

Precautions for humans

Cypermethrin itself can cause side effects in humans of the following nature:

  1. from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea;
  2. central nervous system – weakness, dizziness, headache;
  3. skin – redness, itching, rash, pallor.

Entomazan emulsion is safe for health provided that personal protective equipment is used. Treatment of animals and disinfestation of premises must be carried out wearing rubber gloves, a respirator, and a protective suit. They must be removed immediately after the procedure. Wash your hands with soap and wash. If possible, take a shower.

In case of poisoning, you should stop working and leave the room for fresh air. Rinse your mouth with water and soda. Drink a couple glasses of water. Take 15 tablets of activated carbon. If you do not feel better, call an ambulance.

While processing animals, it is prohibited to eat, drink, or smoke. It is necessary to work with the drug no more than 6 hours per day. If your health worsens during disinfestation of the premises, you must stop the treatment and go out into the fresh air.

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