Protective spray against rodents in a car, types and action

Rodents are a pressing problem of our time. They affect not only people living in the private sector, but also residents of large cities. For example, rats cause a lot of damage to motorists. Most often, they penetrate the vehicle with the arrival of cold weather: when the temperature outside is sub-zero, and the engine, which has not cooled down after a trip, warms up perfectly. Cars parked near garbage dumps are more susceptible to animal attacks. Being under the hood of a car, rodents cause considerable damage to it. You can drive away pests in various ways. One of the most effective methods of control is a rodent spray for cars.

Protective spray against rodents LIQUI MOLY Marder-Spray 0.2 l (39021)


It probably helps, since after using the spray in the engine compartment, no new traces of Mickey Mouse were found over several years of operation.
Show in full You can buy Protective Rodent Spray LIQUI MOLY Marder-Spray 0.2 l (39021) in the online store with delivery or pick up at the nearest ONLINE TRADE.RU pick-up point.

Gives the treated parts a strong specific odor that is not tolerated by rodents. Prevents damage to wires, hoses and other automotive parts when storing or parking the car in areas where rats and mice are found. The persistent odor drives away rodents, which makes it possible to use the aerosol also at home and in the garage to protect household utensils.

Marder-Schutz-Spray is a strong-smelling product; the smell repels rodents and small predators: mice and rats, ferrets and martens. The product does not contain toxic components. Used for preventive treatment of wires, plastics and rubber for up to two weeks.

If protection is required for a longer period of time, it is recommended to repeat the treatment:

— Effectively prevents damage by rodents — Harmless to animals and the environment — No side effects — Increases operational safety

Prevents expensive repairs and replacement of rodent-damaged automotive parts: high-voltage and conventional wires, hoses, etc.


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Chemistry in the fight against rats under the hood

I want to tell my story of fighting rats under the hood. I would really like to hear advice from those who have encountered this problem and solved it for themselves and for their car completely and irrevocably.

So, I began to notice traces of their “activity” after one old woman began feeding stray dogs in a vacant lot, about twenty meters from the parking lot where my car spent the night. First there were traces of fur and paw marks on the plastic engine protection, in the snow around the car. Then - excrement. Apotheosis is a rat's nest. The rats soaked the soundproofing mat, turning it into something like cotton swabs, and brought dry grass, pieces of paper and touching gnawed meat bones. This was the last straw! I threw all this nasty stuff out with hatred and thoroughly washed the engine with a Karcher.

From that moment on, I declared war on rats! Having read advice from various forums on rodent control, I first scattered granular pink poison from OVI (145 rubles for a 1 kg plastic container). Every morning I noted with satisfaction that all the poison had been eaten. I poured again. The next morning there is nothing again. I poured again. Although no corpses appeared around the car, the food disappeared every day. This made me feel like I was winning. Well, like, a little more and all the bastards will be poisoned! You have to sprinkle and sprinkle. Let them eat! Although traces of Mickey Mouse activity under the hood continued to appear. I thought maybe the rat kingdom around my car was huge. You just have to not stop. A couple of weeks passed like this. And so, one morning I see a flock of crows who are pecking at my poison with great pleasure. That is, they simply flew in in the morning, pecked all the food and flew away until the next morning. The result is zero!

Meanwhile, the rats began to eat the car! One fine morning I suddenly discovered the edge of the rubber seal at the base of the hood, chipped with rat teeth. 5 centimeters deep!

I bought several rat traps at the same OBI for 69 rubles. per piece I put two of them under the car in the engine area. I bought a German spray “Marder-Schutz-Spray”. (Price - 620 rubles per can). Processed all rubber and plastic parts. And he began to wait.

The next morning, rat trap no. 1 killed a huge rat. He defiantly did not clean it up. (fortunately, the air temperature is now like in a refrigerator - about 7-5 C). They say that other rats, seeing the corpse, begin to draw conclusions.

The second rat trap with a piece of cheese remained empty. Day passed. Rat Trap No. 2 - empty. Under the hood - clean! The second day has passed. The rat trap is empty. Under the hood is clean. On the fourth day, I threw away the dead rat and loaded rat trap No. 1 with a piece of new cheese. But days and nights passed, but both rat traps were empty, there were no traces of rodents under the hood. So 14 days passed. I only changed the cheese from time to time.

It seemed that the only rat that I killed on the first night was doing the dirty work. BUT! In the declared war against rats, one cannot relax. On the 14th day, I unexpectedly discovered the corpse of a new rat in the mousetrap. I again sprayed the entire engine compartment (by the way, it is recommended to spray it once every two weeks) and loaded the rat traps with new cheese. Two days have passed. So far everything is quiet. The rat traps are empty. Under the hood is clean. I understand that as long as the sweet old lady feeding the dogs is alive, I won’t be able to relax. And my war will continue. But maybe someone has their own stories that led to the FINAL victory over the rats under the hood. Tell me, please.

Summary No. 3 from the front line (continued):

November 4, 2012: Almost a month has passed since the start of my “rat war”. Every Sunday I loaded two rat traps with fresh cheese and treated the entire engine compartment with spray. Typically, one or two rats would be caught in the traps over the course of a week. I tried not to remove them for four to five days. And so - until next Sunday. Under the hood, paw prints were sometimes visible on a layer of dust. But as before, there were no “waste products” in the form of rat droppings or attempts to chew on sound insulation or wires. Everything would be fine, but I realized that this regime could last forever. I didn't have a feeling of victory.

How to apply anti-rain liquid

It is immediately worth noting that before applying this or that product, you must carefully read its instructions for use. After all, only the manufacturer knows exactly in what sequence and what methods and means to use. However, as practice shows, most anti-rain agents are applied to glass surfaces in approximately the same way.

A good option would be to polish the glass surface before applying anti-rain.

The first thing you should remember is that you need to apply anti-rain on a clean and dry surface. That is, it is advisable to perform the procedure after washing the car or at least thoroughly cleaning the glass, including using special cleaning agents. It is necessary to remove not only dust and dirt, but also greasy stains that may exist on the glass. After completing the cleaning procedure, the surface must be thoroughly wiped dry with a rag.

Secondly, the application process must be carried out in conditions where there is no high humidity and exposure to direct sunlight. A garage, workshop or parking lot is best suited for this. After applying the anti-rain, the machine can be used immediately (removing the remaining product with a rag). However, what you should know is that you should not use the wipers during the first 24 hours.

In the warm season, anti-rain has a longer effect, so it can be applied less often. Conversely, in winter (during the cold season of the year) this time is reduced, so there is a need to re-apply the hydrophobic drug.

An interesting feature of the mentioned anti-rains is that their action has a cumulative effect. That is, the longer a car owner uses anti-rain (for example, regularly applies it to the surface of the windshield for several years), the more visible the result of its use is.

The application process itself is not difficult. The anti-rain should be directly applied to the surface in an even layer and rubbed. The key word in this case is “uniform”. After 10...15 minutes, use a dry cloth to remove any remaining product and polish the glass thoroughly. Due to the simplicity of the procedure, it can be carried out independently without seeking help from a service station.

Anti-rain products for cars can be used not only to apply it to the surface of the windshield, but it can also be applied to the side windows, side mirrors, headlights, and also the body of the car.

Detailed description

Protective spray against rodents Marder-Spray Properties:

Marder-Schutz-Spray is a strong-smelling product; the smell repels rodents and small predators: mice and rats, ferrets and martens.
The product does not contain toxic components. Used for preventive treatment of wires, plastics and rubber for up to two weeks. If protection is required for a longer period of time, it is recommended to repeat the treatment: Effectively prevents damage by rodents Harmless to animals and the environment No side effects Increases operational safety Prevents expensive repairs and replacement of automotive parts damaged by rodents: high-voltage and conventional wires, hoses, etc. Application:
Spray on protected parts under the hood or in areas where rodents appear.
Repeat the treatment periodically, every 14 days. Purpose:
Gives the treated parts a strong specific odor that is not tolerated by rodents. Prevents damage to wires, hoses and other automotive parts when storing or parking the car in areas where rats and mice are found. The persistent odor drives away rodents, which makes it possible to use the aerosol also at home and in the garage to protect household utensils.

Places where pests are found

Rats in the car
Rats live in places where they can get free access to food. During the cold season, there is an abundance of rodents in warehouses, pantries, sheds, old entrances, and near garbage cans. If you leave your car in close proximity to such places, you may encounter a serious threat with pests entering under the hood.

With the onset of cold weather, rodents move closer to human lands. They inhabit barns, agricultural outbuildings, non-residential premises, residential buildings, and garages. In this case, it is quite difficult to drive the rat out. We will have to rack our brains over effective methods and effective means.

If there is a rat in the car, and the owner of the vehicle cannot change the parking location, you need to take active action. You can protect your car with professional medications and folk remedies.

Benefits of the spray

Anti-rat spray for cars is the most convenient and effective means of control, as it has many advantages:

  • An aerosol product can be used to treat even the most difficult to reach places in the car.
  • Drugs in the form of tablets and granules can simply fall out while the car is moving. Rat poison application is not suitable for use in a vehicle. The applied solution remains on the surface of the treated parts for a long period.
  • Chemicals in dry form have an effect on pests only after the rat eats it. Until this happens, the rats will lead an active lifestyle under the hood.
  • The repellent effect lasts for a long time. It is provided by a special film that covers the treated area.
  • Affordable cost in comparison with ultrasonic devices, which in terms of efficiency can compete with aerosol preparations. Ultrasonic devices that repel mice and rats with sound signals cost an order of magnitude higher.

Attractive car

Rodents are particularly agile, inventive, and resourceful. Penetrate into hard-to-reach places through a small, narrow gap. They are able to climb not only into the interior of the car, but also under the hood.

A vehicle becomes tempting for them in the cold season. The animal is afraid of the cold and does not know what to do with itself. A car appears with a warm engine. The rodent makes its way to a comfortable place as soon as the person disappears from the horizon.

The rodent is attracted to warmth. Initially, the rat warms itself under the car. As the engine cools, it creeps under the hood. She can bring with her the remains of food that she managed to get, rags, twigs for building a nest.

In a calm environment, the pest begins to look around and pay attention to the surrounding materials. Rats chew wires in the car, rubber hoses, anything they can handle

They try to bite everything.


Presto rodent spray is an equally effective protection against rats. The product is resistant to alkalis, salt solutions and acids, has waterproof properties and is harmless to humans and pets. Only rodents are afraid of its pungent smell, but it does not cause any unpleasant sensations to humans. Presto aerosol is highly effective even at extremely low and high temperatures. In addition, Presto costs significantly less than Liqui Moly spray against rodents. Its price varies between 300-350 rubles.

Before applying the spray, the surface to be treated is cleaned of the dust layer. Shake the container and spray the solution in a uniform stream.

Without the opportunity to leave your car in a separate, clean garage, it is imperative to protect it from pests. Rats will not climb and chew wires if sprays are used regularly.

The most popular sprays

Such products are in great demand among motorists, and sometimes owners of warehouses and basements purchase them to destroy pests on their territory. Nowadays, the range of such products is quite wide, but there are also leaders who are in demand more than others.

One of the most popular and effective preparations of this type is Marder Schulz Spray made in Germany. Numerous user reviews indicate that there is no trace of rats left after the first use of the spray. To get a good result, it is necessary to process all car parts that are made of rubber and plastic. The liquid has a very strong and persistent odor. In such an environment, rodents will not only not be able to live, but will also stay away from the car. For preventive purposes, you can repeat the treatment every two weeks.

Other options can be purchased in specialized stores. But almost all of them are the same in price and efficiency

Another effective product of this type is Presto spray. It has a very strong smell that is difficult to get rid of, which is an added plus. The liquid is resistant to alkalis, salts and is not washed off with water. It is worth noting that Presto spray is only unpleasant for animals. This is a perfectly acceptable scent for humans. The efficiency of the liquid will be at a high level both during frost and during strong heat.

Other options can be purchased in specialized stores. But almost all of them are the same in price and efficiency. The main thing is to follow the rules for using protective equipment against rodents and periodically carry out preventive measures. This will ensure that rats will not damage the car.

If it is not possible to keep your car in a normal place, you must periodically protect the car with sprays or traps

If there are rodents in the car

Sometimes the car owner does not even suspect that a mouse, or in the worst case, a large rat, can crawl out of the car at any moment. Many people don't understand where they come from in their cars if there is no easy food for them there.

Nothing extraordinary happens if a rat is found in the hood. Those animals that are less fortunate and live in nature always lack warmth. They look for it everywhere and usually find it in cars. However, in any such mechanism there is often food, which increases the interest of rodents in the device.

To effectively eliminate mice and other rodents in a car, there are many ways, and most importantly, means

When there is nothing edible for the parasite in the car, it begins to chew everything - from passenger seats to wiring, damage to which causes the transport mechanism to malfunction.

To effectively eliminate mice and other rodents in a car, there are many ways, and most importantly, means. One of these is a spray. It is compact and easy to use, rats will disappear in the car, even if they have settled in the most difficult to reach places. In addition, any such spray creates a protective film, which helps get rid of parasites in the future.

To effectively eliminate mice and other rodents in a car, there are many ways, and most importantly, means

Now you know where rats in cars come from and how to get rid of them without much difficulty.

How to remove a mouse from a car

There are many ways to remove mice and rats from your car.

The most popular:

  • Using a cat or commercial mousetraps.
  • Use of ultrasonic repellers.
  • Installation of glue traps.
  • Application of insecticides.
  • Fighting with improvised means.


Experienced drivers know how to remove a rat from under the hood of a car without harming it. The least traumatic is repelling rodents using ultrasonic devices.

They emit a signal that only pests can hear. In order to eliminate mice as quickly as possible, you need to leave the repeller on for several days.

Sometimes this method does not bring the desired result. More often this is due to the ability of modern rodents to adapt to any living conditions. A constant signal frequency may become habitual; therefore, it is better to purchase models with adjustable indicators.

You also need to pay attention to the need for recharging and operating time. The cost of the method is significant, so this method is not available to everyone. At low temperatures, the device may malfunction.

Glue traps

When there is a rat or mouse in the car, you can use a glue trap. It differs from other methods in that with this type of capture the animal remains alive, but gets very stuck in the glue and can no longer get out on its own.

The substrates are laid out under the hood and in the cabin. They can be purchased ready-made or made yourself from a piece of plywood and special glue.

The disadvantage of this method is that if the mixture gets on the upholstery in the cabin, it will be difficult to clean, and professional dry cleaning may be required. Moreover, such bait must be removed before each trip so that passengers do not end up in the trap instead of the animal.

How to fight?

How to exterminate or at least scare away and drive away rats? We offer several ways:

  1. Special protective equipment for cars. The most popular and effective among them is “Liqui Moly Marder-Schutz-Spray”. This spray needs to be used to treat all parts of the car located under the hood. A mixture of volatile substances with a pungent and unpleasant odor will certainly repel rodents, and they will most likely leave the car (and if they don’t leave, they certainly won’t chew the wires).

  2. Poisons. You can purchase any common rodent poison and place it under the hood. It is most convenient to use ready-to-use tablets and briquettes, since powders and granules can scatter throughout the engine compartment and disrupt the operation of the car. Some people choose sprays and aerosols, but, firstly, they are not so effective, secondly, they are not intended for treating cars due to the risk of fire, and thirdly, in most cases they are toxic and therefore dangerous for the driver and passengers. If the poison has been eaten, then add a new portion. Typically, the poison begins to act on rats within a few days. They leave their favorite place, understand the danger of the situation and warn their relatives about the trouble, so that they will also avoid the car. But to consolidate the result, add poison periodically.
  3. Traps. Place several rodent traps under the hood. As soon as you see the first prey, do not rush to remove it. Let it remain under the hood for several days and thereby inform the other rodents that they are in danger in this place. Rats are smart, so they are unlikely to want to occupy the car again.
  4. Ultrasonic repellers. They have been used in the fight against various pests relatively recently, but have already become popular. The operating principle of such devices is that propagating ultrasonic waves are caught by rodents and cause them to worry and leave their habitable place. But these waves are elusive to human hearing, so people simply do not notice them. There are ultrasonic repellers on sale that operate from the cigarette lighter, but in this case the waves will spread throughout the cabin and will not reach under the hood. So it is better to use a battery-powered device. Place it under the hood every night to keep any rodents away. Continue the fight for at least two weeks so that the rats understand that your car is not worth living in. Next, place the repeller under the hood every 2-3 days to prevent the pests from returning.


To get rid of rodents, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller

. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electromagnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets. Read more here...

Folk remedies

Rodents have long lived next to humans, bothering them. In this regard, even before the advent of other methods of pest control, people used their own means. It is impossible to name them all. We offer a description of the most effective ones.

It is enough to scatter it in those places where pests like to be most. Uninvited guests will have no choice but to leave your home.

Interesting! The smell that comes from ash is not to the liking of mice and their older brothers, rats.

Boric acid

This method is only suitable for those who do not have pets. Children must also be temporarily removed from the treated area. To drive away pests, it is enough to place containers with boric acid in different parts of the room. Its smell affects mice so much that they are ready to run away from it.

Elderberry or wormwood

Some plants have long been used as a repellent. Our ancestors knew that elderberry roots are capable of releasing hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous to small rodents. They will never settle where elderberry grows, so it is often planted near warehouses, sheds and living quarters. If it is not possible to plant a bush, then you can cut off the branches of the plant and place them in the place where the pests have infested; after a while, the mice will leave the building.

The tart aroma of wormwood has a similar effect. This is a folk remedy for mice in the house; rodents cannot tolerate it and from which they leave forever.

If you plant grass around the perimeter of the garden or vegetable garden, this will protect it from tailed beasts. In storage, it is customary to place bunches of wormwood in grain storage facilities to discourage mice from stealing grain.

How to make anti-rain with your own hands

There are several folk recipes for anti-rain that you can prepare with your own hands. The most popular of them is to prepare an appropriate product from paraffin (usually a household candle for lighting is used to obtain it) and some solvent (white spirit is most often used for these purposes, as a simple and affordable remedy). Also, instead of paraffin, stearin or wax can be used, from which candles are also made. As for the solvent, paint thinners (for example, solvent 646) can be used instead of white spirit.

In general terms, we can say that it is necessary to mix paraffin and white spirit in a ratio of 1:10 (for example, 10 grams of paraffin and 100 grams of solvent). And after that, warm up the composition in order to mix the paraffin better and faster.

Follow fire and chemical safety rules!

Do not overheat the solvent and use personal protective equipment. White spirit has a pungent odor, so all work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area!

The resulting homemade anti-rain for car glass is applied in the same way as factory products. That is, you need to first clean the glass surface. After approximately 10 minutes, when the solvent has evaporated, the remaining paraffin must be carefully removed from the surface of the glass using a rag or cotton pads and polished (however, do not overdo it so that a thin layer of it still remains there).

Anti-rain. DIY anti-rain nanocoating

What is anti-rain and how to make anti-rain glass protection product with your own hands. Read more

This hydrophobic coating has one big drawback - cloudy stains or a halo may remain on the glass, which impairs visibility. Therefore, instead of this method of imparting water-repellent properties to glass, silicone oil PMS-100 is often used, or even a cap of fabric softener (“Lenor”) is simply poured into the windshield washer reservoir.

If it is silicone oil or silicone grease (which is based on such silicone), then you only need to apply a few drops to the windshield wiper rubber bands, and then rub a little over its entire area. When you turn on the wipers, they themselves will spread the silicone film over the surface of the glass. Moreover, such a procedure will also be very useful for the rubber bands themselves (they will become more elastic and will clean better). But it’s still better if you rub PMS-100 or PMS-200 oil well on the glass using a rag.

And when you don’t want to bother with treatment at all, but would like to see the road better in heavy rain, sometimes they even use household fabric softener. It has been repeatedly noticed by car owners that if you add one cap of Lenora to 3 liters of water and pour this mixture into the windshield washer reservoir, then when you turn on the windshield wipers and wash with water from the nozzles, the windshield is much cleaner, and sediment drains from it better.

What's the conclusion?

Anti-rain for a car is a good method to improve visibility through the windshield, especially when driving along the highway at high speed (when using it in the city, the effect is not so noticeable). It also makes it easier to operate the wiper rubber bands. That is, they work more efficiently, and they will not need to be changed as often. However, you shouldn’t expect a miracle from anti-rain. As practice shows, anti-rain is effective only when the car is moving at high speed. As for the choice of another product, it all depends on the availability of anti-rain products on store shelves (including logistics in different regions of the country), their price, volume and brand. Try to buy anti-rain in trusted stores in order to minimize the risk of buying a fake.

If you want to save money, then an excellent solution in this regard would be to make the mentioned product yourself. It will cost you much less, and in terms of effectiveness, homemade anti-rain is almost as effective as factory-made products. However, when making it, remember the above safety measures!

Ways to fight rats under the hood

Before you start getting rid of rats with a machine, it is important to find traces of rodents.

They usually manifest themselves in:

  • Paw prints. They can be clearly seen on dusty surfaces.
  • Excrement. They are represented by small black and gray balls.
  • Presence of nests. To insulate their homes, rats collect pieces of paper, shreds, and sticks under the hood.
  • Damage to hoses and wires.
  • Remains of food in the engine compartment.
  • Unpleasant smell.

Catching a rat under the hood of your own car with the help of a cat is difficult, since the animal can get hurt or damage important parts of the mechanism. Therefore, it is worth using a more optimal method.

In general, there are 3 large groups of control methods:

  • Physical. These include mousetraps, glue traps, and traditional methods.
  • Biological. In this case, rat poison in the car can be purchased or prepared at home.
  • Repellent. Ultrasonic devices are used here.

What attracts and how to scare away

To scare rats away from your car, it is important to know what attracts them. For rodents to thrive, it is important to have constant food and warmth.

Mice and rats climb into cars in winter to keep warm. In this case, they tend to penetrate the heated engine or interior. They may appear from a hiding place in the garage.

If the vehicle remains parked, nearby garbage containers, storage areas and basements may become a source of rodent entry.

Before you get rid of rats under the hood of your car, you need to remove all food from the car, as crumbs and wrappers attract pests. They like any sweets, seeds, cookies. Remains of building materials, vegetables, and fruits after being transported in the trunk can also attract mice.

Animals can enter through open windows or doors, trunk, hood, or from a hole in the engine. Before you get rid of mice in your car, you need to know that pests start and build nests near the engine, in the door spaces, under the interior trim, under the rugs.

Not all available rodent control methods are suitable for in-vehicle baiting.

Since glue traps can smear the interior, and a cat can damage important parts, chemicals, poisonous baits, and mousetraps are a good way to scare rats away from the car.

Prevention measures

To protect your vehicle from pests, you must follow some rules. First of all, this concerns sanitary standards. The interior of the car must be cleaned in a timely manner and food should not be left in it so as not to attract animals from the street.

You should not leave your iron horse near trash cans and basements. The chances of rats escaping from a garbage dump or warehouse are very high. In addition, you should not leave your car for a long time near grain storage facilities.

If it is not possible to keep your car in a normal place, you must periodically protect the car with sprays or traps. Don't forget how big problems these small rodents can cause.

Rodents attack. Protecting your car from rats and mice

Minor problems for a car owner are a fairly common phenomenon, but sometimes trouble comes from where it is clearly not expected, namely, the car is “attacked” by small rodents (mice, rats).

Moreover, they can cause quite severe damage to the car.

Rats under the hood begin to eat everything that seems edible to them, including the insulating winding of the wiring and rubber elements (pipelines, pipes, etc.).

Also, in an effort to get as deep as possible in search of food, a rodent may simply get stuck in some place, where death overtakes it. And most often this happens in the ducts of the cabin ventilation system. The result is very unpleasant - a persistent cadaverous smell that is not so easy to dissipate, moreover, it very quickly eats into the seat trim and interior upholstery.

Where can rodents get into a car?

There are enough places where they can get into the car:

  • Some food supplies (especially cereals) are stored in the garage. Mice attracted by this can easily climb into a parked car;
  • Long-term parking. If the car is immobilized, then rodents regard it as a potential place of residence;
  • Parking near cars that have been idle or abandoned for a long time. Having “tasted” the car, the mouse can easily move to a new place;
  • Parking place is near garbage cans or basements. Habitat of mice;
  • The car interior is not cleaned in a timely manner. Because of this, a lot of food remains in the car, which a rodent can “covet”;
  • In autumn, rodents look for a warm place to spend the winter.
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