Instructions and advice from experts on incubating quail eggs for beginners

Chicken eggs are a universal natural product with an extremely wide range of applications. Indeed, the egg is an indispensable ingredient for preparing many delicious dishes. And what a delicious breakfast you can make from a fried egg - quickly and easily! However, creating more complex culinary masterpieces requires precise adherence to the mass of ingredients included in the recipe. So, how much does a chicken egg weigh? Today we will learn some interesting facts about this amazing and useful product.

Nutritional Indicators

The calorie content of a raw quail egg is 158 kcal, which covers about 8% of the daily energy needs of an adult.

It contains virtually no carbohydrates, but is rich in valuable amino acids. Protein in its composition is present in an amount of 22% of the daily intake - per 100 g of product.

A small colorful egg is a real ampoule of health.

Compared to its analogues, it contains more vitamins and mineral salts. Raw whites and yolks are especially rich in:

  • Selena;
  • gland;
  • phosphorus;
  • choline;
  • cobalamin;
  • riboflavin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • vitamins A, D, E.

Note! Regular consumption of quail eggs helps maintain youth, beauty, and health. They fit well into dietary patterns and sports life.

  • The richness of the composition allows the product to be used for the treatment of anemia, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, and constipation.
  • Helps normalize metabolism, strengthen immunity, improve vision, and cope with chronic diseases, including tuberculosis.
  • The delicacy copes well with arterial hypertension and is used in the treatment of cardiac pathologies.


Quail (genus Coturnix coturnix) is a motley, grayish-sand-colored bird, one of the smallest representatives of the gallinaceae order. Subspecies of the common quail live in Russia - European and silent (Japanese) quail, which were domesticated in Japan at the beginning of the twentieth century. Currently, Japanese quail are bred for the production of eggs and meat on a domestic and industrial scale. Broiler quails reach a weight of 200–250 g, egg-laying ones – 150–180 g. Japanese domestic quails begin to lay eggs at the age of 50–60 days (for comparison: chickens begin to lay eggs after 180–210 days). From one quail a year you get 300 or more tasty and healthy eggs weighing 10–12 g each.

How is the weight of quail eggs determined?

The indicator of how much a quail egg weighs is largely determined by the breed. Productivity parameters carefully selected by breeders are embedded in the bird’s genome and are revealed when the required standards of housing and feeding are observed.

Table No. 1. Average weight of one quail embryo of quails of different breeds

BreedEgg mass, g
English white10-11
Manchurian golden12-16

Quails are capricious; with any violation of housing conditions, change of feed, or poor quality nutrition, they reduce productivity. This results in a reduction in the number of eggs produced, but rarely affects their average weight.

Rapid metabolism makes poultry dependent on complete feed. Raising them in the same way as village laying hens using free ranges and varied feed is dangerous and unprofitable.

Quails are also demanding of environmental conditions.

  • In the room where the cages are located, a stable temperature must be maintained within 20-22 °C.
  • Daylight hours are extended to 17 hours, regardless of the season, and the rays are dimmed.

Laying hens are anxious and cannot tolerate noise, so the cages must have “rest areas.” This requirement can be easily met by covering the mesh sidewalls with sheets of plywood.

Some poultry farmers prefer rooms made of solid material that does not transmit light; the front wall remains lattice.

Standard time for hatching chicks

The hatching period for quail offspring begins exactly 16 days after the moment of laying. In this case, the hatching of quail chicks itself can take from several hours (usually 4-6) to two days.

Most (50-70%) of the babies will appear by the middle of the 17th day, they need to be allowed to dry, then transferred to the brooder, and the remaining eggs continue to incubate, but no more than 1-2 days.

Their further stay in the incubator makes no sense. Typically the incubation period is 17 days.

What is the weight of one egg

The average weight and nutritional value of quail products change during their preparation and heat treatment.

How much does the raw product weigh?

The raw embryo must have a mass characteristic of the breed. It is noteworthy that by the weight of the quail delicacy it is easy to determine its freshness.

If any specimen is strikingly different from the norm, most likely, the contents of its shell have dried out due to a long shelf life and a violation of the integrity of the shells.

Does the weight of a boiled egg change?

A boiled egg practically does not lose weight.

How much does the product weigh without shell?

Removing the shell reduces the weight of each 1 piece. by about 1.5 g, which is how much the hard shells of the embryo weigh.

Quail eggs have a thin, fragile shell rich in calcium. It is used to obtain a valuable nutritional supplement.

The shell shell is unusually dense and strong, so nail scissors or scissors specially designed for this purpose are used to open the product.

Quail content

If you keep quails “for yourself”, without far-reaching plans to sell eggs, 10-30 birds will be enough for the family. Quails are not chickens, they are game. They are not suitable for grazing and are bred in cages.

KazmirchukForumHouse Member

If you decide to keep just for yourself, then 10-30 quails will be enough for the whole family to drink fresh eggs every morning. And if it’s a business, then you need to start with at least 500 pieces.

These cages can be kept in any utility room: FORUMHOUSE participants used garages, basements, and glassed-in loggias of city apartments to breed quails.

Caring for such a microferom takes 10-15 minutes a day.

The most profitable method of breeding quails is in cages of 10-40 heads. The cages are made from galvanized welded mesh (a square meter of mesh is required per cage for 20 quails). The floor is also a strong mesh ( with a fine mesh of 10x10 mm). External drinking bowls and feeders, retractable litter tray.


I keep five heads in an area of ​​15 cm by 33 cm, height 14-16 cm. The feeding front for the producing bird is 2.5-3.5 cm, this is quite enough.

It’s easy to understand whether quails are cramped in a cage: when the birds are sleeping, 30% of free space should remain in the cage.

Although quails are afraid of loud noises, bright lights and any stress, they fly beautifully in open cages among our forum members.

If something goes wrong, the walls can be made of plywood or fiberboard, and the bottom and front wall can be made of mesh.

The front wall is made of a mesh with large cells so that the quail can easily stick its head through and get food and water.

It is important to make the bottom of the cage sloping so that the quail eggs roll into the collection tray.

Quails that are not yet two months old are kept in a brooder.

Quails need sufficient lighting and correct temperature conditions. Adult birds need 17 hours of light per day, and young birds need 24 hours. Quails also need a variable power lamp for heating. During the day they may scatter, but at night they will gather under the lamp. Here is the temperature regime recommended for birds:

  • 1 day +36, room +20
  • Day 2 +34, room +20
  • 3-8 days +33, room +20
  • 9-14 days +32, premises +18+19
  • 15-20 days +30, premises +18
  • 21-30 days +26, premises +18
  • 30-40 days +22 (acclimation to different conditions), room +18
  • 40-50 days +18, premises +18

Next, the birds are sorted; males go for fattening, females go for eggs.

The quails are fed cottage cheese, boiled eggs, and starter feed for chickens; drink boiled water with the addition of chloramphenicol. At three weeks of age, they are switched to adult compound feed with a high content of corn and protein (compound feed has good reviews from DK-52) and two meals a day.

One adult bird needs 30 grams of feed per day.

How do quail products differ from chicken products?

Light weight and variegated color are obvious characteristics of quail embryos that distinguish them from their analogues. The food eggs of other farm birds, including chickens, are much larger and their colors are more modest.

By weight, one chicken embryo accounts for 4-5 quail embryos. This rule can be used when replacing a familiar product in diets, recipes, and medical recommendations.

Any deviations from medical prescriptions must be agreed with the treating specialist.

In terms of flavor and aromatic qualities, protein content, some vitamins, and mineral salts, the unusual delicacy wins, which allows you to replace one chicken egg with just three quail ones. It also has:

  • reduced allergenicity;
  • Helps enrich the diet of those who suffer from hypersensitivity reactions.

The delicacy is often used for consumption raw in order to treat gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, obtain vitamins and minerals in their natural form.

Fans of eggnog prefer to choose this product, since it is least susceptible to infection with salmonella and other pathogenic microorganisms (compared to chicken).

A quail egg cannot be considered microbiologically absolutely safe, so it is better to replace the raw product with a soft-boiled one. It is this option that nutritionists recognize as the easiest for the human digestive system to digest.


Caring for quail is no more difficult than caring for poultry. If you increase the number of birds and start selling eggs, the birds will “feed themselves”: you can definitely make money on feed by selling quail eggs.

Chicks for breeding are purchased at the age of 30 days. Unscrupulous sellers can deceive buyers by selling a male instead of a female (a male costs half as much). At this age, it is already possible to determine the sex of the quail. This is not easy for some breeds - you can find detailed instructions on FORUMHOUSE (from the post at the link and below). It is described in detail about how to make cages and about the temperature regime for the chicks. A separate thread contains all the information and experience of portal participants about breeding and feeding quails. Check out our selection of recipes for quail dishes, watch a video on how to properly prepare a sparrowhawk.

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Cooking methods

Knowing how to eat quail eggs, you can enrich your body with useful substances. There are many options for preparing quail eggs: they can be fried, boiled, pickled and even smoked. Those who don’t want to bother with cooking are interested in: “How to drink quail eggs?” It is recommended to do this in the morning on an empty stomach, making a small hole on the sharp end of the egg, and drink one egg at a time. Alternatively, you can crack a few eggs into a cup and drink them together.

Quail eggs in the morning on an empty stomach are the best way to get the full range of substances beneficial to the body.

How and how much to cook?

There are several ways to cook quail eggs, and the consistency of the finished product depends on the cooking time.

In a saucepan on the stove

There are three options for boiling an egg in a saucepan on the stove, which will result in three different dishes: a soft-boiled egg, a hard-boiled egg, or in a bag. Before cooking eggs in any way, you need to wash them to remove any contamination.


To cook hard-boiled eggs, pour cool water into a cooking pan and add salt. Next, quail eggs are placed in a vessel and placed on fire. It is necessary to note the minutes of cooking after the liquid begins to boil. It only takes 5 minutes to cook hard-boiled eggs. After the specified time, turn off the fire, drain the hot water, and then place the eggs in cold water to cool.


The sequence of cooking soft-boiled eggs is similar to the recipe for hard-boiled eggs. Cold water is poured into a pan, salted, eggs are placed in it, placed on the stove and wait for the liquid to boil to begin counting the time. To get soft-boiled eggs, cook them for no more than 2 minutes. After the time has passed, the pan is removed from the stove, and the eggs are transferred to cool water.

In a bag (poached)

The recipe for preparing a poached egg requires some skill, because it is prepared by breaking the egg into boiling water. For this recipe you need to use only fresh eggs. The cooking sequence is as follows: fill the pan with cold water and place it on the stove. When the water begins to boil, you need to quickly stir it with a whisk, creating a funnel in the center of which the quail egg is broken. In 1-4 minutes, the white completely envelops the yolk, and the egg in the bag takes on its traditional shape.

In the microwave

Although it is believed that it is easier to cook quail eggs in a saucepan on the stove, boiling them in the microwave is also not difficult. To get eggs boiled in a microwave oven, place them in a deep plate or bowl, and then fill the container with cold water, completely covering the eggs. Place the bowl in the microwave and set the mode to no more than 500 W, and the time to no more than 3 minutes. After the signal about the end of cooking, take out the bowl and change the water in it from hot to cold.

How to fry eggs?

Frying scrambled eggs from quail eggs is simple. The main thing is to calculate the number of eggs. If a person is used to eating 2 chicken eggs, then quail eggs should be fried in the amount of 10-14 pieces. Prepare eggs this way: heat a frying pan over medium heat and pour a few drops of any vegetable oil into it. Next, the eggs are broken one by one onto the surface of the frying pan and fried for 7-10 minutes.

To prepare an omelet, take 10-15 quail eggs, break them into a deep bowl, mix with a glass of milk and beat thoroughly. Then salt, add pepper, herbs and other spices to your taste. The mixture is poured into a hot frying pan with oil and covered with a lid. The omelette takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare.

If desired, you can add bacon, cheese, ham, tomatoes and other vegetables to the fried eggs.

How to marinate?

Marinated quail eggs have long been considered a delicious delicacy. These eggs take much longer to prepare than just fried or boiled eggs, but the savory taste of pickled eggs is worth the time.

They are prepared in several stages:

  1. The eggs are placed in warm water for a few minutes, and then dried with a napkin.
  2. The pan is filled with water at room temperature and placed on the stove. There is no need to boil the eggs after the water boils. Remove the pan from the stove and leave the eggs in hot water for 15 minutes.
  3. The water is drained and the eggs are poured with white vinegar so that it completely covers them. Leave the food in this form for 12 hours, remembering to stir every 2 hours.
  4. After 12 hours, the vinegar is drained, the eggs are immersed in cold water for a few minutes, and then shelled.
  5. Peeled eggs are transferred to a glass jar, filled with marinade, which is pre-boiled. You can buy a ready-made marinade in a store or prepare it yourself from a mixture of your favorite spices: add the spices to water and vinegar, taken in equal quantities.
  6. After the eggs have been poured with the hot marinade, they are given several hours to cool, then the jar is closed with a lid and sent to the refrigerator. Quail eggs need to be marinated for at least a day, and the most delicious eggs are obtained after a month in the refrigerator.

How to smoke?

Smoked quail eggs are another unusual option for preparing this product. To smoke eggs, they are first washed, dried with a towel and hard-boiled. After this, prepare the marinade: mix a liter of water with 2 tbsp. l. salt, crushed garlic clove, 1 tbsp. l. mustard, 1 tsp. ground black pepper and 2 pcs. carnations. Pour the marinade over boiled eggs for 2 hours, then dry with a napkin and begin smoking. The smokehouse is heated to 107°C and a frying pan lined with foil and filled with ice is placed there. Place a greased grate on the frying pan and place the quail eggs on it. The smoking process itself takes 15-20 minutes. As a result, the familiar taste of quail eggs is complemented by a bright smoky aroma.

You need to choose eggs of the same size. Eggs of different sizes will not be evenly saturated with smoke and, therefore, will not be cooked at the same time.

Benefits and harms of taking

Each product has certain advantages and disadvantages. Due to this circumstance, possible contraindications and side effects should be clarified before using it. In the process of preparing various dishes, the usual table raw materials of birds can be replaced with other analogues, but for this you need to know how much a chicken egg weighs.

Quail eggs differ in their chemical composition from the products of other birds. They contain twice as many vitamins as chicken ones, and the concentration of minerals is 4 times higher than chicken products.

About salmonellosis

Health difficulties await those suffering from salmonellosis, a serious infectious disease. It is believed that quail eggs can protect against this trouble due to the quail’s body temperature of 42 degrees.

However, salmonella bacteria die at 70 degrees. There is a possibility of infection.

Bacteria settle on the shell of any testicle. People who consume raw specimens are at risk. Trying to strengthen the immune system.

How to protect yourself from salmonellosis infection and what symptoms it causes is described in the article “Is it healthy to drink chicken eggs raw?”

Labeling rules

An egg purchased in a store, as a rule, has a special stamp that contains complete information about the purchased product. You just need to be able to read it correctly. Marking is usually done in two ways:

1) The stamp is applied separately to the shell of each egg.

2) If the product is sold in a special closed container, then the information is indicated on the packaging. Usually this is a label that is glued in such a way that when opening the box you have to tear it off. This serves as a guarantee that the container has not been reused.

Most often, poultry farms try to label all their products without taking into account the type of subsequent packaging. In this way, the company tries to avoid possible misunderstandings and substitutions. Understanding the meaning of each symbol of the applied marking, any buyer can not only give a general description of the product, but also determine the weight of chicken eggs standing on the counter.

Use in cosmetology

In cosmetology, quail eggs are used both in professional body care products and in home masks for hair and face.

For facial skin

Quail eggs are often included in a variety of facial masks.

Mask for dry skin

A mask for dry skin is made as follows: 3 quail yolks are ground and mixed with a tablespoon of oatmeal and a teaspoon of honey. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the facial skin along massage lines. Keep the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Regular use of such a mask saves from wrinkles, eliminates puffiness, gives a natural tone, nourishes and saturates the skin with useful elements.

Mask for oily skin

For oily skin, a mask of 3 whipped quail whites mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice is suitable. The mixture is applied to the skin for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

A protein-lemon mask tightens pores and dries the skin, eliminates redness and minor rashes.

For hair

To restore and nourish hair, it is recommended to make a mask consisting of 6 quail eggs, a glass of olive oil and 0.5 cups of honey. The ingredients are mixed or beaten with a mixer, and then the resulting mixture is spread over the entire length of the hair, not forgetting the scalp. Wrap the hair in a towel and leave for 2-3 hours, after which the mask is washed off with warm water. As a result, the hair will become softer, more manageable and silky.

How much does a quail egg weigh and what should you consider?

Quail eggs are a widely known and popular product. Nevertheless, its exotic appearance raises a number of rational questions, which will be discussed below. To simplify the description, we will choose chicken eggs for comparative analysis. Quail eggs look, first of all, truly unusual. They are noticeably smaller than chicken eggs and inferior in weight, but quail eggs contain much more useful substances.


Surprisingly, in the field of traditional medicine, problems that can be solved have also been found for quail testicles. They help with bronchitis and asthma, anemia, as well as pneumonia and tuberculosis. They are used for metabolic disorders, blood pressure surges and heart disease.

In addition, they are found useful for disorders of vision, the urinary tract and reproductive system, and in the treatment of the gallbladder and pancreas.

Is an allergy possible?

It is believed that quail eggs do not affect the manifestation of allergic reactions. They say that by consuming quail, allergies can be cured.

The merits are attributed to the ovomucoid protein. This is not true. This element is part of chicken eggs. And it is an allergen. Accordingly, people prone to allergies are not recommended to use them.

Interestingly, when allergic reactions to chicken protein occur, the same thing happens when eating the testicles of other birds.

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