The largest ants in the world: what size, which are the second largest?

Ants belong to a family of insects that live in large groups. They have several castes: winged females and males, wingless workers. Their homes are called anthills. They build them in the soil, under stones, in wood.

There are more than 14 thousand species of ants, some of which vary in size. More than 260 species can be found in our country. They live all over the world except Iceland, Antarctica and Greenland.

The largest ants in the world seem small and insignificant to us, but their role in the life of the planet is enormous. They help regulate the number of insect pests. They are eaten. These insects loosen and fertilize the soil, increasing productivity in regions with hot climates.

10. Nothomyrmecia macrops, 5-7 mm

A species of one of the most primitive ants found in Australia. It was first discovered in 1931 and described in 1934. Several expeditions of scientists tried to find representatives of this species to study in more detail, but were unable to do so. They were rediscovered in 1977.

Nothomyrmecia macrops are considered medium-sized ants, ranging from 9.7 to 11 mm in length. They have small families, consisting of 50 to 100 workers. They feed on arthropods and the sweet secretions of homoptera insects.

They choose to live in the cool regions of South Australia, eucalyptus forests. The entrance holes to the nest are very small, no more than 4-6 mm wide, so they are difficult to detect, without mounds and soil deposits, hidden under leaf debris.

Description and lifestyle of ants

These insects have an extraordinary ability to work and are distinguished by a strictly ordered way of life and distribution of responsibilities. The first naturalist who described the lifestyle and species differences of these insects was entomologist Erich Weissmann, who also laid the foundation for the department of zoology - myrmecology.

At the moment, science knows about 1 million different species of ants, and the total number of all representatives of the family is 20% of the total number of animals on the planet.

Classification characteristics of the ant family:

Number of subfamilies21 modern and 5 fossils
Number of births378
Immediate familyWasps, Scolia

Ants of all kinds live in families, which include queens, soldiers, workers and even slaves. A separate family builds a nest for itself - an anthill. Each clan knows and strictly fulfills its duties. Hardworking insects are capable of carrying loads up to 20 times their own weight. Each type of ant has its own characteristics and laws of life.

The body of ordinary ants consists of three parts. On the head there are eyes of a complex structure. The organ of touch is the antennae, which detect even minor changes in the environment. Insects easily climb onto all kinds of surfaces, thanks to the presence of small claws at the ends of their legs. The sting is used to eat food and protect against enemies.

The bite of even the most common ant is very painful; the acid that is released causes a burning sensation. Some species of African insects secrete poison that can be fatal.

Myrmecocystus, 10-13 mm

This species of ant lives in desert areas of the United States and Mexico. They can be pale yellow or black. They belong to the genus of honey ants, which have a group of workers with reserves of liquid carbohydrate food in swollen crops. These are the so-called ant barrels.

Myrmecocystus is used by local people for food. Mexican Indians catch and eat worker ants with a full abdomen, which are commonly called “honey barrels.” Due to their enormous size, they are practically unable to move and hide on the ceiling of the deep chambers of the nest. Dimensions range from 8-9 mm in males, to 13-15 mm in females, and working individuals are even smaller - 4.5 - 9 mm.

The smallest ant

The body length of the smallest ants – small red or pharaoh ants – does not exceed 2-4 mm. Males have wings. Insects feed on any food waste, so they prefer to settle close to human habitation, next to garbage cans or garbage heaps.

Due to their very small size they can easily penetrate into apartments and houses. They also often end up in the house along with brought food. They live in large colonies, in which, in addition to the queen and workers, there are soldiers.

Cephalotes, 3-14 mm

The name of this ant can be translated as “finger with a flat head.” They can be found in South and Central America. These are wood ants, with numerous families. They can have from several dozen workers to 10 thousand.

They prefer to settle in trees or bushes, in passages and cavities eaten by other insects. If they accidentally fall from a branch, they can parachute, landing on the trunk of the same plant. They are non-aggressive ant species that can coexist with other insects from this family.

They feed on carrion, extrafloral nectar, and plant pollen. They are sometimes found on sugar and protein sources, and on bird excrement. Cephalotes were discovered by the English scientist F. Smith in 1860.

The largest anthills in the world

The largest anthills are not always the homes of large ants. The size of the dwelling depends on the number of individuals making up the family. Nests are known in the world that reached up to 1.7 m in height and about 3 m in circumference.

The biggest ants in the world don't always make the biggest nests.

Such ant houses were found in the Amazon delta; the number of inhabitants in them sometimes reaches tens of millions. An indicator of the size of an anthill is not always its height. If there is no suitable material for construction on the surface, the ants deepen their homes several meters into the soil.

Author: Nadya Boyko

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

7. Camponotus herculeanus, 10-15 mm

This species is a large one. It is called the giant ant or red-breasted carpenter ant . Females and males are black, the rest have a dark head and a red chest. One of the largest species in Russia.

The length of individual females or soldiers reaches up to 2 cm in length. It can be found in almost all forests of Europe: from northern Asia to western Siberia. Camponotus herculeanus builds its nests in the wood of diseased or dead spruce, fir, and occasionally pine trees. They feed on insects and collect honeydew. The ants themselves are the favorite food of woodpeckers.

Bulldog Ants

Their homeland is Australia. These are, perhaps, not only one of the largest ants, but also one of the most ancient and primitive.

The working individual is about 4 cm in length, the uterus is 4.5 cm. The hair is black, the body shape is somewhat reminiscent of the “figure” of a wasp, but without wings. The ant's huge jaws, protruding half a centimeter forward, are especially eye-catching. The jaws are equipped with sharp serrations, making them an excellent weapon for the bulldog ant.

The ant also has a sting that is powerful enough to produce a painful bite, just one of which can be fatal to a person (if an acute allergic reaction with anaphylactic shock develops, which is an average of 3% in Australia).

Bulldog ants are real strongmen. They are capable of dragging loads up to 50 times their own body weight.

Bulldog ants are considered long-lived. They live for about 5 years.

Unlike other types of ants, bulldogs can move in leaps, sometimes reaching half a meter in length (but more often in small leaps of 10-12 cm).

They are also good swimmers: a water barrier of 15 cm is a mere trifle for them.

Bulldog ants can also make loud noises, which is not typical for other types of ants. The cracking sound produced by the friction of the barbs at the junction of body segments is sometimes heard louder than the chirping of cicadas.

Bulldog ants dig their nests underground, closer to moisture. One family rarely reaches 1000 individuals, usually there are only a few hundred. Adult bulldogs feed their larvae with insects (and often even attack wasps and spiders), while they themselves prefer nectars, juices, and honeydew.

Bulldog ants are very aggressive, agile and dangerous. Guards are always “posted” near the anthill, and at the slightest danger they give a signal to the others. Having received the signal, dozens of “defenders” immediately run out of the nest. A victim who accidentally ends up near the anthill of these warriors is doomed to repeated painful bites.

Camponotus vagus, 6-16 mm

A large species of ant that can be found in the forests of Northern Asia and Europe. This is a forest insect with a shiny black body, one of the largest in the fauna of Russia. Females and soldiers can grow up to 15 mm, but the size of other insects can be slightly smaller - from 6 to 17 mm.

They prefer to settle in open areas of the forest: on the edges, clearings, old clearings of both deciduous and mixed pine forests. Camponotus vagus love well-lit areas with sandy soil, they settle under dry wood, but they can also be found under stones.

They place their anthills on stumps and wood debris. In one colony there are from 1 thousand to 4 thousand individuals, a maximum of 10 thousand. These are aggressive and fast insects that fiercely defend their nest.

Indochinese, up to 200 kg

Lives in Thailand, Cambodia, Burma, etc.
The Indochinese tiger can grow up to 2.55-2.85 m, weighing from 150 to 195 kg, but there are also some large specimens that weigh more than 250 kg. Females are slightly smaller, growing to 2.30-2.55 m and weighing from 100 to 130 kg. They have a dark color, shorter and narrower stripes. Indochinese tigers lead a secretive lifestyle. Most often they hunt ungulates. There are between 1200 and 1800 left, but most likely the first number is correct. A large group of tigers lives in Malaysia. There were once many of them in Vietnam, but most of them (three quarters) were destroyed in order to sell their organs for the production of Chinese traditional medicine.

5. Paraponera clavate, 28-30 mm

A species of large tropical ants whose name can be translated as “bullet ant.” They differ from their relatives in that they are poisonous; their venom is stronger than that of a wasp or bee.

The habitat of these insects is Central and South America, mainly humid and tropical forests. Ant families prefer lowland forests. Paraponera clavate was first described by the Danish zoologist Johann Fabricius in 1775. These are brownish-black insects that grow to 18-25 mm. In one family there are from 1 thousand to 2.5 thousand working individuals.

Anthills are soil-based, located at the base of trees. There are about 4 colonies of these ants per 1 hectare of forest. They feed on arthropods and nectar, which they collect in the crowns. They have a long sting (up to 3.5 mm) and strong venom. The pain after a bite is felt throughout the day, which is why this insect is also called the “24-hour ant.”

Prehistoric giants

Thanks to archaeological excavations, paleontologists have been able to provide information about giant individuals that lived millions of years ago. The next selection is just about these creatures.


This dinosaur is considered the largest animal in the world, living 150 million years ago BC. It reached 48 meters, which is much larger than the size of the living leader of the giants - the blue whale. Archaeologists have only been able to excavate and identify parts of the spine of this majestic reptile. Currently, the existence of this species is questioned, so archaeological excavations are planned to be resumed.

The progenitor of modern boas is much longer - up to 13 meters and weighing 1 ton. Lived 60 million years ago.


An apex predator shark that lives in the ocean. Only the tooth of this 48-ton monster would hardly fit in the hands of a person. It is believed that the megalodon's jaws could bite through food weighing 10 tons.


The ancient bird is the largest of all who lived on planet Earth. Its wingspan is 9 meters. The majestic Argentavis lived 6 million years BC. The habitat established by paleontologists is South America.

Irish deer

The progenitor of today's deer, it was distinguished by massive antlers - up to 5 meters in width. These animals disappeared from the planet 2 million years ago.


In appearance, these mammals resemble rhinoceroses, only without horns, up to 5 meters tall. Compared to its descendants, the weight of the ancient rhinoceros is amazing - 20 tons. But, despite the impressive height of up to 5 meters and weight, paraceratheria were not predators, but fed exclusively on plant foods.


An ancient pterosaur lived 70 million years ago. The majestic wingspan of 15 meters allowed it to fly hundreds of kilometers in search of carrion and small vertebrates for food. In the entire history of life on Earth, this is the largest flying animal.


This arthropod is the oldest of the giant animals. Lived on earth approximately 500 million years ago. Its dimensions reached 2.5 meters. The species reflected not only the transition to a lifestyle in fresh water, the scorpion crustaceans clearly showed changes in their habitat - from sea to land.

Dorylus nigricans 9-30 mm

In tropical Africa, in forest areas, you can see this type of ant that is dark brown in color. They stand out for their size: workers - from 2.5 to 9 mm, soldiers - up to 13 mm, males - 30 mm, and females up to 50 mm.

In one family Dorylus nigricans there are up to 20 million individuals. This is a very voracious species that feeds on living and dead arthropods and can prey on reptiles and amphibians.

They do not have permanent nests. They move around during the day and find temporary shelter at night. A nomadic column can reach several tens of meters. If there are obstacles along the way, they form “bridges” from their bodies.


This is a fossil species of arthropod that appeared during the life of dinosaurs; they lived on Earth for 50 million years. They were first discovered and described by researchers back in 1854. The female giant insect has a body length of 7 centimeters and a wingspan of about 15 centimeters.

For a better understanding, the size of Formicium is comparable to the modern hummingbird. Speaking about the males of this family, they are slightly smaller - up to 5 centimeters, their weight reaches 150 milligrams (it is worth noting that an ordinary forest representative of the colony weighs no more than 20 milligrams).

Camponotus gigas, 18-31 mm

This one of the largest species can be found in the tropical rain forests of Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The size depends on what kind of individual it is. The smallest are males, from 18 to 20 mm, workers are slightly larger - from 19 to 22 mm, soldiers - 28 -30 mm, and queens - from 30 to 31 mm.

Camponotus gigas is black. They feed on honeydew and sugary secretions, fruits, insects, and some seeds. They are active at night and occasionally during the day. They nest in the ground, at the base of trees, and occasionally in rotten wood.


Breeding season

Photo: Dallas ZooHoo

Males will aggressively pursue females even if they are not receptive. Males' exceptional sense of smell is used to detect chemical signals that reveal the reproductive status of females. Estrus cycles occur at approximately 7-week intervals, with each cycle lasting 47-62 days. Cycles are not seasonal. During sexual intercourse, the male is positioned above the female, and she lies on her side. Copulation may occur several times over a period of about three days.

Pregnancy usually lasts 170-190 days. Breeding can occur throughout the year , but there is evidence of seasonality in courtship and birth in captive animals. Scientists have repeatedly observed courtship in January and recorded births inconsistent with gestation periods, and have suggested the possibility of delayed implantation in giant anteaters.

Cubs development

Females typically produce only one offspring per year, weighing between 1.1 and 1.6 kg at birth. The cub is born blind, the eyes begin to open after a week. Lactation lasts 6 months and mothers carry their young on their backs for 6–9 months until the female becomes pregnant again, indicating intense parental care in this species. The interval between consecutive births is usually 9 months.

The offspring usually reach sexual maturity after 2-4 years. The young show rapid growth in the second half of their 2nd year and take at least three years to reach full size in the wild.

Dinoponera, 20-40 mm

In the tropical forests of Peru and Brazil, this species of black shiny ant is common. In one family Dinoponera there are several dozen individuals, occasionally more than 100.

They feed on dead arthropods, seeds, sweet fruits, and may include lizards, frogs, and chicks in their diet.

They nest in the ground. Shy ants, if they see danger, prefer to hide. If individuals from different nests meet, there may be “demonstration” fights, but they usually do not lead to physical fights, much less fatal ones.

Blue whale

In general, all whales are huge animals, and if desired, the entire TOP 10 could be filled with different types of whales. But the largest among them are blue whales. The length of the largest individuals reaches 33 meters, and the mass of such animals exceeds 150 tons.

Oddly enough, these giants do not feed on fish, but only on plankton, which consists of small (no more than 6 cm in size) crustaceans. Seeing their flock, the whale opens its mouth and lets a huge volume of water inside itself. Then it closes its mouth and, using a special mechanism, pushes out the water.

Back in the 19th century. the number of blue whales exceeded 350 thousand individuals. For a long time, whalers could not hunt this species - it was too strong. But in 1868, hunters mastered a new weapon - a harpoon cannon, with the help of which the catch of blue whales became possible. By 1967, the number of blue whales had dropped to 2 thousand, as a result of which their fishing was completely banned. Since then, the number of blue whales has been growing, but extremely slowly.

Myrmecia pavida, 30-40 mm

They are called "bulldog ants". They live in Western Australia and are sometimes found in South Australia. Usually red or reddish brown, orange, black, bright, immediately catches the eye.

They feed on insects and sugary secretions. Nests are built in dry places, in the ground. They have a sting and poison that is dangerous, including for humans. If Myrmecia pavida stings, it can cause anaphylactic shock. In a colony there are up to several hundred individuals.

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Save Status

Giant anteaters are widespread from Honduras to northern Argentina, making them unlikely to become extinct in the near future. The main threat to this species is habitat loss . Since three-toed anteaters live in grasslands, fires pose a great danger to them, especially the deliberate burning of sugar cane plantations before harvesting.

Domestic dogs, collisions with vehicles on the highway, sport hunting and hunting for food all also negatively affect the populations of great anteaters. Add to this a very specific diet, low reproductive rates, slowness and sensitivity to climate change, and you get a " vulnerable species " on the IUCN Red List.

There is also concern about the gene pool of three-toed anteaters, the preservation of which could be ensured by protected corridors connecting fragmented populations of animals.

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