Size matters: the largest rodents in the world

The most numerous order of mammals are rodents. A total of 2,277 species have been described. They can be found almost everywhere, anywhere on our planet, with the exception of Antarctica and some islands.

Typically, all rodents are small in size, from 5 to 130 cm, but on average do not exceed 50 cm. Many of them have a particularly long tail, which is significantly larger than their body size, but some have it completely absent, such as sea pigs.

The smallest rodent is only 3 cm in length (plus 2 cm for the tail), it weighs only 7 g. Some rodents are impressive in their size. Thus, the average weight of a capybara is 65 kg, and individual specimens weigh up to 91 kg.

The largest are rodents, which have long since become extinct. The remains of giant representatives of this group were found, the largest of which weighed from 1 to 1.5 tons, it is possible that it reached a size of 2.5 tons. Nowadays it is impossible to meet such giants.

But still, the largest rodents in the world amaze with their size, despite the fact that in our society there has long been a stereotype that if it is a rodent, then it is a tiny animal that fits in the palm of your hand.


The capybara is the world's largest rodent, which lives near rivers and lakes in South and Central America. This herbivorous semi-aquatic animal is recognized as the only representative of the capybara suborder. The weight of an adult reaches 65 kilograms, and the body length is 110-130 cm. Females are much larger than males and weigh up to 125 kg during the period of bearing offspring.

Despite such impressive size, capybaras are kind and friendly. They feed on plant foods, including algae and root vegetables. Animals are not afraid of people and gladly take food from their hands, but they prefer to stay away from settlements.

Mice of Gough Island

Situated in the South Atlantic, Gough Island has been overrun by approximately two million mice. Uninhabited areas have become an ideal breeding ground for them. It is noteworthy that rodents are twice as large as their counterparts living in the civilized world. Every year, 1.6 million petrel chicks are born on the island, and 1.2 million of them are eaten by mice.

Shearwaters are also eaten by black rats that have settled on the Tristan da Cunha archipelago, where, as on Gough Island, these rodents have no natural predators. Experts, in turn, continue to search for the best method for exterminating these pests, because even one surviving pregnant female can give birth to new rats that will multiply quickly. But scientists do not lose hope. In 2009, complete eradication of rats was achieved on Rat Island (Alaska), where rodents lived for 230 years.


There are two varieties of beavers - Canadian and Mongolian. The second type of rodent is considered the largest. The length of a mature male reaches 1.5 meters, and body weight ranges from 30-35 kilograms. Beavers are extremely hardworking creatures, they are constantly engaged in building houses and dams, and spend a lot of time searching for food and training their offspring. The peculiarity of animals is their strong teeth and powerful jaws. They easily chew through the hard bark of trees and are capable of felling an oak or tall spruce in a short time.

Beavers' eyelids are transparent, which allows them to see clearly under water. The tail of animals is multifunctional. It regulates body temperature, helps change direction while swimming and express emotions.

What are the largest rodents in the world called?

The Belgian Giant is popular in America

Belgian giant rabbit

Also known as Flanders. It was bred in the 16th century in Flanders as a meat breed, and from there it spread throughout the world. According to one version, the Belgian giant was born as a result of crossing Belgian and Patagonian rabbits from Argentina. But it is not possible to establish the reliability of this version, since Patagonian rabbits are currently extinct. This rodent has gained particular popularity on the American continent.

There are several types of Belgian giants. They differ from each other in size and coat color. The smallest weigh no more than 6 kg, the largest reach up to 12 kg. Color varies from dark gray and almost black to sandy white. The fur is thick and can reach 3 cm in length.

REFERENCE! The heaviest rabbit of this breed in the world is considered to be a rabbit named Ralph, bred in Britain. Its weight is 22 kg. The largest is the rabbit Darius, whose height - 1.3 meters - is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The Belgian giant has a calm, balanced character. Gets along well with relatives and other pets, even dogs. It is highly intelligent and can even be trained.

This breed reaches a weight of 3 kg

Asian giant squirrel

The Asian giant squirrel, also known as the great-tailed ratufa, comes in four types:

  • Ratufa large-tailed - most often found in South India and Ceylon;
  • Ratufa bicolor - lives in Eastern India, Nepal and Burma;
  • Ratufa Malayan - lives on the islands of Indonesia;
  • Ratufa indica is widespread throughout the territory of modern India.

Asian squirrels can reach half a meter in length and their weight can reach up to 3 kg. The length of the tail is approximately equal to the length of the body. The smallest variety of ratufa is 25-30 cm. It has an original and varied color. The most common squirrels have black fur on their backs and a light brown belly.

Asian squirrels live in tropical rainforests. They live in the high crowns of trees and move along the branches.

REFERENCE! The Asian squirrel can jump up to six meters in length.

Asian squirrels feed on the same food as their relatives on other continents. Their diet includes nuts, tree buds, mushrooms and large insects.

Ratufs are solitary animals, each living in its own territory, meeting only for mating. These territories are unstable; proteins can migrate depending on the availability of suitable food.

In the wild, Asian squirrels live on average 5-6 years; in captivity they can live up to 15 years.

ATTENTION! The Asian giant squirrel is listed in the Red Book.

Large gophers live in Russia and Kazakhstan

Great gopher

The large ground squirrel, also known as the reddish ground squirrel, can reach about 20-30 cm in length and weigh up to 1.5 kg. Its back is covered with dark fur, and its sides are red (hence the second name).

The Great Ground Squirrel lives in the steppe regions of Russia and Northern Kazakhstan. Large gophers try to live separately; only in the south, where food supplies are limited, do they settle in large colonies.

The large gopher is a very active animal. In search of food, it can move 150-200 meters from its burrows, and up to 300 meters in dry seasons. Gophers prefer to feed on young cereals and flowering herbs. In spring, they can move to the root parts of plants and leaves.

The main enemies of gophers in nature are steppe ferrets, which attack these rodents even during hibernation. They are also hunted by foxes and stoats, steppe eagles and kites, and near human settlements, domestic dogs and cats pose a greater threat to gophers.

Due to its high fertility (up to 16 cubs in one litter), the great ground squirrel is not an endangered species. However, in Kazakhstan it is considered a pest, and in other territories their numbers are threatened by a reduction in their habitat due to land plowing and commercial production.

The habitat of beavers is very wide


REFERENCE! According to the rules of the Russian language, “beaver” is an animal, and “beaver” is the fur of this animal.

The habitat of beavers is very wide. They can be found in Eastern Europe, in the Vistula basin, in Scandinavia (there are especially many beavers in Finland). In Russia, beavers live from Murmansk in the north to Arkhangelsk in the south and from the western borders of the country to the Transbaikal forests and Mongolia. Canadian beavers are common in Kamchatka and Primorye. The main habitat of the latter is Alaska, Canada, and the northern and central states of the USA.

The beaver treats people calmly and can settle near villages and villages, as long as there is a body of water nearby and enough food.

The length of an adult beaver can reach one and a half meters, height at the withers up to 40 cm. The length of the tail varies from 25 to 40 cm. The average weight of an adult is 30 kg.

The beaver's body is perfectly adapted for movement under water. The tail makes up about a quarter of the animal's total length. In water, the tail serves as a rudder, and on land it helps maintain balance. The fur consists of coarse long hair and thick undercoat. The color of the fur has various shades of brown, from light, almost sandy, to dark brown. Because of their fur, beavers are considered game animals. Their wool is considered very wearable and durable, and can be easily dressed. Because of this, by the beginning of the twentieth century, the Canadian beaver was on the verge of extinction

REFERENCE! The thickness of the fur can be used to determine the age of a beaver. The thicker it is, the older the animal.

Beavers feed on tree bark and plants. They almost never eat the wood itself, and they cut down large trees to get to their crowns.

Beavers are sedentary animals, settling along rivers, on the banks of lakes and ponds. Beavers are nocturnal, leaving their burrows at sunset and working until the morning.

Porcupines live in foothill areas

Crested porcupine

The crested porcupine is the largest representative of its family. It lives in the territory from Italy to China. The average weight of an adult is 9-12 kg, but some particularly well-fed males reach 20 kg. The length of the body can reach 90 cm. Porcupines live up to 10 years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity.

A distinctive feature of the porcupine is the long (up to 50 cm) and thick (up to 7 mm) quills that grow on its back. Despite this natural protection, the porcupine is often the target of hunting by bears, wolves, lynxes and other large predators.

Crested porcupines prefer to settle in mountainous and foothill regions of Europe and Asia with a mild climate. They often settle close to people. If the soil allows, porcupines dig deep branched burrows up to 12 meters.

Crested porcupines are predominantly nocturnal. At sunset, they leave their burrows and, in search of food, can move 10-15 km from their burrows. The porcupine feeds on plants. In summer, its favorite diet is roots, in autumn it prefers the fruits of plants, and in winter it feeds on tree bark.

Crested porcupines try to live alone; they gather in packs only for the mating period.
They are quite calm, but wary of people. Have you ever pet a porcupine? Capybaras are the leaders among rodents in size


The capybara, or capybara, is the largest representative of rodents. The weight of an adult male can reach 65 kg, the height at the withers is 65-70 cm, which can be compared with an adult dog. The coat is coarse and thick, can grow up to 12 cm, but there is no undercoat. Therefore, in order not to get sunburned, the capybara often covers itself with dirt.

The capybara lives only in South America. It settles near rivers, swamps and lakes. The entire life of a rodent is connected with water. In it she feeds, reproduces, and escapes the heat.

Capybaras live in groups, forming something similar to a pride of lions - one alpha male, smaller males, several females and cubs. The flock size does not exceed 20 individuals. Such a large family settles on an area of ​​up to 10 hectares, marking its habitat.

In their natural habitat, capybaras live up to 10 years, in captivity up to 15 years.

The capybara is very easy to tame and train. However, keeping an animal at home is associated with a number of difficulties. For a comfortable life, capybaras need a body of water and a varied diet, so only wealthy people can afford to keep them.

Baibaks hibernate for 8 months in September


The baybak, or steppe marmot, belongs to the family of squirrel rodents. The length of an adult can reach 70 cm and weight 10 kg. The bobak lives in the Eurasian steppes, lives in burrows in large long-term colonies. Boibak families are large, including parents and cubs from the last two broods.

The baybak is a herbivorous animal; it feeds on almost all types of plants, but does not pose a threat to agriculture, since it has enough wild plants. In the summer, the bobak actively feeds and stores fat in order to hibernate at the end of September, which lasts about eight months.

Due to the plowing of the steppes, the planting of forest belts and active hunting, the boibak population was at one time under threat, but thanks to environmental activities this species was saved.


The animal lives on the rocky plateaus of Argentina and Patagonia and looks slightly like a kangaroo. Mara is a distant relative of the well-known domestic guinea pig and belongs to the half-ungulate family. An adult rodent weighs about 20 kilograms, and its body length often reaches 50 centimeters.

In Patagonia, locals call the maru the lowland hare, since the rodent's hind legs are much longer than its front ones and help it jump long distances. In addition, the habits of the mara are similar to those of a hare. When an animal runs away from a predator, it jumps in a zigzag pattern, straining all 4 legs at the same time.

Gray big - Pasyuk

These rodents live in our country. They prefer to settle near bodies of water, where they dig very deep burrows. But in such conditions they live only in the warm season; in winter they settle closer to people, choosing outbuildings or residential buildings for wintering. Of course, a person does not really like such a neighborhood. The size of the body reaches 41 cm, the tail is about 20 cm.

They are carnivores; their diet consists of animal and plant foods. If they are hungry and there is no usual source of food nearby, they may well attack domestic animals and even humans. They are carriers of very serious diseases, so bites are very dangerous.


The largest representative of the comb-toed family and the only rodent on Earth from the genus Massoutiera. The animal's habitat is Mali, Nigeria, the Republic of Chad, Algeria. Masseurs live mainly in mountainous areas and lead a diurnal lifestyle. The male's body length is 24 centimeters, and his weight is 160-170 grams. Females are 14-18% larger.

Since 2015, masseurs have been listed in the Red Book as an endangered species. Rapid declines in rodent populations have been observed in areas where livestock farming flourishes and drought seasons regularly occur. To protect the species from extinction, reserves are being opened in Africa where the massier is kept.


Rodents eat a variety of foods, including leaves, fruits, seeds and small invertebrates. Cellulose foods are digested in the cecum (a sac in the digestive tract that contains bacteria that can break down solid plant material into a digestible form). Food is either eaten where it is collected, or it is brought into burrows for storage (for example, gopher rats, Gambian rats, hamsters, etc.). Species living in arid habitats and on oceanic islands can obtain essential fluids from their food.


Pacarana is the only representative of the Pacarana family. Rodents inhabit countries such as Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, and Venezuela. Less common in Brazil and Ecuador. Pacaranas prefer to settle deep in tropical rainforests, away from humans. The body length of an adult animal is at least 73 centimeters, and its weight ranges from 11 to 15 kilograms.

In preparation for childbirth, females make cozy nests in deep crevices of the earth or rocks so that their offspring do not fall into the clutches of predators. A newborn pacarana weighs 850-900 grams. Animals feed on vegetation, mainly grass and berries.

Viking rats

In 2014, an unusually large rat, more than 15 inches, appeared in the kitchen of the Bengtsson-Korsas family (Solna, Sweden). The rodent made passages in wood and concrete to get into the room. To destroy the pest, homeowners used the largest trap. The rat was so large that only its head could fit into the rat trap. She did not die immediately, but suffocated in her tunnel. The family first realized something was wrong when their cat, Enoch, became afraid to go into the kitchen.

Based on a number of studies and observations conducted in Europe, the UK and the USA, the appearance of so-called Viking rats may indicate abnormal development of individuals and various types of mutations. Experts who have monitored the rodents say they are twice the size of regular rats. In Dublin, exterminators caught a 24-inch rat in an apartment.

In addition, Viking rats are immune to poisons. Bromadiolone no longer works on them. According to a 2009 University of Huddersfield study, genetic mutation and immunity to poisons go hand in hand in this case, forcing specialists to create new, more effective poisonous drugs.

Crested porcupine

Another name for the animal is the crested porcupine or typical porcupine. The largest and most famous representative of the Hystricidae family. The creatures live in Europe, India, North Africa, China, Transcaucasia and Iraq. The body length of an adult is over 85 centimeters, and its weight is 25-27 kilograms.

A special feature of porcupines is the long quills that line their backs and serve as a means of defense against natural enemies. In dangerous situations, the animal throws out needles. They dig into the attacker's body and cause severe pain. The most common victims of tufted porcupines are curious dogs, farm animals and children.


The baybak or common steppe marmot inhabits almost the entire territory of the Eurasian virgin steppes. He is the largest representative of the squirrel family. The body length of the male reaches 80 centimeters, and the weight is from 10 to 13 kilograms. A distinctive feature of the boibak from other types of marmots is its shortened tail. Its length does not exceed 15 centimeters.

Among these animals, albinos are often found, which are caught and kept as rare pets. Boibaks feed on hay, grain crops, grass and root crops. During periods of famine, they climb into vegetable warehouses and destroy food supplies.

Social structure, reproduction

The world's largest rodent is a social animal; Capybaras live in small groups of 10-20 individuals. During the dry period, groups unite, forming herds of up to 100 pigs, but as the situation improves, they again break up into small families. The group is led by a male, who protects his territory and fights with competitors for a dominant position.

It marks its territory with a secretion secreted by the anal gland. Typically, a family protects an area of ​​8-10 hectares for itself, although most of the time it is content with one hectare.

In a herd there are usually several mature females, cubs and males that do not claim a leading position. Otherwise, competitors are expelled from the family. Water pigs communicate with each other using sounds: whistling, clicking and even barking, and there are alarm signals.

The largest rodent in the world breeds all year round, but it is most active during the rainy season. Males lure females with a scent secreted by a gland located on the muzzle. You can recognize an adult, seasoned male just by such a hairless bump located on the bridge of his nose. He applies an attractive secret to the vegetation of his territory.

The female carries the cubs for 150 days, giving birth to up to 8-10 piglets at once, which weigh on average 1.5 kg. There are rarely 2-4 of them. Capybaras are caring mothers, they raise and feed all the cubs of the herd, without dividing them into “us” and “strangers”.

Piglets are born sighted, with teeth and can eat grass, but they still receive milk until 3-4 months. Usually the female produces one litter per year, but under favorable conditions she can farrow twice.


The animal was nicknamed the Belgian giant because of its incredible size among the representatives of the rabbit family. An adult rodent grows up to 70 centimeters in length, and particularly well-fed individuals can weigh 24-25 kilograms.

Flanders are bred to obtain skins with thick, beautiful fur, from which sheepskin coats, mittens, hats, and nutritious meat are sewn. Less commonly, this breed is kept as a decorative pet. Belgian giants are famous for their fertility. A person who decides to engage in rabbit breeding by purchasing a pair of flanders will become the owner of a large rabbit farm in 2 years.

Long observations of the behavior of Flanders allowed scientists to conclude that they are very smart and friendly. Rodents easily make contact with people and get along with other pets in the house.

Protect your property from rodents of different shapes and sizes

While you're unlikely to encounter the world's largest rat or mouse in any English-speaking country, small pests can still find their way onto your property. Whether it's rats or mice invading your home or moles and gophers burrowing under your lawn, rodents can carry viruses and cause many other problems.

As soon as you see signs of presence, use Victor® traps and repellents. The Victor® catalog contains a wide selection of products that will quickly and efficiently solve all problems.

Indian giant squirrel

The Indian ratufa is recognized as the most beautiful representative of the squirrel family. This is a huge herbivorous squirrel that lives in trees and is diurnal. Animals of this species live in the forests of Hindustan, most of them near the state of Madhya Pradesh.

The color range of the Indian ratufa consists of three shades, the body length is up to 65 centimeters, and the weight of an adult individual does not exceed 2300 grams. Rodents feed on tree fruits, leaves, small insects and root vegetables.


Rodents are classified in the following taxonomic hierarchy:

  • Domain: Eukaryotes;
  • Kingdom: Animals;
  • Phylum: Chordata;
  • Class: Mammals;
  • Order: Rodents.

Scientists agree on the definitions of most families, but they have historically disagreed about organizing families into larger groups, namely suborders. In early classifications, suborders were generally omitted, and families were grouped into superfamilies. The latest official classification identifies five suborders, whose representatives have similar features:

  • Porcupines (Hystricomorpha): There are approximately 300 species of porcupine rodents living today. Members of this suborder include agoutis, porcupines, mole rats, nutrias, chinchillas, capybaras and many others. Hystricomorpha rodents have a unique arrangement of jaw muscles that sets them apart from other rodents.
  • Myomorpha: There are about 1,400 species of living mouse-like rodents. This group includes mice, rats, hamsters, voles, lemmings, jerboas, muskrats, etc. Most species of mouse-like rodents are nocturnal; they feed on seeds and grains.
  • Anomaluromorpha: has nine species, including the spiny-tailed squirrels, Pela's spiny-tails, long-eared spinytails, Cape striders, etc. Some members of this suborder (except the spiny-tailed squirrels) have flight membranes that allow them to glide.
  • Squirrel-like rodents (Sciuromorpha): There are about 273 species of squirrel-like rodents. Members of this suborder include squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, flying squirrels, etc. Squirrels have a unique arrangement of jaw muscles that distinguishes them from all other rodents.
  • Beavers (Castorimorpha) : has about 100 species from 3 families: beavers, gophers and pouchhoppers. This suborder was identified in 2005.

Soviet chinchilla

The largest breed of domestic rabbits, bred for their fur on private farms in Russia and the CIS countries. It was obtained by crossing American small chinchillas with white giant rabbits. The bred animal is large in size: body length - 70-75 centimeters, weight - 5-6 kilograms, subject to proper feeding and maintenance. A feature of Soviet chinchillas was their high fertility. A female gives birth to up to 15 cubs per year, which gain a weight of 2 kilograms in 60 days.


Its other names are swamp beaver or koipu . " Nutria " is translated from Greek as "mouse-beaver". In appearance it resembles a rat of enormous size: the body grows up to 60 cm, the tail is 45 cm, it weighs from 5 to 12 kg. Males are usually larger than females.

She has a huge head with small ears and eyes, and a blunt muzzle. The tail is hairless, it is a kind of rudder that is used when swimming. The fur of this animal is waterproof and brown.

Nutria lives in South America, but it has been able to acclimatize in many countries. It is active at night. Lives in groups of 2-13 individuals.

Speckled gopher

The speckled gopher or prairie dog is the most common rodent in Eastern Europe, the banks of the Danube and Volga. They also inhabit countries such as Belarus and Ukraine. Speckled gophers live in dry meadows, forest belts, plantings and near water bodies. The body length of a mature prairie dog reaches 25 centimeters, and its weight does not exceed 700 grams. The gopher, having left its parent's nest, begins to equip its house. In it he raises offspring, spends the summer and hibernates.

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