What do mosquitoes eat - choice of victim, how do they find a food source?

Description of the features of the mouthparts of mosquitoes. How mosquitoes search for prey - the principle of operation of receptors. What do they pay attention to when choosing a victim? Does a person's blood type affect? Nutrition of females and males. What do mosquitoes eat besides blood?

Mosquitoes usually live and breed in forest areas. Many people wonder what mosquitoes eat in such conditions. Information about this allows you to protect your own home from insect infestations, choose a method to combat them and protect against them.

Features of the oral apparatus

The oral apparatus, which allows the mosquito to feed, is distinguished by its piercing-sucking type. It is characterized by a rather complex structure, is located in the lower part of the mouth, and has the shape of a proboscis tube. The sharp stylets of the jaw are also located here.

It is important to understand that a mosquito can be a carrier of dangerous infections - malaria, yellow fever, West Nile fever, tularemia.

A human bite occurs as follows: lowering the proboscis inside the skin to the depth where the capillaries are located. Having cut a hole, the insect can easily suck out the blood.

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Ordinary mosquitoes consume ordinary human and animal blood as food. But we note that the composition of the nutritional components present in the lymph is necessary only for females in order to ensure reproduction and bearing offspring. In the wild, they are limited to substances whose components are sugar.

The male and female consume plant extracts and nectar from vegetation. They do not often feed on honeydew, which contains sugar. Male members of the family eat only plant foods. For the life of females, they need protein contained in human blood.

If bloodsuckers consume only nectar, the offspring will be weak, since proteins are one of the main ingredients necessary for the proper development of larvae and pupae - they optimize the life cycle and reproductive function. There are also species that prefer either lymph or plant foods.

The squeak requires blood, since without it there is no possibility of bearing and laying eggs. If we talk about the lifespan of an insect, it is approximately 50 days, and the period decreases with a sharp change in temperature and humidity.

Interesting Facts

  • Today there are about 4,000 species of mosquitoes.
  • Their habitat is all over the globe.
  • The mosquito body reaches 10-13 millimeters in length.
  • The male lives 14 days, while the female lives 2-3 months.
  • Cannot fly in windy conditions.
  • Certain individuals can consume plasma from fish and reptiles.
  • Only the female needs blood to hatch eggs; the male mosquito prefers nectar and water.
  • Mosquitoes most often bite a person who has eaten a banana.
  • The sound of a mosquito is nothing more than the sound of frequent flapping of its wings.
  • The male, meeting the female, begins to flap his wings synchronously with her.
  • Females choose females more often than males as their victims.
  • In terms of smell, mosquitoes are attracted to sweaty people.
  • Mosquitoes bite sweaty people much more often.
  • It takes 86 hours for a mosquito to transform from a larval state to an adult state.
  • An interesting fact is that mosquitoes have infrared vision, which gives them excellent orientation in the dark.
  • Mosquitoes do not fly far from their place of birth; they live within the nearest radius from it.
  • Entangled in the web, they remain invisible to the spider due to their low weight.
  • A mosquito egg can remain in the ground for up to 3 years, waiting for favorable conditions to be born.
  • The full moon increases the activity of mosquitoes several times.
  • Males prefer older females.
  • By biting a person, an enzyme enters the bloodstream, which has an analgesic effect. This is what causes redness and itching.
  • Mosquitoes transmit hepatitis, malaria, encephalitis and dengue fever.
  • A hungry mosquito can fly great distances in search of food.
  • They have one pair of wings.
  • A mosquito can walk on water.
  • At one time, the female gives birth to an average of 100 eggs.
  • Every year, mosquitoes transmit various diseases to nearly 500 million people.

Nutrition of sugars in vegetation

Small and large mosquitoes can feed on nectar or food of plant origin, since they contain substances necessary for replenishment.

Among the preferred plants are:

  • Burdocks;
  • Blooming tansy;
  • Yarrow latifolia.

What mosquitoes choose to eat depends on their habitat. For example, forest dwellers and inhabitants of summer cottages choose tansy - at the same time one flower can accumulate up to 10 individuals. Tansy contains fructose, which has a beneficial effect on the health of this type of pest.

Mosquitoes: description and types

According to various estimates, there are from 300 to 1000 species of mosquitoes. At the same time, detailed information about them is almost impossible to find in the public domain. They belong to two-winged, long-whiskered insects from the butterfly family.

Mosquitoes are very small insects that are yellowish or gray-brown in color. They have long legs, elongated oval wings, the size of which is almost equal to the length of the body. The insects are covered with small hairs and look slightly shaggy. Hairs even grow along the edges of the wings.

Mosquitoes have black eyes. Their nose is strongly extended forward and turned into a proboscis, with which they feed. Male mosquitoes are exclusively herbivorous insects. They consume flower nectar, plant sap, and honeydew, a sweetish sap secreted by aphids. Only females bite. With their proboscis they pierce the skin of animals and suck out some blood.

Mosquito and mosquito: differences in structure and appearance

Many of us are accustomed to thinking that a mosquito is a huge insect with a long nose; in fact, this is not entirely true.


The length of the mosquito body is only 3 mm. That is, he is very tiny

In this case, the body length of a mosquito can reach 1 centimeter. To differentiate, you need to pay attention to the wings. In a mosquito they stick out and are located at approximately an angle of 90 degrees to the body

The mosquito's wings, in turn, lie on the body, almost parallel to it. To determine, you can also look at the color of the abdomen. In a mosquito it can be white and even golden. The average mosquito has a brown or greenish body. There may be some gray flecks. Both mosquitoes and mosquitoes bite quite painfully, but the bite technique is somewhat different. The fact is that the mosquito's saliva contains a special substance that thins the blood, making it more fluid. Accordingly, after a mosquito bite, redness and a swollen spot are observed. Very often, bites are confused with allergies or a midge bite. The lesion is very similar to a button after a Mantoux vaccination. And after a mosquito bite, there is simply a red dot if there is no allergic reaction.

Drinking blood

Only females have a need for protein contained in the blood of humans and animals. To find a potential source, pests monitor the heat emitted by people's bodies or the aroma of carbon dioxide that is released when people exhale. In parks and in nature, the insect feeds on the lymph of an animal or livestock.

According to studies, scientists have determined whether mosquitoes will attack birds. Yes, they can consume the lymph of certain species of birds, and the food chain of bloodsuckers also includes rodents. Also, laboratory conditions made it possible to find out how much blood the pests drink at one time. For example, an insect weighing 3 milligrams drinks about four to five milligrams of blood.

To be able to provide constant nutrition to a female, certain conditions must be present. For example, egg laying should be carried out in an area where there is a high level of humidity and an acceptable temperature. Because of this, females choose places near ponds, swamps or containers where water has stagnated. If we talk about urban conditions, then the choice falls on basements.

Life cycle

After emergence, insects gather in swarms for fertilization. The fertilized female rushes to places where animals graze and where people gather to feed on blood. When the eggs are fully developed, the females return to shallow standing ponds and lay 20-50 eggs in the form of rafts. The total fertility of a female can exceed 500 pieces. Embryonic development lasts on average 3-6 days. The hatched larvae develop from 5-7 days to a month, depending on the temperature, and feed on plankton. After the fourth molt, the larvae pupate, and adult mosquitoes emerge 2-10 days later. Fertilized females of the autumn generation overwinter in attics, barns, cellars and living quarters.

What do mosquitoes eat in the forest?

Many people are interested in what the common mosquito feeds in the forest area, since people do not visit this area very often. To obtain the necessary components, the insect attacks an animal or bird. Pests do not see any obstacles to food - they are not afraid of wool or hard feathers. They can overcome such an obstacle in just two to five seconds. They are especially agile in areas where there are feeding difficulties.

The pest of this family easily penetrates the skin and fur, despite the small size of the proboscis. They easily receive the required dose of lymph, as they do it at high speed.

Insects are most active in the pre-dawn hour and at sunset. The search for prey is carried out through the use of receptors and olfactory organs. A potential victim can be selected at a distance of up to 10 meters.

How does a mosquito sleep in the summer, where does it hibernate, and at what temperature does it die?

The activity of a mosquito directly depends on the air temperature where the insect is located. When the temperature drops significantly, for example, at the beginning of autumn, the bloodsuckers disappear, since such a temperature is not suitable for them to reproduce.

  • Insects overwinter where they live. Mosquitoes do not fly to another area, country, etc.
  • Gaps, cracks in walls, secluded corners, windows, curtains - all these are ideal places for mosquitoes to hibernate.
  • Mosquitoes do not disdain various non-residential buildings, such as sheds, garages, etc.
  • It is important to note the fact that, in principle, mosquitoes do not need to sleep. If environmental conditions are suitable for it, it will actively continue its activities, reproduce and live.

Optimum temperature for mosquitoes +15-20°C

  • High temperatures are more destructive for these insects. The higher the air temperature, the shorter the mosquito's life will be. As for low temperatures, bloodsuckers hibernate at above-zero temperatures, however, if the climate changes slightly and becomes colder, mosquitoes will simply go into their other state - torpor.
  • The optimal temperature for the life of these insects is considered to be +15-20°C. It is difficult to say unambiguously what mark on the thermometer will indicate that mosquitoes will die at this temperature. However, temperatures of -7°C and above 28-30°C will have a negative effect on mosquitoes, as a result of which they may die.

What do mosquitoes eat in the swamp?

Entomological scientists have determined that a squeaking pest acts as food near a pond or swamp. During the reproductive period, a female individual requires a certain amount of proteins.

In the absence of a given component, the offspring is born weak. Speaking of males, they feed only on plant nectar and honeydew. They prefer plants with the sweetest juice.

Where does the giant with long legs live?

Large long-legged mosquitoes

Centipedes live almost everywhere, with the exception of Antarctica and the Arctic. There is also a large mosquito in Russia (about 400 species). Preference is given to cool and damp places, living in freshwater bodies of water, as well as in swampy and forested areas. Insects settle in the grass, crown of trees and shrubs. They lay eggs there or nearby, trying to ensure that there are remains of rotting plants nearby (rotten stumps, last year’s deposits of leaves or coastal silt).

During the day, the giant mosquito is inactive. It is active only in the evening, entering people's houses through open windows and doors. Insects begin to fly in mid-July; their maximum number is observed in August.

Who gets bitten

People become victims of mosquitoes not because they are the most attractive to them. The mosquito will receive great benefit from consuming the blood of cattle or rodents, since their components are amino acids that are beneficial to them.

Humans are the most accessible source, and those with blood type 1 or 2 often become victims, since their lymph contains the maximum concentration of useful microelements and protein.

Pests also pay attention to humans because of the heat that their body radiates. Increasing the temperature makes the object even more attractive.

Because of this, mosquitoes choose categories such as:

  • Athlete;
  • A person who is overweight;
  • People with heart disease;
  • People who have consumed alcohol.

It must also be said that insects are attracted to sweat and carbon dioxide exhaled by humans.

Precautionary measures

While male mosquitoes are not dangerous to humans, female mosquitoes can be a serious nuisance. It is believed that a healthy person is theoretically able to withstand up to 500 bites from these insects. A larger amount can cause death due to painful shock and intoxication. However, even a few stings can cause severe allergic reactions in some people.

To protect yourself, you should know that mosquitoes do not tolerate heat well and prefer to hunt in the shade or in the evening. They do not like windy weather and open areas of space, as they are easily blown away by air flow. It is better to protect your home with mosquito nets on the windows. Loose clothing significantly reduces the number of bites. Mosquitoes do not like the smell of anise, eucalyptus, wheatgrass, elderberry, lavender, and mint.

Excessive sweating makes a person more “attractive” and noticeable. Ultrasonic repellers that emit vibrations at waves that are “unpleasant” for insects, as well as fumigators that release chemical reagents, can help. Some drive away uninvited guests, others kill them. Topical application of repellents to the skin is also relevant.

Salicylic or boric alcohol, a solution of soda, vinegar, tea tree oil, and calendula tincture help to some extent relieve itching and swelling after bites. If you are predisposed to allergic reactions, it is better to have special antihistamines with you.

Choice of victim

Although the insect is small in size, it has an excellently developed level of sensory organs. The entire surface of the body has receptors that recognize the presence of people at a distance of up to 50 meters. If we talk about the fundamental criterion for selecting victims for attack, then the smell captured by the mosquito is taken into account.

A larger number of olfactory receptors are aimed at recognizing substances that are present among the components of lymph, sweat of people and animals. The species Anopheles gambiae, which carries a dangerous disease - malaria, almost constantly chooses humans for food, although it has been proven that the lack of available alternative sources forces the female to attack any victims due to an urgent need for proteins.

Mosquito antennae contain 72 receptors with different purposes.

While searching for a food source, the female pays attention to:

  1. Carbon dioxide - this compound attracts insects because it is produced by humans and animals during respiration. In addition to this substance, other chemical elements are released, including octenol and acids. Mosquito receptors make it possible to identify them, analyze them, and then select the most preferable victims. Since adults exhale more compounds, they suffer from bites more often than small children. In addition, bloodsuckers love to attack pregnant women, since they differ in the ratio of exhaled components.
  2. Body aroma. The smell is influenced by bacteria that live near the gonads of people. Sweat is a biological fluid that has a not very pleasant aroma for people, but attracts pests. Because of this, individuals who have been doing heavy work for a long time will be attacked faster than those who have just taken a shower.
  3. Skin discharge. Mosquitoes are excellent at catching substances contained in skin secretions.
  4. Blood type - according to research, mosquitoes prefer those with the first group, they try to avoid the second.
  5. Lactic acid, which is released through sweat and carbon dioxide when breathing.

There are a number of other parameters in relation to which the choice of victim occurs, including body temperature, the movements that a person makes, sometimes even the shade of clothing plays a role. But the key role, of course, is aroma and body fluids.

Does a mosquito have a brain, a heart, what organs are there, how many teeth, what does a mosquito squeak, and does it breathe?

Mosquitoes, like any other living creatures, have a certain body structure and internal organs.

  • Bloodsuckers have a heart, it is represented by a muscular tube. The blood of these insects is colorless.
  • Regarding the brain, it must be said that it also exists. It is represented in mosquitoes by the suprapharyngeal ganglia. They are divided into 3 parts and form the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Each part of the brain performs its own functions.
  • Many people wonder whether bloodsuckers have teeth. Mosquitoes have teeth, moreover, they play an incredibly important role in the life of this insect. After all, it is with the help of teeth that a mosquito bites through the donor’s skin. However, they have an unusual appearance for us - prickly bristles. An adult mosquito can have about 50 of them.

Structure of a mosquito

  • The insect makes a squeak using nothing other than its wings. Due to the frequent flapping of thin wings, such a sound is formed that is unpleasant to our ears.
  • Unlike people, all insects breathe using the trachea, and not the lungs, since they simply do not have the latter. The tracheas of bloodsuckers are represented by tubes through which air passes and which come out on the sides of the body with peculiar openings - spiracles.
  • Generally speaking, these insects have a nervous system, oral apparatus, excretory organs, a heart and, accordingly, a circulatory system, genitals, and a respiratory system.

Folk remedies for mosquitoes

It is quite difficult to get rid of bloodsuckers using traditional methods; they serve more as a deterrent.

The most popular options are to use:

  • Spices - they have a rich aroma that mosquitoes cannot tolerate. Cloves, thyme, and rosemary are best suited here. It is recommended to place bags of spices around the entire perimeter of the room;
  • Essential oils are a great option for repelling. The most effective oils are citrus fruits, lavender, and cloves. They must be applied to the skin and clothing. Also, the result will be obtained by applying oils along the window opening, in the ventilation shaft.

The causative agent of malaria and signs of the disease

Anopheles In recent years, cases of malaria have become more frequent in Russia and European countries. The infection occurs with tourists who have visited the tropics. The large flow of migrants from Asia and Africa makes an even more significant contribution to the spread of the disease. Map of malaria risk areas

Symptoms of malaria:

  • chills and fever (first sign);
  • tingling feeling in the body;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • joint pain;
  • headache;
  • blood in urine;
  • convulsions;
  • anemia.

No matter how “specialist” the malaria mosquito of the genus Anopheles may seem, the medical significance of this insect is not limited to transmitting one infection.

The saliva that the female introduces through the proboscis into the human skin causes an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria: itching, redness, local swelling, blisters. More severe consequences are angioedema and anaphylactic shock.

Malarial plasmodium

The causative agent of malaria is Plasmodium falciparum, a photo of which is presented in the article. This is a single-celled organism, a representative of the genus Plasmodium of the blood sporozoan order. The life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum is associated with mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles.

Sexual reproduction of the parasite occurs in the body of insects, and humans are its intermediate host. The microbe penetrates red blood cells and destroys them. There is not just one malarial plasmodium, but 4–5 species that can cause pathologies.

Malaria mosquito: diseases spread - ways of spread:

  • Malaria - from a bloodsucker bite, from a blood transfusion, from a sick pregnant woman to a fetus, a newborn during childbirth;
  • Intestinal infections - with a bite, mechanically on the proboscis, limbs;
  • Anthrax - mechanically on the proboscis, after a bite;
  • HIV infection (scientists consider this option the least likely scenario).

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