What do mosquitoes eat besides blood, in particular the male mosquito?

Mosquitoes belong to the family of blood-sucking dipterous insects. The bloodsucker has a thin brown or black body, 4-14 ml long. The insect has transparent wings and an abdomen covered with segments.

Mosquitoes have a special antenna. It contains the olfactory organs and hearing receptors, which act as a temperature sensor. Thanks to this sensor, the mosquito finds its victim.

The main food of an insect during reproduction is human or animal blood. But not everyone knows what mosquitoes eat in nature. In fact, bloodsuckers eat the juice or nectar of plants.

The favorite habitats of mosquitoes are areas with a humid, hot climate, which allows them to breed all year round. Also, blood-sucking insects are common in almost all parts of the earth, with the exception of Antarctica.

In temperate climates, mosquitoes hibernate in winter and wake up in summer. Diptera even live in the Arctic, where spring lasts only a couple of weeks. But this time is enough for bloodsuckers to drink lymph from local residents or deer for reproduction. Since mosquitoes are ubiquitous, it is important to know what they eat and how to distinguish a vegetarian male from a blood-sucking female.

Nutritional Features

The common mosquito feeds on the blood of animals and people. But the nutritional components that are present in lymph are required only by females for reproduction and bearing healthy offspring. In the wild, they are limited to substances that include sugar.

Male and female mosquitoes feed on plant extracts and plant-based nectar. Less often they consume honeydew, which contains sugar. Males feed only on plant foods. Mosquitoes require proteins concentrated in human blood. Given this information, it is easier to understand who damages the skin and bites.

If squeaking mosquitoes eat only nectar, their offspring become weaker. After all, proteins are required by larvae and pupae in order to optimize the life cycle, as well as reproductive functions. But there are several types of insects that prefer lymph or plant foods.

The squeak needs blood. After all, without protein, the squeak cannot bear and lay eggs. The lifespan of a common insect is about 50–56 days. The period is shortened if the temperature level changes or the humidity decreases.

External differences between female and male mosquitoes

The usual mosquito family consists of male representatives. Initially, the lifestyle of insects is no different. Subsequently, the female mosquito drinks blood as it expends more energy. Males continue to be content with little, often gathering on the flowers of thistle and elderberry. Who bites - a male or a female, you can definitely answer “she”.

Female and male mosquito

The gender of mosquitoes can be distinguished by their appearance if you look closely. Mosquitoes are always larger, body size is about 7 mm, males grow to a maximum of 5 mm. There are differences in the structure of the oral apparatus. Both sexes have a proboscis, but females have an additional row of teeth with which they pierce the skin and prevent the wound from closing.

The main difference is in the shape of the mustache. The mosquito with the furry antennae is a male. Outwardly, they resemble a brush and are clearly visible on a small head. In mosquitoes they are long, in the form of branches. What a male mosquito looks like is shown in the photo below. There you can also see what a female mosquito looks like.

On a note!

There are about 100 species of mosquitoes in our area. The most common is normal. Lives in wild nature and urban areas. The largest swamp mosquito in size. Urban ones are weak, not so active, females grow up to a maximum of 5 mm, males up to 3. Another striking representative is the centipede. Externally it is distinguished by its large dimensions - up to 60 mm. It feeds on nectar, lives in the wild, does not need protein reserves or blood.

Nutrition of plant sugars

Small and large mosquitoes feed on nectar or plant matter. The components contained in plants are necessary for them to replenish the required components. Insects give preference to:

  • To the mugs.
  • Blooming tansy.
  • Yarrow broadleaf.

What mosquitoes eat depends on where they live. Male mosquitoes in the forest and in summer cottages prefer tansy. Up to 8–10 individuals concentrate on one flower at a time. Tansy contains fructose, which has a positive effect on the pest's body. This is what the male common mosquito feeds on while in the local area or in the forest.


On quiet summer evenings you can see mosquitoes swarming. These are all males, they are waiting for sexually mature females. When such an individual is nearby, its characteristic squeak at a certain frequency becomes audible to the males. They detect it with sensitive antennae.

The male mosquito, whose sensor tuning frequency matches the vibrations of the female’s wings, goes towards, catches her and holds her during mating. Fertilization is internal. The female develops eggs, which she lays on the surface of the water. They require blood to develop. Therefore, for a full and numerous clutch, the female is looking for an opportunity to get enough of it. The sensors on its antennae are sensitive to thermal radiation from the body of animals and humans. They can also sense their metabolic products from a distance: uric and lactic acid, carbon dioxide.

Urban mosquitoes can reproduce without swarming. This process often occurs in basements, pits and other nooks with limited space. What do male mosquitoes and mature females eat in such conditions? Decaying plant debris.

Blood feeding

It is not difficult to understand which insects attack animals and people. Only female mosquitoes have a need for protein. To find a potential source of protein, the insect monitors the radiated heat or the presence of the aroma of carbon dioxide released when a person exhales. In the park or in nature, pests consume the blood of animals or livestock.

Scientists conducted a small study that helped them understand whether mosquitoes attack birds. Pests ate the lymph of people, animals and certain birds. Rodents are also present in the mosquito food chain. In laboratory conditions, they found out how much blood the pest can drink at one time. Thus, a mosquito, whose weight is 3 mg, drinks 4–5 mg of lymph at a time.

In order for a female to constantly feed, certain conditions are required. Thus, to lay eggs, insects choose an area with a high level of humidity and an acceptable temperature. Therefore, pests settle near water bodies, near swamps or containers with stagnant water. Within the city, mosquitoes prefer basements.

In addition to blood, mosquitoes also consume fructose from a flower plant. The necessary components are also found in the grass. In rare cases, a mosquito eats honeydew or nectar.

Physiological needs

Insects accumulate their main reserves of energy at the larval stage; being an imago, they can freely be content with flower nectar. Glycogen is released from its carbohydrates, which is actively consumed during the flight. A male mosquito lives about 20 days.

In addition to carbohydrates, the female requires protein, lipids, and iron. It receives these components from the blood. With such a diet, it can live on average 40 days, in some cases it lives up to 60. If eggs are laid without replenishing protein reserves, the body weakens, and the insect dies after 20 days. At one time, the female is able to eat about 5.2 ml of blood, her weight is 3 g.

What do mosquitoes eat in the forest?

Many people are interested in what ordinary mosquitoes eat in the forest. After all, people rarely go out into nature. To obtain the necessary components, insects attack animals and birds. Pests do not notice obstacles on the way to food. They are not stopped by fur or hard feathers. It takes them 2–5 seconds to overcome this obstacle. Mosquitoes show dexterity in places where there is no food.

Pests easily penetrate through the skin or fur. Although their proboscis is small, they receive the required amount of blood. After all, they suck out lymph at a tremendous speed.

Maximum mosquito activity occurs in the pre-dawn hours and at sunset. Receptors and olfactory organs are used to search for prey. Some types of parasites are able to select a potential victim at a distance of 10 meters.


The common mosquito (in Latin Culex pipiens) is a type of blood-sucking mosquito distributed throughout the globe.
Insects are carriers of various diseases of humans (for example, meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, helminthic infestations) and animals (for example, avian malaria). Mosquitoes are small insects whose size rarely exceeds 7 mm. Female mosquitoes are larger than males, but even their weight rarely reaches 1 g, unless you weigh an individual that has just sucked enough blood.

Another name for the insect is the squeak mosquito. The mosquito squeak that irritates people is the sound made by the wings of an insect, which it flaps 500 - 700 times per second. But at the same time, the mosquito’s flight speed is low, the maximum value is about 3.2 km/h. Insects rarely move long distances, preferring to live and hunt in a very limited area.

Attention! The role of mosquitoes in nature is difficult to overestimate. Each generation takes many chemical elements from reservoirs, which subsequently enter the soil with the body of the dead insect, nourishing it. In addition, mosquitoes are an integral part of a large number of food chains.

What does a mosquito eat in a swamp?

Entomological scientists found out what a squeaking mosquito feeds on in a swamp or near a pond. But during the reproductive period, females need a certain amount of protein. If this component does not enter her body, she produces weak offspring. Males consume only plant nectar and honeydew. As a source of food, pests choose certain plants whose juice is most pleasant.

How many times can the same mosquito bite?

Mosquitoes have no limit on the number of times they can bite. As a rule, the female tries to be completely satisfied with blood in one bite. If something bothers her, she flies away for a short time, and then returns to her victim again. When fully saturated, the female needs some time to digest the blood and also lay eggs while her body has enough “building” materials.

Mosquito under a microscope

Then she will start searching for food again. For example, thanks to observation of mosquitoes, it was possible to find out that the insect is capable of biting at least 15 times per day. A female mosquito may go through a couple of cycles in which feeding alternates with laying eggs.

Who gets bitten

Insects attack people not because they are the most attractive to them. The mosquito receives more benefit from the blood of cattle or rodents. After all, it contains amino acids that are beneficial for the body. But man is an accessible source of nutrition. In this case, people are selected who have the second or first blood group. After all, these blood groups are distinguished by the maximum concentration of useful components and protein.

Pests are also attracted to the heat that comes from the human body. As body temperature rises, the object becomes more attractive. Therefore, mosquitoes attack certain categories of people:

  • Athletes.
  • Overweight people.
  • A man with a bad heart.
  • A person who has alcohol in his body.

The insect is attracted to the carbon dioxide that a person exhales or sweat.

Choice of victim

Although the insect is small in size, it has an excellently developed level of sensory organs. The entire surface of the body has receptors that recognize the presence of people at a distance of up to 50 meters. If we talk about the fundamental criterion for selecting victims for attack, then the smell captured by the mosquito is taken into account.

A larger number of olfactory receptors are aimed at recognizing substances that are present among the components of lymph, sweat of people and animals. The species Anopheles gambiae, which carries a dangerous disease - malaria, almost constantly chooses humans for food, although it has been proven that the lack of available alternative sources forces the female to attack any victims due to an urgent need for proteins.

Mosquito antennae contain 72 receptors with different purposes.

While searching for a food source, the female pays attention to:

  1. Carbon dioxide - this compound attracts insects because it is produced by humans and animals during respiration. In addition to this substance, other chemical elements are released, including octenol and acids. Mosquito receptors make it possible to identify them, analyze them, and then select the most preferable victims. Since adults exhale more compounds, they suffer from bites more often than small children. In addition, bloodsuckers love to attack pregnant women, since they differ in the ratio of exhaled components.
  2. Body aroma. The smell is influenced by bacteria that live near the gonads of people. Sweat is a biological fluid that has a not very pleasant aroma for people, but attracts pests. Because of this, individuals who have been doing heavy work for a long time will be attacked faster than those who have just taken a shower.
  3. Skin secretions. Mosquitoes are excellent at catching substances contained in skin secretions.
  4. Blood type - according to research, mosquitoes prefer those with the first group, they try to avoid the second.
  5. Lactic acid, which is released with sweat and carbon dioxide during breathing.

There are a number of other parameters in relation to which the choice of victim occurs, including body temperature, the movements that a person makes, sometimes even the shade of clothing plays a role. But the key role, of course, is aroma and body fluids.

How to protect yourself

To reduce the likelihood of skin damage or an allergic reaction, certain measures must be taken. People have access to folk remedies and certain medications.

Folk remedies

It is difficult to get rid of blood-sucking pests using folk remedies. They are used to repel mosquitoes. Among the popular folk remedies are:

  1. Spices. They give off a rich aroma that repels mosquitoes. Spices include cloves, thyme and rosemary. Bags of spices are scattered around the room or in the gazebo.
  2. Essential oils. Extracts and essential oils are suitable to repel blood-sucking pests. Citrus, lavender and clove extracts are especially popular. They are applied to the skin or items of clothing. Treatment of window openings and ventilation shafts is allowed.

Chemicals and preparations

To destroy and repel squeaks and mosquitoes, the following are used:

  • Aerosol preparations and sprays. In their preparation, active substances and repellents are used. They are used to treat items of clothing. Some types can be applied to the skin. Before use, a test is carried out to prevent the formation of an allergic reaction.

  • Fumigators. Fumigators are used to protect a home or other premises. They are equipped with plates and containers with repellent substances. The radius of action of fumigators is 5 meters or more.
  • Straps and buttons. They are suitable for protecting children and teenagers from squeaks. The buttons differ in color and design. Therefore, each person will be able to choose the right accessory.
  • Gels, creams. They are suitable for treating skin that is not protected by clothing. They are developed and produced by a variety of companies that use repellents and active substances.

Knowing the taste preferences of blood-sucking pests, it is easier for a person to protect himself and others.

Natural enemies of larvae

Mosquito larvae are of great interest to many animals, which belong to different taxonomic groups: from predatory insects to large birds.

In nature, most of the larvae are eaten by aquatic arthropods: swimming beetles, dragonflies, water striders, water bugs, mites, beetles, spiders and small crustaceans.

Among the highest-ranking animals, larval lovers include fish, amphibians - frogs, newts and salamanders, as well as various types of reptiles. The largest gourmets are considered to be waterfowl: phalaropes, river gulls, terns and Anseriformes.

Who is the enemy of larvae?

Animals that feed on mosquitoes of various species show great interest in the larvae: from large insects to Anseriformes. Almost all reptiles do not mind eating frog larvae: lizards, newts and snakes. In addition, there are fish that feed on mosquito larvae. The most cruel fighters of mosquito larvae are considered to be birds that live close to water: phalaropes, seagulls, ducks and geese.

Mosquito larvae are commonly called bloodworms. Due to their nutritional properties, they are in great demand among aquarium breeders and professional fishermen. When selling, bloodworms are packaged and packaged according to its size. Large larvae are used in fishing as bait for fish. Smaller individuals are used as food for small aquarium species: among them there are also fish that feed on mosquito larvae.

Practical significance of bloodworms

In everyday life, mosquito larvae are also called bloodworms. Since many species of fish like to feed on them, they are very popular among fishermen and aquarists. The packaging of bloodworms by size is of considerable importance, since larger individuals are used for large river fish, and small ones for aquarium fish.

Nutrition of aquarium fish

Bloodworms are often used for breeding and feeding aquarium fish. The following fish readily feed on live larvae:

  • gourami
  • angelfish
  • barbs
  • cichlids
  • goldfish.

The use of larval-eating fish in the fight against malaria

Among the biological methods of combating malaria mosquitoes, the least expensive and more effective is the use of larvivorous fish. In general, feeding on blood-sucking insects is characteristic of more than 200 species of fish from 30 families. Of these, Mississippi mosquitofish and guppy fish are most often used against the carriers of malarial plasmodium. These entomophages are distinguished by good reproduction, they are not picky about living conditions, and their breeding is not difficult, since they are confined to shallow waters.

A fly sat on the window, The fly ate a crumb of bread, We drove the fly away with a rag: “We didn’t invite you to visit.” T. Shorygina You, of course, have seen a fly more than once. Very often flies come to visit us without an invitation. They have two large eyes, which consist of many small faceted eyes. Each large eye consists of four thousand facets. Each such eye gives its own small image. The fly has a good sense of smell thanks to its short but fluffy antennae. Flies are black, sometimes red with a blue or green sheen. There are about five thousand species of flies in total. We usually encounter a housefly. It is very dangerous and carries many different infections: intestinal infections, worm eggs, typhoid fever, cholera and tuberculosis. One fly carries up to 6 million microbes. A fly eats as much as it weighs per day – that’s about 20 milligrams. Interestingly, some species of flies can signal to other flies that food has been detected. A fly, having found an object, first tastes it with its foot and determines whether it is edible or not. If the item is suitable for food, the fly flies away and, using a special substance, transmits this information to other flies. Special pads on its feet help the fly crawl on smooth surfaces. The fly lives only 30–45 days.

Flies lay larvae in the spring, in some kind of waste, for example, in a landfill or in manure. At one time, the fly lays about 120 eggs. Larvae hatch from them. Not everyone survives; some become victims of various animals, for example, frogs. Scientists have calculated: if the offspring of one fly survived completely, then in a year it could cover the entire earth with a layer of one and a half meters! Fortunately, this does not happen, because flies have many enemies in nature. RIDDLES In the summer there are a lot of them, And in the winter they all die out. They jump and buzz in your ear. What are they called? - ... (fly) How I buzz on a hot day, Any ear could hear. I fly into every house, everyone knows me! I am ... (fly) PROVERBS AND SAYINGS • A fly on a horse’s tail will travel a thousand miles. • Winter is scary with wolves, and summer with flies and mosquitoes. • Where there is sweet juice, there is a fly.

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