Hamster Gambian rat: a cute, huge rodent

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The Gambian rat is one of the largest species in the rodent family, but also one of the friendliest. Due to the large size of Gambian rats, they pose a serious threat to native species (especially nesting species) and crops, especially if they invade mainland Florida.

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These rat giants are distinguished by their love of tenderness and affection. They are friendly and good-natured, and are also able to sincerely become attached to their owner. But keeping a pet is a lot of trouble. Here are the basic rules for keeping a marsupial rat in captivity:

  1. The animal must be kept in a spacious metal enclosure.
  2. The enclosure should be installed in a warm room with dim artificial lighting, without direct sunlight.
  3. You can use sawdust, dry grass or wood chip pellets as bedding to cover the bottom of the enclosure.
  4. Females and males must live separately. The only exception is the period of raising baby rats. At this time, the mother should be close to the cubs, regardless of their gender.
  5. It is necessary to place all kinds of labyrinths, hammocks, etc. in the home.
  6. Items made of wood and plastic should be avoided - the rat will chew them off.
  7. The rat needs a daily walk, as well as regular games with the owner and frequent tactile contact.

Cage maintenance and hygiene

The rat's cage should have plenty of toys and implements for the rat to have fun with.
If you don’t have enough money for store-bought hammocks and wheels, set up a cage yourself - make a hammock from rags, put twigs and pipes for tunnels there, tie strong ropes to the twigs and build a ladder. Please note that rats quickly and cheerfully chew objects made of cardboard and wood with their sharp teeth, so get ready to periodically replace equipment or immediately buy reliable rat household items.

This pet must have a sleeping house in which it can hide from prying eyes. Make the house cozy - lay soft cloths and paper there. It’s better not to put cotton wool.

The cage house should have small gaps between the bars so that your pet does not get out of it and begin to wander around the apartment without permission. He needs to be provided with soft bedding to make him feel comfortable.

Pet stores sell special sawdust mixtures. Their inconvenience lies in the fact that while playing, your pets can scatter sawdust on all surfaces near the cage.

In addition, small sawdust gets into their nose, ears and eyes and provokes irritation or allergic reactions.

To prevent this from happening, either make a side around the cage and buy larger sawdust, or make an alternative bedding from soft rags, paper without ink (newspaper will not work) and decorative wood mulch.

The rat cage needs to be cleaned daily. Since these rodents have a habit of hiding leftover food, inattentive owners begin to spoil these scraps. To prevent this from happening, check the litter and all nooks and crannies.

Rinse the feeding bowl and drinking bowl thoroughly and fill them with fresh food and water. If your pet uses a litter box, clean the litter box.

If he urinates in the bedding, change the bedding, as rats urinate frequently and have a habit of marking their territory with a strong-smelling liquid.

Once a week, briefly move the rodent into a separate box and wash all wheels, ladders, ropes with disinfectants, wash the hammock and soft rags in which it buries itself in its sleep.

Only careful care can protect your pet from infectious diseases and the appearance of blood-sucking parasites. Rats are extremely smart and cunning animals.

Did you know? Representatives of rat families communicate with each other in the ultrasonic range, so that other mammals cannot hear them, while rodents can coordinate their actions right under the nose, for example, of a predator waiting for them. If they communicated at frequencies audible to the human ear, the cry of a baby rat in trouble could drown out the sound of a jackhammer.

Always monitor the health of your rodent and, at the slightest suspicion of illness, take it to the veterinarian. He will conduct a competent examination and either advise changing the diet or prescribe suitable treatment.

The rat body is a very fragile and short-lived system. Only by knowing the rules of caring for your pet and knowing how to feed it correctly, will you be sure that your rat lives a healthy, well-fed and happy life.

Natural enemies of Gambian rats

Photo: What a Gambian rat looks like

There are no real predators that target Gambian rats in the wild. Although there have been a few recorded cases of a bird of prey or other predator eating Gambian rats, they usually gang up and are formidable opponents to potential predators. The biggest predator of Gambian rats is humans, the indigenous African population. These rats are considered a delicacy and are often hunted for food. They are considered quite tasty and are hunted and even farmed for their meat, which has led to a significant decline in the population.

Gambian rats serve to control insect populations, but they also carry seeds of various plants when they eat the resulting fruits. Several parasitic worms live in the gastrointestinal tract of these rats, but the most common one is Strongyloides.

The study also showed an insignificant presence of tapeworms among other parasites. Other parasites include:

  • xenopsylla cheopis;
  • aspicularis tetraptera;
  • ixodes rasus;
  • ornithonyssus bacoti.

Hymenolepis is usually found in the rat's small intestine, while Aspicularis is found in the rectum and colon.

Training Basics

Small and cunning Dumbos are happy to follow simple commands in order to get a treat. But you should not force the animal to perform complex tasks from the very first days. Start with the basics:

  1. Get your rat used to being handled. This step is the most important, but the most exciting for new rat breeders. Do not make sudden movements, do not grab or squeeze the rat - it may get scared and bite you. Calmly extend your open palm to the animal and let the pet know that you do not pose a danger to its life. You need to devote at least 2 hours to this every day.
  2. Learn to respond to a name. Every time you open the cage, pick up the rat, pet it or give it a treat, say its name clearly. Do not use diminutives and do not go through different nicknames. The animal must build a clear association between the sounds being spoken and the result obtained.
  3. Train your rat to return to the cage. You should move on to this step when the animal clearly remembers its name. Open the cage, step back a few steps, give your pet a treat and call him over. Let your pet run up and take the food from your hand. Allow him to return to the cage on his own, and when she enters, say the command “home!” After a few repetitions, Dmbo will learn to come home and leave the cage on command.

Today it is difficult to surprise anyone by keeping unusual pets in an apartment, and more and more people are looking for an alternative to the usual cats and dogs. Dumbo rats are an excellent option for those who want to get a smart and entertaining pet that does not require large financial outlays.

Features of behavior of the Gambian hamster rat

Gambian hamster rats are nocturnal animals. They live in small groups of up to 20 individuals. Rodents cannot tolerate heat and only come out at night in search of food. Gambian hamster rats hide in an extensive system of tunnels, or use hollows for rest in which they build nests. Such shelters are often located in cool places.

When there is an abundance of food, rodents still stock up. Their cheek pouches have a volume of more than 100 ml. This feature allows Gambian hamster rats to transport enormous amounts of material in a short period of time. In 2.5 hours, a rodent can carry 3 kg.

Gambian hamster rats have highly developed cheek pouches; the rodent is capable of carrying about 1.5 kg of food in an hour.

In addition, the animals are excellent climbers and rise to a height of more than 2 meters. Males and females are territorial animals and actively defend their nests.

These rats quickly adapt to new situations, such as captivity. Gambian rats have also been known to huddle together when the temperature drops. Due to the low fat layer, the body of these rodents does not retain heat.

Description of appearance

By rodent standards, it has impressive dimensions:

  • The body length of an adult rat reaches 90 cm along with a tail about 40-45 cm long;
  • body weight ranges from 1 to 1.5 kg.

If you do not take into account the large size (the Gambian rat is one of the largest species of mouse-like animals), in appearance the animal is similar to its rat relatives. The coat is rough. The main color is brown or gray (shades may vary). The fur on the back is always darker than on the belly.

Dark circles frame the eyes. The ears are large, oval, and open. The tail is covered with scales and hairs. The appearance of males and females is no different.

Top biggest rats in the world



2020, according to the Eastern horoscope, will pass under the sign of the White Metal Rat. According to an old legend, the rat showed cunning and climbed on top of the bull. And now, the year of the rat is followed by the year of the bull, and not vice versa, as it could have been before.

Giant rats and mutant rats are, of course, fiction. In nature, such representatives of this animal species do not exist. However, some breeds reach such a size that they can be walked on a leash and are larger than an average-sized cat and some dogs.

There are no giant rats in Russia. The largest rodent is the common large gray rat. It reaches 40 centimeters in length. Found in coastal reservoirs, rivers and lakes.

But the woolly Bosavi lives in New Guinea. This rodent can grow up to one meter

in length, and its weight is up to 15 kilograms. Thus its size is comparable to that of a dog. Moreover, they are not afraid of people, they allow themselves to be stroked and do not bite. This is mainly due to the fact that they live far from civilization and from people, so they simply do not know that people can be dangerous to them. Bosavi were discovered relatively recently. Until now, they have not been given a scientific name.

Bosavi is considered the largest rat on our planet and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Behind it in size is a reed rat. Its dimensions are slightly smaller - 6-10 kilograms and about 80 centimeters. She lives in Africa. It is noteworthy that these rodents are bred in many African countries on farms and household plots in order to obtain dietary meat. It tastes like nutria meat, it is high in protein and low in fat. In a number of regions, the rodent is considered a harmful pest. He loves to visit plantations and feast on the juicy shoots of sugar cane and grain crops.

Bamboo rats are also considered giants. They live in Asian countries. They reach no more than 50 centimeters in length. Reeds are not simple rodents, but burrowers. They have small eyes and small ears. At the same time, they have large, long claws with which they dig the ground.

Another giant is the kangaroo rat. These are nocturnal animals. The main habitat is dense bushes, steppes or undergrowth. Kangaroo rats have short legs and long hind legs designed for jumping (like kangaroos, which is how they get their name). They can jump up to three meters in one jump. The long tail is used for balance.

What does a bamboo rat eat?

Photo: Bamboo rat

Bamboo rats are active mainly in the early morning or evening, when the animals appear on the surface of the earth in search of food. They feed on various underground parts of plants, in particular bamboo, as well as seeds and fruits. The main product consumed is bamboo, which served as the name for this secretive animal. They are excellent at digging. Their diet consists not only of bamboo parts, they will also consume shrubs, young shoots of grasses and other roots, and eat seeds and fruits.

During the day, the animals rest quietly in their shelter, and at night they rise to the surface to eat the above-ground parts of plants.

Such as:

  • plant sprouts;
  • all kinds of leaves;
  • fallen fruits;
  • various seeds.

Unlike other mole rats, which simply hide in tunnels, bamboo rats quickly get food, constantly increasing the length of their burrows in areas where there is dense grass. Having finished nibbling the plant, the animal will block the tunnel from the inside with a plug made of soil. Such specialization in the food aspect provides the opportunity for a reliable and constant source of food, avoiding competition.

In addition, rats can quickly hide in tunnels located at great depths. Bamboo rats often inhabit tea gardens and build burrows and tunnel systems in these areas, damaging these crops and causing irreparable harm to them. These rodents are known to be excellent eaters, capable of devouring a variety of foods. At night, you can hear the distinctive grunt made by bamboo rats as they seek to fill their stomachs with succulent shoots.

Natural enemies of Gambian rats

Photo: What a Gambian rat looks like

There are no real predators that target Gambian rats in the wild. Although there have been a few recorded cases of a bird of prey or other predator eating Gambian rats, they usually gang up and are formidable opponents to potential predators. The biggest predator of Gambian rats is humans, the indigenous African population. These rats are considered a delicacy and are often hunted for food. They are considered quite tasty and are hunted and even farmed for their meat, which has led to a significant decline in the population.

Gambian rats serve to control insect populations, but they also carry seeds of various plants when they eat the resulting fruits. Several parasitic worms live in the gastrointestinal tract of these rats, but the most common one is Strongyloides.

The study also showed an insignificant presence of tapeworms among other parasites. Other parasites include:

  • xenopsylla cheopis;
  • aspicularis tetraptera;
  • ixodes rasus;
  • ornithonyssus bacoti.

Hymenolepis is usually found in the rat's small intestine, while Aspicularis is found in the rectum and colon.


The decorative white rat is an intelligent and clean creature that spends a lot of time cleaning its fur. But sometimes these pets still need additional help from their owners in bathing. Many rodents do not like water treatments. Albinos are afraid of water and can experience stress when in contact with it, which is why it is worth teaching the animal to bathe from a very early age. If the cage is cleaned constantly, then you won’t have to bathe the animal often.

There are people who argue that bathing rats at home is prohibited. But there is another opinion, which indicates the permissibility of infrequent water procedures if all safety conditions are met during the process.

It is necessary to bathe white rats in the following situations:

  • if the animal is stained with a harmful substance;
  • when staying in a dirty cage for a long period;
  • if a rat does not clean its own fur, that is, it is sick or unkempt;
  • when removing parasites;
  • several days before the exhibition.

When a domestic rodent does not like water, there is no need to bathe it unless absolutely necessary. If the animal is not too dirty, then you can wash it without using shampoo. During the procedure, it is worth talking to the rat to rid it of fear. It is necessary to refuse bathing if the animal has a cold, as washing can aggravate the disease.

The rat prefers to live in a clean environment; it does not shit where it eats and sleeps, so installing a toilet in the rodent’s cage will not be superfluous. Accordingly, if there are no unnecessary odors and debris in the house, the animal can be bathed less often.

When bathing a white rat, do not forget about such points as:

  • decorative rodents are prone to diseases of the ENT organs, so keeping the animal in a draft after bathing will lead to illness;
  • cold indoors, cool water, or undried rat fur can worsen the health of the animal;
  • if water gets into the ears of an ornamental pet, otitis media and deafness may occur;
  • the use of detergents can cause changes in the natural odor of the animal, disruption of the barrier function of its skin, and cause dryness and scabies.

It is better to buy a special product for bathing rodents, but if you don’t have one, then you should use shampoo for cats. According to experts, you can use baby detergent to bathe your rat, but it should not contain dyes or fragrances. For the procedure of washing a rodent, it is worth preparing several containers with warm water, shampoo, a towel and a piece of soft cloth that will replace a washcloth. Rats should not be washed under running water; before bathing, their ear canals should be covered.

Immersion of the animal in a container with liquid should be done slowly and carefully, while stroking it and distracting it with conversation. The fur should be carefully moistened with water, and then shampoo should be applied with massaging movements. The detergent should be rinsed off in two containers of water, and then dried with a towel or cloth.

The rat's tail should also be washed, as dirt and dead skin particles accumulate on it. The organ should be moistened with a cotton pad that has been previously soaked in a soap solution. After this, the tail is cleaned with a toothbrush, but gently and without pressing. Next, the organ is washed off with warm water, wiped and lubricated with odorless baby cream.

Features of character and lifestyle

Photo: African Gambian rat

Gambian rats are nocturnal animals, mainly because they have little or no tolerance for the intense heat of a typical African day. They are almost inactive during the day and come out at night in search of food. Gambian rats often use an extensive system of tunnels or hollow trees for their nests, where they rest during the day and emerge at night to search for food. These nests are often located in cool areas, providing more evidence of their heat intolerance.

Interestingly, Gambian rats find almost as much value in the act of carrying as they do in storing food. This results in intricate hoarding patterns where food is abundant at all times of the year. The pouches inside the cheeks of Gambian rats can hold more than 100 ml when filled, and this allows them to transport huge amounts of food in a short period of time. Some studies have shown that Gambian rats transport 3 kg in two and a half hours.

Gambian rats are also very good climbers and swimmers and can easily travel 2 meters. Both sexes are very territorial. Although Gambian rats tend to be solitary in the wild, females often form large groups containing many mothers and their litters, while males tend to remain solitary. These rats quickly adapt to new situations, such as captivity. Gambian rats are also known to huddle together when the temperature drops. Due to their low fat content, they do not retain heat easily.

Because Gambian rats are new to captivity, in a home environment they can be a little more unpredictable than other rats, and their temperament can vary from individual to individual. Although they can often be kept as pets, some Gambian rats remain shy or become aggressive over time. However, they can be trained, after which most rats become friendly and easy to handle.

Basic habits

In the wild, Gambian rodents are rarely seen. They are shy and do not attack without reason. Individuals often fight among themselves to establish a hierarchy and show strength.

How and why rats attack people is described in more detail in the article here.

Gambians do not like their territory being encroached upon and will fiercely defend their nests. They do not attack first, but can bite while defending their homes.

African rats, like all rodents, have good intellectual abilities. They are easy to learn and trainable. That is why they are often bred at home.

More about huge mutant rats

Yet stories of giant mutant rats in the Moscow metro or abandoned military bunkers remain surprisingly enduring. Their phenomenon is easy to explain: people do not want to put up with the dullness of their everyday lives and are willing to believe in almost any unusual and inexplicable phenomena, even frightening ones. After all, these “horror stories” give hope that the world around is not as ordinary and dull as it seems most of the time, and there is certainly a place in it for some mysteries - including mutant rats.

Simply put, people want to believe in the existence of monster rats, and science fiction writers, horror film directors, and rumor mongers simply exploit these fears to their advantage. As a result, more and more new versions of “facts” and “eyewitness accounts” constantly appear, and the old ones are repeatedly altered and turned into more and more new versions, sometimes completely different from the originals.

For example, the stories allegedly told by Moscow metro drivers are very well known. According to them, in the farthest sections of the tunnels, the headlights of trains occasionally reveal huge rats the size of dogs crossing the tracks. Most of these stories are full of chilling details: in that brief moment that a ray of light snatches a rat from the darkness of the tunnel, the animal manages to look at the driver with evil green (in other versions - red) eyes, and then suddenly news appears that these animals no poison works. It is unknown which of the drivers tried to poison these mutants (just as the names of those who actually saw these animals are not known), but most storytellers consider it their duty to mention such immunity.

Also popular is an allegedly real story that happened to a group of Moscow diggers (specialists involved in the study of caves and artificial underground tunnels). In a sewer under the zoo, this team was attacked by five large rats the size of a dog, and the guys were saved only by throwing their crowbars at the animals and in this way scared them away.

This story was continued. They say that an anonymous person later called the diggers club and said that there were a lot of large rats in secret bunkers for storing radioactive waste. It is well known that the more secrecy and conspiracy theories there are in a story, the more popularity it will have...

There are also stories circulating among people about giant rats climbing out of manholes near landfills and scattering dogs there. Moreover, these stories are unusually tenacious: the first reports of such rats appeared back in 1989, and after that their number has only increased.

It is interesting to note that the less believable each particular story is, the more easily it spreads among the people. It is the details that seem fantastic that make such tales “hot”: either huge rats create the most complex organizations with commanders, pioneers and suicide bombers, or they deliberately feed on poisons or winding wires - there are countless such details.

Someone is even trying to mix together rumors about mutant rats and news about the discovery of Bosavi woolly rats. The result is a mix unimaginable for a specialist that, they say, scientists have discovered a new species of giant rats - Indonesian - in the Moscow subway. Why Indonesian? Simply because the name is simpler than “Bosavi woolly rat” or “Papua New Guinea rat.”

We will not waste time refuting such speculation, but will only say that none of these rumors have factual confirmation.

Simple wire cutters

The most primitive device is very similar to ordinary scissors. Only one of its cutting surfaces is equipped with a small notch with a sharp edge. Using such a device is easy, provided you have some skill and experience. For young dogs, nail trimming is always stressful. They do not want to sit quietly, they strive to tear the paw out of the owner’s hands and in every possible way complicate the process. So Litbro.ru will not recommend such a gadget to novice dog breeders. The risk of causing serious physical injury to your pet is too great. Well, for experienced owners who have used similar tools more than once, nothing better can be desired. Cheap and very effective.

Cost – 35 – 72 rubles.

More advanced versions of hand cutters offer expanded functionality.

Although their main part, in the old fashioned way, is based on two cutting surfaces. Service additions imply only human convenience. Models with rounded ends, a container for cut claws and lighting have proven themselves very well. The fact is that some dogs have the habit of looking for clipped ends on the floor and eating them. Sharp, bent cuttings can damage the stomach wall and cause bleeding. A small “waste collection” effectively solves this problem.

Price – 636 rub.

Another gadget from the line of simple nippers has comfortable ergonomic handles that allow you to securely hold the tool while trimming nails.

This is important when the animal gets nervous and breaks out.

We pay attention to one more detail - the expansion spring. It fixes the cutting surfaces in the open state, which makes the operation somewhat easier.

Otherwise, the functions of the device duplicate all the features of its predecessors. To properly shorten claws, you must have the skill and achieve unquestioning obedience from your dog or cat.

Cost – 229.93 rubles.


The mating season takes place in the summer. The estrus cycle in females ranges from 3 to 15 days. It is irregular and depends on many factors, including climatic conditions and the close presence of males.

Females become sexually mature at about 6 months of age, and males 2-3 months later. Males find females ready to mate by the smell of urine.

Partners rub against each other in an upright position, and then give chase. First the gentlemen pursue the ladies, then they change roles. The persecution sometimes continues for a very long time until it comes to mating.

If the female is not ready to mate or rejects the male, then she inflicts painful bites on his back and tail. During the mating season, fierce fights often occur between males, which lead to death.

Pregnancy lasts from 30 to 32 days. The female gives birth to 1 to 5 cubs in her nest. The body length of newborns is about 8 cm. Rats are born blind, naked and helpless. At the time of birth, the length of the tail does not exceed 3 cm. It begins to grow rapidly at about 4-5 weeks.

The eyes open on the 21st day and the ears on the 14th day. Milk feeding lasts about a month. Females often show altruism and feed other people's offspring with their milk. Males, on the contrary, are capable of killing and eating their offspring.

Caring for Albinos

White rats with red eyes have distinctive grooming needs due to the color of their body and eyes. White fur needs to be carefully combed, and in some cases the rat needs to be bathed

It is very important that there is no yellowness on the fur coat, because this is an obvious sign of poor care for the animal, which increases the likelihood of a dangerous disease occurring, which can even lead to death. Albinos cannot tolerate sunlight, so their cage must be positioned so that it is far from direct sunlight.

A rat with red eyes often experiences problems with vision, for this reason you should pay close attention to those objects that are located not only near the entrance, but also in the surrounding area. Any animal living in a cage needs regular walks in larger areas. Nevertheless, during such events the albino must be constantly monitored, because even in this case he may be let down by poor eyesight, such an ailment can lead to a fall from a great height, injury from a sharp object, or falling into the paws of a larger domestic animal, for example, a cat that definitely won’t refuse such a treat.

White rats with red eyes have distinctive grooming needs due to the color of their body and eyes.

Otherwise, caring for such rats is no different from keeping ordinary rodents, that is, you need to regularly feed the animal and clean its cage. Albinos look quite cute, but many people are afraid of their eye color; moreover, they consider it very dangerous, believing that it is a sign of a serious illness or aggressive habits. However, the aggression of a rodent has absolutely nothing to do with the color of its eyes and coat color, because aggression in a rat can only indicate the occurrence of a disease or the onset of puberty.

During this period, the aggressive individual should be transplanted into a separate cage. It is best to mate albinos with brown, gray or black beauties so that they have healthy offspring. Continuation of the species in rodents occurs without any special nuances; it takes a little time. If there is a female and a male in the cage, then the offspring will not take long to arrive. Already at 3-4 months of age, females are ready to conceive. In males, this age occurs somewhat later, however, by their nature they are capable of reproduction as early as 1.5 months, although this will negatively affect their future health, and the mortality rate of the offspring is very high. We propose to consider several facts about procreation in white rats:

  • the duration of gestation of future offspring is 20-26 days;
  • approximately 4-10 cubs appear in one litter, but in rare cases their number increases to 20 babies;
  • rodents are born small and completely defenseless, their weight is no more than 6 grams, and they are deaf, naked and blind;
  • Babies try solid foods for the first time at two weeks of age;
  • Only after a month are the cubs capable of independent life.

If you establish a clear diet and divide food into portions, then there is no need to worry about the well-being and health of your pet.

On the market, the cost of an albino is practically no different from the price of an ordinary decorative rat, but finding a truly purebred and purebred individual is much more difficult than any other rodent. The fact is that such rats have a short life span, and most breeders simply refuse to deal with such individuals due to the increased requirements for their care.

Social structure and reproduction

Photo: Baby Gambian rat

Mating in Gambian rats involves the formation of a social pair bond between one male and one female. The male usually sniffs or licks the female's urogenital areas before attempting to mate with her. Gambian rats also exhibit distinctive courtship behavior. The male and female will often stand upright and scratch each other, then chase each other until the female is ready to copulate. If the female is not receptive or rejects the male, she will bite his tail before courtship behavior begins.

Gambian rats usually breed in the summer. The estrous cycle lasts from 3 to 15 days. Interestingly, the estrous cycle is often irregular and seems to be influenced by many external factors, including the environment. Other factors include the presence of males and captivity. Females reach sexual maturity in about 6 months and typically have about 9 litters per year. The gestation period is approximately 30 to 32 days. Females are also very aggressive when giving birth to their young.

Young Gambian rats are born hairless, with their eyes and ears closed. The characteristic long tail does not show significant growth until about 30-35 days. The eyes do not open until about 21 days of development, although the young are fully furred and have open ears after about 14 days.

The female provides the most parental care, both as a source of warmth for the naked young and as a source of milk. The female also changes her eating habits before the cubs are weaned, choosing softer foods. The male, on the other hand, takes little care of the children. It is tolerant at best, and sometimes kills young individuals and eats them. This is not as common in females.

Electric models

Beginners should pay attention to more innovative gadgets. They are definitely a little more expensive

But in this case, the price increase proportionally affects safety.

We are talking about a family of rechargeable machines equipped with a rotating head. They do not cut, but grind down the cornea. With this approach, it is almost impossible to harm a dog or cat by catching too much of a nail. The high rotation speed of the tip ensures fast operation, and the low noise level does not bother four-legged patients at all. Any beginner can easily cope with such a mechanism.

Price – 481 – 1,859 rubles.

Some models are equipped with 2-3 heads, suitable for dogs or cats of various breeds and age groups.

After all, the claws of a dwarf poodle are much more delicate than those of a German shepherd. The same applies to young kittens and adult cats - their paws need to be treated with different elements. So, when purchasing a tool for trimming claws, you should consider this nuance.

Cost – 567 – 1,189 rubles.

The final touch is the rotation speed of the device head.

It directly affects the quality of claw grinding. After all, it is necessary not only to cut off the ends, but also to polish the ends so that the sharp edges do not injure the delicate pads of the paws. This operation is best done in a more gentle mode at low speeds. So a machine with gear shifting will come in very handy in this case.

Price – 497 – 1,566 rubles.

I like it I don't like it

Interaction with people

In many African giant countries, marsupials are valued as an important product.

They are easily tamed as pets. However, they were linked to the monkeypox outbreak in the US in 2003 and have since been banned from import to the US.

Ability to detect mines and tuberculosis aroma

These rats also become useful in some areas for detecting mines, as their keen sense of smell is very effective in detecting explosives, and they are light enough not to blow up any of the mines. The rats are trained by APOPO, a non-profit social enterprise based in Tanzania.

The method of training rats to detect mines was conceived and developed by Bart Witjens from Belgium. Training runs at four weeks of age, when the rats are processed to acclimate them to people and are exposed to a variety of sights and sounds. They learn to associate the clicker with the food reward of banana paste or banana peanuts. They are then trained to point to a hole with TNT in it by sniffing it out for five seconds. Then they learn to find the correct hole in the line of holes. Finally, the rat is trained to wear a harness and practice outdoors on the lead by finding inactivated shafts under the soil. At the end of their training they are tested: they must find all the mines in an area of ​​400 square meters that has been selected with the mines inactivated. This is a blind survey: their miners don't know where the mines are. If they succeed, they are certified as bomb-sniffing rats.

APOPO - it sounds proud

The Belgian Bart Witjens didn't care. He was so impressed by the statistics of deaths and injuries from mines that in 1998 he founded the Belgian non-profit organization APOPO (translated into Russian as the development of means for detecting anti-personnel mines).

As a child, Bart kept rats and other rodents, and while studying at university he learned about their ability to detect mines and explosives by smell. In addition, unlike a dog, a rat will not be able to accidentally activate the ammunition: the rodent is too light.

Bart Witjens with one of the sappers (photo source)

So what do we have? If you train rats, you can end up with an inexpensive, well-trained and massive army of tailed sappers capable of detecting anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. And without expensive equipment.

African (Gambian) marsupial rats (Cricetomys gambianus) were chosen for the role of sappers from the entire variety of rodents. Why them? Africa is their home. They are well oriented and accustomed to hot climates. Hardy and disease resistant. Compared to other relatives, they live quite long. But most importantly, they have an excellent sense of smell.

Description and features

Choosing a pet among the varieties of dumbo rats will not be difficult. The pups have won recognition for their friendly nature and funny appearance. Animals with big ears are not just cute creatures, they are trainable, sociable, and incredibly smart.

It is easy to distinguish dumbo rat pups from their relatives by the following characteristics:

  • the head is wider than that of “relatives”;
  • slightly protruding nape;
  • pear-shaped body;
  • a pointed muzzle with round beady eyes on both sides.

The rounded ears of the rat are set low - this is reflected in the breed standard. The value of each specimen is measured by the size of the ears: the larger, the more expensive the animal. The structure of this organ is of two types:

  • “tulip” – petal-shaped, curled, pointed;
  • “saucers” - flat, round.

The first type of baby rats, with petal ears, is more common in European countries. If you press the animal behind the ear, the shell opens up like a flower. In practice, pets are chosen not only by their ears, but also taking into account color and species preferences. The tails of animals come in different lengths, the fur depends on the type of rodent.

The decorative rat Dumbo is not inferior to the parameters of its relatives: the weight of an adult male is 300-500 g, body length is 18-20 cm. Females are smaller in size: weight is approximately 250-400 g, length is 15-18 cm.

Eared pets with outstanding breed characteristics are difficult to find. Decorative Dumbo rat pups, although they themselves do not have obvious “ears,” can give birth to offspring according to the conditions of the breed standard.

In captivity, the domestic rat Dumbo quickly gets used to its owner and responds to its name. It is recommended to name pets briefly and sonorously: Bonya, Sonya, Ksyusha, Knopa - females, Pete, Tosha, Garik, Bucks, Rocky - males.

The rodent will perceive the sound of the owner's voice as a call to run towards him. Hand training will help you return your pet to the cage after active games. Young animals are curious and active, older rat pups value peace - they love to sit on laps or shoulders, warming their owner with warmth.

The Dumbo rat is a clean animal, this is manifested in litter box training and daily self-cleaning. Attachment to family members brings harmony to the life of the little creature and those who take care of the dumbo.

Peppermint treat


  • 1 medium overripe banana.
  • 2 chicken eggs.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey.
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of liquid coconut oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil in the same amount).
  • 1/2 teaspoon mint flavoring.
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder.
  • A quarter cup of carob (roasted carob powder). A small amount of cocoa can be substituted, but this is not recommended for animals. Therefore, try to find an original product.
  • Oat flour.

Cooking procedure.

1. Mash the banana in a bowl.

2. Beat eggs into the resulting mass, add honey, baking powder, cinnamon and coconut (sunflower) oil.

3. Add oatmeal to the mixture to form a firm but slightly moist dough.

4. Divide the resulting volume into 2 equal parts.

5. Pour 1/4 cup of carob powder into one half, and add the same amount of flour to the second half. A hard lump should form that does not stick to your hands.

6. Roll out 2 rectangles, 9-10 mm thick.

7. Place the layers of dough on top of each other and roll along the long side. Wrap the resulting sausage in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

9. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper.

10. Remove the film and cut into 3-3.5 cm rounds.

11. Place on a baking sheet. During cooking, portions of dough will not increase in volume, so you can place them close to each other.

12. Bake for 10-15 minutes.

If you want to please your pet with a crunchier treat, cut the rolls into thin slices (about 1 cm), and after cooking, additionally dry them in a warm oven or even in a non-stick frying pan.

The finished product is stored for a long time in a dry place. So, by baking peppermint rolls once, you can treat your four-legged pupil with them for a long time.

Bon appetit to your dog!

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Features of keeping at home

These animals quickly adapt to any conditions. They can be kept in our climate

However, you should pay attention to the fact that they do not tolerate sudden temperature changes.

For a comfortable existence, they need to equip a spacious enclosure with a metal (and always flat!) floor. It is desirable to have several floors with various loopholes and holes. At the same time, it is better to avoid materials such as wood or plastic in the design of the enclosure.

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Soft bag

Fabric carriers have been around for a long time, but their modern development has primarily affected the increase in the number of all kinds of windows, mesh and other little things. The cat will no longer sit in a dark bag, not much different from an ordinary travel bag. It is difficult to organize a comfortable long trip in such a device. But for short distances the convenience is quite adequate.

The advantage of a soft cage is its lightness, compactness, and the ability to securely attach it to a car seat or, for example, to the handle of a suitcase.

Negatives: Not hygienic for long trips and difficult to clean quickly (although they can withstand washing in a regular washing machine).

Cost – 1,360 – 1,489 rubles.

Types of dumbo rats

Among the diversity of species, everyone will find a companion to suit their taste. All animals are interesting in their own way.

Dumbo rex. A distinctive feature of the species is the curly fur. From a distance, the lop-eared rodent resembles a fluffy toy. The animal's curled antennae create a funny look. If you take the animal in your hands, you can see thick and wavy fur, hard to the touch.

Dumbo rex rats come in different colors: tri-color, white, gray, black.

Dumbo sphinx. A win-win option for pet owners with allergies. Rats have no hair. Bare folded skin evokes tenderness and tenderness in the soul towards defenseless animals.

Sometimes sparse hairs are observed on the head, back, and paws. Skin color can be black, white, pinkish, bluish, even chocolate. It is pleasant and silky to the touch. The antennae are small and slightly curled. The appearance of hairless rat pups is associated with the action of mutated genes.

Dumbo Siamese rats. The self-explanatory name reflects the color feature characteristic of Siamese cats. The tail, paws, and muzzle, painted in dark tones, contrast with the whitish coat on the rodent’s body.

The offspring of Siamese rat pups may not get the same colors. Unlike other species, the nature of the animals is capricious with aggressive manifestations. It is not recommended to have a pet for small children.

Dumbo Husky. A rare breed of rodents, also called chameleons. The name is borrowed from a famous dog breed. It is noteworthy that babies of this species are born in the usual colors: white-gray, brown, black. Over time, growing pups change their fur coat to a new one, diluted with snow-white touches.

Manx. A species of tailless animals obtained as a result of gene mutation. When purchasing this species, you can be deceived by dishonest sellers who offer ordinary animals with docked tails after birth.

Blue mink. A rare breed that is difficult to find. The name conveys the characteristic color of a delicate blue hue.

The color and structure of the fur of rats of the same species may vary. The fur is often straight and velvety, less often curly or satin, when only the muzzle is covered with long hairs. In addition to traditional colors (gray, brown, black), there are rare animal colors - mosaic, topaz, amber.

Brief description of the possum

An opossum is a mammal belonging to the marsupial class. Its closest relative is the rat possum.

The body of the animal is up to 50 cm in length, and the snout is elongated and conical. The tail is long, up to 55 cm, prehensile, usually naked. The body is covered with thick, short fur of indeterminate color, usually gray-brown, rarely almost black. It has short legs and well-developed teeth.

The opossum's blood is an antidote to rattlesnake venom, allowing it to hunt almost all types of rattlesnakes, but there are exceptions. They are found in southeastern Canada, the United States and Argentina.

Opossums live everywhere - in mountains and forests, in steppes and semi-deserts, they live on the ground, less often in trees. Activity occurs at night, at dusk. They are omnivores, but do not neglect insects. Opossums are solitary animals and gather in groups only during mating season. Some people carry their babies in bags, but not everyone has one.

An interesting behavioral trait of the opossum is its ability to emit an unpleasant odor, pretending to be dead when encountering a predator, which often saves its life.

Natural enemies of Gambian rats

Photo: What a Gambian rat looks like

There are no real predators that target Gambian rats in the wild. Although there have been a few recorded cases of a bird of prey or other predator eating Gambian rats, they usually gang up and are formidable opponents to potential predators. The biggest predator of Gambian rats is humans, the indigenous African population. These rats are considered a delicacy and are often hunted for food. They are considered quite tasty and are hunted and even farmed for their meat, which has led to a significant decline in the population.

Gambian rats serve to control insect populations, but they also carry seeds of various plants when they eat the resulting fruits. Several parasitic worms live in the gastrointestinal tract of these rats, but the most common one is Strongyloides.

The study also showed an insignificant presence of tapeworms among other parasites. Other parasites include:

  • xenopsylla cheopis;
  • aspicularis tetraptera;
  • ixodes rasus;
  • ornithonyssus bacoti.

Hymenolepis is usually found in the rat's small intestine, while Aspicularis is found in the rectum and colon.

Interesting Facts

Gambian rats are amazing animals. This is confirmed by the following facts:

  1. This species is considered one of the largest among rodents.
  2. Thanks to the large capacity of the cheek pouches, the rodent is able to carry about 3 kg of food in 1 hour.
  3. Gambian rats have poor vision but have an excellent sense of smell. They know how to search for unexploded mines, so they are often used as sappers.
  4. Gambian rodents can detect tuberculosis bacteria in saliva samples with 99% accuracy. If a laboratory technician takes an average of 3-4 days to study one analysis, then a rat can process about 100 tubes in 20-30 minutes. When she finds the tuberculosis bacilli, she freezes for a few seconds.

Reproduction of animals

The breeding season for Gambian rats is summer. But when kept at home, this process can occur regardless of the season. The minimum age of potential parents is six months.

Mating is preceded by mating games. However, even at the initial stage of courtship, the female may reject her admirer. She expresses her refusal by biting the male on the tail or back.

Pregnancy lasts a month, in one litter there are from 1 to 5 rat pups. Newborn rat pups have no fur or tail, and their eyes and ears are closed. Their tail grows by the age of one month. The eyes open 3 weeks after birth, and the ears open 2 weeks later. The fur appears gradually.

How to bathe a pet rat?

There are some rules that you need to know in order to buy a rat correctly, but each owner will figure out the nuances himself. During the first baths, it would be useful to have a second person present as additional insurance in case the animal gets scared.

  • The room must be securely fenced off from drafts - rats catch colds quite easily.
  • The water should be warm, but not hot.
  • It is necessary to bathe the rat in a container with a small amount of water, especially if it is afraid to bathe. Ideally, the rat can stand in the water.

To wash, use a special shampoo for rats - this will not cause an allergic reaction and will make your pet’s fur smooth and shiny, and the special shampoo is easier to wash off.

Be sure to read the instructions - some shampoos require first diluting with water.

Be careful not to get the shampoo in the rat's eyes. Also, during bathing, it is necessary to ensure that water does not get into the animal’s ears; this is fraught with complications, including deafness.

Rats have very delicate skin; for heavily soiled areas, you can use a very soft sponge, but it is preferable to use your hands

Massage the rat's fur as carefully as possible so as not to touch it with your nails.

After bathing, carefully dry the rat with a towel and then leave it to dry, preferably wrapped in another dry towel. If you have several pets, the first time after returning from swimming, carefully monitor their behavior - when bathing rats, their natural smell is “washed off”, and relatives may not recognize their comrade at first

If you have several pets, the first time after returning from swimming, carefully monitor their behavior - when bathing rats, their natural smell is “washed away”, and relatives may not recognize their companion at first.

If only the tail or paws, for example, or a small area of ​​fur are dirty, you can get by with “local” cleaning instead of a full bath.

Large species of rats in the wild

Some species of rats living in the wild cause harm to people, their homes and crops. However, most breeds are not dangerous and do not deserve pest status or harsh treatment.


Nezomyids are a whole order that includes rodents of various sizes and breeds. The family is distributed on the island of Madagascar and southern Africa. Rodents have short hair, brown or black. They are able to quickly move through trees and bushes in search of food. Animals are omnivores, so in addition to plant foods and insects, rats feed on chicks and reptiles.

  • The size of the rat is 40-65 cm, but the largest representative of the family has been recorded in history, the length of which reached half a meter;
  • Weight varies from 5 to 8 kg.
  • Life expectancy: 1-1.5 years.

Cane rat

Cane rats are considered the largest in the world. They are often confused with nutria due to their impressive size. The animal got its name from its habitat: areas with moist soil and reed thickets. Unfortunately, in West Africa, people treat rats as pests and often kill them or sell their meat for sale.

  • Size 45-60 cm, short tail 25-30 cm;
  • Weight reaches 9 kg, but young individuals weigh 5-7 kg;
  • Average life expectancy is 2-4 years.

Bamboo rat

Bamboo rats are one of the largest representatives of the mouse family. Rodents live in Southeast Asia, mainly in Thailand and the Malay Peninsula. The rat got its name from its addiction to bamboo, which is considered the basis of its diet.

Size 45-50 cm, tail is almost three times shorter than the body - 15-20 cm.

Compared to other relatives, this type of rat is very calm and slow, spends most of its life in the hole and occasionally comes out at night to eat. In some regions, the animal is eaten.

Woolly rat

The woolly rat is a very rare species of rodent that was discovered in the volcanic crater of Mount Bosavi in ​​New Guinea. The appearance of the rat is more reminiscent of a capybara, so the animal’s fur is silky, and its muzzle does not look like a typical rat’s.

  • Size 70-80 cm;
  • Weight reaches 1.4-1.6 kg.

The woolly rat is adapted to human society and allows people to pet and study it. No other habitat of the rodent was observed.

Gambian marsupial

The Gambian marsupial is perhaps the cutest of the large rats. It is also called “Khomyakova” because of its characteristic fur and body structure. The breed cannot boast of good eyesight, however, hearing and smell compensate for the congenital defect.

  • Taking into account the tail, which occupies the entire body, the length of the rodent is 70-100 cm;
  • The weight of an adult is 1-1.5 kg.

It lives in Africa, adapts both to hot deserts and savannas, and to tropical forests.

Turkestan rat

The Turkestan rat primarily lives in nut and fruit forests of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and southern Kazakhstan. Quite a dense build, the appearance combines the characteristics of a pasyuk and a black rat.

  • Body length 20-26 cm, tail on average equal to body length - 23-26 cm;
  • Weight: females gain weight up to 200-250 g; males 350-400g. Some individuals reach 500-600 g.

Unlike its relatives, the Turkestan rat gets along well with people and often lives in outbuildings and basements.

Gray big rat (Pasyuk)

Pasyuk is a rat known all over the world. The animal is able to adapt to any conditions and environment. They live everywhere, not only inhabiting the cold continents of the Arctic and Antarctic. They move in packs; one group can include hundreds of individuals.

  • Size 20-25 cm, tail length 18-25 cm;
  • The color is gray, sometimes there are brown spots on certain parts of the body;
  • Weight: minimum - 150 g; females - 250-300; males - 350-500. There are cases when pasyuk reached 900-1000 g.


Potoroos are a very unusual species of wild rat, if only because they belong to the order Kangarooidae. Habitat: Australia and Tasmania. They live in forests located 200 m above sea level.

  • Size 30-40 cm, tail length 15-27 cm;
  • Weight: 700 - 1800 g depending on the age of the rodent.

Animals move by jumping using their hind limbs. Mainly active at night and late in the day. They feed on plant products or small insects. There have been no recorded cases of attacks on humans.

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What are they - wild and domestic?

Despite the fact that rats have a lot of negative characteristics, such as being carriers of diseases, they are one of the most popular pets. Rodents are very clean, practically omnivorous, and quickly become attached to humans. Very smart, friendly, easy to train. According to scientists, rats have higher intelligence than cats. Breeds of white rats were bred specifically for home keeping.

The size of tailed pets is small. Females (350 grams maximum) are usually slightly smaller than males (weighing about half a kilogram). Sometimes, due to a sedentary lifestyle, domestic rats become fat and have larger sizes and weights than usual. Nevertheless, they are far from the title of the largest rat in the world.

Wild ones are not as cute as domesticated ones. At their core, these animals are pests. They live almost everywhere, but most of all they like to live next to a person. According to statistics, there are two rodents for every person living on earth. In ancient times, rats were almost a natural disaster for people. But sometimes similar situations happen in our time. They destroy supplies, cause damage to households and transmit diseases.

The most common rat is the gray one, it is also called pasyuk and black. Such a rodent grows up to 25 cm, its tail – up to fifteen centimeters. The body weight of pasyuks ranges from two hundred to five hundred grams. Sometimes in favorable conditions they can reach seven hundred grams.

Black rats are slightly smaller than their gray counterparts. The average body size is up to twenty centimeters, the tail is equal to the length of the body, sometimes longer. And in weight they are slightly inferior to gray rodents.

Giant Afghan and Pakistani rats are also a legend...

And another legend, very famous in the past, but today somewhat forgotten, is associated with supposedly large rats from Afghanistan. The essence of the story is this: in the 1980-1990s, in the era of shuttles and the fashion for exotics, smooth-haired dachshunds became very popular in Russia. And allegedly, for some owners, these dogs behaved completely out of character for the breed.

After examination by veterinarians or dog handlers, it turned out that sometimes special, very large Afghan and Pakistani rats were sold to wealthy buyers under the guise of dachshunds. They say that these rodents had large ears and were exactly the size of a small dog. But the main intrigue of these tales was that such pets had an unpredictable character and could unexpectedly attack their own owners.

In reality, this story is nothing more than an urban myth. The same rats live in Afghanistan and Pakistan as in Russia, and science does not know of such a rodent that can be confused with a dog.

Perhaps the main conclusion that can be drawn from our entire story is that you shouldn’t be afraid of some huge mutant rats. Those rodents that can be found near human habitation usually do not reach large sizes. They certainly will not attack the person himself with the aim of biting or snatching a piece of his flesh.

Yes, rats sometimes bite people, but they do this very rarely, mostly in self-defense. Indeed, large rats are rare and very peaceful; seeing them is a real success for a zoologist and an almost impossible task for an ordinary city dweller. Therefore, we can sleep peacefully, giant rats from the sewer do not threaten us.

Hunting for giant rats in Africa

  • Why do rats attack people and how such attacks can be dangerous?
  • Black rats: photographs and interesting facts about the life of these rodents
  • About mummifying poisons for rats and mice and the nuances of how these products work

Rat diet and nutritional nuances

Gambian rats are omnivores. But foods from the human table (salted, spicy, fried, etc.) are prohibited for the animal. The same applies to drinks - you can only drink water. The basis of the rat's menu should consist of the following:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • legumes

The most important substance for the rat body is protein. Its share in nutrition is 40%. In nature, rats get their protein from insects and shellfish. To obtain protein, a pet needs to consume:

  • seafood;
  • boiled lean meat;
  • boiled eggs;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

You need to feed your pet twice a day. The size of portions must be controlled - the animal will not refuse additional treats, but this will negatively affect its health. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your pet does not overeat.

The animal must have constant access to food and water, so food and drinking bowls must be replenished on time. If the feeder empties too quickly, you should not increase the portions for a supposedly hungry pet. The hamster rat has the habit of storing food supplies, i.e. hide food in various hiding places.

Population and species status

In the US state of Florida, a population of Gambian rats appeared in the early 2000s. One breeder, by an absurd accident, released 9 of his charges into the wild. As a result, after a few years, rodents spread everywhere. Experts suggest that these animals became carriers of the monkeypox virus in the state. In this regard, the government has banned the distribution and sale of Gambian rats.

Today, American services are trying with all their might to destroy the rodent population, because they get into sewer manholes and damage pipes. Rats spread infections and eat food supplies stored in barns. Rat poison is used to kill animals. Despite the efforts of the American authorities, they were unable to completely get rid of the rodents.

Vintage basket

Here we are dealing with a representative design in the style of modern rural fashion. Best suited for lovers of cycling or short distance travel on scooters. The basket itself is woven from flexible willow and equipped with an openwork wire lid, which prevents the cat from wanting to get out while moving. At the first glance at such a carrier, one is reminded of idyllic pictures from centuries ago, when food from the market was transported in a similar way on bicycles. The entire structure is conveniently attached to the steering wheel using leather straps and does not require much time for preparation.

The advantage of the option under consideration is, of course, its original design and originality. The downside is limited functionality. Although, if desired, the basket can be used for its intended purpose.

Price – 1,128 – 1,708 rubles.


Gumby rats live on the African mainland. They can be found in different parts of the continent, from the Sahara Desert to the “Land of the Zulu”. They live in different areas. Rats are found in arid desert areas. A colony of rodents can move across the African savanna. But most of all, mammals prefer forest areas with a moderate, cool climate.

African rats constantly hide from other animals. They settle in earthen burrows and tree hollows. In mountainous areas, mammals choose rock crevices as shelter. Some groups of individuals live in populated areas, hiding in basements and burrows.

Giant rats don't travel alone. They settle in a group of individuals. The number of one colony can reach 20 mammals.

Traditional plastic carrier

Perhaps the most common way to move small animals. Very well suited for long-distance travel, but in a car (and especially on a bicycle) a bulky plastic box is not very convenient.

Among the advantages, we note excellent breathability, ease of cleaning and maintenance, the ability to organize meals while traveling, hygiene, strength and durability.

The disadvantages are determined by the need to allocate space for storing this box and, of course, the outdated design. It is necessary to have such a device in stock, but it is not very suitable for short-term forays outside the city.

Cost – 1,146 – 2,137 rubles.

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