How to get rid of mice and rats: instructions and methods of dealing with rodents

Rodents cause obvious harm. They damage food, furniture and building structures. They are carriers of dangerous diseases. Rodent control is simply necessary to ensure that your private home and garden are safe and comfortable. When even one animal appears, it is necessary to begin pest control, otherwise it will be followed by relatives who, in favorable conditions, will begin to actively reproduce, which means their population will increase exponentially.

People have been trying to get rid of rats and mice for many centuries. During this time, hundreds of methods and means have been tried. Today you can use both traditional methods and more modern ones. In most cases, they are used in combination to effectively control rodents.

Information about rodents that allows you to deal with them correctly

You need to know everything that rats and mice are afraid of in order to use it to fight them.

Rodents desperately need water, so they always live close to it. To get rid of pests, you need to block or close access to any water resource as much as possible, as well as to leftover food. It is difficult for gray rats to endure hunger - they begin to die if they remain without food for 3-4 days. Lack of water is even more difficult for rodents. If the food humidity is 45%, rats will not survive more than 26 days, and if the humidity is 14%, they will die in 4-5 days.

Mice have very good hearing. When males need to attract females, they emit ultrasonic calls in the frequency range of 30-110 kHz. The sounds are very complex, reminiscent of birdsong. Rats are able to hear sounds with a frequency of up to 40 kHz, while the upper threshold of human hearing sensitivity is only 20 kHz. Rodents distinguish every rustle, but are not able to respond to pure tones.

Rats and mice live in large colonies of up to 150 individuals.

It is easy for them to adapt to people, for which they are able to change their daily routine. rodents are accustomed to the colonial lifestyle. Colonies sometimes even consist of several hundred individuals.

Rodents are capable of breeding a maximum of 10 times a year if the room where they live is heated, and 2-3 times a year in natural habitat conditions. The average litter is up to 10 cubs; a maximum of 20 babies can be born at one time.

The gestation period of rats and mice is 19-24 days. The fertility of females increases in direct proportion to their age. Most of the offspring of rodents appear in the second half of summer - then the young of the first generation begin to reproduce. Autumn is the time of maximum reproduction of rodents.

Mice and rats reach sexual maturity at the age of 1.5-3 months, when they begin to reproduce. Due to the abundance of food, the intensity of reproduction increases. Reproduction is also affected by incomplete deratization, which compensates for the loss of the population.

The gray rat is a carrier of 20 types of infections, eight of which are fatal to humans. Rodents, natural carriers, carry many parasites; they are the guardians of pathogens of many diseases in humans and domestic animals, and carriers of dangerous infections.

The speed of movement of rats reaches 10 km per hour. They are active animals and have extraordinary physical characteristics. They can easily overcome barriers on the move, the height of which reaches 80 cm. From a standing position they can jump up to one meter in length. Every day, rats run 8-17 kilometers.

How plants can help

Many hardware stores now offer a wide range of generic rodenticides and rodent traps. But these means are not suitable for everyone: some of them are absolutely inhumane, others can harm pets, and collecting the decomposing carcasses of dead rats is not the most exciting activity. Or maybe your house is located in a remote village, the nearest hardware store is many kilometers away, and you need to get rid of the rat right now. People have long had to endure the presence of these pests in their homes, so enough folk remedies have been accumulated to combat them.

You can secure a private house, around which there is at least a semblance of a plot, if you plant plants around it that are poorly tolerated by rats. Bushes of black elderberry, henbane, castor bean and datura and herbs - peppermint and cilantro - are best suited for this purpose. Flowers such as calendula, aconite, hydrangea, chamomile, lilies of the valley, foxgloves and daffodils will also not only decorate your flower garden, but also protect your territory from rodent attacks.

How essential oils can help

In addition to the plants themselves, essential oils obtained from them can also be used against rats. They coat furniture, walls, corners, jambs, and also moisten cotton wool and place it in rodent holes. You can drop a little oil into the water intended for washing floors and wiping dust. Another effective method is to mix an emulsion of water, essential oil and vegetable or mineral oil, pour it into a spray bottle and spray the walls and floors of the room. The oils best suited for this purpose are peppermint and Japanese mint, chamomile, wormwood, and cloves. However, this method must be used carefully. First, essential oils can cause allergies in you or your family, especially children and pregnant women. Secondly, the concentration of the active substance should be small, otherwise it will be difficult not only for rats, but also for you to stay in the house. Although if you carry out such a procedure in the fall, before the end of the summer season, you can go a little overboard with oils, but then you should wear a respirator so as not to burn the mucous membrane.

Will tobacco help?

This remedy can be classified as herbal when it comes to planting tobacco bushes near the house. But the main product of these bushes, tobacco, is also suitable against rats. It is best to use shag, but cigarette tobacco is also suitable - preferably the coarsest and strongest, "Prima", "Astra" and "Belomor" to help. You can sprinkle it in cabinets and corners, or you can make a strong infusion and treat furniture and cracks in the house with it. Some summer residents even infuse cigarette butts and then use the resulting solution to treat the premises. True, due to its specific smell, tobacco is usually used in basements, cellars, courtyards, sheds and attics. By the way, shag scattered on the beds will also protect the plants from rodents.

The main enemies of mice and rats are predators

The main fighters against domestic rodents are, without a doubt, cats. The cat is a solitary hunter. As shown by multiple studies conducted on domestic and stray cats, one cat catches, on average, up to 57 small animals during the year. From ancient times to the present day, the cat remains the best means of fighting rodents.

Domestic cats may not catch mice, this is due to the fact that they do not need to get their own food.

Each cat has its own territory that it controls. If she lives in a private house, then she controls the entire owner's yard. If the cat is hungry, it immediately kills the mouse or rat and eats it. If the animal is not hungry, it begins to play with its prey, throwing it up, allowing it to run away, and catching up again.

There is an opinion that cats hunt rats, but this is not true. Since gray rats are large, very aggressive and agile, many cats are afraid of them. Most often, dogs hunt rats.

Since cats are most often small in size, they are not dangerous to people. The exception is the occurrence of allergic reactions or infections that enter the human body through scratches on the skin or along with saliva if a cat has bitten a person. The most dangerous infection for humans is toxoplasmosis, which infects cats with rats and mice.

Some people have allergic reactions to certain enzymes found in cat saliva. This is the most common reason that prevents people from keeping cats at home.

If you are still a big fan of these affectionate pets, you can reduce the effect of exposure to their saliva. On the advice of veterinarians, you need to comb your pet every day and bathe it once every six weeks. In addition, it is necessary to carry out frequent wet cleaning of the house and install an air purifier.

How to protect your home from small rodents

Owners of private houses are much more likely to encounter mice than residents of apartments.

Animals enter the house through:

  • cracks in walls or floors;
  • garbage chute;
  • basement;
  • ventilation.

You can protect your home from these pests using the following measures:

  • it is necessary to seal all cracks in the house hermetically;
  • with the onset of dusk, doors, windows, ventilation, and sewer passages should be tightly closed;
  • products must be stored in closed containers or refrigerated;
  • food items stored on the floor or other kitchen surfaces should be removed;
  • pet food after feeding should also be removed, since leftover food can become a tasty morsel for mice and other pests;
  • pet cages should be kept clean so that animal waste products do not attract pests.

Using traps: mousetraps and rat traps

Hiram Maxim invented a traditional spring trap, called a trap or mousetrap, to fight rodents, and he also invented the Maxim machine gun. A mousetrap is a simple device with a spring lever. Bait is placed in it.

Many people consider cheese to be a classic delicacy for mice and rats, however, rodents do not really like it; they prefer nuts, chocolate, meat or bread, and they adore sunflower seeds. Having felt the bait with its subtle scent, the mouse tries to grab it, touching the trigger. The lever hits the unwary sweet tooth, and most often kills.

Rats in a private home are caught using rat traps, which are large mousetraps equipped with a powerful spring and teeth on the base of the device. However, rats are quite more intelligent and more intelligent than mice. When the spring is triggered, they most often manage to bounce away from the trap, after which they calmly eat the bait. Therefore, experts recommend installing a rat trap with bait at the bottom of an empty bucket.

The most popular and widespread method of controlling rodents is a mousetrap.

Some mousetraps have a wire cage design with a door that slams shut. Once caught in such a mousetrap, the rodent remains alive and unharmed.

There are traps that use glue. A bait is placed in their center, and the mouse, trying to get closer to it, sticks to the surface of the trap. However, such mousetraps have their drawbacks - the mouse may not stick firmly, so it will break out and run away.

Beekeepers began using a mink mousetrap back in the last century. It works on the following principle: when the mouse feels the bait, it climbs into the hole in which there is a thread in its path. When the mouse chews the thread, it releases a spring, which, using a noose, attracts the rodent who wants to eat it to the top of the mousetrap hole.

Recently, many homeowners have been using electric mousetraps, which kill rats with high-voltage discharges.

Mousetraps and rat traps have the following disadvantages:

  1. Rodents are exterminated individually, and, as you know, in each colony there are up to 150 mice or rats.
  2. The need to constantly monitor the “prey” (whether it fell into a trap or not).
  3. The need to free the trap from the caught rodent so that it is possible to catch the next one.
  4. Judging by the birth rate of rodents, such traps are ineffective means of protection in a private home.
  5. In addition, it is possible that pets, small children, and even the owners of the house themselves, who may forget that they installed a mousetrap, will fall into these traps.

Prevention of rats

Unfortunately, simply keeping the house tidy and clean is not always enough. To protect your home from rodents, try attaching a fine grille to all ventilation ducts, and also seal all the cracks and seal the water supply system. It is best to store food in containers with tight lids, and dispose of garbage as quickly as possible so that pests do not have access to food.

You can take action already at the stage of laying the foundation of your private house or cottage - install a fine-mesh mesh vertically in the cement and seal all small holes.

If you live in an apartment, remember that many of the listed herbal products can be grown even on the balcony and used both to scent the room and to repel rats.




Using poisonous products to get rid of rats and mice

The next stage in the fight against rodents is the use of pesticides. The principle of action of all existing poisons against harmful rodents is the same: the chemicals are eaten by rodents, after which they die.

Hardware stores offer a wide variety of poisons that can be used to control rats and mice. Since rats have the ability to quickly adapt to poisons and instantly recognize them, fighting these rodents using this method is complicated.

You need to use rodent poison very carefully and carefully and prevent pets from coming into contact with it.

For example, if a rodent tried a poisoned bait and survived, then it passes on to the next generation the ability to be less susceptible to this particular type of poison. Thus, the poisons that were used to effectively get rid of rats in the capital in the 1940s are practically harmless to modern rats living in Moscow.

Employees of deratization stations are engaged in ridding city residents of rodents, and use special chemicals for this. Deratization services cost a lot, and depend on the size of the room:

  1. To carry it out in an apartment, the cost of the service can be several thousand rubles.
  2. If rat control in a warehouse is necessary, up to several hundred thousand rubles.

After deratization is carried out for several months, rats and mice disappear from the premises, but then return again, so it will be necessary to treat the premises again. For this reason, disinfection stations conclude annual contracts, and its employees, maintaining a certain frequency, carry out sanitation of the premises.

Treating premises with toxic substances has certain disadvantages:

  1. Great care must be taken when spreading poisons.
  2. To get rid of rodents, the poison should be placed in places that are inaccessible to pets and small children.
  3. Since the poison does not act instantly, rodents can hide in between walls, ceilings or underground spaces, where they will die. Dead mice emit extremely unpleasant odors that are difficult to remove.
  4. The need for regular “renewal” of the poison.

Causes of rodents

Various types of rodents, just like insects, can settle next to a person and cause him a whole lot of inconvenience.
It is often not so easy to remove them, since these pests try to avoid direct contact with people, adapt to virtually any living conditions, and also constantly learn not to fall into traps and recognize poisoned food.

Before you begin to destroy such unwanted neighbors, you must first find out the possible reasons for their appearance in order to avoid relapses in the future.

Most often, their appearance is accompanied by the following factors:

  1. The presence of food and various edible supplies that are stored in places that are accessible to mice. It is worth noting that storing food in bags and even hanging cabinets is not considered a sufficient degree of protection, since such obstacles are not insurmountable for rodents.
  2. Violation of sanitary standards in the premises, which can be expressed in rare garbage removal, leading to its accumulation in large volumes, as well as extremely rare cleaning. All these factors create a favorable environment for rodents to live in, since among the waste there is almost always food suitable for them.
  3. Favorable temperature conditions, this factor becomes most relevant with the onset of winter cold, when mice are ready to sacrifice their own safety for the sake of moving to warmer places, including human homes.
  4. Mass migration of rodents, which can begin due to the fact that someone nearby began to purposefully poison and exterminate them.

Folk remedies for rodent control

There are many folk remedies that allow you to get rid of mice and rats that live in people’s homes and warehouses.

A pretty good way to help get rid of mice is to use ash. Wood ash is taken, finely crushed, and then the dry floors of the subfloor and cellar are filled with it (one bucket of backfill is enough to treat 5-10 m² of room). Wood ash contains alkali, which corrodes the paws of rats and mice. They begin to lick the alkali, which causes irritation in the mouth and stomach. As a result, in order to get rid of these troubles, rodents move to another place of residence.

Recommendations for controlling rodents using traditional methods.

Another of the most effective folk methods of fighting rats and mice is the use of small broken glass, which is scattered in places where rodents live. The delicate paws of mice are cut on glass shards, causing pain to the rodents.

Which poison to choose?

A wide range of rodent baiting agents can complicate the selection process, so below we will consider the most effective drugs that have proven themselves to be positive.


The drug "Tsunami" in the form of tablets, ready for use without adding to food, is one of the most popular drugs against rodents.

It has the following features:

  1. The main active ingredient is bromadialone, it is relatively safe for humans and some types of pets.
  2. The drug has a negative effect on blood clotting and provokes multiple hemorrhages, which cause the death of rodents.
  3. The cost of packaging is 80-100 rubles.


Nutcracker drug is an analogue of Tsunami. The composition includes the following components: sugar, flour, vegetable oils, as well as brodifacoum, which has a detrimental effect on rats.

The product will also affect blood clotting and additionally provoke attacks of suffocation, due to which rodents will try to leave the room and go outside. The average cost is 150 rubles.


The drug "Ratindan" is recommended to be used if other means have proven to be ineffective or the rat population has managed to grow to large sizes.

This poison has the following features:

  1. The product is available in powder form, which must be added to self-prepared edible baits.
  2. The high degree of effectiveness is due to increased toxicity, so the drug is also dangerous for people and pets.
  3. The poisonous effect is ensured by the addition of diphenacin to the composition.
  4. A kilogram package of powder costs about 200 rubles.


"Storm" is a modern drug that has the following advantages:

  1. The addition of flocumafen to the composition, which additionally has a mummifying effect on dead rodents, so that their bodies do not begin to decompose.
  2. Release form: compressed briquettes. This allows you to use the drug immediately after purchase, without preparing edible bait.
  3. Affordability, the cost of packaging is about 50-80 rubles.

"Rat Death No. 1"

This drug is available in the form of a mass that is immediately ready for use. It is the main analogue of the “Nutcracker”, since the principle of action is also based on the addition of brodifacoum to the composition. The cost is about 100 rubles.

"Hunter anti-rodent"

"Hunter anti-rodent" is another poisonous drug based on brodifacoum. Additionally, the mass includes flour and flavoring additives that make the briquettes attractive to rats. The cost usually does not exceed 70 rubles.


The drug "Alt" also contains brodifacoum, so the principle of action remains unchanged.

However, various products are produced under this brand; the range includes:

  1. Wax briquettes.
  2. Briquettes based on dough and cheese mass.
  3. A grain mixture to which a toxic substance has already been added.

Ultrasonic repellers - how they work

You already know that rodents sense ultrasonic frequencies from 30 to 110 kHz, so the use of ultrasonic repellers is the most modern and most effective way to combat them.

The devices operate on the following principle: the hearing of rodents is affected by powerful ultrasonic attacks, creating an impossible environment for rodents to live, live and reproduce. And since rodents are social animals that live in families, the device acts in such a way that it makes communication between individuals impossible, and they also do not like the negative impact of the device on their nervous system.

Today, ultrasonic repellers are the most effective and durable way to combat mice and rats. It is enough to invest once in purchasing the device to guarantee the safety of property and a quiet life for the inhabitants of the house. The device costs from 1300 to 2100 rubles.

Characteristics and operating methods of ultrasonic rodent repellers.

Employees of research institutes have conducted many experiments proving that ultrasonic repellers are quite effective. If you purchase a quality device, it is harmless to people and does not harm pets. But to ensure its quality, it is necessary to have all certificates of compliance, hygiene and safety.


Professional rodent baiting allows you to completely destroy the entire population of pests that attacked you. The cost of specialist services depends on the area of ​​the object, as well as on the intensity of the infection. You can order rodent extermination at the following price:

  • from 2500 rubles for small-sized objects up to 50 m2;
  • from 30 r/m2 for buildings with an area of ​​50-300 m2;
  • by agreement - when processing larger buildings: warehouses, hangars, basements and attics.

Services include the removal of captured and destroyed animals for further research by specialists from Rospotrebnadzor services to identify the transmission of dangerous diseases. A report on the work done is provided to clients in full.

If you need quick and effective extermination of rodents and cockroaches, contact us! “Master Dez” will always come to the rescue and offer the best conditions for cooperation. A professional approach, as well as modern technical and chemical means provide every opportunity to obtain 100% results. Call, leave a request and see for yourself.

Additional Information:

  • Room treatment
  • Treatment of the territory
  • Destruction methods
  • Frequency of deratization

Positive and negative qualities of ultrasonic repellers

There are many advantages that distinguish ultrasonic repellers from other types of rodent control. Among them are the following:

  1. The ultrasonic waves emitted by the device are unpleasant for the entire mouse and rat family, so they leave their habitat in colonies.
  2. Since rodents do not die from ultrasound, an unpleasant odor will not appear in human homes or warehouses.
  3. There is no need to periodically check the device (which must be done in the case of using mousetraps), since it works constantly.
  4. Low consumption of electrical energy by the device. The most powerful appliance consumes a maximum of 10 W (for example, an electric kettle consumes up to 2500 W).
  5. Long service life of the device – up to ten years.

Like any other devices, an ultrasonic repeller is not without some disadvantages:

  1. The need for constant operation of the device (if the repeller turns off, the rodents return after a while).
  2. The inability of ultrasound to pass through walls and ceilings is that it can only be reflected from any solid surface. For this reason, it is necessary to keep interior doors open or install appliances in all rooms.
  3. The ability of partial absorption of ultrasound by a fleecy surface, so ultrasound cannot be directed into carpets.
  4. Operation of devices indoors. On the streets, ultrasound operates at a short distance (up to 20 meters), and then “dissolves” in the air.
  5. There are not only bona fide manufacturers of ultrasonic repellers, so you can purchase a device that will not cope with the tasks assigned to it.

Signs of the appearance of mice in a private house, country house or apartment

  • the appearance of oval-shaped excrement, about 2 mm in size;
  • constant unpleasant smell of mice , which cannot be gotten rid of; it remains persistent even after general cleaning;
  • the appearance of gnawed things, most often these are parts of furniture, baseboards, books, cardboard boxes;
  • food products eaten by rodents: cheese, bread, nuts.

If signs of rodents are detected, you should immediately take the necessary measures to destroy them, since mice reproduce very quickly. About 10 rodents can be born in one litter, which after a couple of weeks will turn into adults and cause damage to the home or area. Colonies can number about 150-175 individuals.

Reviews of people using ultrasonic repellers

There are many consumer reviews that complain about the ineffectiveness of the ultrasonic repeller. However, it is better to consider each opinion individually, since there are several main reasons that affect the effectiveness of the device:

Intermittent operation of the device. Users turn on the repeller for only a few hours during the day, and this is improper use of the device. The repeller is designed for continuous operation. The ultrasounds it emits are safe for humans because they are simply sounds in frequencies that are not perceived or heard by humans. But rodents perceive these sounds as the howl of a siren, and therefore try to leave the habitat in which the siren is constantly howling.

Install the device in closets, behind a sofa or other furniture so that it is not conspicuous. In this case, ultrasound cannot pass through a wall, for example, a cabinet. In addition, the closet is not empty - clothes lie and hang in it, which have a fleecy surface and are capable of absorbing sound waves.

The room is filled with accessible food for rodents. Even when the ultrasonic repeller is working, it is necessary to limit the access of rats and mice to food. They don't like the sound of the siren, but if they're hungry, it won't stop them.

Use of low-quality devices from an unknown company. It should not be surprising that using only high-quality devices manufactured by time-tested companies is effective.

Why are mice dangerous?

In general, “neighborhood” with rodents can even result in severe infections for humans - these are sources of rabies, leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, parasitic diseases, hemorrhagic fever, tularemia, plague, typhoid, cholera and other infectious diseases that, if not diagnosed in time, can be fatal . In addition, mice can become a source of fleas and infect your pets.

They carry this infection on their paws, while being a reservoir, the mice themselves do not suffer from these infections. Infection is possible through contact - bites, contact with a corpse, inhalation of air and dust in a room where there is a high number of rodents - they contain particles of hair and mouse droppings, which can cause not only infection, but also allergic reactions.

There is also a high risk of contracting an infection when drinking water containing mouse feces. The alimentary route (through the mouth) can also occur when eating food that has been walked on by rodents - this is how they will bring an infection to their paws.

Reviews: real user experience

I'm telling my story. First floor - the mice were shaking. Mousetraps are not a solution for me - then I have to throw out the mice, I can’t. Poison - the problem is that a mouse can die anywhere - under a cabinet, for example. The smell, I’ll tell you, is still the same, but by the time you find where she died, you’ll have to turn the whole house over. There are also ultrasonic repellers, but they don’t have a license for how they affect people - I didn’t take the risk. I went the old-fashioned way and got a cat. He caught mice for 2 months without stopping, starting at the age of four months. The mice have disappeared, and the beloved cat is already 6 years old


There is a special glue for rodents, we caught a whole family of mice in less than a week. You spread the glue on a small cardboard, in the middle of something tasty, mice come running at night and stick to each other, sometimes as many as three mice would stick together, dad would throw those caught along with the cardboard into a bag and into the trash or out the door, and throw them out in the morning. Animals should not be allowed into the room where there is cardboard with glue.


I haven’t tried ultrasound, I don’t know how it works. But my parents periodically got mice at their dacha. Mousetraps weren't very helpful. Only poison. Inhumane, yes. But effective.


He set up cheap mousetraps. Very easy to use, more convenient than classic wooden ones. I caught 3 mice in a day (by the way, there were no false alarms or misfires in the mousetraps; 3 clicks = 3 mice). No more mice have been observed yet. He put bread soaked in sunflower oil in mousetraps.


If you set up a homemade “multi-charged” mousetrap, all the mice will be there. Unfortunately, the industry doesn’t produce these, but you can easily make them yourself from a fifty board. 100% lethality. The number of mice caught per week according to your wishes. The good thing about mechanical mousetraps is that you can see how many mice are being hatched. Mouse poison neutralizes the process of defeating rodents, because There is no count of enemy losses. The scale of the victory is unclear.


Harm to humans

Mice are primarily a source of infections. They can carry many diseases that can be transmitted to humans, from intestinal infections to tuberculosis.

READ ALSO: How to remove rodents and catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap: humane methods of control

They spoil all the things they can get to - they gnaw on supplies, make nests in things stored for storage, gnaw passages in the walls and floor, disrupting the thermal conductivity of the room.

Rodents are extremely allergic. Their fur, saliva and excrement can cause a severe asthma attack in a person prone to this disease.

Mice smell extremely bad and it is very difficult to get rid of the smell of their waste products.

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