Vole mice with a stripe on their back: cute crop destroyers

  • Latin name : Apodemus agrarius
  • Kingdom : Animals
  • Type : Chordata
  • Class : Mammals
  • Order : Rodents
  • Family : Mouse
  • Genus : Forest and field mice
  • Species : Field mouse
  • Weight : 21 g
  • Body length : 12.5 cm
  • Gestation period : 20 days
  • 2 What does it eat?
  • 3 Distribution
      3.1 Range
  • 3.2 Habitats
  • 4 Common types of field mice
  • 5 Field mouse behavior
      5.1 Burrows
  • 5.2 Wintering
  • 6 Reproduction of the field mouse
  • 7 Natural enemies
  • 8 Interesting facts about the rodent:
  • Structure and appearance

    The vole mouse is small in size. Its body length is 10-13 cm without a tail, and its weight is no more than 15 g. It has an elongated pointed muzzle, wing-shaped plates on high cheekbones, small ears and black or brown beady eyes. The compact paws with small feet have short claws. Due to the fact that the field mouse is constantly digging for something, they are never sharp.

    The rodent's body is covered with fairly stiff hair, which becomes coarser with age so that it can be compared to the spines of a hedgehog. The upper part of the vole's body is brownish-ochre in color, and the abdomen is covered with pale gray fur. There is a longitudinal dark stripe on the back of the rodent.

    The color of the animal changes depending on the climate and latitude of its habitat. The red mouse is mainly found in southern Europe. And voles in western Siberia, Altai, Semirechye and the Urals often have a chestnut-brown coat.

    On a note. Young field mice have a more saturated color. Older individuals have paler fur, sometimes with graying.

    Field mice are small and dangerous pests

    Mice are rarely spoken of in a respectful tone. They are usually described as poor, shy, but very harmful rodents. The vole mouse is no exception.

    This small animal can significantly spoil the harvest in the garden, and chew a hole in the floor at home. Judging by the photo, voles look like ordinary mice and rats. At the same time, the muzzles of the inhabitants of the fields are smaller, and the ears and tail are shorter.


    Vole mice are distinguished depending on their habitat:

    • common - found on the Eurasian continent;
    • red - lives in the sultry Asian steppes;
    • forest - lives in the forest-steppe regions of Eurasia and North America;
    • underground - settles in local areas and in communications.

    Interesting! In addition to the above species, there is a water vole. But it belongs not to mice, but to rats and inhabits the coasts of slow-flowing rivers and lakes with abundant vegetation.

    field rat

    The ground or field rat has nothing in common with ordinary pests and is a mouse type. However, its size is similar to that of ordinary rats. The body length of an adult reaches 25 cm in length and weight up to 0.5 kg. The field rat destroys everything that gets in its way. She likes both cultivated plants and weeds.

    If such a pest is infested in the garden, then there is no point in counting on a good harvest. She eats root vegetables and greens, and also likes to wreak havoc on flower beds. This rodent is not repelled by saffron, which has a specific aroma.

    Duration and lifestyle

    Voles living in natural conditions live no longer than 2 years. If they are placed in a comfortable environment and provided with proper home care, their life expectancy can increase 5 times.

    Voles are nocturnal mice. During the day, rodents sit in their nests, and at nightfall they go out hunting. Field mice live in shelters made from piles of branches and straw or in shallow burrows.

    Animal burrows consist of numerous underground passages, the length of which is several tens of meters. There are also storage rooms, sleeping nests and backup passages, one of which necessarily leads to a pond.

    On a note. The activity of field mice does not depend on the time of year. With the onset of frost, rodents do not hibernate and move under a layer of snow. Therefore, voles are forced to constantly obtain food and stock up.

    Ways to get rid of voles

    When the population of voles near human habitation becomes significant, ignoring their close presence is extremely dangerous and costly. One of the fighting methods or a combination of them can be chosen.

    Passive and active measures are used. The first is scaring away animals, the second involves the physical extermination of individuals.

    You can repel mice with the help of plants. These animals cannot tolerate tansy, wormwood, garlic, calendula, and mint.


    You can buy their essential oils in a retail or pharmacy chain, make natural repellents and place them in the required places.

    For similar purposes, you can buy ultrasonic or vibration devices. When installing them, the range of exposure should be taken into account.

    Often gardeners decide on the need to physically destroy the animal. Mousetraps and poisonous baits are used.


    A deadly delicacy can be prepared at home - “plaster blood clot”. A hardener - lime or gypsum - is mixed with the flour.

    Gardening stores offer an assortment of poisonous granules, grains, and wax tablets. When using them, precautions should be strictly observed.


    The small mouse vole can cause significant harm to households and human health.

    If representatives of the population are noticed on a personal plot or in a home, immediate pest control should begin.

    It must be remembered that several pairs of rodents living nearby can be the progenitors of thousands of individuals.


    Thanks to its high adaptability, the field mouse easily adapts to different conditions and is found almost everywhere. The habitat of a rodent with a black stripe on its back covers many regions:

    • coast of the Azov and Black Seas;
    • Ciscaucasia;
    • Northeast China;
    • South of Siberia;
    • northern Finland;
    • western Denmark;
    • west of the Baltic coast.

    On a note. Field mice are not found in Crimea, Mongolia and Transbaikalia. These rodents do not live in high mountains and desert areas.

    Voles inhabit forests, fields, meadows, hills and swampy areas. Rodents are found in basements, farmland, barns and residential areas.

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    What benefits do they bring?

    After all the above-mentioned troubles from field mice, the question of their benefits may seem ridiculous.

    Nevertheless, voles bring tangible benefits , being an important link in the food chain.

    Without them, many animals: foxes, martens, owls, cats would be left without food. In addition, by destroying a significant part of the mouse army, these animals preserve many beneficial insects, plants, as well as a significant part of the crops in the fields and gardens.

    In nature, there is nothing superfluous , and this is also the case with the field mouse. There is a lot of harm from it, but there is also tangible benefit.

    And yet, despite their tiny size and harmless appearance, these are animals that are worth taking into account and it is better not to allow them close to your homes.

    Interesting Facts

    Voles are interesting animals with many interesting things associated with them:

    1. Despite their small size, these animals are considered malicious pests. Rodents destroy grains, watermelons, sunflowers, tomatoes, carrots and potatoes.
    2. Voles can move at speeds of up to 10 km per hour.
    3. The vole mouse carries dangerous diseases, including hemorrhagic nephrosonephritis, erysipelas, tick-borne typhus fever, leptospirosis and tularemia.
    4. Field mice live in families that consist of 3-4 generations.
    5. Males are characterized by pronounced territorial behavior. Each of them occupies an area of ​​up to 1.5 km and jealously guards its possessions from foreign encroachments. Field mice often start fights for territory, which end in the death of the weaker opponent.
    6. These rodents have a daily routine that includes sleeping, eating, caring for their fur coat and burrow.

    What harm can voles cause to mice?

    Small rodents can cause significant harm to humans. Animals are capable of causing significant damage to plants.

    Apodemus agrarius

    They gnaw their parts underground, spoil the bark of seedlings, young garden trees and berry bushes, which causes their death. Mice gnaw on root crops as they grow, significantly reducing yield.

    Everything is spoiled by the vole mouse that eats. If she visited the home, the volume of food will be noticeably reduced and it will be impossible to eat it.

    Mouse in the house

    The animal leaves “calling cards” everywhere - its droppings and urine. Another danger for humans is the possibility of contracting a dangerous, sometimes fatal infection after a vole mouse visits the house.

    Such rodents can carry tularemia, typhus, leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, hemorrhagic nephrosonephritis, and can cause dermatological diseases. It is a carrier of fatal rabies.

    Nutritional Features

    The field mouse is a herbivorous rodent with constantly growing incisors that need to be ground down. To control the length of its teeth, the animal is forced to constantly chew something and in a day is able to eat no less than its own weight.

    The diet of field mice includes:

    • seeds and herbs;
    • cereals;
    • nuts and cone seeds;
    • berries;
    • young bark of berry bushes and broad-leaved trees;
    • aboveground and underground parts of plants.

    Also, field mice sometimes feast on earthworms, larvae and insects. Rodents will not refuse cereals, legumes, sausages, lard, flour and bakery products.

    On a note. From mid-summer, field mice begin to collect food supplies. For the winter, rodents accumulate up to 3 kg of food and manage to eat it before the weather warms up.

    What does it eat?

    Field mice feed on plant (seeds, berries, green parts of plants, nuts, grains) and animal (insects) food. The specific composition of the diet depends on habitat and season. Thus, in winter, when it is difficult to obtain food, mice move into cellars and food warehouses, causing harm to agriculture and industry.

    Reproduction and offspring

    Field mice reach sexual maturity at 3-3.5 months and are capable of producing 3-4 litters per year, each of which produces 5-7 babies. Their pregnancy lasts on average 22 days and ends with the appearance of blind and completely helpless cubs.

    The pups develop very quickly and after about 3 weeks they are completely ready for independent living.

    Interesting! Experts were able to record cases of pregnancy in 13-day-old field mice, which after 20 days gave birth to viable pups.

    Who eats voles

    The field mouse is quite prolific and this is very appropriate considering how many natural enemies it has.

    Who eats mice:

    • birds of prey: owls, hawks, falcons;
    • foxes;
    • martens;
    • caresses;
    • ferrets;
    • hedgehogs;
    • snakes;
    • cats.

    The weasel is also dangerous for rodents because, thanks to its flexible and narrow body, it can freely penetrate nests and eat baby mice.

    Population and species status

    The species of voles is very diverse and includes about 60 subspecies, which can only be identified through genetic research. Moreover, the mice themselves accurately identify representatives of other populations and do not interbreed with them.

    The number of voles varies by year and season. Every 3-5 years, experts record an increase in the birth rate. Under optimal conditions, up to 2000 mice live per 1 hectare. In unfavorable times, the number of voles is reduced to 100 individuals per 1 hectare. Despite such fluctuations in the number of mice, there is no talk about the threat of their extinction. But among them there are rare species that are protected.

    These include the following varieties of voles:

    • Central Kashmir;
    • Taiwanese;
    • Japanese red;
    • Mexican;
    • Balukhistan;
    • Muyskaya;
    • Evronskaya.

    Do they stock up for the winter?

    The burrows of field mice are quite simple; in rare cases, they may have several exits. The depth of the hole is small. Sometimes field mice make round grass nests on the surface and live in them.

    In the voles' burrows, next to the nesting chamber, they build pantries , which allows them not to starve in the winter.

    Field mice's pantries are usually filled with nuts, acorns, seeds and grains.
    Reserves are usually not enough for the entire cold period, and the holes can often be destroyed by large forest animals, then voles rush to people in search of food.

    How to fight

    Experienced gardeners prefer to use complex methods of getting rid of voles in order to avoid an increase in their population on the site. To do this, it is best to use an integrated approach. Traps, poison and sonic or aromatic repellers are used. If you wish, you can get rid of unwanted animals in a short time.

    Traditional methods

    Property owners who prefer humane methods of rodent control use the following popular solutions.

    Strong smelling rags

    Typically, mint essential oil, ammonia, vinegar, or cologne are used. It is recommended to place sources of odors unpleasant for mice around the house in areas where rodents are concentrated.

    Ash scattered on the site

    In mice, it causes irritation of the mucous membranes and indigestion, which is why the rodents soon leave the area. And for the site, the ash will serve as additional fertilizer.

    Bunches of leaves and herbs plants

    Gardeners recommend collecting wormwood, tansy, elderberries, stems from tomato bushes and other greens. They are used both at home and on the site.

    Spruce branches

    Thorny branches are placed directly into mouse holes.

    Traps and traps

    With their help, you can also quickly reduce the number of voles on the site. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to collect triggered traps and install new ones every day.

    "Old-fashioned" method with a jar

    Coat the inside of a half-liter jar with a thin layer of vegetable or butter, put bait inside and place the trap on its side in the place where mouse droppings were found. It is better to place a board or other elevation nearby to make it easier for the vole to climb inside. She will no longer be able to get back out along the slippery walls of the jar.

    This method is more humane, but after using it you will need to transport the mice away from the area. However, there is no guarantee that they will not run to the neighbors, and from there again to your site.

    Homemade glue traps

    Apply “ALT” glue or any other special composition to the cardboard or board. Place bait in the center and then set the trap. When the mouse climbs for the bait, it will stick tightly to the board, after which it will die.

    Professional traps

    There are several varieties:

    • traps with teeth and doors that crush the victim;
    • electric traps that electrocute animals;
    • mechanisms with loops that choke rodents trying to chew their way to the bait;
    • cages that slam shut when a mouse gets inside and eats the bait from the hook.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning electronic repellers

    They emit ultrasound, which forces rodents to leave the area. However, it should be taken into account that pets may also be sensitive to unpleasant sounds and run away from the area.

    The following devices are most popular among owners of suburban areas:


    Homemade or professional poisoning is one of the fastest ways to get rid of long-tailed pests.

    You can prepare your own bait using the following recipes:

    • Crush the glass into crumbs and mix with food that attracts mice. Place the prepared “portions” of seasoning in places where voles gather.
    • Mix equal parts quicklime, gypsum or cement with flour, starch and sugar. Sprinkle the mixture in areas where rodents gather. Place containers of water nearby. After eating, the mice will immediately begin to drink, which will accelerate the formation of a blood clot in the digestive tract and lead to the death of the vole.
    • Mix any fat in liquid form with flour and barium carbonate in a ratio of 1:2:4. Form small lumps and spread the poison in places where pests accumulate.

    Using poison can be dangerous if there is a pet living on the property. For example, a cat or dog may try to eat prepared poison. Or the cat may try to eat the poisoned mouse and get hurt.

    Wax tablets "Storm"

    They are used primarily as a deterrent, but also have a poisonous effect. The vole mouse dies a couple of weeks after eating these tablets.

    Universal "Granules"

    They will help get rid of rodents from almost the entire colony of rodents. After eating the pellets, voles do not die immediately, but manage to infect other members of the population before doing so.

    Where do mice live in the wild?

    Mice spend most of their time in burrows, raising offspring, escaping danger, storing food, or resting after eating it. The maximum depth of the burrow is 70 cm, and the total length of the passages can reach 20 m. Some species of mice build nests in thickets of tall grasses (little mouse) or live in tree roots and old stumps (forest mouse).

    Minks can be temporary or permanent, and the latter can be summer or winter. Temporary housing for animals is simply planned. The permanent mouse hole has a spacious nesting chamber and several entrances. In summer burrows where rodents give birth, bedding is created from fluff, blades of grass, shavings and feathers. And in winter, a pantry is set up for food supplies.

    Harm to humans

    In addition to the harm that voles cause to gardeners, damaging plantings and harvested crops, they pose a serious threat to human health, as they are carriers of serious diseases:

    • tularemia;
    • leptospirosis;
    • salmonellosis;
    • rickettsiosis;
    • pseudotuberculosis;
    • toxoplasmosis.

    In addition, rodents often settle in country houses, where they can not only spoil food, but also chew furniture, books, candles, and wiring.

    Narrow skull

    Appearance: The body is much larger than the small head, the ears are hidden in gray-brown fur. The color of the light patches of fur ranges from ocher to dark brown. The tail is long, body length is up to 125 mm.

    Distribution: open areas of mountainous regions, alpine meadows, Kazakhstan, central Mongolia, Bashkiria, southern regions of northwestern China, western Urals, Amur, Tien Shan region.

    Food: sedge, broad-leaved grasses, legumes, young shoots, bark of young trees.

    Reproduction: up to five litters with 5-7 cubs.

    Features: they are capable of independently searching for food on the 10th day of life; in preparation for winter, they make large reserves.

    Possible harm to farmers: the vole can destroy grain fields for its own reserves and damage orchards.

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