Can rabbits eat seeds: feeding nuances and contraindications

To understand whether rabbits can eat seeds, you need to study their basic composition and beneficial properties. The animals have a very weak liver and stomach, so you need to feed them new foods with caution. A separate diet is prepared for small and adult individuals, who perceive sunflower seeds differently as a regular complementary food. This product cannot be completely excluded, but it should be added to the feeder in limited quantities.

Nuances of feeding

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are gradually introduced into the diet of rabbits. This food can be given to young animals separated from their mother once a week. Meal and cake are components of many feed mixtures. The animals are fed compound feed daily.

At what age can you

Sunflower or pumpkin seeds can be given to domestic and decorative rabbits from the second month of life. If young rabbits live in the same cage with their mother, it is impossible to accustom them to new food. It is better to first separate the young animals from the female rabbit, and then introduce various new foods into their diet.

Important! Old and fat rabbits should not be fed pumpkin or sunflower seeds. For such animals, meal or cake in small quantities is healthier

How to give

It is customary to feed rabbits 3 times a day. Dry food (seeds, cake, meal) is given to animals in the morning and evening. It is better to feed the animals in the first half of the day, and then observe their condition. Animals need to be accustomed to new food gradually. At the very beginning, the animals are treated to 5-10 pumpkin or sunflower seeds. Over time, the dose is increased to a handful (50 grams), but no more. Pumpkin or sunflower seeds are given to animals only once a week, not more often. Pets can eat meal or cake daily, but not more than 30-50 grams. When feeding dry food, it is advisable to place a container of water in the cage for drinking.

Harm of seeds for cats

However, all of the above does not mean that a cat can eat a glass of seeds – peeled or with the husk – without harm to health. Especially the unrefined ones. The cat's stomach is not able to digest the husk, and it, accumulating in the intestines, can lead to constipation at best, and obstruction at worst. The pathological condition will require veterinary care, otherwise there is a high risk of death.

Unpeeled seeds can cause injury to the gums - damage to the mucous membranes allows pathogenic bacteria to enter the body, which will cause inflammation. Injuries to the esophagus are possible, which can also end sadly for the animal, and if the intestinal walls are damaged, over time the cat may develop malignant tumors.

The seeds are rich in fat, which for furry creatures leading a sedentary lifestyle can lead to excess weight and liver problems. The product contains a lot of phosphorus, which is harmful for animals because over time it can lead to kidney failure, the formation of stones and the development of urolithiasis.


Cats are carnivores by nature, and their digestive system is more suited to digesting animal foods rather than plant foods.

There is a category of domestic cats that should never be given sunflower seeds. These include:

  • pets with chronic liver pathologies;
  • those who are allergic to sunflower oil;
  • animals with gastrointestinal diseases, peptic ulcers.

You should not give seeds to a pet with inflammatory diseases of the gums and oral cavity. In kittens up to six months of age, seeds (even peeled) can cause intestinal obstruction, so keep seeds away from curious animals.

In general, sunflower seeds in small quantities should not harm your pet’s body, but it is recommended to limit their consumption and give only peeled kernels - no more than 1 tablespoon 1-2 times a week.

What else can you feed rabbits?

These fluffies are extremely picky eaters and will often eat almost anything you put in their feeders. Here is a small list of products that are suitable for consumption by both indoor and ornamental animals, and those that live on farms:

  • succulent food: silage, melons, carrots, potatoes, turnips, turnips, beets, cabbage;
  • roughage: hay from a variety of cereals and legumes, straw, branches and needles of various conifers, birch bark;
  • green food: field dandelions, young nettles, alfalfa, knotweed, lizard;
  • concentrated food: crushed corn and oats grains soaked in liquid, various legumes, cake (not sunflower), various mixed feeds (except for those intended for birds);
  • animal feed: bone meal, fish oil, skim milk, whey, buttermilk;
  • human food waste: dry bread (not moldy), pasta, leftover cereals and soups, peelings and potato peels (not green).

Contraindications and harm

Any new food should be introduced into the diet of young rabbits with caution. Typically, animals react normally to a product such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds.

Some rabbits may experience allergic reactions after eating the kernels. Animals often vilify when they try something new for the first time. In this case, it is better to stop feeding the animals this food for a while. After a month, the attempt can be repeated, but only in the minimum dosage. For the first time - no more than 5-10 cores.

Important! The seeds do not need to be peeled. The main thing is that they are slightly dried

You should always remember that eating sunflower or pumpkin seeds too often can lead to obesity and liver problems.

Meal or cake can be given to young and old animals daily, but not more than 30-50 grams per day. This food will not lead to obesity, but it can cause stomach upset in animals. The fact is that cake (meal) is often of poor quality. If stored poorly, such a product quickly deteriorates and can cause deterioration in the well-being and even death of rabbits. Before feeding animals this food, it must be thoroughly inspected. It is prohibited to eat low-quality products.

Is it possible to give rabbits seeds?

You can diversify your rabbits' diet with foods such as seeds. Typically, these animals are fed grain or mixed feed, dried grass, vegetables and fruits. Sunflower or pumpkin seeds are a kind of treat for rabbits, and not a mandatory food. They should be introduced into the diet of animals gradually, taking into account the dosage - no more than a handful per week.


Sunflower seeds are rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals, proteins and carbohydrates, but most of all they contain fat. It is for this reason that their frequent consumption can lead to obesity and eating disorders. Animals are given raw and slightly dried seeds, but in no case fried or salted.

Animals adore sunflower kernels, but this food provokes the outflow of bile, loading the liver and gall bladder. You can feed animals seeds, but be careful. The huge amount of vegetable oils contained in the kernels can lead to indigestion, diarrhea and serious liver problems.

Sunflower is useful for animals, but only in minimal doses. This is a treat that animals are unlikely to refuse. However, the body's reaction to sunflower seeds can be unpredictable.

Sometimes, after eating several kernels, animals begin to develop diarrhea, cough, swelling, and foam at the mouth. Some animals suffer from intolerance to this product. If rabbits are allergic to sunflower seeds, then it is recommended to exclude this food from their diet.

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Pumpkin seeds are rich in fats and proteins, and they also contain many different vitamins and minerals, as well as amino acids. This healthy food can be given to animals, but only in minimal doses. The seeds should be slightly dried, but not fried or salted.

Pumpkin kernels improve the appearance of rabbits: their fur becomes fluffy and shiny. Animals gain weight better and their bones become stronger. Eating this food strengthens the animals’ immunity, normalizes the digestive system, and helps remove worms from the body.

Cake and sunflower meal

A product such as cake can be sunflower, soybean, flaxseed or rapeseed. It is used as food for many domestic animals. The cake is formed by pressing, squeezing and repeated crushing of seeds. This product is low in fat (5-10 percent).

Cake is included in many feed mixtures and is an excellent protein supplement. This product contains fiber, which improves the digestion process. It is recommended to give cake (flaxseed or sunflower) to animals as dry food daily.

Sunflower meal is obtained by extracting fat from seeds. This product comes in the form of granules or flakes. Meal consists of only 2 percent fat, but it contains a lot of protein and fiber. The product has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of animals. Included in animal feed. Meal is a useful supplement for daily feeding.


Before you start feeding your rabbits pumpkin and zucchini, check out some of the nuances regarding these products:

  1. It is imperative to check food for signs of spoilage.
  2. Wash off dirt and soil.
  3. Remove the seeds.
  4. The young peel will not harm the animals, but in old vegetables it is very thick and it is better to peel it.
  5. To make the food even more appetizing, the pulp is cut into slices or crushed.
  6. Rabbits need to be prepared for a new product, start with vegetable puree.

Zucchini and pumpkin should be given infrequently and in small quantities. Serve as a good additive to the diet or other feeds. Not suitable as a permanent food product.

Sunflower seeds and leaves in rabbit nutrition

The natural menu of wild rabbits includes not only grass and roots, but also various seeds of wild plants. In the wild, the animal itself chooses the type of food that is most beneficial for it. On a home farm, a rabbit breeder monitors the animals’ nutrition. Some farmers actively introduce sunflower into their animals' diets. Before giving sunflower leaves and seeds to rabbits, you need to know in what quantity the food will not harm your pets.

Benefits of vegetables

All beneficial elements contained in green vegetables are easily absorbed by the body.

This is important for rabbits due to coprophagia. The phenomenon of animals eating their excrement is associated with the structure of the gastrointestinal tract

The food is not digested the first time, the process must be repeated.

This amount is not enough for complete nutrition, but is quite enough for feeding. The composition also includes other macro- and microelements. The largest share is occupied by:

Chemical element nameContent per 100 grams of product (mg)Benefit
Potassium145Positively affects the condition of the heart and nervous system
Phosphorus25Strengthens bone tissue
Calcium15Promotes the formation of skeleton and teeth
Magnesium13Prevents muscle spasms

Regular addition of vegetables to food has a beneficial effect on the health of pets. Cucumbers not only diversify the diet, but also improve the overall well-being of animals and make their fur thick and fluffy. Green fruits are especially useful for decorative rabbits.

Sunflower cake: a close acquaintance with a unique additive

Makukha (common name) is obtained during the processing of sunflower seeds.
Oil is extracted from them under pressure, and the remaining pressing is used as feed. Therefore, the quality of sunflower cake depends on 2 factors: the type of crop and the technology of its processing. An excellent quality product will have a brown tint. In addition, it should have a slight smell of sunflower oil.

Such features of the crown indicate that it contains a sufficient amount of:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • phospholipids;
  • mineral elements - iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus;
  • vitamins E, A and B.

This food is highly nutritious due to its low oxidation state.
It also contains up to 5-18% fiber and more than 6% fatty acids. All of these components have a positive effect on the development and growth of young animals. Along with this, sunflower cake contributes to:

  • hanging immunity of livestock;
  • excellent functioning of the reproductive organs of mammals;
  • egg production of poultry;
  • rapid growth of muscle mass;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the body of animals.

How to replace sunflower cake in compound feed? As an alternative, farmers often use waste obtained from the processing of rapeseed, cotton, camelina and winter rape.

However, the additive cannot be used arbitrarily. It is necessary to adhere to the exact recipe for preparing feed. Overdose has a negative impact on the health of livestock. It is worth remembering that animal meat or other product obtained from it will eventually have an unpleasant odor or taste. Therefore, you need to follow the recommendations for preparing feed.

Feeding rules and diet

How much feed to give

It is impossible to say exactly how many grams of food are needed for one animal on average. Some - toy breeds - eat less, others - more.

The daily amount depends on:

  • breeds;
  • weight;
  • age of the animal.

You will understand the required amount of food per day after one or two days of keeping this cute creature.

How many times a day should you feed a decorative rabbit?

Their diet is not tied to specific hours.

It is important that the cage always has a drinking bowl with fresh water, tree branches, bark and hay. You can create a three-course meal plan:

You can create a three-course meal plan:

  • in the morning - hay and dry food;
  • during the day - vegetables and fruits;
  • in the evening - a little more hay and twig food.

Do you need vitamins?

If they follow a proper diet and a varied diet, animals do not need additional vitamins. But in the autumn-winter period it is better to still give them in order to avoid possible vitamin deficiency.

The need for vitamins, their selection and quantity are determined by the veterinarian.

First of all, in winter it is worth giving more hay

What to feed a decorative rabbit in winter

In winter, you can change your diet a little. Slightly increase the amount of concentrates and slightly reduce succulent feed.

Hay comes first. This product is the basis of any diet for rabbits. You can make it yourself by drying excess grass in the summer or buy it ready-made.

On the second - vegetables. Beetroot pieces and carrots are very healthy and rich in vitamins even in winter.

In third place is dry food. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with them; when you increase their amount in the diet, you need to increase the amount of water. In nature, animals receive more water in winter from melted snow. Owners of ornamental animals need to monitor their drinking bowls.

In addition to hay, you should definitely prepare branch food for the winter or buy branches and roots at pet stores.

You can supplement with grain, germinate the grain well and give it along with the sprouts.

Be sure to consider taking extra vitamins in winter. Consult your veterinarian.

Compound feed should be given 1-2 tablespoons twice a day

Cooking methods

There are differences among rabbit breeders regarding the form in which healthy food should be offered to the animal. Some are of the opinion that any grains should be offered to animals exclusively in dry form. Others believe that the biologically active substances contained in cereals best reveal their beneficial qualities when steamed. Most likely, the one who rationally approaches the organization of rabbit nutrition, including both dry and steamed grain substrate, will be right.


To speed up weight gain, experts recommend feeding young rabbits with the so-called yeast batch. There are three ways to prepare this rabbit dish:

  • sponge;
  • unpaired;
  • sourdough

Sponge yeast batch is prepared using regular yeast. For 10 kg of feed you will need to take 500 g of yeast and 25 liters of warm water. In an enamel pan, grain and water are mixed together, into which yeast is gradually introduced in equal portions. Once every 30 min. the mixture must be thoroughly mixed. It takes about 6 hours to prepare the dough.

Note! When the dough is ready, add the second part of the feed and warm water. The mixture will be ready for use after 3 hours

A straight yeast batch takes 9 hours to prepare. It requires grain, nutritional yeast and warm water. For 25 kg of grain you need to take 300 g of yeast and 30 liters of water. The ingredients are mixed in a vat or enamel pan. The mixture must be stirred every 30 minutes. throughout the entire cooking process.

To prepare a starter batch, you need to have a supply of malt or malted feed, yeast and water. The proportions are as follows: malted food - 10 kg, yeast - 500 g, water - 10 l. The batch will be ready in about 6 hours. Next, you should divide the resulting substrate into 2 parts. One part should be used to prepare a new starter, adding more malt, yeast and water, and the other part should be sent for yeasting, adding food.

It is important for a rabbit breeder to be able to independently prepare a grain mixture for a pet.


Steaming is the easiest way to prepare grain for rabbits. It is carried out as follows:

  1. Pour the grain mixture into a vat or pan.
  2. Salt well, but do not oversalt.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Cover with a lid and leave for 5-6 hours.


The nutritional value of the sprouted grain increases several times, as all the beneficial substances that ensure the growth of the stem are activated. The germination process is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Rinse the grain in warm water several times.
  2. Those grains that float to the surface must be caught with a slotted spoon and discarded.
  3. Place the grains in an enamel pan.
  4. Place the pan in a dark place.

DOMOSTROYPlumbing and construction

Sunflower cake must be included in the diet of farm animals. This product has a high energy value, since it contains up to 30-43% crude protein, as well as about 15% natural fats. As a result, the animal will feel full several times faster, which is quite beneficial for many farmers.

To achieve the best result, you need to know what sunflower cake is, its dosage, as well as recipes for preparing nutritious feed with it. Understanding all this will help the cattle breeder choose a truly high-quality product. In addition, he will be able to rationally use the feed additive on his farm.

Features of commercial rabbit breeding

Most of the existing rabbit farms grew out of love and passion for these animals, which did not extend beyond the boundaries of the estate. But this activity seems simple only when the number of individuals does not reach more than 10, and the business involves large volumes of product sales. Therefore, if you want to start breeding rabbits seriously, you need to accurately outline all aspects of this business and outline a strategy and development path.

It’s a good idea to go to a farm or just meet people involved in this type of farming and learn about all the nuances of animal breeding.

The first step in creating a business plan is to assess the positive and negative aspects of running a given business. The advantages include the following facts:

  1. Markets and stores offer large quantities of pork, chicken and beef, but rabbit meat can only be found at some sellers. It is highly valued for its dietary properties. And if the animals are truly domesticated and raised without various growth accelerators and additives, the price and demand for the product will be much higher.
  2. Rabbits grow and reproduce quickly; there is no need to constantly buy young rabbits, so the costs are recouped in 100% of cases.
  3. There is a very low level of competition in this business niche, since agriculture is not in its prime and the number of farms is not very large.
  4. Another factor follows from the previous factor - government support for this industry as underdeveloped. That is, there is a great chance to receive financial assistance or a grant when participating in a competition or program with your unique idea for expanding your business.
  5. Reproduction is not tied to the time of year - this guarantees year-round production.
  6. There is almost no waste, since the meat is sold to the market, and the wool is used to make fur products.
  7. The amount of start-up capital and monthly costs for animals is small compared to other branches of agriculture.

You can purchase several purebred rabbits and sell them separately for meat or fur at a high price.

Animals are considered very demanding, so this activity also has disadvantages, which must be taken into account when assessing profitability:

  1. Regular examination by a veterinarian is necessary, since they are at high risk of developing diseases, especially in purebred individuals.
  2. Violation of cleanliness requirements provokes the development of infections in the cage, from which the rabbit population suffers.
  3. Young, adult and old individuals should live in different cages, since the sanitary requirements of each group are different.
  4. It is not recommended to change staff frequently, as new people and scents frighten animals. Cases of death from severe fright in rabbits are not uncommon. Constant stress is bad for their health and can worsen reproductive functions in both sexes.
  5. Workers or the owner will have to walk 5-6 times a day and check the cleanliness of the cages and the presence of water and food in them.

Failure to comply with basic requirements entails illness, deterioration of health and even death of the rabbits, which will be an unpleasant aftertaste on the soul of the amateur owner and a loss for the business.

To understand whether it is profitable to raise rabbits for meat, it is necessary to evaluate the product market. This often depends on the region in which the future entrepreneur lives. But even if there is no demand and the markets are full of such meat, you can find channels and sell the goods to other regions or countries. When choosing a breed, it is recommended to choose those that are accustomed to the local climate and develop normally in these weather conditions.

You can make doing business a little easier by teaming up with several rabbit breeders and creating a large enterprise - it will be easier to handle all the paperwork.

How to feed animals in summer: herbs, vegetables, watermelons

Summer feeding of rabbits is fundamentally different from winter. During this season, they are given more green and succulent food, which consists of mown grass, twig food, root vegetables and fresh vegetables. A small proportion of the diet consists of concentrated feed. So, what to feed rabbits in the summer in a village or private farm:

Fattening rabbits:

  • herbs - 700 grams;
  • concentrated feed - 70 grams;

Males and females on vacation:

  • herbs - 700 grams;
  • conc. feed - 30 grams.

Males in mating:

  • herbs - 800 grams;
  • conc. feed - 40 grams.

Pregnant rabbits:

  • herbs - 800 grams;
  • conc. feed - 50 grams.

Young pregnant rabbits:

  • herbs - 900 grams;
  • conc. feed - 50 grams.

Nursing rabbits - first half:

  • herbs - 1200 grams;
  • conc. feed - 70 grams.

Nursing rabbits - second half + for the baby:

  • herbs - 80 grams;
  • conc. feed - 6 grams.

Young animals from 1 month to 2:

  • herbs - 300 grams;
  • conc. feed - 20 grams;
  • salt - 0.5 grams.

Young animals from 3 months to 4:

  • — herbs — 500 grams;
  • - conc. feed - 45 grams.

Young animals from 5 months to 7:

  • — herbs — 600 grams;
  • - conc. feed - 55 grams.

If branches and succulent food are used for feed, then the amount of grass is reduced by half. The grass should be withered. It is better to give salt to rabbits' cages in the form of a lick,

this way they will be able to control their own norm of need for it.

Livestock diet: dosage of sunflower cake application

The characteristics of the body of each animal require different technologies for their cultivation.
Nevertheless, sunflower cake is a mandatory ingredient in all feeds. At the same time, many are interested in whether it is possible to give the maca to pigs and other animals. The whole secret is in the dosage for each of them:

  1. Turkeys. For fattening, up to 15% of the additive is added; young animals will only need 5-7% per day.
  2. Pigs, piglets. Every day, growing individuals are given up to 300 g, and pregnant/lactating females - up to 600 g. Males are given up to 1 kg of supplement per day.
  3. Sheep. For the full development of the animal and rapid hair growth, they are given up to 10% supplement.
  4. Geese. The daily norm for young geese is 17%.
  5. Laying ducks. The daily diet includes up to 8%. Growing offspring need about 3-7%.
  6. Cows, calves. Cow cake is used in a ratio of 1:4 of the total amount of feed. Dairy cattle should be given up to 4 kg daily.
  7. Rabbits. At the age of 30 to 160 days, their daily rate is 13%.
  8. Goats. Lactating females are prescribed up to 300-500 g of the supplement, and growing females - 200-300 g.
  9. Hens and chicks. Is it possible to give chicken cakes? Experts advise adding macadamia to the bird’s diet in moderation. For adults, the dosage is 20%, and for young animals - 15%.
  10. Horses. Working stallions are given up to 2-3 kg of this supplement every day.

Feeding rabbits in winter

Often your pets may experience vitamin deficiencies in winter or early spring. Along with food, rabbits must be given vitamins of the ADE group, and in some cases even B12. All other vitamins will be synthesized in their body. If you give your rabbit good hay, silage or fermented green food in winter or spring, then the rabbit’s body will fully provide itself with vitamin A. If the hay is bad, then feeding rabbits in winter will require you to add vitamin A concentrate-250ME per kilogram to the food. live weight in (mash). Also, a source of vitamins A and D can be fortified fish oil: for young animals - 0.3-0.5 grams, for adults in the non-breeding period - one gram; for pregnant rabbits - two grams, for nursing rabbits - three grams per head per day. If you are looking for a source of carotene for your pets, then look no further than pine and spruce branches.

A rabbit can get a lot of vitamin E from sprouted grains. It is given to adult rabbits per head per day. Baker's yeast is also rich in vitamin E. You can give four to six grams of yeast per rabbit per day for five days, then take a break for three days. Throughout the year, the animals' diet should include table salt. Adults - 1-1.5 grams; for young animals 0.5-1 gram per day per head.

Also use bone meal and fish ash, chalk, and feed phosphate. These products belong to mineral feeds. There should be one to four grams of them in a rabbit’s diet per head per day.

Now let's talk a little about succulent food. You can ferment them for the winter. Chop cabbage, turnips, herbs (preferably legumes). Immerse the carrots in barrels, sprinkle them evenly with table salt at the rate of one or two percent by weight and compact until the juice appears. Then place a wooden circle on top and a weight on it. For an adult rabbit, there should be no more than three hundred grams of such feed per day, for young animals - one hundred grams per head. When feeding silage and fermented succulent food, be sure to give the rabbits chalk at the rate of one to four grams per hundred grams of feed.

Poisonous plants

There are a number of plants that are deadly to rabbits and should not be given to them under any circumstances. It is also necessary to ensure that they do not get into the hay, since not all lose their toxic properties when dried. So, here's what grass you shouldn't give to rabbits:

celandine (dangerous in any quantity, especially milky juice; remains toxic when dried); milkweed (it is important to know well what real milkweed looks like - many other plants produce milkweed when scrapped); buttercup; swamp whitewing; hemlock; horned cornflower; vekh poisonous; hellebore; meadow lumbago (sleep-grass); dope; belladonna; black root; anemone (anemone); wrestler (wolfsbane); autumn crocus (winter meadow); digitalis; marsh marigold; Avran officinalis; cockle

Hint: Poisonous plants often prefer partial shade, shade, and swampy areas. In these places you should avoid collecting grass and making hay.

Read also: Shusha cucumbers variety description photo

Is it possible to give rabbits vegetables and fruits?

Vegetables and fruits are products of plant origin that can be given to rabbits in limited quantities. They contain 65-90% water, protein, fiber and fats. They contain a lot of vitamins, and they are digested well. But here, too, there are some forbidden foods, so before serving a new dish, you need to clarify what can be given to rabbits and what cannot be given.

  • Carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, bell peppers, radishes are those vegetables and root vegetables that are useful for rabbits in their raw form and can be fed in moderation.
  • Cabbage and apples lead to the formation of gases in the intestines, so they are given very rarely, although many breeders exclude them from the diet altogether.

Interesting! To prevent apples from causing problems with the stomach or intestines, it is better to feed them after peeling them.

Melon and watermelons, persimmons and other overseas fruits and berries are given only if they are natural and in small quantities (seasonal). They are given a little at a time and gradually introduced into the diet to understand the animal’s reaction to them.

Is it possible to give seeds to hares?

As research by modern zoologists, as well as the experience of many farmers and owners of decorative rabbits, shows, various seeds can be included in the diet of such furry animals. However, we must not forget that many dwarf breeds may not tolerate a similar product very well, due to their delicate and imperfect digestive system.


Sunflower seeds are a source of decent amounts of fatty acids, cholesterol and fat. Any of these elements is considered vital for the good functioning of lipid metabolism of any living organism. Still, for example, if the amount of any of these elements in the blood of an animal increases, this can lead to very different bad consequences.

For example, too much cholesterol in the blood is considered a direct basis for the development of a variety of atherosclerotic vascular lesions, including strokes and heart attacks. And oversaturation of the blood with fatty acids and fats has a negative impact on lipid metabolism, which leads to disruption of the synthesis of various hormones and other biologically active substances that play an extremely important role in the good functioning of rabbit organisms.

In connection with everything said above, a rational conclusion arises that sunflower seeds should be given to hares in strictly limited quantities. It is important to correctly calculate the need for fats in your animals, and based on this, calculate the number of sunflower seeds likely to be consumed by eared dogs at one time. It is worth noting that the taste of this delicacy has always been quite warmly perceived by hares, so you do not need to force them to eat the seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are, first of all, a real detoxification product, with the help of which you can quite intensively cleanse the liver and intestines of a wide variety of toxins. Like sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds also carry a fairly good charge of a variety of fatty substances, but their quantity is much smaller compared to the first. This makes it more difficult for them to harm the animal’s body.

Pumpkin seeds are very helpful in curing obesity in domestic rabbits that lead a sedentary lifestyle. In most cases, this applies to decorative pets that have a rather phlegmatic character, for example, Angora hares or hermelines. Moderate portions of fat present in these seeds have an invigorating and tonic effect on the organisms of such animals.

It is also necessary to highlight the remarkable anthelmintic (antiparasitic) properties of these seeds, which in most cases are expressed due to the presence in their composition of a non-standard biologically energetic substance - cucurbitin. With its help, this product is able to have the most effective effect on virtually any type of intestinal parasite, including tapeworms, roundworms, pinworms and hookworms.

Roasted pumpkin seeds are much less dangerous and harmful than sunflower seeds. Still, many qualified farmers and owners of indoor rabbits do not recommend roasting pumpkin seeds that you will feed to your pets, because this greatly reduces the effectiveness of their antiparasitic effect and quite significantly reduces the amount of various nutrients contained in them.

Are there any harms and contraindications?

Although zucchini is a source of nutrients for rabbits, it should not be included in the diet daily or in large portions. The juicy vegetable is full of fiber, which normalizes digestion when consumed in moderation, but causes diarrhea, excess gas formation and an imbalance of intestinal microflora if the rabbit consumes it in excessive quantities.

To avoid problems with digestion in pets, you should follow the daily consumption rate - 200 g of succulent food per adult. For rabbits, the daily portion should be even less. Moreover, this amount can include either one zucchini or a mixture of different vegetables. It is much healthier for a rabbit to eat mixed vegetables: zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes.

Experienced livestock breeders do not recommend treating rabbits with zucchini every day. It is enough to give treats 2-3 times a week. It is strictly forbidden to make up a diet of juicy food alone. It should be remembered that the rabbit should eat 70% of dry food per day. And only the remaining 30% are vegetables and herbs.

The fruit prepared for food must be cleaned of sand and soil, otherwise the pets will experience digestive upset. Also, rotten areas are cut out of the pulp, otherwise the rabbits will be poisoned.

Zucchini is a healthy food for rabbits. The substances contained in it correspond to substances obtained by rodents in their natural habitat. Therefore, the inclusion of vegetables in the diet ensures the full development of the herbivore’s body.

Is it possible to eat seeds while losing weight?

A well-chosen diet does not exclude healthy foods from the diet. If you adhere to three rules, then nutritionists allow you to eat sunflower seeds when losing weight:

  • Maximum – 50 grams per day, including calories.
  • Preferably, raw kernels that contain useful elements.
  • Mainly – compliance with the rules and storage periods.

To ensure that the beneficial substances are absorbed by the body and that the dried kernels do not irritate the mucous membranes and cause appetite, the seeds must be consumed after the main meal. For people who are losing weight and are prone to frequent breakdowns and overeating, the consumption of seeds should be limited to 1-2 times a week.

Feeding pregnant rabbits

I advise you to pay great attention to the feeding diet of pregnant rabbits and here’s why. If the mother's body does not have enough nutrients, the normal development of the fetus is delayed.

That is why the diet of nursing rabbits should contain both oats and mixed feed, legume grains (80-100 g); As a protein feed, you can add sunflower cake or meal (30-55 g), soybean meal (up to 30 g). Juicy feeds include silage and carrots. Mineral feeds include chalk, bone or meat and bone meal (1-2 g). Don't forget about fish oil (2 g). Before breeding (approximately 5 days in advance), the amount of bulk feed is reduced, and the amount of concentrates required for nutrition is increased.

Can rabbits be given straw?

Unlike hay, straw is the hollow, rigid stems of plants. Chopped straw is used in feeding to provide rabbits with roughage elements; in other cases, the material is used for bedding in cages.

In modern farming, three types of straw are used to feed rabbits:

  1. Wheat.
  2. Barley.
  3. Prosyanaya.

The presented species differ in the necessary qualities for effective additional feeding of rabbits.


Wheat straw is the most common type of food material. Parts of winter wheat are used to feed rabbits, since it contains a large amount of fiber and vitamin D. The nutrients contained in the straw help improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system and have a beneficial effect on the metabolism of animals.


Barley straw is significantly more nutritious than wheat straw due to its crude protein, iron and manganese content. This type of feeding has a good effect on the circulatory system of animals and promotes weight gain.


Millet straw has a good effect on active digestion due to the content of beneficial nutrients. Millet nutrition is characterized by a high content of potassium, manganese, and carotene, facilitating the full growth of industrial species and supporting the immune system of animals.


Straw is contraindicated if:

  • rabbits are less than 6 months old;
  • gastrointestinal disorders were identified;
  • Infectious diseases spread in rabbit farms;
  • There is an excess amount of hay in the diet of the wards.

Straw feeding is introduced gradually, from 5 to 25% of the total food volume with a gradual increase in concentration.

Which grain is suitable

Not all crops are suitable for feeding rabbits; grains differ in calorie content and vitamin composition; some foods in large quantities cause bloating. Therefore, when selecting concentrated feed, the breeder relies on the composition, energy value of the food, as well as the degree of its digestibility by the animal’s body.

Which grain is suitable?

  • Wheat. Contains carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins B, E. Due to the nutritional value in feed mixtures, the percentage of grain is 30%. Wheat is used in feeding rabbits for better growth and weight gain. Rabbits love grain steamed and dry, but if you feed it constantly, bloating develops due to the gluten content.
  • Oats. Cereal is one of the best feeds, the grain has a high nutritional and energy value (336 kcal), is enriched with minerals (silicon, manganese and cobalt), and contains copper and zinc. Vitamins are represented by group B: B1, B5, B6. The substances are responsible for metabolic processes and have a positive effect on the reproductive system. Pantothenic acid is involved in digestion, contains natural antioxidants, removing harmful components from the body of animals. The cereal contains a high content of carbohydrates up to 55%, protein - 10%, fats - 8%. Therefore, crushed oats are included in the first complementary foods for young animals. Rabbits eat it well as part of dry food.
  • Corn . It is considered an energy food due to the amount of carbohydrates (60%) and calorie content (119 kcal). Includes vitamins B1, B2, PP, E, and D. Minerals include potassium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. Corn has a positive effect on the growth and weight of animals, activates metabolic processes, and is perfectly absorbed by the rabbit’s body. But it does not have a lot of protein, therefore, the crop is not suitable as a monofeed; it is better to feed it as part of mixtures.
  • Barley. Its nutritional value makes barley an excellent food for pregnant and lactating rabbits; it is given to young animals for rapid growth. Lysine and choline improve the general condition of rabbits, B vitamins, potassium and calcium supply the body with components for normal functioning. For reproductive livestock, the quantity is limited, since this cereal causes obesity, which negatively affects the reproductive function of males and females.

Is it possible to combine feeding zucchini with pumpkin and cucumbers?

Do rabbits eat pumpkin? This is a tasty product for herbivores. Adding pumpkin improves the absorption of other feeds. In combination with zucchini, the animal will receive more benefits. The pumpkin is boiled and pureed, the zucchini is added raw to the prepared mixture. You can also give your animals chopped pumpkin and squash tops. Before serving, the leaves and shoots are doused with boiling water, as it is difficult for animals to chew tough plants. After the greens have cooled, they are mixed with dry food, bran and boiled potatoes. This mixture should be introduced gradually so that the animal gets used to its taste. This dish is also suitable for decorative breeds.

Rabbits can start eating pumpkin when they reach 3 months of age; it can be mixed with dry food. Adult females and males benefit from pumpkin seeds, as they rid animals of worms. The product will help make rabbit fur softer and shinier, improve digestion and increase lactation of rabbits.

Important! Pumpkin, zucchini and squash have a laxative effect, so it is important to monitor compliance with diet standards. If signs of diarrhea appear, feeding with these products is canceled.

Is it possible to feed rabbits cucumbers and zucchini? It is possible, but under one condition, if the pet does not experience digestive problems after eating the cucumber. This product can harm eared animals, so it should be introduced gradually. If lethargy, bloating and diarrhea appear, stop adding it.

Zucchini is very beneficial for rabbits. This vegetable enhances the benefits of other foods and has a beneficial effect on pet health.

But it is important to follow feeding standards, otherwise your pet may suffer from digestive system disorders. Feeding based on zucchini and pumpkin is of great benefit to the animal.

However, you should be careful with cucumber, as it can be harmful to the rabbit’s health, so you should initially give it in small pieces and carefully monitor your pet’s condition after eating it. Proper nutrition will protect against disease and keep your rabbit happy and active.

Rabbit breeders often use leaves and fruits of agricultural crops to feed their animals. They are necessarily included in the diet and make up most of the green and succulent food of these animals. But not all livestock breeders know whether it is possible to give zucchini and their tops to rabbits and how to do it correctly.

DIY recipes for making compound feed

Of course, most farmers buy ready-made feed for their livestock.
However, knowing the proportions for preparing such complementary foods, you can significantly improve the growth of livestock. Here are some recipes for such “dishes” (all data are given in percentages):

  1. For calves. You will need 24 barley, 21 bran, 20 sunflower cake, 13 wheat, 10 peas.
  2. For adult rabbits. You need 30 herbal flour, 29 oat flour, 15 barley, 13 oil cake, 11 wheat bran. Also add table salt and chalk, 0.5% of each component.
  3. For fattening piglets. Wheat is added up to 41, barley - 30, oil cake - 10, bran together with oats - 7, peas - 6.
  4. For chickens, broilers. Take 35 barley, 30 wheat, 10 peas, 9 bran, 5 cakes and feed yeast each. In addition, chalk and sulfur are added here up to 2.2 (of each ingredient), fish meal - 3.5 and Premix.
  5. For laying hens. You will need 44 wheat, 30 barley, 15 oil cake and 6 oatmeal.

The main components in feed can be replaced only with equivalent crops. They are mainly divided into 3 groups: cereals, legumes and oilseeds.

In addition, some farmers successfully use another recipe for fattening pigs (with a weight of 45-75 kg).
Thanks to this diet, the average daily weight gain will be more than 700 g. To do this, they mix (%):

  • barley and corn (1:1) - 73.5;
  • wheat bran - 74;
  • cake - 2.8;
  • peas in combination with herbal flour - 2% each;
  • meat and bone (fish) meal (1:1) - 1.9;
  • chalk - 1;
  • salt - 0.5.

For better results, add zinc and iron sulfate. For 1 ton of prepared feed, add 100 g of each ingredient. Be sure to add 15 g of copper and manganese sulfate, as well as about 10 g of Biomycin.

Cobalt chloride in a dosage of 5 g, as well as potassium iodide - 2 g, are very useful for livestock.

Stems and tops

Sunflower stems and tops are suitable for feeding long-eared rodents. They do not have the same nutritional value as seeds. Not every rabbit likes them.

The tops at the first flowering stage (with young leaves) are cut for silage, at which point they can be included in the rabbit diet.

Important! Sunflower has an absorbent function. Before collecting seeds, stems or tops, it is important to make sure that it is not growing near the road

If the rabbits do not refuse, then you can give it in the form of cut pieces. The tops can be considered as a delicacy. The principles of feeding are the same as the introduction of pumpkin fruits into the diet. You should be wary of digestive disorders and bloating after giving green mass. Think about whether you need additional “hemorrhoids”. Unusual food always has unforeseen consequences.

Cake and meal

Cake and meal are products remaining after the production of sunflower oil. They retain protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The amount of vegetable fat is reduced to 1%, which is enough to benefit the rabbit’s body.

These products are included in the rabbit’s diet as a healthy supplement (for weight gain during fattening and the prevention of obesity).

Excessive additions to the diet are undesirable. You should calculate the daily intake and not deviate from the balance of the menu.

Cooking methods

You can prepare grain for feeding rabbits using several methods: steaming, yeasting, germination, crushing.

Before you start cooking, be sure to inspect the grains used:

The grains should not contain dirty seeds, small stones and green unripe grains

You also need to pay attention to the presence of small insects or fungal spores; they should not get into the food of rabbits. If black spots are visible on the grains, they should not be used to feed animals. Do not feed overdried or raw grain to rabbits. Grains must be steamed before serving to rabbits.

Cereals must be steamed before serving to rabbits.


Steaming is the simplest and at the same time very effective way of preparing grain crops for feeding rabbits.

For steaming, take grains of one type or pour the prepared mixture of cereals into a bucket or other container, but not to the very edge, since during the steaming process the volume of the resulting mass will increase. The grain is poured with boiling water. You need to add 1 tbsp to the water. salt, then stir the mixture and cover lightly with a lid. The container should be left in this form for 5 hours. During this time, the grains will swell and can be used for feeding.

Steamed grains become soft and sweet, the digestive system of animals copes better with such food, and nutrients are absorbed faster. Rabbits eat this food with pleasure.


This method of preparing feed is used to accelerate the growth rate of animals and rapid weight gain. It can be used for rabbits starting from 4 months of age. Preparation proceeds as follows:

  1. The grains are ground and mixed in a container with water in a ratio of 1:2.
  2. Yeast is diluted in water at the rate of 36 g per 2 liters of water.
  3. All components are thoroughly mixed and left overnight.
  4. The whole process takes about 6-9 hours. From time to time the mass needs to be stirred.

When feeding, add 2-3 tablespoons of yeast mixture to the dry cereal mixture at each meal. This regime is maintained for 5 days, after which the food is changed.

Sprouted grains are much healthier than dry grains


Sprouted grains are much healthier than dry grains due to the fact that during the germination process they release beneficial substances that are not absorbed by the body when dry grains are consumed. Swollen fiber perfectly cleanses the animal’s intestines, removing accumulated waste products from the body, and also increases the body’s protective functions.

When preparing food, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The grains selected for cooking should be pre-washed in warm water. If you immerse grains in water, you will notice that some of them float to the surface. Such grains cannot be used as food for rabbits; they are already considered dead.
  2. The grains should be washed several times to prevent fungal spores from getting into the feed. During the growth of grain crops, enzyme poisons are released that are detrimental to animal health.
  3. If silver water is used when washing grain, and not ordinary drinking water, then there is no need to repeat the procedure several times.

If food needs to be prepared for a small number of animals, then you can germinate the grains in a plate, placing them in a damp cloth, and you need to regularly add water to the grains to maintain the moisture level. On large farms, feed is prepared in buckets, filling the grains with water up to 2 cm from the edge.

The whole process consists of the following steps:

  1. The grains filled with water are left for 12 hours, during which time they will swell well.
  2. After 12 hours, the grains are transferred to plastic bags, in the bottom of which holes should be cut so that all excess moisture is drained from the grains.
  3. The bags are placed in a warm place. The grain layer should not be higher than 8 cm.
  4. The mixture can be fed to rabbits when sprouts become visible in it.

Crushed grain

Another method of preparing feed is crushing. You can purchase the cereal mixture in this form, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you just need to grind the prepared culture. Typically, corn is crushed, but oats, wheat or barley can also be prepared this way.

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