Pets need care and preventive procedures to prevent infection with ectoparasites. To solve these
spiders, insects 07/01/2020 Arthropods are frequent residents of houses and apartments. The danger of such a neighborhood
As a rule, more often people mistake a moth for an inconspicuous small moth, after the appearance of which they
If a person suddenly develops lice symptoms, they are not immediately visible. As shown
Small cockroaches in an apartment pose quite a big problem, because getting rid of uninvited guests
Wild animals >> Insects Since spring, people try to spend more time in nature,
Hawk moths are a large family of medium and large heat-loving butterflies. Among more than 1 thousand species
Ants can rightfully be considered the most popular representatives of the animal world. They live almost
The uterus is the dominant link in every anthill. She is responsible for the reproduction of new offspring. Ant
How long a tick lives depends directly on climatic conditions and habitat. The genetic abilities of arachnids are impressive,