Anti-tick products for treating areas - TOP-25 drugs used in 2022.
Spring, summer and autumn are warm seasons that invite people to go for a walk in
Fumigator device, mosquito repellent, how it works, whether it helps, harm and reviews
With the arrival of warmth, everything around blossoms, greenery blooms and at the same time small,
Corado (insecticide): instructions for use, composition and properties
The insecticide Corado is produced in the Russian Federation in Nizhny Novgorod by LLC “Vashe Khozyaystvo”. Active ingredient (AI)
Gadfly larva
Bodfly larvae in the human body: where do they come from under the skin and why are they dangerous?
Among over 150 species of gadflies, only one is dangerous to humans, called Dermatobia Hominis.
Stink bug - appearance, features and lifestyle of the stink bug
The stink bug is a relatively large beetle with a flat body that, when viewed from above, resembles
Flycatcher insect
Insect centipede or centipede, how to get rid of it in an apartment and why is it dangerous?
What does a centipede flycatcher look like, what kind of “beast” is it? How do flycatchers hunt and who do they eat?
How wasps reproduce, life cycle, how long they live
How wasps reproduce, life cycle, how long they live
Species diversity The varieties of these thin-waisted insects are surprising in their heterogeneity. After all, in addition to the classical
The best gel for cockroaches: a review of popular insecticides and rules for their use
If you notice one cockroach in your home, you need to act immediately. There are six arguments that
Essential oils against rodents
How to get rid of mice in an apartment
Mice live next to the man of the millennium. Many ingenious and dangerous methods have been invented in the fight
If the dog is accustomed to a collar, then there will be no problems with the antiparasitic collar
Collars for dogs against fleas and ticks - TOP 14 best 2022
Every year, with the onset of warm weather, ticks and other parasites, hated by dog ​​breeders, awaken, making life unbearable.
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