Why and where do small domestic ants appear in the apartment? The most common types of small domestic ants
Wildlife >> Insects The earwig is a predatory insect with omnivorous feeding habits that sometimes
It’s hard to say what’s worse – the way the mosquito buzzes or the unbearable itching
Where to submit a tick that has bitten a person. Where laboratory research is carried out in Moscow. Cost of laboratory
Mosquitoes are annoying pests that irritate not only with their buzzing, but also with their painful, itchy
Black beetles that look like cockroaches are carpet beetles. There are different types of cockroaches, black sewer
What linen lice look like: YouTube/Disinfection Center Linen lice are dangerous parasites whose bites cause
Most summer residents consider garden ants to be almost the worst evil and disaster in the world.
The mole is a carnivore. Its main food is earthworms, so necessary and
Many people underestimate the importance of the work of earthworms. These representatives of the invertebrate kingdom are known before