Purpose of the separator When the device operates, different fractions of milk are separated. The main element of any design is
Often, in an apartment or in a private house, wingless parasites such as basement parasites, dog parasites,
Lice are small parasitic insects on the human body. Their habitat is bed linen,
The South Russian tarantula or Mizgir (Lycosa singoriensis) is a relatively large arachnid whose habitat is gradually
In order for bed bugs to appear in an apartment, certain conditions are needed, which residents sometimes
Common carpenter bee (lat. Xylocopa valga). Modern science knows more than a million species of different insects. They
Description Ground beetles are large (usually about 15 mm long) individuals, individual specimens of which
Bedbugs are blood-sucking insects that have a flattened oval body shape ranging from 3 to
Mosquitoes are quite annoying insects that can unsettle any person. They
Dust or bed mites are domestic parasites belonging to the arthropod family. Their habitat