Dohlox gel and trap are some of the best cockroach control products on the market. Instructions for use, composition, advantages and disadvantages. How to distinguish a fake from the original?

The chemical industry produces many different gels for cockroaches, so it is difficult to immediately choose one of them. Insecticides are active substances in any anti-cockroach product. Most often, gel manufacturers use fipronil and chlorpyrifos. To maintain thickness and viscosity, thickeners and gelling agents are added. Preservatives help extend shelf life.

Attractants are added to the gels - additives with a sweet or fruity odor that attracts the attention of insects. You need to be careful because pleasant aromas may interest pets and small children.

The cockroach eats a small amount of the product and touches it with its limbs and antennae. Gradually, the insecticide weakens the body and kills the uninvited guest. In rare cases, one infected individual may transmit the active substance to other members of the colony through close contact.

There are two types of insecticides available, differing in their mode of action. Intestinal insecticides must enter the pest's body. It is enough to touch contact poisons to become infected; they are easily transmitted within a group from insect to insect, which significantly increases the affected area.

Description of the product

The chemical industry is constantly releasing new drugs to combat domestic insects. When purchasing a product, it is important for a person to consider the effectiveness, price, safety for people and pets, and ease of use. Dohlox cockroach gel meets all these criteria.

Who produces?

Manufacturer: Oboronkhim production enterprise. Qualified chemists have developed a unique composition of a product that successfully acts on cockroaches.

To avoid encountering a counterfeit, you need to carefully read the place of manufacture of the drug. This should be Oboronkhim or theirs.

Where can I buy?

You can buy Dohlox cockroach gel in specialized stores, household markets, pet stores, and veterinary pharmacies.


Its price should not be lower than 50 rubles for one syringe of 0.2 g.


Gel composition:

  1. fat base in the form of a gel;
  2. poisonous substance – fipronil;
  3. preservatives;
  4. flavorings, food additives for cockroaches.

Properly selected substances make this drug very effective. It does not lose its effect on insects in the open air for up to two months, and remains attractive and dangerous for them for a long time.

The active toxic substance is not afraid of light or high temperatures; it also remains active. Toxic substances are not released into the air, so people and pets can stay in treated rooms without fear for their health.

Where and how to apply the product

Gels against cockroaches in syringes or tubes are applied according to the same principle. The tube makes it convenient to dose the product. The gel is toxic to pests, but safe for people if the application features are taken into account:

  1. The insecticide should be evenly distributed in small drops with a diameter of 5 mm in areas or rooms where cockroaches are most common. The required number of drops depends on the degree of neglect, but the minimum distance between them should be 5-10 cm.
  2. It is easier to control the size of the droplets if you apply the poison to paper. This will keep surfaces clean and make traps easy to remove.

Typically, insects hide in dark, narrow spaces: in cracks, behind baseboards, drawers, in sewers and ventilation.

Tips for use from manufacturers and buyers:

  • regularly update the drops, rearrange them in other places, because the gel in the open air gradually loses its effectiveness;
  • after using one gel for a long time, purchase another, as insects develop addiction and immunity to insecticides;
  • limit access to water, it weakens the effect of the poison.

The effect of the gel on cockroaches

Gel Dohlox acts on Prussians in two directions. It combines contact and intestinal types of exposure.

Upon contact with poison, the poison penetrates the chitinous shell, blocks the nervous system, causing paralysis. If a cockroach eats the gel, the effect is enhanced through the intestines.

Insects will be damaged if they try to free themselves from the gel accidentally stuck to their paws. The entire colony will become infected within a few days. Complete paralysis of all insects occurs approximately 8 hours after contact with a poisonous agent. The colony will die in 2 weeks.

Preventive actions

Remember that after you have managed to get rid of these insects, you need to take preventive measures to prevent new appearances:

  • Wash dishes after each meal, clean work surfaces, wipe down the table.
  • Do not leave food on tables.
  • Take out the trash every day.
  • Eliminate any water leaks in the apartment; cockroaches can survive without food for a long time, but they cannot live without water.
  • If your neighbors have cockroaches, then sooner or later you will have them too, take preventative measures.

As preventive measures, you can use traditional methods and set traps.

Rules of application

Dohlox cockroach gel is applied to a dry surface in places where there is a large concentration of these insects. Treatment is also carried out around the entire perimeter of the room.

The drug is squeezed out in a dotted line every 2 centimeters. The substance must be applied to the inner surface of chairs, tables, cabinets, and other furniture.

It is also necessary to lay out the toxic composition on a sheet of paper, insert it into the ventilation grille, and place it on the cabinets, near the balcony door. The sheets can then be thrown away without having to wash off the gel.

The instructions for use recommend paying great attention to the places behind the refrigerator, near the trash can, and under the sink. Be sure to use poisonous cockroach gel there as a prophylactic.

A syringe (0.2 g) is enough to destroy a colony of cockroaches on an area of ​​45 m2 in one treatment.

User reviews


“The Prussians always made me afraid. According to my grandmother’s stories, it is almost impossible to get rid of them if you live in a small family. It just so happened that fate brought me exactly there. When I saw the Prussian, panic began. Then I went online. I read reviews about the drugs. I decided to try the gel. I looked at the prices. Dohloks turned out to be the best option. interesting - the composition is the same. The price is different for all drugs. I bought the gel at the first hardware store. Apply directly to the surfaces of pipes, baseboards, and on the windowsill. Everything is according to the instructions. In the end, Dohlox saved me. Within a month I observed dead bodies of pests. Then they disappeared altogether. I use it constantly for prevention. So far it helps. My review is only positive for Dohlox!”


“At one moment a whole crowd of Prussians appeared in the apartment. Most likely, they ran over to us from neighbors. I can't find any other explanation. Initially, we had to carry out disinfestation with a solution. I wanted an instant effect. There were too many creatures. Then I started applying the gel in the kitchen behind the furniture. I used Dohlox for prevention and consolidation of the effect. Instead of a second disinfestation. I leave a positive review. Dohlox helps against Prussians. It’s very convenient to use the gel!”

Precautionary measures

It should be remembered that the gel is poisonous, so precautions must be taken:

  1. handle the room with rubber gloves to protect your hands from an allergic reaction to the components included in the drug;
  2. poison from cockroaches in the form of streaks that are applied to the floor should not be noticeable to children. The gel can be placed in matchboxes, leaving passages for cockroaches.
  3. It is better to treat the premises in the absence of children, elderly people, animals;
  4. After completing the work, wash your hands thoroughly with running water;
  5. Store the syringe for cockroaches out of the reach of children in a dark package, use only for its intended purpose;
  6. In case of contact with eyes or mouth, rinse with plenty of clean running water.

There is no need to ventilate the room or leave while the room is being treated. After 2 months, the gel composition loses its activity, it can be washed off and replaced with a new one for prevention.

During repairs, it is good to distribute Dohlox anti-cockroach gel under the tiles, at the joints of sewer and ventilation pipes. This will help prevent cockroaches from migrating from neighbors.

Recommendations for use

To ensure effective processing, you should

  1. Buy only branded drugs "Dohlox". Official. Because, due to their popularity, the market is flooded with counterfeit products. The manufacturer's official website lists the distinctive features of the packaging, which can be used to distinguish original products from counterfeits.
  2. Use the products in the required quantity, corresponding to the number of insects and the area of ​​the room being treated. In some cases, the consumer tries to save money, which does not lead to achieving the desired result.
  3. After the first “impact” treatment, it is recommended to carry out a mandatory repeated “final” treatment.
  4. Treat premises against cockroaches together with your neighbors.
  5. If the result is successful and there are no cockroaches, do not forget about regular preventive treatments.

How to distinguish an original drug from a fake

Advantages of Dohlox gel

Dohlox cockroach killing gel has many positive qualities.

Plus No. 1: active ingredient

Its main active agent, fipronil, has long been used for disinfection and has already proven its effectiveness. This remedy has a delayed effect.

The cockroach does not die immediately, approximately 8 hours after the poison penetrates its body. During this time, the insect manages to bring poison to the nest and infect the rest of the cockroaches.

Plus #2: ease of use

The advantages include ease of use. The cockroach syringe has a thin, long spout that can penetrate into far corners, narrow crevices, and hard-to-reach places.

At the same time, as much gel is squeezed out as required. It does not flow down from a vertical surface and adheres well to glossy tiles.

Plus No. 3: long-lasting action

The oily base prevents the gel from drying out. The cockroach repellent Dohlox continues to work for several weeks. During this time, adults will be poisoned, new cockroaches will hatch from the larvae, and they will also try the poison. There is no need to add a new portion regularly.

Plus No. 4: profitability

Dohlox is an economical drug. Having come into contact with it, the insect is already infected. The poisonous substance will penetrate the shell; it does not even have to be eaten.

The composition includes flavorings and food additives that attract cockroaches. One syringe is enough for a one-room apartment, costing from 50 to 80 rubles.

Plus #5: safety

For people and pets, Dohlox cockroach gel is safe. The product contains a bitter substance. If a child or pet puts the gel in their mouth out of curiosity, they will immediately spit it out due to the bitterness.

The active substance fipronil is widely used in agriculture, as it acts on harmful insects, but does not affect mammals. Therefore, it is also perfect for use at home.

Is it safe for people and pets

The packaging states that the gel belongs to toxicity class 4 poisons, therefore it is completely harmless to humans, but only if safety precautions are observed.

If you have children in your family or pets live in your apartment, still do not risk leaving gel-like poison in places accessible to them. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the substance can cause poisoning in humans or animals. Dohlox does not emit toxic gases into the air, so it is not prohibited to be in the room during and after treatment.

Disadvantages of the drug

Even the most effective remedy has some disadvantages. Dohlox insect repellent gel has disadvantages that can be solved with the help of recommendations. The greasy base of the drug leaves stains on wooden objects. It is worth squeezing the gel onto paper or cardboard, then the problem will be solved.

The disadvantage, according to reviews of those who have used the product, is the inability to influence cockroach eggs.

In some cases, re-treatment is required after 2 months because young hatchlings appear. Sometimes consumers complain about how many dead insects they find in different places in their home.

This is unpleasant for adults and children. To avoid this, you need to use another control method, for example, use traps.

Cockroaches are incredibly resilient insects. They quickly adapt to any medium. To prevent this from happening, you need to change medications, use several modifications of the same brand at once.

Cockroach poison release form

A fipronil-based substance is available in the form of a syringe with gel and special plastic traps.

Gel in a syringe

A gel-like substance in a syringe is used to treat rooms of varying degrees of contamination. The more cockroaches there are in the apartment, the more funds will be required. Syringes with different volumes from 20 to 40 g are available for sale.


The trap is a small plastic box with holes, inside of which there is a poison containing a fragrant bait. The smell attracts the cockroach and it gets inside. After which a small amount of poison gets onto the cover of his body.

Dohlox traps are used for rooms with a low degree of infestation or as an additional means when using gel and other insecticides.

How to distinguish a fake?

Many counterfeits of Dohlox products have appeared on the market. The most popular was the gel. In order to distinguish an original product from a fake, you should remember a few rules.

Based on the price, it is now difficult to determine how much a 2 ml syringe should cost. Prices are constantly changing and may be different in different regions of the country.


You should pay attention to the syringe when you open the package. The original syringe is made of high-quality white plastic. If it is of a different color, has inclusions, or is painted, then it is recycled plastic, that is, of poor quality. It's a fake copy.

A low-quality syringe made from recycled plastic is not sealed and will not withstand temperature changes during transportation. As a result, the poisonous gel will be difficult to squeeze out, flow, splash, and may end up on a person’s fingers. This syringe cannot be stored for a long time.

Gel color

Next you need to pay attention to the color and structure of the gel contents of the syringe. It should be a white creamy composition. Fakes have a color ranging from yellow to brown.

Cheap egg powder is added to the composition, which will act as bait on cockroaches. But with prolonged use, this powder gives off the smell of rotten eggs and is a source of proliferation of pathogenic microbes.

The original drug has a jelly-like structure, not granular, not like porridge, and is easily squeezed out into a homogeneous dense mass. In counterfeits, little active substance is added, so the structural uniformity is disrupted.


The cap that covers the syringe nozzle in the original product will be red.

Based on these characteristics, you can distinguish a real product that has an effective effect on insects.


The main active substance that has a detrimental effect on cockroaches is fipronil. In addition, the composition includes additional components, for example, a fat base, which is responsible for the gel-like form. There are flavors and food additives that attract cockroaches to the poison.

Thanks to this combination of components, dohlox, after application to the surface, retains its original properties for a long time. Over the course of 2 months, the applied gel will attract insects with its “aroma”, and the active substance will act poisonously.

The advantage is resistance to external factors; the operating characteristics are not affected by temperature and light. In addition, pesticides are only in gel form, and unlike sprays and aerosols, they do not enter the air, and therefore do not pose a danger to people and pets.

Instant Poison

The drug Dohlox is an instant poison; other products in this series have an increased content of the toxic component and a unique bait. Used to treat cafes, restaurants, and other places with a high content of food sources for insects.

This product is sold in the form of packages - “Bomb” sachet. Also intended for public catering establishments. They are used by professional insect extermination services and private individuals.

Comparison table between gel and Dohlox trap

The poisonous substance is in the public domain.The toxic substance is closed from others.
Dohlox gel is applied around the perimeter of the room, in areas of the greatest concentration of insects.Dohlox traps are placed around the perimeter, in areas of the largest concentration of cockroaches.
Has a stronger impact.Less toxic than gel.
Cockroaches die after 8 hours.Insects die after 4 days.
If necessary, replace with a new portion of the gel after 2 months.Dohlox traps must be replaced with new ones after 4 months.
They work on the principle of a chain reaction, cockroaches infect each other.
Precautions must be taken when distributing.There is no contact with the toxic substance, so there is no need for precautionary measures.

Finding an effective remedy for cockroaches is not easy, since these insects quickly adapt to chemicals. It is better to use several drugs at the same time, for example, gel and traps at once, then changing to something else.


  • Features of application
  • Line of drugs (composition, dosage form and consumption rates)
  • Dohlox series of drugs
  • Gel "Dohlox"
  • Con
  • Container traps
  • A series of drugs “Get lost!” brand "Dohloks"
  • “Boron gel GO!”
  • Lures "Boron Bomb" and "Boron Trap"
  • “Boron balls GO! - Dohloks”
  • “Poisonous little ones PERISH! - Dohloks”
  • Advantages of using the Dohlox line of drugs
  • Recommendations for use

"Dohloks" is a series of popular and sought-after preparations for cockroaches and ants. This material contains a comparative analysis of manufactured products (gels, concentrate, boron balls, traps, etc.) for killing cockroaches.

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