Advantages and disadvantages of the Fufanon-Nova insecticide, composition, analogues

Fufanon is one of the most effective insect repellents. The drug itself is a broad-spectrum organophosphorus insecticide. Fufanon has a fumigant, contact and intestinal spectrum of action for the extermination of insects of various species. The drug has third level of toxicity for people and animals, thanks to which it can be used even in residential premises.


A single drug based on malathion was developed in the USA for ore enrichment at mining enterprises. In the 50s of the last century, cotton producers began to use the product to combat the weevil. The pesticide quickly dealt with the pest.

In 1968, she bought the rights and license to produce the insect poison Fufanon. In the USSR, they independently developed the malathion formula, calling the insecticide Karbofos. The drugs have the same principle of action and a specific suffocating odor. Now the poison is produced in Denmark and packaged in Russia.


Natalya: I was once again convinced that the instructions are not written in vain. I decided to make a stronger solvent and burned the leaves of indoor plants. Don't repeat my mistakes.

Andrey: on the advice of a friend, about three years ago I started treating my fruit trees with Fufanon with Epin Extra in early spring, and since then I have had no problems with pests. Still, prevention is very important!

Dmitry: I grow roses for sale. The task is labor-intensive, primarily due to pests. I worked with different drugs, but it was Fufanon that really helped, which I sprayed the roses with twice in the spring. From then until the end of the season, I did not find a single parasite on the flowers.

Lily: treated indoor flowers with Fufanon against midges and other pests. Action is like action, other drugs helped me, but I liked Fufanon because it does not have an unpleasant odor, from which the apartment needs to be ventilated for hours.

Natalia Petrovna: the drug is inexpensive, but effective. I spray it in the garden, in the vegetable garden, and on indoor flowers before returning them to the house after the summer holidays. An indispensable assistant.

Official website and manufacturer's recommendations:

  • Feedback on using Calypso


Fufanon-Nova is a modern pesticide that is used to combat parasites. The chemical is used in agriculture to eradicate vegetable and garden insects. The broad-spectrum drug is effective against all types of sucking and gnawing pests, especially ticks and bedbugs. Due to its ease of use and versatility, it is popular in indoor floriculture.


Fufanon should not be combined with other pesticides. When the active components interact, neutralization or, conversely, activation of substances occurs. When compatible with fungicides (Horus) and insecticides (Fufanon nova), there is no change in physical properties.

It is allowed to use the drug in tank mixtures with insecticides of the pyrethroid group. Do not combine with alkaline calcium compounds, copper-containing and sulfur-containing drugs. It is also not recommended to mix with sulfide-based mineral fertilizers or substances with an alkaline reaction.

With other means, combination with Fufafon is acceptable. These can be root formation enhancers and growth stimulants. If no sediment forms during mixing, then everything is fine. Most often, gardeners combine the drug with Zircon and Epin.

Composition and active substance

Fufanon-Nova is an improved version of the Soviet Karbofos. The chemical is based on the poison malathion (44% of the total volume). Additionally, the composition includes solvents, surfactants and an inert filler, which improve the characteristics of the pesticide. The chemical covers the leaves and branches of plants in a thin layer and remains above the crop in the form of steam for an hour. Toxins enter the pest's body through food and inhalation of gas.

Affected insects die 3 days after treatment with Fufanon. Malathion affects the nervous system and causes paralysis of internal organs. After just 60 minutes, the parasites stop feeding and destroy crops, which leads to exhaustion and mass death.

The instructions for use of the drug Fufanon-Nova indicate that the active substance decomposes from precipitation and strong winds. If it rains after treatment, the effectiveness of the chemical decreases. Duration of protective action:

  • for open ground – 10 days;
  • for greenhouses, greenhouses – 5 days.

Some tips

You should not make the solution stronger than indicated in the instructions, as you can completely burn the plants. This may also cause spots to appear and leaves to fall off. Flowers from an overdose of the drug will feel bad for a very long time. It is advisable to wash plants with an overdose with hoses. It is best to treat the garden with Fufanon in the spring, at the very beginning of the leaves blooming. After it, the pests will completely disappear.

Cucumbers on protected soil are sprayed once, and tomatoes – three times, but no more. On open land, crops are cultivated no more than twice. It is better to spray in the morning or evening when there is no wind. The leaves are wetted completely, but at the same time make sure that the product does not flow from them.

When working with the drug, do not drink, eat or smoke. They interact with fufanon for only three hours, no more. The solution container is burned, trying not to breathe smoke, and the sprayer is washed well.

Advantages and disadvantages

The contact-intestinal pesticide Fufanon is an emergency aid for severe infestations. The inexpensive insecticide is not inferior in characteristics to its analogues. An hour after spraying, insects stop harming plants; after 72, they die en masse. The chemical is effective against larvae and adult forms, especially against spider mites, scale insects and bedbugs. Can be used for both outdoor and indoor crops.

The disadvantages of Fufanon include a strong suffocating odor and high toxicity to fish. To avoid poisoning the bees, the drug should not be used during flowering. If the concentration of the solution is not observed, then the surviving individuals will develop immunity. The next generations of insects do not die after eradication measures. Due to the short period of protection, it will be necessary to spray again.

Possible health hazard

Although fufanon is low-hazard for humans, ignoring the precautions specified in the instructions for the drug can lead to poisoning by insecticide vapors, with the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • salivation;
  • stomach ache;
  • constriction of the pupil;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • respiratory irritation;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth.

The first thing to do is to go outside, take off clothes soaked in the chemical and rinse your mouth with water. In case of severe poisoning, immediately call an ambulance. If it gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly several times with cold water and consult a doctor.

Fufanon-Nova: instructions for use in the garden

The emulsion from the ampoule is added to 1 liter of clean water. The stock solution is diluted to the desired concentration. The finished liquid is poured into a spray tank, and the crops are thoroughly treated. To prevent the sun from burning the foliage, procedures should not be carried out during the day.

Processing berry bushes

Fufanon-Nova is used against pests in the garden during the active growing season. To prepare the working solution, add 10 ml of the mother solution to a bucket of water. Gooseberries are sprayed with 1 liter per bush against leaf rollers, moths and moths. Currants from scale moths are treated with 1.5 liters of pesticide.

If weevils and mites appear on raspberries, then the consumption of Fufanon is 2 liters per 10 plants. Mealybugs on grapes will die after eradication measures. For one fruit vine, use 5 liters of solution. The number of treatments depends on the degree of damage. If the infestation is severe, then you need to spray again after 20 days. 3 weeks before harvest, any pesticides are prohibited.

Sawflies, mites and weevils on garden strawberries can completely destroy the berries. The instructions for use of the Fufanon insecticide recommend double spraying. To prepare the working solution, 15 ml of the mother solution is dissolved in 5 liters of water. For 10 squares of plantings, 4.9 liters of liquid are consumed.

Use against aphids

A small insect is noticeable with a strong infestation. Fufanon-Nova will help get rid of pests on cucumbers and peppers. 5 ml of the mother preparation is poured into 5 liters of liquid. For 20 sq. m consume 3 liters of poison. If infection is detected during flowering, the concentration is halved.

It is better to spray cabbage against aphids with Fufanon twice. 10 ml of pesticide is poured into a bucket of water and 100 squares of plantings are treated. If pests are on tomatoes, then the liquid consumption is 2 liters per 10 sq. m. Insects on ornamental and berry bushes are destroyed in a two-time procedure. 1.5 liters of solution are consumed per plant.


This is a concentrated emulsion, which is packaged in 5 ml ampoules or 10 ml bottles with the Fufanon-nova logo. Judging by numerous reviews, it dissolves easily in water and is very easy to work with. Externally, the emulsion is a transparent liquid of light yellow color. When diluted in water, a white solution is formed, which clears up after a few minutes.

Precautionary measures

The drug Fufanon is classified as danger group 3 for people and warm-blooded animals, 1 - for fish and bees. The poison should not be kept in places accessible to children and pets. Do not use food containers while preparing the solution. To make events safe, you need protective clothing, a respirator, and gloves.

If liquid gets on the skin, rinse with water and add 1 tbsp. l baking soda. It is forbidden to work with poison for more than 2 hours. Fufanon intoxication manifests itself as:

  • problems in the functions of the digestive system;
  • blue skin;
  • shortness of breath;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • increase in pressure.

Safety precautions for use

Fufanon is classified as a substance of moderate toxicity (hazard class 3). When interacting with the drug, the following safety precautions should be observed:

  1. Carry out processing in disposable gloves, closed clothing, use a respirator and safety glasses.
  2. After the procedure, wash overalls and other protective elements thoroughly in soapy water.
  3. Do not hold the event in the heat - at high temperatures, evaporation increases, which can lead to poisoning.
  4. Before treating residential premises, remove people and animals from the rooms, put all clothes in closets and close the doors tightly. Place food and hygiene items in cellophane bags and close them tightly.
  5. After processing, wait for a while - the waiting period is at least 1 hour.
  6. To avoid poisoning, you are allowed to work with the chemical for no more than 3 hours.
  7. It is better not to eat berries and fruits on the day of treatment.
  8. The solution container must be burned and cannot be thrown into the trash.

Important! The drug causes the death of not only pests, but also bees. Therefore, during the flowering period, disinfection measures are not carried out. The use of Fufanon is prohibited in the sanitary zone of fishery lakes. The security zone from water supply sources is 50 m, from open water bodies – 1.2 km.


The drug has many similar products in cost and properties. If Fufanon is not on sale, then you can buy Actellik. The systemic, inexpensive poison shows good results against a wide range of insects and can be used on indoor plants.

Karbofos is based on the substance malathion. An insecticide with a strong unpleasant odor is used against pests, especially bedbugs. If you need a safe remedy for parasites of decorative flowers at home, it is recommended to use Aktara. Systemic poison works better after irrigation.

The drug Fufanon is an effective insecticide that copes with all types of pests. To prevent the chemical from causing addiction, you must not violate the instructions. The pesticide has a short protective period, so in case of mass invasion, eradication procedures are repeated.

How to store

To store the insecticide indoors, select a dry, ventilated place inaccessible to children and pets. It is prohibited to store animal feed, drinking water, or food in the room.

The shelf life of the pesticide is 2 years from the date of manufacture. It is not recommended to store unused working solution (it must be disposed of according to the rules).

Advantages of the drug

  • The advantages of the composition include less toxicity when compared with other drugs for bedbugs, a fairly low price, and a not very pungent odor. But the composition takes a long time to evaporate from the apartment, because of this, after treatment, you should not spend the night in the house; return to the rooms after 2-3 days.
  • Bedbugs die 4-5 days after using Fufanon-nova. If there are a lot of bedbugs, then one treatment is not enough, repeat the treatment. Pets and birds must be removed from the house for 2-3 days. Upholstered furniture becomes toxic and this persists for quite a long time, so it is advised to air it outside.
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