How to get rid of bugs in the house? Types of beetles and the harm they cause: Methods of control + Photos and Videos

In winter, there are not as many unwanted insects in the house as in the warm season. As the weather warms up, you may notice the appearance of various bugs in the house, which naturally is not a very pleasant and comfortable place to live. In this article we will talk about how to get rid of bugs in the house.
Any insect in the house is undesirable. They can cause troubles for residents such as damage to furniture and food, transmission of harmful bacteria and infections.

One of the most common is the carpet beetle. This is a small brown bug that lives mainly in dry, bright places in the apartment - on window sills, in baseboards, on bookcases, etc.

How do insects get into the house?

Potential places where beetles enter a home are identified:

  • Through an open door and window, even through not tightly closed ones. If there is no mosquito net on them, then insects very easily enter the house;
  • Even into very small cracks in a window opening or riser. Tiny individuals can crawl even into microscopic holes;
  • Migrate from basements and attics, and also, in the case of an apartment building, from neighbors;
  • You can accidentally pick up insects from the street on your clothes or hair. Bugs may be in purchased furniture.

In any case, no matter how insects get into the house, you need to get rid of them immediately, before they multiply.

Small Khrushchak

The small flour beetle has a brown or red body color and causes considerable damage to the food supply of a person in an apartment. It is widespread in Russia and Ukraine, where it often causes spoilage of grain in granaries, mills and other places where bulk products are stored.

The red-brown beetle is smaller in size (up to 3.6 mm), but it loves to settle in various food supplies in the apartment: flour, nuts, dried fruits and other plant fruits.

Unlike the large Khrushchak, the small one has wings and is able to fly. The males of such a flying insect have an abdomen rounded at the end and covered with hairs. In females, the tip of the body is bare; they are capable of laying up to 1 thousand eggs.

The larva of the small beetle has a flat shape and a length of up to 7 mm, the body color is yellow-brown (light or dark shades), the head is flattened. The body is covered with hairs and ends with 2 spines. The pupa is painted light yellow, and its body is shiny and completely naked. The development cycle of the flying black beetle is 20-120 days, and the growth rate directly depends on the amount of food and living conditions.

Damage caused by insects in the home

What harm do they cause?

  • The fur species damages fur products by gnawing holes in them. In clothing wardrobes they make egg clutches, from which larvae emerge that eat any fabric;
  • The food variety of these beetles, which eat cereals, spoils bulk products. They infect kitchen cabinets from the inside and multiply rapidly. If you find insects in cereals, flour or sugar, then these products are no longer suitable for food and must be disposed of immediately;
  • house leather beetle spoils furniture, carpets, and wooden objects. They render furniture completely unusable both outside and inside.

Along with such bugs, larger individuals can enter the house, for example, black cockroaches up to 3 cm in length, which should be gotten rid of immediately by any means. A wooden house may have a bark beetle that eats the wood. Therefore, before thinking about what means to fight, you need to determine what kind of insect has settled in your home.

Thermal imaging experiment

Thermal imaging image of an irradiated board. There are beetle larvae in the holes

Thermal imaging image of an irradiated board

Simulation of irradiation conditions for thicker wooden structures was carried out by stacking several boards, each 40 mm thick. Having separated two such folded boards, you can observe that on their internal surfaces the temperature exceeds 70 ° C , and the resin on the knots is boiling!

Thermal imaging image of the inner surface of one of the two separated boards immediately after irradiation

Thermal imaging image of the inner surface of one of the two separated boards immediately after irradiation

For a given power of the microwave generator (in our case, about 1 kW), there is an optimal opening value of the emitting horn - for a greater concentration of energy in the near radiation zone, according to our calculations, it should be about 22x22 cm. At the same time, from a distance of 5-10 cm, heating of wood (two floorboards of 42x100 mm each) to +60 ° C occurs in a minute and a half, the area processed at a time is about 20 cm in diameter.

The depth of penetration of microwave radiation at a given wavelength into wood significantly depends on its humidity: the lower the humidity, the greater the effective depth of treatment. Under normal operating conditions, the moisture content of a dry wooden structure should be close to equilibrium, which is 12 - 14 percent. In this case, the depth of microwave treatment (on one side) can reach 200–250 mm.

As noted above, a guarantee of efficiency is heating the structure to +60°C.

At the same time, all the grinders, their larvae and, most importantly, the mycelium with which they infect the wood and feed on it themselves, and which, in fact, destroys the wood, will be destroyed.

The life cycle of woodworms is a prime example of the symbiotic relationship between an insect and its accompanying fungus. The beetles disperse this fungus, creating especially favorable conditions for it to develop inside their tunnels, and the fungus delivers food to their larvae. Those. even if it is possible to kill all the beetles with some toxic substance, the mycelium will remain undamaged. It should be taken into account that the chemical method does not kill beetles at all stages of development of the individual, and 3-4 treatments will be required during the year, and given the long period of development of the larvae, these treatments will have to be repeated for several years.

Advantages of the microwave method

  • ease of control
  • non-invasive - harmless
  • no chemical residues
  • safe for the environment
  • efficiency under any conditions
  • fully controlled process
  • work under any temperature conditions
  • safety of equipment and work
  • processing is possible through dielectric materials - plaster, brickwork, drywall, wallpaper, plastic, varnish, paint, etc. combined, also furniture, wooden frames, icons, books

Absolutely any insect lives where it is comfortable and conditions have been created for it to flourish. To do this, a specialist determines the type of insect on site, which guarantees successful control of it. After all, you need to know the enemy by sight.


  • The furniture beetle does not like heated warm rooms and mainly chooses as its victims furniture and wooden structures in corridors and basements, where the temperature is lower. As a rule, the affected areas are not large and are fairly easy to treat.
  • The long-horned beetle in the house opposite is populating on a large scale and covers large areas in houses if it is not stopped in time. Both internal and external structures are exposed. There are many traces of damage (movements, drill flour).
  • The larvae (wood borer, borer, shashel) have been doing their job for many years by gnawing through the ceilings, thereby creating the threat of the roof collapsing and turning everything they reach into dust. The larval maturation period is about 2-3 years. All this time she will eat at your expense. What if there are hundreds of them?
  • Chashel and other wood-eating insects that love dry wood can destroy a structure or house much faster. They are not seasonal and can cause damage year-round. They often “eat” furniture and floors. Not counting the walls and the main wooden elements of your home.

Safety precautions when working with the ZHUK microwave oven

It is worth noting that due to the market demand for this type of service. FALSE-microwave emitters appeared . Made by cutting off the side wall of a regular household microwave oven. Look carefully at the picture below to see what a real ZHUK microwave emitter looks like.

The microwave magnetron generator used in the device has a high output power, this can pose a danger to others: exposure to sufficiently powerful microwave radiation on vision, the nervous system and other human organs can cause serious painful phenomena. Therefore, when working with powerful sources of microwave energy, it is necessary to strictly comply with the relevant safety requirements . Do not look into the nozzle of the microwave installation, do not stand in front of the operating device (safe distance is more than 10 meters ahead), stay only behind the nozzle. The specialist will tell you more about everything on site.

Types of house beetles and methods of fighting them

To combat beetles, the following measures can be taken:

  • Carpet beetles, like their eggs and larvae, are afraid of the cold. Low temperatures during their development can be destructive. Therefore, especially in winter, ventilate the house more often;

  • For prevention purposes, insecticidal aerosols can be used. If you do this several times a week for a month, the problem can be completely solved;
  • Clothes are treated with permethrin solution. It does not harm things, but repels both skin beetles and moths;
  • By scattering boric acid in insect habitats in the house, you will get rid of not only bugs, but also other unwanted neighbors;
  • Wet cleaning with vinegar or disinfectants added to water will help destroy larvae and eggs;
  • The most effective method for treating a room from insects is dichlorvos. But here it is necessary not to forget about precautions;
  • Various products containing lavender will not only get rid of bugs, but also scent your home without danger to humans.

Flour beetle

In multi-storey buildings, beetles such as mealworms are frequent inhabitants. This is a small black insect that hides mainly in the kitchen in cupboards with cereals. To destroy them, powdered boric acid can be used, scattered along the baseboards, along the back of cabinets and the underside of carpet surfaces.


You can try to get rid of cockroaches using glue traps in the form of insecticidal gel and boric acid mixed with some food product (boiled potatoes, rice or eggs). Balls are rolled from this mixture and baits are laid out. You can also try to get rid of them by freezing them. These insects love warmth and frost is destructive for them. If you open all the windows in the house for several hours in sub-zero weather, you will get rid of most of them one hundred percent. However, this does not affect their eggs.

Note: But still, chemical disinfection is considered the fastest and most effective way to get rid of cockroaches. For this service you will need to contact specialists.


Bugs such as bedbugs can be removed using a variety of powders and putties. They do not give the full effect. Here drastic measures are needed - knocking out and steaming furniture, boiling and washing fabrics. You can also use insecticidal gels, which are used to coat the perimeter of the beds and the corners of the mattresses. All carpets, rugs and bedding should be treated by boiling. If the beetles have spread beyond the sleeping areas and are located under the baseboards and wallpaper, then professional pest control will be needed.


Moth larvae love moisture and feed on mold and fungal growths on fabrics. To prevent its reproduction, you need to reduce the humidity in the room, store things in vacuum bags and place bags of lavender to repel adult insects.

Fighting bed bugs on clothes

Bed bugs appeared on clothes - how to fight? To get rid of insects you can

Professional services provide a 100% guarantee on their work

use several methods:

  • machine wash at high temperature;
  • burn with boiling water;
  • iron carefully;
  • evaporate;
  • dry cleaning;
  • treat with insecticide and wash.

Causes itching, burning, redness and other skin inflammations.

In addition, it has been scientifically proven that the worm can carry pathogens of many diseases in its body for a very long time, including the viral etiology of hepatitis B, plague and tularemia. Therefore, how to independently, effectively and quickly remove bed bugs, active and constant disputes arise that do not lose their relevance.

But you don’t need to despair - thanks to complex, thoughtful and gradual breeding of bed bugs, you can achieve 100% results and get rid of bed bugs forever in your apartment, house, or country house.

  • 100 ml of water + 30 g of soap solution + 10 ml of turpentine + 15 ml of kerosene;
  • 100 ml of turpentine + 100 ml of ethyl alcohol + 5 g of camphor;
  • 100 ml naphtha + 100 ml turpentine + 20 g naphthalene;
  • 40 ml turpentine + 20 g phenol + 3 g salicylic acid;
  • 150 ml + denaturirovannogo '10 naftalen.

Each of these mixtures was able to prove its effectiveness in practice. But again, some components are quite difficult to find on the free market, in some cases the resulting solutions do not give the correct result due to a previously developed defensive reaction to errors.

When should you contact a specialist?

When it comes to food bugs, disposing of affected foods, thorough cleaning, and preventive traps in cabinets will combat the problem. But in the case of bedbugs and rams, everything is much more complicated. Folk and chemical remedies will solve the problem only for a while. The best solution would be to involve professionals using products that are not sold in regular stores.

If such a problem arises and professional treatment is necessary, you need to prepare the apartment for disinfestation. First of all, cover all furniture, remove all food and hygiene products that may contain toxic chemicals. To clean your home from bedbugs, specialists need to provide free access to baseboards, mattresses, beds, sofas, etc.

There is no need to remove the dishes; there may be cockroach larvae on them. It is also fully processed. At the time of treatment, all residents and animals must leave the house for three hours. After this time, the room must be well ventilated. The floors cannot be washed for 24 hours, since the death of the insect occurs not from inhaling the poison, but directly from contact with it. After disinfestation, you should wipe down door handles, kitchen counters and other surfaces.

Big Khrushchak

According to the biological classification, Khrushchev beetles belong to the Darkling beetle family, numbering 11 species, of which only 3 are common in Russia and Moscow.

Khrushchak is a large black beetle up to 1.8 cm long, its body is flattened, and there are only 6 legs (3 pairs). The color of the body is black-brown and shiny, the abdomen has a reddish tint. Females lay 200 eggs. into the nest. The pest larva (popularly called a mealworm) is larger in size, up to 2.5 cm, and brownish-yellow in color. It feeds on grain, flour and bran. As the larva grows, it undergoes 4 molts.

The flour beetle chooses as habitats in the apartment those that are located near its favorite food. In nature, they prefer to live in tree hollows or rotten parts. The beetle's main diet consists of animal food (the corpses of small mammals and insects) and plant food.

When settling in an apartment, beetles look for food in the form of grain, flour, cereals or bran. They spoil food supplies, contaminating them with their excrement, skins from larvae and dead insects. In a short time, black bugs can multiply and infest all your kitchen cabinets and drawers.


The main thing in the fight against domestic beetles is the creation of conditions unfavorable for their existence. This can be achieved by regular wet cleaning and cosmetic repairs.

Some points must be fulfilled:

  • It is necessary to promptly repair leaking pipes and faucets so that beetles do not have access to water;
  • Products must be stored in sealed containers, crumbs must be removed from tables in a timely manner;
  • All cracks, joints and chips in the walls must be covered with cement mixture or foam;
  • During the warm season, mosquito nets are installed on the windows.

Before choosing an effective way to fight bugs in the house, it is important to determine the type of insect living in your home and purchase the necessary substances or use folk remedies. If the above methods do not bring any results, then you can always turn to professionals for help.

Not effective methods

Treatment with fog generators

Also, many one-day companies with fake seals and not registered offer to treat houses from bark beetles, borers, longhorned beetles and other pests with hot fog generators ( they pass this off as fumigation or aeration with insecticides ).

As a rule, insecticides used for such types of work are cheap analogues or products not intended for this type of pest ! When treating your home with fog generators, the fine dust that is formed during the operation of the generator will settle on all surfaces of your home, because Fogging agents such as glycerin or petroleum jelly are also used. You will be tired of scrubbing and washing your home after poor quality treatment.

In addition, the larvae of longhorned beetles, wood borers and bark beetles, in case of danger, clog their passages with feces and sawdust; the fog simply will not reach them and after a while the problem will resume . You can find out more about the principle of operation of the generator on this page about the hot fog generator

Wood injection

There is also a method of injection, in this case a specialist makes a hole in the wood with a millimeter drill and then injects the drug into it with an insulin needle. Because the tree is already dead and is unable to carry the current of water, resins and nutrients; the product must be drilled and injected literally every 3 centimeters.

Needless to say, your home is completely saturated with chemicals, the persistent smell of which will accompany you for many years . The whole tree will be riddled with many small holes, which will not add beauty. In addition, this method is extremely time-consuming and very expensive.

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