Insect control: how to get rid of woodlice in an apartment yourself?

Woodlice is a small crustacean that prefers rooms with high humidity and lack of normal ventilation, which include basements, cellars, toilets, kitchens, bathrooms, etc. As traces of their vital activity, you can see holes made in potato tubers, mutilated leaves of indoor plants, gnawed roots of indoor flowers, etc.

Many people believe that woodlice is a completely harmless creature, but in reality this is not the case. You can get rid of such insects in your apartment if you approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. The main task is to block all possible ways for these small crustaceans to enter the apartment. Depending on the number of pests, control agents are selected. Sometimes it is enough to get by with folk remedies.

What kind of insect is this?

Woodlice are insects that belong to the suborder Crustaceans , have a rounded body divided into sections (read more about what type, class and order the woodlice belongs to in this article). It includes the head, chest, and also the abdomen. Insects appear throughout the year and are considered most intense in spring and autumn, reproduction occurs in the summer, and it is curious that the female carries her eggs in a sac, on her own body, until she finds a place protected from predators to transfer them.

On a note. Of absolutely all representatives, this is a unique insect that has best adapted to land, however, despite this, they also breathe with gills.

You can learn more about what woodlice look like and what types of this insect there are here.

Preventative work

To prevent the appearance of wood lice, you need to take care of the cleanliness of your home. Do not leave spoiled vegetables in basements and pantries. Dampness is the main reason for the entry of uninvited guests. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain normal humidity in the rooms. Dampness can arise from a faulty ventilation system.

Note: There is a misconception that dehumidifying the air will save you from dampness. However, dry air is even more harmful to humans.

Stands for flower pots should be washed periodically to prevent the accumulation of stuck soil. The accumulation of dirty dishes and garbage can also provoke the appearance of woodlice. It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of plumbing fixtures. If leaks occur, the problem should be quickly resolved.

Any chemical or traditional method will not be able to cope with the problem if the original cause is not eliminated - contaminated soil in flowers, humidity and clutter. With comprehensive implementation of measures and elimination of the causes of occurrence, you can easily get rid of this insect.


Mostly in apartments, woodlice occurs in places where it is damp: under tiles, in basements, bathrooms, under stones, in showers, as well as toilets and cracks.
The duration of their existence is 2-3 years. The insect feeds mainly on decaying plants (very rarely fresh), in some cases they can harm the garden; ferns, orchids, and certain types of cacti suffer more, but their work also helps enrich the soil, supplying it with high-calorie elements. It's not that difficult to catch an insect; it's quite easy to block its path as soon as it stops. Their protective reaction is considered to be that the insects curl up into a ball, with the “shell” facing out, as if pretending to be dead.

The reasons for the appearance of woodlice: in 100 percent of cases it is humidity, since this is an impeccable habitat, and in comfortable conditions they rapidly increase in size and multiply, for example, woodlice are found in the bathroom quite often. Of the 160 registered types of woodlice (and there are about three thousand in total), only a few can tolerate dry air.

Woodlice live in inaccessible areas under the floor, wallpaper, and tiles. The insects themselves can appear from dark corners, crevices, or when storing damp towels or things. If your neighbors are flooded or pipes are leaking, there is a significant possibility that you will find these insects in your apartment.

Woodlice require special atmospheric conditions to appear, but these outbreaks of their invasions do not last long. Woodlice do not prefer light and lead an intense lifestyle at night.

Where do wood lice most often appear?

Owners of homes in which woodlice have settled often wonder: where and why do they come from? Pests appear in residential premises, moving from basements and attics. One of the woodlice's favorite places is the bathroom. They can also start up in the kitchen, balcony, toilet and sometimes in the cavity under suspended ceilings.

Where and why can they appear?

The main factor in the appearance of woodlice in the house is the presence of dampness necessary for their existence. In addition, insects are attracted by the opportunity to feed abundantly. They use as food:

  • rotting vegetables or fruits;
  • trash can with leftover food;
  • flowers and soil with the required level of moisture.

The presence of these little pests in your home can also be indicated by chewed leaves and stems of indoor plants.

Woodlice often choose flower pots as their place of residence due to high humidity.

Fight on your own or call in specialists?

In pest control, not all means without exception are excellent - some are completely in vain. For example, at the dacha, an independent fight against them only leads to a fleeting improvement in the situation. Even if numerous crustaceans fall into traps or are attacked by insecticide, enough of them remain in the corners to continue to actively worsen your life.

It is important to approach the solution of the problem together. Only highly qualified exterminators specifically understand how and with what to poison woodlice so that they disappear forever.

We get rid of it using different means

We'll tell you how to remove insects at home.


Currently, in the assortment it is possible to find special products aimed not only against woodlice, but also other household pests. More popular: “Dichlorvos”, “Tetrix”, “Mole”, etc. In addition to those mentioned, the gel from the German manufacturer Schabengel can be of great help. It is essentially considered a poisonous bait for crustaceans. Multifunctional, used for almost all parasites.

Important! Remember that the direct use of such substances is quite unsafe; for this reason, you should carefully follow the instructions and take all measures so that children and animals can be safely in the room.

The apartment must be ventilated and the treated surfaces must be washed after the specified time.

What else can you do to remove unpleasant crustaceans?


How else can you kill woodlice? Folk methods are no less effective ; they are, first of all, the cheapest, and not dangerous. The destruction of insects using folk remedies is also possible quickly, similar to the use of poisons.

Let's look at the main methods of how to get rid of wood lice using traditional methods:

  • A liquid composition of kvass and boiling water - in a ratio of 100 grams per half liter, is sprayed around the room. After a day it is already possible to wash it off.
  • Boric acid - the composition is prepared in the same proportion as kvass, the method of use is similar.
  • Chlorine - diluted with water in a ratio of 40 grams per liter of water; all floors and walls must be treated with the substance.
  • You will need a mixture of half a teaspoon of pepper, soda, tobacco - diluted in a liter of water, then cultivate the main places where wood lice accumulate, and after some time it is necessary to rinse with water and chlorine.
  • Salt is poured into corners and crevices.
  • birch brooms in the corners all night, for wood lice they act like a trap; in the morning, brooms with insects must be thrown away.
  • Potatoes - a lobe hole is made in this vegetable; the finished trap must be placed in a place where insects accumulate. During the night, a large number of individuals climb into the potatoes, and in the morning the trap is thrown out.
  • Lime is a very effective method if you have difficulty getting rid of woodlice in your apartment. Quicklime bleach is placed in a bucket, and the container is extinguished with water. After the manipulations, you must close the door tightly and not enter the room for several days.

On a note. Any of the methods negatively affects the habitat of insects, for this reason, most likely, they will definitely leave the occupied zone.

However, if the reason why woodlice live in a given area is not eliminated in a timely manner, then it is necessary to be prepared for a new invasion of small uninvited neighbors.

Now you know how to destroy unpleasant insects.

Biological description

The suborder of woodlice belongs to:

  • order of isopods;
  • class higher crayfish;
  • phylum arthropod;
  • the animal kingdom.

The international name accepted in science is Oniscidea.


These woodlice are predominantly nocturnal in apartments and live in damp and dark places. Dampness, warmth and a nearby food supply are necessary conditions for their spread.

In nature, woodlice choose the shores of salty or fresh water bodies, deposits of dead wood, litter of leaves in the forest, and stones.

On the farm they prefer gardens, basements, compost heaps, greenhouses, stables, and pigsties. They often enter residential areas.

Appearance, developmental stages and lifespan

Interesting! Typically, woodlice is perceived as an insect in an apartment or house. Some consider them to be bugs. But science classifies higher crayfish as animals.

These crustaceans have eyes on the sides of their heads. Woodlice are characterized by an oval body that is convex at the top and has two pairs of antennae - the highly developed first and underdeveloped second.

The chest legs are adapted for walking - 7 pairs, which are all arranged the same.

Covered with plates that prevent air evaporation, gills are located on the underside of the abdomen. They absorb oxygen through the film of water around them. This type of respiration is physiologically aquatic, but in woodlice it is adapted for terrestrial creatures.

Woodlice live about 1-2 years. During development, a small animal goes through 14 molts before becoming sexually mature.

What do woodlice eat and how do they reproduce?

In the spring - in May or April - copulation of isopods occurs. The seed enters the oviducts of the females. The woodlice molts, its structure changes - the female has a brood chamber. Eggs are subsequently laid there, and a new generation develops there.

During their life, woodlice eat the remains of animals and plants - detritus. But at the same time they can spoil the fruits and vegetables stored within their reach.

Experts consider higher crayfish to be decomposers. The latter perform an important natural function - they destroy dead parts of organic matter into inorganic substances, without leaving excrement.


In the photo you can see how to deal with insects in your home.

Problems and difficulties

You most likely understand that the use of chemicals can be unsafe for health. For this reason, it must be handled very carefully. Of course, after the chemicals have done their work, they need to be swept away well.

Important! If there are children, pets or allergy sufferers in the house, they must be moved from the apartment to another place during the treatment period.

When working with chemicals, use gloves and a mask. Leave the windows open. Just like chlorine, quicklime has a great effect on insects.


It is known that woodlice prefer water. In order to prevent the secondary occurrence of insects, you should monitor the level of moisture in the house . Useful tips:

  1. After hydrophytic operations, constantly ventilate the bathroom or leave it open.
  2. Wipe the surfaces in the room dry once a day.
  3. Carry out thorough cleaning in the bathroom, paying special attention to the areas under the bathtub, toilet, and sink.
  4. If you have house plants, make sure that there is no accumulation of excess water in the trays.
  5. Take out garbage every day.
  6. It is better to dry clothes on the balcony or outside, but not in the bathroom.
  7. Eliminate leaks in a timely manner, seal gaps and cracks in the walls.
  8. Install a hood in the bathroom.

Methods of entering human habitation

Residential premises located closer to basements are primarily at risk. Crustaceans are able to move through ventilation systems, openings for pipelines and sewers.

Unnoticeable woodlice can sneak into a house along with flower pots and household utensils placed outside. Grocery stores, basement or ground floor warehouses, attached garages and closets can also be sources of pests.

A greenhouse or conservatory located next to the house is an ideal environment for the appearance of arthropods. To get rid of wood lice forever, you need to choose the right place to build your garden structures.

What if they appear again?

Even if you cope with the insects, but do not remove the root cause of their appearance, they will soon visit you again. In order to completely get rid of these crustaceans, it is necessary to regularly keep the apartment clean, frequently ventilate the room, and avoid the appearance of dampness on the floors and walls.

Without moisture, insects will disappear. For this reason, thoroughly dry the room and make sure that the pipes are not damp or leaking.

Watch a video on the topic:

Woodlice are the ancestors of crustaceans that developed in an aquatic environment and then moved to land. Certain species have adapted to different habitats, so they can survive in any conditions. On our website you will find useful information about the most common varieties of woodlice, including the white one.

What species live in apartments and private houses?

Of the 3.5 thousand types of woodlice, the ones that most often live in apartments are:

  • rough;
  • armadillo

The armadillo, or common woodlouse, is distinguished by a dark body and a high shell. It has spread throughout our country. Prefers to live in basements, along heating mains, under objects lying on the ground in the yard and garden.

The rough woodlice is more suitable for residential premises. She moves relatively quickly and is able to penetrate between floors. The animal's shell is flat, the color varies from red to almost white.

Trachelipus rathke is another species of woodlice, which, despite the lack of a generally accepted Russian name, lives in densely built areas of many Russian cities in central Russia.

These arthropods look flattened, with a wide shell and characteristic long antennae. These “domestic” animals are distributed all over the world.

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