Instructions for use of the insecticide Admiral and dosage of the drug

Spectrum and mechanism of action

"Admiral" is a synthetic analogue of juvenile hormone. The substance belongs to the category of regulators of growth and development of parasites. Agents from this group cause disruption of the hormonal balance of insects. This leads to anomalies in their development and death.

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Juvenoids, which penetrate the body of adult pests, do not kill them, but provoke sterilization of the imago. This helps to avoid the occurrence of a dangerous phase. When it enters the larvae, the process of metamorphosis is disrupted, which causes the death of the preimaginal stages of development.

"Admiral" has a clearly expressed delayed effect. This means that insects die not only during processing, but also later. The period of action of the substance can take several weeks or months. Moreover, its effect on reducing the number of parasites will affect the development of subsequent generations.

A distinctive feature of the drug is its selective effect. If the dosage is observed, the composition does not produce a negative effect on many varieties of entomophages, acarifages and crop pollinators.

See also

Instructions for use and composition of the insecticide Clipper, dosage and analoguesRead


Avermectins are waste products of the fungi Streptomyces avermitilis. The toxic substances of this group of insecticides are difficult to attribute only to chemical or only to biological compounds. The mechanism of action is neurotoxin type. The method of penetration is contact-intestinal. They have a non-macidal effect. They work well at elevated temperatures, although they are unstable compounds.


"Vertimek, CE", "Cleopatra, CE", "Craft, VE", "Mekar, ME", "Biokill, CE"

Aversectin S

"Fitoverm, KE/P", "Kleschevit, KE"

Avertin N"Akarin, KE"
Emamectin benzoate"Proclaim, VRG"

Advantages of the drug

The main advantages of the product include the following:

  • fast and long-lasting effect;
  • slight danger to bees;
  • the ability to influence parasites at all stages of their development;
  • reduction in the number of individuals in the next generation;
  • the possibility of carrying out spring treatment at the green cone stage of the apple tree;
  • Possibility of application in early spring;
  • effectiveness with a single treatment of plants in 1 season;
  • economical consumption.


Natural pyrethroids (pyrethrins) are found in the flowers of pyrethrum (Dalmatian chamomile), their analogues are artificially created synthetic pyrethroids.

A large group of preparations based on them is used to control pests of fruit and vegetable crops, stock pests, to treat farm animals against ectoparasites, soil pests, synanthropic pests, etc. An effective fumigant. Has selectivity. The preparations are not phytotoxic. Long-term use of pyrethroids causes resistance.

Alpha-cypermethrin“Ivanhoe, CE”, “Alterr, CE”, “Adamant, gel”, “Alpha Ring, CE”, “Alfa-Cypi, CE”, “Acaritox, SP”, “Alfatrin, SP”, “Alfacin, CE” , “Alfabel, CE”, “Alfaplane, KS”, “Alphas, CE”, “Alfatsin, CE”, “Armin, CE”, “Atrix, CE”, “Alfashance, CE”, “Baf, dust”, “ Biface, KS", "Borey Neo, SK", "Duplet, KE", "Zhukoed, SK", "Image Plus, KE", "Neofral, KE", "Piket, KE", "Pinotsid, SK", " Fatrin, KE", "Fastak, KE", "Forssythe, gel", "Bassoon, KE", "Fendona, KS", "Ci-Alpha, KE", "Tsunami, KE", "Zeppelin, KE", " Tsunami, KE", "Espero, KS"
Beta-cypermethrin"Kinmiks, KE", "Kinfos, KE"
Beta-cyfluthrin"Modesto, KS", "Poncho Beta, KS", "Tibor, CE", "Solfak, ME
Bifenthrin“Vulcan, TPS”, “Zernospas, KE”, “Imidalit, TPS”, “Clipper, KE”, “Pirinex Super, KE”, “Prokrop, KE”, “Semaphore, TPS”, “Talstar, KE”
Gamma-cyhalothrin"Vantex, MKS", "Biorin, VKE", "Bifetrin, P", "Danadim Power, KE", "Nexid, MKS"

“Atom, CE”, “Decis Profi, VDG”, “Decis Expert, CE”, “K-Obiol, CE”, “Mittox-antimol, ZhK”, “Proteus, MD”, “FAS, Tab”

Zeta-cypermethrin"Clonrin, KE", "Newstar, KE", "Taran, VE", "Fury, VE", "Taran, VE", "FAS-Super, VRP"
Lambda-cyhalothrin“Ampligo, ISS”, “Delight, KS”, “Gideon, CE”, “Gladiator CE”, “Imidashance Plus, SK”, “Kaizo, VG”, “Canner Duo, KS”, “Karatoshans, CE”, “ Karachar, KE", "Kungfu Super, KE", "Lamdex, KE", "Lightning, KE", "Ephoria, KS", "Dr.Klaus - a remedy for ants and cockroaches", "Paragraph, VKE", "Alcot , G"
Permethrin“Iskra, SP/Tab”, “Medilis-antiKLOP, Zh”, “Medifox-Super, CE”
Tau-fluvalinate"Mavrik, VE"
Tetramethrin"Medilis-antiKLOP, Zh", "Tetracin, CE", "Effective Ultra, MKS"
Tefluthrin"Tefluthrin, ISS", "Force Zea, KS"

"Arrivo, KE", "Alatar, KE", "Agran, KE", "Biotsifen, dust", "Vega, KE", "Zalp, KE", "Inta-Vir, Tab", "Iskra, SP" , “Karbotsin, TAB”, “Molniya Extra, CE”, “Medilis-antiKLOP, Zh”, “Medilis-CIPER, CE”, “Sipaz-Super, CE”, “Sichlor, CE”, “Tetracin, CE”, "Nurbel, CE", "Nurimet Extra, CE", "Rangoli-Noril, CE", "Superkill, CE", "FAS, gel", "Cyclone, CE", "Tzipi, CE", "Cirax, CE" , “Citox, CE”, “Shaman, CE”, “Shar Pei, ME”, “Cypermethrin, CE”, “Tsipromal, CE”, “Ciradon, VKE”, “Extermin-C, MKK”, “Ectometrin, CE” , "Ectometrin, CE"

Esfenvalerate"Sumi-alpha, KE"

Consumption rate and application

To avoid damage to plants, it is important to strictly adhere to the terms of use of the product. There are 2 treatment options - early spring and summer.

The spring impact coincides with the stage of transition of overwintering first instar larvae to the second instar. This occurs during the green cone stage of plant development.

This treatment, with a gradual decrease in efficiency, is carried out until the pink bud stage. This usually coincides with the beginning of the imaginal molt. To avoid damage to the fruits of early varieties, it is necessary to treat such crops with Admiral in the spring.

The second period of use of the composition is in the summer. It is necessary to spray the plantings at the stage of hatching of the first generation of parasites. In summer, “Admiral” is used to treat late varieties of fruit trees.

It is necessary to spray plantings with Admiral once during the season - this is done during the development of overwintered insects or the first generation of pests. This feature is very important. It helps avoid fruit damage.

The dosage and features of use of the substance are given in the table:

Usage rateCulturePestsProcessing FeaturesWaiting period (number of treatments)Release times for manual or mechanized work
0,5-0,8Apple treeCalifornia scale insectIt is necessary to spray the plantings during the growing season. For 1 hectare, 1000-2000 liters of working solution are needed. 14 (1)7 (3)
0,5-0,8Apple treecodling mothThe composition must be used during the growing season. The consumption rate of the working solution is 800-1500 liters per 1 hectare. 14 (1)7 (3)
0,2-0,3Cucumbers and tomatoes in a greenhouseGreenhouse whiteflyPlantings need to be sprayed during the growing season. The consumption of working fluid is 1000-3000 liters per hectare. 3 (1)2 (-)

See also

Instructions for use and composition of the Shar Pei insecticide, dosage and analoguesRead


Neonicotinoids are nitromethylene heterocyclic compounds (artificial nicotine). The drugs are characterized by systemic action and high selective activity. One of the main groups of insecticides used today to combat sucking and leaf-eating insects (aphids, whiteflies, Colorado potato beetles, weevils, leafhoppers), as well as soil-dwelling pests (click beetles).

Mechanism of action: the transmission of nerve impulses is blocked, and the insects die from nervous overexcitation. The drugs are not phytotoxic, but have systemic properties.

Acetamiprid"Agent, VDG", "Alfa-Amiprid, RP", "Gazelle, RP", "Mospilan, RP", "Snake, RP", "Stozhar, RP"

“Akiba, VSK”, “Biotlin Bau, VR”, “Biotlin, VRK”, “Warrant, VRK”, “Zhukoed, SK”, “Zhukobor Extra” “Zaman, VRK”, “Zubr, VRK”, “Imidor Pro” , KS", "Imidor, VR", "Iskra Zolotaya, VRK/P, Tab", "Kalash, VRK", "Klubneshiet, KS", "Commander Maxi, VDG", "Commander, VRK", "Konfidelin Super, VDG", "Konfidelin, VRK", "Confidor Extra, VDG", "Corado Light, KS", "Corado, VRK", "Colorado, VRK", "Kortlis, VRK", "Movento Energy, KS", "Monsoon , VRK", "Pinotsid, SK", "Patron, KS", "Prestige, KS", "Prestigator, KS", "Discharge, G", "Rembek, G", "Respect, KS", "Rofatox, G ", "Rubezh, G", Tabu, VSK", "Tanrek, VRK", "Tsvetolyuks Bau, VR"

Clothianidin“Bushido, VDG”, “Borey Neo, SK”, “Delight, KS”, “Gladiator Super, KS”, “Doctor, Tab”, “Zhukoed, SK”, “Insector, KS”, “Punisher, VDG”, “Clonrin, CE”, “Clotiamet, VDG”, “Modesto, KS”, “Pinotsid, SK”, “Poncho, KS”, “Tabu Neo, SK”, “Tayshin, VDG”
Thiacloprid“Aspid, SK”, “Biskaya, MD”, “Calypso, KS”, “Pondus, KS”, “Proteus, MD”, “Theia, KS”
Thiamethoxam"Aktara, VDG/KS", "Instivo, KS", "Kaiser, KS", "Cruiser, KS", "Kungfu Super, KS", "Pantsir, KS", "Celest Max, KS", "Celest Top, KS", "Tiara, KS", "Force Zea, KS", "Harita, KS", "Chansomethox Trio, KS", "Ephoria, KS"


"Admiral" is ideally combined with biological agents to reduce the number of parasites in gardens and protected soil. Before mixing the drug with other products, it is important to carefully study the instructions for use of the substance. In each case, it is necessary to check the tools for compatibility. To do this, make a small amount of solution.

It is important to consider that “Admiral” is prohibited from being combined with insecticidal substances based on malathion. These active components are considered antagonists.

Inorganic substances - insecticides

This is a large group of pesticides that use inorganic compounds as active ingredients. They work as insecticides, acaricides and fumigants. They are used to protect stocks from pests, also for sanitary and household disinfestation and in veterinary medicine.

Boric acid“Dohlox, Boric gel/Boric traps”, “Baf, dust”, “Bifetrin, P”, “Anteater-ECO”
Methyl bromide/ Methyl bromide
Sodium tetraborate/borax"Antiant, P"
Sulfur"Vitashans, VDG", "Cumulus DF, VDG", "Tiovit Jet, VDG"
Aluminum phosphide“Alfin, Tab”, “Dakfosal, Tab”, “Ginn, Tab”, “Katfos, Tab”, “Quikfos, Tab”, “Foscom, Tab”, “Phostoxin, Tab”, “Phosphine, Tab”
Magnesium phosphide"Magna, Tab", "Magnicum, Tab", "Magnifos, Tab", "Magtoxin, Tab"
Zinc phosphide"Ratox, P", "Commando, P
Phosphine"Alfin, Tab", "Dakfosal, Tab", "Genie, Tab", "Katfos, Tab", "Phosfin, Tab", "Fumifast, Tab", "Fumifos, Tab"


Phenylpyrazoles are a new class of insecticides developed for pest populations resistant to other drugs (OPS, carbamates, peretroids), such as locusts, Colorado potato beetles, cockroaches, etc. The drugs are characterized by long-term insecticidal toxicity.

Pinoxaden"Axial 50, CE", "Axial, CE", "Traxos, CE"
Fipronil“Aria, KS”, “HECTOR anti-ant powder”, “Monarch, VDG”, Regent, VDG”, “Taboo Super, SK”, “Anti-cockroach-gel”, “Crossbow Neo”, “Magic drops, gel”, “ Fumitox, gel"

Insecticides - organophosphorus compounds (OP)

Organophosphorus compounds are substances derived from pentavalent phosphorus that have similar mechanisms of action on insect pests. They have a systemic effect. They decompose quickly in the soil (except for chlorpyrifos). The drugs are characterized by a wide spectrum of action on harmful arthropods (except for Diazinon).

Introduced into circulation since 1965 to replace DDT, hexachlorane and other organochlorine compounds. FOS turned out to be easy to synthesize and highly effective against insects; they are actively used to this day.

Diazinon“Diazinon-600, CE”, “Diazol, CE”, “Sharp 600, CE”, “Praktik, CE”, “Ricochet, CE”, “Enlil, CE”, “Barguzin, G CE”, “Vallar, G ", "Grizzly, G", "Thunder, G", "Thunder-2, G", "Zemlin, G", "Medvegon, G", "Medvetox, G", "Anteater, KE", "Muravyin, G ", "Provotox, G", "Terradox, G", "Trap-assault, gel", "FAS, gel"
Dimethoate“Alpha-Director, CE”, “Bi-58 NEW/TOP, CE”, “Binadin, CE”, “Bishka, CE”, “Danadim, CE”, “Di-68, CE”, “Dimetron, CE” , "Dimetus, CE", "Dimephos, CE", "Dishance, CE", "Rangoli-Duncan, CE", "Rogor-S, CE", "Sirocco, CE", "Tagore, CE", "Tibor, KE", "Tod, KE", "Fostran, KE
Dichlorvos (DDVP)

“Aliot, KE”, “Alatar, KE”, “Antiklesch, KE”, “Bunchuk, KE”, “Duplet, KE”, “Inta-Ts-M, Tab”, “Karbotsin, Tab”, “Karbofos-500” , CE", "Medilis-MALATION, CE", "Prophylactic, MKE", "Fufanon, CE", "Fufanon-Nova/Expert, VE", "Fufanon Super, VE", "Foscon-55, CE", " Tsipromal, KE"


“Aktellik, KE”, “Zernospas, KE”, “Kamikaze, KE”, “Pirigren 50, Zh”, “Prokrop, KE”

Fenitrothion"Samurai Super, KE", "Sumiju, KE", "Sumition, KE", "Green House, dust"
Fention“Baf, dust”, “Biocyfen, dust”, “Bifetrin, P”, “Dobrokhim FOS, VKE”, “Medilis-PERMIFEN, KE”, “Medilis-Super, KE”, “Sulfox, KE”, “Forssyth, gel"
Fozalon"Zolon, KE"
Chlorophos"Chlorofoska, SP"
Chlorpyrifos“Absolute, gel”, “Averfos, CE”, “Agran”, “Clean House, gel”, “Delicia”, “Dursban, CE”, “Europir, CE”, “Xulat S25, MKE” , “Kukaracha”, “Maxifos, SP”, “Aardeater - Super, granules”, “Nurbel, CE”, “Nurimet Extra, CE”, “Parus, CE”, “Pirinex, CE”, “Rangoli-Noril, CE” ", "Siren, CE", "Superkill, CE", "Sinuzan, CE", "Tayra, CE", "Chlorpyrifos, CE", "Chlorpirimark, CE", "Cyclone, CE", "Tzipi Plus, CE" , "Shaman, KE"
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